2024 International Faith Conference Dr. Jesse Duplantis and Donald Lawrence & Company


am well we got a big night

tonight man tell you I just uh that was

a load last night

you got to you got to you got to hear

that again you got to process that that

was a lot going on in that message how’s


feel yeah just blessed amen you know

it’s just

uh it’s it’s really you don’t know how

much um it how much happens in the

spirit when you come out to a meeting

like this for you know six consecutive

days and just hear the


um we we’re going to have to do

something about the

devil that that

yeah that’s that’s

it well I want to welcome you to the

second night of the international Faith

conference here at Living Word Christian

Center in force park illino

let’s pray

father we thank you so much for this

meeting thank you you sent us your

best and we expect your best Lord speak


us help us

to be willing to step out on

faith not just hear

it but really be a doer of

it we want to

hear a word

that will make a Mark that won’t be

erased there is work to do and you’ve

chosen Us in these last days to do it so

now Lord let

your anointing be strong in this place

be strong on our singers be strong on

the speaker be

strong on the people people who park the

cars that it be all over this

place when they come on these grounds

they say oo I feel

something Lord we thank you for

it now we again ask for your best during

these times that that anointing be full

in this place that the healing and

deliverance power of God go forth and

we’ll be careful to give you the praise

give our speakers utterance that they

may say exactly what the spirit of the

Lord says and we’ll be thankful for it

it’s all in Jesus name we pray can

somebody say Amen praise praise


God this is Donald this is turn my mic

up this is Donald Lawrence and Company


now and the

singers Donald sat right up

there and uh and listened to me as I

talked about The

Blessing of

Abraham and he

went and he began to put it to

music and that took him through all

kinds of awards and Stellar Awards and


else because he did it by the spirit of

God so let’s welcome him Donald Lawrence

and singers thank you Lord thank you




praise praise the Lord everybody prise

the Lord give God a hand clap praise get

come on open up your mouth and bless

him open up your mouth and bless him

bless him bless him come on you can do

more than that come on give it up to him

let him hear you put those hands

together and open those mouths and give


praise ah ah ah how many people are

expecting great things all week great

things great things great things

Miracles all week miracles in the room

all week Supernatural Miracles down the

room all week long come on give God a

praise give it give it up to him they

said I God I thank you for the great I

thank you for great I thank you for

great come on let’s set the atmosphere I

thank you for great I thank you for

great great healing great joy great

peace I’m expecting it I’m expecting it

I’m expecting

it Hallelujah yes sir Hallelujah yes sir


hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah

hallelu hallelujah come on put your

hands together


everybody this is just the

beginning the year of what refreshing oh

yeah now unfolding the time the time of

yourve expect nothing but victory oh

yeah that’s the promise of our King to

do to receive AB abundance above all

that you

can so what are yall going to say

company expect the gra everybody say

expect the gra expect the gra oh yeah


on he yes sir expect the great I’m

expecting great things expect the great

let me


hear that’s right put those hands


together we’re speaking it make some

noise if you’re expecting a great come

on send up a praise hallelujah what

y’all going to

say beginning the time the refreshing


yeah now unfold his plan is unfolding

the time of your the time of your great


blessing victory in the

house oh


yeah I like this


partall great I’m expecting great things

the put a smile on your face when you


that God’s Got Your


everybody oh

yeah expect the one more

time the great expect the

great now let’s go here what y’all going

to say

anticipate I love this Faith

activate this is your year the


what the



great hey

the great

list oh y’all sound real

good the great

blessing come on y’all tell them tell

them I tell them the blessing is on you

how many people know the blessing is on

you the blessing is on you oh I feel it


bless you I can see it the bless you

do that again the blessing is on you the

blessing is on you the blessing is on

the blessing is on you the blessing is

on you the blessing is on you the

blessing is on you what you going to say






here you

yeah yeah yeah

yeah the blessing is on you I believe it

I believe it I believe it I believe it I

expect the great I expect the great the

great blessing

now yes

sir listen the enemy comes to kill steal

and destroy but God has come that we

might have life and that more abundantly

and I came to tell you your praise is

your best weapon and listen when you

praise you can bring down challenges you

can shift atmospheres you can turn

situations around so that’s why I’m

telling y’all tonight put a praise in

the house tonight put a praise in the

house tonight we turning things around

somebody came in here one way but you’re

going to leave another way the praise is

going to shift you right here and what

am I trying to say I’m just trying to

say our praise brings down Giants we’re

taking down Giants this week they under

our feet whatever the challenge is

whatever the situation is just stump on

it because it’s under your

feet come on put your hands together

everybody yes

sir all

right where my Praises at over


here everybody can say just say



bigger the


giant hey all you got to do




and what is loose we be let God

arise AR


oh I feel that y

giant the

bigger the


Giants they die all you got to do praise


way what is

lo we be

rise now let me just see y’all move out

there W your hands come on put a praise

in the house put your hands together


on come on put your hands together come

on come

on come on when you pray you when you

pray When you

pray got when you pray you pray you when


pray when you worship when you worship

when you worship what

happen when you wor when you worship

when you

wor when you shout just shoutout when

you shoutout what happen got when you

shout you just shout just shout when you


down hey they got to C down your worries

got down they got to Cal down your

challenges got down they got to come

down your road block got you they got to

come down your enemy got they got to C

down the enemy got they got to Cal down

your shs got they got to Cal down your

block got they got to Cal down your

situation got down they got Cal down

they got to calm down they got to calm

down they got to calm down they got to

Cal down they got to Cal down they got

to Cal down they got to calm down they

got to Cal


down oh yeah yeah yeah yeah

yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah

yeah somebody got SP Giants under your

feet tonight I can feel it shifting just

say they they got to come down they got

to come

down yes sir yes sir yes sir yes sir

yeah oh yeah I feel it coming down I

feel it breaking I feel it breaking I

feel it somebody was tight when you got

in here tonight but I feel it loosening

up I feel your faith going up got to

come down they got to come down

oh let God arise and let the enemies be

scattered let it be scattered let God

arise let God


arise yes sir yes sir oh


yeah we got news for the enemy this

week he’s not going to take us down we

taking him

down he’s got to come

down C

down I’m going try to move on but

something about that is in my spirit

tonight listen somebody came in here

with some worries but we are praising

your worries down tonight they got to

come down they got to come


Hallelujah Hall yes sir yes sir yes sir

yes sir hallelujah it’s so good to see

you Dad on that front row Dad it’s good

to see you it’s good to see


you the enemies got to come down they

got to come

down let God


AR now give God a hand clap praise where

you at because the Giants the Giants

we’re speaking to them they’re coming

down they’re coming down we see them in

the spirit they’re coming down whatever

the challenge is we’re bringing it down

we’re bringing it down the weapons we’re

bringing them down we’re putting up on

our feet we’re bringing them down faith

is going up Faith activate Faith

activate Faith activate this is a faith

conference activate your faith activate

your faith send it all over the room

activate your

faith yes sir yes sir Hallelujah

ah the blessing is on

you hallelujah hallelujah I wrote this

song some years ago and it’s God

speaking to us in first person and I

hope that the lyric of it just gets in

your soul because sometimes we try to do

things let me tell you God is saying I

am God I I got it all by

myself I’m the first and the last

whatever you need just ask you just have

to act at that Faith because know this

that anything that you’re asking for

it’s already done you just got to see it

before you see it any you got to see it

before you got to use your spiritual

eyes to see it there and then bring it

here is that okay am I talking to

anybody right let’s go y’all




let’s God says this

I am God all by

myself I don’t

need any help I

can your

things my

own I am the first I am the

first and the

last whatever you need just that

oh I


am I

am I am


God the


beginning and I’ll be there when you get

to the end


I’m the


Mighty ever showing for I

am I

am I am

God was


in the

beginning oh

yeah I’ll be there when you get to the




oh mighty ever showing for I

am I

am for I am

am I

am I

am oh yes I


am I am I

am I

am I am

God come on help us sing it come on my

promis was

there I want you to know

yes with

your anding

whatever whatever you need all you got

to do for I am I am I am I am I am I am

I am I am I am I am oh yes I am I am I

am I am said I am I am Jehovah zra I am


provider Jehovah

n I’ll fight

battle Jehovah

Shalom am I give you peace I am

Jehovah I am

he nobody to

L to

high wherever you go I am the god of

Jacob I the god of

Isaac the of



yes I am I am God of Jacob I am he’s the

god of Isaac I am the god of

everything I bless your

name yes I am whatever you

want I


am yes sir yes sir yes

sir yes sir yes sir

hey hey

hey Hallelujah yes sir yes sir yes

sir yes sir yes sir yes sir yes sir yes

sir I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I

am I am I am I am I am I am I am

just still let know where I am I am I am

I am I am I am just just still know I am

I am I am I am I am I


am hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah


and because we know he’s God we can

trust him because we know he’s God we

can watch him work miracles because we

know he’s God we can let go and we can

let God have his


way I couldn’t seem to fall

asleep there was so much on my

mind searching for that

peace but the peace I could not

find so then I kneel down to

pray I was praying help me

please he said you don’t have to

cry cuz I’ll supply all your needs as

soon as I stop for House St

worry see when I let go let go and

I I let



see when I stop looking at when I let go

I let go when I let

go just let him pass

listen there’s so much going

on sometimes I can’t find my way yes sir

and often times I

struggle I struggle from day to day

anybody know what I’m talking about I

had to realize that is not my battle

y’all it’s not my battle to

fight but I had to learn that if I put

it in his hand

that everything will be all


yes so as soon as I stop


woring then I can let go yes I can and I

can let

God have his


way things start

happen oh when I let go I let when I let

go just let

him so let go and let God you just let

go and let God just let

go let God oh let go and let

God let go and let God my brother let go

and let God

cuz my sister you can’t handle it just

let God oh let go and let God just let

go and let God oh let go and let God

he’s the only one with the answer just

let God he can handle it all yes let God

with and eyes you to let God cuz he

feels your pain and he knows your heart

he knows the issu and he knows the

struggle let




God I can let go and I can let go let

him have his way that

that’s everything will turn

around got way back

I I can God and I can



oh when I stop worry about everything

that’s going wrong in my life see that’s

with I thought was here

and my were cast and

soon I my hands and I gave it over to

him see

that’s go and

I I let God


wait wait wait Blessing of

Abraham I need the blessing I need the

blessing of

Abraham did we sing

that the Bless yeah I was we’re going to

do two more after offering okay okay do

you want me to do it now oh then yeah I

want you to do something now

okay want me do that

now yes we can do it okay let’s

roll yes sir yes

sir how many people know the blessing is

on you come on put your hands together

and we going to make one big choir

tonight one big choir I want everybody

just to move if you sit and get up out

your seat and we’re declaring the

blessing is on us tonight is that all

right here we go

y’all I am




are bless

AB the blessing of Abram

whever you

are whatever you touch whatever you

touch you are you by faith the blessing

is on you the

bless it’s on you it’s on you the

bless oh yeah y’all let tell them what

it is it’s your in

heav yeah you’re in heaven

cuz you are you are by faith the

blessing is on you the

bless it’s on you it’s on

you you

are whatever you touch whatever you

touch you are by faith the blessing is

on you bless

it’s on you it’s on you and the blessing

looks good on

you Sopranos be a witness tell

them CU You

Are by faith the blessing is on you it’s

on you it’s on you

now one last time y’all if you know the

blessing is on you give God a praise

open up your mouth and build a room with

praise come on bless them thank him

people are starting businesses writing

books scoring films getting your PhD the

blessing is on you it’s yours it’s yours

it’s your it’s yours it’s your in wave

your hand it’s your it’s yours it’s your

it’s yours it’s your inheritance

everybody say it’s your it’s your it’s

your it’s your it’s your iner do it

again it’s your it’s your it’s your it’s

your the scripture says that you are the

what says you are

what say you are a what

in out be a

witness in ters be a


everybody come

on the healing is

yours the wealth is

yours the joy is

you it’s your



your yes

City yes it

is you

are the

bless it’s on you it’s on you

bless one more time you are bless by

faith the blessing is on you the

blessing on it’s on it’s




on yes sir the blessing the blessing the

blessing spread it down your road the

blessing the blessing the blessing the

blessing the blessing the blessing


sir oh I feel the blessing in the house

tonight everybody




it’s your

iner get your


inid you

are the

seed by my


receive the




Bri oh let’s give John

Lawrence let’s give Donal Lawrence a

hand clap praise

God greet somebody around you tell them

Jesus love you so do I

and take your seats





glory to


God you know


leave my make up leave it up please

leave it

up praise God thank you very


um you know I’m going take my time

tonight you ain’t going to rush

me cuz we got to hear from God

tonight how many y’all want to hear from

God man one word from God make you a

billionaire come

on well let me see what I want to

say welcome to the

2024 IFC


we want to welcome all our visitors

National and international we want to uh

say hello Tuskegee our streaming Church


Tuskegee amen we want to welcome all of

our uh visitors that came here FMA FMA

stand up so we can see who you are

quickly amen Faith ministri Alliance sit

down all of our South Africa folks stand

up so we can see who you are amen we

want to welcome our Canada folks

everybody Welcome we’re so glad you’re

here I tell you last night was off the

chain as


amen tudo is back with us again tonight

and and uh we’re just glad to be able to

do this uh we’ve been having these

conferences since uh when 30 years for

30 years 30

years is that right Jesse you’ve been

coming here for 30


um 4 okay all right but

anyway I want to just welcome you and

thank you so much for coming out um

we need Faith to do anything for God to

please God to get anything done and to

stop the devil’s assault we need

Faith you know Sunday talked

about uh

this new thing of mutilating children

and so forth but we got something that

can stop that

come on we got some

faith I I told you I want you to believe



for the Bibles to go back into the

schools how many how many with me on

that see the pretty much the enemy has

tried to get the church to be


and that’s not

true that’s not true um he tried to keep

the church broke and uh tried to keep

church so it didn’t have any

influence but I’m I’m for one I’m here

to change that

am say

amen and we’re going to change it with

Innovation we’re going to change it with


and we’re going to change it with


money in both

pockets they call me two gun

PE yeah this is the last night you’re

going to be


broke in Jesus name

yeah God wants you to really be an

expression of the Kingdom that’s right

of heaven and he really does so he’s

given us a lot of things we got to learn

to use them and we as you know we’ve

been moving in these 10 cities we’ve

already gone the seven we got three more

to go and I’m telling you it’s time to

turn the cities upside down praise God

but so I want to welcome everybody we

also um have a lot of products outside

um that you could buy from our speakers

and uh also I invite you uh to look

around if you’re new um look around just

see what God has done here um we call

this to headquarters um because we’re in

uh several countries and our business

school now is in five continents and

we’re just trying to get the gospel

spread throughout the Earth and to do it

the right way in uh faith based that’s

what I call it faith based um let’s see

what else I have to say

anything uh say did I say hello

Tuskegee oh I said that amen all right

well I want you to have a good time now


um I know this is different from just

going home and so forth but here you’re

getting Faith you’re getting Faith

listen folks that’s that’s the most

valuable thing you can get today is the

faith because that’s the only thing

that’s going to stop the devil say Amen

to that amen and so we just want you to

be here come get ready for a good word

of faith Hallelujah and leave and not

just hear the word word but what do the

word as well and and do something

crazy you you know what I mean by that

the crazy faith I mean uh really go I

mean just declare

something declare your mortgage is going

to be paid off in the next 30 days

declare come on come on say something

wow to you know tell your cousin he you

know I mean this thing is to be used

folks and it’s not coming from up here

it’s coming from right down here in your

spirit so I want you to just set some

new goals for yourself just have a good

time and just let’s take Faith home with

us and let’s just show people what faith

will do praise God give God a hand clap

now let’s get a little bit more of

Donald lawence and uh Hallelujah

um it’s just good to see Dad talking and

just I’m over here smiling because I see

Faith activating all day

long so we gonna We we had plan to do

Blessing of Abraham after he

spoke but um since we already did it

we’re gonna do something else is that

all right okay we ready let’s

go let get back to e and live on top of

the world three more times let’s get

back to eat and live on top of the world

two more time let’s get back to e live

on to of the world where my kingdom

people at let’s get back to Eden all of

the world when God made

man he made a

spirit it was his

plan that

we the

temp we were

distracted the temp came and we fa and

we F we were deemed we were to live a


that a life that SCH

it is my

go we redeemed we redeem newborn Souls a

newn soul all right Kingdom people what

y’all going to say right here let’s get

back to e live on top of the world three

more time let’s get back to eat on top

of the world two more let’s get back to

eat M of the world one more time let’s

get back

to world now come on Kingdom people

Rejoice about your kingdom status put

your hands


together come on fa people let’s clap

our hands come


on let me hear you

say it’s the time for you to give come

down God’s going to work it out you’re

getting ready to

smile the blessing is on you to

live confess it with your mouth I’ve got


live on top of the world on top of the

world change your thinking so you can

live on top of the world on top of the

world come on

Me On Top Of The World On Top of the

World there of Salvation said on

the it’s the Lord’s desire for you to

live you’re more than a

conqueror youan

overc come out of

depression so you

can on top of the world to of the on top

of the world come on On Top Of The World

On Top Of The World On Top of the World

on to the world live on top of the

world you been B with the


SE been

heard what the Lord has in store for you

go ahead and get your

healing come on on to of the



well I I know where I am right

now that’s

right so I’m going to do this this song

and um this is this is a new song and

you you you can take your seats and and

um now this song is so is interesting

because it’s it’s really old but I never

recorded it and I just recorded it but I

wrote it when we recorded the Law of

Confession so this song is inspired by

dad as a lot of my songs are um and it

was it’s inspired by his book The Law of

Confession and if you know anything

about um dad’s teaching he’s always

teaching us about

words and the power of

them and I can hear him always saying

that you know whatever your life is it

is is based on what your your words what


spoken and and um and God has given us

power with words and I I wrote this song

from a lot of perspectives from knowing

that the power of life and death is in

the tongue but also just the time that

we’re in where I feel like civility is

at a alltime low people just don’t care

what they say to anybody anymore they

just say harmful things to people and um

I just remember dad teaching that you

know that

in the garden Adam and God they communed

Spirit to Spirit Adam used words to

create so anytime you use in your words

you’re creating something and it’s going

to do what it’s set out to do and not

come back void because you are created

just like your

father see I listen to him so that’s why

he comes out of my mouth CU you know I

study him quite a bit anyway this song

just really just speaks about words and

um how I

want the words of my mouth and the

meditation of my heart to be acceptable

in his sight and I just determined that

no matter what I won’t harm people with

my words I’ll encourage them with my

words we we we’re here and I’m moving on

but will you just tell the person beside

you I won’t harm you with my words ion

you words I’ll encourage you with my

words all right we’re going to sing this

and I’m going to get out of the way but

this this song was inspired by dad I’mma

ask blanch to come and sing this for me







realize the power of our



words the heart har we can do with

ours so let the words of my

mouth and the meditations of my heart be

acceptable in the


sight May the words I speak Touch


life that’s my

prayer words


out if only we would

realize power yes power in

ours oh

oh words



our the harm we can do with the

words so let the words of of my M and

the med and the

meditation be acceptable AC

in the



Oh May the words I speak touch some


Somebody I want my worshiping life to my


oh so I

won’t I won’t harm you

with my words but


you with my

words I

want you no no no with my words but

incourage encourage

you with my

word I

won’t I won’t do you no harm with my

words never


know but I ose my words to

encourage you I I

want I

want I won’t use my words to bring you

home never no

no but I’ll use my words I want to

encourage you with my words



want I want to use my words to damage



know I’ll encourage you with my

wife I want no no


want I want you first never damage you

know never


never but I choose my words to build you

up whatever is good whatever

is whatever will build you whatever will

help you that’s what I

choose that’s what I choose

I’ll use my words to push you forward

I’ll use my

words LIF you up I use

my to help you

stand what I choose that’s all choose

I’ll use my words so L your words of my

mouth and every m a in my heart let it


acceptable in the

father’s May the words I

swe let the words I speak remind you

you’re a winner let the words that I

speak remind you that you never lose let

the words I speak cause you to reach for

greater let the words come out of my

mouth Build You Up forever let the words

I speak remind you of everything he’s

put inside of you I want to water you

with my words want to water you in my

works I want my work to bring you glory

god May the works I speak touch

somebody’s life

hallelujah hallelu



hallelujah I need you you need me yes

Lord we’re all a part of God’s

body stand with

me agree with me we’re all a part of


body it is his will that every need be

supp you are

important to me I need you


to you are

important you are important to me

I need you

to come on hug the person beside you

just tell them I Need You To

Survive yeah yeah yeah tell them I love

you I love you in the name of Jesus

Christ thank you God bless you


we now we going to have to try to pull

this one off with in the name of

Jesus we just do a little bit of this

because we we haven’t sung this

and we had rehearsed this and we got we

got he had just gave me a compliment he

said y’all so

professional but now we going to have to

really be professional

now can we just do a little bit of it

just live

yeah y’all going have to do the intro a


times who starts everybody








your a

it’s simply a

principle based on the no



of is

home which means

to what has been

sa there is a long



confession you just

say what

God the word speak the word everybody

say speak the word when you’re down

speak the word what yall going to say

speak the

word speak the

word we speak the word

speak the

word you speak the


speak speak speak

to when you’re lonely speak the word

when there’s no money in the bank you

just speak the

word when you speak the word when the

doctor says no speak the word the word

says yes speak the word you you just

speak the word there is

a there is

a more

conf you

just what God

has speak


the well then Rich

there’s a

long you just say what God has


said is it

on my make

yeah um

well we got a speaker tonight and he’s

been with us for 30

years he’s a dear friend here in Cathy

I’m telling you they tell me I haven’t

seen it but they said you need to see


house um he was building like he was

already in

heaven uh and uh

so uh he’s been with us but what I like


him is he brings the

word with such

Clarity and and and and where anybody

can get up and grab it


he’s he goes everywhere he’s everybody’s

preacher and everywhere he goes they

want him back let’s have this short

video about as a bio introduce him and

the next voice you hear will the be the

voice of Dr Jesse

Duplantis Dr Jesse Duplantis is

celebrated the world over as the Apostle

of Joy he along with his wife Kathy are

founders of Jesse Duplantis Ministries

and the senior pastor of Jesse dupus

Ministries Covenant Church located in

the greater New Orleans area of

Louisiana with over four Decades of

sharing his unique blend of humor and

Faith Jesse continues to draw large

audiences of Believers through social

media television broadcasts books voice

of the Covenant magazine and

Evangelistic meetings held around the

world Generations have been inspired by

Dr Duplantis strong downto Earth and

humorous messages let’s welcome

Dr Jesse


Duplantis Hallelujah Give the Lord a

great God bless you come

on Hallelujah I think you can do better

than that I


Hallelujah you might be seated for just

a few minutes it’s such an honor once

again to be in this wonderful place and

I’ve been here I I’ve been here a long

time I think I started out with a little

brown hair I I really do I think I did

and God has been so good and gracious to

us and it’s such an honor and I very

seldom look at a lot of different things

on because you know brother copen gets

mad at because I don’t carry a

phone why cuz I want some peace in my

life but anyway I I turned on what they

call it Instagram I think it was and I

saw uh brother you know brother Bill

walking now you know but I didn’t you

know Bill’s always had a little waddle

to him you

know so I never thought nothing about

that and then I saw a

cane I thought what is this nobody ever

told me or anything and then I realized

then I found out the story and I said oh

no no no no no no we can change that

cane with words


words you know and words are vessels

that hold your

future so what do you saying about

yourself see what I’m trying to say and

when you understand that God is so good

and gracious and it’s such an honor to

be here tonight give Jesus one more hand

clap would you do

that how many people brought your Bibles

or your iPads or your telephones or

whatever you use for scripture uh would

you go with me to the Book of Luke

chapter 17 that’s in the New Testament

for you people that don’t read the

Bible you be surprised how many people

do not read the Bible they let a pastor

or someone else read it then they wonder

why they get in so much

trouble and I want to start Luke chapter

17 and um I going to start reading with

verse one when I’ve got my paperwork and

I found out the theme faithful

Revival now I’m going to say something

and I don’t want you to misunderstand me

in any way shape or form now I dress a

little different than most

preachers cuz I’m

old and young people like them

shoes and jeans and all kinds of stuff

and I thought and today I was in Sweden

uh Switzerland and we had a revolution

in the foyer cuz all the kids would not

go to uh to children’s

church none I mean they they were Hing

we ain’t going we going here brother

Jesse and they all came in and and

didn’t I mean not one said a word you

know they were very respectful in Big

Church they call it big church and it

was just such a blessing of the Lord and

they said you know what we like it but

you don’t dress like them old

preachers I said well I like dressing

like them old preachers I like nice

suits and all that kind of stuff and

anyway but God has been so good and

gracious to us and I thank you Bill and

Veronica for allowing me I’ve been here

this is my 24th


24th met a wonderful man and I tell you

we developed a relationship and then

from a relationship to a fellowship

which is a much higher level and I am a

very blessed man don’t get mad at me

it’s not my

fault it’s God who did

it that’s Deuteronomy 8:18 thou shall

remember the Lord thy God for it is he

that giveth thee power to get wealth now

if wealth is so bad why would give you

power to get it and if money is so bad

how come you have a hard time giving it

away which is really kind of silly isn’t

it because we live in an economic world

that’s just simply the truth and God is

and I do have a beautiful home and of

course you know everybody mad is a home


HBO Inside Edition who we threw him out

of a meeting there they made him outside

Edition they said freedom of the press I

said not here

in mind meeting here you know God’s been

so good and gracious and um so when I

saw this faith for Revival and I don’t

mean this don’t misinterpret what I’m

about ready to say please let me get

through this thing I’ve never had to be

revived I’ve just stayed

vied and when I got born again and what

I mean by that is I wasn’t raised like

most of you people you know I mean

church was not my in My DNA and that

kind of stuff and uh the only two

preachers I knew was the pope and Billy

Graham that’s that’s about it you know

and he didn’t know much anything else

chrisen a Catholic boy and never went to

church except on Easter and

Christmas especially Christmas and I


drunk midnight mass and anybody ever did

don’t lift your hand up for God’s

sake so I didn’t know anything like most

people and Kathy had never read the

Bible before we were told don’t read the

Bible only the priests could interpret

the Bible and uh and so so we didn’t so

when we begin to read the Bible I

started out with page one most people

say go to the Book of John start with

the but how you read a book you start

with page one and I and I remember

reading Genesis and exodus and I thought

man I can understand this but when I got


Leviticus I said this is a mob story


there a lot of blood in this book so I

need somebody to help me on this kind of

stuff and thank God for a wonderful

pastors now in heaven I want to talk

today about the

meaning the vitality and the

possibilities of increased Faith how

many of you want something hold your

hand up you want something I’ve said it

many times before I never ask God for

needs at all it’s to me it’s a waste of

spiritual energy when the Bible said he

would Supply how many need all why would

you ask him for a need if he said he

would supply all now either that’s true

or it’s not so I don’t tell God what I

need I tell him what I want because when

you get what you want you destroy all

you need you don’t even think about need

because you have what you want and the

Lord’s your

Shepherd you shall not want you’ll never

get to the place of w want I shall not

want that’s a declaration and a


of future events that’s words holding

your future in that container I shall

not now people think you’re arrogant and

cocky and all that kind but that has

nothing to do with this at all this is

confidence and assurance Jesus is

speaking in Luke chapter 17 I’m reading

out the Old King James version it says

it is impossible but that offenses will

come but woe unto him through whom they

come now that’s what that song was about

that word said I’m not going to give you

words to harm you I’m going to give you

words to encourage you see that that’s

the Scripture it were better for him

that a millstone were hanged about his

neck verse two and he cast into the seed

that he should offend one of these


ones take heed to yourself notice this

said in other words if you want to work

on someone work on

yourself take heed to yourself If thy

brother trespass against thee rebuke him

most people like that part and if you

repent forgive him most people don’t

like that part

and if you trespass against thee seven

times in a day and seven times in a day

turn again to thee saying I Repent Thou

shalt forgive him now most people

wouldn’t do that neither now when the

apostles saw this when they heard this I

love verse five they said Lord increase


faith because there’s some people that

should I don’t know why God want them to

go to

heaven let him go to hell Jesus now you

know what I’m talking about you know and

you just thought of that

person I’ve seen some miserably saved

people and I’ve told the Lord if you let

them go they going to mess it

up cuz they don’t know the difference

between heaven or hell cuz they’ve been

in hell all their

life he said increase our faith what do

that mean the meaning the vitality and

the possibility of increased Faith you

know I got to walk around I actually

drove around inside a building in a golf

cart of the ministry of Bill Winston


tonight we just kept on

driving and

driving I even saw a picture of

myself I said man Bill and Veronica got

good taste look at I got a picture of me

in here I mean’t driving turning and I

man and all of a sudden I saw some

stairs and I thought I hope he don’t

drive down them stairs in his golf

cart cuz I’m going be walking like Bill

if he drive down Jes my God and I want

to talk about increased Faith how many

do you want something come on hold your

hand up spiritually physically or

financially all

three now don’t worry about how much

something cost because he didn’t ask you

to pay for it he asked you to believe


it now the church where you’ve heard me

said the Lord told me that in 1978 I’ve

been preaching 48 years and I’ve never

had a financial deficit and the reason

why is not because I had more faith than

you I just simply believe what God Said

then I did a study and I found out that

Jesus never had a financial deficit not

one time and the Bible says Be You

therefore imitators of Paul

John now Paul said follow me as I follow

Christ I misunderstand me no he said be

you therefore imitators of God as a dear

child which means you got to come to God

as a child children are born Believers

until you teach them the doubt so don’t

do that yes you got to grow to the

fullness of the Statue of Christ don’t

misunderstand me but you see you have to

do it in a childlike manner that you not

move but what you see you move only by

what you believe so I want to talk about

this increase our faith because there’s

much to be done in little time to do it

in because in Matthew chapter 24 he says

in this gospel I learned that from Keith

there over there in Colombia you know

and this come not a gospel not some

gospel this gospel shall be preached to

the world for a witness which means they

didn’t have to receive it but they must

witness it and then the Bible says the

end shall come now ladies and gentlemen

I sound impr prideful or arrogant I’m

going to give you a few points uh uh the

things that in our

ministry Kathy got me to do social media

which I did not want to do I mean I do

enough broadcast I got enough work you

know what I’m saying that kind of stuff

but I did we started in January

2020 and ladies and gentlemen from

January 2020 to the end of August this

this of

2024 and we work in 24/7 as I speak

right now we’ve had over 77 million

people contact

us over 77 million contact

us every Sunday we preach to 2.3 billion

people in 14 different languages all

over the world not bragging about that

you brag no I’m not because I couldn’t

do any of it but I can do all things


Christ but the way to do that is


Faith words bring your future with you

and throw away your past

past you see what I’m saying cuz the

past never sees the future so write this

down if you taking notes the first

principle of the Christian Life is Faith

it’s built in the very structure of your

soul which is your mind your will and

your emotion let me say it again the

first principle of the Christian Life is

Faith it’s built in the very structure

of your soul your mind your will and

your emotion yes you’re getting it the

dictates from your spirit through a

renewed soul mind and through a

crucified body now if you don’t do this

to understand increased Faith this

happens increased Faith produces

convictions rather than

opinions somebody’s always trying to

give you the opinion I’d rather

convictions can convictions move things

convictions get things done opinions are

transitory forms of thought floating on

the ocean of Life they change what every

wave I thought I’d do a little teaching

here so you can understand that so I’m

not interested in people’s opinions I’m

interested in their convictions what do

you believe what are you willing to say

what are you willing to get because I’m

going to tell you something the devil

going to get mad CU all he ever had in

his life was an opinion and he’s

restricted rejected and awaiting

confinement so the first principle of

the Christian Life is Faith it’s built

in the very structure of your soul so

increased Faith produces convictions

rather than opinions now to me you know

what opinions are to me opinions are

just furniture that decorate the

apartments of of your

mind people always say let me give you

an opinion I said I’d rather

not I’m you know I I I what’s your

conviction what do you believe well you

know how God is I said no tell me how he

is because and I’ve I’ve been saying

this lately just lately all the time in

messages and I preach in all

denominational non-denominational

interdenominational churches I preach in

Jewish synagogue I the Jews love

me I mean my go I preach at the church

of god of proph phcy and Christ holy

convocation they think I’m

black and I didn’t like it cuz I tell

you what I can hoop the Lord said oh

yeah well you’ve been doing this for a

while you can hoop look at the white

people I ain’t talking about a hula hoop

I’m talking about hooping

here know what that is so when you

understand this Baptist preacher came up

to me Bill and I preaching Baptist

Churches I like all I like them all he

said are you dress of the planets I said

yes sir you one of them Prosperity

healing preachers aren’t you you can see

it on their face and I thought oh Lord I

said well yes sir I am why don’t you

preach the whole counsil of God I said I

don’t know the whole Council of God and

neither do you neither does anybody know

the whole counsel of God we’re going to

spend eternity in the eternities

learning the whole counsel of

God I mean brother Hagen preached faith

for how many years Keith six something

years and he did he he didn’t get

there he he never he he couldn’t finish

it cuz it’s so big just one thing

brother cop been preaching prosperity

for I don’t know how many years he still

ain’t got there but the whole Council of

God we be learning this forever in The

Eternity of eternities but he just

looked at me and he said well I don’t

believe in healing I said you hadn’t got

sick enough

yet he just kind of looked at eyes


I said you had had a doctor stick your

finger in your face and say you got

pancreatic cancer you got six weeks all

of a sudden somebody like me becomes

very popular to

you he said well I don’t believe in

healing then I said something you should

never tell a Baptist I said then you

don’t believe in the

cross oh you don’t tell a Baptist they

don’t believe in the

cross he and he hollered at me Keith he

said oh yes I do what say he holler at

me you want to dance with me so I holler

him oh no you don’t I said your problem

sir is you’ve been at the front of the

Cross all your years kneeling down like

a crazy kid crying like a crazy fool

hoping that a one drop of blood from

Jesus’s BR might touch your head I said

that’s all you’ve ever seen I said get

up walk with me let’s go to the back of

the Cross you ain’t never been to the

back of the Cross you’ve only walked to

the front of the Cross he didn’t know

what to do was just kind of look at I

said walk with me man I mean I had him

walking like and I turned around and I

said now look at the back of the Cross

look at his back there’s no skin there’s

barely any skin there’s muscle Tor you

see bone that cat A N Tails beat Jesus

oh so in just terrible I said by his

stripes ye were healed do you hear that

mister you can’t separate salvation from

healing because it’s on the

cross but you hadn’t been to the back of

the Cross you’ve only stuck yourself in

front of the Cross look at his back

man that’s the answer to cancer diabetes

high blood pressure Crypton arthritis

infectious or Strokes

Whatever the back of the Cross he didn’t

know what to say he was just kind of

shock and I can see his eyes swelling up

my tears I said I ain’t finish yet walk

with me let’s go to the other side of

the Cross man I took him to the other

side of the Cross and there they are

gambling for Jesus’s Road I said you

don’t gamble for Rags sir you gamble to

get something better than what you got

he go I said that’s Prosperity but you

didn’t believe in healing is on back of

the Cross this is prosperity on the side

of this cross I said we ain’t finished

yet come on let’s go back to the front

of the cross I went by I said but don’t

kneel down quit balling and squalling my

God climbed the cross get up where Jesus

is and you’ll hear Vision Vision Vision

Joseph’s School of ministry go in the

world preach this gospel change people’s

life when you get to the top of the

Cross then you’re going to hear the

greatest words You’ ever heard Hur in

your life because it’s all

Faith he busted our

cry he couldn’t hardly handle that see

he was dealing with homiletical

hermeneutical Phil philosophical


opinions whoopy

dooo so increased Faith produces

convictions rather than opinions see a

grain of

conviction is worth more than a whole

law whole load of religious opinion

there always trying to tell me well no

you ought to do this I said well maybe


should why don’t you do that well good

the Lord didn’t tell me to well you’re

not listening hey I got two ears I’m

listening I said I believe God’s telling

you to do it and you won’t do it cuz you

think it costs too much money then they

get this how much money you got then my

old self comes back and said if I told

you I’d have to kill

you I was not raised in the church I was

raised on the streets of New orans with

L norra you ought to know something of

laosa norra this is

Chicago I see you you want to send my

life but God saved me and something

happened the other there and I got to


y’all I was saved on Labor Day weekend

1974 and I just celebrated my 50th

anniversary of Salvation this Labor Day



yeah it was so wonderful so Bill you

know what I did I went to the Lord say I

have a lot of conversation with god

that’s how you know people conversation

you know you can pray a lot but you Ain

you ain’t listening to God say nothing

you got to have some conversation some

back and forth so I went so it was

Sunday and it was my 50th anniversary

year of being born again and I said

Lord I said I want to thank you and he


me so I stopped he said Jesse I want to

thank you for receiving me because you

didn’t have

to I never thought of that like that he

said you received me I heard the heart

of God for God so loved the world gave

His only begotten son he was saying

listen you didn’t have to receive

me you didn’t but you but you did see he

doesn’t break our Free Will that’s not

an opinion you see what I’m saying and

it just touched my heart cuz I never

thought of it Sam like that I was going

to thank him he said I just thank you

for receiving me because you didn’t have

to I had the most wonderful time I said

well thank you Lord he said that’s what

I think about

you I said well Lord I just gave you a


me and I said I know my guardian angel

asked for reassignment several

times like they got him killed a couple

times so people tell me what do you

believe I said how much time you got see

that’s increased faith God did not make

us keepers of aquariums but Fishers of

Men to go in the world people always

asking BR Jus when you going to retire

uh do I look sick do I look tired I

don’t think that’s in my DNA no I could

have retired 25 years ago I am a rich

man I ain’t going to lie

Roden High Brown saw my house he goes oh

I got to change your name to King

Jesse oh it’s going to shock people get

so I don’t care it don’t make no

difference not three weeks ago I had

inside of this on top the Liv trying to

get pictures of me so I walked out and

went don’t make no difference Bible said

his will be done where as it is where

how come you’re not living in a mansion

because the church won’t let you and the

church will call you greedy

so they always at me about my my planes

oh God they fight me but you know what

someone wrote a song about my Jets Jesse

Jesse Jesse and the



Jesse Jesse and my brother

Benny yet everybody wants to ride in

it but if it’s bad why do you want to

ride in

it it’s a tool to preach this glorious

gospel see they have an opinion about

that they don’t mind someone like sha

O’Neal having one I don’t

neither I have the same plane as Taylor

Swift and not only do I so does Keith

more both of us got

them got to preach the Glorious God go

and paid cash for for somebody shout


that and I never forget see this is this

is the meaning in vitality and

possibilities of increased faith when I

found the plane I bought it from a

billionaire in uh Phoenix Arizona and

when I went to get the plane to look at

it he said you got to take your shoes

off take my shoes off he said it’s a

phoenix it’s 115 degrees they got a lot

of tar on the um you know on the ground

they didn’t want all that tar getting on

the carpet and what I didn’t tell myself

I’m going to change all that anyway but

I took my shoes off and I walked in

there and I looked around I thought it

was nice and of course my mechanics were

there and I let me tell you a little

story and they were looking over and

they were looking at the books the log

the the logs whatever you call it and I

so the Lord said walk on the other side

of the plane so I walked on the other

side just me and the Lord and I went

what he said this is your plane buy it

negotiate now so I walked back on the

other side of the plane I said can we

sit down and talk somewhere yeah he said

I got a little office I said let’s go in

with me and Kathy and I had one of my

board members with me who owns an FBO so

I wanted him there cuz you know so he

could look at the plane he sees a lot of

jets and stuff like that and we got in

there now what I didn’t know is that the

owner was on the phone by the man’s

leg and I asked him a question I said

excuse me can you say

yes he said excuse me I said can you say

yes cuz if you can’t get me somebody

higher I don’t take no from a person who

can’t say yes I ain’t doing that you do

what you want to do I’m not doing that

that’s a waste of my time and energy I

don’t have to he said I can say yes

because he he kept getting signal but I

didn’t know that then he says this he

looks at me and he said well you know

we’ve had two major companies tried to

purchase this

plane and but it couldn’t get financed

and I looked at him and I said I’m not

going to finance it he said you’re not

going to finance it I said no sir well

how you going to pay for it I said I’m

going to give you cash he said cash I

said well not in a suitcase that’s the

mafia doing

that I said no I would just I would just

uh you know send it to you you know just

then why he said oh you

serious I said I’m serious we quoted the

figure to Bam now watch this when you

get a plane that’s millions of dollars

you understand that’s a lot a lot of

money that’s more than 10 million more

than 15 million more than 18 you talking

money here but what happened they got so

excited cuz I had

cash I said sir I’m going to give you a

$500,000 check right now I said Kathy

you got a check she says I always have a

check see God created Adam and he went I

can do better and he created

Eve cuz she’s the one owned the gold in

in the Eden Adan didn’t know he just

looking at her that’s a fine woman you

know that’s so why this

he didn’t tell me to Escrow the money I

said if I do not buy this now I’m going

to say something here now now sometime

we use words y’all think it’s cussing

but we don’t think it’s cussing at all

in New Orleans my spirit spoke to this

man I said if I do not buy this plane

you can have the

$500,000 my soul said what the hell did

you just

say now my Shar that that ain’t cussing


that’s a

location that that’s a

location I couldn’t believe I I don’t do

that bill uh-uh uh-uh I consider myself

a decent business uhuh and he went okay

so I never escro his

money so I held his money that was

August the 7th uh up until we took I

think uh August September October

October the 27 28th I made

$500,000 on his

money because I didn’t have to

escro his money so I got back the down

payment that I gave

him that’s increased

Faith that’s not an opinion that’s a

conviction see increased faith is an

active operative principle because faith

without works is dead

and then I walked out and I I walk in

and Keith knows about we had many

discussion the Lord said is that all I

can do I said

yeah my God man I mean the next level is


airliner I can go anywhere in the world


stop I’m not bragging I’m giving God

glory this thing is

amazing well I you know I he said that’s

all I can do he said would you like to

have the money

back I said what did you say I was like

that Baptist preacher whoa whoa who who

what you say he said I will give you the

plane the money and the

upgrades I said do your thing Jesus that

that that that that’s just

wonderful that was August the 7th in

January August 7th 2023 in January 2024

I had all the money

back all they multiplied millions of

dollars it’s on me man it’s on me and


upgrades so I didn’t know what the

upgrades were cuz I’m not a pilot like

Bill or Keith you know what I’m saying I

buy planes they fly them but they can’t

fly unless I buy

them just that simple so I mean I

thought my God man I Lord says is there

anything else well yes since we

talking I said I want to put this new

thing called

easy4 so I began so I had a Aviation

meeting I’m gonna get to the word in a

minute watch I said what do I need to

have to receive this aircraft thing

weighs 72,000 lb loaded I think with you

well you got to have a tug that’s

something that you push a plane in and

out you got to have something that can

push a plane you know he said well you

need two of those I said I do yeah cuz I

also have a Falcon 900 as well as the

s7x anyway well that’s like25 $130,000

that it’s remote control you just press

buttons and it it just takes the plane

all over I said is there anything else

well uh they all call me boss boss we

need a a a hydraulic

mule I said a hydraulic mule I don’t

know what a hydraulic mule is how much

is that about 150 $1 170,000 I said okay

anything up they start going down the

line by the time it was all finished

they had spent about $789,000

I ain’t even got the plane yet this is

just to receive it and I looked and this

was Thursday at about 5 minutes to 12

there at my uh Aviation offices and I

said well go ahead and order

it and they said okay they were all

excited about that this my this is my my

employees well FedEx calls us right

there end the meeting he said Mr the

plan is you have a package and we were

supposed to deliver to you on Monday

coming but we have it now it’s Thursday

if you want to if you send Fritz over

there he’ll pick it up we don’t normally

do that we we delivered on the day

supposed to be but we know you cuz we

had you Ministry all the time you know

they’re delivering stuff con I said well

sure so I called Fritz I said Fritz can

you pick up this package he said yeah he

said what is it I said I don’t know I

asked the FedEx man what is it he said

we don’t open up the packages I don’t

know I said oh okay so I get up me and

Cath we drive to my home which is about

10 minutes from the airport uh if you’re

driving fast and we drive

fast and uh I got there and I wasn’t at

the house maybe 2 minutes here comes

Fritz hands me the

FedEx so I pick it I open it up when I

open it up there’s another envelope in

the FedEx

envelope who is this for what is this I

don’t know nothing’s coming I open up

the second envelope and there’s a check

in there for a


million and I went

I said Lord all I needed was

789,6 Grand why’d you give me a million

he said I’m God that’s more than

enough you’re going to need that other

money somewh he said he knew what was

coming and I did and Isaiah

65:24 spoke to me before you ask he will

answer yeah and the word says they shall

come to pass that before they call the

word call there means ask he said I will

answer and while they are yet speaking I

will hear so I have to watch what I say

cuz I get it see that’s increased

Faith so when are you going to start

using your

words well I tried that trying don’t get


done I never forget when I married Kathy

54 years ago at Holy Rosary Catholic

Church standing in front of that priest

said do you take this woman to be your

lawful wed wife I said as soon as you

finish that’s exactly what I’m going to

do he like to fell out man you’re in the

church I said I’m going to be out of

here in just a

minute I wouldn’t blink at nothing not

bragging about that and it was just such

a blessing so incre increased faith is

an oper an active operative principle

because faith without works is dead see

increased Faith Springs out of action

that’s what I thought when I was riding

around your ministry bill that’s action

there see increased Faith Springs out of

action committing your whole soul to

God’s Allegiance there’s God all over

this place with Bill wion’s name all

over it too see that is what I call

increased or Springs out of action don’t

this just words now let’s put some

action to these words see and then I

realized something as I was watching

that that this is a combination of

personal activity and dependence upon

God himself because there’s no way you

can do that without

God you see what I’m saying so you know

now I have no problem with borrowing

money but I’ve been debt free since

1982 I got Bankers calling me they say

you know you hear God a lot is he say

anything about

gold cuz if he does would you let us

know I said are you saved well not

really I said well then the goal is

mine now you don’t think that’s

something you think I’m joking when God

created Adam and need do you realize

what God’s already done when he created

this planet there were no sinners

it was created for every one of youu for

his children why he put fine gold on top

of the ground they didn’t have to dig it

out cuz he knew Eva figure out a way how

to make some jewelry out that stuff you

see what I’m saying watch this also in

that ground was oil natural gas

everything that you can think of you

just need to have the ability and the

technology to get it out the ground CU

he knew that mankind would be made in

His image and likeness and would be

become a Creator in himself or herself

do you see that so everything that you

want today is already here all you got

to do is get the technology or the

spirit of Faith increased to get it out

of where it’s at so you can possess it

are y’all enjoying this you understand

what I’m saying so that’s what I mean by

that it’s a combination of personal

activity and and dependence upon God

himself see what does increase do

increase Faith does it brings to life

truths which seem dead and ineffectual

I mean I you told a story bill I’ll

never forget that you went to borrow

some money at a bank I don’t know where

it was and I can’t believe that

this Banker would say that he said well

we don’t lend that that kind of money to

a black

man and I love what Bill said what that

got to do with

me he ain’t worried about he a black man

he’s a faith man you understand you

understand what’s going and that

probably blew the socks off the guy see

what I’m saying what’s that got to do

with that has nothing to do with him

now I I don’t borrow any money now banks

are trying to get my

money and I said let’s sit down and have


conversation cuz since you expensive you

ain’t seeing expensive till you do

business with me and you want this money

yeah this is what you pay for well

that’s more than the federal government

yeah but they

broke they got a $35 trillion debt I

don’t have no debt

they can’t believe that a preacher would

say that it’s not arrogance or Cockiness

it’s confidence and Assurance see see

truths when you understand that see that

increased Faith brings to life truths

which seem dead and ineffectual yeah but

but but but but you know the feds about

ready to drop the interest rate I use

you I said what that got to do with

me they said well I guess nothing

I said do you want this

money because it’s going to cost

you why because the planet is mine the

planet is yours that that freaks them

out see when you use God’s stuff that

freaks them out that’s a dimension you

talk about when you preaching that

fourth dimension say I said yeah it’s

mine you wasn’t

here you don’t know the

Lord you know

religion that’s a garden of weeds a

theological Wilderness that’s why you’re


but I know the Lord personally yeah

personally yes sir they don’t know how

to handle that that’s all right you’re

dealing with someone they trying to

think uh intellectual and you dealing

with Spirit that’s so far above

intellectual activity range in research

and induction and reasoning that they

they they can’t understand that they

they don’t know why oh this man serious

uhhuh why I’m not interested in opinion

this is my

conviction this is what we’re going to

do and when you understand that you you

you’ll understand this point I I want

you to write it down so you can

understand it because we live in we’re

living in chaos right now you know that

nobody knows what to do anymore and it

it’s just truly amazing to me how many

people don’t know what to do when there

was a woman who son’s dead and they

asked her how you doing to Elisha she

said all is well now she wasn’t denying

that the son’s dead but she was speaking

words of her future she wanted her boy

back and here’s a prophet that had the

ability to do that and when you see

Elisha going up to that lady that but

the oil I think that’s Second Kings 4

you know whose wife that was that was

obadiah’s wife Obadiah a prophet of God

you can be under such a great ministry

and yet don’t understand what the

ministry saying and he left his wife

broke and busted stuck now she got to

sell her sons to pay off the debt look

what Elijah said well he didn’t say this

like most Church well you know we can

help you give yourself a little

grocery he said what shall I do for

thee now he he he was under no

obligation to do anything to her that

was not his wife what shall I do for

thee what do you have in your hand see

future always starts with a

seed something better than a seed you

got to have

demeanor see people see more

then they here and they won’t bless you

or get involved with you unless that

have that demeanor of

trust you got to have demeanor in other

words you got to be confident to such a

degree that people look at you said I

want to get involved with that

person you see then God will start

speaking there so not only does the seed

is producing but the demeanor is

producing so when you understand that’s

increased that’s that’s what these

Apostles said increase our faith see in

increased Faith creates a cosmos out of

chaos people are asking me all the time

well look what’s about ready to happen

what we going to what about the election

what about that I said what about it we

got one every four years what you all

excited about yeah yeah yeah yeah who

whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you you missed

a little scripture in the Bible that


occupy till I

come well you’re not going to tell me

who to vote for no that’s not my job but

if you want to know how to vote ask God

find out the platform find out what they

believe and then go in and do your

thing just that simple I don’t have a

problem with any of that now you know

how any of y’all ever seen me on

flasho hold your hand if you see me you

know that’s kind of like a political

program boy and I catch hell all the

time because I will tell you what I

think you know people got real mad when

they said you you don’t think about much

about what President Biden says I said

well he ain’t going to remember what he

said why should I remember what he said

now that’s not a that’s not a shot I’m

not trying to be a shot I’m just

speaking the

truth well the reason you are is cuz you

a Republican and I looked at him and I

said let me tell you something I am not

a republican Kathy’s a


republican my wife is a republic she’s

watching right now I’m sorry Kathy


Republican are you a Democrat no I’m an

independent I said Kathy the Republicans

are the lion the Democrats are lying

they’re all lying no I said

Kelly they’re lying you know that song

liar I’m telling

you but I have a right to

vote so I will exercise that in local

state and federal elections now that’s

up to you who you vote for just that

simple I don’t have a problem whatever

you know because I know one thing

whoever is in there my God

whoever gets it my God

supplies I’m not concerned about

economy at

all why my

God I can say what Paul said I am full I

have all and I abound because I have

received from God the things he sent me

so I make no excuses for that that see

that’s increased Faith creating a cosmos

out of chaos see it increased faith is

not a Doctrine or a system of historical

facts it is Faith in a person I’ve had

some people say you actually believe in

Jesus I said not only do I believe in

Jesus I’ve seen him I’ve talked to him

some people don’t believe that I went to

heaven in 1988 we don’t believe that I


care you see me

blink you can do what you want to

do but it happened

I I’m not a Prejudice man I don’t know

what color you are unless you tell

me me I I don’t

know but I did tell Keith Mo when these

people were singing all them black women

just a screaming I leaned over the key

said white people cannot do

that he said okay I just love it I I I

love you know I don’t I don’t have a

problem with anyone

I just love

people unless you tell me CU I was there

when Martin Luther King was walking the

streets I was there when they integrated

the schools I was there with the German

police dog man them things are vicious

boy because people were just trying to

who were

Americans trying to live

free I was

there I never forget one time I was 14

years old when JFK was

assassinated and I remember some black

girl I worked at a soda fountain every

uh uh drugstore had a soda fountain

anybody remember them days you could get

a chocolate malt soda whatever you want

boy these fine looking black girls come


in but when I saw my boss Mr Po he’s all

mad but he don’t know that the money

green it ain’t black and it ain’t white

it green and I mean this fine looking

black girl she said you got to serve us

I said sit yourself down

baby I will serve


you and Mr Po said God Jess she’s black

I said no she

per she just

pry I can’t tell you what I did cuz I’m

saved but other than that just my God

it was a great

day he said you don’t care about color

uh-uh just come here


baby I was a heathen don’t so were

you I just got the guts to tell you that


was and you’ve been to Vietnam and did a

lot about admissions my God I got out of

high school I went out of high school

two days I got a letter I was

drafted but they made a

mistake I was

17 you got to be 18 I’m the only man

that I know ever been drafted twice they

drafted me at 17 so I had to go down to

the custom house to you know take the

physic and all like to be inducted I

said excuse me sir I’m not 18 shut up

boy I said you I said what’s that bird

on your shoulder I slapped them m i me i

i r back I said I ain’t in your man’s

Army I’ll kill you

sucker he backed up I said you you think

I’m kidding you you think I’m afraid to

go to Vietnam you know how many people

got wiped out last

night I ain’t telling you cuz the statue

of limitations hadn’t run

out boy he backed off I said you going

to respect

me well he found out I was this sent me

back home

you know it took them two years to

change one digit that’s the government

we serve one

digit they drafted me in June I made 18

on July the


1969 I get another letter drafted me now

I’m you know I’m I’m 19 years old I’m

here we go baby you know a little over

19 and uh they say you

report the I can’t forget the place now

uh on November the 15th for

induction and then you start doing your

basic I said yes sir you that kid that

came here two years

ago I see you remember oh

yeah you got a killer look in your eyes

I said well you sent him me to Vietnam I

guess I’m going to have to do that I


know so anyway I was ready I said Mom

I’m going son my daddy said I’m glad he

going let him

go my mama


oh well my daddy was mad at me because

he hit me one time too many he lose his

temper so I burned his truck

up and I told him you got to

sleep and I’ll catch you one day

sleeping and I I’ll kill you mama say he

got that murdering Spirit around there

well when you’re little and you’re short

you get tired of people pushing you

around I had enough now I’m not bragging

about that but why because I didn’t know

God I didn’t know words could change me

but then I got another I got a phone

call from the draft board do not show up

on November the

15th I said why because President Nixon

is going to do a

lottery we’re holding off all drafts


1970 we going be drafting 18y old in 19

in 1970

and whatever they going to use each day

of the month and and if you got a high

number you were out well my number was

286 July the 9th was 286 in

1970 July the 9th was number one in

1971 I was out I never went I wanted to

go cuz I had some friends of mine that

were in hotel uh the Hilton Hano what

they call it for five years and they

still messed up to it that they didn’t

me then people beat those men hurt them

hurt them you know it made me so mad and

angry you know what I’m saying but I

mean I didn’t go so when I see a um I

don’t know a

veteran I honor them and even though I

hadn’t been there I got a good salute

you said I’ll salute them I want

to they gave me

Freedom you see what I’m saying and uh

and uh some of my friends say you you

should have went

Jesse I said I could have brought my own


I had everything from an AK-47 to uh a

nine everything you could think of

because I was raised that

way but Jesus came

up increased faith I didn’t know how to

pray cuz when I prayed I prayed hey Mary

full of grace the Lord is with thee

blessed are thou among women blessed is

the fruit of thy womb Jesus holy Mary

Mother of God pray for us sinners now

and hour of our death that was the

prayer and the other one Our Father who

art in heaven Hallowed be thy name thy

kingdom come thy will be done on Earth

as it is in heaven give us this day our

daily bread forgive our trespasses

that’s what you used when you took

Penance at the confession anybody know

what I’m talking about yeah I didn’t

know I didn’t know believe with your

heart confess with your mouth I never

seen that before in my life so when I

got born again I walked into that

bathroom and Bill I had increased faith

but I didn’t know how to use it so I

looked at myself in the mirror and I

said whatever Billy

says because I just saw biligram on

television Kathy asked me to watch him I

just done a show with a with Alice

Cooper there and I kind and I thought

and I was doing the Thunderbird he was

at the the blo and stainy we working

together to make a long story short I

didn’t know how to

pray so I

said whatever Billy say boom I got born

again but those simple words I open up

that door to that bathroom there’s jod 3

years old looking at me I have a

beautiful daughter so when you

understand what God is

saying that’s the meaning vitality and

the possibilities of increased Faith so

I see you Bill with all

capability because when I saw you at the

Believers conviction you had a cane I

saw you here you don’t have

one and I know you got your right mind

because you told everybody uh I’m going

to take my

time just do what I

said I like that so let me close with

this so you can understand I only got a

few minutes left here increased Faith

makes you think of life entirely Through

The Eyes of

trust you see once you lose trust you’ll

have a hard time getting it

back so and that that doesn’t mean you

can’t get it back but it’s going to take

a long time for it to get back see of

trust is a wonderful thing when people

trust you let me say it again increased

Faith makes you think of life entirely

Through The Eyes Of Trust see so my

motivation for accumulation is

revelation which has no

limitation let me say it again my

motivation for accumulation is

revelation which has no limitation I’m

going to explain that which means I

cannot use the B I got to get out of New

Orleans to get to other Banks

because they only cover you up to

$250,000 per account see what I’m saying

if you just you know CU cash is King

remember that cash is King see so you

have to go where so your money can be

protected and things that need and you

can have $750,000 in a bank and if the

bank went under you wouldn’t lose it but

it have to be you have an account your

wife has an account then you have a

joint account that’s $750,000 and you’re

covered see what I’m saying but after

that they’re in the M you got to get

somewhere else but people said my God

that what you you can’t do that oh yes

you can you serve El

Shai but you don’t fall in love with the

money because see when once you fallen

in love with God nothing else

fits nothing else

fits see and that’s that Dimension see

so when I say my motivation for

accumulation is revelation which has no

limitation so when God told me to um get

the plane I just did it then I call you

Keith and I said Keith because the Lord

gave him a wonderful word step up okay

and I remember when I called him I said

Keith plane money upgrades plane money

upgrades don’t never just get by don’t

ever just say no you got to have more

than enough because you’re imitating God

and he’s more than enough why would he

give me a million when all I needed was

$789,000 $800,000 because he’s more than

enough now since all this Co stuff I’ve

had $181 million given

$55 million Giver


givers not

bragging and it’s already gone I mean it

it it just because the world is

expensive because Satan is running

it he’s a

thief so you can have it

all because when God created it there

were no

Sinners see that’s increased Faith so

when you understand that you’ll

understand that your Li your results in

life depend upon yourself and your

action so the Lord tells me all the time

what we going to do

today and I said Lord you don’t know

what you’re going to do he said well

you’re in my hands you’re my feet you’re

my mouthpiece what we going to do today

Jesse I said well this is what we’re

going to do he said let’s

go yeah and and it doesn’t work some of

the time it works all the time see

that’s something may and I’m gonna ask a

question how many of you are pastors

hold your hand

up okay put your hand up has anyone ever

left your church hold your hand up at

the now why is that you think you did

something wrong you think you said

something wrong no actually they

embraced what you

said they liked it man I’m GNA stay at

that church son I tell you what but you

see what you said didn’t happen fast


because what they did was mix faith and

time you see and time will become your

enemy Faith does not faith will produce

it pleases God you see they go you see

that stuff don’t work so they’ll leave

the church and go to some lesser church

and for you know it they diging a ditch

they dig in their own grave it wasn’t

that you and try to make you feel bad I

must have said something wrong or no no

they actually embrac what you said but

because it didn’t happen fast enough and

the Bible explicitly says let us not not

be weary in what wello for in due season

you reap if you faint

not so then don’t me I’m not worried

about time because I’m a Timeless being

because I’m creating the image of God

he’s Timeless now Jesus terries this

flesh will die I got enough sense to

know I ain’t afraid to die you know how

how many times I’ve been so close to

death how many guns been put in my face

and everything you could think of I been

they tried to electrocute me twice with

240 votes

even at the believer’s convention they

tried to shoot me did you all know that

that was several years ago I heard

behind me I didn’t know what the what

was going on I just kept on preaching

and the guy had a 357 Magnum on me he

said you know nobody knows me but they

know him if I kill him they don’t know

me you didn’t know that did you I mean

I’m telling you they got some crazy

people in the world and but that’s was

you afraid no why are you worried would


help no so why do that

to me that’s a very simple thing well

you not wor no would it help no I

didn’t why would I do

that you see what I’m saying so I’m 10


ahead and I think you should be and if

you go to Jose School of Business you

should be let me explain that when I got

my my 7x oh God I flew it to Sarasota

Florida so Keith and Phyllis could see


and I saw Keith standing like this in

front of his hanger as I as we tax it up

and all of a sudden Keith was not

there I was standing like that and when

I got off the plane I said Keith you

will come to my hanger in New Orleans

with your sevenx and I will be in front

of the

hanger just like you would and that

happened see what I’m saying now and

what’s happening if you believe it fast

you get it

fast but if you keep going down there

every time you s the SE dig it up got

any Sprouts on it yet leave it

alone let it do its thing see so don’t

mix time with your faith because it’ll

work for you because faith will work

that’s increased faith and you really

have to

struggle to not understand Prosperity

when God calls the Holy Spirit the


how come people not in

Comfort why you mad at me because I’m in

Comfort I’m just being

biblical he’s a comforter you don’t

struggle no that doesn’t mean the devil

don’t attack me and I want everybody

believing with me we got looks like a

hurricane coming at us I got to get back

home and and you know those things are

you know they’re

aggravating we going to be okay there no

other it don’t make no difference what

the world

does we just we just believe for meter


Miracles when they show up and uh so you

know be praying with his beli in us cuz

this thing supposed to be here uh

Wednesday sometime Wednesday or

something like that but we’re not

believeing for it to be strong just

water the ground go on about the

business yeah but no no no I don’t have

the yeah but

syndrome I don’t have the supposed to

don’t work

syndrome see that’s doubt doubt is

mental anemia it’s a form of

atheism when you doubt God’s word you

doubt that he exists

how do I know that St John 1:1 in the

beginning was the word Word was God word

was with God that’s increased Faith see

what I’m saying so everything you say

bill is going to come to pass and let me

help you David if Jesus teres and we all

go by the way of the Grave because we’re

a lot young older than you are every

man’s work’s a

continuation whether there’s a Moses

there’s a

Joshua but be very careful serve because

you see Moses son didn’t get the top

slot just cuz you family because they

didn’t they didn’t do what Joshua said

Joshua’s Sons didn’t get the top slot

because they didn’t do what Joshua

said just do it and watch God do the

most miraculous miracles in fact I told

at the Joel o i Clos him he said Jesse I

was preaching I preached for John O I

don’t know how many times and I preached

for Joel too and I looked at Joel and

I’ll never forget what I said to him

this is years ago he was wearing his

daddy’s shoes did you know that when he

was in the pullit and the Lord said take

your daddy’s shoes off put yours on

now and look what God’s done in Joe

ost’s Ministry it’s amazing how big the

thing is and thank God for it but I

looked at him he said yes but just I

need to talk to you he filmed me a

lot and I knew what he wanted to ask me

and I don’t believe you mind me sharing

this I said Joe let me tell you what you

I think you’re going to ask me I said

first let me tell you get your own board

nothing wrong with your dad’s board they

wonderful people get your own board that

understands and thinks like your vision

is that you don’t have time trying to

put something together that then get

them thinking like you think and if two

of you agree on Earth is touching

anything I said then you you finish with

all that other stuff boy he said that’s

exactly what I’m saying nothing wrong

with his father’s board not not the

issue and look what God has done


now this is just some practical

applications and things to increased

faith and God will bless you give Jesus

a great

handc Hallelujah Lord glory to God very

simple not

opinions convictions I have the honor

today before I pray for you to receive

an offering for Bill Winston his

ministries I really think all of you

ought to walk around this

place don’t get in a hurry on

it let God

speak your eyes will be opening to the

things that you may want to

do it may be totally different than what

bill and Veronica’s doing that’s not the

issue but you have to have a place to


from see what I’m saying so I’m going to

ask you to give the bill Winston’s

Ministry and I re re good

offerings I don’t mean that pridefully I

had a person the other day said listen

if you’ll come the last offering we gave

somebody like you was $1.4

Million I said that don’t move me

brother $1.4 million don’t move you no

cuz I got $1.4

million that don’t move me better get up

a little

higher now you ain’t got to give me

anything that’s not the issue my point

is do don’t


limitation when God is unlimited so

we’re going to ask you to give

today and I want you to feel the heart

of Bill and Veronica why all this is

here and actually he’s going to get

persecuted you know that but so what I

just go ahead and pass out those offer

envelopes if you don’t mind I want to

ask you to do something now let me just

say yeah but we you know we’re not

Americans in our country well change


country while they receiving the

offering envelopes I had a friend of

minees in heaven you know what we did we

decided to attack the country of

Malawi and you know what we did instead

of going to the poor people we went to

the rich people we started from the top

down if we could get the president save

in the cabinet it was just all the way

to go down when we started it was 90%

Muslim when we finished it was 80%

Christian listen built 3500 churches

brick churches with parsonages and we’d

buy 3500 suits every year so they could


well well that’s impossible

yeah that man was Pastor Dan Schaefer

who’s in heaven

today and I learned something from him

he said if you start from the top down

and I really say this if we can get

everybody saved from the president to


Congress to the Supreme Court the

judicial system it will come down da da

da da da and before you know it you

won’t be

struggling you see what I’m saying well

that can’t be done yes it can be because

God said the gospel must be preached to

the world for a witness so I ask you to

do your best if you’re writing a check

out you is that on the screen they know

how to do that there’s text to give and

Mobile online and everything just make

it out to Bill Winston Ministries and

and and 100% it’s going toward his

ministry and I would invite you

to walk around here and feel the heart

of a man that knows what to

do saw something and did it talked faith

and words and put action behind it got

turned down many times for money but

that didn’t stop

Bill no anybody can

quit it’s just to do something and God

will honor you are you ready to

give now I personally believe in 100f

and I believe build uses too think if

you got 100 fold I tell people all the

time in my mission you give me

$1,000 and if and today is what Monday I

said I’ll have a thousand new people by

Friday I know how to do that through

that through that social media and

Instagram I know how to do it not

bragging I just know how to do it but I

really believe that his importation is

much stronger than

mine because God gave him such wonderful

ideas that was in the Bible Bible based

in faith

based Joseph School of ministry most

people don’t even know who Joseph

is most people don’t know the difference

between the spelling of job and the

spelling of

job you’d be

surprised but Bill had a vision Veronica

had a vision wait a minute that doesn’t

mean that tough times didn’t come so

what had a good old Texas man tell me

tough times don’t last Jesse tough

people do

do I’ve never forgot that hold your

offering up to the Lord we want to pray


it I want I want you to wave it a little

bit so God can see

it look

Lord the giving of their substance Lord

they they don’t have

to you’re not making them they want to

because they love you Lord they love

Bill Winston Ministry they love what

they’re doing what Bill Winston Ministry

is doing doing globally as well as

locally father I thank you that this

whole mall was built for this ministry

nobody knew that way back when but you

did Lord I Thank you for it and I

believe you for it and I call it done

Lord the H hundredfold anointing is on

my life I ask you Lord to give it to him

and I mean this week through something

unbelievable impossible just like that

check that came in a FedEx I didn’t even

know it was coming

I had no

idea God I ask you to minister and bless

greatly every individual Lord because

they giving from their

heart and there’s nothing like a heart

Giver these people are not wallet givers

they’re heart givers that’s what touched

jesus’ heart when that lady gave that

that might not because she gave all she

had she gave all her

heart and it blessed father I thank you

for it I believe you for it and I call

it done in Jesus name amen and amen

ushers go ahead and receive this

offering and then I want to pray and ask

you to receive Christ if you don’t know

that but go ahead and receive the

offering Hallelujah I remember brother

RW shambach he was one of my great

friends he never used buckets for

offerings he used garbage

cans garbage cans and he filled him

up I said you don’t Limon he said I

don’t Limon nothing garbage cans filled

them up I saw it happen many

times it was amazing as they receiv

receiving oh Robert came up to me said

Jesse lay hands on me I didn’t want to

lay my hands on Old

Roberts he said I want that anointing of

increase I said Chancellor Robert look

at all robertt un look at all you he

said it’s got debt on it Jesse but you

and Ken how to do things debt

free I said okay I felt so funny but

that man was wanting to

receive and even though he was an elder

god who spoke to his

generation he saw something in me that


wanted I really believe all of you see

things in Bill and Veronica that you

want and why not that’s why you came

change your

countries don’t worry about the United

States you an

individual but you you can’t do that

unless you know him most people know

about him but they don’t know him I want

to introduce you to my friend now most

people come to meeting like this or born

again but maybe some are not or some of

you have been struggling and you’re a

little irritated because it ain’t

working because you mixed time with


When Faith is unlimited and

Timeless because what it does is build a

good report that’s Hebrews 11:2 for by

it the elders obtained a good report so

would you stand to your feet today

everyone here now that they’ve received

the offering and I’m going ask you just

play me something soft there be fine

brother I’m going to ask you to meet


today I’m going ask you to let the Lord

come into your heart and bless you and

honor you you that are watching online

the same

thing that if you’ll accept Jesus he

will change your life he will minister

to you you may be a firsttime Salvation

maybe you know about God but you don’t

know God that’s very possible I’ve seen

that happen so many times in churches

they know about God but they don’t know

God or maybe you’re struggling you just

can’t seem to get there so you backed up

instead of walking forward and you need

some people call it an old Pentecostal


rededicate well I think we need a lot of

rededication faithful

Revival I can honestly say this I I I

have you ever saw me

sad I got born again it was such a

wonderful thing that as not a day goes

by I don’t think

wow God changed me and if God could


me he can change

anybody even my own high school reunion

said we can’t believe you a

preacher you are a

gangster you can’t hardly believe that


you I serve the devil very

well I wasn’t proud about that proud of

it but when I got born again I said I

will serve you all the days of my

life no matter what it

takes I will do it

Lord I will honor you there’s a little

scripture in the Old Testament said if

you honor me

I will honor you so I let every part of

my life be in honor this is what you’re

doing when you ask Jesus to come in your

life so with every head bowed and all

you that are watching online too if you

like to know God instead of knowing


God and you need to get saved for the


time would you allow me to be a part of

your decision to let Jesus into your

life it would be such an honor to God

and an honor to

me to let Jesus into your life this is


religion that’s a garden of weeds this

is personal commitment to a

savior I used to stop there that’s how I

was trained as a doctor of divinity the

lord always told me take it further

Jesse maybe you’re here today you’re

struggling with your salvation no you’re

not backslid to Hell by no means but

you’re not living the way you should and

you need to draw closer to God maybe

somebody hurt you with their

words instead of healing you with their

words would you give me the honor to say

Lord here’s a man here’s a Woman They

struggling and they’re tired of it they

want this to work spiritually physically

financially in every area and let that

happen and start tonight so with your

head bowed and you’d like to get saved

for the first time to know God instead

of knowing about God or you’re not where

you should be with God and you need to

be and be honest with with yourself you

need to draw closer to him would you

lift your hand up hold your hand up when

I see it and acknowledge it and I got

television lights in my hand oh say if

you can help me uh I would appreciate

that get up here so I can see a little

bit but I lifted hand is there anyone

here CU I know people come to these

meetings oh born again but I’m just

saying here uh everyone can use a little

extra God you know what I’m trying to

say so could I see a hand quickly I want

everybody praying you that can pray in

English pray in English you that can

pray in the Holy Ghost pray in the Holy

Ghost let’s do that right now you that

are watching online the same thing can

they call in something David or

something somebody getting born again

online they can click a button they can

click a button and that’ll work like

that so every head bowed please every

eye closed we don’t want to embarrass

nobody but I say a hand quickly CU it’s

hard for me up here with all these TV

lights in my eyes thank you I see that

and are there others are there people up

in the balcony way back there I’m so

glad if this whole place is saved I’m

excited about it I don’t see many hands

at all and that’s a good thing but I saw

thank you I see that hand but Chicago

got so many

unsaved we flew over them today comeing

here we got to do a better

job to touch it just one big city got to

see another quickly don’t miss my Jesus

us as you see someone I don’t see thank

you sir I see that hand elha showing me

that hand are there others quickly come

on I don’t hear you praying I want to

hear you praying just pray head bowed

eyes closed thank you I see that hand

yeah people are starting to obey the

Lord right now thank you I see your hand

you may put your hand down are there

others thank you I see that hand thank

you Lord pray with me in the Holy Ghost

thank you Lord are there others quickly

people lives being

changed spiritually physically and

financially can I see others quickly

don’t miss my Jesus up in the balcony

don’t me do where you are you let God

come into your life and help you can I

say one more I don’t want to hold you

long I don’t want to struggle to beat

you to come forward now we don’t do that

kind of stuff stuff it’s a simple Act of

Faith that you say yes Lord I’m yours

and you’re mine can I say one more don’t

miss my Jesus help me ushers if I can’t

because I mean I I’m squating like crazy

to try to see past these TV lights and

things of that nature can I see one more

thank you Lord all right I want everyone

to look at me ladies and gentlemen I

would never lie to you I preach

something so simple

today so easy today

yet it

works not some of the time all the time

said brother Jesse how do you stay happy

well I live in Branch life he’s the vine

and I’m the

branch it’s called Branch life that’s

what I really wanted to speak on the

Lord said no you go because you got to

get that Faith back like like Bill was

saying sever you lifted your hand I’m

going to ask you to do something harder

than that I’m going to ask you to do

what Jesus asked people to do that’s

pretty good when Jesus asked people to

do something everyone he called they

called publicly if you lifted your hand

and there wasn’t that many of them I’m

going ask you to get out of your seat

and come stand here in front of



yeah on everybody yeah what’s wrong with

that what’s wrong with that I don’t know

why people struggle with that come just

come on come here all you got to do is

take one step forward come come on

sweetheart just stand right

there thank

you come sir come on young man just come

and stand right over

here Hallelujah Lord come on keep keep

applauding just give him a hand clap

come on just stand right there sir come

young man just stand right there if

you’re in the balcony they’ll take you

about a minute to come down and just let

the Lord help

you you got you don’t realize how

valuable people

are one soul brother thank you thank you

here they come come on one soul is worth

more than the whole

planet thank you sir thank you man are

there others quickly I mean it’s hard to

see with these lights in my eyes do you

understand how valuable you are you’re

more valuable than Apple they’re worth

$3 trillion Nvidia they’re worth three


you are worth more than the

planet you don’t think God thinks good


you he loves you died for

you my God how can anybody not believe


Jesus he’s not a religious

figure he’s God

Almighty born in the flesh


show I’m going to ask you to repeat a

prayer after me I’m going to ask you to

say it with your

heart I’m going to ask you to confess it

with your

mouth when we finish

this you will know God instead of

knowing about him if it’s a first time

salvation or a re selling out in a

rededication to say Lord I’m

yours I’m still looking to do things for

God Almighty I’m not interest and

popularity look at me about money I’m

going to tell youate it’s funny but it’s

so true money does not make you

happy but it does make you comfortable

while you

miserable that’s a

fact I was not a happy man but I was a

wealthy young boy but I was

miserable I often think about Robin

Williams who did God

assign to touch Robin Williams

who could make the world

laugh but couldn’t make himself

laugh The Secret of pain inside of him

somebody didn’t do their

job you know what I did the other day

and I’m going to pray for


you I’m 75 years

old and I say this all the time I can do

anything today as I did when I was 25

but I’m going break something if I do

I can’t do what I did at 25 maybe a

little bit well I took

a suitcase and I have very tall ceilings

in my house and and I took the suitcase

and I was on a ladder and I threw it up

on the top up there and it it St but it

was kind of

crooked so I do this I reached over and

when I

did the ladder went out

and I looked down I said here it comes

here it comes I busted this arm up and

you know what the hemogo H blood as big

as my fist right here if you see me do

this sometime I mean it was this big I

thought they were going to punch a whole

with a knife get it out of there they

said no your body will absorb it will so

they x-rayed my arm see if I broken the

had Kathy said stay off laters

Jesse I went to the urgent

care I I don’t have doctors you know

I’ve been a healthy man and the girl was

going to x-ray with the X-ray technici

and the Lord says she needs

prayer she when you’re

sensitive so I looked at her and I said

excuse me I believe you need prayer she

goes yes I do I said can I pray for you

or would you I pray she busts out crying

and I’m just ministering to her with my

my elbow

going and the devil’s telling me he you

feel that shut

up like this I pray with tears coming

out her eyes Kathy was with

me ministered to her now God didn’t make

me fall off a ladder so I could pray for

the woman I did something stupid not

because I’m

75 it’s because I’m

75 I think it’s

like an idiot trying to you know balance

and I just lost my balance she got

really touched by God problem with drugs


delivered you know going to a church I

said you never have to worry about the

past I said God not only saved you

sweetheart he expunged your record you

know what that means never

happened when we pray this prayer sir

he’s going to expand your record

it never happened so I’m going to ask

everybody in the audience to pray with

let’s pray together Lord Jesus Lord

Jesus I ask you I ask you come into my

life come into my life forgive me

forgive me of all my sin of all my I

confess my sin I before you this day

before you this I denounce Satan ice and

all his works I confess Jesus as the

Lord of my life thank you for saving me

for bringing me closer

to who you are who you are I believe

with my heart I believe I confess with

my mouth I confess that Jesus rose from

the dead that I am saved I will no

longer struggle with temptation of any

kind this day this is my God day with

the Lord Jesus I pray this prayer iay to

the father in Jesus name amen Give the

Lord a standing ovation you made it that

wasn’t hard was it that was pretty

simple wasn’t he sir was that

simple why does the church World make it

so hard I ask you to do one thing for

God’s sake and my sake there’s a man

right there with his hand up he’s not

waving to you he just got his hand up

you I want you to walk with him your

friends will wait for you this will not

take long a personal prayer we we pray

with if you need anything they they can

pray with you about it it won’t take

long if you’ll do that oh let me help

you you don’t have a good church here’s

a good one how do you know I’m

here and the Bible say forsake not the

ascending of yourselves so some of you

people have been watching you need to

clean them dirty pajamas and get your

butt up and start coming to

church you hear what I’m saying for sake

not the assembly thank God for online

thank you God for it but it’s good to

have that corporate anointing so sir

would you lift your hand up again would

you just walk this way right there give

him a hang hand clap as they go come

on give them a good hand clap thank you

sir thank you thank you thank you

oh come on somebody shout


somebody now I’m going to ask you to

take the person’s stand next to

you and we want to pray against this

storm I think the name of the storm is

Francine I think something like is that

correct thank so Bible said everything

name has to Bow the name of Jesus so

pray this prayer with me Lord Jesus Lord

Jesus I command I command

frine to dissipate to dissipate wind

shear windar dry air dry air get inside

of it get that when it approaches the

coast when it approaches the co it won’t

have the power it won’t have the power

other than to wet the ground other than

to wet because the ground needs to be

wet because the ground needs to be wet

Lord and the freshness from water will

make things

grow grow Satan I get great pleasure I

in telling you tell you to get away from

Francine get away from frine trying to

make her a terrible hurricane trying to

make her a ter I decree and declare this

day I decree if two of us agree if two

of us and we agree today we agree to

that nothing will go wrong nothing will

go wrong in any way shape of

form I pray this prayer I pray this pray

in Jesus name in Jesus give the Lord



Ovation it’s been an honor and a

pleasure and I don’t mean that to be

rude I’m going to slip out real quick I

got to fly back and uh be praying for a

little town called Cyprus Texas I’m

supposed to go there Wednesday for that

hurricane I don’t want to mess it up I I

could reschedule it I’d rather not you

know what I’m saying because they’ve

been waiting a long time and I just want

to be a blessing if we can to those

people Bill you’re my friend you’ll

always be my

friend and who knows Bill maybe me and

you one day may be jogging down the road


Chicago who knows why

not and who knows and David trying to

catch us and he

can’t hallelujah it’s been an honor I

thank each and every one of you I’m

going say it again walk around this

place it will enl your vision it will

enl your

wallet got to put stuff in

there I’m telling you use me as an

example whoever would buy a a plane and

in less than a year get all the money

back that’s unheard of even a

billionaire was shocked at

that a multi-billionaire

and it’s just such a blessing I don’t

want to say this I know Kathy’s probably

listen but the Lord said say it I

finally told my daughter what I

have I only have one daughter David and

one granddaughter that’s

it so I sat her down and I had my

attorneys come in I said jod everything

I got belongs to you and Meredith you

are air me and Mama I want to show you


things and the attorney says uh jod we

have to make a spreadsheet on your dad

he’s in so many

things and when Jodie saw she goes oh my

god daddy I didn’t know and she started

crying I said you got to know not that

I’m ready to leave I’m not saying but

you got to

know I said if you do right it will ask


life and Meredith’s

life good man make an inheritance for

his children’s

children and all of y’all know my good

friend lero Thompson he said oh my

God if people have no

idea what you I said and they never

will has nothing to do with me is that

God trusts me and he honored me and I’m


him yeah and I told Meredith I said if

Jesus terries and you 85 years old and

you still got a bunch and you don’t have


children leave it to the work of

God Lock Stock and

Barrel she said okay

grandfather but you know I like to

spin I said that’s okay because you

can’t break me baby

I said I’m putting this in your mind

listen to me I showed you these things

even wall Street’s hollering at me you

got to quit that preaching business and

get on this street these are these

headphone operator billions you know

said I ain’t quitting the preaching

business because you see it is a

business that’s what I love about you

Bill God’s B Ministry is a business and

if you don’t operated like a business

you’re awaiting

bankruptcy I don’t care how I knowed you


do it like Bill and run it do it run it

like a business and God will honor you

and it’ll last for eternity you know

John D Rockefeller

senior you know they’re still trying to

spend his

money they hadn’t got to Rockefeller

junr yet he been dead since 1940

something a earlier than that you know

what he was a

tither tither

build a whole city first thing he built

Veronica was a


tithe God honored him and you under a

man of ministry that has a unique

anointing for that so use it and you’ll

be blessed until next time may God

richly bless you we love you give Jesus

a hand clap as David or or bill y’all



come on let’s give J here a big God



you come on you can do better than that



man praise God sit down for just a

moment um if you will let’s run the clip

for tomorrow night uh hallah now

tomorrow day uh starting at 10:00 uh

we’ve got the women’s meeting praise God

woo woo I run that clip please thank

you full and total worship and so we say

this holy acceptable AC holy

acceptable holy

acceptable father we proce

ourselves holy

accept whatever he says to you pray

about well the direction wasn’t to pray

it was to do

something knowing it is not doing it

hearing it is not doing

it in our

camps word and

faith faith is a

doer faith is an

actor faith is a



mover praise God you know

um I really now Jesse said some things

up here but that last thing a good man

leaves an inheritance

what his children’s

children you know if you don’t have any

other reason to have money in the bank

that’s a good reason right there you

know don’t don’t just read this

word and and have no desire no

aspiration to let that word live in you

let it live in you I’m telling you you

he’s talking about increased faith that


powerful um do we have any

announcements okay go ahead just a few

additional announcements tomorrow is the

women’s event divinely hert Elevate in

Grace it starts at 10:00 a.m. doors open

at 900 a.m. and that will go to 2: p.m.

so make sure to come on out we have

special guest speaker Pastor sioban

Smith and it includes an a culinary

experience that is one-of aind and we

also have a surprise guest there for you

it’s going to be a great time you can

register at ic. billwinston.org

or you can go to the booth in the

exhibition Hall tickets are $40 please

make sure to go and reserve your spot

tonight also make sure to go in the

fellowship hall you can get products

from all of our guest speakers and also

an additional announcement we have a

Carver Cloud Innovation excuse me we

have Carver Innovation Center that is

doing a virtual prototyping

demonstration so what do you see is it a

new product is it a layout for your

retail space a vision for your ministry

or an app virtual prototyping allows you

to formulate your god-given idea with

words so stop by the Carver Innovation

Center and experience this Cutting Edge

Innovation firsthand so Wednesday

September 11th from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00

p.m. and also again on Friday September

13th from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m stopped

by the Carver Innovation Center and that

is in the exhibition Hall uh tomorrow we

have service again tomorrow night doors

open at 6: p.m. we start promptly at 7

p.m. thank you very much and I want to

see all the members of Living Word out

here every member

here praise


um also like I said you can go around

and see the facility and we opened up a

grocery store Supermarket excuse me uh

down the street amen woo woo and uh and

uh and it’s full full service but I’m

just giving you ideas of things that can

happen in your location praise God you

can do some of this

let’s stand to our feet Hallelujah

Pastor Barnett why don’t you come on and

give us a closing



amen heavenly father in the name of

Jesus dear Lord we thank you for

increase increase in our minds increase

in our words increase in our spirit that

we go forth dear heavenly father by the

unction of the Holy Spirit dear Lord

saving Souls winning lives transforming

cities Nations people’s lives families

and communities we thank you for this

opportunity dear heavenly father to

express heaven in the earth Lord in

Jesus Holy Name Jesus name amen amen

amen greet somebody tell them Jesus

loves you and so do I and we’ll see you


tomorrow we got the