Dr. Stanley shares the timeless truths of God’s Word that have provided him with a solid foundation for living the Christian life. Learn valuable lessons such as the importance of spending time with the Lord, relying upon the Holy Spirit, accepting God¨s unconditional love, and more. For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week’s broadcast, go to intouch.org/tv.

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in touch with Dr Charles Stanley

reaching the world with the Gospel of

Jesus Christ through sound Biblical


next on InTouch lessons I have learned

do you live by principle or by the

pressures of the moment do you find

yourself making decisions based on

immediate feelings or rather by the

principles of the word of God

are you more influenced by your

environment around you or by the Holy

Spirit who’s living within you could you

say that you have a sense of direction a

sense of meaning a sense of purpose in

your life are you just sort of

responding and reacting to life as

situations and circumstances arise the

Bible is full of great principles Godly

principles by which our Lord wants us to

live in fact you could go from Genesis

to Revelation and there’s one principle

after the other that God has given us

because you see this is God’s

instruction book for living

the wisest thing that a father can do

for his children is to teach them very

early in life listen to believe that

this is the word of God and to share

these principles of scripture in such a

fashion that they will be guided by

Divine principles those principles that

make it possible for us to live life at

its very best and I want you to turn if

you will to Proverbs chapter 3 which is

probably the anchor chapter in the Bible

for me personally because there’s a

simple passage within this that somehow

I’ve always gone back to over and over

and over again through these years he

says beginning in verse 1 of chapter 3

my son do not forget my teaching but let

your heart keep my Commandments the

length of days and years of life and

peace they will add to you

do not let kindness and Truth leave you

bind them around your neck write them on

the tablet of your heart so you’ll find

favor and good repute in the sight of

God and man and listen to this trust in

the Lord with all your heart do not lean

on your own understanding in all your

ways acknowledge Him and He will make

your path straight do not be wise in

your own eyes

fear the lord and turn away from Evil it

will be healing to your body and

refreshment to your bones honor the Lord

from your wealth and from the first of

all your produce so your barns will be

filled with plenty and your vets will

overflow with new wine

my son do not reject the discipline of

the Lord aloe has reproof For Whom the

lord loves he reproves even as a father

the son in whom he Delights what I want

to do in this passage and in this

message primarily is to share with you

some of the most important principles

that God has laid upon my own life those

principles by which he has guided my

life there are many others besides the

one I want to mention

but these are the ones that he is most

impressed upon my own heart guided Me by

over all these years for which I am very

very grateful and I want to begin with

the very first one the one that my

grandfather taught me when I was 17

years of age he didn’t even realize the

impact he was having upon my life but he

laid this principle before me in a very

simple fashion obey God and leave all

the consequences of your obedience to

him in order to be obedient to God and

lead the consequences to him it requires

two things number one it requires that

you and I first of all learn how to

listen to God if I do not know how to

listen to God then I will not know how

to be obedient to God that’s why you

cannot separate learning to listen to

him and obeying him

a second thing that is absolutely

essential and that is that I trust him

one of the biggest problems we have in

this whole issue is the idea of the fear

of what may happen if we trust him that

is if I do not understand what the

consequences might be if I can’t see

what the consequences are if I can’t see

my way clear oftentimes one of the

reasons we don’t obey him is because we

want him to give us in graphic detail

what the consequences will be if we obey

him and God is under no obligation to

show me the consequences but I will say

this God has made himself responsible he

is obligated listen to be responsible

for the consequences of our obedience

remember that God is responsible for the

consequences of our obedience it is my

responsibility to learn how to listen to


my responsibility to trust him his

responsibility to as a result of my

obedience take care of all those

consequences now oftentimes one of the

things we have to deal with is the

clamor of other people what they think

we should do how they think we should

live in decisions they think we ought to

make and the truth is if you listen to

the world and oftentimes even if you

listen to people who mean well you will

not find nor hear the will of God

oftentimes people tell us what they

think we want to hear what they think

will be easy on us and what they think

we should do from their perspective when

nobody knows the will and purpose of God

for our life but almighty God and

therefore when we say obey God and leave

all the consequences to him we cannot

learn a greater lesson in life

it takes courage to be obedient when you

don’t know what the consequence is going

to be it takes Faith to be obedient when

you don’t have any idea what the

consequences are going to be and

oftentimes when we try to picture and

foretell in our own mind and our own

thinking from a human point of view what

we think the consequences might be so

often we are absolutely totally in error

because only God in his omniscience

knows what the consequences will be so

if you’ll remember obey God leave all

the consequences to him almighty God is

totally responsible for the consequences

of our obedience second lesson I would

mention is simply this and that is learn

to trust the Lord for every single thing

in life that we need and oftentimes it

is difficult and failure that teaches us

how to learn to trust him God is going

to send us enough difficulty and

hardship in our life he’s going to send

us enough trials and tribulations in

order to teach us to trust them how

would we ever know how to trust him if

we didn’t face circumstances in

situations in which we didn’t feel

helpless and hopelessly lost apart from

the divine intervention of God you can

trust him for every single need you can

trust him to protect your nervous

circumstance and one of the scriptures

he keeps laying on my heart all through

these years is no weapon formed against

you shall prosper and over and over and

over again his weapons have been tossed

at me from one reason or the other over

and over he sent me back to that passage

you’re going to believe what I’ve said

rather than what you see and what you

feel if you’ll just remember that

believe what he says rather than what

you feel or what you see because if you

believe what you feel it can be very

erroneous if you believe what you hear

can be very erroneous if you believe

what God says you never never go wrong

doing what’s right the Third lesson that

I think is so very important is this and

that is learning to wait upon God for

his Direction and his timing here’s what

I’ve discovered when he says wait it’s

probably for one of three reasons number

one because I’m not ready for what he

has it may be that what I believe is the

will of God is the will of God but the

timing is not my timing it’s his time

and he says no way and sometimes we wait

a while we think God I’ve waited long

enough he says no wait are you going to

believe what I said are you going to

believe are you going to believe what

you what you see are you going to

believe what you feel when God says wait

I cannot tell you how important this is

this is one of the most difficult

lessons to learn but it is one of the

most important don’t budge until God

gives you permission to move one of the

reasons is because we’re not ready a

second reason is because the

circumstance that he is preparing for us

that circumstance isn’t ready you and I

can’t rush God we can’t hurry God when

God puts a situation circumstances

together he puts it together in his

perfect timing in his perfect way

oftentimes When God says no don’t don’t

move why Lord just trust me don’t move

but God look at all these things that

are taking place in times going by don’t

move trust me don’t move

a third reason is because God has

something better here we are waiting for

this and God has something absolutely

better over here that you and I have

never dreamed of never thought about and

so I would say lesson number three very

important lesson learn to wait for God’s

Direction and for God’s timing in your


the next one I would simply say is one

that is so very important and oftentimes

we think well principles and lessons

that God would teach us uh How would how

could this possibly be one of them but

it’s one of them because

as I think about over the years one of

the most profitable things I ever have

ever done I learned very early in life

and so what is this principle this

principle is this give generously to the

Lord’s work here’s what I’ve discovered

if I if I hold on if I become attached

to anything in life materially what I’m

doing is I’m holding on to something if

I’m holding on to something God can’t

put anything in the hands that that a

tightly fisted like this when I open my

hands to God and say Lord whatever I

have is yours you can take anything you

want you can take as much as you want

all you got to do is to tell me what you

want and here it is if I do that you

know what I know that I’m not I’m not

attached to anything

anytime you get to get to holding on

anything and money becomes a priority in

your life mark this down you’re going to

lose it God is going to see to it that

you lose it money is not our goal our

goal is to walk obediently before God

but if you and I will walk obediently

before God and follow his principles of

giving here’s what he will do he will

prosper you in ways you’ll never be able

to imagine here’s something else it will

protect you from greed it will protect

you from selfishness it will protect you

from becoming materialistically attached

I’m telling you what’s part of what’s

wrong with this whole nation of ours is

that we’ve become a greedy Nation

somehow somebody’s convinced and

persuaded us if we have enough things

enough of this and enough of that enough

of the other we will be happy there is

no happiness no joy and no peace in

things it is to be found in a

relationship with Jesus Christ well I

think another principle that’s so very

important to me and that is I cannot

live the Christian Life it is Christ

Living it through me I can remember the

first time that ever came to my mind I’d

never heard a sermon on it ever read a

book never saw a track never heard

anything about it I picked up this book

by Dr V Raymond Edmond who was then the

president of Wheaton College and he

wrote this book entitled they found the

secret it was simply simple biographical

sketches of the spiritual life and the

spiritual journey of some great men and

women of God I opened that book up one


one Friday night and uh walked out to my

study in the backyard and I began to

read I began to read that first chapter

about Hudson Taylor

I didn’t read but a very few pages

probably about page seven by the time I

got there I thought Lord here’s somebody

who feels exactly the way I feel here’s

somebody who’s struggling with the bird

things I’m struggling with that night

for the first time in my life the very

idea that Jesus Christ came to live on

the inside of me to live through me a

life I could not live because I was

struggling trying to do my best grew up

in a legalistic kind of a church don’t

do this don’t do that don’t do the other

tried my best to do what I should do

didn’t do very well at it I was a Roman

7 Christian what I didn’t want to do I

found myself doing what I wanted to do I

didn’t have the strength to do failure

after failure after failure after

failure trying and trying and I would

plead and pray and fast and tell God

what I was going to do and I was going

to do better and better and better and I

got worse and worse and worse until he

finally got me to the absolute total end

of myself that somehow the Christian

Life was not working and I can remember

the very week that I was that I read

this book I’d already come to the

conclusion God either you’ve got to tell

me something I don’t know I’ve got to

quit telling people you just trust Lord

Jesus Christ that he’ll give you peace

and happiness and joy in your life

because I’ve got it on Sunday Come

Monday I don’t have it something’s wrong

I remember one of the fellows in that

church he kept he’d come down the aisle

about uh about at least twice a month

that’s no exaggeration come down

rededicate his life I got to think and

what in the world’s wrong with him he’s

a good friend of mine what in the world

is wrong that he has to dedicate his

rededicate his life every two weeks I

thought something’s wrong something is

either wrong with the preaching Uh

something’s wrong with him something’s

wrong and then it’s like the Lord showed

me what are you preaching you’re

preaching do good be good you can’t do

good you can’t be good there’s something

all messed up in all this I got up off

my knees that night when I realized John

chapter 15 and verse those first few

verses when Jesus said I’m abiding in

you and you’re abiding in me he says as

the branch abides in the vine he says so

I’m abiding in you and you’re abiding in

me for the first time in my life I

recognized I heard God say to me so

Crystal Clear I’ve never intended if you

live the Christian Life you can’t do it

you never have done it you’ve failed and

failed and failed now you’re preaching

to people they don’t know what the

world’s going on because they can’t live

up to it either I’m telling you you

can’t I’m the only one who can live this

life through you when I get up off that

place I was so liberated I was so afraid

I didn’t even know how to explain it

it’s like God had dumped a whole

theology in my mind and heart I didn’t

know how to explain it I couldn’t even

understand what it was all about at

first except I knew that what I had been

trying to do God never intended me to do

he intended for me to rely upon Him

trust in him and allow him to live his

life in and through me then all of a

sudden Galatians chapter 2 verse 20 came

to my mind and came to my heart when

Paul said I’ve been crucified with

Christ nevertheless I live yet not I he

says but it’s Christ Living on the

inside of me and the life which I now

live I live by the faith of the Son of

God who loved me and gave himself for me

you talking about liberated I dumped off

all listen all of my attempts to live up

to and please and somehow perform for

God to accept me all went away in one


it’s the most liberating lesson I’ve

ever learned in life and it’s my prayer

and the tragedy is this the tragedy is

this most Believers will go to their

grave in the bondage of trying to please

God trying to perform trying to live up

to trying somehow to be good enough to

get his acceptance when it is absolutely

impossible remember what Grace is all

about Grace is all about the fact that

God loves us in spite of who we are God

has forgiven us when we don’t deserve it

it is not living up to performing or

trying to measure up to anything one of

the most liberating lessons is it is

Christ in us when I began to read the

Epistles of Paul after that everywhere I

turned in Christ in Christ in him in

whom in fact you could write you could

rack up the whole Theology of the

Apostle Paul in these two words in

Christ because Paul understood that he

understood his own failures and that’s

why in Romans 7 he says I couldn’t do it

I tried and I couldn’t in Romans 8 he

says thank God that he has liberated me

in the person of Jesus Christ Romans 8

is a great chapter Victory Romans 7 is a

great chapter of defeat most of us live

in defeat until somehow we learn that it

is Christ in us and not we ourselves

well when I think about all these

principles and think about what God has

done in my own heart I think about one

of the most reassuring ones of all is

the fact that God loves us

unconditionally listen carefully the

Reason God loves you and me

unconditionally has nothing to do with

what we are who we are how we act it has

to do with his nature it is the very

character and nature of God to love with

all the fullness and all the potential

that the Divine love has to offer it

says nothing to do with us it has to do

with him you see he’s the one who gets

the glory and the credit and the praise

it is God loving us in spite of us and

loving us through and loving us not

because of anything within us but simply

because he’s the God he is

it took me years and years and years to

overcome the conclusion yes I can

confess I can declare To The World God

loves me unconditionally no matter what

when I think about people for example

who cannot believe in eternal security

who struggle with the millions who do

they just can’t believe that that once

they’re saved by the grace of God they

say well you know if you believe that

then that’s license for sin my friend

listen once you understand that God

loves you unconditionally you don’t look

for license for sin you’re not looking

for freedom for sin what you want to do

is you want to be obedient to God

because you’re so grateful for that kind

of love when you trust them as your

personal savior he seals you the Bible

says under the day of redemption he says

you’re a child of God nothing you can

ever do can listen can alter the fact

that Jesus Christ died for your sin can

ever alter the fact that he loves you

absolutely unconditionally you could

never be lost after God has saved you

because he says he sealed you with the

Holy Spirit he’s living on the inside of

you you’d have to take the spirit of God

to hell with you to die and be lost

when I think about people who live in

the bondage of fear every day you’re

going to heaven I’m not sure why not

well if you trusted Jesus as your savior

well I tried well did you do it yes I

did well uh did he savior I think he did

well you save I think I am no are you

saved well I think so you know what

they’re doing here’s what they’re doing

looking at their behavior looking at

their conduct looking at their past

judging listen judging themselves the

way they would judge someone else when

God loves us absolutely unconditionally

unconditionally and has saved us forever

well the next principle when you notice

is this and that is that God is in

absolute control of every circumstance

of life I don’t know of a more

comforting thought than that that God is

absolutely in total control he says no

weapon formed against you will prosper

not any he says why because he’s in

control what appears to be oftentimes

something that is against us or

something that uh that would destroy us

in some fashion God knows exactly what

is happening you and I listen we live

Under The Canopy of his Divine Omni

listen omniscience omnipresence

omnipotence he is in absolute control of

every single facet of our life if I

didn’t believe that I would quit

preaching the word of God because it

would mean that we are now victims and

the world can do this to us and the

world can do that and therefore just

anything can happen within where is

Faith where is this Jehovah God who is

abso listen he is absolute and

faithfulness and infinite in power if

he’s all the Bible says he is he is

absolutely Sovereign therefore he is in

total control of every every single

thing that happens people who don’t

believe that they’ll tell you what you

ought to do

they want you to make this decision that

decision of incision the problem is

they’re not willing to trust God they

don’t know the god that you know they

don’t understand that he’s Sovereign in

control listen if God is in Sovereign

control of your life who am I to tell

you how to live your life who am I to

tell you what to do next if God is in

control of your life if you’re listening

to him if you ask me I’d say well here’s

what the word of God says that you have

to make up your own mind does this fit

the principles of God is this is this a

sovereign God at work in your life doing

something very good how often I have

seen in my own life in the lives of

others things that were so painful

things that were so difficult well

listen was the very substance that God

was using to build and strengthen and

edify and listen make strong and solid

and established and undergird and

overshadow that person’s life don’t

listen don’t turn away from difficulty

hardship what does he say in Proverbs 3

he says he says do not reject the

discipline of the Lord why because

oftentimes it is that discipline which

may come because of something we’ve done

or because something someone else has

done because God has something in mind

he says don’t turn away from it God is

loving us and what is he going to do he

says he’s going to turn all of that into

something absolutely beautiful

it’s easier for us to believe that about

other people’s lives but not our own

next lesson is this and that is the

importance of absolutely depending upon

the holy spirit for everything I think

one of the most profitable lessons is to

realize I don’t have to do anything in

my spirit I don’t have to do anything in

my flesh I don’t have to do anything in

my strength there is the indwelling

supernatural power of God that indwells

every single believer whatever he calls

you to do you can do it well and you can

do it in a way that’ll make an impact

because that’s the way God designed you

and me to live that he would live on the

inside of us his life through the Holy

Spirit enabling us to accomplish

whatever it might be that’s why none of

us can take any credit you can’t take

any credit if God is the one who’s doing

it and so pride is a heinous sin in fact

God says he hates it he hates it because

it steals him of his glory he hates it

because of its destructive element in a

person’s life because when a person

ceases to depend upon God they must

depend upon themselves and once they do

I’ll tell you Satan has a hook in that

person’s life and they’re headed down

well as I think about all these

principles and how important every

single one of them is I think about this

very important principle and that’s this

what I believe is the priority of life

and that is one of the most important

lessons you’ll ever learn is this listen

that your personal time of meditation

with God should be the priority of your

life listen

you cannot do anything in the Christian

Life more valuable more fruitful more

productive because it listen it

underlies every single one of these

other principles and that is the time

that you and I spend on our needs before

God and listen the time that you’re not

spent on our knees with the word not

listen not just praying you can pray all

kinds of stuff you can get listen you

can get off on all kinds of tangents

praying but if you are praying with the

word of God reading the scriptures

asking God to speak to your heart God

speak to my heart about this show me the

truth about this what are you saying to

me here’s what happens God loves us and

he wants us to himself he wants us to

spend time alone with him just like

every man and every woman who really

loves each other they want time alone

when there’s nobody else they’re just

the two of them they want to fellowship

and have that kind of relationship God

wants you and me alone with him the most

valuable time you and I can spend in any

given day it’s time when we spend alone

being quiet listening to him praying

crying out to him

and oftentimes pastors will say to me

well if you just have one thing to say

to me as young Pastor what would you say

tell them all the same thing the most

important thing in your life is the time

you spend alone with God on your knees

in the word for yourself not looking for

a sermon but you’re looking for God to

speak to your life cannot tell you how

important that is your dad’s going to

teach your children how to do that

before they go to bed at night you go

tonight with them and open the word of

God with your children read them a

passage of scripture and you can read

them other books too but listen don’t

neglect the word of God so early in life

they can’t even remember when they saw

this book you read a little passage pray

with them talk to them listen they will

grow up listen they’ll grow up with a

faith that is strong early in life

because what you did is you fed them on

the word of God you instructed them in

the things what you’re saying by using

this book is listen this book is

important this message is important this

is the word of the Living God the Gospel

of Jesus Christ

can penetrate the most hardened heart

transform that life

and change their Eternal Destiny if

there is one thing that I have learned

over these years it is this this is the

most precious thing on the face of this

Earth this is the revelation of almighty

God and the Apostle Paul said I’m not

ashamed of the gospel of Christ for he

says I’ve learned that it’s the power of

God and the Salvation to everyone who

believes and as I think about so often a

simple message you can speak to several

hundred people seven thousand or several

thousand or several million people you

know what it’s amazing they all hear

they all hear what God is saying to them

those who are listening and God can take

listen my voice is someone else’s voice

put it in some other language let

somebody else say it doesn’t make any

difference it is the awesome power of

the Living Word of God it can transform

a life it can absolutely transform a

person’s Eternal Destiny you and I have

the most precious message the world has

ever known will ever know and here’s

what Isaiah said about it he says the

grass us with us and the flower Fades

but the word of our God stands forever

this is God’s instruction book and my

friend if you want life at its best I’ve

just laid out some principles to you

that I know that work I’ve seen them

work in other people’s life I know

they’re working my life every single one

of them comes from this book you ask God

to show you the principles and for your

life he’ll add some to those he may not

give you the same ones they’re all the

truth if you want life at its best you

go to the best book you go to the

instruction book you go the revelation

of God this is God’s mind put in human

print in order for you and me to

understand who he is and to be able to

come to him through his son Jesus Christ

if you’ve never trusted Jesus Christ as

your savior this is the way you do it

you accept the testimony of the word of

God which says that Jesus Christ is

God’s only begotten son he sent him into

this world to Down the Cross placed upon

him all of your sin so that your entire

sin that past present and future he took

with him to the Cross when he died on

the cross he paid your sin dead and

pulled the way that you’re saved is this

you ask the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive

you of your sins you accept his death as

full payment for your sin you tell him

that you’re receiving him as your

personal Savior and the moment you do

that by faith you become the child of

the Living God and grew up with the Holy

Spirit sealed the day of redemption and

then listen you have the wonderful

privilege of joining all of us in the

greatest adventure of life and that’s

living the Christian Life by allowing

Jesus to live that wonderful life

through you Moment by moment day by day

I can tell you my friend this is the

only light that really counts this is

the only life that really works this is

the only life that listen not promises

but provides a joy the peace the

happiness and contentment in Good Times

bad times and pleasure and in pain Our

God never changes

thank you

so wherever you are I want to encourage

you to whisper a simple prayer asking

him to forgive you and telling him that

you’re trusting him as your personal

savior today and my friend one thing but

certain you ask him he is ready to save

you ready to change your life