Today was an extra special day as we celebrated 22 years as a ministry and 6 years as Pastor Michael Todd and Pastor Natalie Todd as Lead Pastors. We learned about the dynamic of the deep and how God is always moving regardless of what we see. We need to be Anchored In obedience and fully trust God and obey what He says. The declaration you are looking for is in the DEEP! Check out this week’s message and share it with a friend!

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oh come on transformation church let’s


god some praise oh come on today you’ve

been waiting all week for this i dare

you to lift your voice

in your home in your house and give god

a shout of

praise hallelujah

see some of y’all praising him right now

because you made it to this week

but we’re praising him around

transformation church for 22 years of


six years of me and that being the

pastors and more than that

the god who has anchored us before

is the god who anchors us now and the

god who will anchor us in the future

somebody say i’m anchored

and i just want to take a moment and

just say thank you

thank you for being a church who has


in crazy faith following me for the past

six years i know some of y’all just

started on this journey with us this

year or last year

but we have been believing god in crazy

faith for the past six years

and 22 years before that when bishop

heard from god

to start this church and today as

thousands of people celebrate with us

we just want to give god all the glory


and praise and the reason that i’m

saying this and somebody always says

like why do y’all celebrate so much and

why do you always makes a big deal about

something it goes back to something

that’s in the word

that the children of israel anytime god

would do a miracle

they would they would set up memorials

they would do something to remember what

god has done there and the reason they

did this the reason

i bring my children up the reason

they’re sitting here is because the

thing would be

that years go by and people get amnesia

of god’s goodness

because some of y’all are sitting there

in doubt and frustration right now and

all you really need to do is think about

about how god brought you through in a

different season and it would bring

gratitude and joy out of you right now

but he told the children of israel when

you pass this with your children

your children are going to ask what what

is that dad

why did y’all do this what is this

picture from what is this instagram post

and they would use rocks because that’s

how they

made their memorials and it was an

opportunity to rehearse god’s goodness

the only reason we celebrate

anniversaries is because it’s an

opportunity to celebrate god’s goodness

and some of y’all need to decide today

is the anniversary for you

today there’s nothing special that makes

it an anniversary except somebody


uh-oh and i remember when bishop decided

and i remember when i decided and today

you may need to decide

today is the last day that i’m gonna sit

in doubt and you can work down that

today’s my anniversary

today is the last day that i’m gonna be

stricken by poverty

and somebody said it’s my anniversary

somebody needs to decide that today is

the last day

that i stand with fear in my heart but

i’m gonna walk in freedom

somebody say it’s my anniversary i’m

telling you all right stop don’t push me

don’t push me don’t push me don’t push


what i’m saying to somebody right now is

that the reason we’re

celebrating because this is the

anniversary of god’s faithfulness to

this church

and anything you’ve ever seen or liked

or loved about transformation church

it didn’t start here it started with

somebody making a decision

to stay faithful when everybody left

to stay faithful when nobody was clear

cheering and clapping

and today i am grateful that we are here

and more than that we are here

i’m grateful that you are here the bible


tells us so clearly in esther chapter


the reason why we named this thing what

a time to be alive is because esther

was in a situation where she had the


to save an entire people group and

somebody told her he said hey

the reason you hear perhaps perhaps

maybe the reason you’re alive right now

in 2021

it’s for such a time as this

and when i look at how the church is

shut down and how god has done all of

these things and how he’s exploded our


in the middle of a pandemic all i could

think is maybe

god made this church

for such a time as this somebody say for

such a time

as this so my response to god

knowing even with all the hardships and

all the frustration and everything

that’s going on

that we were born for this time right

now i decided

to take a stance of joy

and faith no matter what comes

my response is what a time to be alive

like i’m not coming to this oh god what

are you going to do i was born for such

a time as this

so what a time to be alive somebody

needs to say this over yourself because

it’s a faith statement

no matter how dark it is you were born

for such a time as this with the


with the hurt with nobody seeing you

you were born i’m prophetically speaking

to somebody right now

you were born for such a time as

this so what will be your response

what a time to be alive

i’m alive in the season god called me to

make a difference

i’m a lie i don’t have it all it doesn’t

matter i’m alive

in the moment that god chose me to be an


god only births answers

you’re supposed to be an answer to


and that means there has to be a


and the world is asking a lot of

questions and so god sent you

there are people that have questions and

so god sent an answer

and the answer is you

so i’m encouraging you just somebody say

i’m an answer

no i’ll say it like you meet it i’m an

answer say my family’s an answer

you don’t even believe it say my

family’s an answer

maybe you were born for such a time

as this the rest of this week the rest

of this month

the rest of this year don’t wonder if

you have purpose

declare i was born for such a time as


it might not be clear to me fully what i

was born to do

i didn’t know i would be doing this

anybody that thinks when they ask the

little kids in kindergarten what do you

want to be when you grow up

i didn’t say a pastor


but god knew that laced in my dna

he made me for such a time

as all i’m trying to do is encourage you

because somebody came to this and you’re

like oh they’re celebrating and they’re

all the sudden

we’re gonna be celebrating you very soon

because somebody’s gonna step into their

prophetic calling today

oh y’all don’t hear me somebody some

church some pastor some wife

some husband is gonna step up and say

you know what

i’m done wishing that i could be

something else

i’m done thinking about what could have


i was born for such a time

as this so what a time

to be alive today i’m grateful

because i know i was born for this


in my frustration in my not knowing in

everything that’s happened

i was born for this moment as an example

to let you know you were born for this


thank you transformation church we’re

just getting started

that’s scary that’s scary to say but

it’s been six years and we’re just

getting started

stick with me for the next 10. and let’s


if we can’t turn the whole world

upside down if you whip me in crazy

faith can we give god

one more big shout of praise oh y’all

better help me right now

glory to god

all right so so i’m going to do this

some of you guys know that god

has really um um blessed this church to

do things that are outside of the box

the vision of this church is to

represent god

to the lost and found for transformation

in christ today we’re going to take some

trips down memory lane i’ve got a word

to preach to you

and we’re going to do this whole thing

you’re gonna be anchored and encouraged

but one of those things that i get to

share transparently with you

is the process that we’ve been through i

remember going to our

um finance director the first year i

became the lead pastor of the church and

i said i got this great idea

this vision from god we’re going to

start a lifestyle brand

not church merch we’re going to start a

lifestyle brand and everybody’s going to

be wearing these things i say represent

on it

and they looked at me and they said we

don’t have the money for that

god bless you we can’t do that right now

and i was like


and so what i did is god said are you

gonna let the no

stop you from building what i called you

to build

i said no so i took my own money

and i started printing represent on the

back of every jacket

that i had and i would go to all these

churches and i would preach and i had

represent on my jacket and people was

like hey that’s cool where is that from

and for six years

i have gone everywhere and i’ve put

the vision of this church on my chest

and i put represent

on the back of my jackets and shirts

and today’s a huge day for us because

we’re at the point now

where we have the infrastructure and the


to launch this to the entire world

and so i want you to know that at two

o’clock today

the blackout collection is going to be

officially available to

everybody y’all been asking for it don’t

do me like that y’all been asking for it

but more than clothing this is a calling

and god wants a bunch of walking

billboards to be in your area of

influence i’m believing that


that these pieces of clothing are going

to spark up conversations that people

will be saved by this

that people will recognize and they’ll

be in the club coming out the club and

see somebody walking by

with a represent shirt on and it’ll

convict them and remind them of what god

said to them in a different season

and bring them back to repent i’m just

praying that miracles will happen

because it’s not clothing it’s a calling

i want you to see the full visual

trailer of what god has called

me and you to do to be the light in the


of darkness check this out



darkness the total absence of light

a lack of illumination the human eye

is unable to distinguish anything in

this condition






the depths of the heart that causes


when the world is stuck in the same


it’s easy to conform darkness has become

the new norm


lost at sea swallowed up by the stone


will you continue to ignore what god has

called you to transform

you are called to be the light


he will give you strength when you feel

weak and vision

when your sight is obscured will you

step up and be

the light in darkness

this is not clothing this is a calling


glory to god so that will be available

today at 2 p.m

and we gonna represent all over the

world is anybody ready for the word

all right today i want you to get out

your smartphones your dumb phones your

notepads i need you to get out


cause today god is giving me a specific

word i was working on a message

the entire week and last night god

switched it up

and this morning he refined it and i am

ready to preach to you

because we are in week five of a series

we’re calling help me

anchor somebody say it one more time

we’re gonna be

hey that is the word for this year how

many people been seeing anchors

different places how many people have

been seeing it it’s been

everywhere because i believe that god is

sending confirmation to you

that this year he wants us to be tied to


that will not be able to move

in the midst of the storm and i’m

telling you so

clearly god is continuing to i’m


just continuing to reveal himself with

revelation through the series

and so i’m grateful for everybody who is

here today if this is your first time


if somebody told you that you had to

watch to date them

that’s a good person you need to

probably line your life up and marry him

but but whatever the reason that you’re

here it is a divine

appointment god has been working in your

life to make this moment happen and

today through transparency

and god’s word what we’re going to try

to do is present to you

a better way of living so that you can

be able to be everything that god

intended for you to be and i don’t know

who i’m talking to right now but

somebody is at the end of their rope

and they’re sick and tired of what has

been going on

and you’re sick and tired of staying in

the same place and today what god is


and he’s been saying to us for the past

four weeks is that he

wants to be your anchor he wants to be

the thing that you tie your life to

he wants to be the thing that is stable

not money

not success not even your relationship


name is jesus and he’s the rock of ages

he is the one that can take your past

and he can use it for your future if you

would give it to him and allow him to be


anchor and so today

i want us to to to be able to take a

little further journey because last week

we decided that we were going to be in

the deep

and we told everybody you know what the

shallow is not safer

we are going to go to the place that god

has called us to and whatever that means

because we won’t have control that’s how

i’m standing here right now do y’all

think that i planned this do you think

that i knew what god was going to do

with my life no

at six years ago i decided to push off

the shore

and go to the deep and in the deep god


things that only can be described

as miracles so today i want to walk with

you with the disciples

in luke chapter 5 verse 3. i want you to

get that in your bible

oh this about to be good and this is


it says jesus stepping into one of the

boats jesus

asked simon its owner to push it out

into the water

so he sat in the boat and taught the

crowds from there

verse four when he had finished speaking

the day is over he said to simon

like he’s saying to me and you now go

out where it’s

deeper so so it’s not enough for

me just to have jesus around me

i need to go out where it say it one

more time deeper

and then he gives them a different

instruction he says and let down your


to catch some fish now i need to give

you context

to what we’re talking about right now

these are professional fishermen

these are people who catch fish all the


these are people that according to

society and culture would have some

level of success

okay and they are in a space

watch this where god is asking them

to deny what they know

to follow his instructions

if you’re going to go to the deep what

you know

doesn’t matter as much

because some of you are in a place where

you think that your education

and your pedigree and the family you

came from

and the college you i went to an hbcu or

i went to a

a a ivy league school or i went to a

christian car it don’t matter

there is a level in the deep where

whatever you know

don’t matter

because so many of us are trying to

allow our qualifications

to be able to anchor us

but your qualifications i don’t care how

much money you have in the bank

you can’t heal cancer


i don’t care how many people have your

cell phone number

there are certain doors that only god

can unlock


and so many of us have been trying to

position ourselves

when god is saying hold on

you need me to be with you in the deep

he’s asking professionals

to go and do something they know how to


has god ever asked you to do something

that you thought you could do without



i’m just trying to help you because many

of us are about to walk into another


where you need to be able to position

yourself mentally and emotionally

to be out of control i’m not saying

doing wild things i’m saying you’re not

the one that’s going to be making the


and the reason why god wants us to go to

the deep right down this point

god does the dynamic in the deep

there are dynamic miracles he wants to

do that he cannot do

with you at the low level of

christianity that you’re at right now

there are dynamic things that god wants

to do in your marriage

but you still have pride

he says you need to launch out deeper

into humility

oh you thought this was something that

wasn’t practical what god is asking you

to do

is become more like him to be not like


but be more like christ so when they

mess you over god’s saying come out in

the deep bless them anyway


all i’m challenging you right now is

that god wants you to come to the deep

because there’s dynamic

things do you know why the church

seems so powerless right now is because


stopped doing the dynamic things

in the house of god we’ve stopped

maximizing the things

the signs the miracles the wonders

prophecy i really feel this i got to say

this i feel like the spirit of prophecy

is coming back so strong to this church

and i don’t know how else to describe it

and i know some of y’all like prophecy

what is he talking about

is this psychic no no no this is divine

inspiration and

intelligence from god to be able to

speak things into the future for


to let you know god’s ready to do some

dynamic things and he’s so good

that if we would be open to being in the

deep that he would send somebody to tell


what’s going to happen before it happens

he will send you

places and things and voice notes and


in his word to give you a foreshadowing

i’m talking about the dynamics they

don’t want to hear about this travis

they want to hear about the cool

they want to hear about the cool don’t

get nobody saved it’s

miracles it’s the signs it’s the wonder

it’s your marriage being on the brink of


but god’s stepping into that thing and

allowing you to experience a miracle

god wants to do the dynamic

but the dynamic only happens in the d

can i be transparent with him

there is this tension because people and


can accept my message to start

pandering to people and culture from

this platform

i’m gonna say something that most people

won’t like

i will never do what’s politically

correct from this platform

i will only do what is biblically

correct from this platform

so if you don’t like it when i say

something about the silhouette challenge

and being modest and all that other


click it off but as for me and my house

i’m so sorry i’m so sorry that you want

me to be politically correct but i will

be biblically correct because i will not

stand with you

and instagram followers before god

they missed it it will be me and jesus

and he say what did you do with the

influence i gave you

and i’m telling you i want the dynamic

in my life

i want to be able to speak to stuff

that’s dying and it comes back to life

i want to be able to tell situations

that are trying to wither away

to stand up and live i want to be able

to talk to your marriage

i want to be able to write it in book

form i want to be able to put it to


i want the dynamic but the only thing

that happens

with dynamic is it has to happen in the

yeah somebody say signs

say miracles wonders

this is what’s going to get the world


the millennial generation’s like how do

i instagram that

this is the stuff you don’t have to say

nothing about

i just feel another sense of authority

at this current moment

to just speak to this generation we will

not be powerless


on this six year anniversary i’m

declaring to you right now we’re about

to step into the deep

and we’re going to see god do things

that nobody thought was possible

and i’m i’m i’m calling this is a

clarion call for a generation of people

that don’t want to just sit around and

have bible studies

and then go out and watch pornography

and live the same i’m talking to the


that want to say yeah i dealt with it

and yeah it had a control over me but

the power of the holy spirit came over

my life and i went to the deep

and something changed on the inside of

me and i became

something that was different and now i

have the ability to reach back in grace

to reach back with mercy and bring other


i want the dynamic and it only is found

in the



can i prove it to him charles when i

talk about prophecy

so many people were impacted by what

happened last week

when we had the water on the stage and

all this different stuff that god did

and i was so grateful

to be able to do that but do you know

what i found out last night when the

holy spirit

would not get up off of me he said

michael there was a woman who came last

year and she prophesied to you and i was

like okay god he said

find that prophecy i’m literally 10

o’clock last night i called my mama is

this the truth mama

it’s the truth i called her and i said

mama do you remember the lady who came

and prophesied i don’t remember what she

said but god ain’t got up off me

that i need to find this prophecy i

found that prophecy at 10 30 last night

oh i love god and and and he said i want

you to listen to it me and natalie are

laying in bed

and she says this one line that made my

wife that’s pregnant sit up

and she said are you serious and i want

you to hear what happened last week

god spoke a year ago in exact

form because he wanted me to know that

what he’s doing

in my life and in this church and in

your life is going to be dynamic

if you’ve never thought prophecy was

real i want you to take a listen to this

and see that god wants to do the dynamic


the deep phase after that it says music

can never leave you

it is just in you it’s piped in you as

much as you preach

and you keep hearing these songs you

keep hearing this song and it’s getting

ready to be a whole production

where you actually literally can see

yourself preaching

and you’ve already produced every single

thing the sound the clouds

the stuff that’s going in it’s like it’s

gone be too okay

the closest i could see it is that you

ever went to vegas

okay and when you go to vegas i don’t

know if you ever seen that when they did

the the that show that uh oh when they

transform the stage to water

it’s something yeah circus soleil and

they change the stage to water

to dry that’s the kind of stuff that

you’re wired for

and it’s gonna be such a major


oh y’all don’t even wanna y’all don’t

even wanna see a year ago

almost to the date god sent

a dynamic person that was in the deep

to speak to me and say i’m taking you


i never thought what happened last week

would ever

happen but she said even down to the

clouds and the water

and it’s like a big production we didn’t

even have this

a year ago but god sent a word

to let me know that he was thinking

about the dynamic while i was still in

the shallow

and i don’t know i feel this thing right

now i don’t know

who’s been okay being in the shallow but

god has dynamic on his mind

and the dynamic only happens in the d

nature even tells us this there are

certain creatures

that you will never see until you go to


deep we want

fish that we can put in a tank

but this is what god wants some of our

2021 to look like put that picture on

the screen for me

is the type of dynamic creation

that god has lying under the surface for


what if that was your business

what if that was your family’s

generational wealth

what if you were raised in a certain

life but what if god

called you to go to the deep

to present something that’s never been

seen before i want you to look at this

darker picture right here

that’s a boat and that’s the tail of a


i want you to see that the dynamic god

wants to do

in your life means that you got to make

a decision to go to the deep

the only reason we’re sitting here as a


it’s cause i decided i’m gonna just go

to the deep

come on well black person’s never done

that before

i just gotta believe that what he said

to me that we’d be a multi-ethnic

multiplying multi-generational

multi-campus church like i guess i’ll

just i’m just going to say it

and i’m just going to launch out here in

the deep i guess

i guess everybody won’t uh go with me

but i guess

i guess we’ll go i’m trying to use my

life as we celebrate this anniversary as


marker that there is no qualification

that separates me from you

many pastors want you to feel that

they’re better than you but i need you

to know

i am not better than you i am

at the same level as you on every aspect

i still gotta love my wife

i still have to watch out for temptation

i still have to pray

to have a relationship not to study to

be able to have a relationship with god

i still get mad and i still want to slap

people who cut me off

let’s be honest the only

difference is that i decided

that i’m just going to live in the deep

so if god

calls the church to 21 days of prayer

and fasting and then he whispers to me



but i chose to live in the deep

when everybody in my family doesn’t want

to get together and reconcile but god

says you go apologize first and then i

say to god it wasn’t my fault and he

said but you’re my servant


i’ve decided to live in the

and can i give you another point i want

you to write this down because some of

you think that god’s trying to toy with

you or play with you

or just make like oh look at them

they’re down there struggling no baby

everything that god does is with a

design from the very creation

of the sun and the moon that comes up

like clockwork on different

sides of the earth and how the orbit is

now in place from one word that he spoke

god is a master craftsman and a builder

and what i want you to know is the deep

situation god has you in

the deep situation you even got yourself

in if you would give

him control and let him be your anchor

the deep has

a design

there is never one time that god calls

you to the deep that he’s not designing

something so special

the deep has everybody say design

there is certain things that will not

come out of you without the deep

and there are certain things that god

can’t do in you

until you don’t have control no more

do you know how daunting it was

to step in for bishop gary mcintosh did

y’all see bishop

he white he’s conservative in his

communication he’s powerful

he makes wise decision calculated

decision he does all his of stuff and

then he handed to me

and at the time i felt that i had to be

like him if you watch any of my old

footage i had on suits every sunday

pink yellow blue green i had every kind

of suit

you could imagine because for some

reason i thought if i was gonna be

deep i had to be in his design

see what you’re trying to do is you’re

trying to do the deep thing the way god

designed somebody else to do it you’re

trying to fit into the mold

that this church did it or that company

did it or that brand did it or that

creative did it and god says my deep has

a design for you

i didn’t come into who i was until i

fully stepped in

to the deep waters god called me to and

he said i designed the deep to get


in and out of you

i think i got to give him the

progression because a lot of y’all want

to go to the deep

but you think you’re deep but you’re not

there yet and i’m i’m drawing a parallel

off of what god did with the disciples

because it is it

is our ultimate goal to be disciples of

jesus christ so let me help you

understand the progression of going into

the deep this is going to help somebody

real quick

first when it comes to your relationship

with god

you will be distant you will be distant

first and many of you are acting like

you actually are close to god but you


are distant

and god is fine with you being distant

as long as you listen cause he will draw

you in close and some people that are

watching me right now

you you did some crazy stuff this


like the truth of the matter is you

don’t even know how you up right now

watching this after the beds you snuck

out of last night

and it’s okay you’re distant i don’t

expect people who do not

know god to act like they know god and

christians y’all should really be

more um aware like why are you

expecting these people to do what the

bible says to do it’s all good and the

truth is i was there too

i was just worse because i was a

lukewarm christian and i claimed to

actually be in relationship with god

and i was still distance check yourself

but the progression is distance but then

like he asked simon peter

can i step into your boat all he asked


is maybe your distance but now can we

move and go to another progression can i


in your boat see that’s the progression

that is supposed to

i’m supposed to go from distance and

then jesus asked me that’s why salvation

is not a forced thing

it is something that he asked you do you

want this the same way that he asked

simon peter

he says can i get on your boat simon

could have said no

what you talking about bro it’s my boat

i’m fishing this boat

but something in him said yeah

come on to my boat the same way that god

is calling

and asking you can i get on your boat

can i dwell here

and after he dwells there and he

finishes teaching

all of the people that are around this

is the thing about god i’m gonna give

you a secret come here

let me help you god doesn’t dwell

in silence when god gets in your life

he wants to direct

watch it these people were distant

then they let jesus onto the boat so he

could dwell

then his automatic thing after he

finished teaching look at the scriptures

it says hey why don’t we go why don’t we

go a little deeper

god will never leave you in the same

place he found you

he always wants to direct you and guess

where he wants to direct you

to the deep

it goes from distance to dwelling

to directing you and some of you i feel

this so strong god has been directing

you this

whole year stop doing that

start doing that give a little more

shut up


oh did you know that your opinion can

keep you from obedience

did you know that because you get so

much self

um um love from telling everybody what

you think and it’s just your opinion and


your prophetic word for you coming from

pastor mike shut up

because this is the time he wants to

develop in something from you

there’ll be a time that he’ll ask for

something from you but right now he

wants to develop it in you

and that’s why god says yeah you were

distant but now i want to dwell

and i want to direct you and i’m always

going to direct you into the

deep and when he directs you into the


these disciples go to the deep i’m just

trying to give you a progression

and then something happens

he gives them a decision

and this is where i want to camp out


because i’ve gone through every one of

these phases and some of you are right

here i want you to identify where are

you right now

are you distant from god has god stepped

onto your boat does he dwell

but are you still in control and he

can’t direct yet

i just need you to ask cause some of

y’all are sitting here go ahead pass the


but god has told you to go ahead and you

still right there

has he been able to direct you and

the truth is god only directs to the


and now you have a decision

that’s what that’s what happened here

y’all didn’t see it

he literally tells them that they’re

going to have to decide to do something

they’ve already done

remember they’re fishermen jesus tells

them to go out

deeper and then he tells them to cast

their nets

on the other side can i help you real

quick because you need to know this

the decision is going to lead to you

being a disciple but this is where

people mess up right here

you have to make the decision every day

to obey god

let me say it like this every decision

in the deep

has to be anchored in obedience

it has to be anchored in obedience and i

know this sucks for everybody because

some of you about to tune off right now

because you want the water and the

lights but god wants you to obey

and i came to tell you that the success

people think i have

came from always obeying what god

said i’m standing here right now and i

can just think of time

after time that god asked me to do


that was not sexy that was not fun

that i did not want to do and i had made

a decision before i even came to that


that i’m anchored in obedience

i need you to understand how powerful

this decision

is that you would be anchored in

obedience let me give you

just a few instances where i was

anchored in obedience there was a music

um um company that came to me that

asked me to produce for one year this is

my passion

this is what i was professional at like

these disciples

this is what i knew that i was called to

do and they said we’ll pay you a hundred

thousand dollars i was 23 years old

i’ll pay you a hundred thousand dollars

to come produce

for one year one year

a hundred thousand dollars when that’s

all in my cupboard

it’s raining noodles chicken and beef

mcdoubles and mcchickens are y’all gonna

act like y’all

there was a few years of my life that a

mcdouble a mcchicken

and a fry sustain me you sustain

and if somebody offers me 100k

that for most of you would have not even


a thought and i prayed

and god said you got a decision to make

this was his ultimatum to me watch this

i’m trying to give you practical i want

the word to come alive

he said you’ll go listen and you’ll be


but i’ll take my hand off of what you’re


most of us would take success over his


the only reason that i’m able to impact


because i’ve stayed obedient to make

sure i had his hand

his approval his anointing my question

to you is what are you doing without his


it’s prospering it’s successful it looks

good on the gram

i’m out here in the deep no you’re out

there by yourself


and god is saying i need you

to choose to obey be anchored in


the hardest thing now is

now that we have some level of success

and impact

it doesn’t get easier to obey

you think once you get it the building’s


the people are here the cameras are here

and now when the super bowl

calls we heard that you had the new song

revelation relationship goals we want

you to come perform this

on the gospel super bowl situation

my answer to my assistant immediately

was yes


what are we talking about we get to

perform this song that i made in my


on the bet gospel celebration with the

super bowl and design watson and then

what yes and the holy spirit said

you didn’t even ask me

oh you thought cause it was a bigger


that you didn’t have to go through me as

your filter

and i prayed about it and i text them

back i said no

can’t do it they called back four times

with better offers we’ll fly this guy

here we’ll do the production this and

will that

time will dot oh my god

i mean is it okay if we at least


why no

come i want to let you know in the deep

god doesn’t have to give reasons

he sees something you don’t see he knows

something you don’t know

and it didn’t mean it was bad it just

wasn’t for me at the time

no i was anchored to obedience

they came back at the last minute and

said well would you just pray

and start the thing off i said god

he said yes you can pray


lord bless all the people that’s about

to it’s about to kill it on the

performance lord

and lord bless them amen

so last night i was on bet and i started

the super bowl gospel thing and i prayed

but today

i stand here in obedience

like like like y’all would have

celebrated and posted

if we were to perform last night and god

would have been sitting with his arms


and now nobody’s posting about the

prayer but god is standing from heaven

saying that oh i dare somebody to really


that the applause from god is better

than anybody’s applause in the world and

what god is saying is can i find some

people who are anchored in obedience

and i know this is messing with

somebody’s insides are you really trying

to figure out how to get out of this

message but what i want to tell you

today is

everything that god has done to impact

the world was anchored in obedience


and today i’m encouraging you like the

disciples put yourself

in the disciples mind right here

master verse five simon replied yeah i

know what you’re saying go out in the

deep and

put the nets down but just wanna um i

just wanna

god you’re so gracious just want to let

you know what happened last night

just want to let you know what happened

last time just want to let you know what

happened last year

just want to let you know what happened

in my childhood

god i know what you’re telling me to do

in the deep but i just want to let you

know how damaged i was

i just want to let you know about the

trauma that happened


master we worked hard all last night

and nothing came from the last season


see there will be some times when you’re

out here in the deep where god will ask

you to do something you just did

and when he asked you to do something

you just did we have a decision to make

remember what i said

we have a decision to make will we be

anchored in obedience

or will we bring forth our complaints to

the place where it makes us complacent

see god has no problem with hearing it

he still wants you to move

i have daughters right now you can be

talking while you’re doing what i’m


to do you could be telling daddy why do

i have baby that’s fine but make sure

you pick it up

and god’s saying that many of us are

trying to get our

complaint out to the point that it

becomes an excuse

see when you start complaining enough

you think that you’re validated on how

you feel

and you think that now that that gives

you a reason not to do what god said

to do but i’m coming to shake somebody

out of your complacency right now that

god has asked you to do something in the

deep and you’re telling him what the

last season produced

and he’s telling you to obey

somebody’s pulling on me right now

cause you’ve been saying well the last

church i worked at they didn’t see my



the last marriage produced no fruit

and simon said we worked hard all last


we didn’t catch a thing but something

rose up on the

inside of him as a declaration somebody

say a declaration

a declaration is something that you say

with confidence

no matter what the situation is saying

to you

and i have said this exam exact sentence

over and over for six years as i have


and tried to do things that people told

me wasn’t possible and when we were

going to buy the building

and when we were going to i’ve even said

it when god told me to go into the

doctor’s office and declare

to the physicians that are telling me my

son won’t talk and i’m saying he’s gonna


and i’m gonna bring him back to this

place so you can see the miracle and i


like this thing came out of me and i

want to give you a declaration for

everybody in the deep this ain’t for

everybody but some of y’all are making a


that you’re gonna go to a deep and i’m

gonna give you a cree a decree

or a declaration something that you can

anchor yourself on

that simon gives us right here look

master we worked all night

didn’t catch a thing but

if you say so

but if you say so that

is a declaration that is drenched in



i did it last night but if you’re

telling me to do it

today if you say so

i’m not going to let what happened in

another season i feel this thing

keep me from obeying you in this season

i went to counseling before but go again

if you say so i gave him the crazy faith

offer last time and nothing happened

but you said give on a random march date

that everybody else not giving

if you say so


i want to give you a declaration

for the deep if

you say so write it down

my declaration in the deep is if you say


that is the language of the people

who live in the deep the stuff that god

is showing me for the next six years

i can’t even quantum quantify it

i can’t even i can’t even start to say

some of it out of my mouth because y’all

gonna think i’m crazy

but what we’re experiencing right now is

crazy if i would have said it six years


so now my faith is not built in you and

my faith is not built in finances

and my faith is not built in anything my

faith is built into anchor and his name

is jesus

and so when he tells me something now my


is if you say so that should bring joy

to somebody right now

because there’s some things that god has

said about your family that your hell

family would be saved

and you just bailed pookie out of jail

but if god says your family is going to


safe you better jump in there with some

faith and say if you say so

he said you were going to own multiple

houses and be able to bless other people

with them

and you look at your credit right now

you better agree with god and say

if you say god said that we would be

able to impact the world

with the gospel and i would still be

able to be home and be a loving father

and a loving husband and god how do we

do that you got to travel

you got to do this uh no no no no no i’m

not consulting

other seasons i’m declaring

by faith if you say so

and i don’t know what’s been in your

life that you’ve been

camping out on declaring what happened

last night

the disciples said we didn’t catch

anything last night

it was a night of nothing

and some of you have felt like i’ve just

been in a night of nothing

where’s my relation where’s my wife

where’s my husband

where’s where’s the resources where’s

the connections where’s the friend group

where’s the healing

where where where is my team god you i

see everybody else have a team but where

is my

where are the people that are supposed

to be aaron and hers for me like where

are the

god i’ve been this i’ve sowed the seed

you said if i would sow it then i would

reap it but

it’s been a night of nothing

and then you say serve again

cast my nets on the other side

do do it again i can imagine hand me the


i can i can imagine what those disciples

must have felt like

when they’re sitting there

undoing the same utensils they used the

night before

the same prayer spot you prayed before


the same office you worked in last week

the same kids that you spoke over

and you still had to do something and

this was the biggest

faith act that they could ever make the

same way

that some of you god is going to tell


hey um forgive him again

and the declaration is going to raise up

on the inside of you if

you say so

and i don’t know who i’m talking to

right now

but some of you are about to give up

because god has not given you new

scenery yet

i want you to understand this miracle

takes place

in the very same spot that they caught



i don’t know if you understand that god

everybody thought my season’s changing

no maybe it’s not

but the outcome can change like

what if god does not remove you from the


but he tells you what to do and your

declaration is if you say so

and he takes you from being not a valued

member of the team

to running the whole thing god’s saying

i may not change your season but i’ll

sure change your situation

i need you to hear what i’m saying

because there’s so many people that are

in a season of disappointment

do y’all remember that the whole reason

i believe

jesus wanted you have to read the whole

context of the story but the whole

reason jesus wanted to use these men

is because of what they were doing do

y’all remember what they were doing

somebody i don’t even remember because

you never read this part of the bible

but i’m encouraging you to go back and

read this part of the bible because the

bible is the one book that if you read

it it starts reading you

and this part messed me up it literally

said jesus was preaching and he saw them

preparing their nets

so i need you you may not get it in

chronological order

but they were out all night didn’t catch

anything came back to the shore

and instead of complaining they didn’t

catch nothing

they were preparing because something in

them said

if it was a night of nothing

something else is going to happen today

and jesus sees them the bible says

mending their nets

fixing their nets fixing their nets in

crazy faith

because many of us when we get

disappointed we quit

we stop do you know how many times

people walked up to me and said god’s

using you but me and my family are


what how many people told me you should


open your building should be open we’re

going to the church up the street

because you’re not a man of god

what if i let the disappointment

keep me from mending the nets

and working on my character and making

sure that whoever is here i’m pouring

into them and

just making sure like let me just make

sure that if there is anything that’s


or tattered in me that god i’ll still be

the one that’s usable

and and jesus then walks onto their

boats tells them

to take their prepared nets oh

jesus didn’t supply the nets

that means if you’re not preparing


you won’t have anything for god to use

when it’s time for the miracle

the only reason that i’m standing here

is because i worked on my communication


the only reason that i’m standing here

is because i learned how to design

god was able to take my

nets that i had already been preparing

decades of working on music productions

and today we sang two songs that were

written from this house

sustain and i will those songs were

written out of this house

because i wasn’t waiting on god to do


i was preparing my nets

some of y’all are crying to be in the

deep with no net


and so god says all right i want to do a

miracle what do you have to use


he can’t use opinions

you’ve been cultivating your opinion for


he can’t use that have you been working

on your administration

skills have you been working on your

singing ability have you been writing

have you been caring for people have you

been hosting people in your home you

need a mansion

to host the people that god’s going to

bring to you but you won’t hold one in

your apartment

clean it up enough to be able to know

how to do what you’re doing right now

you want

a sprinter van to take people to church

but you got a honda civic right now

clean that mug up use the neck that you


mean what you have right now so the

miracle can happen


i know it’s disappointing i know i’ve

been there the first year of me

pastoring i lost my entire staff except


person and two part-time people

is tammy in the building tammy’s sitting


tammy was the only person

that worked for this ministry that god

saw five years

later would be this but he took me

through the dark season

at one year everybody gone

graphic designer you’re looking at him

band director right here

marketing director pastor

yep literally in that season

i did everything

and i would walk into the office on

monday after preaching and just

trying to figure out did anybody get

anything and god are you using me at all

and this

sucks and i just oh i’m just done i

don’t why it’s dark

how you gonna give me this big vision

and i can’t see none of it

and i walk into the

back offices with this if you say so


but you told me we’d be multi-ethnic

multi-generational multiplying multicam

you said it

so if you say so hey

team hey team jan

sally bobby how are you kids

and tammy would be the only person in

the office

dying laughing am i telling the truth


that i am i’d be like oh da’quann what’s

up bro

i see you dog those are some fly shoes

on completely dark

but i had a if you say so mentality

and slowly but surely i don’t even know

everybody on our staff today

like i be walking to my office

and people like hey pastor i’ll be like

who is that

not because i did something special

it’s because i kept preparing my nets

and i don’t know who this is for but

somebody you threw your net aside and

god said i’m gonna need

that i’m gonna need that like i know you

don’t see it now

but i’m gonna need that write this down

the disappointment in the darkness

is always for development

what god was teaching me in that dark


in the deep is that i was called to

ministry besides anybody else

that’s what he was specifically teaching

me he was developing in me

do you know it prepared me for this

season do you know how hard it is to

preach to know people

but i was prepared in this season to

preach to know people

because i had been leading no people in

the first

year no i’m dead serious i would give

leadership talks and

have things prepared and powerpoints

just for tammy

i i would i was prepared i was using

what i had


at the moment that i had it and god was

preparing me in this season what i’m

telling you is the disappointing

darkness that you’re in right now

is for your development can i show you

this example real quick cause somebody

this is gonna help you and we’re gonna

get out of here

um this is what culture wants us to do

culture tells us that we should take


with the most instant um

apparatus that we can use so right now

if i wanted to take a picture

what i would do here is i would come in

here and then i would just go

boop i didn’t like that one let me do


eat let me a serious face seriously


that that’s what i would do what ends up

happening when you have a leader

or somebody that’s trying to mentor you

they know

that the instant is not

the most productive way for you to get

the full

quality so people will come in and

they’ll bring something like this

because we don’t really want it to take

that long but

we’ll we’ll just come on how do you turn

this thing on

is it on it’s on here we go oh there it


and what happens is this is how we want

people in our church to come out

wow we took a hold on let me give one

more ah

they weren’t as good okay yeah i need to

see something immediately

like i can’t fully see it but if we

just give them a little time they should

be able to

and while we’re doing that we’ll we’ll

start something else

but if it take them too long we’re going

to throw them back

so we got instagram this is what culture

tells us

and so many times in the church we want

instant people

we want somebody to come out the club on

friday to get saved on sunday

to be serving on the team by wednesday

and to be speaking in tungsten and i

know i mean that would be great

but if i look at the word

god chooses to pick up something

that has to be developed

so if you take a picture with this

some of y’all don’t even know what this



but what you have to do right here is a


and take one more get your smile right

because we can’t just delete it

oh the flash didn’t work

i’m gonna do the process again

where are the pictures let me see them

i need to i need to post it

i need the world to see it now

the thing about the the device god

chooses to use

is it has to go to the dark room

and anybody that knows i would have to

take the film out of this

and it would be taken through a process

in the

dark and literally there’s no light that

can come

into it or it overexposes

what god was trying to do the reason you

only know about me

now is because for the past 10 years

i was in the dark room bishop knows it

natalie knows it mom and dad know it

mama dana knows it

we were in the dark room i’m so glad you

didn’t see me when i was preaching to



because i was saying all kind of stuff a

pastor shouldn’t say

but god kept me in the dark room for

development and i don’t know who i’m

talking to right now

but the dark season the the night of

nothing is not for nothing the night of


the dark season is for development

and the crazy thing about it is i can

see this picture now

and it looks it looks like it’s the best


and i can see this picture now

but for some reason the photographer of

our lives

the god who wants to display us

chooses not to use either one of these


he wants something that is developed

what are you saying pastor mike

i need some people to come to the deep

with me

who want to be developed today i didn’t

want to shout about we made it

because i honestly feel like this is

just the beginning

but what god is asking all of us is will

we let the deep develop

us will your character change by this


next month that thing you’re about to

argue about

as soon as this service is over god said

can i have it

can i take a picture of you

and say this is where you were today

but next year this time i can take

another picture

and it’ll show how much you’ve grown

church if you’re going to be a part of

transformation nation

i’m asking you to go with me

and dive deep

the world does not need another

cookie-cutter christian church

the world doesn’t need another church

that’s riddled with scandal

and falling leaders and we’re all


even me if we don’t take hold of our


and i just decided six years in

god’s done everything that i ever asked

plus more

so why would i start catering to the


at the moment that it’s inconvenient

i’ve decided we’re gonna dwell

in the what d look what happens luke

chapter five verse six

when they did what jesus said

and this time if you say so

if you say so if you say so

and this time their nets were so full of


that they begin to tear

a shout y’all get over here a shout

for help brought their partners in their


and soon both boats were filled with

fish and on the verge of sinking

i had this thought what if we were

sinking for the right reasons

what would it look like if there was so

much blessing coming to our life and our


that we had to be more generous because

the blessing

we couldn’t contain it ourselves

what would happen if we walked in such

an anchored obedience

that when that y’all know that’s the

story of our church right

how we gave away millions of dollars

that was the overflow

of obedience bless

20 other churches with a hundred

thousand dollars

because i’ve done too much for you to

carry on your boat


what what does it look like

and my prayer for you is that you would

start sinking for the right reasons

that god would bless you with so many

connections that you would have to give

some business to somebody else

that god would give you so much wisdom

and insight that you would have to give

your idea i don’t even need to get paid

for that y’all go use that

y’all go do that i got so much right


i can’t hold it all

this is what happens in the day

they shouted because in my

my bible what i read write this down the

deep doubles it

they left with nothing in the boat

at this moment two boats are filled

to sinking which tells me if i

allow god to develop me in the deep

he can bless us at a level where it was

not just

enough for us it was double what we ever

thought it was

pastor mike what are you saying i’m

standing and double everything me and

bishop ever talked about

every idea every desire everything we

said one day it would be great that god

would do this

and god doubled everything because we

were obedient

and anchored in the deep pastor mike

give me another point no i’m trying to

give you a principle

obey god

just obey him well what about my family

it doesn’t matter obey god but what

about the money

it doesn’t matter obey god i stand here


like the disciples

with the only qualification that we’re

here today

is god said so and i was like if you say


and uh casternet on the other side i


and he doubled it look at the rest of

the story though

because i want you to see this is the

part i intentionally we could be

shouting all over this place right now


he all that and i could like

all of that i just wanted at six years

for us to mature just a little bit to

see what the real purpose of this was

when simon peter realized what had


he fell on his knees repentance before


oh lord please leave me i’m such a

sinful man

god’s blessing can expose how deep and

dark you are and god is not opposed

to your mess look at him he says for he

was awestruck by the number

of fish that he had caught i swear the

others with him his partners james and


the sons of zebedee were also amazed

jesus replied

to simon don’t be afraid

i did all of this for a reason there was

a design to this

from now on i just wanted to do

something natural

so that you could see who i really was

from now on

mike the only reason i gave you this

building the only reason that

there’s twenty thousand thirty thousand

people watching

imma make you fish for people from now


huh this was all a big experiment

to show me what really mattered

you blessing my home and my business

and my health you bringing my kids

all that other stuff was so that oh

i could actually follow you look at the

last part of the verse

i love this go up just a little bit

it says to the disciples right there it


and as soon as they landed they left

everything and followed jesus

the biggest successful day

in history of their business they caught


fish and when they got to the land

they didn’t take selfies of the fish

they didn’t have a fish fry they didn’t

go to market

and make the money they left

everything and followed

jesus could the most successful thing

about your life

be the smallest thing in comparison to

the life god

has planned for you to live


i am standing here and i keep saying

that because i’m in awe of god right now

i’m standing here

ready to give everything i ever wanted


to follow jesus and win

more people to him

last point the deep makes disciples

and changes destinies

i’m in a room full of people whose

destinies have changed

because bishop decided that he was going

to go to the deep

i was 13 years old when he

and pastor debbie decided to start

greenwood christian center and while i

was probably trying to get on aol and

look at pornography

can we be real while i was trying to

prove myself and

be this and all this other stuff going

through what teenagers go through

god spoke to a man and woman to push off

the shore

and go to the deep and for 16 years

they dwelled in the deep and they saw me

and they were one of those when the

boats was breaking they say hey come


and we got to experience a miracle

together and god said now leave all of


leave the music leave all the stuff and

i’ma make you represent me

to the lost and found for transformation

in christ it’s time to go fishing

and god gave me this vision and today

i’m honored to stand here

knowing that i went through this process

can you put that whole process back up

on the screen for me real quick

i was distant from god then i let him

step on my boat

and we started dwelling together but it

took a real

anchor to obedience to let him direct me

and once he directed me he took me to

the deep

and once he took me to the deep i had a

decision to make

and now i can stand here six years in

and you can stand there at your home

right now and you can say boldly

that you’re a disciple

this is where i want everybody to get

to the place that you can follow god in

no matter

the situation what a time to be alive

the only reason i can say that

is because now i’m convinced

that my yes has made me a disciple

and changed other people’s destinies

who’s connected to you

professor mike start the confetti no i

want you to be consecrated

i want you to live a life that at the

end of it if i

die before i get old

i don’t want it to be said that all he

almost reached his potential

god really was about to use him

and i don’t want it to be said about you


today i want to pray

that you would get the spirit of if you

say so

hands lifted all over the world right

now yep

god you’ve you’ve used this story

you use this story of my life and

bishop’s life

as honestly a mirror to let people know

what you will do with a bunch of people

who will go to the deep and make a

decision if you say so

i’ll do it god i thank you that

irrational illogical obedience

begins to rise up in your sons and

daughters today as we

celebrate father god 22 years of

ministry in six years of me and that

being the pastors

i’m just asking that you would keep my

if you say so intact

that i would not drift and i believe

that’s the reason you gave me and this

church the word anchored

father god i thank you that this is just

the beginning for my sister of my


that father every dark area of their

life is for their development and i

thank you father

that there is a breaking of a new day

coming right now in the name of jesus

i declare and i believe father god that

they feel you close to them

and father god for what you’ve done and

how you’ve done it

and what you’re about to do father we

anchor on you

have your way have your way

come on somebody just say that out of

your mouth have your way god


have your way in my life god have your


in my family god so many things that

i want to do and i want to say and i

want to god i’m in the deep end only you

can direct me out here have your way god

somebody just say it again have your way

god this is a dangerous prayer to pray


some of y’all are deciding at this

moment that you’re going to let god have

his way somebody say have your way god

that means he can change anything in you

he can change your identity

he can change your ideas he can change

everything somebody say have your way in

me god

god i’m praying that you would have your

way in this church

today i submit a new and afresh to you

god thank you for bringing us to this

place but i’m anchored on you

for everything you do from this point

forward i’m not doing it

to impress anybody god i’m doing it to

impact people for your kingdom

thank you that this church will be

fishers of men

i’m declaring father even as this

clothing goes out and even

as people begin to um share this message

and share what god is doing here and

about us being anchored god i’m asking

that the spirit of evangelism would rise

up in transformation nation

father you don’t care nothing about a

mountain bank accounts you care about

souls in the lamb book of life

and god i thank you that oh thank you

jesus i thank you

that there would be a mass we thought we

saw 29 000

salvations in last year father god that

was a different season god it’s not even

worthy to be compared to what you’re

about to do

in this church and through your church

god i’m asking you

that you would allow us not to be

complacent what a time

to be alive to be the church

for such a time as this today god the

way i’m ending this service is saying

thank you just thank you

thank you that we can be your voice

and speak to people and let them know

that you have a plan that’s designed for


i pray against every lie of the enemy

that is trying to take people out just

because they’re in a disappointing

season you will live

and not die with long life

god is going to satisfy you

everything that your hands touch

in this new season as you cast your net

on the other side

it is going to produce so much fruit

others will be blessed

and i just thank you father

that you will be glorified for

everything that transformation church

ever does you get the glory

you get the honor and you get the praise

in jesus name we agree if you agree can

you put your hands together all over

this world

and now can you add your voice with it

and give god

a shout of praise hallelujah thank you




so so so i want to let everybody know

this is my commitment

as we go to the deep like we’re out here


we out here what i’m asking you

stay with me i’ma go ahead and tell him

the next series i got one more message

in this next week

okay i’m gonna be very honest with you


next week message probably is one of the


um point messages i’m gonna speak

in this series so i need everybody to be

here next week

but this is what god’s telling me right

now to challenge you to

the deep is a little uncomfortable the

series after that

we’re going to talk about financial



welcome to the deep


and see every time we do this type of

series and we talk about financial

stewards i’m just going to tell you

the attendance goes down 15 to 20

because we found the people in the

kiddie pool

the area that we won’t let god direct us


i’m challenging you stay with me

don’t swim back to shore this year

gonna just go ahead and tell them the

next two series because god is literally

this whole year we’re gonna be


to the d this is not going to be like

and now god

changed it and that’s it no no no we’re

gonna do a financial stewardship series

and then i’m doing nine to ten weeks on

the holy spirit

yeah like i’m not how we gonna live this

life without power

y’all burning sage and doing all this

other stuff you ain’t got no real power

i’m gonna show you how jesus

when he went to the cross left us

something better than him being on this

earth and his name is the holy spirit

like welcome to the deep

2021 we’re gonna make the deep things

very simple

and we’re going to allow transformation

to take place in your life

amen if you’re here

and you’re distant from god and you want

him to dwell

all you have to do is ask him into your


it’s the greatest decision i ever made

it took me from being a liar a

manipulator somebody who was addicted to


somebody who had really bad things in

their heart couldn’t see people the

right way

only wanted to do things for myself and

it didn’t make me a perfect man but it

made me a progressing man

and last week over a thousand people got


because they decided just in one week

over a thousand people got saved

because they decided they didn’t want to

be distant anymore but they wanted god

to dwell

and today today is the day of salvation

for you

this is not another time this is the

moment this is your moment where god’s

inviting you push off the shore

and come with me and it’s the greatest


i’ve ever made in my whole life and

today if you want to make that decision

i want you to pray with me

i need you to identify yourself because

i just need you to say yeah that’s me

pastor i want you to include me in that

prayer on the count of three i just want

you to slip your hand up

no matter who’s sitting next to you and

i need the church to pray i need you to

pray in your homes

somebody’s life is in the balance right

now and we want to believe

as a church that they are going to make

the decision for jesus

one you’re making the greatest decision

that you could ever

make too i’m so proud of you that more

than that your

name will be written in the lamb’s book

of life

three just slip your hand up all over

the world come on hand all over the


glory to god put your hand down right


see religion would tell you you need to

confess everything today

and you need to do all this stuff but

god is the only one that says

if you would give you me your heart i’ll

help you change your habits

and today god is coming into your


and he’s gonna help you dwell in the

deep transformation church you already

know the drill we don’t pray alone

there are people making a decision for

christ for the first time so we’re gonna

pray this prayer all together

for the benefit of those who are coming

to christ right now come on everybody

say god

thank you for sending jesus to be my


today i give you my life

i believe you lived you died

and you rose again just for me

you have a design for my life and i’m

gonna find out what it is

change me renew me

transform me i’m yours in

jesus name amen can we give god praise

all i said can we give god that’s why

our church exists

to represent god to the lost and found

for transformation in christ church

i love you turn up all day

specifically for the people who just

gave their life to christ

if you’re one of those people i want you

to text the number on the screen

and we want to help you we want to give

you some um some resources and we want

to walk with you we want you to go back

and watch

series that we’ve done before series

like grace like a flood so you can

understand the grace of god

go back and watch mark that god has a

plan for your life

if you’re in relationship things go back

and watch relationship goals and

relationship goals reloaded

if you need to know about your finances

go watch ducks in a row we want to help


on this journey we have monday night

prayer tomorrow night you can join us at

six o’clock

we’re gonna be here next week and i have

a word for you

but what i want more than anything is

you to know that this journey is about


not perfection don’t go back this will

be your best year

if it is your best year spiritually we

love you

we thank god y’all we made it 22 years

and six years

as pastors can we give can we give god

some praise

to god be the glory

hey don’t forget that god is doing

something so special in your life

and nobody can rush

what god has ordained for you somebody

just made me say that

nobody can rush what god has ordained

for you i’m a living witness this week

i want you to go out and live a what


like oh snap y’all know today at two

we’re dropping merch worldwide right

that’s like in

30 minutes if you’re still rocking with

us cause some people

went offline the merch store is open

right now

go buy up everything and don’t tell

nobody until it’s all gone

i love you go out and live a transformed

life glory to god