Sid Roth shares his thoughts on the war in Israel. MUST WATCH! God Protects Israel! [Miraculous Stories]:    • MUST WATCH! God Protects Israel! [Mir…   In a recent video Rabbi Felix Halpern prophesied that the Jewish year 5784 would be a time of “astonishment and shock.” Watch here:    • 5784: Prepare for Astonishment And Sh…  

there are prophecies involving Israel

involving Jewish people why is Jerusalem

so important why are the Jews so

important who’s pulling the strings of

Hamas and Hezbollah our enemies are not

flesh and blood they’re spiritual

principalities and powers of Darkness

who knows if you’ve not been called to

the kingdom for such a time as this

Israel says it’s at War on Saturday

terrorists breached the Border in 29

locations by land air and SE according

to military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel

Richard HEC huge rocket barrage just

targeted the city of ashdod we saw

multiple impacts explosions and Sirens

heard in Jerusalem more than 700 people

in Israel have been murdered by Hamas

terrorists since the War Began well our

hearts are heavy uh this past Shabbat we

found out that Israel declared war Holy

Spirit please take over let this

broadcast be holy let it edify God and

let truth just come out of my mouth in

yeshua’s name headlines of newspapers

say deadliest attack in 50 years I’m

hearing all sorts of Statistics the one

I’ll go on is what Israel itself is

saying not what the report are saying or

the Palestinians are saying I’m going to

what Israel is saying and they say there

were uh

2200 missiles rained in the

sky and uh they have these iron domes

which stop the missiles from causing

damage but a lot of areas aren’t even

covered with the iron domes you know God

is brilliant something that God did a

few months back uh that we found out

that we could partner with the IDF

Israeli Defense Forces and build bomb

shelters I mean U remember Schindler’s

List and remember him saying I just wish

we could build one more so uh we we have

at this moment and it’s going to change


78 operational bomb shelters in areas

the IDF deemed very very important

meaning perhaps the Iron Dome couldn’t

get those missiles or there was nothing

close to these people and of course the

further north you go up in Israel the

less bomb shelters that they have but we

also paid for an additional 15 which are

being built or built right now so we

know for sure 78 bomb shelters that did

not exist and uh and the numbers by the

way by the Palestinian

are getting um outrageously high it’s

bad even what Israel is saying the

kidnapped no one knows the number but I

have an interesting statistic I don’t

think anyone could have I have relatives

in Israel uh one’s my sister and

brother-in-law another’s a cousin and

this is what they told me I made two

phone calls to friends in Israel to get

information are they safe Etc you know

his family

uh and what what they said is both of

them one the husband of an employee is

missing they know he’s kidnapped the

other uh my sister said in their

congregation someone is kidnapped two

out of two that tells me the numbers

could be very high I don’t know about

whether you read this or not there was a

some sort of rock group for young teens

and they just slaughtered these teens

and took the women as Prisoners the

young women as prisoners now it I’m not

here to tell you how about the

atrocities of this war everywhere you

look you’ll find out information that I

have and maybe even worse but let me

tell you what I have is so horrific

we’re dealing with the uh the most gross

type of inhumanity to man it’s possible

to deal with uh we have a generation and

there’s a group there and get make no

mistake these are terrorists it happened


Shabbat uh that’s when the religious

Jews are in the synagogue I imagine a

lot of them didn’t even know it happened

till they got out of the synagogue that

night um but uh it was so well

calculated it was calculated air it was

calculated sea it was calculated land do

you know they snuck in on bicycles uh

and again I don’t want to go into the

detail you watch any newscast and you’ll

get the details of what I’m aware of um

however uh I’m really concerned over the

kidnapped people why because Hamas you

have to I started to say that you have

to understand Hamas is trained from

infancy that you must kill every Jew you

meet they’re trained you can only have a

one state solution from infancy their

textbooks are to kill Jews I mean I feel

sorry for them they’re the worst of

victims and I know someone would say you

shouldn’t feel sorry for them but

they’re the most brainwashed of

brainwashed humans on the on the earth

and whether it’s Trump or whether it’s

Biden trying to orchestrate a two-state

solution if the governments are C

controlled by terrorist groups like

Hamas or in the North in Lebanon

Hezbollah you can’t have a two-state

solution but who’s pulling the

strings of Hamas and

Hezbollah it’s very obvious who’s

pulling the strings and you only know by

intelligence which I information and

that is Iran well what was the number I

saw the other day that Biden released a

money to Iran uh I think it was like uh

$6 billion

do uh and guess what all the weapons

that were left in

Afghanistan guess what the uh terrorist

groups are using against Israel those

weapons that

money it’s all being manipulated from

Iran and it’s not even Iran so it’s

important for you to understand this

Foundation to understand why this is

happening I mean you contribute to man’s

inhumanity today man but there’s

something more diabolical than that it’s

not the humans that are puppets on a

string it’s the spiritual principalities

and powers of Darkness that are our true

enemies and they can be defeated do you

know my Bible says no weapon formed

against me can prosper that’s the

inheritance of the righteous this I know

for sure because it is written that’s

the way Jesus attacked the devil it is

written he didn’t even say God told me

he said it is written it written it is

written and I want to live my life I

want to hear from God and I’ll talk

about that in a moment but I have a sure

word from God it’s the written word of

the Living God and you can live and die

on these words and if you’re a Believer

if you’re not I’ll tell you how to take

care of in a little while but if you are

a Believer whether you feel like it

whether you look like it if you live and

that’s the caveat if you live in instant

repentance why instant the longer you

play games with sin the more entrenched

it gets the more entrenched it gets the

harder it is to get free but you can

instantly take your thought thoughts

captive the Bible says that it’s not

original take your thoughts captive to

the word of God so I live and I

recommend you live especially now the

most treacherous times the world has

ever had in instant

repentance what does God say be holy for

I am Holy isn’t it interesting in all of

scripture God commands True Believers if

that’s you raise your hand i’m a True

Believer God commands True Believers in


1226 pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and

then God bribes us to do this I mean as

if he needed to he says you’ll Prosper

if you love Jerusalem why is Jerusalem

so important why are the Jews so

important because there are prophecies

involving Jerusalem involving Israel

involving Jewish people involving the

future of the world the devil knows

these prophecies Christians know these

prophecies but we act like we don’t in

many cases so God commands interesting

only one city in scripture to pray for

the Peace of Jerusalem he didn’t say

pray for a two-state

solution pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

but there’s more to loving Israel there

is loving God’s Destiny for Israel God’s

Destiny for Israel is so much bigger

than anyone can

see Genesis 12:3 another bribe if you

will by God

for us to bless the Jewish people this

physical Seed of Abraham and I’ve quoted

this but it’s worthy of putting together

the case I’m building for you right now

from God’s word so you can say like I

can say like every True Believer should

say it is written it is written Genesis

12:3 I God will bless them who bless you

and curse him who curses you and in you

that’s in Abraham and his physical seed

All Families of the earth will be

blessed and we could say yeah when Jesus

came all families of the Earth are

blessed but that promise if you look at

scripture continued after Jesus and if

you look at history continued after

history and whether we Jews are Ardent

atheists and we point our finger at God

or whether we’re Orthodox religious

Jews the blessings of God are on us why

because God himself said the gifts and

calling a god are without repentance

meaning when he gives us a gift now if I

was God I’m not so sure I would do this

on a lot of Christians including me U

when I was a new believer I that’s all I

want to say about that um but

um God does not resend the gifting

that’s what gets tricky and will be very

tricky in the last days someone will

have a legitimate gift but what is their

character how is that gift being used is

it being used to manipulate you or being

used in a Biblical principle of sewing

and reaping there’s a fine line between

the two and I think a lot of people

don’t know the difference I know the

difference and I have to tell you I work

with with people that are known as

professional fundraisers and there isn’t

a letter that goes out of here that they

have not done and they and by the way I

write all my own letters but I do have

professional fundraisers go over it and


suggestions uh and there isn’t a letter

that goes out that number one I haven’t

written and number two after the

fundraiser made suggestions I have temp

tampered down tampered down the uh uh

this suggestions because I will not be

manipulative um despite what some people

accuse me of but that’s their problem

with God why do I say that’s their

problem with God because gossip is a

problem you better make sure that your

yes is yes and your no is no because the

more you give the devil an inch he’ll

take a mile I don’t want to give him an

inch in my life and I urge you not to

give him an inch

in now who owns the land of Israel I’m

glad you asked it is written in Psalm

105 8-11 he remembers his Covenant and I

put in Brackets that means it’s not

really in the original but it’ll help

you understand it better when I read

some other promises he remembers his

lease like you know you rent you rent an

apartment house you lease an apartment

house you lease land you own it but the

other person lives in it so he remembers

his Covenant or his lease here’s how


forever the word he commanded and here’s

another synonym for forever for a


Generations so he remembers this lease

or his Covenant with who Abraham and his

physical seed forever for a thousand

generations and then this is aazing

amazing he then says this lease passed

to Abraham then to Isaac this all in the

105th Psalm and then to Jacob as a

decree to Israel and then a third

synonym of the forever and a thousand

generations and then he says for an

Everlasting Covenant or lease saying to

you that’s the Jewish people I will give

the land of Canaan as the portion of


inheritance and throughout the Old

Testament God refers to Israel

in a term that caused me to say this

Covenant is a lease because the true

owner of God let me just give you one

example Joel 1:6 for a nation powerful

and innumerable has invaded my

land whose land my land who’s speaking

God whose land is it God’s land and he’s

given Abraham in his physical seed this

lease and he’s even said when he’s going

to come in and Rule from Jerusalem the

whole world and Jesus will be the

King David’s greater son from the seed

of David and when Jesus is the king I

can tell you the timing even I can’t

tell you when but I can tell you the

event that will happen in the world at

that moment any Jew in Israel that

doesn’t know Jesus will look and say and

Zechariah says the

weep they’ll

weep because they missed the time of

their visitation they’ll realize it was

Jesus one God for the whole world that’s

the Jewish view that’s the Muslim view

and that’s the Christian view his name

according to it is written the Bible one

God the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

and one Messiah not a messiah for the

Muslims a messiah for the Christians a

messiah for the Jews one Messiah for the

whole world the one that hung on the

cross that actually his title on the

cross was King of the Jews it was look

it up in the New Testament it is written

see when I’m telling you everything I’m

telling you it is

written one God one Messiah for the

whole yes said but there’s not peace on

Earth so it couldn’t have been Jesus

only if you’re dealing with half a deck

if you deal with all what is written

you’ll see in Isaiah

53 that in addition to uh the other

passages in Isaiah and and other and

other prophets there’ll be peace on

Earth which happens to be true but I

said it’s half a deck there are just as

many prophecies that say he will die the

perfect the the whole purpose of animal

sacrifice was to have a shadow of the

sacrifice lamb that would die for the

sins of the whole world

Jesus and so Isaiah 53 I read that from

my Orthodox Jewish father and he he

screamed at me he said close that Bible

it’s a Christian Bible you’re

describing Jesus I said Dad I’m reading

from a Jewish Tanakh the Jewish

scriptures that I got from our orthod Ox

Jewish rabbi at my bar mitzvah look at


inscription and my Orthodox Jewish

father that absolutely did not want to

believe Jesus was the Messiah couldn’t

say a word because I didn’t comment on

what I read from Isaiah 53 I just read

the pure word of God is written

dad that all we likes Sinners have gone

astray there’s none righteous no not one

and the lord has laid on him that’s the

Messiah of Israel the iniquity of us all

so there are many predictions that the

Messiah would die for our sins be buried

and rise from the dead and many

predictions when the Messiah comes

there’ll be Shalom on Earth what givs

there’s a reasonable explanation what

about just as one God one Messiah and

what about this one Messiah coming two

times once to live a righteous Life as a

human die as a human bear the sins as

Isaiah in 1 Peter 2:24 say say bear the

sins of the whole world by the way

there’s a fringe benefit most Christians

don’t know about he bore the sicknesses

of the whole world world at the same

time read it in Isaiah uh

53 so in the Hebrew it says he bore our

diseases and illnesses actually

so he he he died for us and satisfied

Justice God is a just God and that

sacrifice of Jesus took care of my sins

which were many your sins which were

many the world’s sins which were many

remember now this is what Jesus was

dealing with none righteous know not one

yeah but I’m a pretty good person

compared to who another person maybe are

compared to another person

but Joel 1:6 says who owns that land do

you know what it’s like

Zechariah uh in the living Bible

remember that translation it goes

something like this he that touches

Israel is the same as someone that pokes

their finger in God’s eye who would have

the audacity except someone stupid like

a devil or people that are listening to

the devil to poke their finger in God’s

eyes is it becoming clear because

everything I’m saying to you is not

opinion it is written it is written it

is written but oh are there some good

things that are

written if you took a look at the

devil’s best moves and all you have to

do is watch any newscast conservative

liberal nothing any newscast you’ll find

out the devil is winning he’s doing s I

don’t have to tell you about it you know

about it and he does appear to be

winning but we haven’t had God’s best

move and God is about ready to come

Center forward in Isaiah 60 he says when

he’s going to become Center

forward it’s going it says um that in a

time of

gross thick

Darkness if that doesn’t describe what

we’re living in how parents could allow

school systems to mutilate their little

boys and make them girls or mutilate

their little girls and make them boys

without their

permission you can’t get much darker

than that how the world needs to be

turned upside down again that’s what the

world literally needs to be done and

we’re about ready to see it and there’ll

be a difference on what we’re going to

see compared to what any generation in

history has seen I’m going to tell you

as great as Pentecost was as great in

the book of Acts we read about it as as

as as great as the great moves of God’s

spirit throughout history were I believe

if you take all those moves and put them

together what we’re coming into will be

greater that’s why the prophets call

this the greater glory not just the

glory the greater glory this greater

glory will have a force

like no one has ever seen before it’ll

be unstoppable but unlike being on one

super duper um evangelist or Apostle or

Pastor it’s going to be messiah in you

the hope of

glory the average Christian will act as

a stronger level than Jesus Oh s that’s

not written oh yeah it is you will do

this these are Jesus’s words not mine

you will do the same works I have done

and even greater what’s that mean to you

does greater mean greater does to

me you are about ready you know just

just as um God told Esther through Mori

who knows if you’ve not been called to

the kingdom for such a time as

this if you or I could be alive at any

time throughout all of history many say

I wish I could have been a follower of

Jesus when he was here in the flesh I

don’t I want to be here for the greatest

Harvest of souls the world has ever seen

I want to be here when the world is

turned one more time upside down again I

want to be here when it’s all hands on

deck I want to be here and see the

greatest Miracles that the world has

ever seen for the sake of Miracles you

know I have a show It’s Supernatural and

some people say well I don’t know about

a lot of the things that he does I want

you to know I do not know of another

Ministry that verifies as much as we do

before we put anyone on the air and is

it possible to make a mistake welcome to

the human race I’d beot if I said said

it was impossible for me too

but actually every mistake I’ve made

which has been I could number on less

than five fingers every mistake I’ve

made was when they backslid after they

were on not before and not during so uh

as far as I know with all the years

we’ve been doing this radio and TV since

1977 I think it’s

miraculous that I can honestly say

outside of a handful less than the five

fingers I have right here there were not

mistakes made on the guess it’s just the

world is so sold on religious tradition

I thought we Jews had a corner on the

market till I became a believer in Jesus

and I saw the Christians are quickly

getting a corner in the markets we’re

both Jews and Christians and Muslims we

all have a corner of the market of a

famous play that was a famous movie that

had a

a famous song and you know what the song


tradition yeah you know what that song

was and we’re following

tradition more than the word of God

sadly to say even in many

churches in most

synagogues in most MOS why these extra

books Christians have an extra book but

it is described perfectly in the

Torah Jews have an extra book which is

not described in the Torah it’s called

the Tet Muslims have extra books which

is not described in the

Torah Christians have an extra book

which it’s such a perfect description

it’s better than most people realize

Isaiah chapter no Jeremiah

31:31 says behold the days come in which

I God will will make a New Covenant with

the house of Israel and the house of

Judah not according to the Covenant I

made with their fathers which they


anyway but this is the Covenant I’ll

make with

them I will put my Torah inside of them

not as not that it’s wrong to have the

Yuma and the tal and the the fringes

that’s fine if you makes you happy if

you want apple pie you can have that

instead of cherry be my guest but that

that if that makes you happy go for it

but what makes me happy is it is written

it is written it is

written but this Jeremiah

31:31 says the Torah the word of God

will be inside of you it it says

that every believer will this is

different than Christianity teaches or

Judaism or Islam every Christian will

know God no have intimacy with God not

intimacy with your Imam not intimacy

with your Rabbi not intimacy with your

priest it’s nice to be have Fellowship

but technically according to the New

Testament we’re all priests so yeah you

should have fellowship with priest that

means all believers come on now give me

a break but the third is the best of

best of them all there’s all in Jeremiah

3131 take a look at the New Covenant God

says I not only like in Judaism we cover

this sins every yum kipor we atone for

the sins with an animal sacrifice of

course we haven’t had an authentic yam

kipor since the temple was destroyed if

you want to follow it is written in

Judaism the Torah you

can’t with Leviticus 1711 makes that

clear without the shedding of blood

there is no no no atonement for sin but

God says in this Brit kades this New

Covenant I God will remember your sins

no more meaning they’re not just

forgiven and you have a little

certificate say you’re forgiven but you

serve prison time no no no it’s better

than forgiveness God says I God remember

them no more so at night when you

rehearse some of the things you’ve done

wrong and the devil will make sure

you’ll rehearse that when you do it

remind the devil of what is written

about him

and remind the devil what is written

about you I God will remember your sins

no more so the whole deal is a chess

game through principalities and powers

of darkness and man’s spoken word and I

want you to get this and get this well

what I’m about ready to say it’s so

important many Christians have heard

this but few really got it in their

heart I want you to get this in your

heart right

now it is impair erative that you

understand it’s God the devil pays

attention to not us but it’s us that

vocalize God’s words it’s a strategic

partnership it’s not us that’s

controlling the devil it’s God

controlling the devil and US speaking

God’s word so find a written promise it

is written and you hang on to that just

like David did in the 23rd PM boy my

time slipping away but I want to tell

you this one line it’s so

important David says in the presence a

table is set before me in the presence

of my enemies an old Jewish scholar said


ago that when there was military battle

going on and one side felt they were

going to win they would have a banquet

table while the battles going on and the

king and the leaders would have the best

banquet in the world and be enjoying

themselves and the other the other Army

the invading Army would look over at

them and say they must know they’re

going to win they’re just having fun I’m

dying here do you know what’s going on

David was dealing with Revelation

knowledge most of us deal with sense

knowledge with fact knowledge but that’s

good if that’s all you have but God has

all facts we have just what’s been

programmed in our brain and we make the

best decisions we can but I’ll tell you

the most important decisions I have made

in this ministry caused my brain to go

tilt confess God’s promises believe them

even if it looks like you’re losing the

battle put a banquet table in front of

you and drive the devil we Jewish people

have a Hebrew word m because here’s

what’s happening one more time the

greater glory of God is going to hit

planet Earth and we are going to be so

filled with the glory of God the

goodness of God we will be walking holy

not because we got rid of every tattoo I

don’t have tattoos but that’s not that’s

neither here nor there that’s Vanilla

Ice Cream versus chocolate ice cream

come on

now talking about on the inside be holy

for I am Holy sayith the Lord our god

what is going right now right on now is

we’re feeling some of the drops of the

rain of the new Glory that’s coming and

just these drops are making a difference

in every show that we’re doing but what

happens when the force is so strong as a

tsunami as so strong as a as a flood did

you know humans as strong as we are We

Can’t Stop tsunamis

We Can’t Stop floods this move of the

Holy Spirit coming from you Messiah

within you will be a flood that will be

unstoppable and you’re about ready to

have the time of your life very

important make see Jesus not just your

savior or make him your savior for the

first time when I say just because the

word of God says we must make him our

savior and our Lord big difference big

difference one is a life insurance

policy the other is a

lifestyle say Jesus out loud Jesus thank

you for forgiving my

sins thank you that you live big inside

of me thank you that you paid the

penalty for my

sins thank you that you’re my savior and

now I make you Lord amen
