best sermons, Christ Jesus, Christian, Christians, Christmas, Christmas message, Christmas sermon, Christmas story, Christmas teaching, cross, encouraging sermons, faith, family, forgiveness, God, gospel, heaven, hell, HolySpirit, hope, inspirational sermons, Jesus, love, marriage, messages, powerful sermon, prayer, preaching, reason for the season, relationships, sermons, teaching, Tony Evans, Tony Evans sermons, trusting, victory, youth

hey guys we’re about to jump into the

message today but before we do special

announcement transformation Church

conference that is right we are getting

so close it’s coming up September 10th

through the 12th listen you need to get

your tickets this is gonna be an amazing

time its transformation conference

version one what do they mean by that we

mean that you can start right where you

are putting out the first version the

first iteration even if it’s rough even

it’s not all the way put together we

believe that you’re gonna get something

so special out of this conference go to

our website our social media our app get

your ticket today

because it’s going to be amazing but for

now let’s jump to the message is anybody

ready for the word this morning then

already is anybody ready for the word

this one alright y’all ready alright so

I um I’m excited and y’all know I’m

excited when my leg starts doing this I

don’t know why but it just starts doing

this I’m excited because we are starting

part 3 of a series that we’re calling

help me crazy now say it like you made


this series is honestly probably my

favorite series I’ve ever preached not

because it’s the easiest topic to talk

about because it has the potential to

transform so many lives and one of the

things that people do not understand is

how much faith is a part of the

cornerstone the foundation of everything

you have to do as a believer in Jesus

Christ and so we’ve talked about this

idea of crazy faith and I want to give

you if this is your first time watching

or joining us in the building I want to

give you this working definition of

crazy faith write this down

crazy faith our thoughts and actions

that lack reason but trusting fully in

what you cannot explicitly prove see

crazy faith is like a this don’t make

full sense like when I’m looking at my

natural like what I’m looking at the the

the facts this don’t make sense but for

some reason I believe that this can

happen for some reason even though the

doctors gave me this report I believe

that I can walk in healing

for some reason I know I haven’t done

all of the things that qualify me for

this position but after I had that

interview I just feel like that’s my did

I come to the right church this morning

what I’m telling you is there’s a level

that you can live in God that it does

not make complete sense but you fully

believe what you cannot prove and what

we’ve been talking about is this is

where all of the people we read about in

the Bible this is where they lived at

crazy faith Noah building an ark it had

never rained Abraham Abraham Abraham

believing with his wife for a baby at 75

and and and hoping that it could come to

pass David thinking that he could defeat

Goliath these were all things that at

the time seemed completely crazy but

remember this fact it’s only crazy until

it happens and what was crazy in one


people will count as faith so I’ve been

trying to move us through this whole

thing where we understand yes

the goal is crazy faith but crazy faith

starts with baby faith and if you would

just have the faith the size of a

mustard seed just a little bit to

believe God said you could speak to all

kinds of stuff and tell it to move you

can speak to cancer you can speak to the

bad attitude that you’ve been having

this morning when you woke up and

everything was wrong you can say on Who

I am a child of God and I speak faith

and life and death is in the power of my

tongue and I’m not gonna cut you out

even though I want to tell you what I’m

saying but he just says you gotta have a

little thing but but but as we’ve

started through this it’s raised a lot

of questions a lot of questions and

people that are trying like alright god

I’m trying to move in faith and pass the

mic you saying some stuff but I need you

to bring some clarity so today I want to

answer a few questions that people have

been having about this topic on faith

and I think it has the opportunity to

change your life people keep asking me

questions like this how do you know

Pastor Mike how do you know you’re

moving in faith like I don’t want to

waste time and like go the wrong

direction how do I know

and then they asked stuff like this and

how are you confident that what you were

believing in faith that it’s done like

how do you do that and the last question

they keep asking is how can you be sure

that the thing you’re believing for is

gonna happen like how I’m about to give

y’all the greatest point that you’ve

ever gotten in your life listen how do

you know how do you know what you’re

believing for how do you know that

you’re moving in faith you can’t it’s

not faith if you could figure it out no

I need to help somebody understand this

because you’re standing paralyzed

because you want to know and be assured

and sure that everything’s gonna be okay

you can’t let me help you understand

this faith begins where understanding

ends when you don’t know that’s where

faith starts when God called you and

said you’re supposed to go to this


well how am I gonna prep pay for it

that’s where faith starts right like

well the doctor gave us this bad report

what are we going to do we don’t have

insurance to pay for this and that

that’s where faith start where your

understanding ends is where faith begins

and what most of us try to do is we want

to understand it all before we start

moving in faith and you’ve been

paralyzed your entire Christian life had

faith enough for salvation but have not

had faith enough to move beyond where

you’re at and so you live in an area of

existence instead of dominance instead

of the provided life that God has for

you and I’m trying to shake somebody and

let you know that where you’re at and

what you’re dealing with and what God is

calling you you too

will never be a sure thing at the

beginning look at him

y’all y’all sitting here like oh god

this is not what I wanted to hear what I

told somebody in the back as I said I

would rather people understand how faith

actually works than for you guys to be

excited about what can happen Oh God can


miracle and God can move the mountains

and God can get you to home and God can

deliver you and God can give you the

keys and you never get keys will it ever

work in your life will ever happen for

your family because it’s easy to come in

here and celebrate when it happens for

the church and for somebody else but how

do we practically put our faith in

action and you cannot put faith in

action if you have to understand it all

before you move in faith there will

always be everybody say a gap there will

always be a gap between your abilities

and the promise of God there will always

be a gap between what you can network

your way into and the thing that God has

called you to be because this whole

Christian life is for you to be

dependent on God for you to trust him

and this is us having faith in God so

the title of today’s message is

something that’s going to help you it’s

it’s not crazy faith it’s not baby faith

but what if God can still work in maybe


no cuz isn’t that how we live our life

like like maybe this is gonna work like

maybe I was supposed to be here maybe I

married the right person laughs you go

act like you was a hundred percent sure

when you made that move when you said I

do you go act like you was a hundred

percent sure nobody’s a hundred percent

sure what you’re doing is you’re

stepping out on faith and you’re saying

maybe this is you god maybe you’re gonna

provide for me right here maybe you’re

gonna do something and so many believers

stay paralyzed in their purpose because

they don’t know if God can use their

maybe faith but today I came to tell you

that we serve a god that doesn’t need a

lot all he needs is just a little bit of

your faith and I want you to write this

down because some of you have lost hope

and has lost faith in what God saying

but you’ve had it backwards look at this

faith is not found in what you are

believing for faith is found in who you

are believing in see the problem is most

of us like will not believe for the

house and then the house did they sold

it to somebody else and so I guess I

didn’t have enough faith no no you put

your faith in the house instead of the

giver of the house and the reason that

God didn’t let you get that house is

because he knows your future and he knew

that that house was too much for you to

buy right now and you would be in

foreclosure in two years and he also

knew that in two years he was going to

move you to another state and because

his protection you prayed that he would

protect you and guide your step

he closed that door it wasn’t that your

faith didn’t work your faith was working

to protect you into something and you

knew you were gonna move to another

place and you wanted to move to that

place because that’s where your spouse

is that and he wanted you to get to that

place so your husband or your wife could

be able to find you and you’re sitting

here thinking that my faith didn’t work

and God said your faith is working right


and the thing you got to understand with

this is when God’s doing something that

you can see he’s working but the same

God when you don’t see it he’s still

working and and and the problem with

most of us if we do not have faith in

the who we have faith in the what so if

I don’t see the healing like I wanted to

see I’m come I lost faith because that

loved one passed away he healed them I

know this messes with people’s theology

he healed them he just healed them in

heaven no more sickness no more pain no

more worry he healed but but we think

for some reason we lost and God said

your perspective of it it’s all wrong he

said I need somebody to see like I see

you got to get your faith out of the

what and put your faith in the who and

my faith is in God and your faith should

be in God and that’s why when things

don’t go your way put your faith back in

the hoop cuz my Bible says God is

working all things together for the good

of those who like either you believe

that or you don’t

so uh ale is not really a loss it turns

into a lesson because even when I go

through something that looks unfavorable

to me even when they leave us even when

they go away God says I’ll use all of

y’all don’t believe it over here God

says I’ll use Oh

and that’s why and that’s why most

people won’t even get past Salvation

when it comes to faith

you just had enough faith to ask God to

keep you out of hell I got my get out of

hell free card

and God says is that way is that all if

salvation is the starting line of the

Christian life dealing with sin and not

sin like is this a sin is this that is

the first like the first part of dealing

with Christian life and 80% of the

people in this room is stuck right here

when the promise of God is over there

but we won’t have faith to believe

beyond where we’re at right now and so

let me help you because some of y’all

are sitting here looking at me let me

give you some Bible Hebrews chapter 10

verse 38 it says and the righteous ones

my righteous ones another translation

say and the just people who have put

their faith in Jesus Christ they will

live by faith sorry boo-boo you don’t

have an option if you are saved the

prerequisite the fine print of salvation

is guess what you now have to live by

faith so there will always be a gap

between your job providing for you and

what you really need because the saved

ones the just ones the righteous one

shall live by faith and this is the

stuff nobody tells you it’s like all

your miracles on the way everything is

coming claiming it’s your season but

you’ve been saying that same thing for

10 years it’s because the miracle is

waiting on you it’s not it’s the miracle

here it’s God out of supply it’s are you

out of faith

let me step back over here if you are a

believer there will always be a gap

between what you have and what you need

ask Paul because if anybody could get a

pass on this it should be somebody who

wrote a third of the Bible you I mean

Paul I mean literally he’s singing

miracles y’all Paul was killing

Christians like pow pow pow pow pow

gangster killing Christians has a

Damascus Road experience goes blind for

a few days has has somebody put spit or

a nice fit but touch his eyes and and he

goes to see and then he starts

ministering the gospel he literally has

seen miracles he’s going around speaking

all these words and then he comes to

this place in his own life like many of

us no matter what you do no matter if

you’re on a platform no matter if God’s

using you in great ways in your company

or your business there will always be an

area that you are deficient and that gap

is for faith to fill it and what ends up

happening is obviously obviously Paul

has faith and so in 2nd Corinthians

chapter let’s go 2nd Corinthians chapter

12 verse 8 he asked Jesus three times

hey listen I got this issue that’s kind

of like a thorn in my side and they

never tell us what it really is it could

be an addiction it could have been some

anger issues it could have been all

kinds of things but he said I got this

thorn could you please take this away

and I was like nah no no no no you look

better with that you’re more attractive

to me when you’re dependent on me he

said I could take this thing away from

you easy he said but right now my grace

it’s all you need it’s sufficient for

you right now so I’m gonna let you stay

with this gap so faith can fill it

because every day you wake up you need

to understand that that maybe it’s God

who sustained in you and maybe it’s God

who got you into that position that you

didn’t qualify for and it’s the grace of

God that empowers you to live a

different life

it’s maybe faith like like it’s maybe I

can’t do this without God and so all of

us have to get to this point where we

can realize that we have to trust

completely and who God is and what he’s

called us to do but look at the end of

Hebrews 10:38 because my question is to

you is what are you filling your gap

with some of y’all trying to fill the

gap with talent with networking if I

just know a few more people then then

what God has for me no baby some of us

are trying to fill it with money and

things and and God said the only

fulfillment for this is that you have

faith in me that you you would trust me

that I would provide for you every day

ask the children of Israel the children

of Israel that they they didn’t really

have a full understanding of what God

was trying to do in their life he told

them like I’ll provide for you every day

and so he started letting manna from

heaven that was their food rain down but

what they didn’t understand is that

there was only enough anointing in the

manna for the day like it was only for

that one day and so people who were

trying to store it up and and save some

for the next day it would rot and have

maggots in it because God was trying to

tell everybody and give a sign to us

right now that I am the God that will

supply your need every single day I’m

the God that you need to have faith in

every single day but I can tell the

people in the back trust their plan more

than his purpose

I can tell there’s thousands of people

watching right now that you would rather

become independent than dependent on God

come on let’s be honest you used to pray

more when you were desperate

come on less when you didn’t have the

money when you when you didn’t have the

job when you didn’t have the connections

when your children were when you were

praying to have children you were more

desperate but sometimes the blessings of

God make us self-sufficient and we no

longer depend and trust on them anymore

and that’s why there always is a gap

between where you are and what you can

do and the purpose that God has called

you to

ah so so look at the bottom half of this

scripture it says and my righteous ones

are the just wheel everybody say will

you have no option you’re gonna live by

faith but it says but I will take no

pleasure and anyone who turns away from

faith what does it look like when you’re

a believer but you don’t have any faith

in the God you say you believe in he

said I don’t take no pleasure now so if

this is like the cornerstone of our

faith we need to understand and figure

this faith thing out so let’s go back to

the beginning to the father of our faith

his name is Abram okay and this is his

version one shameless plug for a

conference we’re having September 10th

that’s well right here in Tulsa Oklahoma

let’s look at it right now

um chapter 12 verse 1 it says now the

Lord had said to Abraham who said it I

said who said it this is very key when

you start talking about faith because a

lot of people want to take their

thoughts and then paste the Lord on top

of them

like they want to act like that

relationship was from God and it started

out nasty and started out wrong and

started out bad and this proves to me

that that Abram had a devotion life with

God that that that if you don’t get

anything else for my teaching or this

church all I’m asking you to do is have

a daily devotion with God time that you

set aside where you wait on God you read

his word you listen to worship music

because Pastor Mike maybe your favorite

preacher and such and such maybe the

person that speaks to you in a good

encouraging way but nobody can talk to


like God can nobody can pinpoint your

situation your dysfunction your hurts

your pain the stuff you keep from every

time trying to help somebody nobody can

get you right like God can and so many

of us want self-help and wanna read a

book and want to find but they didn’t

create you they don’t know you they

don’t know and I’m telling you Abram had

a devotion life because it was a

conversation where he was speaking to

God and God was speaking back to him

with personal mind his God speaking in

an audible voice most of the time not he

speaks to his word where he loved left a

love letter for us that I they wrote

this to thousands of years ago and it’s

still applying to your broken life today

how does that happen except by the

Spirit of God he also speaks through

others and you gotta listen to who you

have around you that actually finds

themself in this book as well I don’t

want to listen to you just because you

have money because you will leave me

down a path that has nothing to do with

my purpose I need to listen to some I’m

preaching already I need to listen to

people who have sought God and this is

where we find out people try to move out

on faith but they’re not finding it from

the father

and that’s why it says now the Lord said

to Abram he said watch what he told him

to do because this is this is like the

basics of faith he says go away from

your country huh and from your relatives

now not Big Momma

and from your father’s house hah to the

land which I will show you I’m not about

to even tell you where you going how

many people in this room and watching

online they don’t like to get in cars or

go anywhere until they know where the

destination is come on let’s be honest

you’re control freak that’s what you are

you need deliverance but many of us we

not just hopping in and ride where are

we going how long it’s gonna take to get

there what happens when God gets in the

driver’s seat of your life and the only

thing he says is buckle up where are we


buckle up who’s gonna be there buckle up

and this is essentially what he tells

Abram he said leave everything you know

leave your country that means leave

comfortability leave the place where

everybody speaks my language and I know

the customs and the culture leave my

comfortability and your relatives leave

what’s familiar like leave the thing

that I’ve been raised around and this is

just how it is and it says leave your

father’s house which represented

provision and protection

you mean if I’m stepping out in faith

like this telling me a lot in like four

little lines like if I’m actually gonna

live by faith that means faith will be


ya know everybody in here like ya I’m a

man of faith I’m a woman of faith faith

is gonna be uncomfortable that means if

you’re comfortable you’re not in faith

see I must say it reverse cuz some of

y’all it didn’t hit you when I said it

the first time if you’re sitting around

thinking like yeah life is good

money’s good kids are good I look good

there may be an area that God’s

whispering you come out deeper step out

and believe me again no come on baby

there’s more for you back here and

you’re like God you’ve already done it

I’m 45 I’m retired kids are good

family’s good I look good and I’m

comfort or being uncomfortable it’s a

sign that faith can work so we’re

learning from Abram right now faith will

be uncomfortable the second thing faith

will be unfamiliar some of y’all won’t

do nothing that you don’t know now how

you gonna know something new if you

won’t do it well you know that’s just

not my group of people how could they

ever become your group of people well

that’s just not you know that’s just not

how I get down

how do you get down and what I’m saying

is when you start walking in faith

you’re gonna have to learn and talk and

read about stuff that is unfamiliar

you’re gonna have to talk to people that

don’t have none of your cultural

background you’re gonna have to stand in

places and declare what God said when

nobody else believe it it’s going to be

unfamiliar and faith will require new

provision see most of us if we’ve seen

God moved before we want him to move the

same way the next time so last time I

prayed I fasted for two days and then he

answered so this time I need a miracle

so I’m a pray I’m a fast for two days

and I’m gonna get that miracle again and

then when you get there and it’s like

why didn’t that work

God’s left me he said no you pinned me

to a formula and I want you to walk by

Vic if I did it the same way every time

you would have to have faith to do that

that’s why jesus healed some people by

speaking the word He healed some people

by touching him healed some people by

taking mud and putting spit in it and

tell him to go He healed different ways

because it took hey I’m trying to help

you you’re wondering why why is the

dream not coming to pass because you

want to be comfortable you wanted to be

provided for the same way it was

provided before you want it to be

familiar and the last thing you got to

understand about faith faith will force

boner ability you can’t be safe in faith

when I when I when I drew that that

picture of the spirit bank event center

five years ago and the first line said

the spirit Bank event center will be

transformation Church that was one level

of faith but do you want to know where

my faith became vulnerable that’s when I

took that piece of paper and I showed it

to another human being

cuz at that moment my faith was

vulnerable either they were gonna be

like this boy to lost his mind or wow

maybe God can and it’s very very

important who you talked to and who you

are surrounded with when you’re in a

season of maybe faith

y’all better hear me the people that

have been your besties don’t have the

words for what God’s about to take you

into the people who’ve been talking

behind your back you don’t need their

approval you need somebody to bear down

and believe

ah but if you go walk in faith you gonna

be naked out here here it is stretch

marks for all you hear me do you there’s

no way to be safe and be fully in faith

and that’s why you want to guarantee and

God says I ain’t giving it because

you’re trusting in the what when you

should be trusting in the who so so

Abram gets this word which is real

daunting like hey leave your country

leave your family leave your house and

provision and okay God got you cuz I got

a little bit of faith musta see where

I’m going I’ll show you when you move go

to the land that I will show you start

the business that I will show you move

to the place that I will show you start

serving in the church what area I’ll

show you

see faith is moving and allowing God to

direct your step the problem is it’s so

much easier to move something an object

that is in motion and what’s happening

is many of us are standing still wanting

God to move us Brit come here real fast

I need y’all to see this real quick this

is most of us in our faith and we’re

saying all right

I have faith my promise is over there

but I’m currently right here and we’re

like all right God take me in faith and

we want God to pick us up

Oh God we literally want him to pick us

up and move us to the promised but Brit

just walked slowly it’s much easier to

push somebody towards faith when they’ve

already taken a step

when you’re waiting on is for God to

move and God said if you were just moved

I would take you and push you and direct

you in the purpose somebody needs to

give God praise right there I hope

you’re getting this so right now

Abraham’s face with the with the hard

decision I’m gonna stay comfortable or

I’m gonna move in faith but this is some

encouragement for somebody the pain of

faith is always anchored by the promise

of faith God never gives you all of

these directives that seem so

sacrificial if what he wants to do on

the other side of it it’s not even more

amazing so he literally tells him you

got to leave all this stuff in faith and

go to the land that I will show you but

look at verse 2 but he says and I’ll

make your name great he says I will

bless you abundantly he says and make

your name great that’s exalted and

distinguished and you shall be a

blessing a source of great good to

others isn’t that the point

that God would bless you so much that

when people are in need that you see at

QuikTrip when you just get a win you

don’t even have to know him but God

would be able to make you the answer to

somebody’s prayer instead of saying I’ll

pray for you know I’m here like you know

y’all don’t hear me like will you pray

with me here’s your answer what do you

need I can be used by God in this moment

and he says I’ll make you that type of

person he said I will curse that is

subject to my wrath and judgment the

ones who curse you that means you don’t

have to defend yourself when you’re

walking in faith you don’t got to go to

Twitter and Facebook and defend what God

is doing that says if they caught you

they better watch out if they talk about

you they better watch up I’ve got

top-flight security with me all the time

you hear me he says and in you all the

families of the nation of the earth will

be we’re sitting in the blessing of

Abraham’s faith step right now


so now Abram has a decision to make

like is this God am i 100% sure I heard

the voice of the Lord maybe like maybe

this is him or maybe it was that taco I

ate last night

can we be real but I spend enough time

with them that I feel like this is

beyond me like like like like like ma

this is where I end and we know that

we’re understanding ends say so so glad

you’re asking me to step over into

something else that don’t make no sense

and I don’t understand this thing look

what happens in verse 4 it says so

Abraham departed now I want you to look

at the posture of Abraham when he

departed he just heard leave your family

leave your comfortability leave

everything that’s provided for you leave

it Abraham didn’t do this

bang thank God shoo he didn’t leave

angry he didn’t leave crying oh my god

and he didn’t even leave prideful God

about to bless me I’m leaving y’all

forget your church but get your business

God bout to make me a rule over nations

what you gonna work for me one day

because many of us leave our last season

thinking it’s about others when God is

trying to build your faith in our Yana

and so you’re doing it trying to prove

something and God trying to improve

something in you look how he left though

so he departed and in my mind everyone

was like I gotta go like this ain’t even

time like you know when somebody’s like

fast walking like like he’d the party he

was like oh shoot I got to it’s like the

people you see in the mall if you go at

6:00 a.m. and then people walking in the

mall I just for me I just feel like he

had to get out of there how do you know

cuz he said he departed in faithful

obedience like I don’t know if this is

gonna work maybe it will but I’m going

to be faithful or full of I’m gonna be

faithful I’m a trust in God and I’m just

gonna be obedient as the Lord has

directed him who directed him this is

where I just want to let you know do not

make a plan and then just go do it

because God’s grace is sufficient and

he’ll protect you and he’ll save you but

when you move outside of the will of God

he cannot prevent all the scars and so a

lot of people like if God’s good His

grace is gonna cover yes but you’ll have

some cuts that you were never meant to

have that if you would just stay in his

will and it might not be in your

timetable and it not might not be how

you wanted it and who you thought it was

coming through but our goal is to be

faithfully obedient somebody say

faithful and obedient

okay so Pastor Mike were more people

living by faith if it’s that big of a

deal for us why aren’t people living by

faith and I really honestly think it’s

because people think that their doubt

disqualifies their faith because you

hear inscriptions like you have to you

have to believe and not doubt and then

it’ll come to pass

and like we’re in is like human

experience like it’s like it like comes

with my

that like sometimes I doubt like dang I

don’t know if that’s going to happen and

like I don’t know and so what the enemy

does is at the moment you doubt he tries

to come and reinforce it and say that’s

right you’re doubting you don’t believe

God your prayers don’t even work this

doesn’t even happen and this is what I

have to believe in this moment is that

data is a part of this fallen world like

they’re gonna be moments that we doubt

passengers don’t believe that Jesus

doubted can I prove it to you he was

one-third one-third of the planning

committee for this whole idea to save

humanity Father Son Holy Spirit but when

he gets in the garden and it’s about 24

hours before he bout to go to the cross

he’s sitting in the Garden of Gethsemane

saying guys I think I made a wrong plan

I’m doubting what you I know we talked

about this before I know that I said

let’s do it

i’ma go down i’ma die the depth that

they couldn’t die and then I’m a [ __ ]

but maybe maybe there’s another way but

nevertheless not my will be here not my

will but yours be I want my purpose more

than I want my pleasure purpose more

than I want to live in this idea of a

Christian life he was all God and all

humans so God had to put in there a

moment where he doubted but he responded

to the doubt in

that this don’t feel right but maybe

maybe this plan is gonna work maybe if I

just do it maybe somebody in 2019 will

be in a church hearing this word and

maybe it’ll be the thing that saves

their life let me help you

the opposite is faith of faith is not

doubt it’s fear the opposite of faith is

not that it’s fear and I’m gonna prove

it to you because some of y’all sitting

there still looking at me look at mark

chapter 4 thank you lord

it says as evening came jesus said to

his disciples let’s cross to the other

side of the lake who told him to cross

I said who told him to cross this is the

same Alpha and Omega beginning in the

end the one who had not told him to

cross if he did not know that they were

gonna make it across now I want you to

just keep that in your back of your mind

it says so they took Jesus in the boat

and started out leaving the crowds

behind although other boats follow but

soon a fierce storm came like the storms

in our life like the storms in our

marriages the storms in our finances

anybody right now let’s be honest we are

a hot church humble open and transparent

is anybody going through a storm right

now in any area of your life I got both

hands up okay all right thank you okay

so now soon a fierce storm came up high

waves were breaking into the boat and it

began to feel with water what was what

y’all think Jesus was doing Jesus was

sleeping now what does it look like for

you to be frantically tripping about the

situation whatever it is the storm in

your life and Jesus is snoring like

drooling y’all know that sleep that you

forget like you wake up and you did you

think you got a fight cuz you do you

don’t know where you are like some of

y’all know about that

like he was sleep like that it says he

was sleeping in the back of the boat

with his head on a pillow

the disciples woke him up shouting when

Jesus woke up he rebuked the wind and

said to the waves silence be still

suddenly the wind stopped and there was

a great calm then he looked at the

disciples and look what he said why are

you afraid now look what he can’t

contrast it with instead of being afraid

do you still have no faith see the

opposite of faith is fear put it up on

the screen real quick I want you to see

this because most of us are standing in

between fear and faith and every day we

get to wake up we decide what we’re

gonna focus on am I going to put my

faith in the thing that looks like it’s

not gonna work out or I’m gonna turn my

faith and put it into the thing that can

change me that’s me that pillow real

quick don’t be that pillow real fast I

want you to see this real quick that the

example that Jesus is saying is while

you are frantic in fear Jesus is


oh thank you Lord for your Holy Spirit

he’s sleeping in the same place where

you’re being crazy


he’s on the boat with you and if you’re

looking at his position when the money

doesn’t seem like it’s gonna come in

when it looks like you’re not gonna

qualify for the next semester when it

looks like your family is never gonna be

healed what you’re doing is you have a

pillow and you thought you was gonna

sleep and you can you are you trying to

figure out what are we gonna do are we

gonna drown and God saying if you would

follow my posture if you would have

faith in me I would take you from

building your resting place in fear and

making a bed in the middle of faith

how’s it gonna work out Pastor Mike I

don’t know but he’s with me in this boat

and I’m gonna everybody say rest well

Pastor Mike y’all got the building 10.5

million you ready to rest say yeah I was

resting before it happened and now we

needed another 20 million to be able to

make it state-of-the-art cuz he gave the

promise he’s the one told me back there

that it was gonna work why would I move

when God does something back into fear

and what’s happening is when God blesses

you we got the house then what you do is

you be like all now the bills is higher

what’s gonna happen and you step back

over into fear


he brings you to another place and

provides for everything you need and

you’re out here in faith and then one

little storm come up you just start back

telling maybe God didn’t say I’m just

trying to give you a picture of what you

live you can be mad at me if you want to

but I’m trying to practically see that

maybe God can work in maybe faith a

question you should ask yourself all

week is where do I put my pillow in this

situation what am I putting my pillow in

faith or fear and so because of that you

got to understand that the Spirit that

God has given us is not one of fear look

at 2nd Timothy 1:7 it says for God has

not given us a spirit of fear or

timidity but he’s given us power love

and self-discipline or a sound mind

somebody just needs to say in face say I

choose faith say it like you mean it

I choose faith so I’m about to set some

people free right here in my last 4

minutes okay I want you to hear me say

this the idea of being a hundred percent

sure something is God is a lie cuz most

of you are paralyzed because I want to

know it’s a hundred percent God even

when pastors and ministers they gonna

probably call me and text me cuz they

don’t want me to tell the common people

this but I’m about to tell you all our

secrets when somebody says I knew it was

God that told me to write down the

spirit bank of insulin that’s a lie it

may be with God and and and this is

where you have to get beyond

can God use just your maybe faith I

wasn’t a hundred percent sure until I

signed the papers and got the keys

then it look like Oh God and I could

have got up here lied to you and said I

knew was God the whole time no it proved

to be God it proves to be God I didn’t

know when I wrote it down I didn’t know

but if I stayed in faith and it lined up

with God’s will it proved to be God and

for so long in church everybody’s trying

to make you feel like they know like I

know this is a word from God I know this

let me help you what the Bible says in

first Corinthians chapter 13 verse 9 it

says for we know in part and all y’all

that prophesy and all the deep things

are you a tenor today you only see in

part and it’s not until Jesus comes back

that it’ll all be made clear so when I

stand up here with my knees shaking and

tell you what God is going to do it’s

with my maybe faith maybe he will maybe

he won’t but I’m going to stand in the

place where it won’t be because I didn’t

believe him that he didn’t do it let me

help you I live by this principle some

people ask me as I passed Mike man I

mean you just how crazy faith fight you

just be doing things after things and

God just blessing you I’m 32 years old

and and we closed on one of the biggest

properties in our county okay like no

business school no no no no no bank

rollers behind us like like just every

day when I get up and I say Holy Spirit

what do you want me to do today write

down that it’s gonna be your building

and believe that it can happen okay so

oh you’re not asking me to be a hundred

percent sure you just want me to live at

Faith past the middle like like like as

long as I’m not looking back in fear and

I’m looking forward towards faith I can

see this miracle at 51 percent write it

down faith at 51 percent when when God

said we would have the spirit bank event

center how sure were you pastor might

fit 1%

I wasn’t 70 I was in 80 I had faith that

51 percent and God says you’ve crossed

over you’ve crossed over in a place

where all I need is all you have and I

can work a miracle at 51 percent

well Pastor Mike they told you your son

would never talk and he would be delayed

you you you could turn and face fear and

doctors reports and what they say but

this week when I posted on Instagram

that my son’s gonna talking with you

well huh no why don’t you do that

doesn’t like if you don’t know because

my faith had to be vulnerable like my

faith had to get naked and had to say

this may not work but maybe God maybe if

it’s sure we don’t maybe if you want to

do this for me I’ll be one

that will trust you and believe you and

I’m taking my faith out of fear I’m

taking my life out of fear and all I

gotta do is move to 51% I don’t believe

it that there’s some people in this room

that are gonna come out of being

paralyzed in the indecision and all

God’s saying is half faith to 51% step

over I gotta believe that when Abraham

was about to kill Isaac he wasn’t a

hundred percent sure that this was the

right thing when he lifted the knife he

was at 51% he didn’t know what was gonna

happen but he just knew I had to obey

God in faith he didn’t know that right

when he was about to do it bad a lamb or

a sheep or a goat was gonna come up he

just had to have faith that if I do this

you gonna come through how do I know

this was his faith in action

before he went up he told the servant me

and the boy are going up to worship and

we’ll both be back that is faith

at 51% so will I ever be sure that the

business is going to work no you have to

hear from God and you have to put your

faith that 51 percent I’m no longer in

fear and I’m no people no longer

paralyzed in indecision I have stepped

over into faith and I have to believe

that was what David had when he went to

face Goliath that nobody else had

trained soldiers are standing here in

fear and all David did was not step till

100 percent sure that it was going to

happen 51 percent today I’m asking God

to do in you what he did for the woman

with the issue of blood

the woman who had dealt in fear from

what the doctors had said and from what

everybody had given her a bad report she

spent 12 years trying to get healed and

what ended up happening in that moment

that she heard Jesus was in the vicinity

she didn’t have faith she wasn’t a

hundred percent sure where she said

maybe maybe if I just touched the hem of

His garment maybe if I do it nobody else

is doing maybe if I get close enough to

him he don’t even have to pray for me he

don’t even have to take me to a side

room it’s not even about what he does

it’s just I just need to touch him and

this woman took her faith probably

didn’t get her whole body up there cuz

she was pushing through people people

who didn’t believe it could happen and

she said if I could just stretch my

faith out and just get my mind beyond

the halfway point her whole body

probably wasn’t there but if I could

just get my thoughts beyond why

and I could just think that God could do

it and she touched the hem of his

garment in he said who touched me and

the disciple said God what are you

talking about everybody’s touching you

there’s a crowd of people but in a crowd

of people the one that gets what they

need the virtue from Jesus is the person

with faith he said I just felt virtue

leave me because somebody was faith

stepped over the line and they had faith

that 51% and he said woman because of

your faith you have been made today I’m

believing that for you I’m believing it

for everybody watching so what I do

Pastor Mike put your faith in motion now

Hebrews 11:1 says now faith

everybody say now what can I do now

you can go have that conversation with

the people and find out how much it’s

gonna cost to do the business God place

in your heart you need no money for



and that just moved you from fear to fit

the one person so some of y’all need to

go and you need to get a picture of all

your family members who are scattered

right now cuz you guys don’t have a good

relationship and you need to put them

together in a picture and frame it and

every time you see it you need to say

God’s restoring my family he’s bringing

my family back to health and what does

that do that moves you from fear and you

step into standing all over this

building I don’t know who you are and

what you’re going through but God did

not call you to live your Christian life

in fear and the crazy thing is when you

came into this world you started off at

zero and you had enough faith to get

saved and your eternity is secure but

you live your Christian life still in

fear fear what they will say fear of

what God might not do it fear if this is

all a joke and gods saying would you

just trust me would you step and I’m so

proud of everybody who did your 15

minutes of faith this week cuz faith

comes by here and hearing what the Word

of God and so this week many of y’all

have been building and you went from 30%

faith to 45% faith and now this message

all I’m trying to do is get you over the

hump all I want you to do is believe and


step out in 51 percent faith to this

place where maybe God can heal my

marriage maybe God can take me out of

the cycles of poverty and debt maybe God

maybe he can like maybe and I’m here to

tell you that God will work miracles

in maybe fit hands lifted all over this

place god I pray for every person under

the sound of my voice and watching this

I’m praying that there is a tangible

anointing of God that is hitting

people’s lives right now but they would

move from complacency and fear and they

would walk into full faith of what you

called them to do father we will fix our

eyes on Jesus and we will look full into

his glorious grace I thank you Father

God that we are moving forward in what

you’ve called us to do and we cancel the

lives of the enemy and for everybody

who’s doubted right now father I thank

you that that alive that they’re

disqualified cuz they doubt it I thank

you that you’re bringing them back to

life knowing that even the son of man

doubted for a moment but he didn’t rest


so I’m thanking you that people would

pick up their mats and they would walk

that they would pick up their mats where

they rested in fear and they will move

over to faith father not even crazy Fame

not a hundred percent but God let us

walk in 51% let us step over the line

and let us see you move mountains in our

life today will mark a day of

transformation in everyone’s life

because we will move and we will see you

move in maybe faith in Jesus name if you

believe it will you give God


I hope something in you is waking up

that the faith that God has placed you

in this earth with it’s time to let it

be singing and let his glory be seen

through you today if you’re in this room

and you’ve never had the faith to just

trust God for your salvation today is

the day that you make the greatest

decision of your life

it took me from being a liar addicted to

pornography a bad person on the inside

and it didn’t turn me into a perfect man

but a progressing me and today I want to

offer you that same if this is gonna

take faith but it’s just gonna take a

little bit today would you close your

eyes and bow your head and if you’re in

this room and you say pastor when you

pray in just a moment I want you to

include me in that prayer I want you to

raise your hand on the count of three if

those hands already up right now here we

go one two three if that’s you I see you

there’s dozens of hands going up and I

know there’s even more online

here you can put your hand down I’m so

proud of you today as a family we’re

going to pray transformation church we

don’t pray alone we’re family here and

we’re gonna walk this thing out together

everybody just say lord thank you for

sending Jesus today I ask you to save me

honor maybe I believe you lived you died

and you rose again just for me today I’m

giving you control change me renew me

transform me I’m yours in Jesus name


can we rejoice with heaven