Are signs in the Heavens? Mark Biltz discovered the link between Blood Moons and dates of world events. Recent history shows it, so what about current events? When this set of Blood Moons (2014-2015) ends, there won’t be another aligned with Israel’s feasts for over 400 years.

The Blood Moons – Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs (Book, DVD & Calendar) by Mark Biltz

Throughout history God, the Master Timekeeper, has used the heavenly bodies to communicate to us when significant events will happen. To understand the timing of the Lord, you have to understand the seasons of the Lord, the feasts of the Lord, and the calendar of the Lord.

• What are the feast days? • What is the difference between the biblical calendar and the one we use today? • Why should you be concerned about eclipses in the sky?

In Blood Moons Mark Biltz answers these questions and more. He explains the importance of these biblical celebrations and shows how you can recognize when God’s signs are pointing to things ahead.

Is there a supernatural

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets
of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over
35 years researching the

strange world of
the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: Hello. Sid Roth here.
Welcome. Thank you.

Welcome to my world where it’s
naturally supernatural.

Everyone is talking these days
about blood moons.


We know from Joel that before
the awesome great day of the

Lord, the Day of Judgment,
there’s going to be a moon that

will be all red.

But what most people don’t know
is that every time,

historically, where there is
what’s known as a tetrad, a

tetrad is four blood moons in a

Every time there has been a
tetrad on biblical feasts, not

on the feasts that most
Christians celebrate, but I mean

on biblical feasts, something
significant has happened to

change the whole world.

There is a tetrad that will
occur this year and next year on

a biblical feast and there
won’t be another one for

another 400 years.

What significant thing is going
to happen between this year and

next year?

I believe I have the guest that
will be able to tell us that.

So I’m watching television, I’m
watching the major news shows

and all of a sudden,
internationally known

evangelists are on these secular
news shows talking about the

blood moons.

So I do a little research and I
find out that every one that I’m

aware of found out their basic
information from Mark Biltz.

Tell me a bit about
your background that

you know these things.

Mark: Well sure, I’d love to,

To me, this is so exciting. I
feel like just a little kid.

And when I was little kid I
loved astronomy.

And I’d be laying down out on
the grass.

I’d be looking up at the
heavens, like Psalm 19 says,

“The heavens declare the Glory
of God.”

And I would be just be looking
up and I just loved it, and I

had a telescope.

And I’d always being trying to
find the moons around Jupiter

and the ring around Saturn.

And then as I got older and I
became a believer and filled

with the Holy Spirit, and I just
loved God, and all of a sudden I

found out about the feasts of
the Lord, and I realized they

weren’t the Jewish feasts, but
they were the Lord’s feasts.

And I’m going to NASA’s website
because I love math, I love

science, and I had seen this
beautiful total lunar eclipse

over the Temple Mount in

And I got to thinking about the
Bible verses, you know, with the

moon turning to blood and the
sun to sackcloth.

And so what I did I do?

I said, let’s see if there’s any
interesting eclipses coming up.

And so I looked and I saw there
were these four total lunar

eclipses in a row.

And I thought, well how often
does that happen?

And so I was going to NASA’s
website and I saw it didn’t

happen at all in the 1800s,
didn’t happen in the 1700s,

didn’t happen in the 1600s.

Sid: So it’s pretty rare.

Mark: It’s very rare.

As a matter of fact after my
research, I found it has only

happened eight times in the last
2000 years… Sid: That’s rare.

Mark: ..that these have fallen
on the biblical feast days.

But that’s what was so amazing.

I’m in my prayer cloth, it’s
about four in the morning.

I was getting up early for a
long time.

And I’m praying, and all of a
sudden, it’s like this voice

comes and says, “Mark, put these
on the biblical holidays.”

Because when I was on NASA’s
website, it like April and

October, April and September,
and it was like a download.

And so I get all excited and I
run out to my computer, and I

get on the computer, and I see
they fell on Passover and

Tabernacles, Passover and

So now I’m ready to jump out of
my skin.

Sid: I’m sure.

Mark: I can’t believe this.

Oh my gosh, you know.

And so I go back and I look and
then I see when else they

happened in history, and it just
blew me away.

Sid: Well the thing that is so
amazing to me, tell me about the

last set of tetrads, that’s four
of these blood moons in a row.

One was just happened to be in

Another one just happened to be
in 1967.

What significant things happened
in 1948 and 19?

I think all of you know.

Do many of you know what
happened in ’48 and ’67?

But just in case.

Mark: Sure.

The thing that amazed me
concerning the math is, you

know, according to NASA, over
5000 years you only average one

total lunar eclipse every year
and a half, and here we have

four within a year and a half,
and they’re falling on the feast


And the last time that happened
was when Israel recaptured

Jerusalem in 1967 and 1968.

When I saw that, it was
like, oh good grief,

this is supernatural.

And so I go running back and I
look at the next date and it was

right after Israel became a
nation in 1948.

It happened in 1949 and ’50.

And so now my mind is reeling.

So I have to go back and I got
to do some more research.

And I’m going back and I find
out it happened during the

Inquisition, 1492, when Columbus
sails the ocean blue.

Sid: Now why was that?

That was pretty bad for us
Jewish people because we Jews

were literally left, if we
didn’t leave we’d be murdered.

So it wasn’t too good for us
Jewish people, but it had an

effect on the world.

What was that?

Mark: Well sure it did because
they expelled all the Jews on

the 9th of Av.

And also in Portugal, in 1493,
1494, what happens, King

Ferdinand and Queen Isabella are
taking all the Jewish wealth,

but that is what helped finance
the finding of the New World and

all the Jews coming over to

Sid: So in your opinion, if the
Jews hadn’t been expelled and

Christopher Columbus, who is
Jewish, and you told me also

were a number of his crew who
were Jewish.


Because they had to leave
Spain, they might not

have not founded America.

Mark: That’s right.
That’s right.

That’s exactly right.
And you know what?

As I went back further, at the
destruction of the Temple in 70

A.D… Sid: That’s
going way back.

Mark: Way back.

Solar-lunar eclipses all over
the biblical holidays and then

during the time Messiah’s death,
32, 33 A.D., solar-lunar

eclipses all over the biblical

And so I’m thinking, God is

Sid: I tell you what I’m

We’re out of time right now.

But when we come back, so what
does this mean to us now?

What effect, what significant
thing is going to happen?

Because we know that these four
blood moons are going to occur

this year and next year.

We know that.

We know they’re going to be on
the biblical feasts, but we

don’t know what effect it will
have on us.

We’ll be right back.

We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: My passion is for you to
walk in Divine health 24/7.

That’s why I handpicked my
favorite healing scriptures from

many translations of the Bible,
personalized them for you and

made them available in this free

I want you to meditate or pray
out loud these scriptures over

your life daily and witness the
supernatural healing power of

God’s kingdom come upon you.

Download your free healing
scriptures e-book now.

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: So we know why the blood
moons are important because the

Bible talks about them,
especially just before the

Judgment Day, so to speak.

Prophet Joel talks about that.

But why connect them with the
feasts, the biblical feasts?

Why are the biblical feasts
important to us, Mark?

Mark: Well sure, Sid.

I see in Genesis Chapter 1,
Verse 14 as a verse, I’ve read a

hundred times.

But all of a sudden it hit me
like a ton of bricks.

All of a sudden it had a whole
new level of, I always thought

God created the sun and the moon
for light and for heat.

But when I read Genesis 1:14, it
said, “He created the sun and

the moon for signs.”

That’s the number reason.

Those first signs are signals.

And then the very next word is
mistranslated in English.

Sid: What is it?

Mark: And then it says, “for
seasons and days, and years”.

Well when I read seasons,
I think of winter,

spring, summer or fall.

But did you know that same
Hebrew word they translate as

“seasons”, in Genesis and
Leviticus they translate that

same word as “feasts”.

Sid: So you’re saying the sun
and the moon was created for

food, for sun in the winter?

This is what’s coming to me.

If there are, you know,
baseball, there’s you notice the

catcher does certain hand
signals, fast ball or curve or

something like that.

Now if the pitcher doesn’t know
what those hand signals are, he

won’t have a clue what’s going
to happen.

I mean, the catcher is liable to
get right hit in the face.

Mark: Exactly.

Sid: But if he knows, he’s

Is that what you’re saying?

Mark: Exactly.

Because that same word that’s
translated as either “fall” or

“food” literally means a Divine

That’s what the Hebrew word
“moreh” means.

And how many people believe in
Divine appointment?

I mean, obviously.

Sid: And how many of you want to
know the sign for Divine


I sure do.

Mark: The thing to me is all of
a sudden I realize they’re


There’s some Divine appointments
that are scheduled, like

Passover, like the Feast of

And each one of these feasts in
Hebrew is called a “mikra”.

Now we translate that as

But the Hebrew word implies a
dress rehearsal.

So every time on Passover the
Jews went to the dress rehearsal

of killing the Passover lamb on
Passover because that is when

the event was going to happen.

So he died on Passover.

He was buried on unleavened

He rose on the Feast of First
Fruits and the Spirit was poured

out on the Feast of Pentecost,
or Shabuoth.

But most Christians don’t know
the Jews have been keeping

Pentecost for every year for
1500 years.

Sid: So what you’re saying is,
not only are these biblical

feasts shadows of every major
event in the first coming of the

Messiah, but you go even

You’re saying to the exact day,
and in some cases, they’re to

the exact hour.


Mark: Exactly.

It was at the third hour of the
day they bound the Lord, it


Well that’s nine in the morning,
the time of the morning


So at that every moment, the
High Priest is binding the

Passover lamb to the altar,
they’re binding the Lamb of God

to the cross and they’re singing
the songs, they would always

sing Psalms 113 thru 118.

Did you know that God had David
write the funeral song for his

son a thousand years before?

Sid: Is God brilliant or what?

Mark: Yeah.

At the very moment, at the very
moment they’re binding the

Passover lamb to the altar,
they’re binding Yeshua to the

cross, Josephus records two and
a half million Jews were in

Jerusalem, and there’s this
choir that is singing.

And the words they’re singing
is, “Bind the sacrificial cords

even to the oars of the altar.”

This is what they’re singing at
the very moment.

This is what they’re sharing at
the binding of the cross.

And then at noon when he’s
lifted up, he said, “If I be

lifted I will draw all men to
me,” guess what they’re singing?

Psalm 118.

And what are the words?

“The right hand of the Lord is
lifted up.

The right hand of the Lord is

This is, so not only did he
fulfill the feast to the day,

but to the very single hour.

And so the thing is this.

If we’re not on the right
calendar, see our calendar is

based on the sun.

Sid: Right.

Mark: The Islamic calendar is
based on the moon.

But God says, “Let them, both
the sun and the moon, determine

the days of my day timer.”

Sid: Wait a second.

The church celebrates
Resurrection Sunday.

So, you know, so isn’t that the

Mark: Well it’s on the wrong

Sid: Wrong calendar?

But wait, wait.

The church celebrates Pentecost.

Is that right?

Mark: On the wrong calendar.

Sid: No wonder, no I won’t say

Mark: Well I’ll give you a
perfect example Sid: Okay.

Mark: Here’s the thing.

The feast, God’s appointed time
Sid: This is going to get me in


Mark: But God is a God of order.

And because of that he has to
die before he gets buried.

He’s got to be buried before he
can raise from the dead.

And then he got raised from the
dead before the Holy Spirit

poured down on Pentecost.

Do you know on the secular
calendar we use, because we’re

on the wrong calendar, two years
from now, Easter is a month

before Passover.

We celebrate the Resurrection
before he even dies.

Sid: I’ll tell you what.

I have to ask you this.

If the first feasts are perfect
shadows to the day, the hour,

the events in the death and
resurrection of Jesus, what

about last few feasts?

What are they shadows of?

Mark: Well do you believe the
Lord is the same yesterday,

today and forever?

Sid: Of course.

Mark: I mean, do you really
believe that?

Sid: I really believe that.

Mark: Well if you really believe
it, if people believe he

fulfilled the spring feast to
the day of the first coming, he

fulfill the fall feast to the
day of the second coming.

Sid: Well.

I mean, let me ask you this most
important question.

We have this tetrad in the last
blood moon of the four that are

coming up.

But you say there are certain
things about this last tetrad

that has never happened in

Are you sure?

Mark: Yes.

Sid: I’ll tell you what.

When we come back, I want
to hear what’s about

ready to happen.

That wasn’t a very convincing

Say yes! Okay.

We’ll be right back.

We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: You know, as we were
discussing, everything is being

fulfilled to the day, to the
hour of the first coming of

Messiah through God’s
biblical feast or as Mark

explained, his
appointments. Then

the last feast will be his
return to the day and the hour.

But is there anywhere in the
Bible that gives us a clue that

the devil is going to tamper
with the calendar so that we’ll

miss the signs?

Mark: You bet there is.

It’s in the Book of Daniel.

And think about this.

If you are in business and your
competitor, you had an

appointment, if he could get a
hold of your day timer and

change it, he would love to have
you miss the appointment.

Sid: Of course.

Mark: Well God doesn’t want us
to miss the appointments and he

always warns before He brings

And guess what?

In Daniel, it says, one of the
things the Antichrist will do is

change the timings and the

Sid: I remember that.

Do you remember that?

I do.

Mark: That’s referring to the
feast days.

That’s referring to God’s
appointed times when He’s going

to intersect human history.

So significant.

Sid: So speaking of intersecting
human history, we have this

tetrad, the four blood moons and
the last one, which will happen

next year, will be the most
unusual that it ever has

occurred in history.

In fact, we won’t even, we don’t
even have any more of these

tetrads scheduled that occur on
feast days for over 400 years

after that.

Why is it so unusual, Mark?

Mark: Well have you ever heard
of a super moon?

Sid: I actually heard of it
because I interviewed you on

radio. Before that, I
didn’t know didly.

Mark: Here’s what a super moon

Here’s the earth and here’s the
moon, and the moon’s orbit

around the earth is elliptical.

It’s far away and it gets close,
and it’s far away.

Every month does a complete

When the moon is at its
closest point to Earth,

it’s called its
perigee. All right.

Well if the moon is a new moon
at perigee at its closest point,

you don’t even see it.

But if the moon is a full moon
at its closest point to Earth,

according to NASA it looks 14
percent larger.

It’s this big super moon because
it’s so close.

Well guess what?

Next year, on September 28th, we
not only have a full moon, we

have a super moon that it’s at
its closest point to Earth, not

just for the month, for the
entire year.

And it’s a super blood moon that
is going to be seen in Jerusalem

on the Feast of Tabernacles and
in a Shmitah year.

Sid: Now what’s a Shmitah year?

Mark: Now the Shmitah year is
every seventh year.

Sid: Jubilee.

Mark: Every seventh year
the lamb had to rest

and it couldn’t be killed.
The amazing thing is this.

Every man, see God commanded all
the men to be in Jerusalem three

times a year.

Sid: Right.

Mark: He didn’t command the
women because they didn’t have

to be told what to
do. The women don’t.

But every three times a year,
all the men had to be in


But in the Shmitah, in the
seventh year, specifically on

the Feast of Tabernacles, it
says in Deuteronomy, “Every man,

woman, child and even the
stranger has to be there to hear

the King of Israel read from the

Sid: Okay. Now this
begs the question.

Why is God giving us so
many sign after sign,

after sign for next year?

What, use your sanctified
intellect having studied

astronomy, having
studied the Bible,

having studied the
biblical feasts.

You’re an expert in these three

What is going to happen?

Mark: Well here’s one thing that
I think.

In the Book of Joel you
mentioned where it talks about

the sun turning to sackcloth and
the moon to blood, it’s in the

same context that God says He’s
going to judge all the nations

who are trying to divide the
Land of Israel.

And that’s what’s going on right

America is leading the push to
divide the Land of Israel and I

think these are the heavenly
billboard of warning signs by

God to Israel, not to divide
their land.

It’s also that America should
not partake.

But here’s the other thing.

We see a war in 1948, a
biblically prophetic war.

We see a biblically prophetic
war in ’67.

I’m not saying it’s going to

But I think there’s a good
chance we could see a biblically

prophetic war in Israel because
there are several that haven’t

taken place yet.

But guess what else?

That seventh year is an economic
reset year.

That is when all the debts
were to be forgiven

and the people released.

But in Nebuchadnezzar’s day they
had set the people free and they

changed their mind and put them
all back into bondage.

And God said because of that,
the seventh year is going to be

a year of judgment.

And the seventh year has been
the year of judgment.

And do you know in 1994, do you
remember the Shumaker-Levy comet

when it got tumbled 21 times?


That was a Shmitah year.

And guess what weekend it
happened on?

The 9th of Av, which
is the time when the

Temple was destroyed twice.

And so I thought back in 1994,
that that meant with 21

fragments that 7 x 3 is 21, the
next three Shmitah years would

be times of judgment.

And 2001 was a Shmitah year, or
the seventh year, and that’s

when the Dow fell, it’s biggest
drop ever to that time, and it

fell on Rosh Hoshanah,
the seventh month,

it fell 7 percent.

Sid: Tell me the next one.

Mark: The next one is
2008, when the big

stock market crash happened.

Guess what? That was
a Shmitah year.

It happened on the first day of
the seventh month.

The Dow fell 777 points.

Sid: No.
You’re making that up.

Mark: No. It was.

Sid: I saw it.
Mark: Yeah.

Sid: Now listen.

How many more signs do you need?

This is your moment to make
Jesus your Messiah and Lord.

Believe that Jesus died, just
like Mark explained, and rose

from the dead on the Jewish
feast, and believe that his

blood washed away your sins.

You are clean.

Make Jesus your Lord and live
inside of you now.

Sid: Next week on
It’s Supernatural!

My guest found a
key and he figured

out there’s no
sickness in Heaven.

There’s no fear in Heaven.

There’s no poverty in Heaven.

I want you to get ready to not
just hear a man that walks in

spectacular miracles, but ready
for Heaven to invade Earth.