Stand For Biblical Values | Jentezen Franklin

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this generation has come to believe that

the church has no part in determining

how people should vote and that the

church has no say so in it when a

minister or a Christian speaks out like

I’m doing this morning against voting

for a Bill in Congress that is not

biblical many believe that that preacher

is out of line and that he should be

silent but that was not how this nation

was founded and

formed when they started the colonies

for one reason religious

freedom they came here on and they

established the colonies it’s amazing

they really were religious sanctuaries

for various denominations of Christians

for example Pennsylvania was founded by

the Quakers because the Quakers which

was a religious Bible teaching preaching

group of people they wanted to practice

their faith without being interfered by

Britain and the and the church of

England and their Doctrine they wanted

their own Doctrine that’s where

Pennsylvania came from Maryland was

established as a Catholic State for the

Catholics Massachusetts was established

by and for the Puritan denom ation there

was no separation of church and

state Reverend John Witherspoon was one

of the 56 signers of the Declaration of

Independence out of six 56 men who

signed the Declaration of Independence

one of them was a

preacher from the beginning American

preachers have played a major role a

major role in America and in the

establishment of laws let me let me give

you an example Reverend John

mullenberg on in

1776 was a member of the black robe I

love this the black robe clerical group

there was a group of


preachers the black robe regiment is

what they called themselves back then

the preacher wore black

robes and this man John

mullenberg decided

to preach and stand so strong that he

did something his congregation did not

expect he preached from the third

chapter of

Ecclesiastes when he saw that Britain

was coming to take away their freedom

here in this nation he said in

Ecclesiastes chapter 3 three there is a

Time For Peace and then he preached this

part there is a time for

war then he shocked his congregation

when he pulled his robe off and he had

his enlisted War uniform on he turned to

a drummer boy that he had sitting over

there and he started doing the drum roll

and walked down the aisle and said to

his congregation if you want freedom for

your life for your religion for your

children for your families follow me

into battle and he walked outside and

the men kissed their wives

goodbye and Mill Gibson made a movie

about it called the

Patriot how’s

that I’m a calm little preacher

this morning amen keeping my coat

on I like this next guy let me tell you

about another preacher you say well

you’re sitting there in

Freedom you’re sitting there and it cost

you nothing you’re sitting here and you

say what you want to say go where you

want to go do what you want to do it was

because men and churches stood

up Pastor James Codwell now I like this

guy he was a pre I almost want to become

a presbyterian he was a presbyterian in

the First Presbyterian Church in

Elizabeth toown New Jersey and he began

to preach sermons on Liberty and freedom

on capitalism and how that the word of

God is a reward teaches reward and says

in the New Testament if a man won’t eat

if a man won’t work he shouldn’t eat

unless he’s unless it’s a widow or poor

or or physically infirm if you’re

La you don’t reward that it’s not

equality it is

not it’s get up and go to work and you

can be anything you can dream to be if

you want it hard enough and try hard

enough and I know that certain people

need a helping hand that’s all biblical

I can’t I can’t preach everything up

here the Bible clearly teaches help the

poor and the needy do everything you can

for those who are disadvantaged but the

Bible never rewards people who are

lazy who do not work now I like this guy

because his preaching became so strong

that he was put on a assassination list

by by the by England and they called him

the rebel PE uh uh priest and he would

walk up to the big wooden pool pit and

he would reach up under his robe and he

had two pistols and he laid them on both

sides uh and then he pulled out the old

black book and let it fly and kept his

eye on the congregation I thought Lord

have mercy I’m a I’m just a little wimpy

preacher I don’t even have my guns I’m

not even packed in this


morning it’s really

something they couldn’t get him so they

killed his wife this is all historical

facts they killed his

wife and after he went to her funeral he

rode he rode to where the battle was

taking place listen to this and when he

got there the troops had run out of

wading for their musket guns I don’t

even know what wading is but apparently

if you don’t have it you the the the

trigger the it will not connect and and

you can’t send the the the musket where

it needs to go but listen to this so

when they needed uh uh I better go back

to my notes when they when they needed

wading paper for wading to make the guns

W those musket guns work and they didn’t

have any paper he had to he he rode on

his horse to the local Presbyterian

Church went inside took all of the hym

books gathered them up took them out to

the battlefield threw them down on the

ground and told the troops tear the

pages of the hymns out and uh use it for

wading and and shoot your gun and take

care of

business man what is wrong with

us what is wrong with us

maybe another one that I’ll tell you

about is Pastor Jonas Clark on April


1775 as Paul Riv was writing through his

town in

Massachusetts screaming the British are

coming the British are coming this Brave

Pastor was asked by he had someone there

who who he was hiding by the name of

John Hancock who would end up signing

the independence the the Declaration of

Independence and and and they had a

little meeting and even Paul R

participated and they said do do you do

you think you can get together enough of

your congregation that they would hold

things right here until we can organize

down the road and this great preacher

spoke up by the name of Pastor Clark and

he said the men of Lexington

Massachusetts will fight Clark responded

I I have trained them for this hour and

they will fight if need be die to under

the shadow of the house of

God the next morning Pastor Jonas Clark

and Deacon John Parker LED Lexington

Minutemen out to face the Invaders as

the British approached the Minutemen

they cried out the British cried out the

name in the Name of the King of England

throw down your arms in response

response rang out the colonist we

recognize no Sovereign but God and no

King but

Jesus and he said we don’t want to fight

Pastor I I don’t have time to read

everything but he told him he said we

don’t want to fight but if you want to

fight a fight you’re going to get we’re

going to defend our churches we’re going

to defend our rights we’re going to

defend our faith our family our children

and that was the shot that was heard

around the world world and today we sit

here in America God Bless America and we

are free the home of the free and the

land of the Brave praise God give the

Lord Praise I love my nation Hallelujah

nothing wrong with that that’s not evil

we’ve done a lot of good

we need a new black robe

regiment we need not to fight with

bullets and

bombs but to fight with wheels and

words and to tell the truth of God’s

word we need in this critical hour

Matthew 22 and verse 21 Render unto God

the things that are gods and render

under Caesar or the government the

things that are the governments what

does that mean that means in America the

government is not Washington

DC the government is not the Democrats

or the

Republicans the government is we the

people and he’s addressing Jesus said

that said that verse by the way way he

said if you have if you’re fortunate

enough to get to be the

government to live in a nation where

it’s not a president it’s not a king who

has all authority and all power but if

you are the government give to the

government what you as a great citizen

ought to give to the government and that

includes Doctrine from the Bible which

is love and freedom and deliverance and

why would the church not do that
