Going Beyond Ministries with Priscilla Shirer – Do You Hear What I Hear?

Priscilla Shirer (born December 31, 1974) is an American author, motivational speaker, actress, and Christian evangelist. Her father is Dallas mega-church pastor Tony Evans and her brother is Christian entertainer Anthony Evans.
The daughter of Tony Evans, senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church in Dallas, Texas,[1] Priscilla grew up well acquainted with the Bible. As a freshman at the University of Houston, she interned with a Christian radio station. Soon listeners were calling the station, inviting Priscilla to speak at their Bible study groups and other events. Soon she was invited to lead a weekly Bible study at the Zig Ziglar Corporation and then to join its speaker team. Priscilla has worked as an independent contractor for CBS and hosted a local television show, but recently she has focused solely on Christian ministry opportunities. She calls Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of evangelist Rev. Billy Graham, her mentor in ministry.

Together the Shirers established Going Beyond Ministries, a speaking bureau featuring Priscilla. The parents of three young boys, the Shirers share ministry and family responsibilities. While Priscilla continues to minister full-time, Jerry manages his schedule and other business aspects of Going Beyond Ministries.

Priscilla speaks around the world at churches and other events, including the LifeWay Christian Resources-sponsored Going Beyond conference and Deeper Still: The Event, where she shares the stage with Beth Moore and Kay Arthur. She has also authored several books.

Shirer graduated from Duncanville High School and Dallas Theological Seminary, earning a master’s degree from the latter in Biblical Studies.

In 1993, Shirer was a freshman at the University of Houston. Shirer was married in 1999 to Jerry Shirer, former Hilton Hotels executive. The couple has three sons.

In 2013, Shirer was a speaker at the 2013 Women of Faith conference. In 2015, Shirer made her film debut in the Kendrick Brothers film War Room. In October 2016, Shirer was recognized as one of four prominent women of faith during the 10th anniversary of God’s Leading Ladies Life Enrichment Program at The Potter’s House.[1] Shirer also featured at the 47th GMA Dove Awards.

lord i thank you i thank you that your


is living and it’s active and it’s

sharper than a two-edged sword

lord i thank you that we can in full

expectation and anticipation prepare

ourselves right now

to hear a word straight from your mouth

father recalibrate us renew us

revive us rejuvenate us

refocus us lord and refine us father so

that we are

more and more uh molded

into the image of your son thank you


we are sitting on the edge of our seat

to hear what it is that you will speak

to us today

in jesus mighty name i pray the name

that is above every name

the name at which demons tremble the

name at which

every knee will bow and every tongue

will confess that jesus christ is indeed

lord it is in that name that i pray

amen and amen

if you have your bible with me turn your

copy of the scriptures to first

kings chapter 18. these few chapters

here in the old testament have become a

lifeline for me

as i have been studying and looking into

the narrative of the prophet

elijah and right after the highlight of

his ministry where he stands

flat-footed and unapologetic on mount


and calls everyone there to a contest to


who the one true god actually is he has


fire to fall down from heaven and yahweh

has responded in a miraculous display

of the splendor and the greatness of god

fire has shot out of the heavens and has

set aflame the sacrifice that he has


proving once and for all that there is


one god and on the heels of that display

first kings chapter 18 verse 41-45

now elijah said to king ahab

go up and eat and drink

for there is a sound

you know if i was with you right now you

know if we were at the church house

right now i would

i would look at you and i would say turn

to your neighbor and say there is

a sound so wherever you are right now

even if you’re by yourself go ahead and

say out loud

that there is a sound i’m telling you

there is something that is happening

in the spiritual realm that most folks

can’t see

and people with natural vision aren’t

able to detect people with natural


aren’t able to determine only those of

us who have the spirit of god

indwelling us are able to say with full


that there is a sound a rustle of god’s

movement of god’s spirit of god’s plan

of god’s sovereignty of god’s providence

moving we can

sit on the edge of our seat in

expectation of seeing the hand of the


in the land of the living even while

others are losing hope

even while others are discouraged and

even wallowing in defeat we get to say

there is a sound

and elijah said to king ahab there is a

sound and i hear

that the seasons are changing i can hear

that there is a roar of a heavy shower

so the king believed what the man of god

said to him and he went up

he ate and he drank but elijah

he went up to the top of mount carmel

in anticipation of the heavy shower that

he could only

hear hints of in the atmosphere in the

spiritual realm

he crouched down to the earth he put his

face between his knees

and he prayed and then he said to his


go up now and look and he went and he

looked and he came back and he said i


i don’t see anything elijah said to him

go back

and he told him that seven times

and it was about at the seventh time

that he said

behold a cloud as small as a man’s hand

is coming up from the sea

that’s all elijah needed to know he had

already been hearing things previously

but now there was the smallest hint that

god was beginning

to manifest on what it was that the

prophet had already detected

spiritually speaking and so the servant


i see something happening and in the


so elijah said it’s time you go up and

you say to ahab

prepare your chariot and go down

so that the heavy shower does not stop


and in a little while

the sky grew black with clouds and there


heavy wind and there was indeed

a heavy shower now i’ve got to admit to

you that i am not very good with sermon

titles i have the hardest time when

folks try to get me to put a label

on a message or on a sermon that i have

prepared and given but this time around

it was pretty simple for me to think

of a title it began to ring in my ears

as i prepared

to speak to you today the title of this

message if you’re taking notes and you

like to write things down like that

the title is do you hear

what i hear i came to ask you that


do you hear what i hear

are you spiritually discerning are your

ears tuned

in have you taken time to relax

and to turn away from everything you see

coming across all your social media

feeds to tune

in to the inner voice of the holy spirit

to his word speaking to you

to the truths of god that are lifting up

still off of the pages of scripture that

have not

changed even though so many of our

circumstances have

changed do you hear what i hear i came

to encourage you that there is a sound

and the seasons are indeed changing

and right here in full demonstration of

his role as the prophet

the voice and declaration of god’s truth

and his hand

and his activity among the people elijah


to tune the king into something that the

king is

unable to detect in his own natural


i can see something you can’t see elijah

was basically saying i can hear

something that you

can’t hear and i am anticipating


i am posturing myself positioning myself

for something that you are not yet

discerning enough to anticipate

rain is coming and with as of yet

one cloud to see in the sky as proof

without one

noticeable gust of wind in the air


one clap of thunder to build any level

of discernible or understandable level

of anticipation

elijah says to the king reign is coming

he is the one that causes other people

to begin to recalibrate themselves

in anticipation of what he can detect in

the spiritual realm

do you hear what it is that i hear

elijah had already been told by yahweh

way up at the beginning of this chapter

chapter 18

verse 1 god had said to him you go

present yourself to k

ahab and i will send reign

that’s all elijah needed was a word from


and he began to speak in conjunction

with and

live in conjunction with and anticipate

in conjunction with

what it was that god said this is faith

when you don’t have proof but you

believe god anyway

and then faith is not just believing god

but it is beginning to walk in alignment

with and pray in alignment with

and speak in alignment with the truth

that god has declared to you

if god said it that’s enough

we should be the ones those of us who

are going forth into this new year

in the spirit of elijah we should be the

ones that because

we know the truth of god we go about

proclaiming it

declaring it and living in alignment

with it

elijah began to declare the truth of

yahweh even though there was no proof of


he began to prepare the people that were

in his sphere of influence

for that which he knew they did not have

the capacity to discern

but that he could because he was in

relationship with god

so god said it he began to proclaim it

i want to ask you what are you


what are you declaring what are you

speaking to the people

the the interactions that you have

the influence that you’ve been given the

sphere that you’ve been placed in the

children that are in your care

the spouse that you have the ministry

that you are leading the company that


are beginning to develop and foster what


you declaring despite the pandemic and

despite the global catastrophe and


the cultural unrest and despite the


unrest that is around us this is not

denial this is not

avoidance but it means that as those of

us who are going into this here in the

spirit of elijah

we recognize the issues we see the


we’re very aware of the concern but then

as soon as we recognize it

we immediately do what hebrews chapter

12 says

we pivot our attention and fix our eyes

on jesus

we know what it is that god says and we

begin to proclaim it

out of our mouths we speak the truths

and the promises of god

this is the the example that we see set

by elijah here

and i don’t know if you’ve noticed or

not but we are living in a day in an age

where you

and me brothers and sisters we’re gonna

have to go forth in the spirit of elijah

where we are unapologetic about the

truth of the god that we serve

where we just like the prophet elijah we

refuse to

side with the majority because everyone

else around him would have looked at the

cloud-less sky and would have told him

that he was crazy for believing

that there was a sound of a heavy shower

that was on the way

he didn’t side with the majority he

wasn’t trying to be politically correct

he wasn’t trying to garner the applause

or the appreciation

of other people he wasn’t interested in

how many likes he was going to get on

his instagram feed

this is what god said so this is what

i’m going to say

not only did he not side with the

majority he didn’t even side with his

closest companion

the servant who was with him who kept

coming back six

times he kept coming back and saying i

don’t see anything

i don’t see anything i still don’t see

anything there are still no clouds in

the sky

there is still no meteorological

evidence that there is going to be

a shower that is going to break through

the heavens six

times he was told by his closest


that nothing in the atmosphere was


but elijah did not speak in conjunction

with the majority

and he didn’t speak in conjunction with


the evidence that his closest friend was

saying to him he sided with god’s word

what it was that god said he brought


perspective to bear to everyone that was

in his sphere of influence

even the person that had the most power

in the culture at the time he did not go

to the king

and water down or sugarcoat god’s word

he went with boldness with clarity and

without apology and said to him let me

tell you what god said

let me tell you what it is that i have

spiritual ears

to hear i ask you modern day elijah

what are you proclaiming what are you


i’m asking you what are you speaking to

yourself when you look in the mirror

and it looks like life is caving in all

around you there are dilemmas and

discouragements and issues

that are not only plaguing our culture

but underneath the roof of your

own house there’s grief and loss

and struggle and division and hurt

and you feel overwhelmed or maybe very

underwhelmed by the state of your life

right now i’m asking

you are you declaring to yourself what

it is that

god says regardless of what you are

contending with

open up your mouth and say what god says

and then i’m asking you what are you

saying to your spouse

i’m asking you what are you saying to

your children your sons and your

daughters listen i drive my children

nuts i think i’ve told you this a couple

of years ago the last time that i was

able to

be in person with you uh speaking i told

you that um

i say to my voice very regularly what it

is that god’s word says to be true about


even when i can’t detect it i can’t see

it and maybe as a mother

i’m quite discouraged by what i see them

doing and

saying and the decisions that they’re

making in these teenage years and i


and concern myself with whether or not

these things that i know god has

declared to be true about them

as men of god whether or not i’m going

to actually see them manifested

as they mature even though often i am


concerned about that sometimes i still

look them squarely in their eyes and i

remind them about what god

says about who they are i remind them

that the spirit of god lives on the

inside of them

i remind them that they have already

been given the victory

i remind them that they are forgiven and

that they are free

i remind them that there is therefore

now no condemnation for those of us who

are in christ jesus

i remind them looking at them squarely

in their eyes

i remind them that ii corinthians says

that they have been made

competent they are qualified by the very

spirit of god

i remind them of what god says i’m

asking you

are you making it your business your


to proactively remind the people in your

sphere of influence

about what you spiritually have ears to


and what god by his spirit has given you

spiritual eyes to be able to detect

your sphere of influence is waiting on


you’re the carrier of the word of god in

your house

you’re the carrier of the word of god in

your ministry

and to the people that the lord has

entrusted to you pastor

bible study leader women’s ministry

leader as you lead

um as you continue to influence those

people entrepreneur

that you have employed you’re the one

that’s gonna set the atmosphere

and set the tone because you walk in

with a proclamation of what your god has

said and you don’t sugarcoat it you

don’t water it down

this ain’t a popularity contest you came

to tell folks what your god

has said i remember

taking the boys to a 3d movie this is

several years ago

i was sitting next to them in the

theater we were there i think it was a


uh empty theater on that particular day

and of course you know when you go in to

see a 3d movie they give you those


plastic glasses and a plastic wrapper

you open them up you put them on

and i remember sitting directly next to

jude our youngest son

and he’s watching the screen just like

we all are and

after about 10 minutes or so you know

we’re in the previews and now they’re

coming toward the time when the movie’s

about to start

and my youngest son reaches over and

taps taps me on the shoulder and says

mom i don’t really like this movie

and i said buddy why don’t you like the

movie what’s wrong with the movie i

looked down

at him just as he looked back at me to

say mom

the screen is blurry i tried to peer

through the darkness to get a closer

look at my son’s face and realize

he did not have the glasses on i said


you realize that the glasses they gave

you remember there’s a little package do

you have it he looked under a seat

it had dropped on the floor he picked it

up i said buddy you got to open up that

that plastic wrapper you got to put

those glasses on those glasses make it

so that this

film can be clear if you’re not wearing


if you’re not viewing it through the

perspective that the filmmakers

have given you access to then all you’re

going to see is blurred

vision visually all you’re going to be

able to see is chaos you’re not going to

really be able to lean in

and see the true intent of what the

filmmakers had in mind

but my young sudden didn’t recognize

that it took

someone older and wiser with a little

experience who’d been around the block

just a little while

who’d been in 3d movies before to show

him what it was that he needed to fit

himself with

in order to have the right perspective

to see this clearly

i came to tell you that you are the one

who is supposed to make sure

that the visual that people need to be

able to view the happenings in this


through a lens that will help them to

not see it in a distorted

skewed way that lacks holy perspective

that lacks divine perspective so that

they can

see clearly that god still is on the


he is still sovereign he’s not surprised

he’s not shocked

he is moving and working in the

spiritual realm

and he is going to manifest his plans

and his purposes in this generation

somebody sitting next to you discouraged


unable to experience the fullness of god

all they’ve got is blurred vision

because of everything that’s happening

around them

it’s you you’re the one

the one upon which the spirit of elijah

rests so that you can proclaim

god’s truth and help them shift their


there is a species of bird um it’s a


actually a species of crane that has as

its natural tendency

to squawk as it flies it’s just natural

for this particular crane

as it begins to fly through the air with

its enormous wingspan

it naturally begins to make a squawking

sound out of its mouth the only problem

with that is

as it squawks loudly predators

enemies are now able to detect where the

cranes are

because of what’s coming out of its own

mouth now

they have allowed enemies to be able to

zero in on their location because their

squawking has basically become

a gps that points to where it is so now

the crane’s very life is in danger

because of what’s coming out of his own


so as these cranes begin to mature and


the older and older they get they learn

to actually

pick a rock up in their beak they keep

the rock in their beak and as the rock

is in their beak it actually keeps their


closed over the rock so that they don’t

make the squawking sound that is


natural and intrinsic to their makeup

we gotta grow up it’s time

to put a rock in your mouth the rock of


that is to keep our mouths clothed to

complaining to

bringing perspective to a scenario that

is not based on the truth of god it’s

time for us to mature enough that we


that it’s the rock of ages our great god

and his truth

that’s going to keep our mouths closed

to complain so that we are not giving


and energy into the atmosphere that is

antagonistic to the truth of god

are you doing more complaining then you

are applauding and appreciating and

presenting the truth of god

into your scenario whether politically

or culturally or in your family

in your marriage in your parenting in

your finances

in your own health today is the day that

you put a rock in it

that you quiet to the complaining and

you and i in the spirit of elijah

we become bold in declaring the truth of


but that is not all that elijah did we

see in verse 41

that not only did he declare that a

heavy shower was coming in accordance

with the word of the lord

but it says then he immediately went up

to mount carmel

he crouched down to the ground he put

his face between his

knees he assumed the posture and the

implication here is that

he prayed

one of the major

characteristics of the prophet elijah

that has been a major lesson and

encouragement and challenge to me

as i have gone throughout his entire

narrative is that if there is one thing

this man is known for

that continually and consistently marks

the entirety of his narrative

it is that he is a man of prayer

in fact he is so known for this that

even when you reach over into the new

testament in the book of james

the author writes in chapter 5 verse 17

about elijah

and says that he was a man who was known

for praying

earnestly the author says how do we know

he prayed earnestly let me tell you

he prayed for three years that it would

not rain

and it didn’t what i’m drawn to about


is that elijah was willing to pray for

something that was going to put him in

an inconvenient scenario

the drought was going to impact him too

but he believed so fervently

in not only the possibility and the

privilege that he had to talk to an

almighty god but also the responsibility

that he had

to make sure his prayers lined up with

the truth of god even when those truths

were going to make

his personal circumstances inconvenient

that he was willing to pray even the

hard things

he prayed in convenient prayers he

prayed convenient prayers

he prayed comfortable prayers he prayed

uncomfortable prayers

he prayed when he was in isolation he

prayed when he was in the context of a

small group

he prayed in private and he prayed when

he was in public

flat-footed on mount carmel surrounded

by thousands of people

prayer was the overarching theme

and discipline of elijah’s life no

matter the circumstances he was in

and no matter the context that he found

himself in elijah

prayed so he was a man that not only

proclaimed the truth of god

but he prayed in alignment with the

truth of god

i want to ask you about your prayer life

i want to ask you that even as you and i

know and absorb and intend

to speak god true god’s truth to others

i want to ask you are your prayers

laced with the promises of god have you


into the scriptures to determine what it

is that god has declared to be true

about you and your circumstances and

then are you

lining your prayers up so that literally

some of the words that come out of your

mouth in prayer

are actually exact replicas of that

which is written down in the text

because you are praying in alignment

with the truth of god

pray but don’t pray haphazardly

don’t pray casually and without


pray in alignment with the truth of god

this takes

attention this takes forethought

this takes intentionality to make sure

you know what the promises of god

are so that you can line yourself up in


with what it is that god has already


someone asked why do we pray when god

has already promised it

why do we waste our breath in prayer

when if god has already promised it if

he’s declared it

if he’s going to do it then why pray the

reason why

is because prayer is the key that begins


unlock the resources of heaven so that

they are unleashed onto the landscape of

our earth

of reality prayer doesn’t manipulate god

it just gives us access to the things

that god

already plans to do for us anyway prayer

is this beautiful opportunity that he

gives us

to be a partner with him in seeing his

kingdom come

and his will being done on earth as it


in heaven our god has given us the key

to work with him to be in conjunction

with him

as his purposes are unleashed on planet

earth why wouldn’t we use a key

like that so when we see

and hear and understand god’s promises

it shouldn’t

dull our prayer life and make us lazy in

prayer instead

it should ignite our prayer lives with

an extra measure of confidence and


that we would otherwise lack now that we

know god’s promises

instead of floundering in our prayer

lives now we’ve got some concrete truths

to rest what we’re saying on

god’s promises then become a road map

for us

a track to follow so that our prayers

are actually rooted in

something specific god’s promises

become an arrow that point us in the

right direction and

in and of themselves those prayers

actually then become the destination too

you don’t have to know the details of

how everything is going to work out

but you can base every single prayer

directly on the promises of god

because he is not a man

that he should lie elijah’s example

shows us that we got to go forward

and proclaim what god has said then

we’ve got to pray in alignment with what

god has said

but then verse 33 elijah gets up out of

his prayer closet so to speak

and he says to the servant go up now

and look go look

in this new year if you and i are going

to move forth in the unapologetic spirit

of elijah

we’re going to have to be people that

not only proclaim the truth of god

and not only pray in alignment with the

truth of god but you and i are going to

have to be people who proactively go

look for what it is that god is doing in

the atmosphere around us

we can’t be so cooped up in prayer yes

we must

must prioritize it but we can’t be so

cooped up in prayer

narrow in prayer that we then don’t go


for traces and hints of god’s handiwork

around us

throughout the regular rhythms of our

life we have to keep our eyes peeled

toward the horizon so that what other

people might call coincidence we can see

has the hand of god

all over it so that when people are

discouraged because it seems like god

is not answering we can see the the


hints that god is moving that god is

still operating that in the spiritual

realm he is up to something that is

going to be manifested soon

we have to be proactively engaged our

spiritual sense is heightened

so that we are able to detect the

movement of god all around us

practice watchfulness pray

and then go look don’t allow prayer to

become a lazy

cop-out to where you just pray you’re

just in your prayer closet yes

prioritizing that very necessary

spiritual discipline

but then you don’t actually come out of

that prayer closet

and begin to look around you at what god

is doing in your business and what god

is doing in the political arena

at what god is doing in social activism

and how god is moving and operating and

still demonstrating his power

in your children’s lives and in your

company and in the ministry that he has

entrusted to you

look for god’s activity around you

because the moment you started praying

he had already started answering

and you know sometimes another


sometimes because you are so struggling

to contend with the discouragement that

you may be feeling

i mean i mentioned earlier there have

been two solid years

of loss and grief in our family we have

lost eight

family members in the past two years

a year ago this time my mother slipped

away to eternity i was

holding her she was laying in my arms

literally when she took her last breaths

and then this past august just seven or

eight months later

my mother-in-law who was healthy and


she went to go take a nap in our home

and never woke up so just in the past

year the grief

the loss of course that compounded with

what we’ve all experienced this year

with the

pandemic and over the past months the

racial unrest the political concerns

everything that has happened globally

everything seems like it is just tilted

on its axis just a little bit and

sometimes life can be so hard

one thing piled on top of the other that

sometimes like elijah

all you can do is find enough energy to

muster up some words

in prayer but you need a companion that


send out that has enough faith and

enough patience

to keep their eyes peeled to the horizon

when you are not

able to do it this servant this friend

of elijah

six times was willing to go keep looking

and keep looking and keep looking and

even when he didn’t see anything

he was willing to walk beside elijah in

the process of watching god work

something out on his behalf

do you have people around you that love

you enough that are patient enough

that are discerning enough that not only

will they keep on looking when you are

too discouraged

to keep your eyes open and peeled to the

horizon of what god is doing

but they are also so excited about when

god moves

that even when what they see just

amounts to a cloud

the size of a man’s hand they don’t

discount it

they don’t devalue it they come running

back to you with the good news of what

it is that they have begun

to see god do you need friends like that

for about 10 years jerry and i lived in

this little uh small house raising our

boys in a little small house about 700

square feet or so

we had our three boys in that house and

we loved it

had a huge yard lots of trees but those

trees were problematic because

we would drive down into our driveway

and it was on a slope

so we would drive down and that house

was positioned

underneath the cove of trees that cove

of trees

made such a little nest there such a

little enclosed in

uh cased little cove that we had trouble

getting clear reception clear wi-fi

it was problematic for the first six

months or so that we lived there

jerry was calling out every uh service

provider he could to figure out what

antenna we needed to put on what part of

the roof to try to get clear reception

it was problematic for me at the time

specifically because i was right in the

middle of a writing project

i needed access to wi-fi of course i

needed to be able to email large

documents back and forth to my publisher

and to my editor it was it was real

problematic for me but we just didn’t

have clear reception

good thing then that my neighbor lived

across the street

my neighbor very close friend of mine

still is to this day i would walk across

up that uh slope out of our driveway

across the street to her house her house

was in clear view with no trees towering

over it

so they had clear reception she would

let me piggyback on her wi-fi

because my house was positioned in such

a way that i couldn’t get clear

reception you need friends like that

where when your life is positioned in

such a way that you just feel like

you’re covered up

shadowed over with discouragement and


and loss and you just can’t seem to get

out of the doldrums of that

you need friends that you can march over

into their life and piggyback on their

faith for just a little while and they

don’t mind

they fling the doors of their life wide

open like my friend did with her home

and invite you to come on in have a seat

and take advantage of what it is

that they have access to elijah’s

example shows us that we must proclaim


then we’ve got to pray in alignment with

it and then we’ve got to go

look for it and finally

verse 44 elijah said to the servant to


say to ahab prepare yourself

a heavy shower is coming

if we’re going to be people who move

forward into this year in the spirit of


we can not only be people who proclaim

the truth of god

and not only be people who pray in

alignment with it

and not only be people who will

proactively look for but we’ve got to be

people who are

prepared for it in other words we

act right now like god is telling the


we take our umbrellas out preparing


for the rainfall that we know is about

to come even when nobody else has their

umbrella ready

even when nobody else is in anticipation

because the skies are

clear there’s not one cloud in the sky

we’re the ones that make sure they know

a shower is coming

and we encourage them to prepare for

what they cannot see

yet you are the one that sets the


in the sphere of influence that god has


to you act like god is

telling the truth live in such a way

that you are prepared for the downfall

that is on

the way even when it just amounts to a


palm-sized wisp of cloud that is up in

the sky

elijah says and we say prepare for the

seasons to change

it’s been a drought for a long time but

now the rain is on the way

act like yahweh is getting ready to do

exactly what he said

he would don’t allow what you’ve been


and the drought you’ve experienced and

the dryness that you have lived through

to determine how you walk into the


rain is on the way and it came about

verse 45 that in a little while

the sky grew black with clouds there was

mighty wind and then the sky

opened up and there was a heavy

shower rain is coming

do you hear it

ask the lord to open up your spiritual

ears so that

today you can detect

the drops of rain that are already

falling from heaven on your behalf

lord i thank you oh father i thank you

that we can go forth

by your spirit in the power and in the

character of elijah help us to walk

forward into this year

setting the temperature setting the

atmosphere for all of the people that

are in our sphere of influence

help us lord not to cower or cave to


or fear but let us be the ones that


unapologetic that rain

is on the way father let it rain

in jesus name i pray
