Priscilla Shirer: How Living in Holiness Will Change Your Life | FULL TEACHING | Praise on TBN

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Priscilla Shirer speaks at the Propel Women’s Conference to share how holiness is key to our happiness and fulfillment in Christ.

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and the one thing that invites the favor

of god on our life like simeon that will

open our eyes to see him more clearly so

that we don’t miss him when he comes

into our circumstances trying to speak

to us to answer us to make himself a

parent in our lives the one thing that

opens up our eyes is god’s spirit on us

and if you want if i want god’s spirit

on our lives then we gotta decide to

live holy


so glad to be with all of you listen

don’t even take your seat yet let me

just let me just go ahead and read god’s

word over you while you’re standing is

that all right i think every now and

then we ought to just stand up when

god’s word is read just to remind

ourselves who’s talking to us

listen to luke chapter 2

verse 21 through about verse 32 or so

when jesus was

about eight days were completed he was

circumcised his name was then called


the name given by the angel before he

was conceived and when the days for

purification according to the law of

moses were completed that’s about 40

days after jesus was born or so so he’s

40 days old they brought him into

jerusalem to present him to the lord

every firstborn male that opens the womb

shall be called holy to the lord

and they came to offer sacrifices

according to what was said of the law of

the lord a pair of turtle doves or two

young pigeons

and behold somebody say behold

come on y’all say behold

and behold there was a man in jerusalem

this guy’s name was simeon and he was

righteous and devout and looking for the

consolation of israel and the holy

spirit was on his life


and it had been revealed to him by the

spirit that he would not see death until

he had caught sight

of jesus

so he came into the spirit into the

temple and when the parents brought in

the child jesus to carry out the custom

of the law simeon saw him he recognized

that this little baby was jesus christ

he gathered the baby up in his arms he

blessed the child and he said lord now

you can let me depart in peace i don’t

have to see anything else i haven’t yet

seen this guy perform one miracle

lazarus hadn’t been raised from the dead

the sick have not yet been healed uh

deaf ears haven’t yet been opened i

haven’t seen any of that but once i’ve

caught sight of the savior

lord he says you can let me depart in

peace because my eyes have seen your

salvation which you’ve prepared in the

presence of all the people he’s a light

of revelation to the gentiles and the

glory of thy people israel thank you

for letting me see


lord open up our eyes so that we can see

you lord open up our spiritual ears so

that we can hear you god we are sitting

on the edge of our seat because we are

anxious to see how you will introduce

reintroduce yourself to us today lord

i’m so grateful that all of us is here

but we didn’t come to see each other we

came to see you

so lord come we’re your daughters and we

want to see you

in jesus name everybody agreed when they

said amen

give somebody a high five before you

take your seat

i’m so grateful and i’m so honored to

have an opportunity to be here with you

and to share in god’s word i believe in

the power of the word of god i i do

parent uh chris just told you three sons

they are giants i just have giants

walking around my house

my nearly 16 year old is six foot two

inches tall his 14 year old brother is

the exact same height they both wear a

size 14 men’s shoe

um my youngest son his name is jude so

i’ve got jackson jerry jr and jude and

we named our third son jude on purpose

because y’all that’s as close as i could

get to revelation because it is finished

that is it it’s the end of the line

and they’re giant somebody come help me

feed these people that’s all i do is try

to feed the boys and i remember this

particular weekend because i was in

memphis tennessee there were very little

at the time and i remember being very

very tired on this particular trip i

could not wait to get to the location in

memphis tennessee so i could get to the

hotel i’d had an early flight and was

very excited to be at the hotel early so

that i could

immediately go and get in the bed and go

to sleep early that night i was so happy

to have that opportunity and so i

arrived in memphis tennessee was picked

up at the the airport driven by a sweet

woman who had come from the church where

i was going to be at their conference

she’d come and pick me up

took me to the hotel and it was about 7

30 in the evening i was so happy she

said would you like to go out to dinner

first i was like oh no

i get to go into this hotel room all by

myself and have the bed all to myself i

could not wait so i laid down watched a

little something on television i think

in about 8 30 i mean i was out i needed

all those hours of rest

except that

around 3 a.m or so

i was jarred awake jolted awake by a


that started to go by right outside the

back of the hotel

there were train tracks that were just a

few feet behind the hotel the conductor

was sitting on the horn the entire time

that all of the cars of the train went

by i was jolted awake and i went

immediately to the window and looked

outside and i saw how close that that

train actually was and then you know you

have to kind of sit there and wait for

the whole thing to pass and this one’s a

small train this is one that goes on

and on and on

finally it passed and i tried to get

back to sleep but really couldn’t nestle

down into a good sleep i knew i had to

be up really early in the morning so i

couldn’t sleep real well but did my best

got up in the morning the sweet woman

from the church came picked me up i got

in the car didn’t say anything about the


had a great long day at the at the

church at the conference and then could

not wait to get back to the hotel so

that i could try to get a good night’s

sleep this was gonna be the night that i

got all my good hours of sleep in before

having to go home the next day and so i

laid down in the bed about 8 30 9

o’clock in the evening fell into a very

deep sleep until 3 a.m in the morning

when a train went roaring by the

conductor sitting on the horn the entire

time that the train went by this time i

was jolted awake went and looked at the

train outside the window and i thought i

can’t wait for the sweet woman from the

church to come pick me up

so that i can tell her about this train

that is passing by right outside the

door or outside the back of this hotel

so when she came i sat down in the car i

said thank you so much for picking me up

i gotta ask you

about this train

i described to her how at three o’clock

in the morning for the last two nights

this train had gone roaring by in the

back of the hotel as i

explained it to her i felt bad for her

because it was like it was occurring to

her dawning on her like she was reminded

about this train that comes to their

community her eyes were as wide as

saucers and she said priscilla

i am so sorry i i totally

forgot about that train and she said the

reason why is because those of us who

live in this community

have gotten so used to the sound of the

train that we don’t even recognize it

anymore that train comes by two or three

times a week every week and we paid

little attention to it because we’ve

lived here so long that we’ve gotten so

used to the sound of the train that when

it comes we don’t recognize it we’ve

been desensitized to the train in this

community it occurs to me that those of

us who live particularly in this part of

the world where we have been

overwhelmingly blessed by the presence

and the power of god among us we’re here

in this country you and i can go on a

saturday to a christian’s women event

like this one or we can go to a

christian bookstore when we can pick up

any bible in any translation in any

language or we can turn on christian

radio and listen to gospel if you like

that or contemporary christian music if

you like that we have options available

to us could it be that we have lived in

this neighborhood of blessing for so


that when the train of god’s glory wants

to fall in an unusual way when he wants

to show up in power and in glory that we

have become so used to it that we don’t

even recognize his blessing anymore

that we’ve become so desensitized to

god’s presence among us that it doesn’t

cause us as it always should for us to

fall to our knees in adoration our arms

outstretched and worshiped that god

would visit us in this unique beautiful

way lord help us to never be

desensitized to the train of your glory

and in the old testament or in the new

testament rather in the book of luke

luke’s gospel i love so much because

luke writes about people who encounter

the train of god’s glory in the person

of jesus christ

he gives a story after story encounter

after encounter of jesus meeting with

people and transforming their life he

included a handful of these stories so

that you and i would be not only

reminded of their encounter with jesus

but recognize that they are not

exceptions to the rule they are examples

for us of the encounters that we should

also expect to have with jesus and

listen this should be your goal

not just hearing about him but

experiencing him

that should be your goal like your

appetite should be wet your heart should

hunger for more than just a knowledge of

who jesus is

you ought to come to the place i ought

to come to the place in my relationship

with the lord we’re more than anything

else we want to see him with our own

eyes we want to hear his voice with our

own ears that the same god who divided

the red sea in the old testament the

same god who raises lazarus from the

dead in the new testament the same god

that did those things we don’t want to

just celebrate it in the lives of other

people we want to stand in line to have

an encounter with god like that


luke writes about encounters because he

wants to whet our appetite to have an

encounter with jesus christ because

listen y’all we have wasted our time if

all we’ve done is come here on this

satur saturday to applaud what jesus did

yesterday i’m so glad about what my god

has done yesterday but i want to see him

today anybody interested

i want to see him in my own marriage and

in my own finances and raising my kids

and on my job and in my ministry i want

to see and encounter the power of the

almighty living god

that’s what today is about

it’s to make you hungry again

it’s to whet your appetite again

it’s to not let when the day ends

something to end in your life but really

to launch you forward to a brand new

beginning and an adventure with jesus

christ so luke writes about encounters

and he writes during a time when the

nation of israel is experiencing

national depravity and decay they have

been oppressed by oppressors who have

come in and stolen from them much of

what they valued they are living in a in

a place of oppression and a praise of

destruction and

luke writes to them during this time

when their nation is in trouble

and i don’t know if if you’ve noticed or

not but our nation is in trouble

we are living during a time of moral and

social decay and decline like never

before and listen the more god is

marginalized the more he’s segmented to

the periphery of society the more he is

completely ignored or disregarded the

more we will continue to see an influx

of chaos and an influx of destruction in

our nation

but luke doesn’t just write to people

who have national trouble luke is

writing to people that have individual

personal struggles they’ve been waiting

on a hero to show up they’ve been

waiting for the kingdom of god to be at

hand they’ve been waiting for the

prophecies of all to come to floridian

that there would be a messiah a savior

who would come and rescue them from all

that they’ve been experiencing

nationally but also the things that they

have been experiencing personally

so i know our nation is in trouble but i

didn’t really come to talk to you today

about what’s happening in the white

house i want to talk to you about what’s

happening in your house

underneath the roof of your home

the trouble that might be happening in

your marriage the thing that causes the

tears to fall down from your eyes in

regards to your kids or your finances or

your health or on your job or in your

ministry you like the children of israel

like me

been waiting on a hero

somebody who can come in and speak life

to the dead places and refresh the dry

places of our life luke is writing for

people who need an encounter with a god

like that

and i just want to tell any of you that

might be in a struggle personally

underneath the roof of your own house

and the landscape of your own house and

you’re in a struggle you’re in a time

like luke writes to where man things are

just plain old flat out difficult i just

want to

suggest to you the possibility

that sometimes

sometimes your difficulties are less

about the enemy being against you

and more about god wanting to show you

what it looks like when he’s for you

sometimes the stuff that you are facing

is stuff that i’m facing that are

difficult it’s less

about the enemy being against you and

sometimes it’s just about god allowing a

stage to be set in your life to where

when he shows up you will never ever

doubt again that you’ve had an encounter

with jesus

the children of israel need an encounter

with a messiah

they need an encounter with jesus christ

and finally jesus arrives on the scene

after 400 years of silence between the

old testament and the new testament

jesus arrives on the scene after

centuries of waiting after prophecy

desiring to be fulfilled jesus shows up

on the scene their hope has finally been

fulfilled but here’s the tragedy when he

comes he does not come as they supposed

he would he is not on a throne he is not

riding a white horse he is not coming in

power and vengeance and authority that

they had mirrored in their oppressors

that they had pictured that their

messiah would come in no he is born as a


all of that deity and authority and

miraculous working power that they

longed for was packaged in the skin of

humanity and a small human at that this

is not what they wanted it’s not what

they recognized it wasn’t the

expectation they had built up in their

heads so when he came they did not

recognize him

when he showed up because he was not in

the package that they had pictured in

their minds

he didn’t come in the package they had

prayed for

he had come in a different way because

he did not meet their expectations when

he showed up they did not recognize him

in the passage that we read jesus is

being brought into the temple he is

being carried uh by his mother mary

joseph is along for the ride as well

they have come with jesus about 40 days

old into the temple they are in a

religious gathering where people have


to perform their religious duties

and all the people who are gathered that

day are in the presence of the one they

prayed for and do not know him when he


would you please notice that they’re not

just anywhere

they are in the temple

and still don’t recognize the presence

of god

i want to suggest to you that it is

possible to be at propel

and not see jesus i want to tell you

that it is possible for you to be in

your church every single sunday which i

pray you are but you can be in your

church and not have an encounter with


i want to tell you that i’m so glad many

of you are in bible study stay in bible

study but you can read a verse a day to

keep the devil away until you are blue

in the face

but if you read the scriptures with a

hardened heart with your eyes not open

you can be filling your days with the

duty of religious activity and never

catch sight of the lover of your soul

never have an encounter an experience

with jesus all these people

were in the presence of jesus christ and

did not know him when he came

because oftentimes many times

when the lord comes to minister to you

to speak into your life’s circumstances

he will come in a way

that is not the way you expected

why because his ways are not our ways

his thoughts are not our thoughts as

high as the heavens are above the earth

that’s how high his ways and his

thoughts are above our own and

what i attempt to do what you often

attempt to do i’m sure is to dumb him

down so that his ways match our ways his

thoughts match our thoughts we want him

to answer our prayers the way we’ve

prayed them

we want the solutions that work out in

our minds to be the solutions that will

be best given the scenario that we see

given the prayer requests that we’ve

prayed but y’all sometimes we pray for


and he answers with rain

sometimes we pray for oak trees and he

answers with an acorn

and when the answer comes for your

marriage when the answer comes for your

parenting when the solution that god

listened today god is going to give some

of you solutions and divine strategies

for things that are happening in your

life and on your job and in your

finances the struggles that you’re

facing and i’m saying when he answers if

the answer does not come in the package

that you have expected will you miss it

because you want your way not his way

and so jesus he comes and he’s in a pool

of religious people and they do not

recognize the presence of god near them

now i want to open up a little

parenthesis here before we jump to a

specific person that i want to draw your

attention to he’s the only person in the

text who actually sees jesus but i want

to open up a little parenthesis because

you may have recognized that luke went

into a whole lot of detail to sell us

something about the texas one thing i

love about luke is that he gives us

details i like all the juice and all the

details out of the text so that i can

get a full picture painted of what’s

happening in the story and luke wants us

to know that that mary and joseph are

coming for the ceremonial dedication of

their firstborn son that’s what

everybody did they would come to

jerusalem particularly during this time

when they had a newborn son to present

their newborn son to the lord get the

picture of this the lord in this case is

being presented to the lord

and they come in and

luke writes and tells us exactly what

they have with them other than the baby


says that mary had two turtle dubs or

two pigeons for her sacrifice

now that wouldn’t really be of interest

except that we know from leviticus from

the sacrificial system that had been set

up divinely mandated by god in leviticus

that when someone came to make their

sacrifices they didn’t need two animals

to be sacrificed one was a pigeon or a

turtle dove the other was supposed to be

a lamb that they were supposed to bring

a lamb with them but we find in luke’s

gospel that he’s made sure we know mary

and joseph do not have their own lamb

luke chapter 12 tells us or leviticus

chapter 12 tells us that there was a

caveat for why someone would not bring a

lamb to be sacrificed there’s one little

verse luke chapter 12 verse 8 or so that

says if someone could not afford a lamb

if their financial resources were so

that they could not buy for themself a

lamb to bring into the temple to be

sacrificed there would be an exception

made for them they could bring two

turtle doves instead of one turtle dove

and a lamb they could just bring two

turtle dubs but that was a symbol of the

fact that they were insufficient in some

way they did not have the finance

finances to buy their own lamb which


when mary and joseph came on that

particular day with their two turtle

doves in tow people would have

automatically looked at them and

recognized them as a couple who had


funds as a couple who was inadequate in

some way as a couple who had lack and

who had knees i wonder how many people

turned their noses up at the couple who

could not afford their own lamb i wonder

how many people ignored the poor couple

who didn’t fit in with everybody else

who had been able to purchase their own

lamb i wonder how many people did not

get an opportunity to have an encounter

with the baby jesus because they ignored

the people who had him carried in their


i want to speak to who anybody who’s in

this room and you’ve ever felt excluded

or ignored from the clique of people who

have the money to buy their own lamb

they drive the car and they live in the

house and they’re able to to communicate

or to experience life in a certain way

that that man you just can’t afford

maybe you’ve got lack financially or

you’ve got lack emotionally you have

lack relationally you have poured

everything out and you find it that

you’ve got insufficient funds in some

way in your life and you can’t afford

what it looks like everybody else can

afford and you’ve been ignored or

ostracized people have turned their

noses up at you can i just tell you that


you don’t need to have your own lamb

when you can carry the lamb of god that

takes away the sins of the world

in fact

the lamb is most often best experienced

in the lives of those who have

insufficient funds

in fact i think it is our affluence that

keeps us from actually having an

encounter with the living god we’ve

become so used to being able to bless


that we don’t have a real authentic

relationship with the blesser

we are so affluent we have prosperity

particularly in this part of the world

where listen if you’re poor in this

country you’re rich in other countries

and here where we’ve been able to

sustain ourselves where we know where

our next meal is coming from where we

choose from a closet full of clothes as

to what clothes we’re gonna wear to a

particular event where we might have

financial struggles everything is not

perfect but we still have our daily

needs met it is sometimes in our


because our arms are so full of the

lambs we have bought for ourself we

actually don’t even have room we don’t

have margin to have an intimate ongoing

relationship with the lamb of god that

takes away the sins of the world lord

forgive us when we’ve turned our noses

up at people who don’t have all of the

external markings of affluence in doing

that we have missed out on the blessing

of having a relationship with the people

who often have the most intimate

relationships with jesus christ because

sometimes y’all those people are not in

the in the spotlight they’re the ones

behind the scenes sometimes those are

the people that are not in mega church

churches they’re in store front churches

sometimes there are the people that are

not the ones on the platform with the

microphone in their hands they’re the

people that volunteer their time to

clean up in a sanctuary like this to

sweep up after us they’re the people who

volunteer their time to be in the sunday

school teaching our second graders and

third graders so that you and i can

enjoy an opportunity like that lord

forgive us when we ignore those people

and clamor after the people whose gifts

happen to put them in the spotlight but

we ignore those people who are who are


an intercessory prayer who are on their

knees in the secret quiet places the

lamb of god tucked within their arms

having an intimate encounter with him

but we ignore them because they don’t

look like us or dress like us or drive

what we drive or live where we live

so if you’ve ever been that person

the text speaks to you today that it was

mary and joseph who did not have what

everybody had

but they had

what everybody else didn’t have

and so they come into the building

nobody recognizes that jesus has arrived

except one person

luke writes at the top of the passage

he writes and behold somebody say behold

come on y’all say behold

any time an author in the text writes

that word it isn’t a throwaway word it

isn’t something that you just need to

skip or skim over quickly

anytime you read behold in the text the

author’s trying to tell you lean in put

your chin in your hands just in case you

kind of fell asleep during all the

minutia and the fine details that led up

to this moment this is when the author

wants you to open up your eyes and sit

up straight because there’s somebody he

wants you to meet

he says behold

there was a man named simeon

and when no one else recognized the

presence of god when god came near there

was one guy who did

and if in this room today

there are only going to be a handful of

us who actually have an encounter with

god i’m talking about where we hear his

voice when we our hearts are set aflame

by the holy spirit when you when we get

some some uh direction for the purpose

that he has for our life if they’re

going to be a whole lot of us who have

an experience today but only a few that

actually encounter the living god that i

don’t know about you but if there’s only

going to be a few i want to be one of

them anybody

so luke says pay attention because

there’s one guy that’s going to show you

how to have your eyes open so that you

aren’t just in the religious place but

so that you encounter a holy living god

he says there’s a man named simeon he’s

righteous devout

and he’s looking for the consolation of

israel his eyes are open peeled to the

horizon waiting for jesus in whatever

package he chooses to come

waiting for an encounter with the

long-awaited messiah

and then he gives us

at least the one there are many

throughout this text but the one

characteristic of his life that i

believed opened up simeon’s eyes to

catch sight of god that will open up our

eyes to catch sight of god he says at

the bottom of verse 25 he says and the

holy spirit

was upon him

luke says simeon’s eyes were opened to

catch sight of god


god’s spirit was on him

the holy spirit is the greatest gift you

will ever receive this side of eternity

the moment you place faith in jesus

the moment you received jesus as your

personal savior i don’t know if you knew

it or not but you received in that

moment the greatest gift you will ever

receive the holy spirit of god

and the holy spirit is not a ghost or a

wind or a fire or a dove he is often

symbolized by those things but y’all

they ain’t who he is

the holy spirit is the third person of

the trinity

not third because he is least in value

just third because he is the last to be

revealed to us in the pages of scripture

but all of the fullness all of the power

all of the authority all of the

greatness all of the grandeur of god the

father is in the person of the holy


which means when you place faith in

jesus christ and the holy spirit takes

up residence in you

that now means that all of the power all

of the glory all of the grandeur all of

the greatness of god the father now

lives on the inside of you ephesians

chapter 1 says the moment you believe

you receive the holy spirit with promise

you are not waiting on the holy spirit

you have the holy spirit right now you

did not receive the holy spirit in

installment plans

you can’t give away a person in parts

all of the holy spirit you’re ever going

to get you got the moment you got saved

now we need to be filled by god’s spirit

as we yield to his conviction in our

life in obedience

as what is happening in us becomes an

outward expression as our behavior is

modified as we are sanctified somebody

say sanctified

that means as we are molded into the

image of christ jesus so that we start

to think like him and talk like him and

walk like him and behave like jesus

jesus behave we need to be filled by

god’s spirit but when you got saved

listen to me you received the holy

spirit of god god’s spirit is in you the

benefit of this is

all of the fruit of god’s spirit is

available to you

that means that there is gentleness

that you don’t have in your own natural

ability for that person or that problem

that now you are able to have that is

beyond your own natural capacity because

the holy spirit what he does is help us

to live beyond ourselves when we’ve come

to the end of our patience you know with

that one co-worker that one that if she

says one more thing to you you gonna

knock her out that one

the holy spirit is the one that gives

you patience when your patience has long

since run out the holy spirit is the one

who gives you self-discipline so that

you have discipline in areas where you

know left to your own natural desires

and propensities you would not have

discipline in that area of morality or

that area of gluttony you wouldn’t have

discipline but now because the holy

spirit lives on the inside of you you

can live beyond your natural capacities

anybody excited about that

the holy spirit gives you fruit so that

you are able to have more than what you

would have if left to your own

but you don’t just get his fruit you get

his gifts

the holy spirit gives you gifts through

which you can edify the body of christ

he turns what would have maybe possibly

been just a talent into a gift that

actually causes what you do or what you

craft to actually get to the hearts of

the people that you were singing to or

speaking to or dancing for or writing to

those people now don’t just read words

on a page that you wrote now the words

are like fire shut up in their soul it

changes their heart it renews their mind

it accomplishes spiritual purposes in

their life so listen if you’re a writer

well then write do your best work but in

the end what you’re praying for is that

god’s spirit will anoint your words with

power and with fire to affect people for

the glory of god

don’t just speak

ask god for fire on your message

don’t just dance perfect your craft but

in the end what you’re looking for is

not just talent

what you want is a gift

and there’s no amount of manufacturing

that can give what only the holy spirit

can give

so when the holy spirit takes up

residence on the inside of you and on

the inside of me at the moment we are

saved we have the privilege of having

relationship with jesus christ having

relationship with god having

communication with him because of the

holy spirit that lives on the inside of

us that if when god sent his son jesus

to die on the cross if when we received

that gift we got a ticket to eternity

and that was all we got just that we

knew we were saved from death hell and

the grave and we got to experience

eternity with jesus christ listen if

that’s all we ever got out of this

salvation deal that would have been

enough for us to celebrate for the rest

of our days but when that might have

been enough for us it wasn’t enough for

him amen he said no i’m gonna send you

the holy spirit so that i don’t you

don’t have to wait to get to heaven to

experience heaven but so that you can

have a little bit of heaven right now

while you’re here on planet earth i’m

going to give you myself in the person

of the holy spirit so that you will see

what it’s like to walk with me and talk

with me and have friendship with me and

an ongoing relationship with me that is

what it means to have the holy spirit

but luke says

that simeon did not just have the spirit

in him

it says that the spirit was

upon him

this tells us

that there is a difference

between the spirit being in you

and the spirit being on you

i want to live a life

that invites the presence of god’s


on me

i know he’s in me but i want the kind of

life that is a magnet that calls down

the grace the favor the anointing the

presence of god upon my life i want to

live in such yielded surrender to him

that not just is he in me that’s a gift

that all of us get who place faith in

jesus christ but i don’t just want him

in me i want him on my life

i want the evidence of him on my life i

want it so that when i do something or

say something or participate in

something or pray over something i want

it so that when i walk away people don’t

just say priscilla was here i want them

to say no god’s presence was here that

only happens when the spirit of god is

on you

and so if you want to mother your kids

in such a way that you leave the imprint

of god on those kids the spirit can’t

just be in you he got to be on you

if you want to be the wife that god has

called you to be single woman if you

want to be the kind of single woman that

god has called you to be if you want to

be the kind of employer or employee that

god has called you to be if you want to

walk with purpose in the way that god

has called you to then thank the lord

that god’s spirit is on you

but i’m asking that god will allow it

there to be 2 000 women who leave this

place today at the end of the day and

god’s spirit isn’t just in us but god’s

spirit is on us

where we are marked by the presence of

god where when people encounter us

there’s something unusual something

distinct something that they cannot

touch or taste or communicate with their

five physical senses there’s an

intangible that is on their life where

when the employer is looking to give the

promotion it’s not that your resume says

you are the most qualified out of all

the candidates but there’s something

about you that they just

can’t put a finger on that’s called the

spirit of god being on you

it’s called



is what opens up doors no man can shut

favor is what puts you in places you

know you don’t have no business being in

favor is what sets you in positions that

you know you aren’t qualified for

safe favor is what makes it so that you

are exactly where you’re supposed to be

to accomplish exactly what it is that

god has set for you to come it’s it’s

what qualifies you when you don’t have

the degree and you don’t have the

diploma you don’t have the connections

you’re just where god has opened up a

door for you to be and even though

people might talk badly about you or try

to push you out of that place you cannot

be moved not because you manufactured

your way there but because god’s spirit

has placed you there

god’s spirit on your life

is what makes it so that you don’t have

to market yourself because you’ve

already been marked by the presence of

almighty god

oh i want god’s spirit on me and can i

tell you this are you listening

there is one thing that attracts the

presence of god to rest on our lives

and it

is holiness

plain old

flat out

old school


i implore you sisters by the mercies of


to walk in a manner worthy of the

calling by which you have been called

that if you come if i come into this

room and we celebrate till we are blue

in the face and we wave our hands and we

read the scriptures and we worship but

we walk out of here and we live in a way

that is incongruent

with everything that we’ve heard here


if we do not choose to walk in a way

that honors god we will have wasted the

time that we have spent here

and if there is something that breaks my

heart for my own generation and the

generation coming up after me

is that social media has made it so that

we are more interested in impressing


than walking holy before our god

we are more interested in being

perfectly lit

than we are in making sure that we’re

laying up treasures for ourselves in


lord help us

when because of our hubris because of

our arrogance because of our pride we

are more interested

in receiving the applause of people than

we are of making sure that we will

receive the applause of heaven

but a day is coming y’all sooner than we

think where we’re going to look our

savior in his face where we’re going to

see him face to face and when we see him

he will not ask me how many instagram

followers i had

he will not wonder how many people liked

my message on twitter what he’ll ask me

is number one did i have a relationship

with his son jesus

and then i will give

an account

you will give an account

and i don’t know about y’all but when i

give an account i’m looking for

a well done

not because i necessarily please people

but because he is pleased with my life

and the one thing that invites the favor

of god on our life like simeon that will

open our eyes to see him more clearly so

that we don’t miss him when he comes

into our circumstances trying to speak

to us to answer us to make himself a

parent in our lives the one thing that

opens up our eyes is god’s spirit on us

and if you want if i want god’s spirit

on our lives then we got to decide to



i implore you by the mercies of god to

lay aside every sin

every hindrance anything that is keeping

you entangled so that you cannot run

with endurance the race that is set

before you

any relationship separate at the past so

that you can walk holy sister

any addiction any habit any lifestyle

choice that is keeping you from being

free and walking in victory in jesus

name let it go by the power of the holy

spirit so that he can rest on your life

going to church is good but it’s not


do in your bible study oh it’s great but

it’s not enough if you want god’s

presence on you marking you making you

distinct and different from the people

around you then you’ve got to walk in a

manner worthy of the lord




it’s not perfection

it is a call to yield to the power of

the holy spirit in you so that you do

not give way to all the desires of your


what it means is that you have not

chosen as a lifestyle

an attitude or an action that you

already know is displeasing to god

you know up front that you’ve already

got on your calendar after this is over

a place you’re going or a person you’re

seeing that you know you don’t have busy

any business being in relationship with

but you’ve already scheduled sin into

your calendar

i’m saying walk away from everything

that is keeping you from having the

biggest most amazing blessing you can

have on your life and that is god’s


marking you

all up on you setting you apart girl for

his purposes

and with his power evident through your

life if you are in this room and you are

in chains in some area of your life

where you’ve tried the 12-step program

you’ve tried to walk away from that

illegitimate relationship you’ve tried

to not live this lifestyle because you

know that it is out of alignment with

the truth of god but everything you’ve

tried in your own power has not set you

free so that you can walk in holiness

and have god’s presence resting on your

life i believe that before this day is

over those chains can fall off of your


that you can decide that i’m going to

live holy so that i can have god’s favor

like simeon so that my eyes can be

opened because i want to see my god

i want to hear his voice i want to have

an experience and an encounter with him

if you are in this room

and you know you’re not walking in


you know there is an area of your life

whether in attitude

or an action

i mean god’s asked you to forgive that

person and you have dug your heels in

the ground you have refused to forgive

or in your actions where you were

literally doing something participating

in something engaging in something and

you’ve dug your heels into the ground

you’ve ignored the little pricks of the

holy spirit asking you to walk away from


or to participate in that

you’ve you’ve ignored it and you know

you are not living holy before the lord

and you want to get that strike today so

that we can all be women who honor god

in our attitudes and in our actions and

invite the favor of god on our lives

listen if you are in this room and you

know holiness is the call that god has

given to you this morning

would you please right now in this holy

space just rise to your feet if that’s

you if you need freedom in a specific

area of your life we’re going to walk

out of here a holy band of women

who want god’s favor on us

don’t be embarrassed don’t be ashamed

listen ain’t nobody got time for that

this is the moment where we say god we

give ourselves to you a living and holy


we present our bodies to you we present

our minds to you we present ourselves to

you lord a living and holy sacrifice do

with us what you will we surrender the

area of life that is our area of bondage

the area we’ve been holding back the

little cove we’ve kept from your

fingerprints being upon it we surrender

that to you if you want freedom in jesus

name this is your moment stand to your


you don’t have to go home the same way

you came girl

you don’t have to think the same you

don’t have to act the same you don’t

have to be in bondage like you are

and have been we can change that by

god’s spirit today lord jesus i looked

up every single sister who is standing

underneath the sound of my voice and i

pray right now in jesus name that you

would give them a holy boldness and a


to surrender to you every area of their

life that they’ve been holding back

sister would you picture that area where

you know you need to ask for forgiveness

i’m going to ask you to just put your

hands out in front of you cup cup those

hands in front of you like you’re

holding that thing picture it in your


right now the scripture says that if you

confess your sin he’s faithful and just

to forgive you your sin and to cleanse

you of all unrighteousness picture that

in his hand in your hands ask the lord

to forgive you


your for his forgiveness

and only when you are ready you lift up

those hands as if you were yielding it

finally completely to him

and you lift up those hands and


give it to him just let it go

lord every attitude every action

every little hidden place in our life


every bondage lord every illegitimate

relationship every immorality father

everything that is not like you we give

it to you right now in jesus name

lord i pray that if there is a bondage a

shackle on somebody’s life that is

demonic in nature lord i pray in jesus

name and by his bloodshed on calvary

that you would cancel every demonic

assignment against these women and

against their families lord i pray that

you would by your holy spirit break the

shackles lord loosen them help us to

hear the shackles falling off right now

in jesus name and lord i pray that we

will walk in a manner worthy of the

calling by which we have been called

father i pray that you would enable us

by your spirit to no longer walk by the

flesh but to walk by the spirit so that

we will not fulfill the desires of the

flesh lord i pray for freedom in jesus

name i thank you for galatians 5 1 that

says it is for freedom that we have been

made free therefore we will stand firm

and no longer be subject again to any

yoke of slavery that is in our life we

are free in jesus name

and it is in the matchless name of jesus

christ that everybody agreed and said



at tbn our mission is to use every

available means to reach as many

individuals and families as possible

with the life-changing gospel of jesus

christ thank you for helping

make the gospel of grace go around the


without you we couldn’t do it god bless

