Embracing ‘Unwanted Seasons’: ‪@RuthChouSimons‬

‪@RuthChouSimons‬ shares her inspiring journey of immigrating from Taiwan to the U.S. to becoming an author, artist, mother of six boys, and founder of GraceLaced—a Christ-centered art company. Ruth explains that she’s always loved being a mom, but struggled through times of frustration when it came to growing a business on top of managing her household. It was during that time when Ruth came to understand the importance of being faithful in the moment. Her story will encourage you to pursue your passions and trust in God’s plan, no matter where you start. Connect with us through email at [email protected] or on Facebook at Billy Graham Radio.

it wasn’t what we expected it was a

million miles away from this incredibly

adventurous life overseas we thought we

were going to be a part of how does

God’s grace lace through this unexpected

life this life that doesn’t look the way

I thought it would God where are you in

this Ruth Joe Simon’s life has been full

of twists and turns she never thought

that she would be a mother to six boys

an author and artist or the founder of a

Christ centered art company on this

episode of GPS God people stories you

will hear her story and it’s an unlikely

one thank you for listening to GPS God

people stories it’s an Outreach Of The

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

and I’m Jim Kirkland in a few minutes

you’ll hear Ruth talk about surrendering

control and allowing God to direct her

life that’s something Billy Graham

preached about often we’re always

negotiating in all kinds of areas of our

lives but what are God’s terms

what does he want from you tonight

there’s more from Billy Graham later in

this episode but if you’d like to find

out right now what God wants from you

there are some insights at our website

the address is fine peace with good.net

when you’re there click the button that

says begin a relationship with Jesus

Christ that’s what God wants most of all

that’s fine peacewithgod.net

s God people

stories Ruth Joe Simons was born in

taipe Taiwan her parents had immigrated

to there from China during the cultural

revolution when Ruth was four her family

moved to the United States to join her

dad’s family they left with no language

acquisition no money no jobs they had

just moved their whole lives to the

United States without any resources Ruth

is still grateful for the Christian man

who opened up his large Maryland home to

immigrants and refugees who needed help

and those categories included Ruth and

her parents it was the late

1970s my parents were delivering the

newspaper on bicycle and that’s how they

were trying to make ends meet in the

meantime Ruth started school I was

learning a brand new culture I was

learning what it looked like to speak a

language that I barely knew in

kindergarten with with kids that didn’t

look like me and didn’t have homes like

I did and I just look back and think

that was such a struggle to learn how to

make friends and feel comfortable in a

whole new environment as my family was

dealing with Brokenness within extended

family that was the kind of struggle

they immigrated into at that point in

her life Ruth and her family didn’t know

Jesus as their lord and savior I grew up

with parents who loved me who did the

best they could and I felt loved and

cared for and yet something was really

missing in our lives and it was because

we had a story that was really broken

Ruth and her parents were exposed to the

gospel during a tough season of their

lives thanks to the man in Maryland who

opened his home to them but it was only

after she and her parents moved to

Albuquerque New Mexico that Ruth got a

much deeper understanding of what it

means to place your faith in Jesus

Christ my more Vivid memories of really

coming to faith and understanding who

Christ was was around fifth grade when I

started going to VBS with a friend at a

church over the next couple of years

Ruth would continue to learn more about

God it wasn’t until my eighth grade year

that I made a profession and said I

finally understand I need Jesus like

this is not just about going to VBS and

learning a couple of nice things or

going to church and being a good person

I really need a savior it it wasn’t long

after Ruth surrendered her life to Jesus

that her parents made the same decision

as I was going to church with my friends

my parents were invited to a Chinese

American church and so they started

hearing the word of God and feeling

convicted after her parents decided to

follow Christ more change appeared on

the horizon we all moved from New Mexico

to California because they gave their

life to full-time Ministry I actually

finished my high school years in the Bay

Area while my dad went to Seminary Ruth

did early duel enrollment while she

finished up high school I started going

to UC Berkeley because I was an

overachieving Asian-American biocam

student and then I went to Westmont

College Westmont is in Santa Barbara

California while she was there Ruth

sensed she wasn’t on the right career

path her desire to overachieve was

causing a lot of anxiety and adding

pressure to her College studies

I really had a massive overwhelming

breakdown of realizing like I am

performing I am acting like somebody I’m

not I’m trying to find my worth in being

this wonderful biochemistry student and

I don’t even want to do this and so I

turned to Art not because I had such

great vision for how I would use art but

because I just didn’t want what I had at

the time and so was it rebellion was it

just giving up r still isn’t exactly

sure what prompted her to switch Majors

but she knows this it was part of God’s

sovereignty I said I cannot study

biochim anymore I cannot keep the pace

that I’m going and the the striving and

the constant like pressure to

perform and ironically what I thought

was moving away from something and

simply taking an easy way out turned

into the very medium that God would use

later on to bring him glory which I just

think is fascinating right because I

turned the art kind of in a like big

sigh of like I don’t care anymore and

then God really said well actually I’m

going to take the very thing that you

think is giving up and using that for

all these things that you can’t even

imagine Ruth gave up her scholarship at

Westmont and transferred to the

University of New Mexico to pursue an

art degree by this point she had already

met her future husband Troy Simons they

had met at a Christian Ministry

my husband and I got married out of

college and then decided to go back to

the same Seminary that I had been at

with my parents in my high school years

and we thought we were going to be

full-time missionaries Ruth and Troy

planned to study in a two-year master’s

program at a seminary to prepare for a

life of

missions but it did not pan out that way

for several reasons we actually did not

finish that degree and with my

background as a recovering striver you

can imagine how hard it was for me to

stop something I set out to do I felt

like such a failure to like leave

Seminary not finish not go on the

mission field and then move to Colorado

and help with a family business and

basically just work a normal job and do

normal things it was the start of a

frustrating season for Ruth and a time

when she questioned God’s plans I kept

thinking Lord why would we be doing this

like why would we possibly have gone to

Seminary or why do I have these giftings

if it’s just going to be not used and

that was a season of waiting the next

several years were hard for the Simons

my husband wanted to be a pilot that

didn’t come to fruition and then he was

offered a job in pastoral Ministry over

youth back in Albuquerque New Mexico so

we lived in Colorado for 2 years moved

back to Albuquerque New Mexico in the

early 2000s and that’s where we started

our family that family would eventually

consist of eight people Ruth Troy and

six Sons it wasn’t what we expected it

was a million miles away from this

incredibly adventurous life overseas we

thought we were going to be a part of

and now we were back in our hometown in

church ministry with a whole bunch of

boys every other year I was having

another boy somehow well while raising a

family God used Ruth and her husband to

lead a Collegiate Ministry plan a church

and start a Christian School oh and in

her Spare Time Ruth turned to Art and

writing during that season I really

painted for friends offered some of my

paintings sometimes as part of a silent

auction to benefit the school there was

so much more about developing the craft

than it was to develop a profession I

remember I started the blog at that time

and began really small thinking I’m just

going to write to work out these things

that I’m going through and learning how

the grace of God is woven through my

everyday life Ruth poured her heart into

a Blog that she named Grace La its

purpose was to encourage herself and

others to seek God’s word how does God’s

grace lay through this unexpected life

this life that doesn’t look the way I

thought it would I’m not overseas I’m

not even doing the kind of work I

thought I was going to do we’re not

living where I thought we were going to

live God where are you in this in this

busy season of motherhood Ruth worked to

let God shape her heart as she helped

shape her children I was able to carve

out some time during nap times because

some of the kids were a little bit older

and my career really started and

flourished from my kitchen table I was

just sitting there working on reading

with the kids or doing some homework and

I would pull out my paints and Linger on

the word of God and paint right there at

my kitchen table and I started sharing

it online this is when Ruth started to

see her gifting as a Ministry to others

it wasn’t just that I wanted to sell a

few prints it was that wow I suddenly

realized that all this time spent

thinking about how the gospel matters in

a life that you didn’t expect how how

does this gifting in art matter when you

didn’t even think you were going to be

an artist or what does it mean when you

start Seminary but you don’t finish it

well all those things were brought

together and woven in the stories that I

was telling and the ways I was

meditating on God’s word and even in the

paintings I was painting inspired by

what I was reading as people started

responding to her work Ruth had a

realization so much of what we aim for

we want to make a difference we want to

do something with our lives but God was

choosing to use several broken parts of

my life things that didn’t seem like

they made sense at all and he was

bringing them together in a way that

ultimately told a story I couldn’t tell

any other way my encouragement through

the word of God my pointing to God’s

faithfulness through a piece of artwork

or the way I was writing a blog post

that would encourage somebody who’s also

struggling with motherhood or also

struggling with Ministry or also

struggling with where they were at in

life that that was making a difference

and so that started that next season of

life where I started asking the Lord how

can I use writing and painting For Your

Glory around that time Ruth’s artbrand

also called Grace laced was born pretty

unintentionally it was October 2013 it

started with me literally just trying to

do a Blog series posting it on social

media I would write right at the my

kitchen table while my kids were

homeschooling and reading their books

and finishing their assignments I would

read some scripture and then I would say

Okay part of today’s task is to like

actually Draw Something create something

paint something in connection with

something I’m meditating on thinking

about and then the internet slightly

just getting really excited about this

and saying can I please buy that by

Thanksgiving I knew I needed to make

this really actually more available I

was getting so many emails and so many

DMS about buying my artwork and I began

selling them on the e-commerce section

of my website after seeking advice from

other people Ruth was able to get her

business up and running with just a few

hundred I had $300 saved up in a little

account that was just for saving for

things that I was interested in and I

took that $300 and said let me just try

initially didn’t even buy a scanner just

got things scanned at kingo’s and then

get them printed and then put them in a

plastic sleeve and put them in a mailer

I remember drawing all over that mailer

that first year because I wanted people

to feel really loved when they got that

package that’s how the business started

by November 2014 just over a year after

the business started Ruth had processed

her first 1,000 online orders all while

raising six boys it was already already

so shocking that I had sold a thousand

orders that first year there’s no way I

could have imagined hundreds of

thousands of orders around the world in

the years to come or that because I

developed an audience where it wasn’t

just matching furniture or having pretty

art it was the desire to hear what I had

to say about the word of God paired with

this artwork that I would have the

opportunity in

2017 to publish my first book that I

self-titled and called Grace Lac that

devotional was a combination of Ruth’s

artwork and her writing that was

somewhat of a groundbreaking concept for

a book it wasn’t common to have a

devotional that was a little bit more

theological because of who I am but also

in full-blown art so that it almost felt

like it was worthy of being a coffee

table book but also something that

people took to the beach Ruth had

thought she was just going to write that

one book but again God had other plans

she has since authored several other

devotionals hardbacks with full color

art in them as well as traditional

hardback chapter books she’s also pinned

Bible studies and even a children’s book

I’m astounded just that I have so many

opportunities to use my words and my art

in ways that can encourage and build

people up but also help other believers

look to Jesus and hear the gospel in a

fresh and encouraging way and for those

who are not Believers for them to behold

the beauty of the gospel and behold the

beauty of Christ in a way that’s I pray

Winsome in a way that is Invitational

Ruth remembers a time when she got a

glimpse of how God had used her work it

happened while eating with her family at

a restaurant the waitress who is serving

us says wait did you write a book I

recognize your boys from a photo she

says I picked up your book because it

was just so beautiful I didn’t even

really look at what the book was about

it was just really beautiful and I

smiled to myself and thought I hope she

finds Jesus I hope she knows her Savior

and knows her Creator through the pages

of my book Ruth and her husband now live

back in Colorado and run Grace Lac

together and two years ago they planted

another church in her life’s journey

full of these twists and turns Ruth

shares what she struggles with the most

I think the biggest challenge every day

is accepting what God’s given us and not

trying to run ahead of him we all think

that we know what’s best right I’m

tempted every day to believe that

somehow I could hustle a little harder

strive a little more or just like

somehow squeeze the situation or kind of

reorganize my circumstances so that I

could get exactly what I want for my

circumstance for my life for the people

that I love and it’s a posture that can

wear us out if we don’t recognize how

sinful that is what I struggle with

every day is wanting to turn this

situation that I don’t want into

something that’s my agenda keeping her

eyes fixed on God in all seasons of life

has been an important lesson for Ruth to

learn in some Seasons she has spent her

time picking cereal up off the floor and

looking for her kids matching socks

and then in other Seasons she’s been

frustrated that her business wasn’t

growing fast enough there are unwanted

Seasons where it’s like I don’t know how

to get what I want and the difficulty is

that we all go through Seasons like that

we all go through days like that and if

we don’t stop and recognize who God is

in the midst of those Seasons we’ll be

tempted to go and like shift and change

and fix what God’s given us we need to

have a posture where we say Okay Lord

whatever you choose to give me I’m going

to Steward that I’m not going to go

outside of what you’ve given


me Ruth Joe Simons has discovered the

joy of trusting God in every

situation there is true joy in taking

that stance and if you’d like to

discover that Joy would you please go to

our website find peacewithgod.net

once you’re there you’ll see grow in

your Christian faith click there that’s

fine peacewithgod.net

next Ruth shares a word of encouragement

about dreaming your dreams and embracing

God’s work in your life stay close

you’re listening to GPS God people

stories a podcast production of the

Billy Graham Evangelistic

Association we’re all always negotiating

but what are God’s terms what does he

want from you tonight Billy Graham Jesus

used strong terms he said love the Lord

your God with all your heart and with

all your soul and with all your mind and

with all your strength it sounds strange

that God wants total surrender but

Jeremiah the prophet once wrote for I

know that the plans I have for you think

of that now God knows he has plans for

you plans to prosper you not to harm you

plans to give you hope and a future have

you ever surrendered yourself

unconditionally to Jesus Christ God has

a plan for your future if you’ll

surrender to him Jesus said I’ve come

that they might have life and might have

it to the fullness tonight you can take

off your old life its selfishness and

sin and put on Christ and let Christ be

the the dominating thing in your

life you can know the fullness of Life

offered by surrendering your life to

Jesus Christ and you can know that right

now go to find peacewithgod.net and when

you’re there click on begin a

relationship with Jesus Christ again

find peace with

god.net our guest on this episode of GPS

God people stories is Ruth Joe Simons

she’s a wife and mom of six boys ranging

in age from 22 to 11 she’s also an

author artist podcaster and the founder

of Grace La it’s her hope that the

content she creates and shares will help

people know their creator and trust him

and know his Joy no matter what season

of Life they’re in regardless of where

you’re at in life or what your giftings

are never underestimate what God is

doing right now when your dreams aren’t

coming true that God doesn’t waste

anything so make sure you’re stewarding

right now what you have already if you

have three people you can disciple and

teach the Bible too do that diligently

you never know if you’ll ever get an

opportunity to stand before a microphone

and teach 300 or 3,000 but don’t worry

about that be faithful with the three

right in front of you if you long to be

a public speaker and have opportunity to

influence so many but what what you have

right now are little people eating lunch

at your kitchen table influence them be

the primary influencer and the leader in

your home with them you never know how

God’s going to take those skills in

those hard one battles in your own home

where you learn to grow and to persevere

you can’t anticipate how he might use

what you’re Faithfully doing right now

for his glory and your good in the days

to come be faithful right where you are

and let God Write Your Story we’re

grateful Ruth Joe Simons joined us on

this episode of GPS thank you for

joining us and make sure that you are

subscribed to GPS so you do not miss a

single episode we publish new episodes

every other Wednesday and if you enjoyed

this episode please give our podcast a

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tell you how much we value your feedback

I’m Jim Kirkland and this is GPS God

people stories it’s an Outreach Of The

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

always good news
