best sermons, Christ Jesus, Christian, Christians, Christmas, Christmas message, Christmas sermon, Christmas story, Christmas teaching, cross, encouraging sermons, faith, family, forgiveness, God, gospel, heaven, hell, HolySpirit, hope, inspirational sermons, Jesus, love, marriage, messages, powerful sermon, prayer, preaching, reason for the season, relationships, sermons, teaching, Tony Evans, Tony Evans sermons, trusting, victory, youth

hey family I’m pastor touré Hester Sara

we just want to greet you before you get

ready to watch this powerful message we

believe it’s going to change your life

we’ve been praying for you and we also

want you to partner with us in changing

the lives of others

as you know we’re invested a lot into

technology so that we can continue to

bring the word to you and innovative in

creative ways but we don’t just stop

there we also believe in blessing people

in a more pragmatic way that’s right

you’re about to watch this video that is

going to tremendously bless you but what

you don’t get to see is how we’re

blessing people off of the pulpit there

are families that are being fed there

are women who are being saved from human

trafficking there are so many

organizations that we are able to

support thanks to your generosity so we

want to invite you to be a part of

changing the world with this

yeah we’ve been very intentional in this

season to to partner with organizations

and support them financially that are

making a difference considering their

crisis so we just thank you they’re

giving instructions on the screen here

partner with us then let’s get into this


I’ve been studying and praying and I’m

going to do something a little bit

differently than I usually do usually I

take some consecutive scriptures and I

really kind of unpacked what I believe

God was saying this time I kind of want

to pick some scriptures they’re all in

the same chapter they’re all related

but there are some pivotal themes that I

think are important for us to recognize

so I’m going to be in Psalm 51 and I

just have three scriptures the first

scripture is verse 6 I’m going to start

with verse 6 then I’m going to go to

verse 10 and I’m going to go to verse 13

this Psalm is a prayer of repentance

from David this is after the prophet

Nathan comes and tells David that God

saw something he did I’m going to break

it down for you so that you understand

the power of it but first I want to

start with these scriptures so verse 6

begins it says behold you desire truth

in the inward parts and in the hidden

part you will make me to know wisdom and

then in verse 10 it says create in me a

clean heart O God and renew a steadfast

spirit within me we’ve heard that

scripture before over and over again and

verse 13 that says then I will teach

transgressors your ways and sinners

shall be converted to you

father God there’s truly no one like you

and when you speak we have no choice but

to understand who you are and who we are

more clearly it is my prayer that this

would be a moment just like that that we

would create space that allows you to

really permeate our thoughts our excuses

our distractions and that just for a

moment this would be an intimate

encounter with you by that I turned

myself over to you and I said quite

literally have your way I cannot do this

without you as a matter of fact I will

not do this without you and I have a

feeling that when we come together that

there will be no choice but for those

who are receiving this word

to fill your presence to fill your love

to fill your peace and to fill a womb

that is meant to birth the best versions

of them and so father we turn this

moment over to you and we say do that

thing that you do when you sit in a room

in Jesus name I pray

and then my subject for those of you who

like to take notes is out of control out

of control I’ve been thinking a lot

about control especially with us being

in this you know self isolation and one

of the things that I am really trying to

navigate even within my own household is

still having some element of control now

working home are all the same space work

home in school are now all this at work

home school and restaurants are now all

the same place and for me sometimes it

can feel like things in my house are

literally out of control so kind of

early on in this process I realized that

if I was going to make this season work

for me that I needed one place that

really felt organized and in control and

for me that has become our bedroom and I

told my husband this is the space that I

want to keep clean I want to keep it

organized I want this to be the place

that we come into after the family room

has been destroyed and the kitchen has

been torn up we come into this room and

this is the place of peace and so I’ve

been very intentional about making sure

that the room is clean but the way my

schedule is said I can’t like make it

all the way clean the way I know is

supposed to be clean so I’ve learned a

trick this is my trick right so make the

bed if you make the bed that’s like 50%

of the room being clean okay so I make

the bed in the morning then I take all

of the things that are laying around the

room pile them up in my arms throw them

in the closet I’ll talk to them later

okay the room has suddenly gone from

being chaos into being this place of

peace and tranquility and organization

my husband has been telling me for weeks

oh my gosh thank you so much for just

working so hard to keep the room clean

I’m I’m a pig he’s been picking up his

stuff he’s like let me get this off the

floor I know you worked so hard to keep

the room clean he doesn’t know that the


has all of these things piled up in it

it doesn’t matter the room is clean

that’s all he needs to know then this

weekend happen this weekend I’m doing

the girls hair cuz now the hair salon

the restaurants the school the work the

home it’s all the same thing I’m doing

the girls hair I’m right in the middle

of trying to finesse these cornrows when

my husband asked me for something

problem is what he’s looking for is in

the closet the closet where I’ve been

piling things up that he doesn’t know

about so now I’m in a dilemma

my dilemma is I can either stop

finessing this cornrow that I’ve been

studying on YouTube for hours or I can

dare to let him go into the closet so I

let him go into the closet because ain’t

nobody spending all that time on YouTube

to let these corn rolls just fall apart

so I just told him you know what it’s in

the closet if you look in the corner

it’s still in the gray bag you can find

it no problem and I’m waiting I’m

waiting for this moment when he comes

downstairs and he’s like hey what is

happening in the closet I’m there and

I’m waiting and I hear his footsteps

coming down the steps and I do one of

them big gulps and I’m like you know

what whatever you know how you start

preparing yourself for what you think is

going to happen

and so you start telling yourself what

you’re gonna tell that person when they

come listen I’m only one person when you

have six children I’m a chef I’m a man

I’m doing I’m a teacher I’m doing all of

these things I don’t have time to make

sure everything is speaking span and do

you not know that he comes downstairs

and he says nothing about the mess

that’s in the closet not one word and

now I’m really bugging because I’m like

I’ve been spending all of this time

trying to make sure that the room

doesn’t look a mess and you walk into a

mess and don’t even recognize that it’s

a mess and that’s when I realized that

all of this time I’ve been trying to

control this atmosphere trying to make

this atmosphere be something that it

really was not what I lost in that

moment was not really control it was the

illusion of control you see I would

navigate this stuff being in the closet

seamlessly I would just pull the clothes

that were in my dresser and I would walk

around as if that issues that mess that

big pile of things I needed to sort

through didn’t

exist at all and I thought I was in

control but the truth is that it was

really in control of me because it was

dictating how I showed up in my own

house I wonder how many of us think that

we are in control but in reality all we

have done is learned to move around the

areas that we need to have confronted I

was studying this message and and I was

praying and I just kept hearing this

message about control this message about

the illusion of control I was even doing

a podcast the other day and we were

talking about how this isolation has not

just robbed us of control what it really

robbed us up was the illusion that we

were in control in the first place and I

realized that so many of us are

unwilling to let go of the illusion of

control we have over our issues over our

bitterness over our brokenness because

we are too afraid to spend the time and

develop the intimacy required to really

sort through what became a mess in our

life you can see sometimes we talk about

how people only like the highlight reel

on Instagram people only show their

highlight reels they only show the

things that make people want to

celebrate them and want to acknowledge

them but the truth is that the highlight

reel is not just for Instagram there are

many of us who can only see ourselves

through our highlight reel because we’re

afraid that if we start to look at those

areas where we know we need to grow in

the areas where we know we need God to

touch our lives I need you to help me

navigate these abandonment issues these

trust issues my pride my ego we don’t

want to look at those things so we only

look at the things that we do well and

as I was preaching last week I thought

about this notion of coach versus

cheerleader and if it’s okay I want to

dig a little bit deeper into what it

means to really be able to have a coach

instead of just having a cheerleader

because if you only look at what you’re

good at and you only celebrate what you

do well then you will end up becoming a

version of who God has called you to be

because the truth is you are strong not

in the areas where you think you are

strong but in the areas where you must

allow God to step in and show you what

he knows about you so you never have to

be a danger to yourself again if you

don’t decide to start sorting through

those things that are dictating how you

function and how you show up and how you

connect with people then what’s going to

happen is you’re going to think that you

are in control of it because you fixed

your trust issues I just don’t trust


I fixed the way that I have bitterness I

learned to roll my eyes whenever they

came into the room I think I’m in

control of it but the truth is that it

is now controlling me and I’m not going

to lie to you I came into tonight with

an agenda I came into tonight with the

agenda of making you open the door to

that part of your life to that part of

your spirit to that part of your soul

that you cannot bear to look at because

it doesn’t make you feel like a winner

and it doesn’t make you feel like you

have it all together but I came here not

to shame you but to let you know that

the secret sauce to who you are

the secret sauce I build is pathetically

for somebody that your creativity is

laying dormant in your vulnerability and

you refuse to be vulnerable and I hear

God saying until you release yourself to

be everything that I’ve called you to be

not just the good things then you will

be emulating someone else’s work and

emulating someone else’s path instead of

taking that unique vulnerability that

God gave you and using it to channel it

and to ideas and creativity that can

change the path that is ahead of you

sometimes we don’t want to look at those

areas of our life where we know we need

to have confrontation because we’re

afraid of the shame connected to it and

the enemy makes us believe that because

we feel shamed and we don’t want to feel

shame then we shouldn’t address it at


but I want you to know that there is a

voice past shame that if you dare to

look past the shame if you dare to look

past what you did and to start asking

God why did I do it to look past what

you feel and to start asking God show me

how I ended up in this situation in the

first place then he can

show you how to transform it you see

change shame rather tries to keep you

chained I want to say that again

shame tries to keep you chained but

worship tries to change you your worship

from that place of vulnerability is

meant to change you your worship from

that place of knowing where your

weaknesses is you will never ever be as

strong as you can be until you recognize

where your weaknesses are that is in

business that is in relationships that

is in any area of your life you are only

as strong as the awareness of your

weaknesses while everyone else wants to

know where you’re strong when someone

really wants to be in relationship with

you what they want to know is where

you’re weak I want to know how I can

serve you I want to know how I can make

you better the most profitable

businesses are not businesses that

steady keep on producing based off of

what is already working the businesses

that come in and take over overnight are

the ones who started looking at an area

where there was a need I dare you to

start asking yourself if you want to be

a better friend if you want to be a

better employee if you want to be a

better sister if you want to be a better

lover to start asking yourself where do

I need someone to connect with me I hate

I’m sorry hate is such a strong word but

sometimes I get so frustrated because

people say I want to be in a

relationship I want to be in a

relationship and the question I always

have is why and it’s like well I want to

have company what you need to understand

is when you want to be in a relationship

you need to know the areas where you are

weak so you can know what you’re looking

for in a partner I need someone to help

me balance out how critical I am I need

someone to help me balance out the way

that I spend money I’m looking for a

partner I can go to the movies with

anybody I can Netflix and chill with

anybody I don’t need any more company I

need a partner I need a strategy and you

cannot have a proper strategy until you

dissect where you are weak and that’s

why we are constantly telling people

until you learn to know yourself and

learn to know who you are on the inside

and love yourself you will never pick

someone who was worthy of who you are

because you will pick someone who makes

you feel good in the places you know you

are already good instead of the person


you to grow and challenges you to think

better and challenge you to show up in

the world differently I don’t need

anyone to stroke my ego I need someone

who can recognize that as strong as I am

on this side I still have some areas of

growth and development on this side and

someone who was wise enough to Records

recognize that neither of those sides

defined Who I am but it is rather the

combination of them both who make me who

I am you see you do no one any any

promises you do no one any good when you

allow them to just see your highlight

reel and I want to break this notion

that the only way that you can look at

the areas in your life where you need

growth is to see them through shame and

rather to see them through the

opportunity to transform our Director of

Operations that woman involved whenever

we have something that we need to work

on she doesn’t call it an area of

weakness she calls it an opportunity for

growth we have an area where we have an

opportunity for growth I wonder when is

the last time you really ask yourself

where is an area that I have an

opportunity for growth there’s nothing

like listening to yourself preach and

I’ve been listening to myself preach

lately and part of the reasons why it

takes me a really long time to pick out

clips is because I’m just not looking to

see the parts where it sounds good I’m

not just looking for the parts where

people I feel are going to resonate with

it I look for the places where I will

have an opportunity for growth people

who are constantly looking for

opportunities for growth will always

experience growth because they’re

looking for ways to become better I

think what happened to David is that he

stopped looking for opportunities for

growth and Psalm 51 this is a prayer of

repentance but it’s connected to second

Samuel 12 and I if I gave you any

homework it would be to read all of

second samuel 12 i’m gonna give you the

abbreviated cliff note jerry springer

version this is what happened all right

so David

David is supposed to be a battle David

ain’t a battle David is at the house

kickin it David is at the house kick me

he looks out the window he sees

Bathsheba Bathsheba is naked for the

Lord okay she has given him a praise I

don’t know if it was a praise

okay too much she is out there she is

naked she is bathing David sees her

David desires her David ends up sleeping

with Bathsheba the problem is that Beth

Sheba is somebody else’s wife not just

somebody else’s wife he is she’s like

his right-hand person’s wife and he

sleeps with her and then she gets

pregnant and his remedy for fixing this

is not owning up to what he did it’s

ultimately having Uriah killed and when

he hasn’t killed he feels like he has

solved the problem that he tucked it

away in the corner and no one is going

to know what he did until second Samuel

12 and in second Samuel 12 God sends a

prophet named Nathan to David and this

prophet tells day that tells day that

basically God saw what you did he uses

this analogy he’s so cold with it he

uses this analogy and when he uses this

analogy he makes David kind of wonder

what he’s talking about but he doesn’t

know that in the analogy that one of

those characters is representing David

you got to read second Samuel is 12 and

when he recognizes that he’s actually

talking about a character trait that

exists within him he realizes that he

has sinned against God isn’t it funny

that we are sometimes able to pick out

what’s wrong with other people better

than we are able to identify what’s

happening with us I always challenge

people who come to me and they’re

talking about what someone else did I

might but what role did you play into it

because the reason why we are most of

the time able to highlight what’s wrong

with someone else it is because it is

the same area where we have a deficiency

within ourselves when I’m looking at

people’s pictures and I’m looking at

maybe their bodies and I’m looking at

their hair what I’m really looking at

are the areas that I see is trouble

within myself to compare myself to what

they look like when you start looking at

someone’s character traits when you

start looking at

the way that someone talks to somebody

and it just gets underneath your skin

and you just don’t like it what you

should really ask yourself as does that

exists within me God why am I so able to

see that in someone else is there

something in me that looks like when I’m

pointing out in someone else because

when you start pointing the finger it’s

our old school saying when you point one

finger there’s three of them pointing

back at you David starts pointing this

finger not realizing that there are

still three fingers pointing back at him

first of all one of the things that I

loved about this moment that nathan and

david has is that it proves to me why it

should say why the Bible says that

vengeance is the Lord’s you see Uriah

wasn’t there when God ends up calling

David on the carpet for what he did but

that’s a word for somebody who has been

wondering is someone who wronged me ever

going to receive the car Marv they’re

going to receive the revenge that they

should get based off of how they treat

me and this is when the the Bible saying

vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord is so

important because God sees I want you to

know this that God sees everything that

has ever happened to you and sometimes

we are tormented by the fact that we

think that someone got away with what

they did to us

and I hear God’s saying that no one gets

away with what they’ve done on this

earth but that they are going to pay the

price for it but listen they’re not just

going to pay the price you see we want

revenge God wants transformation and

that’s why vengeance needs to be his and

not ours because what we want is for

someone to hurt the same way that they

hurt us and what God wants is for the

person to understand why they did it so

that they will never do it again and

he’s about to have a radical moment with

David where David is going to recognize

not just what he did but why he did it

and it’s going to bring him to his knees

I want you to be crazy enough to stop

asking God to make someone hurt the way

that they hurt you and to start asking

God to make them change God so that they

never have to hurt someone the way that

they hurt you before is too cheap to ask

for God to give you revenge when he

wants transformation so god I’m going to

come into a

oh and sometimes it hurts and sometimes

I have to become a bigger person to do

it but God I’m gonna accent you would

bring me into alignment with how you see

that person God you see them whole God

you see them healed but I experienced

them broken and I experienced them

shatter and so father I’m asking you

that you would begin to touch them so

that they changed so that they can be

transformed we’re talking about big-girl

panties we talked about putting on your

big-girl drawers and start acting like

someone who recognizes that it is too

cheap for me to ask God to lower someone

down to what I want them to experience

instead God elevate them grow them up

help them to recognize the implications

of their actions

help them to understand that you can’t

just treat people any kind of way father

I don’t want you to have them out here

more broken than they already are

father I’m asking you to heal the person

that hurt me I’m asking you to change

the person who sent me back I’m asking

you to help me to no longer make them a

weapon but instead to use them as a tool

father that you would place their

testimony down on the inside of them so

that they can not only be changed but

they can change every one connect it to

them as well and that is the type of

radical prayer that we must pray when we

say father I’m going to leave it up to

you if you left it up to me I may wish

harm on them if you left it up to me I

may wish evil on them but if I leave it

up to you they may actually change they

may actually be transformed and I don’t

want to see any more darkness in this

world and I don’t want to see any more

evil in this world so let me not add my

bitterness into the mix let me not add

my anger into the mix father instead I’m

asking that you would help my father

break that addiction I’m asking that you

would help my mother recognize that she

can’t talk to anyone any kind of way

father I tried to fix it on my own now

I’m turning it over to you

and I’m saying father let the Vengeance

be in your hands

the transformation being your heads

father it hurt me long enough

now I relieve myself from the

expectation of

same person who broke me to heal me now

I’m just asking father that you would

heal me and them imagine what kind of

Christian you would be if you stopped

asking God to heal me and punish them

and instead father heal both of us

father make us both brand new habits

both to understand who we are and how we

should operate and function in the world

by that I don’t need our destiny to be

tied together for me to with somebody

well I can wish you well while I go this

way and you

that way but I am not satisfied I’m not

satisfied allowing my anger and my

bitterness to control how I want another

person’s outcome to be and that’s the

kind of maturity that’s the kind of

spiritual maturity that we have to have

when we recognize that I trust God is

capable and I trust that he’s able to

bring awareness to every area that needs

a touch from him so what Nathan does

when he has this moment with David she

lets David know God saw that that’s a

word from somebody right there God saw

that God saw that I know it looks like

they got away with it but God saw that I

know it looks like they moved on and

that they won and they were happy but

I’m telling you God saw that you may not

see how God deals with him but you have

to know that God sees everything and you

have to be confident enough with what

God sees that you come to a place where

you say I don’t have to see how you fix


I don’t have to see how you work it all

out I just need to know that you saw

that that’s a word for somebody who’s

been wondering God did you see how they

treated me God did you see how they

broke me god did you see how they

damaged me and God says I saw that I saw

that and I’m going to make sure that it

never happens again in my own timing and

nathan has this conversation with David

and he explains to David exactly what he

did and the implications of what he did

and I started studying and praying I

wanted to understand how is it that

David ended up in this situation in the

first place David this valiant warrior

how did he end up in a situation where

he was willing to commit adultery and

even murder

and I realized that what happened to

David is that David lost the posture of

Honor and instead he started filling in


you got to start looking at the areas

where you once felt honored and start

asking yourself do I now feel entitled

in the place where I once felt honored

when God first gave you that spouse when

God first gave you that job opportunity

remember when you felt honored for the

presence of God on this when we

recognize the honor connected to what

God gives us we treat it differently

God I honor you for what you gave me god

I honor you that you chose me god I

honor you that you using me you could be

using anyone else but father you dare to

use me God the honor what if we lost the

posture of Honor what if we gain the

world and gain the kingdoms and gain

riches and jewels and fame but we lost

the honor connected to it god help us to

never lose the honor connected to being

a part of what you’re doing in this

earth David was the one who had a who

was a man after God’s own heart he was

acknowledged and celebrated for the

honor that he had connected to what God

did in his life and in this moment he

went from being honored to being

entitled I want to challenge you

especially in this season where we can

be so stressed and so at our wits end

and so I’m sure of what tomorrow holds

to start looking for honor again father

I’m looking for the honor that I have a

job it may not be the best job I may not

have the best boss in the world but

father I have a job in a season where 20

plus million people are filing for

unemployment father I honor that that is

you honor says that I recognize that

this came from you that’s why giving and

tithes and offerings are so important

for me it’s important for me because

it’s my way of saying father I honor you

I honor that you spoke to me I honor

that you gave this word to me an honor

releases God’s presence over your life

there’s somebody who’s been wondering

when God’s presence is going to show up

and I hear God’s saying that my

presence needs a place that is befitting

of the honor connected to it if you

start honoring what I gave you then you

will start seeing my presence showing up

in your household it’s going to sound

crazy but when you open your eyes in the

morning instead of just wondering what’s

on your to-do list and wondering what

all you have to accomplish to take a

minute and say father I honor you for

waking me up this morning father I honor

you that I woke up with a roof over my

head that I don’t even know what the

weather is like outside because you

provided somewhere for me to stay father

I recognize that that has not happened

stands and I don’t ever want to start

taking for granted what you gave me I

remember when I used to feel honored to

take this stage I remember when I used

to feel honored to show up in my

marriage God that is the same kind of

honor that is going to sustain you for

the next few years the next few decades

your next is connected to how you honor

your now and if you don’t see any honor

and now you can stop praying that God

would give you next until you see the

honor and what you do now until you get

a heart posture that says father if you

don’t do anything else for me I honored

the fact that you brought me this far

father if I never get to do it the way

that I feel like I could do it I honor

the fact that you exposed me father I

honored the fact that my family’s still

together we may be calling each other

from all across the world but somebody

doesn’t have it and father I honor you

that I got this chance to show up this

morning honor

releases the presence of God I hear God

saying that you don’t know how to pray

but start honoring me you don’t know how

to worship but start honoring what I did

in your life start honoring that I gave

you that idea this isn’t just an idea

father it is an honor to wake up in the

morning and to possess something that I

know only came from you father it isn’t

then I get to hear a word from you by

the I honor the fact that you brought

people into my life when I was all by


got you brought someone into my life I

want to reduce the spirit of fear and

I’m gonna tell you how we were doing now


are you on the throne for you in the

midst of all of this so father restore

me to the posture of honor where all I

wanted to do was serve where all I

wanted to do was love where it wasn’t

about whether or not someone was gonna

sign a cheque or someone was gonna

acknowledge me I used to show up just

excited because you had been ordering my

steps and taking me places that I never

should have been fathered I honor you

you went ahead of me you made my crooked

path straight father I honor you I honor

that there’s still air in my lungs

father I honor you there’s somebody

buried there child and I hug money

tonight father I honor you that my ends

are being met right now I don’t have

time to worry about next week I honor

you for what you did this week I honor

you for what you did last month

father take me back to the place of

honor not need not regret not worry not

fear not concern father help me to live

in the consciousness of honor David felt

entitled to someone else’s wife it made

him lose access to God because he was no

longer the person who said father

I’m honored to use this slingshot to

slay any giant coming against your

people and son david has to do something

crazy that we don’t always like to do

because it sounds so churchy and

religious but david has to repent he has

to repent because somewhere along the

way he changed his mind on his position

and when he changed his mind it changed

his actions and the only way to get back

to who he was is to repent that is to

change his mind again so that it would

change his actions and as I was studying

this prayer and as I was studying for

tonight I felt like God was saying to me

specifically that someone is not in the

place of honor anymore that someone is

so inundated with thoughts about where

they should be and who they should

become that they feel entitled to a

destiny when they haven’t even honored

the present that they’re in right now

feel entitled to more I felt like I

should have more I feel like I should

have I should have I should be I should

be that is the spirit of entitlement it

is not just ambition it is entitlement I

feel entitled to something I should have

it I should have it and you are so

consumed with what you should have that

you don’t see God has blessed where you

are right now this is not one of those

feel-good jump up and down messages this

message is meant to break open your

heart and to ask god am i complaining

about something i once prayed about am i

stressing and anxious and worried about

something that used to be an honor

because when you really honor something

and hear me clearly

honoring doesn’t mean you stay trapped

honor means that even when you leave you

leave with honor you leave with respect

because you recognize that God is

watching it’s

almost as if david forgot that God was

watching God was watching the entire

time he thought that he was getting away

with it but God is watching God is

watching how you talk about that thing

he gave you he knows that it’s time for

you to move on to next he knows that

you’re ready for more growth but he says

it doesn’t matter how you leave you will

know that you know how to adult and you

will know that you are mature when you

recognize that even when I leave I leave

with honor that even when I leave you

don’t have to worry about me betraying

your secrets you don’t have to worry

about me talking badly about you because

I know without a shadow of a doubt that

God brought me into it and because God

brought me into it I’m not going to

dishonor it even when I’m out of it

because I am protecting the honor that

was connected to it in the very first

place I honor what God does in my life

and so David David has to get back to

the place of honor where he recognizes

that his actions led him away David’s

actions led him to be king and it was

his same actions that led him to be

separated to have this separation from

God your actions are leading you

somewhere I know it’s so cute for

everyone to say live in the moment you

better not live in the moment hear me

clearly now don’t you live in the moment

you mess around and live in the moment

and end up five ten years down the road

and don’t know how you got there your

actions are leading you somewhere you

are not just out here doing whatever you

want to do your actions have

consequences and you have to ask

yourself can I deal with the

consequences connected to my actions

your Mary talking about you a flirt

child you gonna flirt your way all the

way to divorce court your actions are

leading you somewhere you talk about I

just like to spend money and then you

somewhere evicted because your actions

are leading you somewhere do not live in

the moment start asking God what is the

consequence connected to this action

because your actions are leading

somewhere and on the contrary when you

start building a life that you want God

to bless you have to know that he is


at your actions he’s looking at how you

handle what he has given you in this

moment I can know whether or not I trust

you by your actions your actions speak

louder than your words ever will you

keep telling me you want to get closer

to God you keep telling me that you want

to have this time so that you can build

your relationship with God but your

actions are telling me that you would

rather be on tip top doing challenges

child your actions are leading you

somewhere and if they’re leading you

further away from God God will always

send you a prophet that says wait a

minute you’ve gone too far

wait a minute God wants to bring you

back and when God sends this prophet

Nathan to David it’s because his actions

have led him astray and I just for a

minute want to dissect this prayer of

repentance I want you to read all of

Psalm 51 I got all kinds of homework for

you I want you to read 2nd Samuel 12 and

then I want you to read all of Psalm 51

and I want you to study this prayer of

repentance the first thing that David

does in this prayer of repentance is

that he acknowledges who God is he

honors God and then he acknowledges his

sin he acknowledges that he is now

seeing what he did the same way that God

sees it you will never have breakthrough

over that lust over that addiction over

your bitterness over your brokenness

until you begin to see it the same way

that God sees it when you see it the

same way that God sees it you will see

that it is keeping you from being who

God has called you to be to sin means to

literally miss the mark the reason why

God hates sin is because it means that

you missed the mark for who he has

called you to be and when you start to

see what is standing in your way the

same way that God sees it you will not

see it as a cute little issue anymore

you will not see it as a little dilemma

that you can tuck away in the closet and

keep there and it won’t affect your life

anymore when you start seeing it the way

that God sees it you will start

recognizing that if I don’t get a handle

of this this thing is going to sabotage

my destiny I came here to tell you

something yes you are ambitious yes you

have ideas yes

have creativity but you are human and

that means that there is something in

you that has the ability to sabotage

what God has placed down on the inside

of you and the greatest thing you can do

yourself is the ask God to show you who

you are so that I can recognize what is

in me that will sabotage the very thing

that I’m praying for there are some

issues that I have seen pop up in my own

life that I realize are trying to

sabotage what God has placed them on the

inside of me feelings of inadequacy

feelings of insecurity and I believe

those thoughts for as long as I could

and then one day I got a revelation that

those feelings and those emotions were

leading me astray and I started getting

curious about if they were leading me

astray then what were they taking me

away from I came here to let you know

that you gotta take depression seriously

you gotta take those suicidal thoughts

seriously I’m tired of people just

living with these emotions that lead

them astray and you got to start asking

God God if these are leading me

somewhere what is it taking me away from

and I hear God’s saying that there is a

version of you that you haven’t even met

yet that there is an identity that you

haven’t even stepped in yet and when you

start to see those limitations this same

way the same way that I see them then

you will get aggressive and you will

start going to therapy and you will

start going to rehab because you will

become so intrigued with what it’s

taking you away from that you will start

getting aggressive about recognizing

that I won’t let anything not even

what’s in me keep me from laying hold of

what God has placed I’m on the inside of

me I got tired of talking bad about

myself I got tired of having low

self-esteem and I started getting

curious I want to prophesy over you

right now that you would stop that you

would start getting tired of you talking

to yourself any kind of way and every

place where you were talking negatively

about yourself in every place where you

were doubting what God is doing down on

the inside of you that he would replace

it with curiosity I hear God saying I

want you to be curious again that I want

you to be curious about who you are and

I know failure failure comes and it

makes us

believe that we can’t be curious anymore

but I hear God saying that it will be

your curiosity about what I can do

through you that will unlock the healing

that you need for the insecurities that

plague you God I’m curious that out of

all the people who could have been alive

in this season you chose me father why

is that of all the people who could have

been in this room why did you choose me

father I’m curious about why you placed

me in this marriage I’m curious about

why you have chose me to raise this

child while you chose me to build this

business god I’m curious it’s not a

burden anymore I don’t feel like it’s

just something that I have to do anymore

now I’m curious that every time I tried

to run away you kept pulling me back and

every time I tried to push you away you

kept pulling me in father I’m tired of

running I’m finally curious I dare you

to start asking God what is it that you

see what is it that you know God I’m

gonna keep serving and I’m gonna keep

showing up and I’m gonna keep humbling

myself until I figure out what it is

that you placed out on the inside of me

and then when you figure it out make

sure you go the extra step to worship

and honor God because he showed you

something about you that you never knew

was done on the inside of you don’t be

one of those flappers who get healed and

forget to turn around

you to be that one crazy leopard that

says before I can live in this

celebration of what God said I gotta be

a church man for a minute I gotta be a

church girl for a minute and I gotta say

first giving honor to God who is the

head of my life who saw me when I didn’t

see myself who place me in homes I had

no business being in by the

David David he he honors God and what

God did for him and then he acknowledges

he comes into agreement with God God I’m

in agreement with you that this

relationship is less than me Father I’m

in agreement with you that this mindset

is paralyzing me I’m in agreement with

you I hate it I don’t want to live with

it any longer I don’t want to accept it

any longer I come into agreement with

God I come into agreement with God about

the way that you have been living your

life I come into agreement with God

about the way that I’ve been thinking

about this listen I had to start

preaching and I kept saying God I don’t

feel qualified God I don’t know if I can

do it and God says you will never have

power until you come into agreement with

what I see and I’m estarán II came into

agreement was God and I said God has an

anointing over my life I didn’t

understand it at first but when I

couldn’t trust my own thoughts I decided

to trust his thoughts I started to say

his ways are not my ways his thoughts

are not my thoughts and so if I gotta

choose between my thoughts and his

thoughts between my ways in his ways I’m

going to choose his ways father I come

into agreement with what you say about

me I am fearfully and wonderfully made

father I do have the power to walk away

from this father you’re making all

things work together for my good I’m not

talking about just quoting scriptures

I’m talking about literally coming into

agreement father I want to prophesy

somebody’s watching this video right now

and they have so many doubts and so many

fears that they’re not coming to

agreement with what you have said about

them father I’m asking right now in the

name of Jesus that you would remove it

right now that you would remove every

limitation that you would remove every

paradigm that’s keeping them from coming

into agreement I rebuke it in the name

of Jesus I rebuke it in the name that is

above every other name I rebuke it and I

send it back to hell where it came

it’s only standing in their way because

if it ever got out of their way they

would get a revelation about who they

are they would get a revelation about

who you have called them to be and they

would wage war on Hale you think it’s

about you I hear the enemy saying that

you are the greatest threat to his

kingdom and if you ever get a revelation

about what God placed I’m on the inside

of you then rivers of living water would

start flowing out of you I came here to

let somebody know that the rivers are

flowing I came here to let somebody know

that the drought is over I feel the

river coming I feel the river coming

somebody better get into the flow the

flow is what God is doing the flow is

what God is saying

and David recognizes he says I gotta get

back in the flow I gotta get back in the

flow of what God is doing

I saw myself slipping away and I don’t

want to be anywhere but in the presence

of the Lord so I gotta change my mind so

I can change my actions I feel that for

somebody I don’t know who you are but I

hear God’s saying you gotta get back in

the flow you’ve been in the flow of fear

you’ve been in the flow of anxiety

you’ve been in the flow of the in

paralyzes are not moving and I hear God

saying that you were never supposed to

be in those flows that it’s time for you

to get back in the flow of who I called

you to be

prides gotta let you go egos gotta get

up off for you

I’m getting back in the flow if that’s

you I want you to drive me a common I

want to know who’s getting back on the

flow on the live stream I want to know

who’s getting back on the floor

you better watch that temple I’m getting

back in the float you better watch that

depression I’m getting back in the motor

you better watch that I’m calling my

therapist I’m getting my health together

I’m back in the flow flow flow flow the

flow I got somewhere to go so I gotta

get in the flow I have someone to become

I gotta get back in the flow

I gotta grow I can’t grow unless I’m in

the float

this is why this is why they say David

is a man after God’s heart he didn’t

always have a hold of God’s heart but

when he realized that he was out of the

flow of God’s heart he did whatever was

necessary to get back in the flow fear

is not in the flow

pride is not in the flow ego was not in

the flow and so he says to himself in

verse 6 very quickly I’m gonna say this

I’m gonna close verse 6 says behold you

desire truth in the inward parts truth

that word truth in the Hebrew it means

stability says God part of why I need to

get back in the flow it’s because my

inward parts they’re not stable my

inward parts are only stable when I’m

aligned with who you are he acknowledges

in verse 6 that what God wants for you

God wants you to have stability in your

inward parts he wants you to be

confident he doesn’t want you to be

shakable he doesn’t want you to hear one

thing and lose it all he wants you to

trust him he wants you to know that he’s

not a man that he should lie he wants to

give you those things he wants you to

have stability I know your mother

couldn’t give it to you I know your

father couldn’t give it to you I know

the relationship didn’t give it to you

but God is the one who wants to give you

stability and you will thank God that no

person could give it to you because when

God gives you stability no man can take

it away from you if a relationship gives

you stability and it leaves then you

will be undone but when God gives you

stability it can never be taken away

from you

Psalms 51 and 6 says behold you desire

your truth in the inward parts and in

the hidden part you will make me to know

wisdom you’re gonna give me stability

because in the places that I’ve been

keeping hidden you’re gonna give me

wisdom that’s not going to make you

figure this out on your own God says if

you let me in I’m going to give you


I’ll show you how to walk away I’ll show

you how to build the business I’ll show

it to you I’ll give you wisdom that 51

and 6 that part of his repentance is

letting God into those inward parts

because he recognizes I need wisdom on

how to handle this I need wisdom on how

to recover from what I did I need wisdom

on how to walk with my head held high

after all that I’ve gone through

I need wisdom God I need you to speak to

me and then verse 10 what I love so much

about verse 10 and we quote this

scripture all the time creating me a

clean heart O God and renew a steadfast

spirit within me that word create is not

like create that we see in Genesis this

word create means to cut back that means

that he gave God permission to cut him

back into a clean heart what is the only

way you can get back to having a clean

heart as if some things are cut away are

you bold enough to give God permission

to cut you to heal you are you hungry

enough to say God I don’t care if it

hurts if it means that it’s going to

heal me I don’t need you to be my

feel-good genie I don’t need you to be

my feel-good doctor what I want more

than anything it’s for you to show me

what you’ve seen in me then he says

renew a steadfast spirit in me your

spirit is supposed to be steadfast and

he says to take me back I’m remind

reminded of Jeremiah when it says before

I formed you in your mother’s womb I

knew you God breathed a steadfast spirit

in you it wasn’t shakable he says take

me back to that and then lastly verse 13

he says then I will teach after I’ve

gone through this process sometimes we

want to teach before we’ve gone through

the process but I hear God saying that

your testimony is most powerful when you

can give someone else tools he says then

I will teach transgressors your ways and


shall be converted to you I’m reminded

of Revelation 12 and they overcame by

the word of their testimony what is this

all about sometimes we feel like when we

are in control of our different

idiosyncrasies when we feel like we have

them figured out and tucked away neatly

where they don’t show up in our life we

think that we have our lives under


that’s just like David in this text he

kind of thought that he’d gotten away

with what happened and then this prophet

comes and he lets them know I know you

think you’re in control but you’re

really out of control and if you really

want to be in control then you got to be

out of control and let God take control

and so he has to repent for trying to

manage things himself and instead create

a space where he can be out of control

so God can be in control when I came to

this place in my walk with God I

realized that I had spent so long trying

to be in control of how people saw me of

how people experienced me but it wasn’t

until I decided you know what

Who I am is Who I am and how I speak is

how I speak and my truth is my truth

when I decided that I didn’t want to be

in control anymore

that’s when God took over I changed my

mind and then it changed my actions my

prayer for you in this season is that

you would be hungry for a change of mind

so that God can change your actions that

you would be bold enough to open up the

closet of your soul and see what

patterns have accumulated what character

traits have accumulated that have not

come from God and that you would ask God

not so that you can feel ashamed but so

that you can be transformed to see them

and to show you what he can do with them

in his hands my goal and my agenda for

this moment simply and purely is to

bring you to a place of surrender and I

believe that as you open up your heart

to getting back in that place of

surrender that God is going to give you

so much truth so much wisdom so much

revelation that you won’t be afraid any

longer someone’s been battling the

spirit of fear and I hear God saying

that he’s got wisdom for your fear

he has strategy for your fear but we got

to be willing to first honor who he is

then coming to agreement about how he

sees fear God has not given me the

spirit of fear coming to agreement that

anything that hasn’t come from God can’t

stay into my life God didn’t give me the

spirit of anxiety I come into agreement

with what God wants for my life and then

my actions have to look like what I come

into agreement with and when your

actions come into agreement then you’re

going to be restored you’re going to be

renewed and you are going to be

unshakable but it starts with you first

being out of control I want to pray for

you tonight you’re watching this message

and you pride yourself on your ability

to be in control I don’t let anything

get to me I don’t let anything shake me

I’m in control I’m in control are you in

control or is God in control you see the

thing about God is he’s not going to

fight you for control he gave us free

will you can do it however you like but

I’m telling you that your life will be

so much more hard and challenging than

it has to be when you insist on being in

control there’s something we say at my

house whenever things are like out of

control we’re like there’s nothing we

can do about it and that’s the truth and

there’s nothing I want to do about it

because if I do something about it I’m a


but if God gives me insight on what I am

to do about it then I never have to

question what I have to do next or what

the outcome will be because I allowed

him to give me wisdom and said of me

forcing my life to fit into this pretty

little box that makes me comfortable so

I want to pray for you you need a mind

change you need a spiritual shift and I

believe that it starts with you first

honoring God I feel that that as you

shift him where he belongs that he’s

going to shift you as well when we honor

and we worship we grab ahold of God but

it’s not because we bring God down to us

it’s because he pulls us up to him and

right now no matter where you are in

your house in your car at the job within

yourself I want to challenge you to

create an altar an altar of Honor I’m

going to pray with you but I want you to

pray from that altar I want you to bring

an offering to that altar God I want to

bring my fear to this altar I want to

bring my shame to this altar father I’ve

been functioning in my pride in my ego

and now all of these things are coming

in my direction and I can’t keep my

walls up any longer people are going to

see that I’m actually human that I’m

actually vulnerable I want you to take

that pride to the altar I want you to

take it to the altar and we’re going to

honor God from the place where you feel

like you are in control and we’re going

to honor God from that place because

when we honor him we give him permission

to be in control and then what I’m going

to pray is that you would come into

agreement with what God sees when he

sees those areas of your life and that

as you come into agreement with what God

sees that you’re also going to come into

agreement with God’s power to break it I

feel the Spirit of God on that when we

come into agreement with God when we

come into

relationship with God I see it the same

way you see it you don’t think that you

can break that thing off of your life

because you’re looking at it from your

perspective but when you come into it

with God’s perspective you also get

God’s power and God’s going to give you

the power to break mindsets and

addictions and relationships and ways of

being that you were never supposed to be

in and I hear God saying that it is

going to be easier than you think it is

that you think it’s going to be hard and

you think it’s going to be challenging

and that’s why you haven’t done it but I

hear God’s saying when you come into

agreement with how I see it

you won’t to have any choice but to

change it because you will recognize

that that is an area that is keeping you

from seeing the glory of God I want to

prophesy glory over every area right now

where you feel like there’s a stepping

stone that you have to overcome there’s

glory waiting on you on that next level

then God’s gonna give us a clean heart

we’re gonna give him permission and cut

it away

and then we’re going to be monuments of

his glory and we’re going to reach back

and pull someone else up in the area

where we were once struggling so get

those things if you got them and you

feel comfortable type them in the chat

room God I’m bringing my fear to the

altar God I’m bringing my pain to the

altar god I’m bringing my anxiety to the

altar father I’m bringing it to the

altar and I’m not just pleading with you

I’m gonna honor you over those things so

spirit of the Living God Father we honor

you Father you are a waymaker father you

are a healer there is no one else like

you Father you are my provider father

you are my healer you are a miracle

worker father you are though you are

there for those who are brokenhearted

rather i prophesy right now that from

the place where these people are feeling

left from the place where these people

are feeling like they are disconnected

from you from the place where they feel

all of these emotions that are keeping

them from laying hold of who you call

them to be that if they would allow you

to rise to the top then everything else

would be drowned so

mother I’m asking that your presence

would begin to invade their atmosphere

right now by the electric lorry fall

like never before

spirit of the Living God and you are a

living God you cannot be bound you

cannot be buried you cannot be killed

you are a living God who breathes and

has a being father let your spirit fall

let it fall in a fresh new way I speak

this spirit of the Living God over every

sacrifice father let it die so new life

can come above the father let it die

some new life can be resurrected father

I speak to every principality I speak to

every chain I speak to every demonic

influence that has been waging war over

these your sons and daughters and I

prophesy in the name of Jesus that you

have no more power that you have no more

control them I speak to shame you gotta

go I speak to pain you’ve gotta go

bitterness you cannot stay

living God is moving like never before

and it is stirring up the gift of God

on the inside of them father we come

into agreement that this is not just


this is standing in the way of who you

have called me

in the way of the kingdom you call

I hate this

this beer this addiction I hate what

it’s doing to my family I hate what is

doing to my mind

father and because you hated to the

Jewish stupid from its power that she


its ability to control baby I don’t want

to be a ticket anymore

I don’t want to be lost and insecure


I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

and I come into agreement with you

father that this was never supposed to

be my portion that this came from the

father of all lies so I send it back to

Hell where it came from roost your hold

offers them in the name of Jesus Ruth

your hold off of their mind loose your

hold off of their path loose it right

now in the name of Jesus

the platypus

the flood of Jesus that covers them the

blood of Jesus



and I speak breakthrough I speak

breakthrough I speak breakthrough i

prophesy breakthrough I hear God saying

that somebody’s laid hold of this

message and you’re never gonna have to

fight that trouble again

that God’s gonna give you strategy that

you used to be afraid of that table and

I hear God saying you’re gonna start

going to war with that devil you’re

gonna start talking back to that devil

you’re gonna start telling that devil

you can’t have my mind you want to tell

that devil you can’t have my marriage

I hear God saying your courage just

coming back I hear God saying your power

is coming back

but you can silence alone


unleash your mouth unleash your mouth

and speak God’s truth God’s name it has

power God’s ever at least my power when

you don’t have power release my glory

when you don’t have glory release my

truth when you have questions don’t just

sit back and take this and live with it

pull it out so he can see it pull it out

so he can change it pull it out so he

can transform it I hate this thing

that’s keeping me from you when you

start to hate it then you can ask God to

give me a clean heart cut it out of me

cut it back father father we give you

permission to cut us into purity to cut

us Oh father how can we be in covenant

with you unless we are willing to be cut

father we bring ourselves into covenant

with you cut out my pride cut out my ego

father I come into covenant with you and

I don’t want one of those covenants that

don’t cost me anything

father I’m willing to give you even the

things that once made me feel good

father I’m saying you can cut it away if

it means I can be in covenant with you

and so father the goal of this message

is to not leave feeling like lions but

allowing ourselves to be lambs father

make us tender make us vulnerable father

give us the power to say I need you I

don’t trust myself I don’t trust the way

I think I don’t trust the way I believe

father I need you give us a heart like

David’s in this moment and father the

only way I want to move is if I move

with you

and when you have transformed me father

then then I’ll go back and I’ll tell

everyone else that you saved a wretch

like me

father we repeat father we change our

mind so that we can change our actions

we only want actions that lead us closer

to you

so father removed from us anything that

doesn’t look like you we give you

permission to have your way in our lives

so that we can grow and become

everything that you’ve called us to be

but most importantly so that we can

experience you in every area of our life

when we give you full rein father we get

to experience you and what we want more

than anything is to experience your

glory I don’t want to experience fear I

want to experience your glory I spend

enough time with shame I want to

experience your glory I spend enough

time with a doubt I want to experience

your glory father my pride is keeping me

from your glory my ego is keeping me

from your glory father I just want to be

in your glory god I could spend a

lifetime in your glory that’s why I gave

my life to you father I want to

experience you afresh and so father let

this sermon end but their transformation

begin may their alter not stop burning

just because the video has ended but may

it burn was even more fire because they

found something else to lay down at your


father help us to never run out of

things to lay at your feet that you

would constantly search us so that we

may lay down what’s keeping us from

connecting to you father it is my prayer

that you would allow this word to be one

that sticks for a long time that it

changes the way they see you and see

themselves and that they would never be

distant from you when they could be

intimate with the knowledge of who you

are in every season

SIL this word allow it to take group and

produce fruit in Jesus name Amen

listen I said it in the prayer when this

video was over your transformation is

still just beginning create an

atmosphere for God’s glory him for his

honor to rest not just visit I felt like

for somebody you turn on the video in

God’s president’s visit sure house God

wants to rest in your house create a

space for him to rest and let him live

there with you and see if it doesn’t

radically change your life stay plugged

in we’ve got so many things for you

we’ve got one


