How to Hear God’s Voice: Episode 9

For Christians, hearing the voice of God should be a normal, everyday occurrence, yet so many Christians don’t even know how to listen to Him. God wants to be involved in our everyday lives, providing us with knowledge on everything that pertains to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:2–4). You can live your life without ever hearing God, but doing so will keep you from His full plan for you. 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗮 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗽 𝘂𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝘂𝘁 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗯𝘆 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘂𝘀, 𝗼𝗿 𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮 𝗱𝗼𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 You can become a Partner or give a donation at: 𝗝𝗼𝗶𝗻 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗧𝘂𝗯𝗲 𝗳𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗽 𝘂𝘀 𝘀𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗼𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗹 𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘄:    / @andrewwommackmin   𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲 to order any of the Hear God’s Voice: or call our Helpline at 𝟳𝟭𝟵-𝟲𝟯𝟱-𝟭𝟭𝟭𝟭. Break out of the status quo and into God-ordained promotion with Andrew’s teaching   This teaching is available as individual products in your choice of either the How to Hear God’s Voice CD or DVD album. Both are available for a limited period for only $20. How to Hear God’s Voice individual products: • How to Hear God’s Voice CD album ($20) • How to Hear God’s Voice DVD album ($20) Visit or call our Helpline at 719-635-1111 to order this life-changing series today! Let Andrew show you how to hear the voice of God so you can come out on top in every circumstance! 𝗙𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗔𝗻𝗱𝗿𝗲𝘄 𝗪𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗳𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺: 📖 Facebook:   / awministries   📷 Instagram:   / andrewwommack   🧵 Threads: ⏰ TikTok:   / andrew_wommack   🐦 Twitter/𝕏:   / andrewwommack   📌 Pinterest:   / andrewwommack   ▶️ YouTube:    / andrewwommackmin   Learn about Charis Bible College at Learn about upcoming events at #AndrewWommack, #HowtoHearGodsVoice #Jesus, #Faith, #Bible


welcome to gospel truth with Andrew wck

a Teaching Ministry that focuses on

God’s unconditional love and

grace where would we be if we hadn’t had

Andrew’s teaching it has just really

like given me so many Revelations he

filled me with a new vision of myself

I’m so grateful that he has been

obedient to the calling that God has

placed on his life and now here’s Andrew

Welcome to our third Thursday’s edition

of The Gospel truth broadcast today I’m

continuing to teach through a series on

how to hear God’s voice and I think that

tomorrow I’m going to end this series I

could actually go longer there’s more

material in this set than what I’ve

taught here on television but I think

I’m going to end this series tomorrow so

if you have wanted to get this teaching

which I really believe that every person

needs this even if you already hear

God’s voice and if God is leading you

this would help you and plus it’s a

great thing just to review and go over

and uh you know people that this could

help you share these truths with them so

I encourage you to please get these

materials and remember that tomorrow is

going to be our last day to offer these

through our television program so you

need to call or write respond today or

tomorrow at the latest and I’ve taught a

lot of things here I’ve talk about how

that God wants to speak to every one of

us he knows Us by by name it’s personal

he wants personal relationship with you

but you have to seek to find it doesn’t

just happen automatically if you can

live without hearing God’s voice you

will so you need to seek then you need

some knowledge and I’ve been sharing a

lot of Knowledge from the word of God

because it says in second Peter chapter

1 that everything that pertains unto

life and godliness comes through the

knowledge of him well hearing God’s

voice is part of that uh process and so

you need knowledge and then you need to

be still and know that he is God Psalms

46:10 you need to shut out the other

voices that steal and choke the word of

God and the voice of God and you need to

listen to that still Small Voice then I

talked about how that God speaks to a

spirit to Spirit it doesn’t come from

the outside in it comes from the inside

out and many people miss the voice of

God because they’re expecting him to

talk about and say call your name and

say Andrew I want you to do this but

instead he just reveals things to your

spirit and your spirit says I want to do

this and you have to be able to discern

is that your spirit that is giv you this

desire this leading or is it your flesh

and Hebrews chap 4:12 says the word of

God is what divides us under between

Soul and Spirit and the thoughts and the

intents of the heart I also talked about

Colossians chapter 3:1 15 where you let

the peace of God rule in your heart and

this is one of the dominant ways that

God speaks to you is just through the

peace of God ruling in your heart you

know the Bible says in Galatians chapter

5: 22 that the fruit of the spirit is

love joy peace longsuffering gentleness

goodness Faith meekness and Temperance

your Born Again Spirit has a supernal

peace that passes all understanding in

it and in any situation that you’re in I

don’t care how severe the storm is on

the outside in your Born Again Spirit

there is peace and if you would follow

that Supernatural peace that comes

through your Born Again Spirit it’ll

lead you into the direction of God every

single time now sometimes it takes some

effort when the storm is really raging

for you to shut all of these things out

and what everybody else is saying and

what circumstances are screaming at you

and just let that still Small Voice that

PE of God rule on the inside but it

really is that simple sometimes it takes

a lot of effort to cut through all of

the Clutter and the noise but it is that

simple you know it’s similar to a a

television station right now most of you

are watching me on television some might

people might be watching on a computer

you might be watching on your phone or

something like that but you have these

signals that are just there in the air

you can’t perceive them until you take

some device and turn it on and tuned to

this signal but the signal is there all

of the time did you know likewise God is

speaking to you constantly the Lord is

constantly speaking and leading you and

guiding you and trying to communicate

with you but you have to be turned on

and tuned in in order to be able to hear

it and the sad fact is many of us are on

the wrong Channel many of us are

listening to this world and we’re

listening to all of the fear and the

doubt and the unbelief that comes

through the world and it’s just drowning

out what God is trying to say so you

have to separate yourself and and get

rid of this clutter and all of this

noise of the world that drowns out the

still small voice of God and let the

peace of God rule in your heart and

again this goes into a lot more detail

I’m cutting some of these things short

and I encourage you to please get this

but I can’t

understate or I can’t overstate

how important the word of God is to you

hearing the voice of God here’s the way

that I look at it if God has written out

instructions in his word and if he’s

given a general word that applies to

everybody then why would he give you a

specific word if you aren’t already

acting on what he’s already said right

here this is God’s will this is his

voice to us this is God speaking to us

the word of God outside of Jesus and the

Holy Spirit is the most important gift

that I believe he ever gave to the world

this is awesome and there are so many

things that he tells us in here he tells

us in here that we aren’t supposed to

commit adultery we aren’t supposed to

lie we’re supposed to honor our father

and mother we aren’t supposed to steal

we aren’t supposed to covet and all

there those are the Big 10 The Ten

Commandments but then there’s just all

kinds of Commandments in here that we’re

supposed to prefer other people and love

them even more than we love oursel not

to disl oursel but to love PE other

people even more that we’re supposed to

turn the other cheek that we’re supposed

to pray for these people we’re supposed

to treat our mate it tells you how to do

that if God gives us the written

instruction right here and if we’re


that then I don’t believe that he is

obligated to speak to us outside of the

word now there are other things that we

need that aren’t written in the word

like say for instance if you’re knowing

does God want me to take this job or

that job does God want me to marry this

person or that person there are some

things that aren’t clearly spelled out

in the word and we need a a specific

word from God that’s what I’ve been

talking about is how to hear that voice

of God but why would he give you a

specific word if you aren’t already

acting on the written word let’s just

take one thing here

it says in U 2 Corinthians chapter 6 in

verse 14 be ye not unequally yolked

together with unbelievers for what

Fellowship hath righteousness with

unrighteousness and what communion hath

light with darkness and what Concord

hath Christ with balow or what part hath

he that believeth with an Infidel and

what agreement hath the temple of God

with Idols for you are the Temple of the

Living God as God has said I will dwell

in them and walk in them and I will be

their God and they shall be my people

wherefore come out from among them and

be ye separate sayeth the Lord and touch

not the unclean thing and I will receive

you and will be a father unto you and

you shall be my sons and daughters

sayeth the Lord Almighty now there’s

many applications of these passages you

could apply this in

business that you shouldn’t enter into

business with people and I’m not talking

about just you know doing business with

somebody but being unequally yolked yed

is talking about like two animals that

are hits to each other and they are

inseparable they are attached to each

other you shouldn’t be in a

business where your business part

partner is completely opposite you in

all of their beliefs and all of their

attitudes you could apply this in

friendships the friends that you stay

with again this isn’t to say that we go

into a monastery and totally separate

oursel from people cuz then we’d have to

leave the world world no we are the salt

and the light and we got to if we’re

going to Salt the Earth we got to get

out of the salt shaker you need some

association with unbelievers you need to

influence them but you don’t need to be

yolked together unequally yolked

together with this person it applies

specifically to marriage and I know that

there’s people Christians that are

saying God should I marry this person

and yet are you following what the word

says are they

unbelievers you you talk about being

yolked together to some degree we have

to have interaction with people who

don’t share our faith and things like

this and I don’t think that God wants us

to totally withdraw but you shouldn’t be

in a in a relationship where you’re

bound together nothing applies to that

stronger than marriage marriage is the

strongest bond and yoke that you could

ever have and so if a person is saying

God should I marry this person well

first of all are they a Believer if

you’re a Believer and they aren’t a

Believer no you should not marry them

and you don’t have to have a special

word from God you just act on the

written word of God and even Beyond if

they are a Believer but do they share

your faith like if they’re a person who

believes that the baptism of the Holy

Spirit and speaking in tongues is of the

devil and yet you believe it’s of God

you’re going to be unequally yolked

together that should be a vital

important part of your life and you

shouldn’t just enter into a relationship

with the person that doesn’t share your

beliefs now again I’m not saying that

you have to be

100% I’m not sure that I agree with

myself 100% on everything but there

ought to be it it’s like a Target there

ought to be this Center the bullseye you

ought to have these basic things what

true salvation is the baptism of the

Holy Spirit foundational things they

ought to be shared for you to enter into

so the Bible says don’t do this and a

person is praying and saying oh God do

you want me to marry this person if the

word’s already spoken and given you

Direction don’t even pray for direction

outside of the

word but let’s say that you’ve got

multiple people here that they’re all

born again they all Spirit-filled they

all share your heart you’ve got a great

uh fellowship with two or three

different people which one do you marry

well then you need a more specific word

you need to be able to hear the voice of

God and that’s what I’ve been talking

about but I want to just underscore that

you first of all act on what the written

word says and then before you ever get a

specific word you act on the written

word if you’re trying to find out should

I buy this house or that house boy

there’s a lot of things I could bring to

bear on this but you know the scripture

says oh no man anything except to love

one another I personally don’t believe

you’re supposed to be in debt I’ve been

in debt and I can guarantee you that if

if I was looking at buying something and

if I had to go in debt to do it I

wouldn’t do it now some people believe

that like a mortgage on a house or

something like that that’s a different

kind of debt and anyway I’m not going to

get in and discuss that but you ought to

first of all go by what the word says

and if you are going to put yourself in

a bind and Under Pressure well then you

just act on the written word of God and

don’t take that without you don’t have

to have a voice from God you just

operate what the scripture says but then

you need if if all things were equal and

you had two different houses that you

were considering and there was no

difference between those two things and

you had to make a decision well then how

do you hear the the specific word of

God that personal word about what to do

which house to get which car to get and

let me say some things here that you

know in some ways I think

we we Advocate our freedom of choice God

has given us a freedom of choice and and

let’s say you know that you’re trying to

buy a car and you’ve got two cars and

they’re they’re equal in in value you

aren’t going to have to go in debt to

get either one and stuff and if you

aren’t violating the thing about oh no

man anything and stuff well then how do

you do this I’m not sure that God’s

going to tell you to get the white one

instead of the blue one now that can

happen because maybe one is is a lemon

and you didn’t realize it it’s not

apparent and if you will be open God May

specifically lead you to get one car

over another one because there’s

something hidden that you wouldn’t know

and the Lord will show you those kind of

things but if everything was equal and

if they were both good cars and

everything I believe some things God

just leaves it up to your choice he’s

not going to tell you whether you buy

this dress or that dress now again there

could be some there could be some

extenuating circumstances maybe one of

those dresses doesn’t cover you properly

maybe it’s ex it’s not modest well then

God would definitely lead you away from

that one but if you had all things

common it’s pretty much your choice

whether you get the red dress or the

black dress whether you get the blue car

or the white car so some things God

leaves up to you and you just make those

decisions but you ought to constantly be

acting on what the written word says

first of all and open to God giving you

a specific word you know to me one of

the classic examples of this is in Acts

the 16th

chapter let me turn over and read some

of this to you but this is where Paul

and Silas were just out evangelizing and

I won’t take time to read the whole

thing but if you read all of this they

started to go north and the Holy Spirit

forbid them to go that direction they

started to go east and the Holy Spirit

forbid them to go that direction they

started to go south and the Holy Ghost

forbid them now think about this were

they specifically being led to go

everywhere did they wait until God just

told them you go into this place no

because if if that was what they were

doing if they were acting on a specific

word God wouldn’t have spoken to them

about going north and then turn around

and say no don’t go that direction he

wouldn’t have spoken to them about going

east and then say no don’t do that and

then go south no don’t do that see they

weren’t waiting on a special word from

God they all already had the command

that Jesus gave where he said go into

all the world and preach the gospel and

if you follow one of these maps of

Paul’s Journey he was just

systematically traveling through areas

and he would go to the major cities in

those areas he wasn’t having a specific

word from God he already had the written

word to go into all of the world and

preach the gospel but he was also

sensitive to the voice of the Holy

Spirit and and so even though he had

plans to go north he was listening and

when the Holy Spirit said nope that’s

not it well then he he started going

another Direction he wasn’t waiting on

just a specific or he was just going in

every direction going into all the world

and finally the Lord appeared unto him

in the

night and told him it says in um acts

16:9 and a vision appeared to Paul in

the night there stood a man of Macedonia

and prayed him saying come over into

Macedonia and help us and after he had

seen the vision immediately we

endeavored to go into Macedonia

assuredly Gathering that the Lord had

called us to preach the gospel unto them

so see he was just going in every

direction because he had the written

word of God the spoken word about going

into all of the world but he was also

listening to God and was sensitive

enough that he know he didn’t have peace

about doing this and so he had stop and

withdraw and finally God appeared to him

in the night I believe one of the

reasons that God appeared to him in the

night and gave him this dream was

because in the morning he would have

been going in another

Direction Paul wasn’t waiting on some

special word he was just taking the

written word of God and he was going

everywhere preaching the gospel I’ve

actually met people before who wouldn’t

witness to a person because they said I

just don’t feel a leading in my heart to

witness to him man you got a you got a

command to preach the gospel to All

Creatures you don’t have to have a

special leading to witness to a person

now you ought to be sensitive enough to

the holy spirit that if he forbids you

and says no don’t minister to them

instead go over here you need to listen

to that and just not do things totally

on your own but you shouldn’t have to

have a special leading it could be that

this person that you were next in line

uh was just going to waste your time or

argue with you or something something

and the person behind them or the person

beside them would be receptive and so

God will tell you to you know don’t just

go down the line go over to this person

you need to be receptive to that special

word but you don’t need to wait on a

special word when the word of God has

already told you to go preach to

everybody and I see that in Paul this is

how Paul evangelized so we should be

constantly in communion with the Lord

and sensitive if he gives us special

instructions but until as he gives us

special instructions you shouldn’t wait

you should be taking the written word of

God a friend of mine used to say that

instead of believing that you’re sitting

at a red light and you’re waiting on God

to give you the green light to go do

something instead you ought to look that

you’ve got the green light to go into

all the world and preach the gospel and

you just ought to be looking in case he

puts a red light up and tells you to

stop that’s great advice and here’s

another thing I’ll just mention this in

passing but when they they he had this

Vision he knew that this was God’s

leading and he went over into Macedonia

and went to Philippi many people believe

that if you are doing what God told you

to do that there’ll just be no problems

everything will work out and This Is How

They discern the voice of God is that

they just try things and if it works

easily well then that must be God if

there’s resistance then that must not be

God that’s not a good way to discern

God’s will because when Paul and Silas

they definitely had seen this Vision

they knew assuredly that God had sent

them into Macedonia And yet when they

got there they got arrested they got

beaten they got thrown into prison and

put in the dungeon the darkest part of

the dungeon with their feet in the

stocks if you use circumstances to

determine what God’s will is well then

Paul and Silas missed God’s will matter

of fact Paul said in another place he

says a great and an effectual door is

open open unto me but there are many

adversaries I don’t believe that you

should use circumstances to dictate to

you what God’s will is but if you were

going to do that which is I don’t think

that’s the way we should do it we just

ought to be able to hear the voice of

God but if you were going to go by

circumstances it’s probably more

accurate to say that if there is

resistance to what you’re doing that’s

probably God instead of everything just

being easy no say Satan will fight

against you when you turn around and

start swimming Upstream there’s more

resistance than floating Downstream so

again I don’t think that we’re supposed

to evaluate God’s Will by just

circumstances but if you did it would

probably be more accurate more often

than not you could discern God’s Will by

the resistance that you experience

instead of just by everything working

out you need to be able to hear the

voice of God and the word of God is the

voice of God it is the general word of

God the voice of God for every one of us

in many many ways but we sometimes need

a specific word but God is not going to

give you that specific direction if you

aren’t already acting on the word that

he’s already given you in the word of

God if you aren’t already following what

the scriptures say there’s no reason for

God to speak to you a special word that

just makes you more accountable you

already are accountable for denying

and not following the word of God why

should he speak something else to you

and just make you more

accountable no you need to act on the

word of God and you need to do

everything that you’ve had revealed to

you through the word of God but you also

need to be listening for any specific

word if there’s any if there’s any fine

tuning of the things that he’s telling

you to do but the word of God is the

foundation of you hearing him and when

he speaks to you through the word you

obey I could say I I don’t know how to

put a figure on it but I would dare to

say that 90% close to 90% of all

Direction God has ever given me came

through the word of God the second most

important encounter with the Lord I ever

had was on January the 31st 2002 and it

came through Psalm

7841 and that scripture says in their

heart they turned back and they limited

the Holy One of Israel and God spoke to

me through that verse and just literally

changed my perspective the way I was

thinking the way I was acting talking

changed my Ministry and I tell you our

whole life and Ministry has been totally

transformed and it was through scripture

that God spoke that to me God speaks

things to me through the examples of

David and Saul and Moses and Elijah and

people like this and he speaks to me and

shows me principles shows me how he

deals with people this is the dominant

way that God speaks to me is through

scripture but then there is also that

specific voice of


God before you were even formed in your

mother’s womb God already had determined

a purpose for your life a god-given

purpose God has a purpose to train you

in what you’re called to do and I tell

you Caris Bible College is a place for

that man if you want a life change come

to Caris come on to

Caris you need to take a step of faith

and start believing God for something

big God made every one of you for

something special the next 2 to three

years could be the most powerful time of

your life if you sit under the word for

4 hours a day for 5 days a week for two

or three years I guarantee you you are

going to have God speak to you and start

revealing purpose to you we all have a

purpose and a Destiny and you will find

that out when you attend Caris Bible

College every one of you were created

for a purpose do you know what that


is all right so in the name of Jesus

here we go one 2 3

we have officially broke ground praise

God thanks to the support of our friends

and partners Andrew has continued the

expansion of our Caris Bible College

campus so that we can raise up more

disciples to take the gospel further and

deeper than ever before because you play

such an important role in raising up

this next Generation Andrew has decided

to give monthly construction updates so

that you can see the progress of what

your giving and prayers have produced

visit Caris campus to see our

most recent update

today I’d like to give all of the

ministers watching this a special

invitation to our Global ministers

conference this will be our 41st

conference and it’s always the first

week of October this year it’s September

the 30th through the 4th of October

we’re going to have Todd White with us

Mike and carry picket myself Bob yandan

Dwayne Sheriff Greg Moore Wendell Parr

Billy epart and it’s just a special time

of the year so make plans to be with us

September the 30th through October the

4th sometimes the most important thing

we can do is rest yavon had been

listening to Andrew’s teachings for

years she knew that God wanted her well

she knew her Authority in Christ and she

knew that by his Stripes she was healed

and yet when given just 3 years to live

God’s instructions were for her to sit

back with him I’d spend hours just

weeping before the Lord not because I

felt sorrow but because he’s so good and

I’d see different aspects of him and and

I can tell you praise is

healing through praising God and

spending time in his word

yavon was now abiding in the finished

work of Jesus from this place of rest

her symptoms gradually

disappear Andrew is offering his booklet

four basics of hearing God’s voice as

his free gift to you today this booklet

is limited to one free booklet per

household and is available in the US UK

Canada and Australia contact us today to

receive your free booklet Andrew’s

complete series four basics of hearing

God’s voice is available in a CD or TV

DVD album and as a USB made from our

daily television broadcast this teaching

is also available as a DVD album or USB

recorded live at a Ministry event each

of these valuable resources is available

for a gift of any amount when you

contact us this entire series is also

available for on audio download

absolutely free from our website we also

want to remind you of Andrew’s living

commentary software the living

commentary includes more than 50 years

of Andrew’s Bible study notes and

personal encounters with God and is

available as a web-based software that

you can access by computer or any mobile

device get Andrew’s living commentary

today for

$120 you can become a Grace partner

through our website at while there you can discover

more product details and download

additional free resources also our

products and additional resources are

available in various languages through

our website you can also order resources or

receive Prayer by calling our helpline

at 719

63511 our heline is open 24 hours a day

7 days a week
