Priscilla Shirer: Stand Firm on God’s Word to Face Your Battles

Priscilla Shirer shares an inspiring message about fighting our battles from a stance of victory. To claim what God has given us, we must stand firm on His Word and rest in His truth. SUBSCRIBE here:    / @goingbeyondministries   RESOURCES: FACEBOOK:… INSTAGRAM:   / priscillashirer   TWITTER:   / priscillashirer   Welcome to the Going Beyond Ministries with Priscilla Shirer YouTube channel! Our ministry is focused on the expository teaching of Scripture. Our desire is not only to see people understand His written Word but for all to experience His Power! Priscilla Shirer has equipped believers through her Bible studies, films and books including Discerning the Voice of God, God is Able, and two New York Times Bestsellers – The Resolution for Women and Fervent: A Woman’s Battle Plan for Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer. Her movies include War Room (2015), I Can Only Imagine (2017), Overcomer (2019), and The Forge (2024). These theatrical releases are tools designed to inspire audiences to walk with Jesus. #priscillashirer #prayer #powerofprayer

listen y’all we are not fighting for

victory we are fighting from Victory you

are already positioned in a place of

victory in your life the task now is to

station yourself there we’ll talk about

this a little bit more later but

stationing yourself in a place of

Victory and then realizing that you’re

just going to claim what God has already


you Gideon teaches us that if we want to

win the battle we’ve got to begin the

battle battle on our knees and you know

the only reason why Gideon was able to

why mama was able to worship God in the

face of impending danger we find the

reason why in what Gideon said to the

men when he went back to the camp verse

15 he returned to the camp of Israel and

he said arise for the Lord has given

somebody say has given the Lord has

given the camp of Midian into your hands

he said to them arise he went back to

the 300 he said arise get up get your

stuff together we’re ready to go and

we’re going because the Lord has already

given the midianites into our hands he

did not go to them and say get up we’re

going to go fight in hopes that we will

win a victory he did not say get up

arise we’re going to go and we’re going

to expect that maybe God is going to

give us the victory kmen what he said

was he said get up arise we’re going in

anticipation knowing in advance that the

victory has already been won you know

how you win a victory my friend you

begin the battle on your knees and you

face the the battle from a stance of

Victory listen y’all we are not fighting

for victory we are fighting from Victory

you are already positioned in a place of

victory in your life the task now is to

station yourself there and we’ll talk

about this a little bit more later but

stationing yourself in a place of

Victory and then realizing that you’re

just going to claim what God has already

given you Remember When the Children of

Israel went into the promised land in

Joshua chapter 1 God is confirming his

calling of Joshua he’s saying to him you

be strong and courageous when you march

into the land and then he said to him

every place you put your feet you will

have access to I have already given the

promised land to you the whole of it

already belongs to you but you’ll only

get to enjoy as much as you put your

feet on so listen for centuries the

children of Israel were HED up in a

little small corner of Canaan when they

had access to the whole of it simply

because they were too intimidated by the

Canaanites to go over there and step on

that land I don’t know about you but I

don’t want to be so intimidated by the

enemy that I don’t get to experience the

blessings that God has already got with

my name on it all it takes is you and I

walking in the truth of what we know

from God’s word listen there are over

8,000 promises in the word of God for

believers in Jesus Christ did you hear

what I just said 8,000 th000 over 8,000

promises these are things that are just

available to us because we’re Daughters

of the king because we’ve been adopted

into the family of God because they’re

just our inheritance because he’s a good

God and likes to give good gifts he just

passed on all these promises to us my

friend but listen most of them he did

not place within our hand he placed them

in our

reach in other words you have to

participate in the experience of those

those promises in your life when you are

fighting a battle in your life you need

to know that the promises God has for

you the promises the word of God has

already laid out for you in your life

they are already yours you’re not

fighting for them you’re fighting from a

stance of Victory you plant yourself on

the word of God on the truths of what it

says and then you go and claim what God

has listen whatever you need to do to

make sure this word is in your heart and

in your mind I mean that’s what you got


do if you are a mother of small children

right now and it’s hard for you to get

this time in the word of God if you are

a busy career woman right now if this is

a difficult time on your job if you’re

busy in ministry right now maybe you’re

taking care of your aging parents and

man it’s taking all of your hours and

it’s just a lot and you’re having

trouble spending time in the word of God

listen when you’re in a battle you can’t

afford not to have a strategy book at

your disposal in your mind in your heart

ready preparing you for war

you’ve got to have the book open and

inside of you ingrained into your uh

life so even if you have to do it in

unconventional ways I will tell you that

for a very long time how I have spent

time with God is um because of these

three little people that are in my

life sometimes I just write a a

scripture verse down on a 3×5 card

several of them and I put one where I’m

going to be washing dishes and one where

I’m going to be folding clothes and one

in the car on the dashboard where I’m

going to be running errands and for

seven days maybe seven full days

I’m just concentrating on that one verse

I’m just meditating on it and I’m just

mulling over it and I’m just thinking

about it and I’m asking the Lord to use

it in my life and at the end of seven

days that thing is inscribed on my heart

it is better for you and I to inscribe

one verse of scripture on our heart than

to read two or three chapters of

scripture in a day and we have

absolutely no idea what we just read do

whatever you need to do in whatever

unconventional ways to make sure you

know the victory that has already been

given to you to know what has already

been declared about you the promises

that he has already extended to you and

then you fight from a stance of Victory

not for it but from

it I wonder how the 300’s perspective

those 300 men I wonder how their

perspective changed when Gideon came I

mean when he had left remember when

Gideon left he was insecure and

uncertain and timid and then he went

down and heard those two guys talking

about him he came back and said y’all


up arise

we’re getting ready to go get us a

victory today I wonder how the 300’s

confidence changed when their leaders

confidence changed I wonder how when he

came back into the camp with a smile on

his face and holy anticipation burning

in his soul I just wonder how it spread

like a wildfire from the beginning of

the front lines of the 300 all the way

to the back I just wonder how it spread

and I just wonder what would happen if

you and I left the simoc cast today and

we went back into the frigid

temperatures of our home or our work or

our circumstances and we brought the

warmth and the passion and the

enthusiasm of Victory with us I wonder

how things would change in our

children’s lives and in our spouses Liv

not because we go home and start

preaching to them just because we go

home and start living like the

victorious women that we

are we’re not steeped in fear and

insecurity and lack of confidence

anymore we are resting on the knowledge

and the truth of our great

God we understand that the victory has

has already been given to us you set the

thermometer set the thermostat rather in

your home in your marriage in your

church you be the one who calls others

out of the cold frigid air of defeat to

the warmth and passion of Victory in

Jesus Christ Gideon did it for the

300 and you can do it for those in your

sphere of influence as well so can I we

begin the battle on our knees and we

Face the battle we face it from a stance


Victory hey there I’m Priscilla and I

just wanted to thank you so much for

watching this content I hope that it was

a blessing to you wanted to encourage

you to hit the Subscribe button and also

the Bell icon so that you can be

notified when we add new content here

and why not share it with a friend so

that somebody in your sphere of

influence can be encouraged as well I’ll

look forward to seeing you back here

again soon have a great day