Today we started a brand new series called, “FU” or “Forgiveness University.” Online classes are now in session and we are ready to learn about forgiveness. This week, Pastor Michael spoke about the gift of forgiveness and the effects of offence. If you are having trouble letting go or if your past offences are continually weighing you down, this message is for you!

best sermons, Christ Jesus, Christian, Christians, Christmas, Christmas message, Christmas sermon, Christmas story, Christmas teaching, cross, encouraging sermons, faith, family, forgiveness, God, gospel, heaven, hell, HolySpirit, hope, inspirational sermons, Jesus, love, marriage, messages, powerful sermon, prayer, preaching, reason for the season, relationships, sermons, teaching, Tony Evans, Tony Evans sermons, trusting, victory, youth

good morning transformation church

oh come on if you’re excited about what

god’s gonna do today

why don’t you write in your house give

god a shout of praise

hey yo okay

everybody that is just tuning in and is


why did all of that energy just come

it’s because

um i’ve been gone for almost eight weeks

and i’ve been on sabbatical

and this is my first sunday back i am

spiritually constipated i want to let

everybody know

and today i am going to let loose so i

don’t care

what someone’s like oh my god that’s so

nasty listen to me this is how i feel

right now

i’m excited god has been speaking to me

before i get into what god has told me

to do i just want to say thank you to

transformation nation

you are the best church in the world

over seven weeks me and pastor natalie

have been away and we’ve been resting

and we’ve been relaxing and

the one thing that i i have always asked

god to do is give me a church that i

don’t have to lead

in a way that will allow us to not last

and because i have a church that would

allow us to go away for seven weeks on

sabbatical after being pastors for five


and and be able to recharge and and you

kept giving

and you kept coming and you kept

inviting people and more people got


and outreaches happened and our message

of representing god

to the lost people and found people for

transformation in christ kept going

i as your pastor on behalf of me and

personality i want to say

thank you because the church is not


on one person and i need everybody to

say that it’s built on the sacrifice of

so many

and because of your faithfulness we’ve

been able to help people

we’ve been able to transform lives and

the mission is going forward so i’m back

you hear what i’m saying i’m back but i

just want to let you know that the proof

that we’re a strong church is what

happens when i’m gone

and you have been an amazing church so

right now transformation nation all over

the world

in zambia in england in texas in

california and utah can we give god


for our amazing church and what we oh

come on

and what we get to be a part of

hallelujah well

y’all ready

y’all ready ah y’all ready

i’m ready okay stop stop i like y’all

i had to ask my wife to give me

melatonin last night with the kids

because i was so excited

about what god has given me every year

when i go away i spend

seven days in a random hotel where only

my wife and my assistant know where i’m

at and i seek god

and i pray and god confirmed in me so


this series that we’re about to go into

and so today i need everybody to open

your hearts

matter of fact what i need you to do

right now is you need to text somebody

right now

and let them know that the ministry that

they need is about to happen come on

right now

i’ll give you two seconds to text

somebody right now because i’m telling


the burden that god has dropped on my

heart is about to change the trajectory

of so many people’s lives

and i know there’s some people right now

that like i’m ready i’m ready for

this forgiveness series and others of

you are tiptoeing to the screen right


because you don’t know what’s about to

happen because you’ve been hurt in some

very deep ways what i promise you

is that god is about to do something

that changes you from the

inside out everybody say from the inside


come on say it again from the inside out

a lot of times what we try to do is

change from the outside in

and god said that’s not how the kingdom

works i change people from the

inside out so before we start this

series i want to pray

i want to pray because this is going out

all over the world right now

and i want to pray that god would open

up your hearts now

there’s something that i like to tell

people god’s a gentleman he won’t force

his way into your life

and there are many people right now that

want god to barge in

he’s going to stand at the door of your

heart and he’s going to knock

so today through this prayer i’m asking

that you would let

god in and if you let him in i promise


all kinds of amazing things can happen

but you gotta let him in so right now i

just want you to do this in a posture

just open your hands wide

in your home right now on the porch

while you’re running i know somebody

running and they’re going to look at you

and like what is going on but right now

i want you to put your hands like this

and i want us to pray father god today

here we are

father god you know every broken piece

of us you know the parts that we show

people you know the parts that we keep


you know the hurts you know the pains

god you know our successes and our


and today we’re bringing it all to you

we’re casting our crowns before your

feet right now god and we’re asking

that you would take everything that we

are and everything that we aren’t

and we’re asking father god that you

would do surgery on us today

father god there are areas of our life

that we don’t even know why they’ve been

held back

and i thank you through this series that

you’re about to take us

and move us and progress us past where

we’ve been holy spirit we need you

we don’t need another clever sermon

series we don’t need something that we

just post

we need the holy spirit the god of the

universe the comforter to come

stand in our situations and change us

from the

inside out so father god right now here

we are

and we let you in we’re opening the door

to everything that we’ve kept other

people out

father we’re opening the door father you

know it anyway so father come in and be

who you are

the great physician change us renew us

and transform us in jesus name we agree

come on somebody say amen i need to see

it in the chats why don’t you give

god a shout of praise right there as


hallelujah all right

get your notepads out get your

smartphones get your dumb phones

because we are about to start week one

of a series we’re calling f you

i absolutely love being the pastor of

transformation church

because i can title a series f you

and um as i thought about this whole

concept of forgiveness and being in

forgiveness university

i need to be hot real quick and that’s

humble open and transparent that’s what

we do at transformation church

um a lot of people are too saved for

that title

like like like i said f you and you just

got offended you got frustrated and some

of y’all charging people it’s like oh my

god i cannot

eat it you start speaking in tongues and


but but if we’re honest that’s how we


when people offend us can we

transformation church are y’all here

today when people offend us

on whatever level we’re like f you

and i’m talking about the expletive you

and you may not say it out loud but you

feel it in your heart and some of y’all

go to the next level

you don’t say the actual cuss word

because i know some of y’all

are too safe for that but then y’all say

like like the replacement cuss words and

you’ll be like forget you have you ever

met those people

who who say words that aren’t cussed

words with cuss and intensity

y’all know what i’m talking about forget

you and it’s like i i gotta tell this

funny story

okay my dad’s right over here the

captain tom todd man of god

and i remember my dad i’ve never heard

him cuss one day in my life now the

prophet is brenda todd she be cussing

um but i know she’d be acting all safe

i’ll tell you

another time about when i was 16 and she

took me driving and she said

everything that was not unholy uh that

was unholy

um but anyway i never heard my daddy

cuss my mama go get me after this y’all

pray for me

but i never heard my daddy cuss and so

there was this one day

that i heard the cussing intensity come

out of my dad

we used to travel all across the country

in this big van and i have five brothers

at this time

or four brothers there’s five todd boys

and at this time i believe there was

four of us

and we were traveling i think through

arizona it was like some really

hot place and what ended up happening at

this moment

is we were all complaining because we

were hungry i think the van

had some problems going on with it and

all of these things and i mean everybody

mama was in the front seat complaining

all the kids was complaining and my dad

if you know anything about tommy todd

he has a lot of peace a lot of grace and

a lot of patience like he never gets

above like a three

and i just saw my dad on that steering

wheel of that van

and he turned around and he said you

bunch of sorry

suckers y’all

the level of cussing intensity that came

out of my father right there stopped the

entire event y’all know when somebody

that’s the 1970s like cuz

you bunch of saurus suckers like it was

he hit him with that intensity but i’m

telling you it shut us

all up like he said f.u you hear what

i’m saying like we were all sitting

there and then somebody busted out

laughing and he busted out laughing but

i i

i looked at his intensity because maybe

he didn’t say

an expletive right there but the rage

and the anger and the

offense that was in him it came out

still and it wasn’t a cuss word what i’m

saying to you is you may not express it

in fu but there are things

and people who have done things to you

and situations that have

happened to you that create something on

the inside of you where you have a

response to it

and it’s not a godly response it’s a

response where you about to put them

hands up

can i not be by myself today has anybody

ever had

a negative response to something that’s

happened to you in life okay

whether that’s happened to you in this

way we want to say forget you

because we’re offended and in 2020

there is a million ways to be offended

come on let’s be honest in the climate

that we live right now

in the racial climate we live in in the

political climate that we live in

whether you wear a mask or you don’t

wear a mask

there are so many ways to be offended

and if you look around right now many of

us are carrying

so much offense and we don’t want to say

a positive word we want to say to those

people who are offended us what we want

to say

nephew what i’m telling you is if it’s


the expletive you it might be forget you

or it might be because you were angry

and disappointed or annoyed

and and what ends up happening is you

get offended and i want you to write

this point down

because this is the burden god has given

me to help you

offense is the gateway to unforgiveness

the reason you got to pay attention to

what offends you

is because it will lead you to


and a lot of us get offended by

somebody’s social media post

by somebody not saying happy birthday on

our birthday by somebody not recognizing

us when we actually did the work but

they gave the

the credit to timmy and we get offended

by so much baby

you need to let that offense go because

offense is not where you land

offense is the gateway to unforgiveness

and what most of us don’t understand is

that the hurt that we’ve gone through

the pain that we’ve gone through the

anger that we feel the things that we


experienced cause us pain and this is

something i need you to know

that pain hurts more when it’s pointless

all of us are going to go through pain

we’re all going to be hurt by something

we’re all gonna have frustration but

pain hurts more

when it’s pointless and what i’m trying

to say is yes i’ve been offended in


yes i’ve been hurt by people that were

supposed to be close to me

yes i’ve been offended but i’m not gonna

let this pain be pointless

i’m not gonna waste this time that i’ve

been feeling this

i’m not just gonna let it stay on me i’m

gonna find purpose in my

pain somebody needs to put that in the

chat right now my pain will have purpose

you left me but i’ma flip that and let

god use it

you let me go but god is setting me up

my pain will not be purposed

it’s not going to be pointless

but for our pain not to be pointless we

got to figure out

how to use it and that’s why you’ve


in this school forgiveness university is

not about something

that is ethereal because all of us have

an area in our life

where we want to say f you we want to

say forget you

we want to say you know what i’m


because people will frustrate you uh oh

uh uh how many people have somebody in

their life right now that frustrates

them come on hands high

in your living room right now all over

this room yeah yeah

you have people who frustrate you some

of you are married to them

come on don’t don’t don’t speak too loud

somebody just got in a fight y’all calm

down right now

but the person that frustrates you the

most is your spouse

and you want to say f you another

another person has a fence

because somebody a lot of times friends

they frame you

they point you to they paint you to be

somebody that you’re not

you you thought they were they’re seeing

you in the right light but then they

told somebody else how you really were

and they framed you other people you had

a business deal

that you thought was going to be the

best thing in the business partner they

fouled you they did something wrong they

didn’t get the percentages right and now

there’s a fence in your heart

there’s other people that you’ve been

around that have faked you

that they they acted like they were one

way but then they didn’t actually do

what they said

there are other people right now who are

offended because people wanted to fight


some of y’all physically they wanted to

fight you but in

other areas there’s rage and there’s

pain there because there has been people

who have fought you

emotionally and spiritually and


and now you want to say f you because

you’re offended and there’s other people

that have been in your life who have

faulted you

mom and dad would still be together if

you didn’t

the enemy comes in at this moment to try

to tell you

that it’s your fault and now there’s a

fence in your heart

and then for some of y’all it’s on the

other side of the spectrum

that you were doing the wrong thing and

people that loved you and prayed

and asked god to give them wisdom for

you and you listened to them in one

season but then you started doing

something wrong and then they faced you

and now you’re offended because they

told you what you didn’t want to hear

in a season that they weren’t listening

uh oh i’m in somebody’s business

right now everybody’s not a hater some

people are helpers

but depending on where your heart

posture is you can put them in the wrong


oh the people you’ve been talking about

they were sitting by god

to help direct you there’s wisdom in the

multitude of counsel but if your heart

is shut down

you can be offended over the right thing

y’all missed it and some of you

are the people on the other side of that

you went to the person and you tried to

face them but then they talked about you

and excommunicated you

and now they flipped on you and the

people you thought you were down with

now they flipped on you

and more than anything everybody there’s

so much offense that’s happening in our

lives whether we realize it

or not because people will fail

you can i give you a psa announcement

that everybody in your life at some

point or another

will fail you they will not meet your

expectation they will forget to do it

whether it’s on purpose

or illegitimately people will

fail you and when failure comes from a


usually we pick up offense

but i believe that my assignment over

the next 10 weeks

you heard me this is a college course

you ain’t coming and getting

this for two weeks and getting out of

here this is not community college

this is a full university do you hear me

accredited by the holy spirit

you don’t need a s.a.t or a ct score for

this one

cause most of y’all wouldn’t have made

it in but thank god if you’re breathing

i think my bible says let everything

that have breath praise the lord if you

made it into this it’s because you had


i dares to take five seconds right there

because somebody’s been needing a praise

all week

if you got breath why don’t you give god

some praise right there

yup if you got breath you qualify

and i want those two words of fu to be

redeemed through this series

i want those words in your life not

everybody’s life don’t go into work

until you’re boss after you don’t do

that you’re going to get fired okay

don’t don’t do that

but in in this context i want to redeem

those words

and i want them to have a kingdom

meaning i want those words and those

letters to represent the power of the

holy spirit at work in your life

helping you practically be able to live

i want those words to mean forgive you

and it’s going to take work for a lot of


i’m not asking you to do it today i’m

asking you to finish the course and

maybe it’ll change the course of your


because there are areas in all of our

lives that have been plagued

by not learning how to forgive

and in this series i believe that god

wants us to understand the gift

of forgiveness that is a gift that


and receiving forgiveness is a gift and

i want us to understand the blessing

of being able to forgive others

can you write down this point real quick


is a primary spiritual discipline

of every christ follower

you cannot be a christian

and not forgive

its foundation if i was building a house

right now

the first thing they would tell me is to

make sure your foundation is strong

and the crazy thing about all these

people who are speaking in tongues

prophesying posting scriptures reading

their youversion bible app

doing all of this stuff is they do not

have a sure foundation because they

don’t know how to forgive

there’s a crack in the foundation and i

know some of y’all don’t tune me out

already because you don’t know what they

did for me

do you know what we did to god oh

do you do you know the person requiring

it has already taken on everything

that we would ever do i’m getting ahead

of myself ladies and gentlemen

i want to welcome you to forgiveness


i love this some of y’all y’all don’t

know nothing about the marching


this whole series okay i never went to

college i have

literally six months of tcc education so

i’m telling you this whole time

i’m coming with face paint this is my

college experience

and i’m gonna be i’m gonna be hold on i

gotta stop come on come in here i’ve

always wanted to do this y’all know i

play drums right okay

put this over right here i need y’all to

learn by chance look at this i love this

i love

this like drum line okay i need to teach

y’all our chan

i’ma go boom boom boom boom boom you’re

gonna say f

boom boom boom boom boom you okay i need

you to follow me all right

some of y’all need to get up in your

house right now y’all like is this


it’s my church okay i need everybody to

follow me y’all ready

i said y’all ready

now i need you to scream it out y’all


you hey

u f u



hey listen i’m gonna have fun this whole


okay let’s go to the word

forgiveness is a primary

spiritual discipline of every

christ follower what i found in my


is that many believers i was raised in


the church teaches us to forgive but not

how to forgive

we know we’re supposed to do it we don’t

know how to do it

most of us think like forgiveness is

like okay they’re i mean

they’re out of my life now i’ve forgiven

them no no no

there are people holding on to you that

you’ll never see again

there are situations that hold you back

from things right now that happened

a decade ago 10 minutes ago

before you were even born that are still

holding you and through this series i

want to show you

how to forgive because for many

of us forgiveness is a principle but

it’s not actually practical

it’s something that we got the concept

of but i want you to write this point

down and this is so strong in me

if forgiveness sounds cute but it’s

never cultivated

it’s merely a concept

oh yeah i’m about to forgive them it’s

like a cute thing that you have to do no

forgiveness is dirty forgiveness

takes work forgiveness is messy

forgiveness is going and saying you did

and then be like

no i did not hate you like forgiveness

is a as a constant decision

to lay down your flesh again and again

and there are so many believers that

think it’s a cute thing

i forgave them i’ve moved on look how

good i’m doing that’s all a facade

for the pain that’s actually in there

festering do you know the worst type of


is pain that you do not acknowledge and

it festers and grows into something else

many of us the outcome of our life is a

little pain that was

unaddressed that was never given to god

that was

never even pointed out and now it’s

festered into abuse

nobody wakes up as a child as an abuser

that’s a pain of something missing that

nobody was able to put their

hand on that festered into having to

have control and beat on somebody else

the worst thing about you didn’t start

out big it started out small

the thing that you hate and you wish you

could change it did not start out as

this big thing

it started out as a very small thing

that was able to fester and what god is

saying is you’re going to have to be


about forgiveness that’s why you

enrolled in this university

is because you’re saying for the next 10

weeks i’m going to be intentional

somebody say intentional

i’m gonna be intentionable intentional

about learning how to forgive

and for far too many of us forgiveness

is a concept but god requires it in his


the reason that god requires it in his

covenant is because he already

supplied it in his covenant see you

don’t realize that forgiveness is

something that’s already been extended

to you and that’s why god is saying i

need you to be able to give it

to others and so

i need us to look at the bible matthew

chapter 18 verse 22.

i’ll start at verse 21. yeah and i like


if i was a disciple i would probably be


peter’s gangster okay peter like

says stuff and ask stuff that all the

other disciples want to know

but peter actually gonna say it like

peter the one

that came to the garden to pray with

jesus but he brought his shank with him

like he brought a knife with him to the

prayer gathering

god we gonna seek your face but just in

case something pop off

watch what that’s peter

and so in this moment jesus is talking

to the disciples

and peter’s got a question like many of

us have about forgiveness because

this concept it seems good pastor mike


yeah i don’t know about it so peter says

it says verse 21 then peter came

to jesus and he said lord what’s up man


like i know you’ve been talking about

this forgiveness thing but i just got a

real quick question

how often i mean you know what i’m

saying realistically i hear you talking

very spiritually but realistically how


should i forgive someone

who um how do i say this um who sins

against me now i love that he uses the

terminology sins against me because we

always think about sin

as something that we do against god but

people can sin against

us and that’s why you have to understand

the word sin

all sin means is missing the mark has


ever missed a mark in a relationship

with you has anybody

not done what they said they were gonna

do that is a sin and so he’s saying

somebody missed a mark in my life

somebody disappointed me somebody didn’t

do the things that

they said they were gonna do they didn’t

do it and now they’ve sinned against me

how many times should i forgive people

basically who hurt me look what jesus


he he no the first thing i need to let

you know because i just felt a religious

person come

like get real prideful i felt it through

the cosmos

you sin everybody sins

let me get come come here they need to

see me look at my face i want you to see


the sweat drops on my face you sin

no matter how much scripture you read no

matter how many worship songs you have


no matter what day of the week you go to

pray at 5 00 am

you sin

and if you don’t start valuing the grace

and forgiveness that god has given you

you will never be able to be an

extension of his love

to other people you sin

and the reason i need you to understand

that is because it’s very difficult

difficult to give forgiveness to

somebody when you think you’re better

than somebody

when you think you’re better than your

alcoholic uncle

when you think you’re better than your

weed smoking cousin

when you think you’re better than your

cheating boss

you will never forgive them for what

they do but baby

you sin until you realize that the foot

of the cross is even

it’s the same for the homosexual and the

person who tells a white lie y’all don’t

hear me

it’s the same thing for everybody who

preaches in church and sleeps with the

choir member

as well as oh i mean your business as

well as

the person who leads the bible study and

lied to their child

it is the same thing and we all need the

grace of god

and we all need to repent and we all


forgiveness f you

until you unders they don’t even believe

me look what the bible says in romans 3

23 for everyone has sinned

that includes you and we all fall

short of the glorious standard of god

somebody just type that in the chat i


say it out loud with me everybody say i


i think next week charles i’m gonna have

to talk about sin in in the way that the

enemy tries to distort where we are

and what god has done to supply

forgiveness to everybody i think i’m

gonna have to

because i feel that thing super strong

and and so you have to know

that peter was talking from a more um

self-righteous standpoint at this point

how many times should we forgive these

people these heathens

these these thoughts

ask a young person what that means if


multicultural church multi-generation i

got to bring it all together

how many times should we forgive these

bad people

how many times should we forgive these


how many times should we forgive these

republicans oh i’m coming to your house

how many times should we forgive these

racist bigots

come on because we all have a level

of person that we think is beyond god’s


and if this is crazy to think if if god

can forgive them

maybe they need to work harder because

i’m not going to forgive them

now how is god going to forgive somebody

you won’t forgive

let me stop so so so peter’s talking how

many times

and then i love this he tries to throw

out what i call the fake grace number

the facade he’s like i mean how many

times like

seven wow that that should be enough

seven yeah y’all think i mean yeah like

if they send a kid seven times like

and it was almost from a prideful place

and look i love jesus

because i can see him thinking about

peter peter thinking how good that

answer was like yeah

i’m gonna forgive seven times in my

lifetime like if they cross me

i’m gonna give one to them one to them

i’m not giving them any i’m gonna give

one to them and and we have no concept

of how long peter was talking about the

bible never says

seven times in one week one day one year

it doesn’t give us the connotation but i

love how god leaves it open so that he

can convict our spirit on certain things

because there’s people that you will

forgive and then there’s people that you

like but they be

forgiveness and look what jesus says to

him he says no pedro

nazieta times that’s the only spanish i

know shout out to all transformation

latinas in the building

it says um and jesus just blows it out

of the water he says um

no peter not seven times

but seventy times seven

yeah that’ll work

seventy times seven that’s how many

times you should forgive

and jesus doesn’t bring any clarity to

it either

70 times seven in my lifetime

70 times seven a month

a week a day

how many times should you forgive let’s


for the sake of doing math at this


let’s just say jesus says no not seven

times but do it

seven times seventy a day put on your

math hat

um university students what’s seven

times seventy

some of y’all like carried a three and

then um subtract minus it’s 490.

so if god says hypothetically you’re

supposed to give 490 times a day

490 times 30 days that’s 14

700 times a month fourteen thousand

seven hundred times times twelve which

is the number of months in a year

is a hundred and seventy six thousand

four hundred times

a year that you’re supposed to be

forgiving what i’m trying to tell you is

forgiveness is a primary spiritual


of every christ follower and my question

to you is have you forgiven one person

this year

no for real have you let them go

have you released them of the debt have


let them walk free even if they meant to

do it it hurt you and it was on purpose

i don’t know how pastor mike that’s why

you can’t flunk out of this class

because if you don’t learn this you will

derail your destiny

holding on to people who were not even

supposed to be a part of it in the first


and today i want you to understand that

god wants to teach you

how to forgive somebody needs to say i

want to know how to forgive

come on just say it out of your mouth i

want to know how to forgive

yeah i’m not asking anybody to do it

today that you don’t ever start a

college course knowing how to do what

you’ll end up doing at the end of it

today i just want you to desire to be

able to do that somebody just say i want

to be able to forgive

and i pray by the spirit of god for

every lie of the enemy that’s trying to

tell you you can’t do that

they are no match for our god and his

word and his spirit

that is alive and active in your life

right now

that manager who took advantage of you

you’re gonna be able to forgive them

that parent who was negligent and didn’t

do what they were supposed to do

you’re gonna be able to forgive them

that teacher who spoke doubt to your


when you were so impersonal


god said by the end of this series by


you’re going to be able to forgive

i feel the presence of god right now

people are getting hope for the first

time that they may be able to walk

free from the person who raped them

oh i’m going to be so so direct

because it happened to you but it’s

still on you

you didn’t want it to happen you didn’t

allow it to happen you didn’t you didn’t

feel like it was fair but

now if you don’t make that pain

have purpose it hurts more

and today i believe by the power of god

he’s coming to give us the first step

somebody say the first step

the first step in our process of healing

and deliverance look at luke 6

38 this revelation that god gave me on

this scripture

messed me up and i want to share it with


luke 6 38 i have heard this scripture

over and over there’s some churchy

people right now

who could quote luke 6 38 to me right

now and we’re going to read it

this is um a scripture that you usually

hear at offering time so

i’m going to get real churchy just for a

second because i love

luke 6 38 give hey about shatta chataya

and it will be given to you help me a

good measure what

press down shaken together and what

running over will it be poured into your

life sitting on my lap big daddy

[ __ ] on my lap like people preach this

all the time

for with the measure you use

it will be measured back to you now

this is the thing that i want to teach

everybody about reading the bible


is everything so people read

luke 6 38 and they basically try to tell

people give money

and when you give money that it’ll come

back to you good measure pressure down

shaking together and running over

and i actually do believe the principle

of reaping and

sowing and reaping that’s the principle

there so so i want you to know that

when you do give it does come back to

you but that was not the primary thing

that god was talking about

in this the way that you find context

let me help you class

read before and after whatever

you’ve been looking at so let’s go up to

luke 6

37 and find the context of what was

being said it literally says

do not judge and you will not be jobs

judged half y’all out right there do not


and you will not be condemned you know

how you write people off after they have

a bad

experience or a public failure and we

have this canceled culture

be careful because the bible says do not

condemn then you will not be condemned

now look at this one

oh my god i can’t believe it forgive

and you will be forgiven

give and it will be given to you a good

measure press down shaken together

and running over will be poured into

your lap

for with the measure you use judgment

condemnation and forgiveness

will it be measured back to you

you ever heard somebody that’s talking

real big online and then you’re gonna

meet up with that person and they say

you better bring that same energy when

we see each other in person

bring that same energy what god is

saying to you is the measure that you

judge people with

the measure that you condemn people with

the measure that you don’t forgive

people with you better bring that same

energy when you need it

when you mess up when you make a mistake

when it was i didn’t really mean to i

didn’t know it would offend people like

that and i didn’t

when you when you in that space you

better bring the same energy

i think about celebrities all the time

how how common folk be going off on

celebrities for the situations that

happen in public

you better bring that same energy when

it happens to you in private

when your own four friends know about

you you you go

you know that’s not me you know that is

not me yeah

and i just want everybody to see me for

who i really am

are you seeing other people for who they

really are

bring that same energy and that’s what

god is saying right down this point

it changed everything for me in


your measure becomes your metric

the measure you use is now the metric

god uses

to you to on you for what’s going on in

your life

so you want to be judgmental and throw

people away

god says i didn’t set the metric you did

by the measure you gave to somebody else

so the reason why all of these people

are leaving

is because you left when the other

person went through it you set the


i am giving you bars right now if you

want grace to come to your life you

better measure grace out to people

so that you set the right metrics if you


favor to come to your life you better


favor out when somebody’s at their

lowest moment when somebody’s back is

against the wall when somebody is going

through you better measure out

one in a different season you want to

experience because the measure

of forgiveness is now the thing that god

uses as the metric

in your life

and that’s why for many of us we’re

still holding people

and stewing over situations in our mind

and carrying contempt in our heart

and waiting in worry and framing our

lives with frustration

it’s because we won’t actually forgive

we won’t change

the measure and i need to be honest

that offense is everywhere

and remember what i told you offense is

the gateway to what

unforgiveness it starts with an offense

and that’s the light thing that happens

but the dark destination

of offense is unforgiveness

right down this point a fence is either

picked up

or put on a fence is either picked up

or put on what i want you to know is a

fence is all around us

a fence is coming and a fence is going

offense happens

online offense happens when we’re

driving a fence happens

when we’re speaking um um at a

conference a fence happens it just

passes us a fence

just goes past us and i see a fence and

i come in contact i see a fence

i come in contact but the thing that you

got to realize is as a fence is going

past me

i’m not picking it up

but there’s a problem i i ran late at

work uh-uh

and you cut me off and you flipped me

off and i chose to

pick up a fence

and see this is the thing i let that

offense go by

and i let that offense go by but offense

is either picked up or put on

no you’re a racist you shouldn’t have

made that comment online and i picked up

a fence

and what happens is now i gotta go

through my day and i gotta worship god

and i gotta love on other people and i

got to do all this stuff

but i’m choosing to either let a fence

go by it’s in the air or i’m going to

pick it up

and the problem is some of us are so

used to you said you was going to

actually be my girl and you left me now

i’ma pick up a fence

and you said that you were going to be

my business partner but i’m going to

pick up a fence

and i keep going through life and i keep

letting people go

and it’s been eight years now

and i’m walking around in my life but

then something happened my sister

she didn’t she didn’t i didn’t pick it

up but she put it on me

she let her friend come over and

sexually abuse me and she knew

do you see four of the offenses i picked


but the one from my family members she

put on

and there’s some of us that are dealing

with defensive some that we picked up

but others that we put on that were put

on us by family members

or coaches or people that were close to

us and now i’m more offended don’t you

ever talk to me like that again at my


did you look at me crazy i’m taking

offense you better get the f away from


oh you you gonna act like that’s not how

you actually talk

the person at the gym they took my


you’re a trump supporter i’m your trump


huh huh

now let me go reach my destiny good

morning transformation church

i want to give god praise for using me

hey hey can can we netflix and chill

can we yeah hold on you put that on me


i thought we were going to be together

and you left me at the altar

you want me to have it you don’t want to

help me carry you

and then there’s somebody that comes

over and you’re the one that cheated

that’s who she cheated with you were my

best friend

and so now

the offense becomes the seat

of unforgiveness

it’s the place now that i get


this is the place now where i like to be

it’s more comfortable to live in a place

where i’ve let the offense now become

my new normal

and every morning i wake up

with unforgiveness in my heart

and i never can extend to anybody else

what i have not

received for myself

why are you telling me this pastor mike

because some of you are so offended

and that offense now has turned into the

bed of your unforgiveness

and now god’s saying i need you to let

that go because i have a plan and a

destiny for you that’s bigger than

anything that’s

happened to you or been put on you

put on you by family members put on you

my friends put on you

by lost situations put on you by

teachers put on you i feel the presence

of the holy spirit right now

because this is a picture depicting some

of your lives and now you’re

you’ve got kids

and you’re teaching them hold on to


don’t let go your daddy left us

he ain’t nothing but a sorry sucker

and then god says i got a plan for you

moving purpose

okay god i’m going after you i’m chasing

after you

no matter what i had to do

cause i need you more and more

god i’m gonna finish everything hold on

i’m coming i’m coming

but i i can’t leave without these

offenses god i’m gonna do exactly what

you told me to do

but i need to make sure that i have all

of these fences and i remember so nobody

can ever do me like that again

i’m gonna make sure i keep all the scars

if you can use anything lord you can use


and this is how we present ourselves a

holy and a living sacrifice

before god here i am lord

and god can give you a simple

instruction lift your hand

like literally i can’t lift this like


this is a little embarrassing


i can’t lift it

because it was too heavy for me to carry

in the first place

and the problem is is that even though

your instagram is popping

this is what your inner man looks like

the father who wasn’t there the

girlfriend the boyfriend

who didn’t do what they said they were

gonna do the professor who didn’t pass


and you told them the real reason that

you missed the clap they didn’t have any

grace for you

maybe it was because they never received

that grace

and now what ends up happening to people

who carry

all of this baggage around it’s hard to

fit through the doors

that god calls you to

with all of this baggage if i took all

of this on a plane

i couldn’t occupy my seat

if i took all of this baggage with me

it’s very difficult to preach to you and

to do what i’ve been called to do what


already ordained for me to do it’s hard

for me to love my wife

to even hug her with all of this baggage

this is the reason why some of your

sexual lives husbands and wife

have never been able to find that

passion it’s because you’re bringing all

the other people who hurt you

into the bed with you it’s hard to


when you’re carrying the weight and the


is either picked up or put on look what

matthew 5

23 says it says so if you were

presenting a sacrifice at the altar

in the temple and you suddenly remember

that someone has something against you

leave your

sacrifice there at the altar and go and

be reconciled with the person go forgive

the person then come back

and offer your sacrifice to god this

messed me up because there’s so many

pastors worship leaders

small group leaders that are trying to

serve god to feel better

but they’re serving them with all this

unforgiveness and god said i’d rather


not serve and go make it right than to


up in here with all this baggage because

you only are going to bleed onto the

people that you lead

you’re only going to transfer this same

type of burden

into other people and so what i found is

this point write this down

god values the posture of your heart

over the prosperity of your hand

he would rather the posture of your

heart be right

then you bring your treasure to him

i know this is different teaching but

this is how

important forgiveness is

he says yeah you can be great for my use

in missions all over the world or

starting that non-profit

or doing all this but i’d rather you get

your heart right

you do great exploits for me

and that’s why we have to forgive

and do you know what this is physically

producing in me right now

and what it’s spiritually producing in

you when you’re walking around with all

of this

it’s producing forgiveness fatigue

because i’ll let that one person go but

more stuff happen

and then i let them go but i’m tired of


how many more times is this gonna happen

i forgave them

it just seems like there’s always more

and the truth of the matter is there’s

so many people listening to me right now

is that you tried to forgive one two

three four five six seven times

but now you’re walking in forgiveness


i don’t want to forgive no more i guess

i’ll just live with it

i know i won’t reach the purpose that

god has for me but

shoot i guess this is what

i’m gonna have to deal with

and what i’m telling everybody is

offense is either picked up

or put on but a fence can always be

laid down it always can be laid down

it always can be laid

down and that’s what i’m praying for

everybody in this series

because that fatigue forgiveness fatigue

it’s fighting your faith some of y’all

have been in the war of your life

just trying to believe god again it’s

fighting your faith

it’s framing your faith like everything

that you see

you don’t see it right because you’re so

tired of having to deal with people

some people would say life would be

great if people weren’t in it and god

said that’s not the world i made you in

but i’ve given you a tool to be able to

help you be able to walk even with the


even with the frustration it’s framing

your faith and ultimately it’s failing

your faith

that’s why galatians 6 9 tells us

and let’s not get weary in doing

good for in due season we shall reap

if we do not lose what heart

that’s what god wants he wants your

heart posture to be right there’s people

you need to forgive that you’ll never

have an

actual conversation with them again but

your heart

posture has to be right towards that

person i’m not telling you that once you

forgive now we need to be buddies again

we’re going to talk about that later on

in the series because i’m going to teach

you how to walk with actual boundaries

how to make sure that you’re using

wisdom which is applied knowledge

that your pain is not pointless i’ma

help you walk through all of that

but i’m asking you if they came into the

room right now

what does your heart posture say

if they called you this week what would

happen in your heart

and god is saying yeah

it may have happened to you or you may

have picked it up

but you can always lay it down

first peter 5 7 casting all your cares

that’s throwing them i’m done with this

i’m sick of this

i’m not going to keep holding them my

father was not there but my father god

is there

my family and friends forsake me but

he’ll never leave or forsake me

i’m casting

all my cares not upon instagram

not writing a sonnet to let everybody

know how i feel because they can’t

actually fulfill

anything that’s going on with you i’m

casting all my cares upon him

why because he cares for you

and this is why god gives us these

very hard truths to swallow but they’re

necessary in our lives to survey luke 17

verse 3 so watch yourselves

watch yourselves because if any believer

sins or misses the mark

rebuke that believer or that person and

all rebuke means

is directly correct hey that’s not the

way that we do that you can rebuke

somebody in love

you don’t have to be a butthole and mean

to rebuke somebody

hey that’s not how we do that that’s not

how we talk to people that’s not how you

handle somebody else’s spouse that’s not

how we you directly

correct that person then if there is

repentance all repentance means is to

turn and i believe so strongly that’s

what many of you are going to do today

that’s what the sermon is bringing value

to the idea

and the principle and literally the

prerequisite to a christian life

it is bringing value to the principle of


and god’s saying i just need you to turn

i need you to see that it’s not cool

or hard to hold people it’s like if that

fool ever mess with me again bro i

promise you on the side i’m gonna

die god is not looking at you like

that’s my boy the one who’s angry and

doesn’t have peace

and won’t give me his burdens that’s the

one that i want

to use he’s saying yeah i want to use

you but you got to lay that

crap down you got to give that to me you

got to let me be the one to carry this

he’s saying for those people he said


if that person wrongs you seven times a


and each time turns again and asks for

forgiveness look at this

you must forgive

that was it uh you have an option to


but they slept with my husband

you we’re not talking about them

you they don’t matter at this point

you must forget and i know

some people are logging off right now

you’re tuning out right now it’s okay

you’ll be in bondage for the rest of

your life

you’ll be carrying all these bags and

we’ll try to help you

but until you realize you

must forgive somebody say must it’s not

a suggestion

it’s not it’s not a good idea god’s


even if they do it over and over and

over again you

must forgive now look i love the bible

look at the disciples response

it says the apostle said to the lord

show us how to increase our faith

they made the correlation that if i’m

going to be able to forgive

them negroes i

have to not have more patience

more more more love i need more

faith my last point that i want you to

get today because this is just the

introduction to the class the messages

god has given me

for the rest of series charles and my

captain i got 10 messages

locked and wrote it don’t i listen

forgiveness write this down

forgiveness requires

faith you will not be able to forgive


on your own you will not be able to

forgive them because you feel bad

you will not be able to forgive them

because they deserve it you will not be

able to forgive them the only way that

you can forgive people

who mistreat you who use you wrong who

talk bad about you

who do things to you is you must have

faith and today

god is saying you cannot put your faith

in the person you have to put

your faith in me who’s over the person

forgiveness requires say faith

faith and so many people act like

they have faith and so i say show me

your forgiveness

prove to me you got faith by the people

you forgave

well i want to do mighty exploits for

god why don’t you talk to them anymore

what happened here and god is saying

he was like i’m i’m tired of people

standing up

and declaring faith but behind the

scenes have no

evidence of it and forgiveness

is a place that requires us to have

faith in god

what are you saying pastor mike this is

the start

the start of understanding the fu

forgiveness university being able to

forgive others

is going to be a process that’s going to


all of us staying focused on the one

who can change us from the inside out

because i cannot

forgive the young man who touched me

illegitimately when i was five or six

years old

i can’t forgive him off a good

good good good feelings

i can’t forgive the coach who made me

doubt myself and my abilities

i can’t forgive him because he deserves

it i’m pissed

i want to say f you and i mean the

expletive you

but then god requires me to forgive them

how am i supposed to do that faith

that’s why when the scripture says we

walk by

faith not feelings because many of us we

want that scripture to work

we walk by feelings and not by sight

because i feel this and i feel this and

god said hey feelings is going to be


but if you’re a believer you have to

walk by faith

every step of letting people go will be

a walk of faith every time i don’t cuss

them out

boy that was faith at work in me right

there cause i’m about to

every time you show up for thanksgiving

will be a step of faith

every time you go back to that job some

of y’all going back to a job tomorrow

that’s what gonna require you not to

walk in unforgiveness but it will be

the fact that you got up and went will

be a

step of faith

and god’s saying like the disciples said

hey i want to increase your faith for

the level of forgiveness that has to

happen in these 10 weeks

i look at me i’m not asking you this


to forgive anybody i know most pastors

want to give you the message

and then have you do it today not uh

this one’s gonna take time

you don’t have to forgive nobody this


all i’m asking you to pray is like these

apostles pray

god increase my faith matter of fact i

feel that hands lifted everywhere

all over this thing that’s what we’re

going to pray this is how we’re going to


we’re going to ask god to increase our

faith not that we could forgive johnny

or be able to forgive our mother or

forgive our brother right now

that’s later right now not forgive the

business partner

or that employee that left us or that

person that wouldn’t talk bad about us

we’re not doing that right now

right now we’re gonna ask god just

increase my faith because i can’t do

this without you

holy god here we are on the first week

of this series

asking you god to increase our faith

we cannot let go of the baggage

that has been put on us and that we’ve

picked up

without you you said god

that you would be close to us when we

are broken-hearted

so today here we are with our business

degrees with the money in the bank

with no one around father wherever we’re

at at life

we’re asking you father increase our


because if you’re requiring us to

forgive them

and if you’re requiring us to forgive


god that’s gonna be hard but i’m so glad

that you’re not a god

that requires something you won’t help

us with

so today father god i’m asking right now

as i lead tens of thousands of people on

this journey god

you don’t let me minister anything that

you’re not doing in me so god right now

i’m asking you

increase my faith come on you say it out

of your mouth god increase my faith

come on at your house right there say

increase my faith father

father some of us need to forgive people

that are sitting next to us

some of us need to forgive people that

birthed us some of us need to forgive

people father that we call best friend

some of us need to forgive people that

we work with every day some of us need

to forgive people father god

we need to forgive the people we see in

the mirror

god some of us just need to forgive


father if we’re going to be able to

forgive ourselves for the things we did

that we said we never do

we need you to increase our faith

cuz i thank you that you are locking a

group of people

in on this journey to walk in full


i declare and i believe that the chains

that have been holding people down

for years are breaking in the name of


holy spirit i’m asking you father god to


back people here every week to find out

not what pastor mike has to say

but what you have to say to not just let

us know that we need to forgive but to

show us

how to forgive and father god when we

start walking free

when we start walking in freedom father


people start noticing that there’s

something different when the joy of the

lord truly is our strength

when relationships are being reconciled

and we’re walking free

from whatever everybody else is doing

father god we won’t take the credit for


but we will be careful to give you all

the glory

all the honor and all the praise because

you are the god

who first forgave us so today before we


to give us strength to forgive anybody

else right now we’re going to stop and

we’re going to praise you for forgiving


i dare you right now to lift your voice

all over this place

at your home and thank god for forgiving


increase our faith god so that we can

extend what you’ve done to us

and done for us to others in jesus name

somebody say amen

um i have so much content

that i need to share babe did i do okay


she knows like i’ve been spitting

everything up on her

she literally is the reason we’re doing

this sermon series she she helped me

get this sermon series and the holy

spirit refined it

i’m i don’t like begging charles

i beg you

lock in with this series by christmas

you can walk in freedom

if you understand how to forgive

and i’m declaring over your life this

week that it will be the best week

you’ve ever had

that the holy spirit will begin to show

you things

that you’re going to come before god and

he’s going to be able to help you

and even in the areas where some of you

right now i’m feeling so strong you’re


angry right now because the idea of

forgiving those people

makes you feel vulnerable it makes you

feel offended again

i’m telling you that god by his spirit

is going to do a supernatural work on


inside of you i’m so hyped about what

god’s going to do

and i need you to share this with

everybody i’m telling some of y’all need

to text your whole family

you need to understand that all these

principles god’s going to illuminate go

back and watch the message

again you’re gonna get something brand

new out of it stay in the word of god

and i’m telling you that at fu

forgiveness university

i believe you’re gonna graduate

valedictorian of this class

that you’re going to be able to walk and

you’re going to be able to teach

generations how to forgive

it won’t just end with you but it’s

going to pass on to generation to

generation you’re going to have

you’re going to have an alma mater this

is going to be your alma mater you’re

going to tell people something i’m going

to tell my kids

that i graduated from fu university

and we’re going to be able to walk in

forgiveness i love you

i believe in you and i thank god for you

today is the beginning of a master’s


a master’s class a master’s

degree that’s going to change your


and i will see you right here next week

in jesus name

go out and live a transformed life

i love you wow wow

such a powerful powerful message

on forgiveness man thank you pastor

michael for that

uh listen what we believe is that

one of the ways that we’re able to

forgive others is by

first being forgiven and many of you

maybe you’ve never said the prayer of


and so i want to encourage you that that

this is an opportunity

where you can ask god to come

into your heart we know that god sent

his son jesus to die on the cross just

for us

on a maybe that maybe

you will allow me to come into your


and so right now wherever you’re at you

heard this message and you’re like i i

don’t know how i can forgive

because they did so wrong to me honestly

you can’t

pastor mike said this you can’t do it in

your own in your own power

but by the power of jesus christ you can

and so we want to walk you through this


and i i we don’t pray alone but we pray


and so we ask wherever you’re at just

repeat this prayer after me say god

i admit my fault thank you for loving me

god i’m asking that you would enter my


thank you for saving me in jesus name

amen and amen amen

amen if you just prayed that prayer we

are so excited for you

welcome to the family uh man it’s so

beautiful just to see that

coming out of a message like this

talking about the power of forgiveness


as jules and pastor mike said the only

way that we can forgive others

is that we’ve first been forgiven that

we’ve received that forgiveness and so

i just want to encourage you if you said

that prayer we want to help you as you

start to take the next steps in your


to following christ text the word saved

to the number that’s on the screen

um we have some resources and just want

to get you going as you go on your

journey and real quick i just want to

take a minute and i want to pray for you

if you prayed that

prayer i want to pray for you because

the reality is that life’s going to


right like like good days and bad days

are going to happen and so i just want

to pray for you that as you made that

decision today

that you would hold on to that decision

that you made

so father i pray right now for every

person that prayed that prayer every

person lord god that made

that decision lord god i thank you

father that father god they are rooted

and grounded

in your love i thank you lord god that

they have been transitioned into your

family lord god and because of that

father god they have the ability to to

walk out lord god uh this forgiveness

the things that we heard today lord god

that that forgiveness is something that

has to be cultivated i thank you lord

god you are helping them and showing

them lord god how to cultivate

the the the gift of forgiveness on god

it is so foundational to who we are

and i think that as they receive it lord

you’ll cause them lord god

to be restored i thank you that you’re

bringing healing to their life lord god

through the power

of forgiveness so god i thank you that

shame is falling off i thank you that

guilt is falling off

i thank you look at the stains of the

pastor falling off lord god i thank you

that though the sins be like crimson

lord god you have made them white

as snow father i thank you lord god for

the transformation process that just


as they made you the lord of their life

god i thank you for your grace i thank

you for your strength

and i thank you lord god for complete

restoration i thank you lord god for

your hand on their life lead them god

into the purpose and to the plan that

you called them to

in the mighty name of jesus amen

amen amen amen thank you so much for

watching this message

if this has impacted you in any way i’m

asking you to do a couple of things

the first thing is join transformation

nation subscribe to our youtube channel

and make sure to join us

right here every sunday gather your

friends and your family and be a part of

not just this moment but this movement

the second thing that i would ask you to

do is share share this with your friends

your co-workers and the people that are

around you

because transformation is just one click


the last thing i would ask you to do is

partner with us financially

if this ministry is impacting your life

and transforming you

i would ask you to consider praying

about what you can give to take this

message to the entire world

i want you to know that we love you and

your best days are in front of you

this week we want you to go out and live

a transformed life see you next week