Miracles Now – Back to The Basics

Sometimes, as we grow in our Christian walk, we forget about the basics that got us there. Yet, the basics of our faith are the very foundation we need to be successful in our relationship with the Lord and with others, and to fulfill God’s plans and purposes for our Kingdom destiny. In this Back to the Basics series, a powerful compilation of 16 series of dynamic teachings by Dr. Bill Winston, you will learn how to renew and re-energize your Christian walk. Enhance your life as a believer with our Back to The Basics series. Order Today: https://bit.ly/bwmbacktothebasics Bill Winston Ministries (BWM) is a partnership-based outreach ministry to take the uncompromised Word of God to the whole world, starting with the major cities of our nation. To learn more about BWM partnership, visit https://www.billwinston.org/partner

the believer’s Walk of faith is paid for

by Bill Winston Ministries partners and

viewers up next on the believer’s block


Faith every belief system believing that

you got a wait believing things can’t be

done for you because your background is

not such and such believing that you

can’t come up with Solutions because you

haven’t been to the engineering program

believing every every tree in

you that the father didn’t plant Jesus

said I promise you I’m going to dig it

out yes sir I’m going to get it rooted

out all of the guilt and shame you have

about your past I’m going to root that


out your Born Again spirit is able to


immediately I want to be able to produce

right now what do I need I need wisdom I

need the answer I need healing I need

deliverance and I can get it right now

say Amen to that amen now I know this is

getting a little technical for some of

y’all well I thought I was going to he

about you know he went up on the

mountain and so forth you’re hearing

about it right now see if I don’t give

you this you can never move up into a

place where you can stop the devil’s

takeover we we got to stop the devil

from taking your

kids there is an answer to stop the

carjacking in

Chicago and watch this that that that

God is depending on you cuz he put you

in this earth and sent you to Chicago

and want you to take this word and I’m

preaching and apply it to whatever

situation in your life and get

results it’s time for the church to take



lead you don’t count on the World to

deliver you the world can’t deliver you

the world can’t deliver

themselves well they got some money well

you better go get it because it doesn’t

even belong to them

now don’t St me on

that when Jesus stripped Satan he


them they just holding it for

you the wealth of the wicked is laid

up for the just say

Amen it’s it it’s really good reason for

you to never be broke another day in


life money cometh into you now see I’m

I’m giving you this cuz I want you to do

something that other folk can’t do I I

want you to be able to transfer

money out of this account into your

account somebody pulling over here bab

y’all thank you Z

I want you to Envision angels with bags

of money watch this flying to your

house one of them talking to the other

one and said what’s what’s the address

again they still fly what’s the address

79th Street 79th and what 79th and

Cottage it is


W money coming to me

now no the days are over for you doing

it in 3D those days are over you’re

going to do things on another level say

amen amen now this is going beyond your

natural mind your natural mind ain’t

inherit nothing like this he going to

come up with things he going move stuff

around in this earth look at Jesus do

your master pay taxes yeah we pay taxes

Peter listen what I want you to do is go

fishing the first fish you pull up look

at his mouth and you’ll see 20 grand get

that out and pay the taxes come on

now you might not go fishing but you

might go to a fashion

show you know wherever you go God can

get ready for foolish thoughts say Amen


that all


right no


learning look what it says over in John

7 and verse 14 and 15 ready

read of Jesus went into the temple

how does he know so much he never went

to MIT come on he come on he never went

to this big school how does he know so

much yes so I’m saying to you you’re

going to have a whole different level of

learning I’m not saying don’t go to

school but he said over in Daniel

chapter 1 he said that you’ll know more

than all your teachers God is is

expecting the

church to be at a level where the church

can answer the problems of the world

let’s move to the next section it’s

called planting the heavens okay all

right now you know where that’s found

Isaiah chapter you’ve gone over this

before Isaiah chapter 51 and verse 16 I

put my words in your mouth and covered

you in the shadow of my hand that I may

plant the heavens and and lay the

foundation of the earth and say to Zion

Thou Art my people okay

planting the

heavens all

right here is the first thing I think

about in planting the

heavens look at Philippians chapter 3

and verse 20 all right I’d like you to

read that with me ready

read we are C

stop where is your

Homeland in heaven got it but God’s

going to plant you on the

earth watch this not just anywhere on

the earth God has planted you in Chicago


amen and he purposely plants the right

rightous among the

wicked can we can we keep going here he

purposely well those people at that job

use too much bad language he purposely

plants the

righteous among the wicked amen Amen on

purpose well I’m going to quit that

thing I’m going just go work for the

church no you are the church you don’t

need to go anywhere God has planted you

right there and giving you what it takes

to transform

it do you he every place he puts you the

soul of your foot to tread upon he’s

given it to you he’s given it to you to

manage it to transform it to clean it


out so I’m saying to you right now that

you’ve got things inside of you that

perhaps you don’t even not even aware of

that there’s power in you he said you

shall receive what power that’s Miracle

working ability that wherever you go

Miracles can take

place all right you with me so you’ve

been planted there for a purpose and for

a reason now look at this scripture John

chapter 17 veres 14 and 15 I’ve got it

all laid out for you thank

I’ve got it all that see the one thing

you can’t do with me is you can’t argue

with me cuz I’m going to show you the

scripture so if you got any argument

tell Jesus you want to see

it but don’t argue with me I’m the

messenger look what it says Ready

read and the world them because they not

stop right there we’re going to read the

next but stop right there oh they don’t

seem to like me down there well come

read the verse again cuz you got a lot

of Jesus in you and the devil’s trying

to make them make you feel bad because

of the Christ that’s in you but what you

need to do is Shake It Off and

understand that God’s got you in a place

they can’t stop you

they because they don’t promote you he

said your promotion doesn’t come from

the east of from the West your promotion

comes from the Lord so you don’t have to

kiss up to the supervisor open that the

supervisor like you you can just keep

walking keep talking keep decreeing keep

you going to speak the invisible and

decree The Impossible I’ll try it again

you’re going to speak the invisible and

decree The Impossible are you with me


here you’re going to get right in the

middle of that place and start decreeing

the word of

God watch this and everything must

change if you don’t change everything

around you got to change Satan’s job is

to get you to step out of faith and get

mad at somebody when God’s telling you

stand in faith and stay in love and if

you keep decreeing it everything around



glory to God everything must

change nothing stays the same all right

now that second part of John John

chapter uh 17:1 15 I want you to read

that one too ready


read all right he’s saying wait a minute

father don’t take him out of the world

but leave him in in the world now why

look at Matthew 5 and verse1 14 why

leave you in the world watch this right

here ready

read stop you are the what where does a

light shine brightest in dark in

darkness the darker it is the brighter


light I said the darker it is the

brighter the light

God put you here to convert the world

and you’re going to do it cuz they going

to watch you and they going to see how

your God is blessing you how your God is

promoting you how your God is keeping

you how your God is giving you wisdom

and they going to sometime want to know

whose God you serve and you sit down and

say his name is Jesus would you sit down

for a minute and let me tell you about

him and once he tells you about you tell

them about him they going to want know

your God say Amen to

that now the Bible says no weapon that

is what formed against you shall prosper

and every come on tongue that shall rise

against you in judgment shall be

condemned for this is the heritance of

the Servants of the Lord and my

righteousness is of you say the Lord now

God is waiting on you because you got to

be the one that’s going to to change the

system from what it is to what God’s

planned for it to be all right let’s

look at Daniel’s life real quick we look

at Daniel then look at Martin Luther

King and then we out praise God all

right look at Daniel first Daniel 3: 17

here is Daniel he and his uh three

Hebrew Brothers uh guys came and now

they’re taken into Babylon and Babylon

is trying to give him some of those uh

brains and eggs and so what they’re

saying is wait a minute we don’t eat any

pork here oh so that no I got if you eat

brains and egg and you pray on it and it

don’t bother you then go on and eat it

uh but pig feet brains and eggs all of

that slave food I don’t eat anymore now

now don’t get mad at me look here don’t

get mad at me this is my

choice you eat what you want to eat I

know them pork chops you got some right

now in the freezer

ready ready to bite down on them I

know got some Hoge head cheese that

there too


you I used to eat all that and I got

saved now let me let me say this let me

say this come on come on see somebody

going to get mad well I ain’t coming

here no more with your pig EA self you

need to go come here so I can so I can

get this word in your behind all right

now watch

this this side here this dangerous side

let me come back over here e chill over

there woo they Chillin over there okay

they don’t call them chill they call


wrinkles all right I used to see I used

to eat some wrinkles now all right and

I’m still here all right now let’s see

where was that all right okay so Daniel

now look what happened Daniel 3:1 17

they tried to make Daniel see eat their

food they tried to make him bow down

they tried to make him serve a false god

but Daniel said no we’re not going to do

that and what is he doing he’s saying

I’m resisting that he said the God that

I serve he’s going to deliver me now

even though you threatening me that your

threats are not going to work because

I’m not going to bow down and what did

King do he said turn a fire up what

seven times hotter I’m talking about at

the job it gets hot at the job but

that’s CA you about to break through

something the enemy is trying to get you

to leave Jesus come on now and rely on

your own ability no no you keep Jesus

and his name being in your heart and in


mind next thing you know next thing you

know he threw them in the fire did they

they burn no no and then next thing you

know come on up verse 29 I want you to

look at that because this is the end

game end game is that you’re going to be

able to change leaders and change laws

look what it says Ready read please

therefore every people Nation language



isn’t that

powerful is’t that

powerful I’m telling you God put you in

that place and they can’t get you out

what they going to have to do is bow to

your God because your God is greater

than all gods Say Amen

how about Dr Martin Luther King notice

he came in there next thing you know

there are people uh that have

segregation uh in their minds and they

standing in the door of the school and

and and and nobody could come in

University of Alabama wherever it was

and no blacks could come in and go to

school King says I’m going to change

that I’m going to change that all his

meetings he had he did not have it in a

secular Place only time he went secular

is when he went to Washington and had

the big meeting he always had him in

churches because it’s scripture he was

standing on and Amos 5: 24 is where he

stood ready


and he wasn’t letting up till Justice

roll down like Waters and I’m telling

you what did he do they put him in jail

but couldn’t touch him they did this

couldn’t touch him now you got to

understand that Dr Martin Luther King

thank God for him he got assassinated it

did say I may not get that with you I’m

not telling you I may not get that with

you I’m telling you I’m taking you

oh in the name of

Jesus are you ready to

go give God your best

shout cuz we come

out thank you Jesus take your


seats so you’re not waiting on

God God is waiting on you miracles

when you don’t wait hallu don’t let the

devil talk you in the waiting come on

now I said you don’t wait you don’t even

have to wait for a raise give yourself a

forace you don’t have to wait on Ed

McMahon that’s right that’s right that’s

right call it in now you don’t have to

wait on the dentist’s

appointment get some new

teeth you don’t have to are you

following what I’m saying here let’s get

this in our spirit why new trees say new

trees new trees he said to to us in

Matthew chapter

15 he said

this every

tree in

you that the father didn’t

plant shall be it

up that means every belief system

believing that you got to wait yeah

believing things can’t be done for you

because your background is not such and

such believing that you can’t come up

with Solutions because you haven’t been

to the engineering program believing

every tree in

you that the father didn’t plant Jesus

said I promise you I’m going to dig it

out yes sir I’m going to get it rooted

out all of the guilt and shame you have

about your past I’m going to root that


out glory to God you’re in in the right

place yes

sir he sent you here hallelujah cuz he’s

going to use you to change

everything he’s going to turn gang Lords


preachers he going to turn jails come on

into boarding

schools I’m just telling you right now

that you the church is about to

experience its finest

hour Jesus said my hour has not yet

come but your hour is

here no more

delays that transfer of wealth must come


nowall why there’s babies crying cuz

they don’t have enough

food there’s young people young 16y old

going to jail because they had no


the time is now

sa you don’t have to wait so God use me


now well praise the Lord now this is

offering day on the broadcast and what

we do is give our partners and those who

are being uh blessed by our program just

an off opportunity to sew a seed now I’d

like you give you a word for your

increase because God is a god of

increase this word comes from the Bible

it’s talking about when Adam sinned in

the garden of what he lost he lost his

relationship with God he lost his

assignment but one of the biggest things

he lost he lost his ability for God to

provide for him and that’s what Born

Again gets back for you but a lot of

people get born again but they never get

back to that place where God can provide

for them trying to work two jobs or long

double shifts and so forth and so on

there’s nothing wrong with that but if

you’re doing working for a living God

has a better way for you to live and

that’s basically what God has provided

through Jesus Christ it’s the good news

it’s that God wants us to rest in his

provision God has a way of meeting your

needs is through your seed you have to

seow something sometimes well God bless

those who gave and blessed those who

wanted to give but didn’t give that

sounds good but for you to get God’s

blessing and increase you’ve got to se a

seed he made it that way himself the

Bible says when God had lost his son or

lost the Earth and lost Adam and Eve and

so forth he SED God so loved the world

that he gave soed his son and when his

son came up we came up isn’t that

something so there might be some things

you’ve lost that you want to recover

soore a seed

so here’s the broadcast this is good

soil as you sew your seed let’s pray

this prayer right now in advance because

we know that you’re going to get a good

big increase of harvest father we come

before you in Jesus name thank you so

much for those who are not only faithful

in terms of supporting our ministry but

those Lord who are getting blessed by

our ministry we thank you for them all

Lord as they swow their seed into this

ministry we pray that you’ll measure it

back to them good measure press down

shaken together running over you’ll meet

their needs into their bosom we thank

you for it and Lord we thank you for

increase in every area of Our Lives we

bless you Lord in Jesus name amen well

it’s done praise God as you’ve sewn that

seed and whatever you have in mind Let

It Go sew it good ground it’ll be

measured back to you as the Bible says

3060 and some 100 fold well this is Bill

Winston saying thank you so much

for supporting us we love you and until

next time keep walking by

faith today’s message Miracles now is

filled with lifechanging truths that can

turn your circumstances around and bring

you into the best life God has for you

however you’ve only heard a portion of

the message to receive today’s teaching

in its entirety on MP3 or CD on MP4 or

dvd order by calling


or go online at billwinston.org

you don’t have to wait for your Miracle

you can receive your Miracle now order

this Dynamic

teaching hello this is Bill Winston let

me ask you a question have you ever

receive Jesus Christ as your lord and

savior now you think oh wait now uh when

I was a kid went to church with Mom and

Dad true enough but when I got older I

found church was not in me he he i’

never personally received him as my Lord

and Savior now one night I did and when

I did

everything changed I’m saying if you’re

ready for changing your life I want you

to receive Jesus just ask him this Jesus

Come into my heart and when you do that

a miracle will take place guaranteed I

want to send you my book it’s called

Born Again In Spirit fill it’ll tell you

what the next steps are as a new

believer I want to be the first to say

welcome to the family of God God bless

you Revival is here join us for the

20124 international Faith conference

hosted by Dr Bill Winston Sunday

September 8th through Friday September


2024 inspired by Isaiah 614 NLT this

year’s theme is Faith for Revival six

generals of faith will release

electrifying messages to supercharge

your faith and transform your life each

night a sensational musical artist will

lead us in worship lifting our Spirits

as we press into a deeper connection

with God an unforgettable experience

that you don’t want to miss register now

at ic. billwinston.org to join us in

person at Living Word Christian Center

in Forest Park Illinois or online a week

of Miracles breakthroughs and a Revival

like never before await you we can’t

wait to see you

there sometimes as we grow in our

Christian walk we forget about the

basics that got us there yet the basics

of our faith are the very Foundation we

need to be successful in our

relationship with the Lord and with

others and to fulfill God’s plan and

purpose purpose for our kingdom Destiny

in this back to the basics series a

powerful compilation of 16 series of

dynamic teachings by Dr Bill Winston you

will learn how to renew and re-energize

your Christian walk get your copy of

this musthave series on USB to order go

online at billwinston.org or call us at


now remember you need Faith to get to

your destiny so don’t forget to

subscribe and click on the notification

Bell so that you don’t miss any of our

videos this is Bill Winston I love you

and keep walking by faith