best sermons, Christ Jesus, Christian, Christians, Christmas, Christmas message, Christmas sermon, Christmas story, Christmas teaching, cross, encouraging sermons, faith, family, forgiveness, God, gospel, heaven, hell, HolySpirit, hope, inspirational sermons, Jesus, love, marriage, messages, powerful sermon, prayer, preaching, reason for the season, relationships, sermons, teaching, Tony Evans, Tony Evans sermons, trusting, victory, youth

hey what’s going on everybody I want to

welcome you to the rebroadcast of

transformation churches weekend

experience and you may be wondering why

is Pastor Mike sweating why is the

worship team behind me smiling so hard

it’s because what you’re about to

experience is a moment when we moved out

of the way

and God came and said in our service I’m

gonna let you know right now that I had

a message prepared but God had a moment

prepared for us where he spoke to us and

we worshiped and we responded and I’m

asking you right now to make room for

the next few moments to let God speak to

you one word from God can change

everything in your life you don’t want

to worry from Pastor Mike you want a

word from God and as these worship songs

and these praise songs go in your

household I want you to just be free in

the presence of God three things number

one I want you to Ling in fully just go

all the way in number two I want you to

make room in your heart for God to speak

to you he may change a plan you have he

may he may redirect a decision that

you’ve already made and make room to

hear from him at number three what I

want you to do is I want you to share

this with somebody I want you to right

now as we rebroadcast they shared this

with somebody this may be the answer

that they’ve been looking for and

needing all week it’s not gonna come in

government it’s not gonna come in more

money it’s not gonna come in these

friends or whatever it’s gonna come in

the presence of God and today I want you

to experience what we’ve been

experiencing here a transformation

church cuz this is a move of God and I’m

so grateful that you are a part of it I

want you to enjoy this moment with God

because if you get a word from God

everything happened just as he had food

somebody’s talking about shoes right now

and show next level why you steal in the

pitch tell you I’m reloading this is why

you rip up your list because your name

is in rooms you can never be neat yet

welcome to transformation Church I’m so

excited you’re joining us all over the

world right now in your homes and your

cars wherever you are he just lifts up

your hands or stand up for your feet as

we welcome the presence of God come on

right now right where you are God wants

to meet you today we’re asking the open

eyes of our heart come when you sing













he’s right


your presence in God right now we’re

standing in a place


I know










we’ve come to bless the road we’ve come

to the pilot name of Jesus home let us

magnify the Lord together his name the

other masala singing





this is why we’ve come today








though we rise


Jesus says he says but you




















we are cholos












mom’s right now

the name of Jesus he’s worthy he’s good

now listen I need you to think about

what we’re just saying right now we’re

actually singing the Word of God and

what the scripture says is trust in the

Lord with all your heart but you see God

added a second part he says not only do

you need to trust with all your heart

but you need to also not lean on your

own understanding now I started to

thinking about that and I realize

destiny that you can say I trust in the

Lord but what you lean on reveals who

you think is Lord listen many of you you

say you trust the Lord with your mouth

but you’re leaning on your 401k you say

you trust the Lord with your mouth but

you’re leaning on Plan B but we’re

making a decision right now that no

matter what comes no matter what they

say we’re going to truck




I don’t know if you came to have church

today but God is with you in the middle

of that thing whatever is going on

whatever has been coming against your

thoughts whatever has been coming into

your children today we’re declaring that

our trust is in God would you lift your

hands right now

look God our trust is not in the

government our trust is not in a

stimulus package our trust is not in

what is to come but our trust is in you

Lord God so right now we make a decision

that with godless of what happens we

know that you’re good and you’re the

Alpha and the Omega the beginning and

the end so in the middle of it we make a

decision to put our trust in you we love

you we thank you and we bless your name

and it’s a beautiful name of Jesus we

pray and write in your homes


listen I don’t know where you are right

now I don’t know what you went through

this week but what you need to know is

God sees you right now some of you have

been doubting if God sees you because of

what it looks like because of how tough

it’s been but God sees you in this

moment today I believe you’re here on


it’s not an accident it’s not by

happenstance you just didn’t happen to

see that on Instagram you just happen to

to get that link from a friend I believe

God has been lining this up whole week

because he knows what you’re in and he

knows what you need and I’m believing

that today you’re gonna see God in a new

way we haven’t had the chance to meet my

name is Charles and we’re the pastors

here on our team and on behalf of all of

our staff and our lead pastors pastors

Michael Natalie Todd we want to welcome

you to transformation Church today our

mission is to represent God to the

lost-and-found for transformation in

Christ and we say that every single week

but what we mean by that is regardless

of what’s going on in your life

regardless of how you feel and how

distant you may feel from God what I

believe is God is more concerned with

your progression that he is your

perfection and it would be alive the

enemy for you to think that you got to

be perfect that you got to have it all

together but God uses broken people the

Bible says he uses the foolish things to

confound the wise and while you were in

your mother’s womb God knew you and he

had a plan and purpose for your life and

I believe in today that some of you this

is gonna be a transformational moment in

your life what we’re gonna do right now

we do this every week we’re gonna take

time to worship God through giving so

many of you you give you just you go

above and beyond with offering there are

different ways you can give a

transformation Church those are gonna

come up on the screen for you you can

use the app or website so many different

ways but what we know is giving is not a

step that we have to do or it’s not an

obligation but it’s really our obedience

to God it’s really us thanking him for

everything that he’s given us and and

when we do that when we give it actually

goes into other people’s lives and

starts to transform their life you see

when you give your faithful with your

ties giving the first 10% of your income

back to God or maybe you give them be of

it above and beyond every single week

we’re getting stories of people’s lives

who are being changed because of your

giving there’s one story I want to share

with you just to let you know how much

is making a difference

a young girl named Jada she wrote in to

transformation church she said you know

what I live in Florida and honestly my

life has been really tough she’s a

really rough skin condition that has

actually had her hospitalized in and out

inside her entire life she said really I

just felt like you know what there was

no hope for me that I wasn’t ever gonna

really have a normal life there were

things that just wasn’t gonna experience

and she said I was starting to get

depressed I lost all hope and I just

thought this is it like I’ve tried God

I’ve tried to build a relationship with

him but there’s nothing I can do about

it this is just my lot in life and it’s

so funny how God will use technology

Hearle use someone’s invite and guess

what she found transformation church on

tick-tock come on some of y’all out here

just trying to do stuff you don’t even

know what you’re doing God’s trying to

use tick-tock out here she literally

found it on tick-tock and she literally

said I started watching transformation

Church online and she said and the enemy

would try to come against me with

thoughts of there’s no hope and then I

would I would get on and my faith would

be encouraged and she said I made a

decision that regardless of if I’m in

the hospital that regardless for what

happens I am the minister and there is

hope for me that’s just one story no

doubt there are thousands of stories

maybe your story you’re watching right

now maybe you’re on YouTube or Facebook

or you’re in another country and you’re

joining us what I know is God wants to

use your story with all the pieces with

all the brokenness with all the hurt he

wants to use it to transform lives

around the world and listen when you

give today you’re a part of those

stories and I just want to say thank you

would you take a moment right where you

are in your home with your family

watching online would you just take a

moment to pray with me

I want to pray as we give today that God

would use it that we would really make a

decision to put our trust fully in God

do we make a decision to not lean on our

own understanding to not lean on what we

think or how we think it should go in

that scripture of proverbs 8 3 it says

in 5 to trust in the Lord in verse 8 it

says and then he will bring healing some

of you the healing you’re looking for in

your body the healing you’re looking for

in your relationships it’s not going to

come from some big thing but God says I

just really want to know that you trust


I want to pray right now as we give

today that our trust would truly be in

God and we would look to our father for

everything that we need would you pray

with me look

we love you Lord it really our love is a

response to your love because you’re

such a good father that you wouldn’t

tell us to do something that you didn’t

already expressed before we even thought

about you and right now I pray for every

single person that is hearing my voice

right now and Lord even though they’re

hearing my voice I faith pray that they

would feel your presence Lord I pray

that the Holy Spirit would feel the

atmosphere of their home would feel the

atmosphere of wherever they are Lord

Jesus and I thank you Lord God that we

are making a decision today that we are

putting our trust in you lord god we’re

putting our hope in you we’re putting

our plans in you Lord God and I thank

you or God as we give today that you

would use it to further not just a brand

of transformation in church or

representing but it would be your

mission Lord God that the Kingdom of

Heaven would grow today I thank you that

salvation is gonna happen today I think

you that healing is gonna happen today I

thank you that that that marriage is

that I was on the brink of divorce today

they make a decision that they’re

sticking this thing through I thank you

that your power is stronger than

anything else look God and we don’t look

within ourselves as not by power not by

my but by your spirit so right now we

look to you it’s in a beautiful name of

Jesus we pray amen would you continue to

worship with us wherever you are I just

love the season that we’re in a lot of

us don’t have anything else to run to

but I just love that the father is

present hallelujah the father is always

near he’s always close it’s the time

where we can run to the Father

Thank You Father that you’re waiting for

us with open arms we thank you we thank

you I’ve carried a bird too long I

wasn’t created to very done I hear your

invitation I see now I’m laying it down

and I know that me you weren’t to the

fire fall integrates John week the hide

reserve the word

my hiny to serve so need a friend


you saw from the side your son


don’t understand






my heart has been in your sights

hallelujah long before my first breath

needed to live


she is









my help comes from you guys and all

my head comes from using it’s a












you are I need you to lift your hands

and sing it you you come on in your

living room singing joy with us today


come on you don’t need a lot of words

you just need to sing all of my help

comes from


my help







somebody’s having personal revival right

now somebody’s realizing that the Spirit

of God does not only reside in a

building but it can reside in your home





come on I know you need to sing it some



comes from if you can right now keep

singing I don’t have a Bible with me I

can’t turn to psalms 18 but I need you

to seek God’s reaction to its child

crying out to him it said that smoke

came from his nostrils it says there was

thunder and every step of the heaven








you are


come on just the voices one more time

you are you are the one who fills my cup

you are just stay there

just cuz the song is changing doesn’t

mean you gotta change well let’s stay

right there









one we’ve got the Lord bows

he didn’t lure you with us




we’re gonna put on a corporate worship

experience and minister to the Lord I

want you to sing every part with us








what a wonderful name


death could not hold you

nothing Toby for your silent Stavros

laughing and I’m gonna sing that again

singing again dad can never hold



















Jesus Jesus Jesus somebody’s doing

business with God right now do it Jesus

so you don’t wanna call on him call on

his name Jesus Jesus Jesus come on






was the friend of six close of it

















come on just sing


Jesus said I need more Jesus


something’s happening right now come on

just sing that again st. see right there

you’re home just tell God it doesn’t

matter where you are right now you need

more say



I feel the presence of God coming to

invade our homes right now I don’t know

if y’all feel that but I feel like God’s

coming to invade our home I woke up this

morning and I didn’t have a voice and as

you can see there’s there’s there’s a

voice here right now thank you for

praying but God spoke to me as I was

walking out here and he said Michael I I

needed to get your attention just for a

second he said today I’ve been I’ve been

missing in the moment where people have

more time than ever I’ve been missing

them talking to me like like when they

can talk to everybody everybody’s

FaceTime and everybody’s watching the

Netflix series he said my mom used to

say it like this he misses his time with

us and I know we’ve been going to God

for a lot of stuff we’ve been going to

him with our hand out but have we been

going to him with our heart open and our

mouth open not for what he’s about to do

but for what he’s already done when we

get the proper everybody say the word

perspective God told me today and I

don’t know I got a word I’m ready to

preach but I feel like the glory of God

has set down in this place there’s a few

of us here but I know there’s thousands

of you right now online and you’re

waiting for me to say something but one

word from God I said one word from God

moment in the presence of God can change

everything and I felt that there’s one

word to change everything


and I don’t know I just feel like we’re

gonna worship for a minute we might get

to the word we might not get to the word

we is that okay if we just turn this

into a moment for us to respond back to

God the fact that we’re still here right

now is a reason why we should lift our


did you draw breath this morning that’s

the reason I think my Bible says and let
















say that out Jesus Jesus you silenced me

somebody call his name said Jesus you

make I’m gonna need everybody in your

house slip your hands up and call on his

name G you silence fear decide somebody

needs to


somebody right now has been gripped by


I feel the prophetic right now I just I

feel the prophetic like God speaking to

me there’s somebody that has been

dealing with fear

it is literally wrapped around you your

thoughts your mind but today when you

say the name of Jesus it’s that that

name that every knee will bow that’s

depression that’s fear

that’s the low self-esteem somebody just

shot at me say Jesus Jesus





somebody needs to say it well I feel the

presence of God in this place he’s

invading the fear the fear of what’s to




I hear this there’s some people that

have been robbed of their sleep because

they’ve been fearful of what tomorrow



right now God’s saying I’m giving you

you’re stressed again I hear this as

clear as day destiny God said I’m giving

you rest again

today you’re gonna rest for the first

time in a long time

doesn’t matter about a pandemic doesn’t

matter about your job situation it

doesn’t matter about your son or your

daughter out better that you’ve been

praying for in the name of Jesus rest is

coming back to your life rest is coming

back to your heart in your mind come on

just say his name say Jesus that’s the

name you’re gonna begin to declare over

every situation say it again say

somebody needs to believe it this is the

first time you’re gonna speak that name

always somebody just

I feel the presence of God right now

that stronghold to be interrupted say

his name

thank you Father God say Jesus Jesus

jeez you make you make the darkness

tremble Jesus Jesus I dance with you

Jesus Jesus you leave the darkness

tremble Jesus Jesus time to say that

somebody you make the time you make the

darkness tremble Jesus jeez

if your name is like that the shadows

came tonight your name cannot be


your name he’s alive forever your name

I feel nothing can overcome and my

people sing that me here’s a life that

the shadows can’t tonight














welcome to this place you need to say it

right at the place you’re out we say hey

well into this world said you desire

subha in the place right here where we


so everybody so we live and we lift


as we offer up this phrase come on you

need a message but God needs your

worship and we say


mom come up here we say well said you



right now this may be our obstacle right


hey display come on Bobby let’s sing

that I need somebody to say well















this place there is a place


we are


as we are through up this way to your

name as we offer


yes we are this way there is the brain

there is the price there is the price

that we offer up to God hey a praise

with our reserve because he deserved the

praise I praise with our fear because he

deserved the place lift your hands to

the Lord




















my god



give it to him cause he sits on the

broad and we bless his name hallelujah

and he’s coming to sit right in your

house where you are we thank God come

here I think that there’s some people

that are still waiting for something

else to happen in the service and you’re

going to miss God sitting on your

situation right now I know you’ve been

cool and I know you make a lot of money

and I know that your Instagram is poppin

and I know that you don’t really act

like this but there’s a god that’s

please in the details of our

relationship and the fact that you’re

still here

and that he has done the proper response

to a gun guy in significant ways so I

don’t care how it makes it your kids

feel tell it makes your parents feel I

dare you to open up your mouth








you don’t need to be late at this moment

let your worship come up right now tell

God how much you love him tell him thank

you right now I know some people are

about to log off but I know what you

need to do is to keep this all cuz

this’ll change the atmosphere of your

house right now the Hudsons and wife

you’re talking about relationship goes

out of this relationship every other

relationship flow I dare you to get your

connection right with God right now this

is the point where you say I’m sorry God

I’m sorry that my business has taken

priority I’m sorry that my family

god Oh ever he wants to hear from you

right now




you better stop watching me you better

talk to him all we’re doing right now is

facilitating a place for you and Gotham

God interrupted yo church service so

that he could get time with you right

now and I dare you not to waste this

moment not think oh well maybe I should

go and do something else the only

priority right now it’s your praise in

your worship

god we are

damiana you

God we honor

god we are


that we rely on you


there’s no men I even hear this right

now some men are like I don’t do that

the best thing you can do for your

family man of God is to show them and go

back to the garden get back in Adams

position where you walk been taught the

reason why the home and the family

trying to do it on their own but God

said I can create you to do it on your

own I created you to walk with me and

worship me and I

I feel the present to God right there




we’re giving you words to sting right

now just look up to heaven and say it’s



we can search we will find we can look

we will find we can try we will find and

this no one like you we can look at here

pieces we can look in empty homes we can

try all the words snowing like you know

no one can love like you can no one can

touch like you can no one can hold like

you could no one can care like you can

no one can provide like you that’s why

we worship you alone

it’s no


you know like there’s no


the snow





singing Jesus your presence is heaven to

me there’s nothing like you present

nothing like you princess

it’s nothing like your brothers your




come on he’s right there hold your

breath such as ever

he’s right there with you we salute you










you’re a nanny and I’m test before you

how – before you


I’m fine













I’m so lost with them that’s why I’m

coming back to my father

I’m running back to my dad this takes



somebody say I’m


we make a choir all over the world with

no music can we lift that up can say




one more time something is happening

right now

we’re getting off of our pride and we’re

coming to humility


all these publish mitts in the crowns we

lay them down






my spear






that’s why I’m here that’s why I’m here


that’s why I was created that’s why I

was created


I need to bring you an eraser to








I’ll stay right here at your feet

I’ll stare I here at your feet till

you’re through with me I’ll stay right



only one place I desire is to be your


no other place I’d rather be no other

place we’d rather be

is what they do of course























two words




you will hear my voice on ours

you will hear me sing I’m gonna say


everything that I do everything that I



just real quick just say that home

I just feel something’s gonna happen

right there say for everybody just

tuning in God has taken over this whole

service and isn’t that what we want them

to do so we’re just letting them speak

you never want to miss God’s appointment

for your program like if you have a

program or a plan you never want to miss

God’s appointment for your plan or your

program Charles whatever God’s placed on

your heart I want to speak to I want to

read a scripture out of Ephesians first

and then I’m gonna speak to some things

that I feel like God is just saying over

some of you watching right now this is

Ephesians 6:12 this is what the Bible

says says the final word be strong in

the Lord and in his mighty power and put

on all the armor of God so that you will

be able to stand firm against the

strategies of the devil for we are not

fighting against flesh and blood enemies

but against evil rulers and authorities

of the unseen world against mighty

powers in the dark places so therefore

you must put on every piece of armor so

that you will be able to resist the

enemy at the time of evil stand your

ground putting on the belt of truth for

shoes put on peace that comes from God

the good news so that you will be fully

prepared in addition to all those things

hold up the shield of faith to stop the

fiery darts of the devil put on

salvation as your helmet and take up the

sword of the Spirit which is the word of


there are some of you right now that I

feel so strongly that specifically I

want to speak to and pray over the

generational curses that have come

against your family and I feel so

strongly right now that there has been

things that you are dealing with right

now that you inherited from generations

before and the enemy has been I hear

this oklet the enemy has been using the

same weapon that he’s used on you he

used it on your grandfather he used it

on your great-grandfather he used it on

your great-great and it’s been the same

weapon and the issue has been is not

that that that you can’t handle it it’s

not but your response you’ve been

picking up the wrong weapons you’ve been

picking up the weapon of success to

fight against the temptation of not

feeling valuable and that’s not the

right weapon you’ve been picking up the

weapon of a with holding things back and

shying back to fight against that

insecurity and I spear it so clearly God

says some of you it’s time to pick up

the weapon and it stops with you the

curses that have come after your family

it stops today and I just want to take a

moment and pray over you today that you

would realize that your fight is not

against your spouse it’s not the fight

is not against that that that thing that

keeps coming against you or that

pressure that you’re feeling it’s not in

the enemy is trying to get you to focus

on the surface level thing but there are

things in your heart there are people

you need to forgive there are things

that have been in your family for years

and you’ve been using the wrong weapons

but today you pick up the shield of

faith today you pick up the sword of the

Spirit would you lift your hands right


Holy Spirit I thank you right now that

your power is coming into people’s homes

Lord Jesus and I speak against every

devil that is coming into generations

right now I break it in the name of

Jesus I think you that families are free

right now but I think you got lust that

is plant plagues families it’s broken a

name of Jesus anxiety that has plagued

families is broken in the name of Jesus

small minded thinking Lord God that is

Plex families it is broken

the name of Jesus and right now we use

worship as our weapon come on some of

you right now the weapon you need to

pick up is worship the enemy has kept

your mouth closed and you haven’t even

realized it but today you’re opening up

your mouth and at that moment you start

speaking it out at that moment you start

saying saying things things are shifting

in your life God our worship is is our

weapon Lord today our worship is our

weapon Lord and even if it’s not much

even if it’s just your name even if it’s

just you’re worthy even if it’s just

you’re good even if it’s just the name

of Jesus I thank you that today we

establish worship as our weapon come on

that’s it worship come on someone just

you need to write that down that’s the

Word of God over your life worship is my

weapon when the enemy comes from my mind

worship is my weapon when the energy

comes from my children worship is my

weapon when the enemy comes after my

thoughts and my purity worship is my



let’s make worship our weapon right now

hell you don’t even have to have any


it’s our weapons











































shitless is 49

it says Judah will be like the hand on

the neck of the enemy now if you know

anything about the word Judah the word

Judah means praise which means all of

the suggestions in the lies of the enemy

about your identity about what you won’t

do about how your relationships will not

succeed the only way you can stop

somebody from talking is you cut off

their air supply and if it says that

praise will be like our hand on the neck

of the enemy that means you can shut the

devil up over your family you can shut

them up over your finances if you would

just praise I’m gonna give you five

seconds to forget who you were before

this moment in the presence of us forget

how much money you wish to choke the

enemy out right now



what’s up

they’re not ready they did kind of have

churches but when God invades a

situation you don’t care about what your

preference is he cares that his presence

is there and right now some of y’all

need this praise right now some people

didn’t understand Tony what I did when I

went over to the drums the Bible was

telling us that we’re supposed to praise

them with everything that we got there’s

a scripture that says praise them with

the high sounding cymbals and when I was

hitting that my faith was that things

that have been ringing in your life when

the president are y’all don’t hear me

things that have been lingering I was

beating prophetically the hell back from

your life see worship is my away












this is haha

I dare you in your house to give God a

shout of praise right there






I see people all week when stuff starts

going wrong and they’re ready to cuss

somebody out and they’re ready to give

up on their marriage they gonna lift

their hands up they gonna put their head

back and they gonna start chanting this

thing right here they’re gonna say

worship is my I got the victory I got

the victory I’m feeling Turkey right now









because of what Jesus has done yes sir

because he stretched out his arm 2,000

years ago and we got the end of the book

it says that he went down the hill and

he snatched everything that the devil

thought he had stolen and won and he

came back with the keys and he has

everybody shot at me victory shouted

against a victory now I started to think

Charles what happens when a runner runs

his race and he actually wins they take

a victory laughs nah I know some of

y’all too spiritual and bujji to do this

right now

but I want you to picture something that

has been having victory over you and I

want you to take a lap around that thing

right now oh come on get around your

coffee table right now get around a

picture of your family right now

get around a picture and take a picture


see some of y’all y’all succeeded thirty

people around here taking a lap somebody

turned the camera around don’t matter if

you don’t look professional I want you

to see people taking victory you got it

oh hey listen you not crazy

we’re in an empty auditorium right now

and nobody’s in here except God and we

taking victory laps I dare you to think

about your finances being broke down I

dare you to think about your family

being jacked up I’m gonna give you one

more chance to have permission to

prophetically take a lap around your

situation what – let me start over come

on one does some of y’all still thinking

about it – y’all need it one more second

someone say what

so I got to pee








cut the music off now giving plays right

there give them plays right there you

weren’t because there’s nobody like you

you not gonna have the band tomorrow but

you’ve got your instruments everything

that happened craze the Lord when the

enemy comes to tell you you’re defeated

this week you tell them no no no no I

got the victory I got the victory I got

the victory

so Turkey right now


some people learn in your house right

now and you said I can’t get up and do

all that running but I need someone to

meet me today God’s sending a word right

to you right in your home where you are

if you have to literally walk into your

blessing I want you to stand up in faith

just like that man when God said get up

off your mat I want you to stand up in

faith today and say I got the victory


yeah we gotta go we gotta go the people

the people are getting disgruntled but

it really doesn’t matter cuz some people

if it was for one person today that

needed to get free because of this place

if it was one person that was



if you got the big three on the chat why

don’t you put some praise hands in the



well welcome to transformation Church

where it is our prayer to represent God

to the lost and found for transformation

in Christ listen one promise I’ll always

make you is that we will always prepare

and have a plan always and have a

back-up plan too

but when the God we serve shows up and

he wants to do something we move out of

the way and I think today God did this

there’s hundreds of thousands of people

that came with an expectation today that

we may have disappointed you but God

never disappoints and no matter if you

like this or not God came and sat down

and we everybody say moved and when we

move then God can do what he wants to do

and what we’re in right now is a move of

God and I’ll never put a message above

his presence they missed it we will

never put a message above his presence

y’all got notes from stuff on him

preached thirty-three thousand times and

still ain’t done none of it it’s okay

but one one moment in its presence what

one moment in his presence can change

everything and this is a move this is a

move of God and what he wants to do is

not do a move in this empty building now

the organization he wants to do a move

in the organism and today you’re like I

thought this was supposed to be

relationship goes come back next week

I’m gonna talk to you about

relationships but at the end of the day

it doesn’t matter how many of your other

relationships work if this one ain’t


and some of us have not moved in a while

we haven’t moved our schedule out of the

way we haven’t moved our children’s

schedule out of the way we haven’t moved

success out of the way and God’s saying

if I speak to you would you shut down

your business for a day

well that would be thousands of dollars

where’d you get the thousands from in

the first place well there’s people God

said one moment in my presence can

change the next 15 years of your life

one word from me and that’s why that

song always comes to my heart that we

need a word from the Lord we don’t just

want moments that we come together in

his phone we need a word somebody put in

the chat I need a word from God somebody

just say that I need a word from God and

he’s so good that he’ll speak to your

exact situation

he’s so detailed that he knows the

number of hairs on your head and the

Bible says see I have carved you in the

palm of my hands that means that my hand

is on you so it’s handled I got you

right here

he said I’ve not forgotten you cuz I put

you in a place where I always can see


if you’ve ever in a moment if you think

God has forgotten about you just look

down at your hand and say oh he’s carved

me in the palm of his hand and today I

just want you to know that a word from

God will change everything

as I was walking out here God gave me a

word he said don’t preach today worship

me and for the thousands of people that

changed everything

and I’m just praying that this would not

be a Sunday experience but this would go

beyond Sunday tomorrow get up and

worship worship is our weapon this is

how we fight our battles gods now given

us anthems right now that we can be able

to sing all week long well I need a

message open your Bible for yourself

he’ll give you a word without Pastor

Mike oh they missed that one you can get

a more real revelation from just opening

your Bible and saying God give me a word

you can have points and everything that

you can preach to your friends and make

your own post and do all another we

ain’t gonna have much of that this week

cuz God took over that’s why we need a

word from the Lord a word from the Lord

just one word from the Lord will move

all and cause the Sun to shine huh can

you please sing nobody hi Steve

hey V just sing that one more time


come on hands to lift it everybody right

now come on just say my god it’s gonna

move all the doubt that you have in your

life and look good it’s the Sun it’s

gonna shine

and give peace we say speak low feet



for some of you this is the moment where

he wants to speak to you if you’ve lived

your life without Christ at the sinner

and maybe some of you have just been

watching just like wow they are

energetic and my god that’s a lot of

sweat and wow I didn’t know people that

got that lost and it wasn’t for a sports

game or anything like that yep we’re

crazy about how God saved us and how

he’s poured His grace over our life and

we’re unashamed about it you can post

the clips you can tell everybody in the

world it’s all good we run ashamed of

the gospel of Jesus Christ around these

parts and that’s what it’s not weird

it’s not spoke spooky it’s a response

and today this may be your moment to

respond I don’t know how you got here

somebody might have sent it to you might

have seen a clip on Instagram or

Facebook your grandmama keeps sending

you text message to watch Church with

her whatever the case I believe it

wasn’t on accident this is a purpose

step and all of this worship was to

soften your heart and God saying can I

come in now behold I stand at the door

and I knock see God’s not gonna bust

your door down he’s a gentleman so he

comes back day after day and he says hey

it’s me Jesus I just wanted to know can

I come in

I’m busy right now I have I have success

on my mind I have had my relationships

on my mind come back another time and

because he’s compassionate in His grace

field he comes back again the next day

hey it’s me again yeah I’ve been coming

back every day since since you were born

actually and I remember you almost let

me in last Easter but then I know you

got busy it’s okay I’m fine can I come

in no you can’t come in right now my

house is dirty

well it’s okay if your house is dirty I

come with the cleaning crew I got my god

a Holy Spirit right here and we were

sent by the father and we actually well

how much is it gonna cost it’s gonna

cost you everything and nothing like

it’s gonna cost you everything that you

know right now but I’ve already paid the

bill and so right now I’m just trying to

allow you to be be able to experience

what’s already been paid for

you can be redeemed you you have

something waiting on you that you

haven’t claimed yet and I’m sitting here

every day because it’s very valuable

and all I want you to do is to let me in

and today some of you have your hand on

the knob and you’re telling Jesus but if

you come in here it’s messy and there’s

abuse in the front room and there’s

molestation hidden in the closet and I

have ugly thoughts about my family

members and I’ve been on some websites

that up I’m ashamed to say and I haven’t

been the best parent or I haven’t been

the best son or daughter and if you if

you come in here

you probably don’t think different of me

he said honestly we’ve had surveillance

around your life the whole time and we

saw it when it happened that’s why we

keep coming back because we understand

if you keep living without our

assistance it may cost you more than you


so today would you just would you just

let us in I promise you that everything

that you’re going through I already know

it and I’ve done it and I felt it and I

took it for you and today Jesus Christ

wants to come into your heart to your

life to your relationships and he wants

to transform you it’s the very thing

that took me from being a liar a

manipulator addicted to pornography I

had very bad things in my heart and all

I did was open the door and God looked

at all my crap and said oh yeah

this is easy

you can’t belong to me before you ever

behave and today God wants to come into

your heart if you’re in this moment with

us right now you want to accept Jesus as

your personal Lord and Savior there are

thousands of people all over the world

that are praying for you right now

because this is the one decision that

changed everything for them and I want

you to be praying transformation nation

right now because life and death is in

the in this moment like this tension you

feel right now somebody’s life depends

on it I don’t care if you’re celebrity I

don’t care if you make money I don’t

care if you’re in the slums I don’t care

where you are God says I’ll be right

there with you today on the count of

three if you want to accept Jesus Christ

as your personal Savior I want you to

lift your hand wherever you are I don’t

care who’s sitting next to you they

can’t save you I don’t care who you’re

trying to impress I told our team we

don’t want to be impressive we want to

be impactful forget being impressive

what do you get for being impressive a

hand clap but this decision could impact

your life and your children’s life and

your children’s children’s life in your

children’s children’s children life

today I want you to make that decision

one you’re gonna make the greatest

decision on your life – we are so proud

of you but more than that God is proud

of you three shoot your hand up in the

air all over the world

and right there in that moment you could

put your hand down God saw that I don’t

have to see it God did according to

Romans 10:9 if you believe in your heart

and you confess with your mouth that

Jesus Christ was raised from the dead

and he died for you you’re saved what

does that mean we got to repent that

means we got to turn from if we’re going

this way that’s all that word means it’s

turning the other way but today we want

to pray with you in transformation

Church we’re a family all over the world

it’s easy nation I love y’all so much

and this is why our church exists for

transformation in Christ so if you made

this decision you’re not gonna pray

alone there is I think on the chat

forty-nine fifty thousand people that

about to pray with you so everybody come

on let’s pray with those who are coming

to Christ today just say father thank

you for sending your son Jesus

just for me today I give you my life I

believe you lived you die and you rose

again just for me thank you

for winning the victory change me

transform me I’m yours in Jesus name


if you just prayed that prayer there are

thousands of people putting their hands

saying Oh y’all better hear me all over

the world

heaven is turning up right now because

of those who just gave their life to

Christ do me a favor be unashamed of

your decision of Jesus Christ

change your number today right after you

text the number on the screen ok text

this number so we can give you resources

and help you but some of you are gonna

have to turn we’re gonna have to get new

friends we’re gonna have to do things

and we want to help you we want to walk

with you download the TC app go back and

watch sermon series some of y’all need

some word go back and watch charged up

go on youtube and watch planet not

buried go on YouTube watch grace like a

flood go watch the original relationship

Gold Series go back in and and watch I

mean they can watch all the time types

of series y’all go back and get damaged

goods if anybody is right now feeling

damaged go back and watch it and God

will speak to you he stands outside of

time and we want to be a resource we

want to be your church in this time to

help you grow I love y’all woo

this was good everybody want to go for

your soul like this go for my soul like

this was good for my soul next week

we’ll be back I might be wearing the

same thing I’m gonna do a redo I’m gonna

do a Rio fur and I don’t know what we

gonna post this week I don’t know this

rebroadcasts on Wednesday tomorrow

well this we making it up right now it’s

happening right now we love y’all just

make sure you spend time with God this

week maybe God interrupted this so you

could get off of the schedule and get

into his presence like maybe maybe like

on Monday mornings I I watching my

transformation church maybe this Monday

morning you just talked to God and let’s

see if that can happen cuz we need a

word from the Lord


Wow and cause the son

to shine and give peace of mind speed

speak speak learn my beautify my heart I

wanna burn for you only




you can take






you do what you are















I speak blessing over you I declare that

this will be the best week of your life

I declare that God is going to move in

your situation and whatever come worship

is gonna be your weapon father we bless

you and we thank you for all you’ve done

in this place today god I thank you

Father God that every person’s business

every person’s finances every person’s

heart every person’s father got home is

a blessed in the name of Jesus somebody

needs to receive it we declared that you

will be lifted high because we have the

victory we trust you we believe you we

thank you our faith is in you

you’re our anchor – more than enough

you are good if you are God have your

way in our lives in Jesus name

go and live a transformed life

sweet God
