best sermons, Christ Jesus, Christian, Christians, Christmas, Christmas message, Christmas sermon, Christmas story, Christmas teaching, cross, encouraging sermons, faith, family, forgiveness, God, gospel, heaven, hell, HolySpirit, hope, inspirational sermons, Jesus, love, marriage, messages, powerful sermon, prayer, preaching, reason for the season, relationships, sermons, teaching, Tony Evans, Tony Evans sermons, trusting, victory, youth

hey family this is pastor Toure Pastor

Sarah we want to welcome you to this

video we’ve got a word from God for you

it’s going to bless you we wanted to

pause for a second before you watch this

video and we want you to pray as you’re

watching this video about partnering

with us to allow us to continue to meet

the needs of people not simply

spiritually but also practically it’s

such an honor to be able to serve people

during this time and we as an

organization are partnering to make sure

that we’re taking care of children that

we’re feeding the elderly that the

homeless are getting the care and

attention they need and you can be a

part of helping us change the world so

we invite you to come there’ll be

instructions on the screen partner with

us pray with us we are doubling down on

the generosity that our campuses have

historically done we love you enjoy this

word look for the instructions bless you

I don’t know about you but there’s

something about getting a reminder that

we serve a God of miracles he is a God

of miracles I just want that truth to

rest in your heart for a minute that

regardless of what’s happening in the

headlines regardless of what’s happening

in the economy we serve a God of

miracles he specializes and when

everything seems like it’s going to be

counted out he shows up with his

supernatural strength and his

supernatural power because that’s just

what he does God says if you would fix

your eyes on me I dare you to just give

me a moment to fix your eyes on me I’m

glad you’re tuned in to this message I’m

glad you cleared the room so you could

this word because God wants to show you

that he is still in the business of

doing miracles everything he touches is

a miracle and I believe tonight that as

we dive into this word that God is going

to awaken he’s going to bring back to

your remembrance the miracles that you

have experienced along the way and so I

want you to get your heart ready I want

you to get your expectation ready that

you would create a hunger for miracles

in your own life and I don’t mean the

kind of miracles that a check can fix I

mean the kind of miracles that can only

come when you say God there is a need

down on the inside of me there is a

desire down on the inside of me that

only you can touch only you can feel and

I believe that God’s going to do just

that tonight I’ve been praying man I’m

so excited about this word I don’t know

if there’s anyone out there when you

just know that you receive something

from God maybe it’s a song maybe it’s a

message maybe it’s a piece of art

whatever it is when you just know it’s

from God and that it’s going to bless

people it makes you so excited so I

don’t want to delay this any longer I’m

going to get right into the word I am

going to be in Matthew Matthew 14 you

guys know this text I know you guys you

feel oh legends out there but for those

of you who aren’t theologians I think

even you are going to be familiar with

this text it’s when Jesus begins walking

on water towards the disciples in the

middle of a storm and Peter Peter does

something so strange and so odd in the

middle of this encounter and it inspired

me so much when I read this message that

I wanted to share it with you I’m going

to start in verse 28 so imagine with me

if we may set the stage the storm is

raging the wind is blowing the sea is

boisterous and suddenly they see a man

that looks maybe like a ghost had it in

their direction and jeez

says don’t be afraid it’s not a ghost

it’s me it’s Jesus and Peter puts Jesus

to the test he says and Peter answered

him and said lord if it is you command

me to come to you on the water

so he said come and when Peter had come

down out of the boat he walked on the

water to go to Jesus but when he saw

that the wind was boisterous he was

afraid and beginning to sink he cried

out saying lord save me and immediately

Jesus stretched out his hand and caught

him and said to him o you of little

faith why did you doubt why did you

doubt I think that that is a question

I’ve been asking myself over and over

again especially during this time is why

are you doubting and God gave me an

answer that I can’t wait to share with

you but first let’s pray father we

welcome you into our atmospheres into

our home into the very core of our being

and we say streches father when life

begins to constrict us and restricting

father we need a reminder that we are

bigger on the inside than we are than

the circumstance that is outside of us

so father may this be a moment when you

sit in the room and stretch us until we

start to look like what you had in mind

increase our faith father and as for me

I executed remove any nerves any anxiety

that this would just be a moment where

you flow through me father this word has

to be exactly what you gave me so there

is no room for me only you I receive

that impartation let’s go to work in

Jesus name Amen I want to talk to you

guys tonight about the subject on the

subject of just enough faith

just enough faith that is a phrase that

I’ve been hearing in my personal prayer

and study time and if I’m honest when I

think about having just enough faith it

makes me feel a little bit less than

like perhaps I’m failing because whether

or not we like to admit it or not there

are moments when we don’t have this

abundant faith right I don’t have this

super faith that I see everyone else

having I know what it’s like to have

just enough faith I have just enough

faith to get me through today I don’t

know what’s gonna happen next week or

next month if I start thinking about it

I start getting stressed out and I start

getting afraid but right now in this

moment I have just enough faith and as I

was studying I started looking at some

of the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11

they list all of these heat all of these

heroes of faith there’s Abraham there’s

Moses there’s Noah there’s Rahab there’s

Sarah and they talk about how their

faith made them who they are how their

faith stood out in the mind of God and

as I was studying it I realized that

there is a reason why they called those

listed in Hebrews 11 heroes of faith

heroes of faith if I’m honest when I was

growing up I used to think about heroes

like Iron Man and Superman right and I

would say to myself if I could be any

hero at all I would be Superman I would

be Superman because I would want to know

how to fly I’d want to learn how to fly

flying over traffic okay flying over

attitudes come on somebody I want it to

have a cape so that I could fly right I

want it to be Superman and when I was

growing up all I thought a hero was was

someone who had this superpower that

allowed them to do something that

otherwise humans would not ordinarily be

able to do but as I got older and even

honestly in this season I am beginning

to realize that heroes have less to do

with what ability they have and more to

do with who they are

to save you see I didn’t want to be

Superman because I wanted to save

certain people the way that Superman did

I just wanted to have what the hero had

no one who ever has this conversation

growing up says I want to be a hero

because I want to be able to save this

person and save that person it’s all

about what we think the hero possesses

but when we focus exclusively on what

the hero possesses we miss the true

unique call of being a hero a hero is

connected to who you are willing to save

we need heroes heroes who are willing to

save people who are in the inner city we

need a hero for those who are dealing

with homelessness we need a hero for

those who are conquering racism we need

heroes we need heroes we need people who

are attracted to the victims we need

heroes who are attracted to the

marginalized and this text in Hebrews 11

proves to me that we don’t just need

heroes for people sometimes we need

heroes for causes who could have known

that faith needed a hero

when God called Abraham he called

Abraham not because of what Abraham had

this superpower that he was able to

exert but he needed a hero he needed

someone who would take their

responsibility in making sure that faith

remained in the earth faith needs a hero

we’re streaming this service when other

when our doors are closed down not

because we didn’t have anything better

to do not because we just wanted to stay

at home we’re doing this because we

recognize that faith needs a hero faith

needs someone who was willing to stand

in the gap and say I’m not going to let

faith die on my watch I’m not going to

let worship die on my watch when I see

that something is in trouble I stand up

to it because I am a hero I’m wondering

what have you been called to do you

recognize that you are a hero it’s not

just a calling it’s not just something

God place down on the inside of you to

make you famous or to make you

rich God gives you a vision for who you

can be in the earth and who you can save

in the earth because that group of

people connected to who you are need a

hero we need a hero in the inner city we

need a hero in our churches we need

someone who decides I’m not gonna let it

die on my watch and I could have never

known the importance of faith needing a

hero until I looked at Hebrews 11 faith

is still looking for Heroes I’m still

looking for someone who will carry the

mantle of maintaining faith and I know

this because in Hebrews 12 they’re gonna

put it on the screen for me and he brews

12 verse 1 this is after the author of

Hebrews who is also unknown some people

believe that it was Paul but the author

of Hebrews is unknown but they tell us

about all of these heat these heroes of

faith in Hebrews 11 and then we get to

Hebrews 12 and they give us this mandate

based off of all of the heroes who have

come behind us Hebrews 12 then tells us

therefore we also we also must be like

these heroes since we are surrounded by

so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay

aside every weight in the sin which so

easily ensnares us and let us run with

endurance the race that is set before us

heroes have to run races with endurance

verse to continue says looking unto

Jesus the author and the finisher of our

faith who for the joy that was set

before him endured the cross despising

the shame and has sat down at the right

hand of the throne of God not only does

faith need a hero faith needs a hero

that’s willing to run with endurance I

don’t know if you’re like me but the

idea of running with endurance is not

necessarily my strong suit I’m working

on it it’s what I want to aspire to have

one day where I can just run and

and run and not be out of breath and not

feel like I’m going to die but if I’m

honest I don’t know how to run with

endurance the way I need to run as a

hero of faith because the truth is

whether we like to admit it or not there

are moments when we are running the race

and we run out of faith the thing about

running this race and what it says in

Hebrews 12 and 1 it says that the race

has been set before us the race doesn’t

wait until we’re ready to run it before

the race gets set the race doesn’t wait

until we have enough endurance the race

has already been set and now it is on us

to determine whether or not we’re going

to be able to run that race the way that

God has called us to run the race or are

we going to stay there and be stagnant

what do you do when you are thrown into

an unexpected race god help me there are

some races that we have to run not

because we feel ready not because we

feel prepared

but because the race has been set and

when the race has been set we have no

choice but to take off running as if our

life depends on it because staying still

when the race has been set means that

there is something that is going to have

victory if we don’t start running our

race I feel the presence of God on that

if we don’t start running our race with

endurance and faith you understand a

race is not when someone is just running

by themselves a race means that there

are other things that are running as

well that fear is running that

insecurities running that divorce is

running that all of these things are

running up against us as well so I have

to run with endurance because I’m trying

to outrun something my father says this

all the time and it just hit me he talks

about how everyone is running from

something you’ve got to determine what

you are in competition with what are you

racing away from I’m racing from that

broken version of who I used to be I’m

racing from the statistics that they say

about people who look like me I’m

running my race I’m running my race

because I recognize I am

competition with the version of myself

that would have me ensnared in

relationships that don’t look like me

and opportunities that could fail me and

so I got to run my race I don’t know who

you are and how long you’ve been running

but I want you to take a minute and

qualify are you running your race with

endurance because you believe on what’s

on the other side has God’s name written

all over it or are you running because

you just want to hear your name called

and you want to be declared a winner and

I want to speak to you tonight about

running a race that you know God has set

before you Paul is who they think wrote

this text in Hebrews he’s not talking

about just running any old race he’s

talking about running the race that has

been set before you by God there is a

race that God has already assigned and

there is a lane that has your name on it

and God is looking for someone who was

willing to run that race I’m not asking

you to run Sarah Jake’s Roberts race I’m

not asking you to run to ray Roberts

race I’m asking you to run your race I’m

asking you to put on your shoes I’m

asking you to get in your lane because

while you’re sitting there waiting for

someone else to get in the lane God says

that there are other things zooming past

you that I’ve already given you the

capacity to win I’ve already given you

the capacity to pass that up

we get so caught up in the races that

other people are running that we want to

get on other people’s tracks I want to

be like them when I grow up I want to be

like them when I get married and God

says as long as you’re focused on their

race you won’t see that the race that I

have set before you has already been

fixed I’ve already given you the power

to overcome insecurity but you cannot

overcome insecurity running someone

else’s race you cannot overcome anxiety

running someone else’s race

I got a race where you win I’ve got a

race where you never fail

I got a race where all you do is see my

glory glory glory glory

I got a race that has your name on it I

hear God’s saying that you’ve been

standing still too long that you’ve been

hypnotized by someone else’s race but I

hear God saying that I put the world on

pause so that you can get realigned with

the race that has your name on it who’s

gonna run your race who’s gonna be the

hero of fate that your generation needs

that your brokenness need

there’s a race to be ran there’s a race

to be ran and you only become a hero in

your race you only become acknowledged

by God in your race and we got to be

crazy enough to have just enough faith

to run our race just enough faith to get

in our lane and to run it because the

race has been said the race has been

said I see it in my head I feel like

there’s so many things that are racing

past his fear is racing past as anxiety

pressure all of these things are racing

past us they’re racing past us and if

you aren’t careful you’ll start to feel

stuck and you’ll start to feel

overwhelmed because you’re in a race but

I wasn’t prepared to be in this race I

wasn’t prepared to be fighting for my

health I wasn’t prepared to be fighting

for my marriage I’m in a race that I was

never prepared for and sometimes we get

angry that God sets us in these races

that we weren’t prepared for Father I

wasn’t prepared to transition like this

over tonight overnight I wasn’t prepared

for the world to change overnight I got

placed in this race and I feel like

everything is zooming past me but I want

to prophesy to you tonight that God does

not set the race without giving you the

endurance to run the race first I feel

that for you I don’t know who you are

but I want you to know that God did not

put you in the race without giving you

the proper training and endurance so

that you could win the race that has

been set before you Paul doesn’t suggest

in this text that maybe we could read

this race and win he says that if you

would lay aside the weight and you would

lay aside the sin that you could run

this race with endurance that if you

would be like Jesus and set your eyes on

the joy of the Cross the joy that has

been set before him he endured the cross

that means that Jesus was able to see

past the cross that means your race may

mean you have to suffer for a little bit

but you gotta be crazy enough to look

past the suffering I got to look past

the suffering I got faith that there’s

resurrection on the other side of this I

have faith that there’s joy coming on

the other side of this I know it may not

look crazy cuz I got it may look crazy

because I need to run through the cross

first but I hear God’s saying if you’d

be crazy enough to run through this

season of persecution to run through

this season of feeling like you’ve been

counted out to run through this season

where you feel like you’ve been looked

over there is something on the other

side of this cross there is something on

the other side of this virus there’s

something on the other side of this pain

on the other side of this divorce

I hear guys saying just put on your

shoes and start running just put on your

shoes and start running I’m running

towards what’s already been done

I’m running towards my power I’m running

because Jesus doesn’t just run his race

so that it can be finished he runs his

race because he recognized there’s a

another level of power waiting for me on

the other side of this cross there’s

another level of Resurrection waiting

going me on the other side of this cross

and the same thing that was true for our

Jesus it’s true for you too there’s

another dimension of power waiting for

you but you got a run through what your

persecution looks like what is your

cross what is your race what is that

thing that feels bigger than you God

says if you run through it I’m going to

show you why I had to make you go

through it it’s ultimately so that you

could receive more of my glory and more

of my power you may not believe me but

I’m going to prove to you in the next

twenty minutes that you have already

been prepared for the race that has been

set before you I thought that in order

for us to have the endurance necessary

to run our race that we need to be able

to run without growing weary that we

needed to be able to run without getting

faint of heart but when I saw this text

and I saw Peter in this text I realized

that Jesus trains us differently for

faith races than he does for other

things in our life or maybe he what he

trains us differently than we think or

suppose he should train us we think that

we should have this enduring faith and

then we should be able to run but Jesus

doesn’t do that he starts training us

along the way and he uses these moments

where we have just enough faith to show

us that he can take that just enough and

use it to give us the endurance we need

to go the long haul when you’re training

one of my goals for 2020 was to run for

a marathon that was before the

coronavirus I’m trying to hang on to

that goal in spite of having all these

Quarantine snacks but that is one of my

goals was to run and

marathon and I started googling on how

to run a marathon because that’s just

something that I wanted to conquer it’s

something that I wanted to accomplish

and what I learned is the best way to

build your endurance for the marathon is

interval training

there’s something about interval

training that builds your endurance for

long distance running it seems

counterintuitive that running for a

short time gives you the endurance that

you need for long runs but that’s what

the science is beginning to prove and

that’s when I realized that that’s

exactly how Jesus trains us to run our

races with endurance when Jesus meets

Peter he is a fisherman and he says to

Peter I’m going to make you a Fisher of


and then he says I’m going to build my

church on you he gives Peter this race

that has been set before him this race

that is going to require endurance in

order for the church to be built on

Peter he’s going to have to have

endurance he’s going to have to be able

to withstand persecution he gives him a

mission in a car that seems so much

bigger than him and he gives it to him

but before he sets him into it that’s

what you have to understand that when

God gives you your calling when he gives

you the vision that he has for your life

it’s not like you received that word and

step into it instantly because you have

to go through a training process you

have received a word and you’re upset

with God because you haven’t stepped

into what God promised and I hear God’s

saying you haven’t stepped into it

because you haven’t built the endurance

for it yet right now you’re in a

training season you’re calling it

isolation you’re calling it rejection

I’m telling you it is neither of those

things that God is trying to get your

endurance up he’s trying to teach you

how to talk to the banks he’s trying to

teach you how to budget on a certain

level he’s trying to teach you how they

work in different industries and

different genres and different sectors

of the world I’m trying to train you I

do have a vision I hear God’s saying

that prophetically for you I don’t know

who you are I still have the vision you

still have the call just because you

haven’t stepped into it doesn’t mean

that you’re not gonna run through it but

before you can step into it I gotta

train you properly and that’s what we

see Jesus doing with Peters he

training him I’m trying to train you to

become the person I can build my church

on when Jesus meets you you are not the

person who can walk into that marriage

when he meets you you are not the person

who can run that business I know you

think because you read two or three

books that you’re ready for it but I’m

telling you until you have experienced

some failure until you’ve had some

people walk away from you you’re not

ready to lay hold of their

responsibility connected to who you are

so Jesus says I’m gonna call you I’m

gonna bring you in closer to me because

when you’re closer to me you’re gonna

see how I operate there are certain

things you got to understand about how I

function if I’m going to use you I want

you to be used the way that I would use

you I don’t want you to be used the way

that man would use you or the way the

culture would use you so he draws you

closer to him start paying attention

when you start getting pulled into

arenas and and back into secret rooms

and back into relationships with people

that you maybe shouldn’t even be in

relationship with that’s God saying I’m

pulling you close I’m pulling you close

I’m pulling you closer closer so that

you can get trained closer so that you

can get the tools closer so that you can

be exposed your information is limited

based on where you are but God’s not

going to leave you with that limited

information I’m gonna pull you in close

I’m gonna bring you next to a man who

knows how to be a husband so that you

can learn to take care of your wife I’m

gonna pull you in close I’m gonna put

you behind the scenes I know you don’t

know anything about accounting but I

want you to start listening because I’m

going to teach you how to function on

this level I’m going to teach you how to

flow the way I have set up for you to

flow and so Jesus pulls Peter in close

and Peter starts getting excited because

now that he has been pulled in close he

recognizes that I can pick up on what

I’ve been pulled into I can pick up what

I’ve been pulled into when you get

pulled into something there’s a grace

for you to pick up the overflow if

there’s any overflow connected to what’s

in the room you can pick it up because

you got pulled in close enough so when

we see Jesus walking on water in the

middle of the storm we see why he chose

someone like Peter

to build his church on when everyone

else would have said Jesus is that you

make the storm stop Peter says if that

is really you command me to come to

where you are Jesus if it’s really you

you don’t have to make the storm stop

Jesus if it’s really you you don’t have

to make the wind stop blowing

but Jesus if it’s really you I want you

to call out a version of me that I don’t

even know that is down in there when you

get desperate enough to start saying

Jesus if this is really you there is a

version of me that could lay low and be

scared but if it’s really you you could

speak a word and pull out a version of

me that can do things I never thought

was possible I dare you to start getting

crazy enough in the middle of the storm

in the middle of all hell breaking loose

in the middle of the wind blown to say

Jesus if you’re anywhere in the midst of

this if you’re anywhere in the midst of

what’s happening in this world then call

out a version of me who can do things I

would never think that I was able to do

speak a word that calls me out of my

comfort zone we could work that doesn’t

make the storm stream but makes me

bigger than the storm I want you to know

that you serve a God who can make you

bigger than the storm if you see Jesus

moving in the midst of the storm Jesus

says you can be like me and move like

this too don’t ask me to make the storm

stop ask me to make you bigger than the

storm I can give you the same grace I

can give you the same power that allowed

me to walk on top of the waves that

makes the wind move around me the wind

was moving everything but Jesus

walking through that water like I know

how to run this thing and know how to

operate this thing everyone else can be

afraid but when Jesus came through there

was no room for fear Jesus I’m not

asking you to make everything stop Jesus

I’m not asking you to make everything

like it was I’m asking you to call out a

version of me Peter doesn’t if they ask

me he says commands me Jesus if you’re

anywhere in this mess make it command on

who is dev on the inside of me because

the lesser version is trying to show up

and it’s trying to make me afraid and

it’s trying to make me bow down and

strength but if you’re anywhere in the

neighborhood command me to come forth

command me to come to where you are

command me command me make it a man

don’t what you put down in me command me

Jesus Jesus they’re watching this video

after the presence of God in this room

Jesus they’re watching this video and

they see the wind blowing and they see

the sea is roaring and they’re about to

get afraid but somebody just realized

that their breakthrough is not in the

storm stopping their breakthrough is in

them asking Jesus to command me command

me make a request I cannot refuse make a

request I cannot deny give me no other

option somebody can’t move unless they

tell God to command me because when God

commands me I won’t say no if God makes

the way I won’t say no if God says come

out this way if God says write this book

if God says strike this music I can’t

start it until he commands me and Jesus

says I can’t command you unless you ask

me I can’t command you unless you tell


that I have the kind of authority to

call my what I know is in you Peter

gives Jesus authority to call out what

you know is in me he says I don’t know

what’s in me but I trust what you know

and if you command me it won’t have any

choice but to come out Peter says Jesus

knows something about me that I don’t

know I thought I was just a fisherman

but now I realize I can be a Fisher of


so now that I’m in this storm I could

ask the storm to fit my fisherman’s

mentality or I could actually this what

is it that you know about me in the

story that is going to make me bigger

than what I’m going through and then

Jesus commands him by his request I

don’t know who you are but I hear God

saying make a request make a request to

make a request and make it requests make

a request not for what you want not for

what you want to see not for what you

want to hold make a request for who you

are command me to come to You Father

that me that you know by the command me

to come forth when is the last time you

asked God to command you to come forth

father I’ve actually to make the storm

stop in the storm is still raging father

I’ve actually to make things shift and

change and they haven’t shifted and

changed in the direction that I thought

that they would so maybe what I really

need to ask you instead it’s to command

the version of me that you know to come

forth bigger than this virus I’m talking

about what’s happening down on the

inside of you who are you supposed to be

in that marriage who are you supposed to

be in that business who are you supposed

to be at that school that’s who we need

to see come forth because you’re

purpose is still on even in the midst of

this epidemic pandemic your purpose is

still here if we get so caught up in

this and I’m not saying that we

shouldn’t take it seriously we got to

take it seriously we gotta heed to these

warnings and these guidelines but you

also have to remember that your purpose

is not just to survive the virus that

your purpose is to show up in the

fullness of who God has called you to be

and so while Peter is in this storm he

says to Jesus command me to come to you

and Jesus does it he says come and Peter

he steps out on the water and he takes a

few steps and he’s doing what he never

knew that he could do because Jesus

commanded him to do it but then as we

all know he starts to sink and we spend

a lot of time talking about how Peter

starts sinking and how he lost faith and

we almost make it seem like why didn’t

he have enough faith he asked Jesus to

do it how could he have ran out of faith

when it was actually time for him to

show up and that’s when I realized that

I think that we give too much blame on

people who lose their faith when you

lose your faith it seems like it’s like

a scarlet letter like you have to walk

around diminished and inadequate because

you lost your faith but maybe some

people have lost their faith because

they threw their faith at something and

when they threw their faith it’s

something they had just enough strength

to get out of the boat but they didn’t

realize how big and scary it was going

to be but I’m telling you that there is

something powerful at people who failed

in faith I don’t know about you but I

would rather fail in faith and succeed

in fear if I exhaust all of my faith on

the way to what Jesus has called me to

do there is a guarantee that I will not

sink just because you ran out of faith

doesn’t mean that

you ran out of Jesus just because you

ran out of faith and headed towards what

God had for you doesn’t mean that you’re

going to lose all together as a matter

of fact it means that you took all of

the faith that God gave you and you

threw it at something and I think that

that is exactly why Jesus was able to

use Peter because he needed to use

someone who would throw all of their

faith in the direction of what God was

doing and I don’t know who you are and I

don’t know what you through your faith

had and I don’t know what made you sad

and what made you start crying and what

made you give up but I hear God saying

there is no shame and you throwing out

your faith in the direction of what I

was doing that God says that it suggests

enough faith for Peter to step out of

that boat and that means it took all of

the faith that he had to get out on the

boat and he didn’t realize how the water

was going to be raging and the wind was

going to be blowing but he used all the

faith that he had and because he used

all the faith that he had he was

learning how to run a race with


you can’t run a race with endurance

unless you start using all of the faith

you have this season is going to require

all of the faith that you have even if

it doesn’t seem abundant even if it

doesn’t seem like it’s enough I hear God

saying that you have just enough faith

take that just enough faith in

exhaustion take that just enough faith

and throw it in the direction of what

I’m doing why because if you take that

faith that seems like it’s not enough

but it’s just enough then God can show

you what he can do with just enough

faith no one will ever be able to take

from Peter the fact that he stood on

water even though he started sinking his

faith took him further out there than he

ever thought he would be and there is a

promise and a guarantee that comes when

you start throwing all of your faith in

the direction of what Jesus is doing and

that means you are just a reach away

because when Peter begins to sink he’s

not outside of God’s reach he’s not

outside of Jesus’s hand because when you

throw all of your faith towards what

Jesus said you were supposed to do when

when Jesus commands that version of you

and enables a version of you to step out

water to to start a business to go after

a degree to go back to school whatever

he’s called you to do you’ve ran out of

fumes maybe you’ve run out of faith and

you’re saying to yourself I don’t know

if I should have gotten out here in the

first place and I hear God saying the

only way I could build your endurance is

if you through all of your faith in my

direction and because you through all of

my faith in your direction I’m not gonna

let you think because just like Peter

had just enough faith to say Lord if

that’s you command me to come to you

when he begins to sink he has just

enough faith to say lord save me I

wonder what would happen in our lives

and our homes and our finances in our

marriages if we realized that running

out of faith shouldn’t make you silent

maybe Peter didn’t have enough faith to

say Lord I’m thinking help me to walk on

water again maybe that seemed too big

and too scary for him but what he was

able to say as Lord saved me

sometimes we don’t want to pray because

we feel like I can only ask God to save

me if I ask him to take me back to what

it was but what if Jesus is saying you

don’t have to go and ask me for what it

was all you have to ask me to do is save

you do you have enough faith to believe

that I can save you that I can help you

start all over again that I can help you

grow again that we can get back in this

boat and figure it out together

that God’s not going to make you pick up

right where that heartbreak met you but

he says I can take you back a little bit

and we can figure out how to do this

again differently what’s most important

is that you have faith that I won’t let

you sink so the same faith that it took

for Peter to say Lord command me to come

to you

he used the little bit of faith he had

left and he said lord save me in this

time in this

season that we’re in sometimes we don’t

have enough faith to ask God for the big

things because it took all of our faith

to keep our joy it took all of our faith

to keep our head above water if you have

that level of tape that’s powerful but

from day to day sometimes it feels like

I have just enough faith to get through

today I have just enough faith to say

Lord I want to do something incredible

and remarkable and then I started doing

something incredible and remarkable and

I start sinking and so instead of being

silent all I need to do is have just

enough faith to say lord save me this is

when I realized that Jesus was preparing

Peter to run his race with endurance he

did it by giving him intervals interval

training interval training it’s how

you’re going to get to be able to run

your race with endurance you’re going to

come to a place and a time in your life

where you’re no longer doing interval

trainings of faith but faith has become

your norm it has become the way that you

eat breathe and live that you will not

do anything unless you are doing it by

faith but in the meantime in those

in-between times between where you are

now and where you know you’re destined

to be God’s going to keep training you

when I was reading this text in the last

scripture it says that Jesus said to

Peter o ye of little faith

and when I saw little I thought it meant

that Jesus that Peter had a small amount

of faith and I thought that Jesus was

reprimanding him for having a small

amount of faith but when I studied this

word and broke it down in the Greek I

realized that he wasn’t saying little

like he had a little amount of faith but

that that word means brief that he had

brief moments of intense faith oh ye of

brief faith why did you begin to doubt

the faith may have been brief but as he

began to exercise it and he as he began

to use it and stretch it what started

off as a brief

faith would ultimately become the rock

that Jesus built his church on I’m

getting ready to close and pray but

there’s something that I want you to

understand about having brief pockets of

faith especially in times like this when

it feels like men one day I’m up one day

I’m down is that your brief faith does

not disqualify you from being a hero of

faith that as a matter of fact all of

the people who are listed as heroes of

faith in Chapter 11 of Hebrews have

these moments of intermittent faith and

yet they still became a hero I want you

to stop and ighting yourself for having

moments when you run out of faith that

doesn’t make you less of a person it

doesn’t make you less chosen it doesn’t

make you less caught it means that

you’re human and I want you to

understand that the only way we get to

enduring faith is if we have these

pockets these interval trainings of

brief intense faith and what you’re

going to see as you continue to read up

with that little bit of faith you have

left you got to be willing to read up

with that little bit of faith you have

left you’re watching this video whether

you’re on social media or you’re

watching it on YouTube this is a clip of

a message that is meant to help you

understand that that brief little bit of

faith still has some residue left over

so that you can throw it at something

again the first thing I think you should

throw it at is simply saying lord save

me Lord saves me from my doubt was Peter

saying lord save me from the waves or

save me from my doubt save me from my

fear save me from my anxiety Lord Lord

saved me Lord I got out here further

than I thought I could ever get out here

and and I thought I had it under control

I thought I could handle it out in this

world I thought

could handle it in this relationship in

this city god I thought I could handle

it but I feel myself beginning to sink

and so I’m not going to ask you to help

me to stand because I’m not sure I’m

brave enough to do that again but I’m

going to ask instead is that you what

saves me that you would help me to

recognize and realize that I’m not out

here by myself that no matter where I am

and the mists of this sea in the mists

of this storm that I’m just a reach away

from your grass Peterhead just enough

faith and I believe if you’re watching

this message that you too have just

enough faith to ask Jesus to show up in

your life show me how to be like you

show me how to walk the way that you

walk show me how to talk the way that

you talk show me how to be dedicated and

committed the way that you are Lord

saved me not just from the storm but

save me from my doubt right now you may

not be able to with everything that’s

going on you may not have that abundant

faith that allows Peter to walk on water

in the beginning but maybe you do have

the kind of faith that will allow you to

simply say the words Lord save me

fear is pressing in anxiety is pressing

in but I got just enough faith oh I

don’t know who you are but I feel like

maybe the enemy maybe your insecurities

maybe your childhood religion has been

telling you that you’re not good enough

because you don’t have the abundant

faith that we talked about Abraham

having not realizing that Abraham grew

into becoming the father of faith he

didn’t start there but he had moments

where he had to put his faith on the

line and I want you to know that there

is still hope there is still a chance

for you to use that little bit of faith

and if the enemy or darkness or

depression or whatever is trying to make

you believe that your faith doesn’t

count let this serve as a reminder that

it does

matter how much faith you have my Bible

tells me that it could be down to a

mustard seed that it only takes a little

bit for God to help you grow it that it

only takes a little bit for you to be

manifested into who God has called you

to be and we see in this text how

powerful a little bit of faith is and I

want to prophesy as you’re watching this

message but it is watering that mustard

seed of faith that you have I want to

prophesy that as you’re watching this

message that your faith is waging war

against your fear its waging war against

your anxiety that your faith is being

increased how could it be increased in

the middle of the storm because I took

the little bit of faith I had left and I

stayed up late enough to watch the

message and I sat here and watched a

clip on Instagram and I thought that it

was just gonna make me feel good but now

that message is gonna stick with you I

want to prophesy in this place that you

think that you just were watching a

message that would make you feel good

for a minute and I hear God’s saying

that this message is the set up of a

lifetime that this message is gonna

change the way you view your faith it’s

gonna change the way you show up in the

world and that’s why you had to go

through hell to get it and that’s why

you’ve been fighting all things to try

and get this word to you and I hear not

saying that now that you got the word

that no weapon formed against you will

prosper now that you recognize that I

can use just enough faith that I can

take that faith and maximize

then you’re going to see and recognize

that when we partner with God failure is

never an option I said it once someone

say it again I would rather fail in

faith then succeed in fear that is your

portion you are no longer going to be

successful at mastering fear your

portion is to take all of the faith you

have and to throw it in the direction of

what God is doing recognizing that even

when you grow weary that you’ll never be

by yourself because when Jesus lifts

peter out of the water now he’s not

riding on his faith alone but he is

connected to the author and the finisher

of our faith I want you to come home

home to where faith is in abundance I

want you to come home or faith overflows

I want you to come back to the core of

who God created when he formed you in

your mother’s womb I want you to get

reconnected to your faith and allow your

faith to set the atmosphere for where

you are I want to pray with you you’re

watching this message and as you were

watching this message you felt like

never before that it was your time to

ask Jesus to make a command on the

version of you that he knows or maybe

you’re watching this message and you’re

thinking to yourself you know what I

really need I really need to lose my

pride and I really need to ask Jesus to

save me I need to ask Jesus to reach

down in the middle of this storm and to

save me my doubt is getting the best of

me I’m going to pray for you because I

believe with all of my heart that this

is Jesus both calling you forward and

lifting you from drowning

I hear guys saying I’m not gonna let you

sink on my watch

I’m not gonna let you drown on my watch

I’m not gonna let you cave into the

pressure not on my watch I’m gonna send

a word I’m gonna send a word you’re not

even supposed to be watching this

message but I’m gonna send a word that

pulls you from sinking the Spirit of the

Living God

and you are the one and only living God

your word it breathes your word it

changes and transforms father we’re

asking that your spirit would begin to

permeate the depths of our soul the

chore spirit father would look past our

fear it would look past our anxieties it

would look past our concerns and I were

worried and that it would be your spirit

father that speaks to us in the middle

of the storm the spirit of fear has had

the microphone for long enough now it’s

your turn and so father we’re watching

this message and I believe that we are

giving you permission permission like

never before to call us forth and to

save us so father we ask that you would

allow this word to take root in our

lives that we would be reminded

consistently that even faith needs a

hero and if faith needs a hero we want

to be the woman or the man for the job

and that means that we’re going to have

to be training like never before to make

sure that we can run our race with

endurance but we want to do it because

at the end of the day we want to be

connected to the ultimate source of all

faith so father we ask that you would

transform our minds that you would

uproot any thoughts that haven’t come

for me that you would uproot any fears

that have been placed in our life not

just by this pandemic that’s happening

in the world but also by what’s

happening in our life things are

happening in our life that are making us

afraid it’s trying to make us begin to

sink but as you spoke this word I feel

like you were pulling someone up father

keep pulling keep pulling keep pulling

father keep calling keep calling keep

calling your servants are listening and

we want to do the will of our Father so

we say speak Lord your servants are


and as we listen we ask that you would

continue to speak until we become

everything that you had in mind grow us

and to the people capable of running

running running and never growing weary

still this word father seal it in our

heart seal it in our mind and may it

never ever be uprooted in Jesus name I

pray amen and amen again if that should

worry I just want you to take ten

seconds I just want you to take ten

seconds to allow your worship to send up

a praise I want you to take ten seconds

we’re almost finished but we cannot fill

this word unless your praise is on top

of it we can’t feel this word unless

your worship is on top of it Lord

command me to come to you Lord save me

Lord open up my heart that I may see you

I dare you to start speaking against

that fear to not let your pride stand in

the way

father we receive this word this is my

truth this is my new beginning I’m ready

to start over here I’m ready to walk

into your presence father I’m ready to

walk with you I’m sorry that I started

sinking but I hear God saying I already

forgave you now let’s start moving like

never before

this is your word

