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are things that we know about our lives

that we haven’t activated yet because we

don’t know what’s waiting on the other

side but when you use what you know it

starts to lead you into the direction

that god says he’s calling you towards

the most powerful thing that any of us

can do when we have this feeling

is to go



so mary

doesn’t feel qualified but she goes


she goes not knowing how she’s supposed

to take this

baby and turn it into a king

when the angel of the lord appears to


he tells mary everything that that child

is going to be

but she doesn’t receive the promise in

the form that god said that it was going

to end up in god help me to say it

there are moments when we receive

something from god that doesn’t look

like where it’s going to end oh i feel

like that’s a word for somebody

that you’re looking at the baby

wondering how the baby’s going to become


you’re looking at the small thing trying

to figure out how is that ever going to

become the big thing

god you told me that i would be the one

that would break the generational curse

but right now i look like every other

generation that came before me how am i

going to take this small thing and turn

it into a big thing god you told me that

you would bless my business but i can’t

even get the financing i need god says i

didn’t give it to you the in the form

that is going to end up in i gave it to

you in the form that would grow you up

into the person who could raise it into

everything that it could be i feel like

somebody’s got to get that down in your

spirit do not despise the days of small

beginnings that it started off small so

that you could grow with it

because when you grow with it

it grows you up

when you grow with it it grows you up

and so mary teaches us the power of

going anyway she questions her ability

initially but ultimately

she chooses to trust god’s plan for her


mary chose to just

go anyway

sometimes you have to just

go anyway

god gives you what you need as you go

and sometimes we want all of the answers

and god i want to know how you’re going

to do it i’m not saying i won’t go i’m

just saying can you tell me exactly how

it’s going to happen and god says i’ll

tell you how it’s going to happen when

you start moving because god is looking

for someone who he can order steps along

the way

i feel like there’s someone in this room

that if god gave you all of the steps

right now that you would feel more in

control than you actually are when you

go anyway it is a sign to god that i

don’t have to have all of the answers i

just want to be where you tell me i am

supposed to be god i don’t know how

you’re going to do it in my marriage i

don’t know how you’re going to do it in

my family but i am going to go anyway

and when i go you meet me where you told

me you were going to meet me when you go

god meets you

he’s calling you

to where he is

that’s why we have to go because god

calls you to where he is

and when we move in that direction it is

assigned to him that we can be trusted

because there are moments when god

orders our steps

but we got to take them first

i gotta

forgive i gotta go anyway i wanna stay

stuck in this bitterness i wanna stay

stuck in this pain but i can’t stay here

so i gotta



and mary starts

going anyway

and so some of you are wondering okay

i’ll go anyway i’ll do what god told me

to do i don’t know how he’s going to do

it i don’t have all of the resources

that i need in order to do it but i want

to go anyway and so mary teaches us a

valuable lesson

and if you’re taking notes i want you to

write this down because what mary

teaches us

in those moments where we have to go


is that the power in going

starts with you using what you know

mary begins to just follow the customs

of the jewish people at that time

god gave her something that is going to

ultimately deliver

israel but right now she doesn’t know

how it’s going to become a deliverer

and so because she doesn’t know how

she’s going to get from a to z she just

starts working what she knows she knows

that when i have a baby that i need to

wait until my time of purification is

over and after that i need to go into

jerusalem and i need to present the baby

she works what she knows while she goes

the most powerful thing that any of us

can do is activate what we know

because when we activate what we know it

gives god permission to show us more and

to teach us more

imagine had even in the garden and she

simply activated what she knew

there are things that we know about our

lives that we haven’t activated yet

because we don’t know what’s waiting on

the other side but when you use what you

know it starts to lead you into the

direction that god says he’s calling you


that means the relationship has to end

that means that we have to have the

forgiveness down in our heart even

though we don’t believe that the person

is truly sorry our forgiveness is not

predicated on whether or not that person

is actually sorry my forgiveness is

predicated on the fact that i’m going

anyway that i’m not going to stay stuck

where that pain met me i’m not going to

stay stuck where that disappointment met

me i’m going anyway

so mary begins to go

anyway and she’s using what she knows

because learning how to go anyway and

using what you know i think is one of

the most powerful things that any of us

can do

so after she’s come out of the presence

mary begins the task of living out what

god said to

god said to do

and so in the process of doing this she

is presenting this child jesus into

to simeon

and i have to be honest when i read this

text i felt like

i felt like it was out of order

because simeon says in verse 29 he

identifies with mary

and confirms with mary what god already

said about what she was carrying

she says he says lord now you are

letting your servant depart in peace

according to your word for my eyes have

seen your salvation which you have

prepared before the face of all peoples

a light to bring revelation to the

gentiles mary already knew all of those

things that that is what she was

carrying and that’s who the child would

become so in many ways this is

confirmation for her

but then simeon says something that

seems like it is contradicting

what he just said

because he says behold this child is

destined for the fallen rising of many

in israel and for a sign which will be

spoken against yes a sword will pierce

through your own soul when the angel of

the lord came he didn’t say nothing by

no swords

that’s the ebonic’s version slipping out


god when you gave me the promise

when you told me what i was carrying

when you told me who i would become when

you told me i was fearfully and

wonderfully made when you told me that

all things were going to work together

for my good you you didn’t tell me about

the swords that were going to be a part

of the journey this feels like a

contradiction from from what you said i

don’t know if anyone else in this room

has ever been in a position where god

made you a promise but then a sword came

and the sword didn’t look like the

promise and the trauma didn’t look like

the promise and the bankruptcy didn’t

look like the promise god how am i

supposed to lay hold of the promise with

a sword piercing through



i felt like

simeon should have given the bad news


and then the good news

i felt like he should have said all of

these things are going to happen but

he’s going to be resurrected and

everything’s going to be okay in the end

but for some reason it doesn’t work like


he gives the revelation and the promise


and then he gives the process afterwards

because it is not on simeon to remind

you what the promise is

it is on us to remember what the promise

is in the middle of the process

when i was studying all i could hear was

god said i put the butt first i put that

thing that you thought should be the

butt at the end of the bad news i said

it first and then i started looking back

over my own life and all of the moments

where i felt like a sword was piercing

through my own soul where i was waiting

for god to say but this is going to work

out in the end and but you’re going to

be healed and and but all things are

going to work together for your good but

god says i’m not going to repeat what i

already told you i put the butt first

and i just came to fort lauderdale

florida to let somebody know that i know

it took a lot for you to get into this

room and i know you’re wondering how god

is going to work it out but i hear god

saying i put the butt first that when i

wrote in the scriptures that all things

were going to work together for your

good i wasn’t just talking about the

people in the text i was talking about

the people who would hear my voice and

follow what i said to do that means that

at the end of the day the bed is still

on at the end of the day the promise is

still yes and amen that means that no

weapon formed against you will prosper i

put that in there first i know you’re

looking at the weapon but i’m telling

you it won’t prosper i know you’re

looking at the depression but i’m

telling you the joy of the lord is your

strength i know you’re looking at the

struggle but i’m telling you that when

it’s all said and done though he slays

you you can trust in him i put the butt

first that means that you got to start

telling your situation i know what it

looks like but i know what god said

first and i’m hanging on to what god

said first in the middle of what’s taken

place i don’t let the middle shake me i

remember what god said first god said i

was fearfully and wonderfully made god

said that i was going to make it to the

other side god said that his spirit

would overtake me and it would show up

right on time i put the butt

i put it first

tell somebody that there is treasure

hidden in these earthen vessels

i came to tell you that by god’s spirit

there is gift and there is power that

that has been entrusted to you that is

available to you available to me as

daughters of the most high kingdom you

need to know that even if you do not

believe what the scriptures declare to

be true about your treasure if you don’t

believe that you’ve been forgiven or

that you already have the victory or

that the enemy is already underneath

your feet that there is no condemnation

for those of us who are in christ jesus

or that you have been made competent by

the spirit of god

i came to tell you that even if you

don’t believe it the enemy does

he knows who you are what ashamed it

would be for him to know and us not to

so it’s time for us to open up the

drawer and start pulling out the

treasure the treasure we’ve been

ignoring the treasure we’ve been calling

insignificant the thing that we’ve said

is not enough not valuable lord if i

could just be like her lord if i could

just be like that if i could just have a

bit more of that if i weren’t me then

lord i’d be enough he says uh-uh you

have enough you just have to open up the


pull out the treasure

there is a story in scripture that is

going to be very familiar to you it’s

the one that the lord has been using in

my own life to remind me about how he

will compel me and he will compel us to

open up the drawer and reach in and pull

out the treasure and see what it’s like

when he uses

what he has already entrusted to us

luke chapter nine verse one

and two

says this

and he called that’s jesus he called

somebody say he called

he called the twelve together and he

gave somebody say he gave

he gave them power

and he gave them authority

over all demons and to heal all diseases

verse two and then he sent somebody say

he sent

he sent them out

he called them

he gave them treasure

and then he sent them out

verse 10 says and then when they

returned to him they gave an account to

him of everything they had done

and taking them with him he withdrew by

himself to a hill called bethsaida

the multitudes were aware of this verse

11 says so they followed jesus because

you know wherever jesus went a crowd was

sure to follow they weren’t quite sure

he was the messiah but what they didn’t

know was that when this man showed up

blind people could see

what they knew is that when jesus showed

up the lame could walk and the death

could hear the dead were being raised so

wherever jesus was they came

the crowd followed and welcoming the

multitude jesus began speaking to them

about the kingdom of god and curing

those who were in need of healing verse


so the day starts to come to a close and

the 12 come to jesus and say now jesus

you’re going to have to send this

multitude away they’ve got to go into

the surrounding villages and countryside

and find lodging they got to get

something to eat jesus come on now here

we’re in a desolate place

verse 13 jesus said to them


you give them something to eat

they said jesus we have no more than

five loaves and two fish unless perhaps

you let us go and buy food for all these

people because you know we’re not enough

as we are right now

there were about five thousand men

scholars say the reason why luke

specifies men is because there were

women and children too so there were

probably about 15 000 hungry people that


jesus said have them reclined to eat in

groups of about 50 each so they did so

had them all recline and then he took

the five loaves and the two fish

and looking up to heaven he blessed them

and then he broke them

and he kept giving them to the disciples

to set before the multitude and verse 17

says they all ate

they were all satisfied and just so you

know how satisfied they were they went

by and picked up all the leftovers

because there was overflow

in this story we meet a hungry multitude

a multitude that is placing a demand

they have a need there is a lack that

needs to be filled and most of the time

when this proportion of the scriptures

is looked into the multitudes who we

concentrate on the five loaves and the

two fish and how they were satisfied

with it but just for a few moments

tonight i want to talk to

you about the 12 disciples

those who walked with jesus and talked

with jesus those who were in close

communion with jesus those who would

come out on a friday night to be in the

presence of jesus amongst the people of

jesus i want to talk to the disciples of


the disciples on this occasion had been

called to jesus by jesus they were

having a conversation with each other

jesus entrusted them with power and

authority and then he sent them out i

love that this uh gospel is one of the

synoptic gospels the synoptic gospels

are those that tell there are three of

them matthew mark and luke these three

tell some of the similar stories in a

similar tone in a similar way so that

we’re able to get more layers to the

story i love the gospels in that way

they give us layers

just like if someone were to offer you a

chocolate cake but they gave you options

you could have a one-layer chocolate

cake or a seven-layer chocolate cake

which one you gonna choose

seven every single time because the more

layers there are

the more rich and delectable the

experience becomes mark chapter six is a

layer of chocolate cake for us it tells

us that this is the experience when

jesus called the disciples to himself

and then he sent them out in pairs do

you remember two by two into the

neighboring towns and communities they

were supposed to teach and preach and

perform miracles that would authenticate

the deity of jesus christ mark chapter

six our layer of chocolate cake

tells us that they expended themselves

y’all they were busy from sun up to

sundown they were about the task of

doing what it was that jesus had

assigned to them they wanted to be

diligent about it so much so that when

they came back to jesus they gave an

account to him and jesus recognized

their exhaustion

he saw that they were tired in fact

jesus himself commented that they didn’t

even have time to eat because they had

been so busy

they were depleted and they were tired

and they came back to jesus and they

gave him an account

for how they’d handled the assignment

that he had entrusted to them

if you’re a believer in jesus christ

you got an assignment

and don’t let anybody tell you that your

assignment isn’t ministry just because

it happens to be in a corporate setting

mother of small children who’s chosen to

stay home with those kids don’t let

anybody tell you that a ministry

every single time you make that chicken

for dinner and you set it on that table

and you teach those kids a bible verse

before bedtime don’t let anybody tell

you that that ain’t ministry

corporate woman when you sit around that

board room table and you’re the only one

that has a set of ideals that lines up

with the truth of scripture at a table

with those who are thinking and acting

and planning in a way that is left of

god’s word don’t let anybody tell you

that you around that boardroom ain’t

ministry that’s ministry

high school student college student

you’re the only student that stands for

truth when your professor says this is

the way it is and you say no that’s not

the way it is don’t let anybody tell you

as the light on that college campus that

you are not in ministry

every single one of us has an assignment

and the day is

coming we’re gonna have to give an

account it is so important that you you

encourage yourself because in this day

and time in this day of social media in

this day where you are bombarded with

negativity constantly every minute every

second no matter you don’t even have to

look for it it is it’ll define you and

you carry it on your person sometimes

it’s in the pocket close to your heart


the you pull your phone out and there it

is close to your heart you have got to

you have got to encourage yourself and

protect yourself from all the negativity

because if you let all of that in it’s

very hard to

find yourself worthy find yourself

believing and knowing that you can so

when i first came here the last studio

i’ll tell you this story real quick the

last studio was over on greenbrier uh

the green bar

near greenbriar mall and i went there

one night and you know the neighborhood

the place was all run down it was

horrible i was like i’m not buying this

place i went home

and couldn’t sleep tossed and turned

know that’s god because i usually sleep

pretty good i can snow her really good i

get it in


i went back

and i said i don’t need this place i’ll

never grow it it’s too big i’ll never

and i went back late at night i’m

standing there in front of the gates and

i’m i’m i get out of the car and say

okay god what are you telling me and i

started praying

and i look at the gates my hand to god

this happened i look at the gates and

there there’s paper taped to the gates i

walk up closer to it

and they’re bible scriptures taped to

the gates and my favorite psalm 91 is

there wow i’m like okay god you’re

speaking to me i’m i’m just gonna do it

so i called them the next day and said

that i want to buy the place i was like

no it’s not for sale some pastor from

new orleans had bought it this was this

was not long after katrina somebody

pastor from new orleans about it he’s

going to trust a pastor from new orleans

so i called bishop port morton paul

morton who was my childhood pastor i

said do you know anything about this he

said oh that’s god i was just there


we don’t want the entire place we just

want there’s a building on the other

side that we want and all the property

that you want uh you can you can go

ahead and buy and and we can work this

thing out and it will really be helpful

to the church

so i bought it

i’m saying i said i’m never going to

outgrow it wow two years later

we’re all over each other not enough

room for anything call the mayor say i’m

leaving he says well come take a look at

this place i don’t want i’m not going to

say anything so we came to this army

base fort mcpherson army base we’re

driving around and i’m looking at this

place and

the first time in my life i didn’t feel

overwhelmed because god had given me the

steps to get here wow god god i thank

god he didn’t take me here first and go

this is where you’re going i went from a

little building to a building that was

bigger to build i had to grow into it

thank god that he allowed me to grow

into it because i don’t know what would

have happened had it all been just

thrown at me so i i came here

it had been abandoned for seven years

the army had moved out it was overrun

and a mess and bought the place and

every day people don’t know this but

when they come in

and they’re standing on these stages or

they’re walking around or they’re riding

or they’re moving all through there’s

bibles buried everywhere come on now

when you when you come through the gates

you’re riding across the word when you

leave you’re going across the word when

you’re standing in the lobby you’re

standing on the word when you’re on one

of those stages the word has been

planted on the under the foundation

because because for me

that’s what it’s built that’s what it

has been built on you know the word and

just believing so so having this moment

get a place where thousands of people


many many people died and families and

pain and hurt and army and

you know who were in the in the military

and armed servicemen to have this be

given to me and to be responsible for it

it’s huge

and i’m grateful on so many levels it’s


it’s been a burden

but it’s been a tremendous blessing and

i don’t know anybody who has not had a

tremendous blessing that didn’t come

with some sort of a burden so wow i’m

trying to do my best to honor wow that’s

so awesome well we’re talking with our

friend tyler perry tyler’s got a

fantastic book out it’s called hire is

waiting you can pick it up anywhere but

before we go any further i gotta i gotta

brag on tyler tyler gives millions of

dollars to charities and to help people

all over the world so when we had the

big flood in houston one of the first

calls i got was from tyler perry and he

gave a very generous gift to help the

people of houston so on behalf of all

the houston people that were affected by

the flood thank you for it thank you for

your heart a

heart of gold and just um

tyler love lives what he you know he was

gonna say he lives where you preaches

but you’re not a preacher but you just

exemplify you know giving back and just

uh being a person of inspiration but

victoria we were talking during the

break that was a great question yeah you

know tyler you talked about your mother

taking you to church and she did the

best she could with what she had but i

just wanted to ask this question you

know there’s a lot of people out there


they don’t know how to take their kids

to church maybe their kids don’t want to

go to church do you have any anything

that you could say about that which is

so scary right now because because

here’s what i know for sure

the bible says you get a few days on

this service and some of those days are

full of trouble is that right yeah

there’s going to be trouble in your life

if you don’t teach your child how to

deal with trouble they will turn to


we’ve got an opioid crisis we’ve got

drugs major drug issues so if you’re not

going to give them god and faith and

christ and believing and teaching them

about the bible where do you think

they’re going to turn yeah

so i would i would i would ask in an

appeal to parents even if you are not

big on

faith or church or you have problems

with the church

take your children to church teach them

about god even if you don’t know let

somebody else teach them but take them

to sunday school listen we got dragged

if we didn’t want to go so especially

when you’re at an age in the early age

because the bible says you know when

they’re older they won’t depart from it

if you train them in the way that they

should go so i think it’s very important

and and it is so selfish of those of us

who have god who know god

to not invite others


bring their children to learn the same

thing it’s really really selfish because

i promise you if you don’t give them god

they’re going to turn to something yeah

they’re going to turn to something and

wouldn’t it just better that it’s god

and faith you got to worry about being

strung out on it come on although some

people are yeah you know what i mean

it’s it’s it’s it’s really it’s

you you have to you have to really think

about that yeah