It’s Time To Stand Up Series Part 1 | Jentezen Franklin

In Acts 2, Peter stood up and preached, but he didn’t stand alone; he stood with 11 other apostles. It takes more than a preacher to bring revival. It is time for every believer to stand up for what is right and preach the gospel! To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit… & subscribe to this channel: Tell us more about what’s going on in your life: Let us pray with you:… Share your testimony to encourage us and others:… See our outreach programs:… Stay Connected to Jentezen Franklin:   / jentezen     / jentezen     / jentezenfranklin   Donate to help us share the gospel around the world through Kingdom Connection broadcasts and other humanitarian outreaches:… #jentezenfranklinsermons #faith #worship

it’s time to stand up in the pool pit

and in the congregation he stood up in

the pool pit and the 11 stood with


him together we’re inspiring people to

live for Jesus if you’re looking for

more in life to live with purpose and

peace to make a difference for your

family and those in need around the

world Jesus is the answer and our

mission is to Simply point you to him

you’re watching Kingdom connection with


Franklin if you have your Bibles I would

love for you to open them with me today

to the book of Acts chapter

2 Acts chapter 2 this is this is an

amazing chapter of course it’s the

outpouring of the Holy Ghost the Holy

Spirit they’re both biblical terms the

same the same

meaning but the holy spirit is poured

out in the upper room

and spirit empowered men and women come

out of the upper room spill into the

streets so they were all

amazed and perplexed saying one to

another what does this mean this

outpouring of the spirit these people

speaking in tongues and languages that

of every uh language of people’s groups

that were gathered for a big Festival

what does this mean why are how is this

happening this is

Supernatural and there’s always two

reactions to Spirit empowered

preaching and here comes the reactions

others mocking saying they’re drunk

they’re full of new wine here’s the

verse I want to preach on today but

Peter standing up with the

11 raised his voice and said to them men

of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem

let it be known unto you and heed my

words he goes on I won’t take all the

time he says the spirit has been poured

out this is this is what was prophesied

by Joel an outpouring of the Holy Spirit

has happened in fulfillment of

Prophecy verse 22 men and men of Israel

hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man

attested by God that did Miracles and

wonders and

signs he did God did it through him in

your midst and as you yourselves know

and he was delivered over and you have

taken him by Lawless hands and crucified

and put him to death whom God raised up

having loose from the Pains of death

because it was not possible that he

should be held by

it therefore verse 36 let all the house

of Israel know assuredly that God has

made this Jesus whom you crucified both

Lord and Christ he was preaching to a

hostile crowd the same people he was

preaching to when he stood up and the 11

stood with him we don’t understand how

hostile they were it would be like

walking into a big protest or something

going on in the streets that was

anti-christian they stood up in the

midst of that and be and he began to

preach the one you

crucified those same people he was

preaching to were saying the words

crucify him crucify him crucify him 50


before and now see the boldness see the

courage a preacher stands up and begins

to Proclaim and what is his message to

them Jesus whom you crucified

God has raised up and made Lord and then

the birth of the church happens when he

says now that you’ve heard this now when

they heard this verse 37 they were

pricked or cut in their

heart the Gospel of Jesus Christ when it

is preached brings conviction it Pricks

people in their heart it cuts people

into their heart but notice these people

and they said to Peter and the rest of

the Apostles what will we do and then

Peter said to them verse 38

repent and let every one of you be

baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for

the remission of sins and you will

receive the gift of the Holy Ghost for

This Promise is unto you and unto your

children and all who are a far off even

as many as the Lord Our God shall


call and the Bible said that there were

3,000 that were saved on the

spot we go all the way back to Acts

chapter 2 and we tell people you must

repent you must be born again you must

repent of your sins and be baptized in

the name name of Jesus

Christ and receive the gift of the Holy

Ghost and you can walk right you can

talk right you can live right you can

forgive right you can love

right when one man stood up and the

Apostle stood boldly on the day of

Pentecost and he preached the only

message that can

save there are no other messages that


save repent repent of your sins repent

of your wrongdoing repent of

unforgiveness repent of hatred repent of

racism repent of lust repent of gay

lifestyle repent of adultery repent of

drunkenness repent of lying and stealing

and murdering and killing repent that is

the message not it’s okay not a little

whatever this with that repent of


that is the message the preacher

preached that

day 1 Corinthians chap 1 and verse 2

listen to this this thing got a hold of

me it pleased

God by the foolishness of preaching to

save them that

believe that thing hit me like a ton of

bricks it sat down on me this week and

the Lord said to me Jensen when you

preach you please

me I really have lived all my life and

all I’ve wanted to do is please God I

felt like I failed in so many

ways but the Lord said as long as you

get up and preach my word cuz that’s

what I called you and put you on this

planet to do you are pleasing me and it

pleased God by the foolishness of

preaching in to save anybody who will

believe a spirit

empowered preacher Hallelujah for the

preaching of the Gospel I’m glad Simon

Peter with a backbone and with boldness

stood up in a in a messed up generation

and said repent and come to Jesus and

you can have life and have it more

abundantly it ch change the world then

and it will change it

now Romans 10:14 said how shall they

call on him in whom they have not

believed and how shall they believe in

him in whom they have not heard and how

shall they hear without a

preacher Hallelujah I know I’m preaching

to myself but sometimes the preacher

needs to be encouraged and I just want

to say I’m not a loser cuz I’m a

preacher I’m not a failure because I’m a

preacher I’m not someone that’s

unimportant because I’m a preacher

without a preacher this city would be

lost without preachers this nation would

be lost without preachers this world

would be lost Hallelujah for the

preacher somebody needs to say God thank

you for good oldfashioned Holy Ghost

preaching that changes lives and turns


around it’s time to stand up in the pull

pit and in the congregation he stood up

in the pool pit and the 11 stood with

him stand up the 11 standing with Simon

Peter gave something about it gave him

courage and God gave them courage they

had a backbone it was a time of great

opposition it was a time of hatred of

Christians more and more if you believe

the Bible you’re becoming hated more and

more if you stand for what is right

you’re ridiculed and you’re ostracized

even in the body of Christ if you stand

up and say abortion is wrong you’re

ostracized if you stand up and say

marriage is between a man and a woman

not a man with a man or a woman with a

woman I’m not I don’t I it’s hard for me

to do that I’m going to tell you why

it’s hard for me to preach like that CZ

I love everybody I love the gay I love

the straight I don’t care I love them I

do anything for people but I cannot say

the gospel is just love I have to say

the gospel is repent of your sin turn

away from it

turn away from your drunkenness turn

away from your wickedness your adultery

turn away from your porn turn away from

your idolatry turn away from it and turn

back to

God it’s time for preachers to stand up

it’s time for churches to stand up it’s

time for business people who love Jesus

to stand up it’s time for men and women

it’s time for teachers it’s time we

there’s no separation of my faith and

and anything I take it with me into

anywhere I go I shine light in the


darkness takes more than a

preacher there was a man by the name of

John who stood with him and the Bible

said he was the disciple whom Jesus

loved but it wasn’t just someone that

Jesus loved but he loved Jesus he was in

the Inner Circle of Peter James and John

he was invited by Jesus one out of three

to be on the Mount of

transfiguration when Jesus lit up like

the heavens in glory Shone on his face

he was there in the Garden of Gethsemane

one of the three of the Inner Circle

John he loved Jesus in The Garden of gas

when he prayed and was arrested John was

there he was there at the cross when

Jesus was bleeding and died and he

looked down and he saw his precious

mother Mary and John was standing beside

her on golgotha’s hill and Jesus said

take care of my mother take care of her


John loved

Jesus and not only do we need a

preachers that are standing but we need

people who stand with the preacher who

are in love with Jesus we’ve got to get

our love and our fellowship back with

Jesus a lot of you come to church but

you don’t really love Jesus like you

used to love Jesus man I feel this thing

this morning we got to love God with all

of our heart mind soul and strength and

love our brothers as

ourselves it’s time for people who love

Jesus to stand up to get a backbone to

quit being ashamed to quit worrying

about what people think your neighbors

think your little click thinks if I

don’t fit in your click I’ll take Jesus

he’s enough I love Jesus I’m not I’m not

going to be in any situation where I

can’t love

Jesus secondly Matthew was the richest

disciple according to commentaries

and when the preacher stood up with the

message a wealthy man by the name of

Matthew stood with

him what we need in the church if we’re

going to see the kind of Revival they

had in the book of Acts is gifted

business people with Acumen to do

business and the ability to to to make

money just like God anoints a preacher

to preach it’s not a different anointing

it’s the same anointing of the holy

spirit that is on me to preach that is

on them to play and to sing it the same

anointing can come on men and women to

make money in their business to finance

the message of the Gospel to go all over

the world you are important it’s not

enough to have a preacher you got to

have those Matthews standing saying I am

blessed to be a blessing and if God

trusts me with riches I want to make

sure that I get somebody’s got a tithe

somebody’s got a give somebody and

nobody makes me do it I do it cause I

want to do it I do it because I’m

privileged to do it I love to give to

the missions I love to give to the

ministries of this church I love it and

I’m standing with that

message and then there was a Phillip

Philip had a burden for evangelism

Phillip was the first disciple that

Jesus said invited follow me and when he

started following Jesus it didn’t take

him but a few minutes and after he saw

Jesus and fell in love with Jesus he ran

to Nathaniel And he said come and see

come and see this man you got to come

with me he had a spirit of evangelism on

him he was constantly bringing men and

women to Jesus he brought the little lad

to Jesus it was he he it it’s just one

after another after another he had a

spirit of evangelism and when and when

Simon Peter stood and proclaimed the

Gospel of Jesus Christ there was

standing with him one who had a spirit

of evangelism who had a passion to say I

got to reach the lost I got to reach the

lost people they’re everywhere a burden

to witness a burden to reach the lost a

burden he was holy ghost led to people

and he would share come and see and he

would get them to

church Judas messed up and hung himself

and committed

suicide the church is not a perfect

place but there was a man by the name of

maias that when Judas stepped down maias

stepped up and he said I’m not going

anywhere if you want to quit you can

quit if you want to leave you can leave

but I’m not leaving I’m staying in with

the word of God I’m staying with my

preacher I’m staying with the church I’m

staying with the kingdom I’m staying

with my

convictions what I’m saying to you is I

hope you stand but if you don’t God has

somebody who will stand up in your place

and they’ll get your reward the Bible

said let no man take your crown some of

you come so far and you’re so now

lukewarm and laxidasical and kind of

just Full of Hurt and stuff and and

you’re going to lose your crown if you

don’t watch it I don’t want to get this

far and lose my

crown I want to close with

this if the kingdom and the church and

the message is going to change the world

you got to have people who are just

there his name was James the L because

there’s two James that were disciples

James the brother of Jesus half brother

of Jesus that wrote the book of James

and then there’s James the L

his name was only there but he

stood when it was time for the preacher

to preach and because he was there

standing with the preacher I want to say

to every one of you that feel

insignificant I want to say to every one

of you that think you don’t matter I

want to say to every one of you that

think that you have no contribution to

make to God in his kingdom you matter

your commitment matters your loyal

loyalty matters your consistency matters

churches are built on saints of God that

depend on people who just are


standing I’m looking at them by the

thousands right

now and they’ll never have their name up

on the

screen I’m Looking At Elders thank God

for our seniors and our

elders they they they are a


testimony in the face of hell that there

are some people who Outlast the storm

Outlast the attack who never quit who

never fall aside who never go back to

sin they stand and they they may can’t

shout like they could shout they may

can’t dance like they used to could

dance and they may not even be able to

physically stand much without a rocker

or without a walker but they are

standing and they’re here like clockwork



Heroes Hallelujah I’m getting happy in


soul we have two Sharice we stood the

test of time we’ve been through UPS been

through Downs been through Hills been

through valleys we fought demons and

Devils with this church we thought hell

was going to win we thought demons were

we still have Miss Mysteries and

questions but we are standing standing

Still proclaiming Still Loving still

caring still

sharing hallelujah thank you for calling

me to

preach thank you for calling my family

to be a preacher’s

family woo I feel the Lord in this place

throw your hands up and worship Jesus

all over this room worship Him worship

Him at every Campus worship him in the



Thomas he had

doubts he didn’t believe because of

something he went through he didn’t

believe the

message some of you have questions cause

something terrible and tragic has

happened and it’s left you questioning

everything if there is a God where is he

why did he do

something Thomas was not forever label


Thomas because he did not believe the

message of the Resurrection until he

could feel the hands and the

feet but on the day of

Pentecost questions and awe he

stood because Jesus came to him in the

middle of his his doubt and questions

and walked through the Bible said in his

resurrected body he walked through the

door being shut and the walls being

erected he walked through the doors and

the walls and reached a man in a house

of Doubt who had questions and didn’t

understand some of you been through

things and you have questions and you’re

living in a house House of

doubt that’s why you’re sitting

listening to me right

now and even if you’ve had the door shut

because you’re bitter and

upset that he let things

happen that are

unspeakable he still comes to

people and says you can stand up

questions and

all and you may never

understand everything on this side but

when we all get to

heaven what a day of rejoicing that will

be when we all see

Jesus we’ll

sing we’ll shout the

victory I believe today that God’s ready

to touch you and your life and your

faith family you don’t have to fear you

don’t have to be afraid you don’t have

to just be tormented with anxiety and

depression and discouragement God loves

you there’s nothing you’ve done he can’t

forgive there’s no mess in your life

this is good news that he can’t take and

he takes broken pieces he takes broken

lives and he makes all things new make

him Lord today start there say Jesus say

these words verbally out loud right

where you’re watching save me wash me

cleanse me heal me deliver me I’m tired

of the old me I’m ready for a brand new

life be Lord I surrender all because you

are Jesus you are savior you are Master

you are God you are my deliverer heal

and help me and my family in Jesus name

amen now that’s why we’re on TV right

there Jesus cares about you and your

family before we end today’s program I

want to thank every one of you from my

heart who have given to our newest

initiative in Israel called light over

Darkness if you’ve been watching the

television you know that Israel is under

attack and I am unashamedly standing ING

with the nation of Israel and this

ministry is like never before there is

an evil spirit a demon of

antisemitism at work today and we have

to do everything we can to bring light

into the darkness of hate so when I ask

our friends and partners at the Jewish

National Fund which is the most revered

and respected Jewish organization that

is committed to the restoration and the

preservation of the nation of Israel we

ask him what can we do and they provided

a road map of restoration and rebuilding

this devastated community and others

like it it’s a comprehensive three-year

plan phase one of this initiative is all

about safety and that’s why we’re

building civil defense centers where the

people can run to fortified buildings

and be safe and we’re connecting safe

houses to over 800 homes in the Gaza

Strip area where little children and

mothers and when when the Rockets are

raining in or when the terrorists have

built tunnels and they come through in

the middle of the night like a plague of

death there will be a safe house that

they can run into they said that this

was not there when they when Hamas

attacked they did not have this like

they needed every home in the region

needs a safe room together we can be

light over Darkness watch this and see

how you can be

involved on October 7th Israel was

attacked by the dark Forces of Hamas it

was the worst massacre the Jewish people

experienced since the Holocaust the

eshal region in southern Israel was

attacked directly this is where Jensen

Franklin media Ministries in partnership

with the Jewish National Fund have been

working the Last 5 Years to build

fortified schools bomb shelters and

other life-saving projects thankfully

these projects did save many lives that


and now we stand at a pivotal moment

poised to provide a Lifeline for the

people of eshal who continue to be

attacked by terrorists every day Jens

and Franklin media Ministries recently

committed the largest amount of funding

ever towards the initiative from

Darkness to light representing our

unwavering dedication to not just help

rebuild communities in esal but to mend

hearts and restore what seemed

irrevocably lost we have a comprehensive

plan that will be completed in three

phases phase number one provides

physical safety that is why we are

building civil defense centers and over

800 safe houses making sure every family

in the region has a safe room in case of

terrorist attacks when you give to a

project like this there is a promise for

you found in Genesis 12:3 I will bless

those who bless you Israel together we

can demonstrate that Faith combined with

Collective action can illuminate the

darkest moments and Forge a brighter

more hopeful future for the eso

community call or go online

today one of the most important

elections of our lifetime is happening

in just a few months if it’s anything

like the 2020 election your vote matters

more now than ever in state after State

during the last election the direction

of our nation was decided by as few as

10 to 20,000 votes most disturbing is

the 20 million evangelicals Nationwide

that believe the Bible is the inspired

word of God that believe Jesus lived a

perfect life born of a virgin died on a

cross and rose from the dead 20 million

evangelicals Nationwide did not vote in

2020 if you’re a Christian I want to

challenge you to be sure you’re

registered to vote and that you vote

your values the future for our children

and our grandchildren is on the line and

we cannot sit this one

out this program has been sponsored in

part by friends and partners of Jensen

Franklin media Ministries we hope you’ve

enjoyed this teaching by Jensen Franklin

and thank you for your continued support

of this ministry for more information

about this message and other Ministry

resources visit us online at Jensen

