Aliens (demons) from another dimension are active in the Vatican. Who are these aliens? We know them as fallen angels or demons. These “aliens” are here stay. Tom Horn and Cris Putnam investigate end time deceptions in the form of fallen angels, human hybrids and shifting doctrines of salvation. Be aware and be prepared! 2014 All Rights Reserved.

Is there a supernatural

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets
of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
“It’s Supernatural!”

Sid: Hello. Welcome to my world

where it’s naturally

Last week we found out about
these amazing prophecies buried

in the Vatican, 900 years ago,
what would happen to each pope

all the way up to the last pope.

On this show we’re going to
continue and we’re going to talk

about the Vatican’s secret plans
for welcoming an alien god with

a small “g” under the last pope.

Last week talked about St.

And Chris, I have to ask you,
does the pope know about these


Do the cardinals know about the
prophecies and what do they

think of them?

Chris: Well Sid, there’s
actually a lot of evidence that

they do take it seriously.

In fact, Pope Pius XII, who was
the pope during the World War

II, he actually produced a
documentary film about himself,

and the title of the film is the
Malachy motto for his papacy,

“Angelic Shepherd”.

He actually entitled the film
after the Malachy Prophecy’s

prediction for him.

So he not only endorsed it, he
claimed it.

Sid: Okay.

Tom, as just a short review,
what based on the prophecies out

of the Vatican that were hidden
for all these generations, are

they anticipating with the final

Tom: Well the idea among both
Catholics and Protestant

scholars is that he will be the
final pope.

He is the one who is going to be
residing over the Vatican as it

enters into the great
tribulation period, and there’s

also the belief among even some
of the Catholic mystics that he

might be a false pope, an
anti-pope, somebody who gives

rise to the Antichrist.

Sid: Let me tell you something,
Judaism, Christianity and other

religions have focused on the
year 2012.

You know, you remember, the
Mayan prediction, the end of the

world in 2012.

So everyone has discounted all
of that.

But that’s not exactly what the
prediction said.

What did it say?

Tom: In the conferences where I
spoke last year, I kept telling

people, don’t say it’s the end
of the world.

That’s not what the Maya said,
that’s not what the Aztec,

that’s not what the Cherokee
Indians said, all of whose

calendar rolled over at the end
of 2012.

What was it that they were

They were saying 2012 was the
end of an era and 2013 marks a

new dispensation.

Now the Maya said some things
that were very interesting.

They said it would be marked by
the emergence of two great male

figures that would emerge upon
the earth.

That doesn’t sound very much
like they’re talking the false

prophet and the Antichrist.

They talked about their god,
Bolon Yakte-K’uh, the spirit of

it coming up from out of the

Now what does this god do?

He guards the bones and the seed
of the giants that are in the

underworld, and that that spirit
would begin to rise in the year

2013, giving birth even to a new
form of humanity.

Sid: You’re talking about what
I’ve read about and pondered

about so many times in the

Maybe you’ve read about this
where the Nephilim, where the

sons of god cohabitated with the
daughters of humans and produced

great giants.

That’s what it sounds like to

Tom: That’s exactly what I’m
talking about.

And furthermore, turn of the
century preachers, including

Jonathan Edwards, marked the
year 2012 to 2016 as the date

when the false prophet and the
Antichrist would appear.

Dozens of Protestant reformers
marked these years hundreds of

years ago.

Not only that, and you
appreciate this with your Jewish

ministries, the Zohar, one of
the most important books of

Jewish Kabbalah ever written.

Sid: It is accepted in
traditional Judaism as coming

from God.

It’s not all from God, I can
tell you, it’s a fact.

But it’s an interesting
situation that it talks about.

Tom: In a section of the Zohar
called “Signs Heralding the

Mashiach”, the coming of the
Messiah, they marked the year

5773, which in the Jewish
calendar began in September

2012, and comes through into
this year, 2013, and said that

was the time, in fact, much of
the prophecies are almost

identical to the prophecy of the

It is a time that will lead to
the destruction of Rome, and

more importantly, they said at
time Messiah will begin making

himself known to the nations of
the world.

This 700 years ago prophesied
that between 2012 to 2013, the

emergence of the Messiah would
appear on Earth, almost an

identical parallel to cultures
around world, that for thousands

of years saw these dates
specifically as the time when

the End Times would begin.

Sid: Speaking of End Times, many
of you are familiar with the

apparitions of Mary in Fatima,
and people going there and being


But it’s not exactly the way
we’ve been told, is it Chris?

Chris: No it’s not.

What would happen if there was a
massive UFO siting?

Well what happened in Fatima,
Portugal in 1917 was really just

that, in my opinion.

Now up to 70,000 people gathered
in a field supposedly to see an

apparition of the Virgin Mary.

But if you go and read the
descriptions of what people call

“the miracle of the sun”, they
actually describe seeing a gray

silvery disk rotating around the
sky and kind of putting a

cascade of colors, like a
rainbow of colors.

So really in 1917, no one had
the vocabulary of words like

“flying saucer”.

That’s exactly what it sounds
like they’re describing to me.

Sid: I’ve always thought Mary
just appeared in the sky.

Chris: It really wasn’t Mary at

They’re talking about a sphere
or a silver disk.

Sid: And that same flying
saucer, let’s call it for what

it is, demonic, according to my
notes here, in 1950, Pope Pius

XII saw the same thing.

Explain that.

Chris: Well what’s interesting
about the Marian dogma and all

these things that we don’t see
in the Bible, the theology has

sort of escalated over time.

Now in 1950, Pope Pius saw a
sphere over the Vatican gardens,

the same sort of thing that you
hear about at Fatima.

Now this siting of this opaque
sphere, flying saucer, UFO,

inspired him to define a new
doctrine that all Catholics have

to believe, and that is that
Mary ascended into Heaven, just

like Jesus does in Acts, Chapter

Sid: Wait until you find their
research of what the Vatican is

ready to announce in reference
to End Time Bible prophecy and

in reference to aliens coming to
Planet Earth.

We’ll be right back.

We now return to
“It’s Supernatural!”

Sid: I tell you, it’s coming out
of the water, and a lot of my

End Time thinking is the whole
paradigm is changing in light of

the Bible prophecy that you’re
bringing to us.

Tell me about the Vatican
conference of a gathering of

scientists to discuss
extraterrestrial activity.

Chris: Certainly.

In 2009, the Vatican sponsored
an astrobiology conference.

Sid: And that means?

Chris: That is the study of life
in space.

Now what makes that interesting
is that we don’t really know of

any life in space, yet, our
universities have programs where

you can study this.

They had the top secular
scientists in the world come to

Rome for this conference in

We’re talking atheists, secular

And the sort of the topics that
they’re covering, things like

shadow life exoplanets.

Sid: What’s an exoplanet?

Chris: An exoplanet is a planet
that outside of a solar system.

Sid: Okay.

Chris: So you have the top
scientists gathering at the

Vatican in Rome for a pontifical
academy of sciences, an audience

for the pope to study life in

Sid: Speaking of studying life
in space, how about life on


Tom, tell me about the hybrid

Tom: This is one of the things
that I didn’t even expect would

arrive in our study.

There is academics who actually
believe that there is a

hybridity program that is going
on right now.

And this took me on kind of a
long journey that brought me

back to one question, Sid, and
that is why in ancient days when

the giants, the first original
hybrid humans, right, when they

were created by fallen angels
and were upon the earth, what

was their mission, what was
their program?

It also had to do with hybridity
and it also had to do with

misleading and misguiding, and
even challenging God Himself.

But notice that the oldest
descriptions of these giants,

how told they were, 20 feet, 30

They would be easy to pick out,

There’s a movie out there right
now, “Jack the Giant Slayer”,

and it’s kind of based on that
mythos that exists in every

culture around the world that
tells the story, the gods came

down, the gods mingled
themselves with humans, they

took human genetics, animal
genetics, they created a hybrid


Now the question is down through
time, you know, the Bible tells

us there were giants in those
days and also after that.

So now we get past the flood and
you have Og, the King of Basham.

What is he, 12 feet tall.

He’s certainly not 20 or 30.

And it looks to me like there
was intentional breeding down in

size of these hybrid humans
until today, they could possibly

be walking among us and we might
not even know that we see them.

There are academics who actually
believe now that they are

walking among us, that they’re
even in government.

Now that sounds astonishing.

Sounds like a sci-fi movie,

Sid: It does.

In fact, why is Hollywood
glamorizing all these things at

the same time?

Tom: Well that’s exactly right.

So is that part of the set up?

Are there occultists in
Hollywood that have an agenda to

try to help prepare humanity for
what could be a kind of great


Sid: Genesis 6:9 talks about

Explain that.

Chris: Our research led us to
believe that something that

happened in ancient days could
be occurring even now as we


And when I say ancient days I’m
talking about the days of Noah,

a time when all of the ancient
records from around the world

tell us that very powerful
angels came down and they

mingled with humans and with

Sid: The best record is the
Bible, the Nephilim is what he’s

talking about.

Go ahead.

Tom: Absolutely, the Nephilim.

And it was a period of time in
which only Noah, and therefore

by extension his children were
found, according to the Old

Testament perfect.

When you study why the Great
Flood came, the scripture makes

it very clear that it happened
because all flesh, both man and

beast had been corrupted.

So something was happening in
ancient days that had to do with

the genetic degradation of God’s

Sid: What does it mean when it
says in the Torah about Noah,

that he was perfect?

Tom: Yes, this is the Hebrew
word “temian”.

It means, it’s the same phrase
that’s used to described an

unblemished sacrificial lamb.

It’s talking about genetics.

It’s talking about his DNA had
not been corrupted as evidently

the rest of the world had been
by that time.

So there was a saturation, an
intermarriage between angels and

humans, and then through
intermarriage this was spreading

over hundreds of years until
finally by the time we reach

Noah he’s the last specimen left
that has a genetic makeup, his

DNA, as God had made it.

And therefore, you understand
why God has to send this flood

to wipe out all of this
contaminated forms of life and

sent this judgment in the days
of Noah.

Now Jesus says, “As it was in
the days of Noah.”

Sid: Oh yes.

Tell me this.

In the parable of the wheat and
the tears, the weeds, the wheat

and the weeds, the Messiah said,
let them grow up together.

Don’t pull them out.

I’m wondering if that’s the
difference between those whose

DNA has not be corrupted and
those whose DNA has been

corrupted perhaps through a
hybridization process of these


What do think?

Chris: You know Sid, behind the
scenes right now, this question

is unfolding among academics in
a way that you can’t even

possibly imagine, whether you’re
asking the question, have we

concluded that hybrids are among

And if hybrids are among us can
they even be saved.

This is a complex question
that’s being raised by

theologians right now.

Isn’t that an astonishing thing?

Sid: What’s even more
astonishing to me is the

Vatican’s secret plan for
welcoming in an alien god, with

a small “g”.

We’ll be right back.

We’ll be right back to
“It’s Supernatural!”

We now return to
“It’s Supernatural!”

Sid: I’ll tell you what, very
few Christians, Protestants or

Catholics, understand what
you’re about ready to understand

right now.

But there are secret plans for
welcoming, the Vatican will

welcome in this alien from
another planet as God.

Tell me about that.

Chris: Well Sid: when you look
at Bible prophecy and it talks

about a one world government and
a one world religion, you see

how divided the world still is.

We have to think that something
unprecedented is going unite the

world under one heading like

Now Ronald Reagan gave a speech
to the United Nations where he

said, how quickly our
differences would be resolved if

we were faced with an alien
threat from outside this world.

This is in the ’80s, he gave
this speech in the U.N.

Now if you look around the world
what people believe, statistics

in the United States say around
50 percent of Americans already

think that UFOs are aliens
visiting the earth.

Now there was a recent poll in
the United Kingdom, more people

believe in extraterrestrials in
the U.K than God.

And that’s a fact.

And so to me, the strong
delusion is already here.

The groundwork has been laid.

Now our hypothesis is these
powers and principalities that

Paul writes about in Ephesians
6, these demonic forces, have

seeded this idea into the world,
so we are primed and ready for a


Sid: Okay.

What makes you think the Vatican
has plans to announce this?

Chris: Well you know, they’re
having astrobiology conferences.

They’ve made in intellectually
virtuous to believe in these


They’re writings come out of
their theologians have pretty

much made the argument that if
you don’t believe in

extraterrestrials then that is
actually the heresy.

Sid: You talk about that the
Vatican is going to re-evaluate

their position on basic

What do you mean by that?

Chris: Well their theologians
have written that they think

that these entities will be
evangelizing us, that they think

the chances are that they’re not
fallen and we are, so that we

would have to modify our beliefs
according to their revelation.

Sid: So are they talking about
setting up teams to evangelize

humans and aliens?

Is that what you’re really

Chris: If you get on the
Internet right now you’ll find

Sid: And baptize them?

Chris: Hundreds of articles from
the Vatican astronomers talking

about baptizing

Sid: A hundred years ago our top
wonderful theologians had

predictions based on their study
of Scripture.

Tell me about Hawkins Pember
that wrote the days of Noah, a

hundred years ago.

Chris: George Hawkins Pember was
writing in the 19th century and

he found parallels between what
he saw in the days of Noah and

his age.

And you know, he pulled out
seven parallels, and there were

things like the church marrying
itself to the world.

And I went through his list and
then compared it to where we are


Now everything that he saw in
the 19th century has just, you

know, exponentially grown.

I mean, you look at the church
married to the world.

Now we have mainline
denominations ordaining

homosexual clergy and putting
them up as their leadership.

Sid: But they saw this a hundred
years ago.

Chris: He did.

And the seventh thing on his
list was actually the appearance

of these entities, and he called
them from the Prince of the

Power of the Air, which is what
Paul calls Satan in Ephesians,

Chapter 2.

Now the demonic realm in the New
Testament world view was the

atmosphere above the earth.

Sid: Now tell me a couple of
other points that he saw.

Chris: Well Pember saw a vast
population increase for one.

Now our population has grown by
leaps and bounds since something

he couldn’t even imagine.

He saw a confusion in the gender

He was talking about it in the
19th century.

Sid: Does that sound familiar to

It sounds familiar to me.

Chris: I don’t think he would
have any inkling of how far

that’s gone now.

Now we have transsexuals.

We have homosexual marriages.

Sid: What did he say about

Chris: He saw that there was an
emphasis on God being benevolent

to the extent that they denied
His holiness.

Now I think that we see this in
this idea of pluralism, which is

so popular in our culture where
all religions point to the same


And this is a really acceptable
notion in today’s society.

Like talk about Hell or eternal
punishment, or the exclusivity

of our Messiah, Yeshua, is the
thing that most people don’t


Sid: But you see, all these
things the Bible says is black

and white.

They’ve got to be watered down
for there to be a one world

religion, for people to welcome
in an Antichrist.

I mean, what a set up.

Even one of the things that he
prophesied that you just brought

up is a lack of holiness, a lack
in belief that there is a Hell,

a lack in belief that there is
even a devil.

And you know, some of these
things are surfacing right now.

Chris: Absolutely.

And I even quoted some of the
Catholic theologians at Notre

Dame who deny that Satan is a
real personal power.

They just see him as some sort
of abstraction nor metaphor for


Sid: I want you tell me the
strongest thing in all of your

research, and you’ve done, both
of you have done extensive


I want each of you to tell me
the strongest thing you found in

your research.

Tom: Well as I’m listening right
now to you and Chris talking,

the strongest thing that’s in my
mind is, again, what Vatican

experts have told us.

When Father Malachi Martin was
asked, why is the Vatican, why

do they have a presence on Mount

And one of the things we haven’t
had time to talk about is Mount

Graham is sacred to the Apache.

It is a star gate through which
they, for centuries, have seen

creatures that come, that move
back and forth.

Sid: Now this is right in

Tom: This is in Arizona.

And in fact, their creation
mythos is that a disk came down

and a bearded guy in the disk
who was the Father of Creation

was what established Mount
Graham as a holy mountain.

Well anyway, when Malachi Martin
was asked, why is the Vatican on

Mount Graham, what are they
doing up there?

He said that they’re using their
telescope to watch something.

And when he was pressed on the
question, he said it’s because

of the highest levels of the
Vatican governance, they know

what is approaching the earth,
and it will be of the utmost

importance in coming years.

They are literally watching
something with the Lucifer

device that is approaching
Planet Earth now.

Sid: What do you believe they’re
looking for?

Tom: I think that they could be

I think they’re watching
something and they think it’s

one think and I think it’s
something else.

Lucifer, I think it’s Satan.

I think, Jesus said, “I beheld
Satan as lightening falling from


It has to do with the power of
the air.

And of course, you know, when
Pope Benedict stepped down not

long ago, twice lightning struck
the top of the St. Peters

Basilica, and this goes back
their belief system.

In Romanism, the belief was that
the god would tell you when

somebody should step down and
when a new king should be

elected, and it’s called
augerism, and it’s where we take

the word “inaugural” or
“inauguralism” for replacement

of the new king.

Sid: I tell you what, as the
kids say, you’re blowing my


But you’ve got to make Jesus
your Lord, believe he forgave

you of the sins, believe he’s
your Lord, welcome him inside


Sid: I’m interrupting this

telecast with a special

We have a new pope, St. Francis.

According to the Malachy
Prophecy, he had to be a Roman.

Did you know that the pope’s
parents were from Italy.

Not only that, he’s the first
Jesuit to ever be pope.

And as you just heard, the
Jesuits are involved with the
