We’re all chained to something. Are you ready to be free?

would you be okay if I preached you for

a little while before we shut this down

thank you worship team you’ve you’ve

been incredible week haven’t they been

great you got to be in good

cardiovascular shape to lead worship

that you think’s I think my son Graham

was like dad are you gonna wear

are you gonna wear cringy clothes to

youth X it’s like what you’re talking

about he’s like are you 38 now so just

just like it what he’s saying I know

it’s terrible but um don’t get it

twisted I still I still can speak

I started out speaking to youth before I

was a pastor this is what I did all the

time and it wasn’t big groups like this

it was usually 10 15 20 kids me and

Holly traveled all over the state of

South Carolina preach into little youth

groups and I let the music and I did we

didn’t we certainly didn’t have all of

this but what you see here but that’s

how I started and I was a moon preacher

back then I hadn’t really learned much

about grace yet I just telling kids

don’t have sex and smoke weed and so I

just yelled at them for an hour and

because that’s all I knew to do and told

him they’re going to hell and it was



but now I get to be your pastor I know

some of you are members of other

churches and we’re glad to have you but

I really want to speak to if I can say

it this way I don’t I don’t mean like

I’m adopting you or I’m gonna help pay

for your college but I want to speak to

my kids tonight and one philosophy that

I employ when I preach to you is I

preach deeper to you than I would to

your parents and that’s counterintuitive

because you would think that the younger

people need to dumb down but I don’t

believe that I think the older someone

gets the less able sometimes they are to

really receive by faith what God’s Word

says and I’ve always found that I can

preach my deepest stuff to younger

people so when I prepared for this I

certainly didn’t put together anything

sugar-coated and I think you’ll see that

but um it’s a principle that I want to

bring from Philippians chapter 1 now if

you’re watching online this weekend in

church I’m gonna continue this message

so this will be part one I’ll be back in

the pulpit I’ve been away for about six

or seven weeks I would ask all of you to

do everything you can to get some quick

rest and be back in church this weekend

because I’m gonna I’m gonna unwrap this

throughout the weekend and so this will

kind of be part one and actually Zack

you’ve heard me preach from Philippians

one a few times you remember I preached

on a Piccard okiya stretched your head


you remember I preached on New Year’s

Eve a message from Philippians one about

I’m glad it happened and yet I saw

something in this passage that I thought

would be so appropriate and and really

connect to what the other speakers have

shared Pastor Mike on Carter one of my

best friends in the world Pastor Mike

the time


you really don’t need another message

they gave you enough to live off of for

12 months but let me see if I can

connect some things that’ll help us

really anchor what God has already

spoken in your group times and

everything how are y’all doing over

there by the way if I don’t look at you

much while I preaches discuss Hollies

over there and typically my attention is

diverted so that’s the only reason why I

rarely look at this side of the room but

I’m conscious of your presence and

appreciative of it as well let me read

you a pretty long Scripture okay hey

tonight if you want a shout you can

shout you don’t have to if you want to

take notes you can take notes you don’t

have to but I do want you to lean in and

I don’t need you to cheer me on while I

preach or anything like that

so if something hits you shout but if

something hits you in a different way

and you need to just sit and think about

it that’s okay too

or maybe while I’m speaking God will

bring up an issue and you start taking

notes and you quit listening to what I’m

even saying but you’re writing down

something else God is speaking that’s

okay too I just want to give you

permission to engage with this message

the way that you need to for your soul

tonight it’s an important one

Philippians chapter 1 verse 12 now I

want you to know brothers and sisters

that what has happened to me has

actually served to advance the gospel as

a result it has become clear throughout

the whole palace guard and to everyone

else that I am in Chains for Christ and

because of my chains most of the

brothers and sisters have become

confident in the Lord and they’re all

the more to proclaim the gospel without

fear it’s true that some preach Christ

out of envy and rivalry but others out

of goodwill the latter do so out of love

knowing that I am put here for the

defense of the gospel the former

preached Christ out of selfish ambition

not sincerely supposing that they can

stir up trouble for me while I am in

Chains but what does it matter

see Paul’s not young anymore he doesn’t

think everything is important he’s not

trying to get validation from people

anymore he’s been he’s been serving God

for over 30 years and now he’s got that

old man swag where he just doesn’t care

anymore if you like me or if you don’t

like me he says I’m not so consumed

about that what does it matter the

important thing is that in every way

whether from false motives or true

Christ is preached and because of this I

rejoice yes and I will continue to

rejoice I know you think I’m crazy for

acting happy when my life gives me no

reason to be happy but I’m gonna keep

doing it for I know that through your

prayers and God’s provision of the

Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened

to me will turn out for my deliverance I

eagerly expect and hope EPPICard okiya

Greek word then I will in no way be

ashamed but will have sufficient courage

so that now as always see when God has

seen you through enough stuff you don’t

fear the future because you know God is

already there and when God has already

been faithful to you on one level you

don’t have to look around your shoulder

to see if the devil’s gonna win this

time because you can know that God’s

past faithfulness is a predictor of his

future faithfulness so you can walk in

the confidence to know that God did not

bring me this far to leave me and if the

devil could have killed me he would have

killed me by now but the hand of God is

on my life I said you didn’t have to

stand up only if you want to if you want

to so I know that what happened to me

will turn out for my deliverance so that

now as always Christ will be exalted in

my body whether by life or by death for

to me to live is Christ and to die is

gain man if I’m to go on living now

that’ll mean fruitful labor for me yet

what shall I choose

that’s the that’s the thing okay what

shall I choose I don’t know I’m torn

between the two I kind of want to die

cuz I’m old and I’m going to heaven and

heaven sounds kind of nice cuz right now

I’m in this prison and I’m awaiting

trial before Caesar and I don’t know if

I’m gonna live or die and I got a lot of

enemies so it’d be kind of nice to leave

this earth so part of me wants to go

which is better by far but it is more

necessary for you that I remain in the

body I’m convinced of this I know that I

will remain and I will continue with all

of you for your progress and joy in the

faith so that through my being with you

again your boasting in Christ Jesus will

abound on account of me

the title of this message is choosing

your chains choosing your chains you

know what I hated about being 15 I hated

not having control over my own life I

hated the sense that I didn’t get to

make my own decisions I hated the sense

that somebody was always telling me what

I couldn’t couldn’t do and I hated the

fact that there were so many things that

I didn’t get a choice in like it went

all the way from what time I had to be

home I didn’t get to choose that it went

from even certain friends that I could

and couldn’t hang out with because every

once in a while my parents would make a

seemingly arbitrary decision that

certain kids weren’t good for me to hang

out with and I hate it I think I’m a

control freak because I always hated

this sense that I wasn’t in control I

hated when I couldn’t drive I hated when

I was dependent on somebody else for a

ride I hated that I didn’t get to choose

my own classes that they told me which

classes to take

I hate it something about being young

didn’t agree with me because I hated the

sense of having no control how many of

you were kind of like me and you’re a

little bit of a control freak and you

don’t like being in situations I mean

even this week how many of you it was

kind of hard for you to not have your

normal routine because you like being in

control it was hard for you to go along

with the different schedule it was hard

for you to show up in certain places at

certain times because not what you’re

used to

yeah there’s something and it’s not all

of us I know some of us don’t really

mind but some of us really like to be in

control and when our sense of control is

threatened it makes us anxious

it makes us irritable it makes us afraid

and and only bring that up because we’re

seeing the Apostle Paul right who is

like the most important missionary of

all time and he’s in a situation now at

this point in his life where the

circumstances are outside of his control

and he’s locked up as a prisoner and

he’s been falsely accused of some things

that he didn’t do and so now he’s riding

back home to this church that he started

now this church that the church at

Philippi was the first Church he started

in Europe and the way he started it was

one time he was there and he was having

some meetings and they locked him up in

prison and at midnight he was singing

and praying and and and God sent an

earthquake to the prison and when he

started praising God the prison started

shaking and his chains came loose and

not only his chains but everybody’s

chains around him which by the way this

is a side note that has nothing to do

with my sermon I need you to know your

praise breaks chains so the next time

depression comes on you and and you feel

bound and the next time you feel like

your situation is bigger than your

strength is I need you to know and touch

the person next to you and say my praise

breaks chains

so I don’t I don’t just have to sit in

situations and and pray for God to get

me out of them I can praise God in

difficult situations and if I keep my

mind right and my spirit right and my

heart set on things above my grace

breaks James that’s why some of you have

felt the joy of the Lord in your life

over the past three days because you’ve

been praising God at a new level and

while you’re praising God James are

falling off off of your mind chains of

addiction chains of insecurity Saints

break when praise rises I wish elev

youth would take over elevation church

this weekend she would show up at every

campus with this same energy I wish you

a jump I wish you would clap I wish you

would holler I wish you a scream show

your parents how to do it you might be

an example for your parents

now Paul is writing to this church at

Philippi that he founded a long time ago

and he’s updating them on his situation

and it’s not good he’s in prison he’s

been here for a while and nothing is

changing he has to stand before Caesar

and Caesar is either gonna let him live

or kill him because he’s accused of

being a cult leader and from this prison

cell he writes a book to the church at

Philippi about joy and freedom you

missed it he wrote a book from prison

about joy and freedom you still didn’t

get it because when you get what I’m

just saying you’re gonna you’re gonna

understand that what happens next in

your life is not dependent on your

environment or your situation or your

genetics and Paul’s like I want you to

know that even though I’m in Chains even

though I’m I’m stuck here for a little

while let me just see if I got the right

message because I prayed about it

waving me if you have a situation that

you have to go back to where you feel

stuck in it you know so so this is this

is the message we need tonight because

Paul is stuck in a situation he did not

choose the situation but watch what he

does and man when I saw this I was like

some kids are gonna get set free on

Friday night


no I’m serious he said verse 13 it has

become clear throughout the whole palace

guard and to everyone else that I am say

the next phrase out loud in Chains for

Christ that’s a strange thing to say

because it’s not like Jesus is the one

who put him in Chains and it’s not like

God is the one who does bad stuff and

it’s not like God made your parents get

a divorce or it’s not like that God had

your dad walk out when you were a little

boy so you’d be raised without a father

and it’s not like God gave you the shame

that you’re carrying around Paul says

I’m in Chains for Christ now I wasn’t

chained by Christ God did not do this

but now that I’m in Chains I am making a

choice everybody say choice that’s

really when your life changes not when

you sing a song pray a prayer or even

come to a experience called youth X but

what has to happen tonight for this

change that has started in your life to

continue and move forward and make a

difference you have to make a choice and

I don’t think you understand the power

of a single choice Paul said I’m

choosing in my situation to see my

change as something God can use this

makes no sense to the natural mind

because Paul could preach to so many

more people if he wasn’t in these chains

Paul could start so many more churches

if he wasn’t in these chains Paul could

go and raise offerings for churches that

were poor Paul could fight the good

fight and take the Word of God forward

all through the Roman Empire if not for

these change but here’s what he does he

looks at the thing that seems to be

holding him back

and he says I didn’t juice these things

I didn’t want to be here

I don’t like prison food I don’t like

this orange jumpsuit I don’t want to be

here I hope God gets me out I’d like to

be back with you I did not choose these

James and some of you have situations in

your life tonight that you did not

choose some of you have sickness in your

body some of you have mental disorders

some of you have panic attacks some of

you have eating disorders some of you

have learning disabilities it’s not that

God gave you those chains but now you

have to choose if God doesn’t take them

away if God doesn’t remove the chains

will you use the chains to glorify his

name and show the world that even in my

chains I’m free

even in my chains I’m saved even with

these chains on my feet I have a Living

Hope it’s the choice you make he made a


one little choice he could have chosen

in this moment to assume that God did

not love him because why would God leave

me in this prison if he loved me and

some of you will walk away from God

because he won’t give you the answer to

the prayer that you wanted and you won’t

even understand that God is using the

thing that you want him to take away to

show the world who he is through you


and so you make choices now right now in

your life about the kind of person you

want to become you make some good ones

you’ll make some bad ones the kind of

people you’re gonna let into your life

the kind of people that you’re gonna

that you’re gonna really show yourself

to the the kind of language that you’re

gonna use it’s fine it’s just little


God ain’t gonna give you a brain tumor

if you cuss that’s what I used to preach

when I was a mean preacher but I don’t

believe that anymore I believe that the

grace of God is good enough to cover

anything you do but the grace of God

does not cancel out the consequence of

my choices and you got some choices to

make and they’re not gonna be big

choices I clapped him he said four

hundred people made decisions for Christ

in our middle school and youth high

school likes and look let’s go ahead and

let’s go and celebrate it what’s goin


let’s go in celebrating

that’s a big choice

Oh theologically speaking you didn’t

choose God he chose you so it wasn’t

even your choice that saved you it was

God’s choice to call you out and to

snatch you and to cleanse you and to

call you but this is not a sermon about

big choices this is not about who you’ll

marry I’m not talking about that tonight

we got years to figure that out

I’m talking about the choices you’re

gonna make tomorrow the little choices

because though the way the enemy works

he’s so he’s so smart he knows if he can

get you to make little choices that

compromise who you are

today’s choices will become tomorrow’s

chains little choices so if he can

introduce you to something just a little

something if he can just get you to

experiment with porn right now it can

lock something in your mind and it’s not

that looking at a little bit of porn

will send you to hell or make you a bad

person but if he can get you to make the

choice to to do it once then maybe you

do it again and so it was a choice you

know we make these choices you make a

choice to lie and you know you tell your

parents you were there and and you

weren’t but it’s just a little choice on

what’s a little lie

the problem with choices is I want you

to put choice on the screen is that

choices become habits

I’m not here to beat up on you

look I I’ve made some really dumb

choices that at the time it just seemed

like you know a little thing it didn’t

seem like a big deal and maybe it wasn’t

but the problem is you become what you

repeatedly do and so when you make the

choice just to do the little thing

whatever that little thing is it’s not

always porn or or lies it’s anything I

noticed this all the time in my eating

because I’m not able to just enjoy a few

chips for me is either broccoli or the

whole bag of Doritos I have no

self-control and no self-restraint so I

don’t have moderation in my life and not

my choice becomes a habit and when

something becomes a habit it becomes

automatic and so now I’m not even really

choosing to do it anymore

I’m not even choosing to lash out

anymore so I made the choice to be angry

because I lose my temper all the time

and if I respond in anger all the time

and I just learned how to solve stuff

with anger it’ll work and it’ll push

people away and it’ll get me through

situations but then it becomes a habit

and before I know it I’m not even

choosing to get angry anymore it’s just

automatic and now it’s no longer a

choice it’s not a choice anymore it’s

gonna be on a choice it’s gone beyond a

habit it’s become automatic and now it’s

my identity now it’s not even just what

I do it’s become Who I am and now I

can’t separate my identity as a child of

God because he still loves me but I

can’t feel his love or see his love or

since his love because I become more

identified with my chains than his grace

and it didn’t look like a chain at first

it was one choice but the choice became

a habit the habit became automatic and

then it became my identity and now it’s

my nature and I’m a choice uh-oh stuck


can you help me I just need somebody to

help me I don’t know who would you help


do you mind for this yeah you’re mine oh

yeah dad that leather guy you’d be good

to up even though I need him I just he’s

first one I saw yeah let me use them he

seems like the right one I’m not

rejecting you or nothing like that it’s

just that his his wrist is the right

size for this illustration yeah so

that’s the only reason why because I

didn’t I didn’t realize when I was

making those choices stand right there

that while I was making little choices

the enemy was trying to get me

in this chain because now he knows held

are you if I can get him to make some

choices while he’s 14 somebody come

tighten this for me cuz I’m yeah here I

got I got I got I got it guys just


just want to see if you’re willing cuz

now I got you cuz I convinced you that

these little choices don’t matter and

then it became a habit that became

automatic and you thought it was who you

were and now second nature so now I can

just now I got you let’s see now

if I came at you with this chain you

would run because you would see it for

what it was so I don’t comment you with

the chain I come at you with the choice

but I got you so now you’re not 14

anymore you’re 18 but some choices that

I got you to make that became habits and

became so automatic and ingrained and

you just did it over and over again

because practice doesn’t make perfect

practice makes permanent and so now I

thought that’s who I was and I became

ashamed and I’m just dragging you and so

now you’re 20 23 years old and you’re

going to get married but when you were

14 15 16 I got you chained by your

choices so now walk this way you’re

gonna try to go love your wife but I’m

not gonna let you cuz I got you on this

chain some will pull you back into some

stuff that’s gonna keep you miserable

and bound and down and out


and this is why we preach to you like we

preach to you because I’m tired of

seeing God’s children and chains chains

of fear and shame and regret to where

you can’t think straight and now now the

enemy becomes your master you know

you’re gonna be a slave to something

everybody in this room is going to serve

something what are you gonna serve Paul

called himself a servant of Jesus Christ

I’m not a slave to sin any longer those

chains are broken so now Paul says and

this is the good part of the message

Paul says because of my chains God is

being glorified in fact he said if you

gave me the choice to get out of these

chains or to stay in these chains if

staying in these chains means that God

gets the glory

I choose the chains so God if you can

use me if you want to use my story even

all the painful parts God you can use me

cuz I’m not a slave to sin I’m not a

slave to fear I’m a child of God


fact you know what Paul say him Paul

says I’m chained to grace in that good

this illustration is gonna take a

positive turn right now my man cuz I was

the devil but now I’m gonna be God let

me show you what happens when you get

chained to grace touch somebody say I’m

chained to grace okay give me verse 17

again I think that’s the one

Paul says some people like me some

people don’t some people are helping me

some people are hurting me but the

important thing knows verse 18 the

important thing is no that’s the wrong

verse – what’s the one that says yeah

there it is

the important thing is this 18 the

important thing is now whatever you put

next after that determines what your

chained to I picked the right kid he

gets it he said the important thing is

that I fulfill my purpose if if you get

chained to popularity how people feel

about you can always just jerk you

around and if they like you you’re good

and if they don’t you’re you’re you’re

down if you get chained if you make the

most important thing in your life right

now you know how much you’re gonna have

one day or or if you make the most

important thing in your life how you

feel at any given moment and the whole

thing about your life is that you’re

chained to your feelings then the enemy

is always gonna have you on it’s chained

and it can yank your chain anytime he

wants and your faith will go up and down

and in and out but if you say the

important thing is and this is the

choice this is the choice that I would

love to see you make tonight while

you’re young right now before you’re all

bound up I know you’ve made some

mistakes before but it’s not too late

God got you here just in time I mean

just in time just in time

to break the chains before it chokes the

life out of you you made it just in time

that’s what this week was about it

wasn’t about a battle tone it wasn’t

about a dance party or a DJ thank God

for all of it

God brought you here to break the chains

while there’s still time

so you could fulfill his purpose for

your life shout it again say I’m chained

to grace Paul said these chains on my

feet don’t determine my joy because my

purpose is to fulfill God’s calling on

my life so now here’s what happens

what’s your name you’ve been up here all

this time Luke Luke let’s say you try to

get away from God and let’s say you make

a choice today that you know what the

priority of my life is the presence of

God not popularity not the opinions of

people not some accomplishment that’s

gonna be empty when I get it anyway i’ma

listen to my pastor tonight and he’s

telling me that the only thing that

matters is what Paul said mattered the

only thing that matters is the purpose

of God in my life I’m chained to Grace

I’m chained to purpose so now watch this

Luke try to get away from me

mmm-hmm I might be old but I live bro

you change the grace come on I need you

to celebrate that even if I want to get


try as parties no sir if you can’t

escape these things who the Sun sets

free is free indeed great doctor see no

God says I’m not done with you yet

I’m not done with you yet I know about

the addiction and I chose you anyway and

I want you to I want you to stop

tormenting yourself over things that you

can’t control


there you’re choosing your chains

tonight you want to be chained to the

grace of God are you want to be chained

to your feelings you’re gonna be chained

to fake friends who come and go

look I went to my 20-year anniversary

high school anniversary last month

they’re good people

and I know that they’re I know that

they’re important to God but what they

think of me isn’t important to me

so I’m trying to preach this to you now

why would you change yourself to

people’s opinions who aren’t even gonna

be in your life in 20 years that’s it



that’s why something you tried to run

from God and you couldn’t you tried not

to believe in God but that little thing

won’t go away

because there’s a calling on your life

you were chained to the grace of God and

if you make the choice to become a

worshiper it’ll become a habit and when

it becomes a habit

it’ll become automatic and when it

becomes automatic

it’ll be your identity worship is not

what I do

worship is Who I am I’m gonna be

somebody in the back to jump up and

worship God like you know who you are

it’s mine

it’s my nature I let you keep this

remember this night


stand up God chose you he chose you to

be in that seat he chose you to live in

that house I understand some of you are

in abusive situations Paul was 2 doesn’t

make the situation okay

God is greater than the situation he’s

even gonna use those chains so I’m

choosing today to chain my life to

something bigger than what happens to me

or what I feel about it I got to make

this choice because I can’t spend the

rest of my life just getting dragged

around the devil yankin might change

anytime he wants to I belong to God

I’m his I’m his servant and that means I

can’t spend any more time serving stupid

stuff that doesn’t matter the important



whatever you make important is what you

change your joy to whatever you make

important is what you change your peace

to if you make this God my God the

everlasting God the God of Abraham the

god of Isaac the God of Jacob if you

make this God Yahweh Emmanuel God with

us if you make this God your God nothing

on earth will be able to move you

nothing on earth

