Life can sometimes be difficult and draining, especially when you’re trying to serve God. But that’s why Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force; He is the third Person of the trinity who empowers, convicts, guides, and comforts all believers. For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week’s broadcast, go to

every single believer is sealed by the

Holy Spirit now watch this no sin we can

break the seal nobody can break the seal

and no erroneous interpretation can

break the seal

we are sealed forever under the damn

burden shinty calls us home next on

InTouch your conviction about the Holy

Spirit many believers will live their

entire life and miss out on one of God’s

awesome blessings because they’ll never

realize that living within them is the

Holy Spirit whom God sent to live within

us in order to enable us to do the

things he wants us to do and to be the

person he wants us to be and most people

never realize that they’ll never think

about the fact that you ought not only

saved them but that he and weld them for

birth specific reason and I think that

many churches that do not even mention

the Holy Spirit and most people don’t

know what part he plays in their life if

you would ask the average person who is

the Holy Spirit they’d say well he’s a

mom something religious I’m not sure

what he is and so when I think about

that and I think about the fact that he

has really come to indwell us to enable

us to be everything God wants us to be

and to accomplish everything God wants

us to accomplish that is he didn’t say

just go do this that in the other he

says I’m going to be with you and I’m

going to end well you and I’m going to

see to it that you’re able to do and to

become everything I desire but it’s not

so I was in seminary that I realize what

the Holy Spirit was all about and the

right way I realized it was this I was

sitting at dinner table at night and

this is my first

here and those Valley College and in

college I argued about all the things

that I believed and with some of the

best times for arguments we had at night

time so I’m sitting there and somehow we

got on the Holy Spirit and I said the

Holy Spirit well well it’s supposed to

help all of us and I said something else

about it and one of the students he was

sitting that I did not know he said it

didn’t embarrass me he said Charles he

said would you like to come to my room

after dinner I said well sure I would he

was a doctoral student I thought I’ll

learn something listen this boy for sure

well I walked in his room and there was

a very intimidated there were books from

the floor to the ceiling except for the

windows all around is a doughnut our

room so what he said to me he said I

noticed when you talked about the Holy

Spirit that you called him it I said

that’s what the Bible says

and then I pointed him to two passages

in Scripture so I kill them and show

them where it was and he handed me a

Greek New Testament Isilon this is my

first year in my first semester and I’m

just starting to reek he says okay I’m

going to take you through the Bible I

said I can’t read that he said I’ll help

you read it so he took me through the

New Testament and he showed me every

time the Holy Spirit was mentioned he

said now here’s what happened when they

translated in a couple of passages here

the Holy Spirit you know it’s the third

person singular he or she or it and so

the translators once in a while would

would call him it and so he showed me

that and all of sudden I felt very

ignorant very embarrassed but very

grateful he straightened me out about

what the Bible said about the Holy

Spirit that he’s somebody he’s not just

a pal another force not a head and so I

was very great

about it so the question is who is the

holy spirit if you go back to Genesis

chapter 1 for a moment and notice what

the scripture says about the creation

it’s in the first chapter and this one

is a six verse let us make man in our

own image well who is us God the Father

God the Son God the Holy Spirit and so

there he is in the Old Testament and

also oftentimes in the Old Testament

he’s referred to usually sort of coming

and going upon somebody’s life and every

single believer has the Holy Spirit

living within us and if you go back to

John chapter 14 for example let’s look

if you will in verses 16 17 18 and

here’s what he says Jesus talking to his

disciples before he was crucified he

says I will ask the Father and He will

give you another helper a capital H

somebody that he may be with you forever

not partially but forever that is the

Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot

receive because it does not see him or

know him but you know him because he

abides with you and will be in you I

will not leave you as orphans and so now

he begins to explain what all that is

about three persons of eternity God the

Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit

here he calls him a helper the great

enabler the one who enables us to do

what God calls us to do and the one who

equips us to be able to do whatever he


and I think about growing up in a church

that that talked about the Holy Ghost

and so forth but nobody ever said this

Holy Ghost we were talking about look

what he does in your life he was a

stranger to my life until my friend took

his Greek New Testament and gave me one

and said he is who he is went through

every verse in the New Testament

well I understood to some degree but I

realized immediately what somebody

should have told me that as a 12 year

old kid I didn’t have to I didn’t have

to live the Christian life by myself I

didn’t do very good sometimes

and so I struggled and I struggle a lot

of times until he straightened me out he

said you have the Holy Spirit living

within you when I began to realize that

everything changed and immediately I

realized I’m going to be a better

student because I have the Spirit of God

working within me who will enable me and

help me to recall whatever I need to

recall and everything I can think about

the Holy Spirit is there and so think

about what you face with your family for

example sometimes I struggle G of the

Holy Spirit with your finances you

struggle Holy Spirit people where you

work with struggle Holy Spirit it did

for example sometimes people don’t

understand what you saying they don’t

want to send your Christian experience

but you have the Holy Spirit living

within you who will enable you and every

single circumstance of life to do your

best whatever it is so he didn’t just

leave us and Jesus said to them he was

very concerned about this he says I’m

not leaving his orphans I’m sending you

a helper that’s what he called the Holy


I said I’m sending you somebody who is

going to enable you so now watch this

when you got saved immediately the Holy

Spirit came to dwell in you and what

happened he gave you the capacity that

is he enabled you to do everything God

wanted you watch this carefully he

enabled you to do everything God wanted

you to do at that age at that

circumstance at a later age all the rest

of your life you and I have him living

within us enabling us whatever it is

that’s why we should be afraid of

anything there will be difficult times

there becomes we misunderstood times for

example of conflict but we have to

remember this we’re not the ones doing

the battle he

who has indwelt us living inside of us

fill those Inanna ters running over

inside of us

he is our Guardian and he is the source

of our knowledge the source of our

wisdom and the source of our power our

energy to be and to do what God wants us

to do so when you think about that the

Christian life is an awesome life when

you trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior

your sins were forgiven based on what he

did at Calvary paying your sin debt in

full you simply ask him to forgive you

believing what he said if you confess

with your mouth Jesus as Lord and

believe in your heart that God’s raised

him from the dead you’ll be saved

immediately God seals you as one of his

children then the Holy Spirit begins to

work in your life it isn’t an instant it

was watch this receiving the Holy

Spirit’s instantaneous living it out is

lifelong and so we come to the fruit of

the Spirit and all of us admit that

every once and while we not his loving

as we ought to be we not as kind as we

ought to be but he’s then what does he

do he does which is one of his routine

tasks and that is to convict us of our

sin and forgive us in so he reminds us

that we don’t have to harbor sin we

don’t have to just hang around with sin

and think oh god what am I going to do

he says in first John 1:9 if I can test

my sins watch this that means I’m

agreeing with him about them they don’t

belong in my life and he’s willing to

remove them if I agree with him if I

confess my sins he’s what faithful now

what what’s that next word and just what

does it mean by being just it means

because he went to the cross and paid my

sin debt in full he has the right to

have said the soul that sinneth it shall

die and now say you confess your sins

repent of your sins turn your life over

to me

you’re absolutely forgiven and so the

work of the Holy Spirit is to convict us

of us and that’s just one thing Jesus

said it’s so beautiful and when he said

he’s there he’s a helper

he helps us in every area of our life

watch this he intends for you and me to

live for him by depending upon him

trusting in him every day about every

single circumstance of life they imagine

how they felt about this because they

said here’s what he said to him he said

now in the 24th chapter have Lu

repentance for forgiveness of sin will

be proclaimed in his name to all the

nations beginning from Jerusalem you

witnesses of these things and then

behold I’m sending for the promise of my

father the Holy Spirit sending for the

promise of Malcolm father upon you for

you are to stay in the city until you

are clothed with power from on high

listen to this he said then here’s your

task the world go into all the world and

preach the gospel to every creature now

suppose there were 120 of us sit in the

Sun 20 of us mr. Fogg sitting right here

and Jesus said to us okay

here’s your task you to take what I’ve

taught you to the world I’m going to

leave you but the Spirit of God is going

to be in you with you and help you but

you hundred-and-twenty

your task is simply to get what you have

seen and heard to the whole world what

would be your first honest tree reply I

mean no way I’m gonna be able to do that

it’s what you say but that’s exactly

what he said to them he said your task

is to get what I’ve told you to the

world and he says I’ll not leave you

I’ll always be there and so when you

wake up in the morning you wake up in

the presence of the Holy Spirit and God

wants us to wake up in deal listen not

just presence but the awareness of the

Holy Spirit that today whoever I need


Russ ace I don’t have to threaten

whirring be anxious because he’s going

to be in me with me and upon me and

enabling me to carry out the

responsibilities I have fulfill whatever

God wants me to fulfill do well whatever

he calls me to do trust him for

everything I’ll have everything I need

because he’s going to supply and he says

he sealed us this isn’t something you

come and go with you are sealed by the

spirit of promise the Holy Spirit he

never intended for you me to live one

single day

apart from depending on him and yet I

think about how many people go to church

every Sunday the only time they hear

about the Holy Spirit is they may sing

the song Holy Spirit breathed only they

may hear there but when it comes to

preaching it teaching and talking about

it sharing you don’t anybody talking

about it because the devil doesn’t want

us talking about the source of our

strength and power it doesn’t want us

thinking about that he won’t suffer most

in our thinking fear dealt I’m unclear

Who am I I’m a nobody is out of you who

your use somebody that was worth Jesus

dying for that makes you very valuable

in the eyes of holy God and and he and

he’s there to work in your life and to

dwell in your life and and accomplish

the things he wants to do accomplish now

he is he is our source we have to see

him as our source the source of our

strength in our life and there many

references to that nevado but what does

he mean when he talks about the power of

the Holy Spirit everybody wants some

kind of power what is the power of the

Holy Spirit

that’s his enabling death

his divine energy that is the reality of

Almighty God that’s God doing something

supernatural in their life divine energy

and spiritual authority now watch this

somebody begins to argue about the

gospel you just say thank you hello sir

what watch this carefully when you get

in a confrontation with somebody you

claim but you claim in that second the

presence the power and the word of the

Spirit of God he is there as your

defender he is there as your

proclamation he is there as the speaker

of truth through you you will say things

Jenning toga yellow bring scriptures

your Manion thought about in a long time

why because it is no longer I but Jesus

living in me and through me and that’s

the way God wants us to live that’s

that’s what he sent the Holy Spirit why

to enlighten your mind to help you

understand and to enable you to know

what to do and how to respond and to

equip you to live a godly life listen

you’re in watch this your indwelt by the

Holy Spirit and he’s locked in because

God sealed you with the Holy Spirit of

promise and we act sometimes like you

know along so weak and I can’t do this

and I can’t do that and pull me now we

go and all the time we have deity living

on the inside of us ready to work

through us and do his will whatever that

might be but you have you have to

acknowledge it you have to believe it

you have to claim it and yet I know that

many people who hear this message will

have never heard a message on the Holy

Spirit and it’s not new it’s just that

people don’t talk about it and I’ve

heard people say well you know I just do

the best I can well that’s not

scriptural where is that Navarre

this do the best I can no I do what the

Spirit of God will enable of me and

allow me to do whatever that may be

it won’t be perfect it won’t be always

the same the spirit of it listen I love

this about God he loves us enough and

noses enough that he’s not going to let

us do everything perfect all the time

you know what we get cocky and

egotistical and prattle now what he does

for me he lets me make mistakes right in

front of you so stuff so I don’t ever

want to lead the impression I’m perfect

because I’m not but I am truthful I may

not be perfect but I am truthful and so

every single one of us has the spirit

within us when you wake up tomorrow and

you wake up in his presence in dwelling

you and what’s he there to do to enable

you all day long to do well whatever you

have to do and meet the people around

you the smile on your face and joy in

your heart even may you may not always

feel it but you respond out of your

spirit not your feelings emotions come

and go there are all kind of things but

when you respond out of a spirit you

respond and strength you respond to the

energy and the power and the anointing

of the Spirit of God upon you and you

know what happens people watch this not

impressed but impacted by your life

because they see something there they

don’t normally see and everybody else

now so let me just let me give you a

definition of God’s image and his power

the power of the Holy Spirit is God’s

divine energy and authority released in

the life of the believer for the purpose

of godly living and fruitful service

write it down God’s divine energy and

authority released in the life of the

believer for the purpose

is a godly living and fruitful service

listen not to make us happy though we’ll

be happy not to make us joyful though

got support of the spirit no words he’s

working within us and took in order to

accomplish his will he’s the great

enable in every situation now think

about that for a moment

you should walk out of here today a

different person if you’ve never

understood the work of the Holy Spirit

it’s a matter of knowing that he’s there

acknowledging that he’s there and listen

acting like he’s there and walking in

the awareness that he is there and when

that happens in your life something

really happens so when we do God’s work

God’s way in God’s wisdom we’re going to

be blessed in spite of what goes on in

our life so think about it for a moment

as a follower of Jesus Christ you are

equipped with the presence of the Holy

Spirit who is a part of the Trinity

therefore has supernatural powers you

are no longer alone but you are fully

equipped for the presence of the Holy

Spirit to face anything everything and

all things it does not mean life will

get easy but it means whatever you face

you never face it alone you and God the

Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit

all face them together and think about

it you can’t lose whatever the battle is

you can’t lose when the whole Trinity it

would be I thought you said just the

Holy Spirit you have the Father God the

Son God the Holy Spirit three persons of

the Trinity you can’t separate it when

you have one thank God you got them all

and that is you have the Holy Spirit

God the Father God the Son God the Holy

Spirit living and working in you now

think about this when Jesus told them

that he said go out to the uttermost

parts of the earth and that small band

started what he told them to do they did

enough of it to cover the globe and God

is still working and even with those few

languages that are yet to be translated

people are working diligently so that

every single person on the globe will be

able to understand in their language the

truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ so I

would ask you this where does the Holy

Spirit fit in your life are you sitting

there this morning thinking I didn’t

even know who he was

listen he’s a person of eternity

he’s our sealed our salvation our life

he wants us to live what he wants us to

live out of his image in strength in his

power in his name for his glory for his

honor and what happens we just get

blessed in the process amen so somebody

says well what’s this being filled with

the Holy Spirit here’s what it is

the Holy Spirit who is within you is not

message so it’s not necessarily tells

you he seals you upon salvation but to

be filled with the Spirit means you must

be with the confess your sins repent of

your sins run away from them

yield your life to him surrender your

life to Him acknowledge that he owns you

that he has the right to indwell you and

guide you and lead you and that you’re

willing to follow his will do what he

wants you to do when you have fully

surrendered yourself to him the Spirit

of God comes into your life in total

fullness you experience him in a way

that you want to experiencing him by

just confessing sins and what happens is

the more of yourself you give to him the

more of the more of him you experience

he is a real person of the Trinity so

think about this when you walk

Calvillo day you like you walk out in

the presence and the power of the Holy

Spirit in order to fulfill his will and

purpose in your life and you have with

you the promise of his continuous watch

this uninterrupted continuous

uninterrupted you may feel interruption

you may feel you may get by all kind of

things may happen to you

total uninterrupted presence and power

to live out your life and fulfill his

purpose for you like you know getting a

blessing that that’s the work of the

Holy Spirit father we thank you this

morning but what you do for us so much

more than we can ever recount and we

pray that you will grant each one of us

such a strong deep insatiable desire for

the Spirit to work in our life that we

will live a surrendered life and you

said when we do there will be love

enjoying peace and goodness and

gentleness all the promises of the

Spirit so we prayed today for those who

have listened who are unsaved you’ve

never trusted you as their Savior to

remember there’s no substitute to

salvation there’s no substitute for the

indwelling presence of our spirit and if

they want your best it comes through

salvation but placing their trust in

Jesus and asking to the fullness of the

Spirit in their life and you will for

them and we thank you for in Jesus name


if you’ve been blessed by today’s

program please visit us at in touch no



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