The Final Pope. Tom Horn and Cris Putnam unveil a 900 year-old prophecy buried in the library of the Vatican. It describes a series of 112 Popes. Now the 112th Pope has been elected. Will the prophecy concerning him become true? Is Pope Francis I the Pope that ushers in the Final Judgment?

Is there a
supernatural dimension,

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain
messages from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient
secrets of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this
edition of “It’s Supernatural!”

Sid: Hello. Welcome to my

world where it’s
naturally supernatural.

Buried in the library of
the Vatican was an ancient

900-year-old prophecy, which
listed every pope for the next

112 popes.

Well we’ve had 111 and every
single pope that had a prophetic

word, and they all had it,
that’s what happened in their


Amazing, stunning accuracy.

Would you like to know what
it says about the 112th pope?

I’ll tell you one thing, it
says he will be the pope for the

final judgment.

You know, Tom and Chris,
your best-selling books,

you made major predictions.

I mean, you guys like to
live a little dangerously.

I mean, went all out on
a limb, and you stated,

you predicted
that in March 2012,

the pope would resign
for health reasons,

and let’s be candid
did they miss it?

Did you?

Tom: Well at first actually,
we thought we might have.

Now we learn that
in fact we did not.

We made a prediction that
Benedict would retire in either

March or April 2012,
citing health reasons.

When that date came and went
and no activity had transpired,

we moved to the second
part in our prediction,

which we also made in 2012, that
at a minimum he would retire

before the end of 2013.

Now we’ve learned, by the
way, from the editor of the El

Observatory Romano, which is
the Vatican’s own official media

outlet, that in fact, Pope
Benedict officially resigned at

the end of March 2012, privately
to a handful of cardinals who

held it in a strict
reserve, in a confidence.

It couldn’t be told
even to other cardinals.

This happened last year.

He made it official in 2013.

So in a very supernatural,
dramatic way we were actually

right in both instances.

Sid: Speaking about being right,
I am fascinated about this

900-year old
prophecy from St. Malachy.

Tell me about these prophecies.

Chris: Well the prophecy of the
popes was allegedly given to St.

Malachy Morgaran, an
Irish saint in 1139 A.D.

Now the way that
this story is told,

Malachy did a pilgrimage
to Rome to see the pope.

And right outside the city of
Rome he had a vision of all the

popes up until the
tribulation period.

So he wrote down a series of
short Latin phrases for 112

popes, except the last one,
which his quite a bit more


The last prophecy, the prophecy
for the very next pope says,

“In the extreme persecution of
the Holy Roman Church there will

sit Peter the Roman who
will nurse the sheep in many


When they are finished the City
of Seven Hills will be destroyed

and the dreadful judge
will judge the people.”

Sid: Now I’ve gotten
to know the two of you,

and you are such,
Chris, a theologian,

so after truth.

You’ve analyzed all of these
prophecies for all 112 popes.

Tell me one, pull one out
about one pope that you felt was


But even beyond that, were
they all on the money or not?

Chris: Well Sid, I’ll tell you,
when I began to investigate this

prophecy I was not
predispose to believe it.

I’m not a Catholic.

I’m a Protestant.

But I wanted to take a critical,
skeptical kind of look at it.

Now some of them seem
a little vague to me.

Some of them seem to speak to
the coat of arms of a pope or

events steering his papacy.

But the ones that are accurate,
the ones that made kind of a

risky prediction are so accurate
that I really could not dismiss


And I think it does beg
us to take it seriously.

For instance, there was one
prophecy in particular that

grabbed my attention.

This was for Benedict XV.

He was pope from 1914 to 1922.

The Latin phrase was
“religio depopulata”.

That means “religion
depopulated” in English.

So what happened
between 1914 and 1922,

we had World War I, which
was devastating to Europe,

devastating to the
Catholic Church.

But to add insult to injury, you
had the Bolshevik Revolution in

Russia where 200 million people
left the church to join the

Communist Party.

Those that didn’t leave, Lenin
targeted them specifically to

eliminate them.

So religion was depopulated
probably more than other period

in history up until that time,
and this prophecy nailed it.

Sid: Now why do you say that
this will be the last pope?

Chris: It’s the last
one on Malachy’s list.

And I just cited that the
prediction for this pope,

it says, “In the
extreme persecution,

the tribulation, the dreadful
that will judge the people.”

So it really does
sound like the End Times.

It matches the Book of
Revelation in some pretty

compelling ways in Chapter
17, which also speaks of a

seven-hill city.

Sid: I’m going to
tell you something.

At first when I
heard about this,

I didn’t want to touch
it with a 10-foot pole.

But after talking to
them on the phone,

looking at their research,
understanding their brilliance

in their respective fields, I
feel that what you’re about

ready to hear will change your
paradigm for End Times forever.

For instance, they investigated
secret files from the Vatican

that shows that the Vatican has
been in communication and been

researching aliens from other
planets that strongly affect

your whole
understanding of the last days.

We’ll be right
back after this word.

We now return to
“It’s Supernatural!”

Sid: You know, the Bible
warns about great delusion.

Because people won’t
have a love for the truth,

they’re going to accept
lies in the last days.

And I believe that what you’re
about to hear will totally

change your
paradigm on the End Times.

Now Tom, I believe you were
hand-picked by God for doing

your part of the
research team of the last days.

Now shortly after
you became a believer,

you died.

Tell me about it.

Tom: Yes I did.

I had been seeking God.

I was young believer.

I went home night,
I flung into bed.

The next thing I know I’m
standing in front of a brilliant

white light.

Somehow I know that I’m in front
of the Lord and He’s told me

some things and now He’s telling
me I’m not going to remember,

but it’s time for me to return.

The next thing I know I’m
falling from the heavens.

I land on the bed in my bedroom.

I sat up real fast, I breathed
in very deeply [deep breath]

like that, and I find my
wife, sitting beside me.

She’s bawling her eyes out.

Long story short is she had woke
up in the middle of the night,

found me dead, did
various things to,

you know, verify to
herself that I was dead.

Now I started asking questions.

Why would the Lord have showed
me something and then told that

I wasn’t going to
remember what it was.

That confused me.

I happened to be reading through
the Bible at that time and was

in Job 33.

First time I was ever reading
through the Bible in my life,

and I’m praying, Lord, why would
you show me something and then

tell I’m not going to
remember what it was.

When all of a sudden off the
pages from the 33rd Chapter from

the Book of Job, I read
these words: “In the nighttime,

in deep sleep, in slumbering
upon the bed then God seals the

instructions of the righteous
within them to hide pride from


Sid: Now Tom found, after 25
years of being an Assembly of

God pastor, a family secret.

Tell me about that.

Tom: Yes.

Well I actually remember the
first event when I was kid,

waking up in the
middle of the night,

my sister screaming, terrified.

We all go running to her room.

And as a kid, Mom never would
let me know what had happened

that day.

Years later, I discovered that
that the first night in which

she began experiencing what many
people in the secular world call

alien abduction.

She woke up, small
bulbous head, grey,

three little grey men
standing next to her bed,

speaking in a gibberish
that she couldn’t understand.

And when she
screamed they vaporized.

They literally just disappeared
as if they were more amorphous

or shadowy, if you
will, made out of smoke.

They just disappeared.

And that stayed with
me once I knew that.

Well here I am, I’m a pastor.

I’m 25 years a pastor.

I pastored large churches.

I had responsibilities.

Nobody can I talk to
about this in the’70s.

And then little by little
information began coming to me

that ultimately
made me conclude,

Sid, that we were talking
about a demonic phenomenon.

Sid: Why?

Tom: Well first of all, because
of the malevolent behavior.

But more importantly, and
this is really the crux of it,

once we learned that by taking
the name of Jesus Christ over

these powers we could stop
the activity permanently.

And from the day that my sister
gave her life to the Lord that

activity stopped in its tracks,
and that illustrated to this old

preacher we were
talking here about demons,

not aliens from another world.

Sid: Okay, Chris, you
are an evangelical,

you’re a theologian, you’ve
been trained in these areas,

you specialized in grad school
on Catholic and Protestant


And God really prepared
you also for this project.

Tell me about, you
had prophetic dreams.

Tell me about one.

Chris: Sid, I got to radically
say that I had been into a lot

of this weird stuff in my past,
and the Lord completely changed

my thinking.

As my values changed and I
started to get into God’s Word,

He did give me a dream, He gave
me a vision that he was going to

use me to minister in areas that
most Christians are afraid to

talk about.

Sid: And between
the two of them,

you can see why God put a
perfect research team together.

But now the
question that I have,

what have you uncovered from
records in the Vatican about


I mean, it blows my mind that
they’re even researching such a

subject as this.

Tom: The records in the
Vatican go back centuries.

Actually, I wrote two chapters
of history concerning the

Vatican’s interest
in extraterrestrials.

They have a whole theology
developed around what they call

the “Principle of Plentitude”,
meaning anything that God could

do, He would do.

So they consider the existence
of aliens an inevitable

consequence of
God’s omnipotence.

Sid: Now you’ve actually
researched with Vatican


What did they tell you?

Chris: It’s extraordinary.

We even had the
opportunity to go to Mt.

Graham in Arizona, which is
where their Vatican astronomical

telescope, where it’s at,

where the Vatican’s
astronomers study deep space.

And in the course of doing that,
getting permission through the

Arizona State University to
go there to meet with their

astronomers, the
Jesuits who are there,

we also got access to top
astronomers that work in Rome,

including an astronomer by
the name of Guy Consolmango.

He’s one of the top
astronomers for the Vatican.

Sid: What was the major thing
you got from that interview with


Chris: Well, two major things.

One, he says without apology
that very soon the nations of

the world are going to look to
the aliens for their salvation.

Now when you make a comment like
that— Sid: Did you just hear

what he said?

Does that show you how fast
things are moving and how we’re

really in the last
of the last days?

Chris: Then of course, you
want to get behind that.

You want to find out
where are they coming from.

So he agreed to be interviewed
five times from Rome,

and then gave us documents,
which are not available to the

public, that outline what much
of the inner thinking of the

highest level theologians
and astronomers at the Vatican

believe now, including the idea
that Jesus might be the son of a

star child.

Now when we asked him,
what is a star child,

they’re talking about an alien
intelligence from another world

and that the birth
of Jesus Christ,

the virgin birth was in fact
comparable to an abduction

scenario in which these aliens
used the Virgin Mary to create


And this is one of the ways in
which they’re combining the idea

that we are soon to be visited
by an alien savior from another


Sid: Hold that thought.

Wait until you find out about
the Vatican astronomer saying

he’s operating
with Project Lucifer.

We’ll be right back to
“It’s Supernatural!”

We now return
to “It’s Supernatural!”

Sid: Okay. I promised
you we would

find out this great
Catholic astronomer,

number one, is operating
something called

Project Lucifer.

What is that?

Chris: Up on top of Mt.

Graham in Arizona there is
an observatory complex that

consists of three very
high powered telescopes.

One is the Vatican
advanced telescope,

there’s a radio telescope and
then there’s one called the

large binocular telescope.

This is the most powerful
telescope in the world.

In fact, they told us they can
get better images of space than

the Hubble space telescope can.

Now attached to this telescope
is an infrared camera named

Lucifer, which is really kind
of an odd name for a camera.

From the
information that we gathered,

this named by the Max
Planck Institute and some German


But this Vatican is part of
this conglomerate out there,

and they’re all
working together.

Now what this instrument is
used for is astrobiology,

for looking for exoplanets,
looking for other worlds.

And the infrared spectrum is
also very useful for seeing

things that can’t be
seen with the naked eye,

and many UFO researchers have
noted that you can see a lot of

ships and entities that
you normally can’t see.

Sid: Tell me about what the
Vatican astronomers are telling

you what other experts, I
mean, you had a research team.

Tell me a few of the
things they’re telling you.

Tom: Well first of all,
the day that we spent on Mt.

Graham, the entire day there, we
had the Jesuits speaking to us

face to face.

We also had systems engineers.

It was astonishing the
access that they gave us.

And one of the things we
found amazing in the use of the

Lucifer device and even the
other telescopes is how commonly

the astronomers spoke of UFOs.

We were just taken back by
the fact that it was almost a

nuisance to them
that there are so many.

Sid: I have to tell you.

UFOs, I mean, I think
that’s like science fiction,

to be quite candid with you.

But I told my staff about this
interview and one of the staff

members said when he was 12
and 13 years old he saw a UFO,

and they visited
him, and talked to him.

I mean, and that’s just
a small group of people.

Statistics say one out of two
people in America believe in

unidentified flying objects.

We’re hearing now
reports all over the world.

Tom: Well and a lot of
Christians saw them,


My wife and I were crossing
over a mountain one time when a

circular silvery device
dropped down from the heavens,

shot around on all kinds of
things we couldn’t explain.

We didn’t know if
it was an angel,

a demon or whatever it was,
but it certainly was what people

described as UFOs.

And so the phenomenon,
to me, is certainly real.

Then of course, you
begin defining what it is.

Well to the Vatican and to the
astronomers— Sid: Wait a second,

it’s demonic.

Why would the
Vatican be studying this?

Tom: Yeah.

Well not only are
they studying it,

Caroldo Balducci, who was
the spokesman for the Vatican,

he was their official mouthpiece
concerning the alien presence,

not just the reality of
aliens on other worlds,

but an alien presence
that is here on Earth now.

You can go to YouTube and watch
his shows on Italian television

when he spoke for the church and
said the church was using its

embassies around the
world to compile information,

a case study if you will, on
what the aliens are doing on

Earth now.

So the belief system is deep
regardless of what you or I

might make out of it.

Now I got to tell you,
especially when it comes to

alien abduction, I am convinced
that we are talking about

demonic activity, not
intelligences from another

world, maybe from
another dimension,

and then moving in and out of
our reality then certainly have

a conspiratorial plan that might
even involve human hybridity.

There’s a lot to the study.

That’s why it took us thousands
of pages and investigators,

and I had to bring a theologian
on to make sure that I didn’t

get off track.


But what they’re saying to us
now is it’s going to affect

Christian belief.

There is a professor for the
pope’s university in Rome and he

is a very highly
respected intellectual.

His last name is Tensniti and he
has written a paper now in which

he is saying that very soon,
not right in the beginning,

we won’t have to deny
our Christian faith in the


But there is information
coming from another world,

and once it is confirmed it is
going to require a re-reading of

the Gospel of we know it.

And that’s the kind of
information that we are

receiving from the highest
levels of Vatican intelligencia.

Sid: Where is this
headed, in your opinion,

after all this research?

Tom: I think it’s headed towards
an eminent great deception.

I think they either know
something or they suspect

something, and that’s why
they’re preparing the Catholic

faithful, and of course the
Vatican has reached beyond


But they’re trying
to prepare the world.

Sid: Let me tell you something.

This is information that you
must digest in light of the


But the most important thing is
not what we’re talking about.

The most important
thing is that you know God.

Whether He comes in one minute
or whether he comes in 20 years,

you must know Him for yourself.

Religion is good if
it helps you know God.

But if it’s an end in
itself it means nothing.

The only way you can
know is God is step one.

He’s already done everything
he’s ever going to do for you.

His Messiah was
sent to Earth to die,

the son of the Living God
and rise from the dead,

and all of your sins and all of
your diseases were put upon him,

and by his wounds
you were healed.

Make Jesus your
Lord with your mouth.

You don’t need a formal prayer.

Say, Jesus, I make you my Lord.

Live inside of me.

Forgive me for all of my sins.

And this is what the Bible says.

If you say it’s
too good, I agree,

it is too good.

Take the goodness of God.

Taste and see that
the Lord is good.

He’s good.

Sid: I’m interrupting this

show with a
special announcement.

We have a new pope,
and he’s St. Francis.

His parents are Italian.

According to the
Malachy prophecy,

the last pope would be Rome.

Also he’s the first Jesuit pope.

And next week you’ll find out
how the Jesuits are involved in

the last days.

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