On this episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, Tim Sheets says God has released more angels on Planet Earth than ever before in history. They’ve come for a move of God’s Spirit and to partner with you! Tim says it’s time to mobilize yours.

Is there a supernatural

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets
of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: Hello. Sid Roth here.

Welcome to my world where it’s
naturally supernatural.

That’s the way it’s supposed to

My guest says that God has shown
him that more angels have been

released on Planet Earth than
ever before in history.

Do you know why?

Because we are about ready to
see the greatest move of God’s

spirit in the history of Planet

He has spent the last ten years
being trained by the Holy Spirit

studying every scripture on
angels and he’s here to help you

mobilize your angels.

Are you interested?

I’m here with Dr. Tim Sheets and
there are so many things I can

talk about.

But I heard about what Tim and
his brother Dutch did.

His father was part of the great
healing revival.

That was normal for him and his

And you literally would sweep
cancers off the floor.

Tim: Yes.

We were 11, 12 year old and so
Dad put us to work and he would

have Wednesday night would be
healing night and Sunday nights


And our job was to when the
healings lines came there would

be people with cancer or
internal problems, and we

actually did clean cancer up off
of the floors and also they

would bring people from the
hospital or nursing homes in


And a part of our job was to get
the doors open and help push

people to the altars, and so we
saw great miracles.

Sid: But we’re living in a
generation that has not seen


Our young people, they’re going,
I like to use the Hebrew word,

they’re going meshuga with what
they’re learning in college.

I want them to go meshuga over

Tim: The first of the year the
Holy Spirit gave me this word

and it was this: You will see an
increasing rise in the healing

of paralysis and it will be a
sign that the paralysis in my

body, his church body, is being

The church is being healed of
the paralysis and the sign for

that, he said, is going to be
the healing of paralysis in his


All over this world today
watching this program you talk

about evangelism, wait until
someone runs out of a wheelchair

then you’ve got their attention.

This coming generation needs to
see the power of God.

My generation needs to see the

All of us need to see the power
of God.

This is a time to let it be
activated by the Holy Spirit.

Grab hold of this with your
faith and say this is for me.

I’m going to activate my faith
and the paralysis is going to

leave in the name of Jesus.

I’m getting out of this

I’m going to do things I
couldn’t do before.

That’s what we heard when I was
growing up.

They would always end with do
what you couldn’t do before.

Oral Roberts used to say it
every time, “Now do what you

couldn’t do before.” I believe
hundreds and thousands of people

watching today can do what they
could not do before if they’ll

just activate this promise.

It’s a promise.

Sid: I don’t know what it is,
but this is what I’m seeing.

I’m seeing you at home and I’m
saying if you will just jump off

out of your chair.

Tim: Yes.

Sid: That’s what I heard him

Jump off and activate what God
has done for you right now.

I have to take you to 2003.

You had a life-changing
visitation of the Holy Spirit.

Tim: Oh absolutely.

Sid: What happened?

Tim: I was praying, Lord, give
me an assignment.

Where am I going?

What am I supposed to be doing?

And I had actually been praying
about apostolic networks.

And the Lord said to me, “What
about my angel networks?” I had

never thought of it.

I don’t know why, Sid, but I had
not ever thought about angels

networking, but I thought, sure,
they’re not just disorganized


God didn’t make angels to see if
he could.

They have a purpose.

And he began to talk to me about
that purpose.

What is he, why is he
reactivating angels and why does

he want me to study them the way
that he was asking me to study


And then he spoke to me, and the
Holy Spirit said, “I am going to

release and I’m going to
supervise another campaign for

King Jesus on this earth similar
to Pentecost in Acts Chapter 2.

Only this time I’m bringing far
more of the angel armies.” It

was spoken to me, I thought it
was out loud.

I don’t think it really was, but
that’s how bold it was.

And then a few days later I
heard him, I was out praying

again and I heard him say, “The
greatest days in church history

are not in its past.

They are in its present and they
are in its future.” I’m telling

you a great move of God is
beginning to unfold and if the

Holy Spirit will pour out an
anointing upon us that is even

greater than Pentecost in Acts
Chapter 2, and he adds to them

more of the angel armies, why
can’t we see a great harvest?

A key to seeing a great harvest
has got to be the releasing of

miracles once again to get their

I believe that what a real
evangelist would be, yes, he’s

going to speak the Gospel, but
he’s got to also demonstrate the


That’s why we got to see people
getting out of the wheelchairs

and running.

I was, it was in my office a few
years ago now, one of the first

times angels spoke to me and
that’s what angels, one of the

things they do.

They’re messengers so why
wouldn’t we think we get

messages and all over the Bible
it’s the Angel of the Lord said,

the Angel of the Lord spoke,
etc. There are so many


I was in my office on Saturday.

I was studying for Sunday

I was the only one there and the
atmosphere of the room changed.

And that came over me, and I’m
like, so I put the pen down and

I sat there, and I said, “Lord,

What?” And I started praying and
I didn’t hear anything.

So I got up from my desk and I
walked out into the balcony.

My office is behind a balcony
and I said, and I kept praying.

And as I was there the Angel of
the Lord came to me and he said,

“Tomorrow morning I want you,
you are to declare God’s healing

power is going to fall like rain
on this congregation.” Sid: I’ll

tell you what.

I want him to hold that thought
because this is absolutely

amazing what he’s going to

But I believe as he shares it
that same rain is going to fall

on you.

We’ll be right back.

We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: Okay. We’re all on the
edge of our seats.

Tell me about the rain.

Tim: The Angel of the Lord spoke
to me, this was a Saturday

afternoon, and said, “Tomorrow
declare that God’s healing power

is going to fall in this house
today like rain.” So I got up

after the praise and worship
when I would normally be ready

to preach, and I just said, “The
Angel of the Lord spoke to me

yesterday that I was to declare
God’s healing power is going to

fall like rain today.” When I
said that, hundreds of people

fell under the power of God just
everywhere, getting healed.

But the amazing miracle

There was a young man, his
family always pushed him in a

wheelchair up to the front row
in the front aisle.

This young man was a part of our
youth ministries and he was on

the basketball team with me,
softball, etc., very athletic.

But he had gone in for surgery
and the surgeon nicked his

spine, so he was paralyzed from
his waist down.

And so they pushed him in every
week and we laid hands on him,

we poured oil on him, and but we
still took him to the games in

the wheelchair.

But this day God’s healing power
is going to fall like rain on

this congregation.

Hundreds of people fell and I
pointed over to him, and I said,

“Today rise and walk.” Sid, he
started to shake, and I said,

“Get up.” And he did this.

He stood up.

Well when he stood up I did
pirouettes I didn’t know I could


I jumped, I spun.

Everybody spun.

We all knew him.

He was one of us and we felt so
bad for him.

Now he’s up and the only way I
can picture his leg if you would

picture a mummy trying to walk
like this, you know.

And he took a couple of steps.

Well he wasn’t able to do that.

And after the third step he was
loosed and he took off running

across the, took off running and
he jumped.


And he jumped into the arms of
one of our assistant pastors,

totally healed.

I’ve got pictures of him holding
up the wheelchair over his head

and I got a letter from an
Indian doctor that was his

doctor that, the surgeon, and he
didn’t say God did it.

He just said, medically this is

Sid: I like it.

Tim: There’s nothing impossible
with God.

Sid: I love it.

I love it.

You told me just a few minutes
ago before we got on the air

that your last couple of
meetings something very usual is

happening to us.

Tim: Yes.

The atmosphere is changing.

I think all the intercession
that is starting to be stirred

up, the prayer movements are
being reactivated, it’s all

coming together and all the
previous moves of the Holy

Spirit, all those outpourings
down through history are

reserved for our times.

He’s going to activate all of
them together at the same time.

Sid: What a time to be alive.

People are moaning and groaning
about bad news.

We’re called to give good news.

This is good news.


You had a visitation of the Holy
Spirit and you had your end time

assignment told to you.

What did he say?

Tim: I was in Indianapolis and I
was doing a spiritual warfare

seminar, and through the day I
was in the motel room because I

didn’t speak until that night.

And that day I was just praying.

I was laying on the floor of
that motel room and the presence

of God came into that room so
strong, and it was the first

time that I saw a light being.

It’s the only way I know to
describe this angel.

It was very tall and it’s like a
being of light.

This is a holy moment for years
I didn’t tell anybody.

That’s how holy it was to me.

And the Angel of the Lord that I
know now is a part of the

apostolic assignment on my life
said, “You’re about to be

declared an apostle of the Lord
Jesus Christ.” Sid: An apostle

is a sent one that moves in
signs and wonders.

Tim: Exactly.

Sid: That eliminates a lot.

And what did he then reveal was
your calling?

What are you sent to do?

Tim: I am sent to release angel
armies, part of it, and I begin

to see the calling of God on my
life is to build an apostolic

hub where fivefold ministries
can be released, where the

supernatural signs, wonders and
miracles can be released and

where we have an open heaven
where angels can ascend and


Because where that freedom is
then there can be an engagement

in the culture that is totally
different than just a local

church, not that there’s
anything wrong with that, but

you can begin to affect a

Sid: Okay.

When people hear “angel” they
think of these cherubim, these

cute little babies with wings.

Some don’t think of anything.

Tell me what you think of when
you hear angels.

Tim: God called them holy angels
and mighty angels.

That’s the word “dunamis”.

Dunamis, we do get the English
word dynamite from dunamis, but

dunamis doesn’t mean dynamite.

It means the dynamite is lit and
the explosion is dunamis.

Angels are beings that have the
released energy of God, power

from on high.

They are mighty angels.

They carry the anointing of the
Kingdom of God upon them.

They carry the assignment of the
Holy Spirit.

They’re not little cherub wimps
that just float around on a



If you ever see an angel it’s
almost, you almost tremble at

the power that exudes off of

Sid: You call them warriors.

Tim: They are warriors.

We don’t have sissy angels.

I don’t have any sissy angels.

I don’t need any sissy angels
around me.

How can a sissy angel assist me?

Hebrews 1:14 says, “The angels
are ministering spirits sent to

minister or assist the heirs of
salvation.” We don’t need sissy

angels assisting us.

We need some mighty warriors.

And God said, I’m not giving you
some wimpy army.

I’m giving you a mighty army.

When I speak to them they’re
going to move.

If they need to move demons out
of the way they’ll move.

Our kingdom is stronger than the
dark kingdom.

Our angels are stronger.

Sid: Your angels are that

Your angels do these things.

Tim: Everybody’s angels are.

Sid: You got that?

Does everybody have an angel?

Tim: Everyone has at least two
angels assigned to them from

birth, at least two.

And that’s not to mention
ministry angels that are


Sid: And we release these angels

Tim: Absolutely.

Your obedience to the scriptures
helps release them.

Of course Psalms 103, Verse 20
is a strong key.

Angels harken to the voice of
God’s Word.

When we declare what God says
they actually, the Hebrew text

says they come to attention.

You want to get the angels’

Start declaring what God says.

Now don’t give your angels
whiplash, you know, and say,

here’s what God says, and then
ten minutes later say, nothing

is going to work.

You know, I don’t know if angels
stand around and talk to one

another the way you might think,
but I’ve often wondered if they

say, you know, my guy doesn’t
know what he wants.

He puts me on assignment and
then he takes it away.


Sid: I have to ask you this
question because we’re going to

have to take a break.

Are there many angels here?

What’s going on in this

Tim: You mean right now?

Sid: Right this second.

Tim: There’s healings, healing
angels all over this room right


Sid: So that means when we come
back, people, there’s going to

be an explosion of healing?

Tim: Sure, because…
Sid: Okay.

Don’t go away.

You don’t want to miss this Holy
Ghost explosion.

We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: I am so looking forward to
this segment.

2013, you had a vision.

What happened?

Tim: I began to see like old oil
wells where the boom comes down

and back up.

Probably people have seen it.

Only it wasn’t the iron beam of
the oil well.

It was angels.

They were doing this and I saw
it several days, and I said,

“Holy Spirit, what are you
trying to tell me?” And he said,

“The angels are pumping the old
healing wells and they are

pumping new wells, and you will
now see an increase in healing

and miracles all over the world
as the angels are beginning to

pump those old healing wells.”
And you had asked, what is

happening in this room right

Those angels are here and
they’re pumping those old

healing wells.

Sid: I can feel them.

Tim: The atmosphere is here,

They’re pumping, because we’ve
made decrees like the one you

asked, when are we going to see
the great miracles like we saw

in the healing movement?

We’re going to see them right

We’ll see some today, no
question about it, because the

angels are beginning to partner
and assist the decrees of the

saints that have been saying,
“Lord, we want to see your


We want to see miracles.

We want to see our sick healed
again.” And the angels are

pumping those old healing wells.

Sid: Okay.

When someone, tell me what’s
happening in the invisible world

when someone makes a decree.

Give me an example of this
decree and explain to me what’s

going on in the invisible world.

Tim: Well we are told that when
you make a decree it’s

established, Job said, and
angels harken to the voice of

that decree.

So in a sense you are releasing
an assignment to angels when you

make a decree.

Sid: And if we don’t make a

Tim: Well the way the Holy
Spirit said it to me was, “Idle

words, idle angels.” You don’t
engage them.

Sid: I got that.

Tim: Yeah.

You’ve got to engage them.

Sid: You have to make a decree.

Tim: And the greatest time when
angels are activated is prayer


Lord, we believe what your word
said, the prophetic word was

you’re going to release the
healing angels throughout the


I pray, God, for those today
that are sick in body, even

incurable diseases, we know
there’s nothing incurable where

you’re concerned.

And we declare any time that
you’ve done anything for anyone

we believe you’ll do it for

Lord, you’re no respecter of

Let the wheelchairs become
empty, Lord.

Let cancers begin to drop to the
floor like I saw as a young


Lord, I pray that those that
have been crippled with

arthritis that their bones would
begin to crack and loose so that

they can move again, Lord.

We pray, God, that you would
begin to heal in the area of

relationships, broken to so many
broken hearted people, Lord,

their homes broken, their hearts
broken over children.

Their heart has been broken over
a marital situation.

But release the healing power of
our great King Jesus that took

stripes on his back to seal a
covenant of healing and


We declare, Lord, miracles be,
miracles happen all over.

In this room today let miracles
begin to happen.

It is time for the release of
the angel armies and healing

angels to go and release signs
and wonders, and miracles along

with the church under the
supervision of the Holy Spirit

in Jesus’ name.

Sid: It’s time for you to stop
feeling sorry for yourself.

It’s time to stop looking back.

It’s time to look forward to the
greatest move of God’s spirit.

Tim: Yes!

Sid: In the history of Planet

Tim: Yes!

Sid: Next week on
It’s Supernatural!

My guest has found the mystery
of the Hiram Code.

This is the key to extreme

Anyone here interested in
extreme favor?