I Saw Angels Ripping Pages from YOUR BOOKS!

Emma Stark had a vision of Heaven, where she saw angels ripping pages from your books… ▶▶Becoming the Voice of God by Emma Stark [Book & 2 CDs]: https://bit.ly/4dfFHai ▶▶Becoming the Voice of God by Emma Stark [Digital Download]: https://bit.ly/3zpVUfk Becoming a Bold Prophetic Voice: Answering God’s Call Becoming the Voice of God by Emma Stark is a vital training guide for those called to step into the prophetic office. With practical insights and biblical wisdom, this handbook equips you to boldly proclaim God’s voice with authority, faith, and excellence. Ready to transform your family, community, and nation? Step into your prophetic calling and be part of this emerging global movement. Embrace the Second Wave: Unlocking Your Prophetic Calling Emma and Jessica Stark’s 2-CD set, The Evolution of Prophecy Today: The Second Wave, invites you to step into the prophetic realm with deeper authority and purpose. Learn how to embrace your prophetic calling, join a global movement of prophets, and shape the future with God’s glory. This teaching provides Biblical guidance to help you activate your voice and impact your family, community, and nation. ▶▶Becoming the Voice of God by Emma Stark [Book & 2 CDs]: https://bit.ly/4dfFHai ▶▶Becoming the Voice of God by Emma Stark [Digital Download]: https://bit.ly/3zpVUfk ORDER THIS EPISODE ON DVD – https://bit.ly/3ztWfh5 CLICK HERE TO START YOUR HEALING – http://bit.ly/1Ml2jVc SUBSCRIBE – http://bit.ly/10jKQtv DONATE – http://bit.ly/1cDCinQ Join Our Mentoring Club! – http://bit.ly/1hwbPvh FREE Newsletter! – http://bit.ly/1TXNkrM Copyright Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2024 #SidRoth #Jesus #HolySpirit

Disappointed with many prophets?

Don’t throw out the baby
with the dirty bath water.

Let my guests tell you
about the true prophets,

the new
generation prophets, next!

I’ve thought for myself
in every area of life,

but one, I knew nothing until
I discovered a realm where the

truth isn’t what it seems.

A realm where the
truth becomes reality.

I’ve spent over 50 years
investigating the world of the


Every moment has led
up to the main event.

Millions of Jewish people will
be saved all over the world.

God’s heart is
for all to believe,

for none to perish.

It’s called the greater Glory.

Do you believe?

VO: It’s Supernatural!

Sid Roth: Welcome,
Holy Spirit, go and flow.

My guest, Emma Stark, is known
worldwide as the Celtic Prophet.

She saw the most amazing library
in Heaven filled with books.

Audience: Amen.

Sid Roth: And she was shocked
when she saw angels ripping

pages out of the books that
recorded what our destiny will

be. Some pages might’ve
had your name.

Why would the angels be ripping
out pages of someone’s book?

Emma Stark: Oh, I mean, Sid, it
was just absolutely horrible,

in that place of being in
the word of God in Amos 3,

and it’s quite a
strongly worded verse,

and it says this, ‘surely the
sovereign Lord does no good

thing without first
revealing it to his servant,

the prophets’.

And you kind of
think, God, no, hang on,

no, just don’t bring a
limiting to your own hand.

God, if you are
going to do something,

God, you just fire right on
in and you do it yourself.

Why God have you inserted this
scripture that seems to be a

limiting where you don’t do
something until you’ve spoken to

a prophet?

And I think in that God says,
“I so love human interaction,

I love friendship, I love the
chit-chat back and forward.

I love the walking with
my people in the Spirit.”

So he limits himself to some
things happening in the Earth

according to whether a
prophet has first heard it,


And when I saw these
pages being ripped,

I mean, the noise
of the angelic,

when you hear things in
the Spirit and they’re super

amplified, it was
wailing, crushing,

lamenting this- Sid
Roth: This was the wailing,

the crushing- Emma Stark: Of the
angelic- Sid Roth: Of lamenting

by the angels.

Emma Stark: The angels.

Sid Roth: Because people haven’t
fulfilled their God-given


Emma Stark: Well,
prophets hadn’t spoken it.

Prophets hadn’t spoken it,
which is why I’m in Amos.

And so the angels are going,
“No prophet prophesied that,

rip out.

No prophet
prophesied that, rip out.

No prophet
prophesied that, rip out.

No prophet
prophesied that, rip out.”

And there was a trash can, we
would call it a rubbish bin in

Europe, but this pile of what
was going to end up as trash of

the stories of lives.

And the Lord says, “Where
are my purified prophets?

Where are my people?

Not even prophets, let’s
not make it exclusive.

Where are those who will
just hear what I’m saying?

Where the word of God
says all can prophesy.

Where are those who live in
the Spirit by the Spirit,

Spirit-led, not
just Spirit-filled.

Where are …

The cry of the angels, the
cry of the Lord himself,

where are those who will throw
themselves at my feet to hear my


Because I’ve limited myself in
Amos 3 to action only when a

prophet or prophetic
person has heard it first.”

The Bible says desire
gifts, especially prophecy.

But you got to kind of sync that
up with Romans where the book of

Romans says, it says,
“Jacob, I loved Esau.

I’ve hated.”


Esau despised spiritual things.

And that got him into
the place where God says,

“I hate you.”

There is no other record in
scripture of God saying he hated


That terrifies me.

“Jacob, I have loved,”
we’re now in Romans 13,

“the Jacob I have loved.”


Because he desired
spiritual matters,

spiritual blessing,
spiritual authority,

spiritual birthright.

So I don’t want anybody watching
at home or in the audience here

to go, oh, well, it’s okay
because you happen to have a


I might have a title, but we
can all hear the voice of God.

And I think that that must be
dealt with in the most robust


That if you think
you can’t hear God,

you have got to literally get
your own hands laid on yourself

and you’ve got to pull
that lie off your shoulder.

You’ve got to go
into self-warfare,


You’ve got to say I will
not partner with that lie.

And you’ve got to
do a spiritual act.

I will not partner with the lie
that I cannot hear the voice of


I will not believe that it’s
for this elite specialist group.

I will believe that I
can hear God’s voice.

And that God actually is maybe
not doing some things in my

nation because nobody
bothered to prophesy it.

Sid Roth: You say there is
a shift coming and God is

fast-tracking things.

What does this mean?

Emma Stark: I’m always, oh, Sid,
I’m always a little bit nervous

when we say the word fast-track.

I think God is
fast-tracking people,

but it is through the
process of fire and testing.

And if you have
felt the fire of God,

if you have felt pressure, if
you have felt misunderstood,

if you have felt belittled,
if you have felt mauled,

if you have felt an assignment
against you in any way,

I think you’ve got to take that
as a fast-tracking mercy of God

to raise your character.

And then literally you kind of
pat yourself on the back and say

hallelujah, I’m on time, I
thought I was out of time,

hallelujah, I’m right on time.

Sid Roth: So what you’re saying
is the devil loses either way,

if you’re going
through that turmoil,

I’m on a fast track,
if you’re out of it,

I’m on a fast track.

No win Devil.

Emma Stark: Yes, yes.

You said
something earlier to me,

I’m going to quote liberally,
it came out of your mouth,

I’m more intelligent
than Satan you said.

This fire, this heartache,
this hardship is my promotion,

is my fast track.

Why my friends?

Because God needs
purified voices.

And part of that fast-tracking
and part of that suddenly

hijacking into destiny is
because he needs your voice.

He cannot have your voice
come forward through yesterday’s

filter, through your
backyard opinions,

through your own preferences
and your own indoctrinations.

He must have his voice come
through your voice in a purified


And that’s what God is up to.

He’s going to have
purified spokesmen and women.

Sid Roth: Without
holiness we won’t even see God.

Emma Stark: Oh totally.

I mean, come on.

Sid Roth: In fact, I know that
this next move of God’s Spirit

must be accompanied by holiness.

Emma Stark: Yes.

Sid Roth: The two go together,
they’re twins as you use.

Now we’re witnessing the
emergence of a new generation of


It’s your time to move higher.

You may be the next reformer.

Emma’s daughter, who moves in
the next generation prophetic,

will be with us when we return.

will be with us when we return.

Sid Roth: 21-year-old Jessica
Stark just graduated from

Edinburgh University and
was raised in a family where

visions, dreams,
angelic encounters normal.

I want to hear about Jessica’s
first encounter in Heaven.

Jessica Stark: I was 10 and
the Lord took me- Sid Roth: You

started at 10.

Jessica Stark: I started at 10.

Sid Roth: I didn’t even know
who Jesus was until I was 30.

Jessica Stark: I know, 10.

And he wasn’t
playing around with me,

he didn’t mess a about.

He took me straight up
into the throne room.

And I remember how vivid it is,
because I keep going back to it


And he takes me straight
up to the throne room.

Sid Roth: Excuse me, tears
are coming to your eyes,


Jessica Stark: I think it
just makes me so emotional now

sitting where I am
thinking, father,

you had such a massive
grounding for me as a kid,

and the power that I feel so
blessed that I was able to see

that from so young before my
imagination and my wild like

child heart was not tarnished.

I got to encounter the
Lord so straight on.

So I was up in the throne room,
and he is not messing about,

he takes me
straight to the front.

And the first
thing I see up there,

similar to that in
Ezekiel and Revelation,

is this angel with four heads.

And then I see an angel with
eyes all over its body and

double wings the size of
its body that cover itself.

Sid Roth: Excuse me, did you
know much about the description

in the Book of Revelation?

Jessica Stark: Not
at all, forgive me,

but not at all.

And I hadn’t even read
Revelation at this point.

I mean, yeah, I was raised in a
Christian family- Sid Roth: But

you’re describing it exactly.

Jessica Stark: And I
went, after the encounter,

I went straight to my parents
and I told them everything and I

explained everything
to them that I’d seen.

And they said, “Jessica, that
definitely was the Lord because

read this.”

And they showed me Ezekiel and
they showed me Revelation where

exactly what I saw.

I was like, “Well,
that must’ve been God.”

And it couldn’t have been just
my imagination or it couldn’t

have just been my
child-like imaginary friends.

But actually I was like,
“Lord, that was so you,

because there could have been
nothing like it that I could

have even dreamt up by myself.

So those encounters in first
moments in the throne room where

I was chucked in
at the deep end,

I didn’t question it.

And I think now my faith
levels, because of that,

because I go back to
those moments and I’m like,

“Lord, nothing can match that.”

Nothing can compare to that
majesty and that greatness of

even just your angels that now
my faith is like I can’t even

doubt a house move.

I can’t even doubt a
,grade in my exams.


Because I know how great
you are from the age of 10.

Sid Roth: Tell me one miracle
because you operate in miracles

now, that has
occurred in your ministry?

Jessica Stark: One of the
most profound ones I think for

myself, I was at a
young conference,

and I was a bit wild growing up.

Sid Roth: Is that
an understatement,


Emma Stark: But in
an enthusiastic way,

I don’t think you’re
particularly a rebellious type

of human being, but
you out-worship …

Are there things
you’ve not told me?

She out-worships
everybody else I know.

She’s so extravagantly devoted.

A bit like David
coming up to Jerusalem,

who’s dancing so fervently.

But then I think, Sid, we’ve
always felt like that as a


And David, my husband,
who’s in the audience here too,

we have said we will out-worship
every other person in the room.

Because if we won’t, there’s
no model to our teenagers.

And I have two
teenage, she’s 21,

but I have two teenage boys.

And who are my teenage sons
going to learn from if we are

not exuberantly,
wildly extravagant.

And she out-jumps all of us.

Sid Roth: Tell me one miracle?

Jessica Stark: I
am on the streets,

and I see a man with
his daughter and his son,

and he’s in a wheelchair.

And I go up to them and we’re
doing kind of this evangelistic


And though I may be
confident and bold,

evangelism’s not always
been my favorite part.

But I did it anyway.

And I went up to
him and I said, “Hey,

do you know Jesus?”

And he was like, “No.”

And his two children were
definitely not and nor do we

want to.

And I was like, “Okay.

Well, I believe in a God that
heals and a God that performs


And I see you’re
in a wheelchair.”

And I said, “Would you believe
in God if I got you to stand up

now and walk?”

And he said, “Well, I would
believe in anything that got me

to do that.”

So I prayed for him and I
said, “If you feel any changes,

any tingling.”

You pray that thing,
then you ask them,

on a scale of one to
10, where’s the pain?

On a scale of one to
10, what are you feeling?

He said, “Well, I’m
paralyzed from the waist down.

So I can’t even tell you
if I’m in pain or not.”

And I said, “Okay,
listen, tomorrow is Sunday,

we have a church service.

If you feel anything overnight,
you get back to me and I’ll see

you at church.”

We go to church
the next morning,

we’re setting up, and I see this
man wheeled in by his daughter

and his son.

And I’m like, “God,
what’s going on?”

And I walk up to him- Sid
Roth: A little excited.

Jessica Stark: A little excited.

I’m like, “Jesus.”

So I walk up to
him and I’m like,

“Well, you’re in
church, so what happened?”

And he says,
“Jessica, I’m tingling,

I’m feeling my toes.”

Sid Roth: Wow.

Jessica Stark: And I
was like, “Oh Jesus.”

I was like, “But we’re
not stopping there.”

So I was like,
“Great, a tingle’s great,

but we can do more.”

So I said to him, I said,
“You’ve made it this far,

you’ve stepped inside
a church building.”

I said, “That took faith
and that took bravery.”

And so I grabbed his hands, and
his daughter pushed him and he

stood up.

And from then he was like,
“I’ve never stood up before.”

And he starts shaking.

And he starts moving.

And I’m like, “Oh Jesus.”

And he starts
walking and dancing.

And he gets rid
of his wheelchair.

And I saw from the age, I
think I was 12 at that point,

a paralyzed man get up and walk.

Sid Roth: It seems that there
is such a shaking going on.

What does the
world need to hear,


Emma Stark: Well, I
think we know that we say,

oh, God loves you
and God heals you.

And God says …

Do you mind if I
get out of my chair?

Because we are in Ezekiel 21 and
this is the God who isn’t going,

“There, there.”

The God in Ezekiel one has
got his fists up and it says,

“God beats his fist.”

It’s such an extreme
scripture, isn’t it,


And you think, hang on, hang on,
can we just take that bit out?

Because God, you’re sounding
like you’re wild for justice.

You sound like
you’re moved by pain.

And so I think that scripture
where it’s not the God who says

they are there, as much
as some of us need that,

but the God who says I am wired
where there is injustice to come

and turn …

I am wired for being in the
places where there needs to be

transformation and turn around.

If you have had pain or
something legal not break

through for you that you needed
to break through or withholding

of inheritances or let’s even
talk more really about the war

and the third world war that’s
coming and some of the economic

shakings we know
are going to come,

you need to know more
than a God who goes,

“There, there.”

You need to know a
God who beats his fist.

A God who is a God
who says, “I come down,

I step in, I fix this.”

Sid Roth: It sounds
like the lion of Judah.

Emma Stark: Yes.

Sid Roth: The
roaring lion of Judah.

Emma Stark: Yes, yes.

Sid Roth: Emma, what
does the statement mean,

there is a second wave coming?

Emma Stark: Oh yes, this is
right from Ezekiel where Ezekiel

is prophesying over the
Valley of the Dry Bones.

And this is really regarding
the prophetic movement.

And those who
prophesied prophets,

everybody who’s
interested in Revelation said,

I think we had many years of
just brilliance of pioneer

statesmen and women who brought
the word to the Lord in days

where we didn’t even know
that you could prophesy.

And in many senses, the batons
in their hands are now being

passed on.

And we are grateful
for what they have done.

However, there is an authority
and a wildness and prophets with

teeth and a sense of those
who will tell the truth,

who are not all about the
honorarium or not all about the

am I going to be light?

Because you and I know no
prophet in scripture would win a

popularity contest.

Jessica Stark: True.

Emma Stark: So
there is this glory of,

and I’m not asking
people to be rude,

it’s not about that, let’s be
more elevated than just thinking

it’s about being rude, it’s not.

It’s about God giving this wind
of authority into the people who

love his voice.

But it’s a purified wind,
but it’s a life giving.

Because of course when Ezekiel
prophesies the second breath,

because he prophesied two times,
there is a sense of being able

to raise the dead.

And so the second
wind, now here’s Ezekiel,

I don’t think
that’s just symbolic,

I think Ezekiel is
literally standing in a genocide


I think you and I might know
that there are some genocide

graveyards in the world.

You need some Ezekiels who are
able not just to do a prophetic

commentary, not just able to say
the voice of God matters because

we’ve had that for decades.

Not just like I’m going to
prophesy according to my


But the purified
life-giving, transforming,

resurrecting, authoritative word
of God that is literally going

to empty genocide
graves like Ezekiel did.

That’s the second wave.

Sid Roth: All right,
let’s do that right now.

I want everyone watching
that does not have experiential

knowledge of God through
Jesus as their Messiah,

Savior, and Lord, to
repeat this prayer.

If you don’t have
it, you know it,

if you have it, you know it.

You know.

Repeat this prayer
after me out loud.

Dear Jesus.

Audience: Dear Jesus.

Sid Roth: Forgive
me for my sins.

Audience: Forgive
me for my sins.

Sid Roth: I believe your blood.

Audience: I believe your blood.

Sid Roth: Washes away my sins.

Audience: Washes away my sins.

Sid Roth: And I’m clean.

Audience: And I’m clean.

Sid Roth: It’s so
good to be clean.

Audience: It’s so
good to be clean.

Sid Roth: And now
that I’m clean.

Audience: And now
that I’m clean,

Sid Roth: Jesus, come
and live inside of me.

Audience: Jesus, come
and live inside of me.

Sid Roth: I make you my Messiah.

Audience: I make you my Messiah.

Sid Roth: I make you my Savior.

Audience: I make you my Savior.

Sid Roth: And most of all.

Audience: And most of all.

Sid Roth: I make you my Lord.

Audience: I make you my Lord.

Sid Roth: Amen.

Audience: Amen.

Sid Roth: Jessica,
look in the camera,

and you begin a prayer.

And then I would like
your mother to finish it.

Jessica Stark: Father, I
speak to everyone in this room,

and I speak to
everyone watching online,

and I say open up
our eyes and our ears.

The prophesying, as
Corinthians says,

is for all.

That hearing your
voice is for all.

That seeing your majesty
and your glory is for all.

Father, I just pray right now to
the children and the children’s

children and the
next generations.

And I speak to those
generations I say,

Father, with the ease of your
sight and your hearing and your

encounter through
dreams and visions,

be re-awoken.

Father, that we are not dulled
down or blinded or have a lens

cap over our eyes and
our ears when we see you,


But we see you clearly and we
hear you clearly and we meet you

so we know your purity and the
intensity of your fire and your

burning love and
desire for us, Father.

I thank you, Father, where we
are blessed to stand under your


I thank you, Father, where we
get to hear and prophesy your

words that where it
is said, it is done.

Thank you, Father, that is not
constricted to a generation or a

people group, Father, that that
is for all in the name of Jesus.

Emma Stark: Yeah, in
the name of Jesus.

So raise your hands so
that you might catch it.

This is what the
rabbis used to do of old.

They would raise their hands and
over the people so they could

catch something.

So in the name of Jesus, I
liberate and loose you to be


And you need to catch it.


Wherever you are, catch it.

I liberate and loose you to grab
hold of a seer sight capability.

That you can come up like
Ezekiel and Daniel and John the

Revelator, and I liberate you
into the place of seeing again,

of hearing, of
knowing, of feeling,

of perceiving, of understanding
with clarity who your God is.

And that you might be able to
know what it is to be with Him

where he is.

In Jesus name.


Jessica Stark: Amen.

Sid Roth: Did you hear
how she ended that prayer?


So be it.