Raising Up Leaders: Inside Canada’s 2024 Timothy Conference [Inside the Vision S02E37]

On this week’s INSIDE THE VISION, we go inside the Timothy Conference in Canada. Its main purpose is to impart vision into the next generation of ministers. At KCM, we believe in sowing into young people, and this is one way we do that. Highlights include: * Hear the powerful vision for reaching young people that The LORD showed Bill Prankard, a member of our Canadian board, and how it’s coming to pass. * Witness the testimony of Dave and Susan Andrews, small-church pastors, whose lives were forever changed at last year’s Timothy Conference—and how they’re now fully pursuing God’s WORD and experiencing THE BLESSING. * See how KCM Partners played a KEY ROLE in this conference through a surprise announcement that about made Bill fall over! Become a KCM Vision Insider and get access to all INSIDE THE VISION episodes PLUS extended interviews, bonus downloads and more. Ignite the vision God has placed inside you today! Get your FREE vision journal and more at https://www.insidethevision.org When you become a KCM Vision Insider, you will receive regular email updates directly from Pastor George concerning key vision projects at Kenneth Copeland Ministries, as well as encouraging tips and teaching to help you fulfill the vision God has for your life. Sign up today and get an exclusive Inside the Vision journal and a special minibook completely FREE. Visit https://www.insidethevision.org. Subscribe to this channel to be notified of new Inside the Vision episodes! Connect with Pastor George GET WEEKLY EMAILS & VISION TIPS! Become a KCM Vision Insider: https://www.insidethevision.org FACEBOOK: / georgepearsons INSTAGRAM: / pastorgeorgepearsons GIVE TO KCM: https://www.insidethevision.org PARTNER WITH KCM: https://www.insidethevision.org


just a few months ago Pastor Terry and I

had the wonderful opportunity to attend

the Timothy conference in Toronto

Ontario Canada and the main purpose

there is to impart into the next

generation of ministers not only did we

attend but Pastor Terry had the

opportunity to speak twice now why is it

so important that we show you what all

was accomplished at this Timothy

conference well it’s because you our

partners have so much to do with it and

that’ll become very clear as you

continue to watch I’m so excited for you

to hear all the testimonies of some of

those who attended so join me and Bill

pranker as we go inside his vision for

the nation of

Canada there are men and women of God

that God’s raising


up I believe you’re the generation

that’s going to go in there’s an

anointing of Joshua and

Caleb and you’re going to enter into

everything we prophesied about

everything we preached about everything

we’ve dreamed about he saw worthy he saw

something in need it he said that’s

worth dying over that’s worth putting it

all on the line for keep your eyes

focused on what is the thing that God

has called you to do and you just stay

with it stay on track our nation have

vacant seats of Authority waiting for

the Next Generation to arrive and say I

will sit in this seat I will lead in

this city I will lead in this province I

will lead in this country and I will

live right I will be moral financially

and doctorally sound there are those who

must make the decision and stand up it

is time for the Next Generation to arise

to raise up a generation of PA’s and of

Timothy who carry the message of Hope

for the future of this nation would know

the goodness of God to stir up the gift

that’s inside of you raising up

Timothy’s young and old men and women

are going to Pro side see Visions dream

dreams and on your servants your

handmaidens you’re going to pour out

your spirits because we’re living in the

day the devil can’t stop it demons can’t

stop it nobody can stop what God’s

doing we’ve known Bill pranker for many

years he is a board member on our

Canadian board and he’s also a minister

of the Gospel he is so powerful in the

way he preaches and he’s ministered to

people in the Arctic our partners have

supported him through Kenneth Copa

Ministries and I want you to hear him

right now he preached a powerful word at

the Timothy conference listen to this

when Co happened people were asking me

Bill is this the end I had neighbors

that would never talk to me about

anything spiritually said bill you know

the Bible is this the

end because you know they saw how easy

it was and could be for a world

system and a mark and whatever else and

I quickly said no this is not the end

and then when war broke out on October

7th and and people understand even

people that don’t understand much about

scripture or prophecy they know that

what’s happening in the Middle East

right now is very significant and

they’re saying is this the end and I

quickly say no no it’s not the end

because before the

end there shall be the greatest Revival

in the history of

mankind you take the book of

Acts you take ausa Street the Welsh

Revival the tonal blessing and all the

other great revivals put them together

what is about to happen makes them look

like just a mere

Shadow you say well that sounds nice but

how do you know that let me tell you how

I know I read the word he said it shall

come to pass that I will pour out my

spirit upon All Flesh When God says it

shall and I will nobody can stop it you

can sit around all day you can have

committees debating well I don’t know

whether there’s going to be a Revival I

don’t know whether Millions going to be

saved you’re wasting your time God

already said it shall and I will

Bill pranker it is so good to be with

you here we’re on the platform of the

Timothy conference and what a great

conference this has been oh my goodness

George thank you for coming oh it’s been

so it’s been enriching I’ve been fed and

I’m so glad that we have this

opportunity to talk because you are a

Visionary and that’s what this program

is all about it’s about Vision I I love

the program and and you are a Visionary

you’ve been looking forward for a a long

time just tell us a little bit about the

beginnings of the min well we were you I

knew I was called to Ministry went to

Bible College and um pastoring and small

churches I thought that’s what we do the

rest of our life um I always said I’d

never be an evangelist because I didn’t

like traveling didn’t like being way for

and I didn’t have the an evangelist

Ministry and uh so that’s is great I was

nice to evangelists you we’d have them

into our church and bless them but in

1972 I went to Katherine colan service

and in Pittsburgh she had a Friday

morning miracle service and um I went

with a group there’s a group that went

down from our area 12 hour drive and a

bus to Pittsburgh every week they took

groups so I went down and um uh in that

service George I had an encounter not

with Katherine with Holy Spirit and um

told me two things one I had been

denying the power of God I didn’t know I

was and because I pointed out there of

those that were doing that I was and

secondly I realized I didn’t know Holy

Spirit I think I saw in Catherine

Coleman yeah for the first time you you

were in a meeting with her you saw her I

saw a lady who knew

him like I knew all about him I’d met

him he’d given me a gift and I baptism

Holy Spirit but you don’t get to know

somebody just by meeting them and

receiving a gift from them and U I saw

her when she talked of the Holy Spirit

it wasn’t a Doctrine wasn’t a force of

power she talked about her best friend

wow and I think something George and me

said if she can know him like that I can

and I realized later Jesus said exactly

that in John 14 it’s going to be better

for you if I go because I’m going to

send another just like me but he’s not

going to be with you he’s going to be in

you and you’ll know him because he’s

going to live with you and as you know

you you really get to know people when

they come to live with with you I mean

you meet them in church you meet them

somewhere they’re nice people they come

to live with you oh we we we’ve all been

through that and um you get to know him

and so I made a decision then I would

give my life pursuing him and one night

I’m sitting on a rock overlooking a lake

near a

house and I had a

vision and you’re you know about Vision

I had a vision of Canada oh yeah I

Canada in Revival in Georgia I saw it it

was so clear I saw the north with fire

all over the north I saw stadiums with

thousands of young people worshiping I

saw in the city that we live and have

lived for years our nation’s capital a

thousand young people on the streets not

just handing out tracks but seeing

people healed and set free and saved and

I saw Parliament coming to a halt and I

mean on and on and on it was phenomenal

so I knew I knew that’s what God was

going to do I knew I’d give my life for

it and I knew I’d be alive to see it and

I’d be in the middle of it you’re also a

multitasker because you’ve had a vision

for the Arctic as well yes not just for

Canada but for way up North tell us

about that well back in probably

1973 I had a service in Winnipeg by this

time we’re on television right across

the country um doing great healing

Crusades came out of a a meeting in the

convention center in Winnipeg and few

thousand people were there hundreds got

touched come back to the hotel and I’m

you know pretty impressed I think this

and God it’s hard to impress God have

you noticed yeah I have he said um you

haven’t done what I’ve told you I told

you to reach Canada yeah yeah I said

well I knew he was in the meeting

because people were healed and touch and

he said one where North we went to a

community that had never seen the power

of God they had one church that you know

was just nomal handful of people going

and U but the leader of that church is

warning people not to come to meetings

well everybody came in the school and

notable Miracles happened and I had a

healing that somebody had been in an

accident and had severed their spinal

cord and couldn’t walk well I’m looking

they all look fine to me and I heard a

yell and a guy jumps up at the back

I I I didn’t know but they’ laid him on

a mattress at the back of the other tra

he jumps up and I had no idea what was

going on he runs up to the front ran to

my interpreter picked him up over lifted

him up I said what’s going on and people

are screaming and he said he’s the guy I

said what guy the guy that was just

healed he became a Believer and so then

people started coming up and throwing

stuff down on the floor and getting rid

of bottles of stuff and drugs and and

and the the The Interpreter said they’re

saying this is what we’ve been waiting

for the power of God so that’s what

you’ve done there and the work is still

continuing to this day oh my goodness so

yeah the the majority of that Community

continued to be Christian they got great

churches there but we so I’ve been going

up for years for 50 years and helping to

build churches and teach the big thing

was suicide amongst young people and

honestly I thought what can you do yeah

what can you do with this I mean it’s

you know it’s awful but and every time I

heard I like got punched in the

stomach several years ago I was at

speaking at a conference I got a message

one Saturday morning 11-year-old boy in

a community where we built our first

church committed suicide 11year Old Boy

George committed

suicide and I I can’t I can’t do this

and I felt God saying maybe you should

stop preaching what you preach

you’ve been preaching With God all

things are possible you’ve been

preaching There’s No Limit but you’re

limiting me and I said I’m not changing

my message yeah I’m changing my talk

you’re big enough to stop suicide and we

started declaring it publicly suicide

will be stopped in the north it’s

epidemic highest suicide rate one of the

highest suicide rates in in the

world if I ask any government leader up

there where’s the most needy community

they say cape Dorset now that’s called

kingap we focused on that Community the

last few years we’ve been sending teams

in called them champions of Hope teams

in we’re building with your help our

partnership we’re building an apartment

so people can live there start a bible

school there for Inu but since we’ve

been focusing on this community yeah I

think two years ago the year before last

they had over 20 suicides in a community

of 1200 people that affects everybody it

just kept growing it was growing every

year last year no suicide praise God

this year no suicides George and people

from other communities now leaders are

calling me say if it can happen there it

can happen here suicide is being stopped

in the north and I want to tell you

KCM has been partnering with us all the

way supporting us in every way and you

know brother Kenneth he knew he was

going to preach at the top of the world

and he believes we’re helping that

because through our ministry you guys

are preaching at the top of the world

George but we are seeing change in the

north is being changed and we’re seeing

an army of young men and women rise up

and take back what the enemy St W Bill

thank you so much for what you’re doing

and thank you for joining me on inside

the vision I love you I love cherry I

love kth I love Gloria I love you all

and I love the program I love Vision

it’s a great name praise God well you

are a Visionary and thank you for

sharing on the broadcast God bless you

draw your strength from your union with

him don’t try to draw from God out like

this learn to draw from God from the


out God ministers to us from the outside

in they’re Wonder wonderful things

happen in Services wonderful things

happen there’ll be great moves of God

but you can’t count on that every every

minute of every day what do you do in

the middle of the night what do you do

when you’re off somewhere what do you do

when the phone rings and it’s bad news

what do you do what do you do in all of

those time you’ve got to learn to draw

on what’s on the inside of you the

deposit of of the new birth that was

that happened in you when you made Jesus

the Lord of your life but then you have

to continue to grow and to develop in it

by depositing what God Said and causing

allowing that word to develop and your

skillfulness in it Bible speaks of the

skillfulness to be skillful in the word

of righteousness be skillful in it know

what that means know how to use it know

how to apply it this next story means so

much to me this couple had an idea a of

who they thought Kenneth Copa Ministries

was and all that we do yet because they

attended the conference last year and

heard Pastor Terry speak the Lord

changed their hearts that’s right he

changed their hearts towards KCM but

more importantly he changed their hearts

towards the word of faith message and

they’ve been experiencing the blessing

ever since and that’s what we’re all

about we want to get the uncompromising

message of Faith All Around the World in

fact the week after last Year’s Timothy

conference Susan was in her seat as a

student for the first day of kcbc Canada

you know I don’t have to tell you their

entire testimony let’s listen to them

right now we were in this session we

heard these names and and we were like

wow like 30 years earlier as I’m

entering Bible College 40 years earlier

um we had really rejected uh what Sue’s

mom and dad were uh uh were involved

with uh with their church and with the

word of faith and

um and so in the middle of that session

both Sue and I separately without each

other knowing we just felt uh the Lord

convict us of judging and dishonoring

her dad and and we repented right there

on the spot before the session was over

not even knowing what each other was

doing and at the end uh we kind of

looked at each other and and Sue said we

need to repent I feel we need to repent

for and I said yeah I just did let’s do

that together and so we sought out um uh

Joe and Jessica Weiss and uh we

introduced to them never met them before

and we basically told them the story and

and said would you forgive us just as

representing a ministry under perhaps

That Word of Faith B Manner and um it it

was just

a it was a touching moment and that just

began something that uh for the next 10

months um God has just been doing some

miraculous things in our lives Sue had

said to me uh in those moments after we

left Joe and Jessica um I just what what

would you think

um about me going to Bible College and

we’re pastoring a little church and in a

small Church uh pastor and his wife kind

of are the the lead team you know and so

but I found

myself uh thinking wow that would be so

honoring to your dad and and it would be

a dream come true for my wife um but it

would certainly have to be a God thing

and and so we just kind of tucked that

away so the next day um we got word that

um Pastor Terry Copeland Pearson’s um

asked to to see us and so we simply

walked across to the side of the

auditorium and and there were all of

these people kind of gathered around and

and and Pastor Terry walked out and um

and she stood in front of Sue and and

she said guys I I I heard your story and

even before I heard the whole story I

knew that God was in it I knew that God

wanted me to be involved this is bigger

than you Susan and Dave and um and so

Pastor Terry made a way uh for Sue to

attend Bible College and and paid for

her tuition and uh like it just was this

incredible moment something there was

just a brand

new Hunger and

awareness of the authority of God’s word

the priority of God’s word and um how

important it is to have faith and and so

even as I’m just preparing my

messages that still Small

Voice seemed to be taking me in a uh in

a deeper Direction with scripture and I

found myself preaching out of a place

that was brand new even for me uh can

explain it it but something shifted and

so we really see our church at a place

where they’re open to saying we know

that God has more and uh and so God’s

rebuilding our church and and the

atmosphere is is so wonderful uh our

worship it’s not pushing through

something anymore and uh we’re just

believing that The Best Is Yet To Come

Pastor George and I we are the executive

directors he’s the CEO I’m Chief

Visionary officer and so we know all

about doing budgets and expenses and so

forth so that’s that’s the other that’s

the other job we have and sometimes I

noticed that people have a hard time it

seems there’s sometimes this this uh

block about giving money towards a

budget of a meeting and over that budget

goes into the Outreach and the ministry

but the thing of it is that budget just

means cost just means cost and so

everything has a budget or everything

has a cost even the Outreach so Lord

what what is it that makes people want

to hesitate in they giving towards

budget of a meeting that they’re in yeah

and I think that part of it is because

our hearts really are to give into

Outreach to give into something that’s

going Beyond ourselves Pastor George

tells our church all the time my reason

for accumul my motivation for

accumulation is

distribution but it still have to meet

the cost of the meeting so as I was

sitting there I had this came me and of

course I check it out with the boss here

but I wanted to do something for you I

wanted it to be so that whatever you

give have given into the meeting so far

whatever you give tonight or even

through Saturday night that every every

dollar of it goes into Outreach and so

for that reason brother Bill Kenneth

coua Ministries would like to pay for

the budget of this meeting and to cover

it completely so that everything that



in now I I don’t know where you’re at on

your on the on the cost of the budget

maybe it’s already come in but that’s

not the point you know it’s what it’s

how we direct our put up what we attach

our faith towards and how we see where

it’s going that makes a difference and

so for us this is the beauty of it for

us this is an Outreach SE we’re sewing

into your ministry which is Outreach but

now this makes it possible so that

everything else that comes into this

meeting will also be in out what a cool

plan what a

plan what a


plan in verse three of chapter 1 he says

I thank my God upon every remembrance of

you the New Living Translation says

every time I think of you I give thanks

to God and you know what we do that

around Kenneth cop Ministries Kenneth

and Gloria do that they thank God for

you we thank God for you we realize that

we when we say Kenneth copelan

Ministries is doing such and such or

Kenneth copelan Ministries has done such

and such we’re talking about all of the

partners who have supported us who have

given into this ministry to be able to

accomplish that and to get that done

that’s from our partners so we think

about you all the time we do and we

train our staff to think about our

partners all the

time and it says in verse four always in

every prayer of mine for you for you all

making request with joy when we are

operating in line with go our god do

doing the things that

God wants us to do taking what he wants

us to have being what he wants us to be

doing what he wants us to do the way he

wants us to do it then he has provided

his might his strength his ability it’s


armor be strong in the Lord and in the

power of His might that’s what David did

Little David little Shepherd boy David

that killed the lion and the bear with

his bare hands why because he drew from


strength that God had provided he drew

on that strength he said I’ve got a

covenant with him and I can do whatever

he tells me to


do father we thank you for this morning

we thank you for this time we’re

reminded of your faithfulness that

you’re the god that sees ahead and

provides in every

way the ministry is here to fulfill a

role to play in this great out

outpouring and we partnered with others

partnered with others to be able to get

this job

done because you love God because you

love others and because you love us we

are sincerely deeply spiritually

grateful I do want to thank the partners

all those who partner here with KCM um

I’m I’m a product of your partnership I

can’t believe just how awesome God is

when it comes to seed sewing and harvest

Harvest is the souls and I’m one of

those souls and so I encourage you keep

sharing keep partnering um keep sewing

keep giving into the kingdom because

it’s going way farther than we can even

imagine so I thank you for that as

pastors and partners we stand together

to do what what you’ve called us to do

we are resilient we are strong and we’re

getting stronger and stronger every

day thank you all for being here and God



you there is so much happening in the

world but together we’re able to make a

difference from the top of the world to

the bottom and all the way around the

middle Partners we thank you it’s

because of you that we can be a blessing

to Bill pranker and his outreaches

throughout Canada and through the

ministry headquarters in Langley British

Columbia and our partners throughout

Canada we accomplishing the KCM mission

of taking people from the milk of God’s

word to the meat and thank you so much

for watching inside the vision every

single week we’re truly honored that you

take the time to join us and to learn

about all that KCM is doing and to

understand the important part that you

play in our mission we consider it a

true blessing to inspire your vision and

to help you grow in faith so don’t

forget today is your day to become a KCM

Vision Insider and to do that head on

over to insidethe vision.org there you

can sign up and get your free journal

and becoming an Insider gives you access

to all of our bonus material and free

downloads again thank you for watching

today’s program and remember this God

loves you we love you and Jesus is Lord

hello I’m Terry copelan Pearson you know

everything I’ve ever taught or written

about prayer over the years including

what you will read in my new book can be

traced back to my grandmother Vanetta

copelan not because she formally taught

me about prayer but because she lived it

and I watched it there isn’t anything

Vanetta copin had with God that everyone

else can’t have there isn’t anything in

God that’s happened to her or to me that

couldn’t happen to you my prayer is that

you will launch into new places in the

spirit and that prayer will become for

you more than ever before a living

lifechanging encounter with him the

people of faith in 2024 will be standing

on Victory Shore launch out into the

deep and reap Mercy’s glore
