Experience Freedom & Victory with John Ramirez & Sid Roth!

When his abusive father was murdered, John Ramirez made Satan his father. But when God stepped into John’s life, He had other ideas. Now John’s passion is to keep you three steps ahead of the devil.

Is there a supernatural

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets
of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: Hello. Sid Roth here.

Welcome to my world where it’s
naturally supernatural.

My guest’s father was the devil.

I’m serious. He has
a new father now, God.

And is passion based on his
former knowledge is to keep you

three steps ahead of the devil.

You know, all of us have had
real challenges in our lives,

but John, you really had

Your father practiced something
called Santeria.

John: Santeria.

Sid: Which is just a demonic
religion I assume.

John: Yes.

It’s the number one demonic
religion in the world today.

Sid: And your father and your
mother, constant turmoil.

He used to beat her.

But when you were eight years
old your mom took you to a Tarot


What happened.

John: My mom was going with my
aunt and basically when I got

there the lady, the witch that
read the cards, she focused on


She didn’t focus on my mom.

She didn’t focus on my aunt.

She told my mom that she saw in
the spirit that I was going to

lose my eyesight and if I didn’t
get a ceremony done within the

next 30 days I was going to be
completely blind.

So my mom panicked as any mother
would and my mom allowed me to

get the cards read.

The lady read and they went on
and a couple days later they

initiated me to the dark side at
the age of eight years old.

Sid: And when at 13, you
actually were willing or praying

for your father to die?

John: Yes.

I remember my half-brother and
brothers, and we would stay up

all night, and he beat my mother
all night long.

So he would beat my mother all

So we would be in the room.

Sometimes we ran out of the room
to try and help my mom from

beating her, and he would throw
us around, and then we’d go back

into the room.

And so one day I sat on the bed
and started to pray, was just


I wasn’t even praying to God.

I was just praying and saying, I
hope he dies, I hope he dies.

I hope someone kills him.

And at the age of 13 years old,
my father got shot at the age of

33, in the face, from a woman at
a social club when he had a wife


Sid: Did you feel guilty about

John: I was rejoicing, to be
truthfully honest.

I was rejoicing because I know
the torment and the hate in my

house, and the solid pain to go
to school and put up a face as a

young boy, and act like
everything was okay at home, to

put up a face and knowing that
there was nothing but torment in

my house.

Sid: You began to really grow in
the demonic and you, why did you

feel Satan was your father?

John: My father was a devil
worshiper and that came from a

generation of devil worshipers
on my father’s side, generation

to generation, Santeria,
spiritualism, card readings,

Palo Mayombe.

Palo Mayombe is when you sell
your soul to the devil and you

make a contract with the blood,
which I did later on in my


And I would sit with the devil
and speak to the devil all night


I was going to demon church at
the age of eight years from

seven in the evening until five
in the morning to be trained

with principalities, demonic
spirit, territory spirit.

I was learning stuff in the
spirit realm beyond the age of


So to me was, I told the devil,
when you kill my father, you

know, you can have me.

So I told the devil, you can
have me, and the devil said, I

replace the old with the new.

Sid: But God had a secret
weapon, a beautiful woman and

she invited you to church.

What happened?

John: Actually, she was a

She was a backslider.

So God got two for the price of

Sid: So what happened when you
went to that church?

John: Actually, I went to the

I asked the devil permission.

I asked the devil, could I got
to church.

He said, “Go to church.

People are weak.

They don’t have no strength
against us.

They don’t have no power against

You can go to church.” I was
after the girl because she was a

pretty girl and she lived in the
neighborhood, so I didn’t have

to move my car around, so we
could go eat anywhere.

So I thought that was a good

But you know, God was setting up
a game plan, you know, for my


Sid: You really got upset one
time with the pastor.

What happened?

John: Well you know, the devil,
I went to church a little too

much without asking permission
any more.

And then the devil said, the
devil showed up in church.

In church, the devil showed up
and I hear the devil whisper in

my ear and tell me, “I didn’t
tell you to come this Sunday.

I didn’t give you permission to
come this Sunday.” It was

strange because the pastor did
an altar in the middle of the


Usually they do that at the end
of the service.

So I got up.

I said, well if I go by the
pastor the devil won’t blast me.

He will leave me alone.

So when I went up, people came
up to the middle, so I was one

of the last ones to pray for.

So I stayed here by the time he

I didn’t want him to pray for me

But by the time he gets to me
he’s tired and the devil is


That was my plan.

But when he came up to me, the
devil possessed me right there,

and I grabbed him by the throat
and I picked him up in the air,

and I said, “Today is the day
you’re going to die.” And then

all this foul stuff came out my
mouth and people jumped out of

their seats, and I mean, big men
jumped out of their seats, tried

to grab me down and peel my
hands off the pasture’s throat.

He was turning purple.

Sid: But he goes home and he
prays a prayer, an unbelievable


Listen to this.

John cried out to God, “If you
are bigger than my god, with a

small “g”, although he didn’t
know it at the time, than my god

that I serve, show me tonight or
just leave me alone.

When we come back, we’re going
to find out what happened from

that prayer.

We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: I’m here with John Ramirez.

And John, his whole life was
devoted to his father, the


He literally had that
relationship with the devil.

And a pretty girl says, let’s go
to church.

He goes to this church.

He almost kills the pastor.

The devil just had total control
over him.

He goes home and he cries out to
God, “If you are bigger than the

god I serve show me or just
leave me alone.” After you

prayed that prayer, what

John: I just sat on the bed.

It was just something that just
came out.

It wasn’t even planned, and
because I really don’t want to

be Christian.

I thought Christianity was not
for me.

It was something that it wasn’t
my taste, my cup of tea.

My thing was devil worship,
recruiting people, running

regions, putting spells on
people, making a lot of money

doing that.

But I went into this deep sleep
like an anesthesia sleep, and I

ended up on this train that was
going faster than anything you

could imagine.

And the train was filled with
people, but the people, you

could see their faces, because
their faces were blank.

And when the train crashed and
hit, it opened the doors and it

ended up in Hell.

And when I ended up in hell…
Sid: Now when you say that you

had this dream, but you also
told me earlier that it really

was a real experience.

John: It was a real experience.

This was more real than the
oxygen I breathe, Sid.

This was more real than the
oxygen I breathe.

There was no way for me to leave
25 years of devil worshiping at

$100 dollar an hour witchcraft
stuff in my house for a guy

named Jesus that I had never
seen in my life.

Sid: So you find yourself in

John: I find myself in Hell.

I’m running to the portals of
Hell trying to find a way out, a

window, a door and then, first
of all, this fear grips on you

like a garment.

It trips on you and then you
hear wailing and you hear so

much things going on at the same

You’re so desperate, you want to
get out.

And when I’m trying to get out
the devil shows up in Hell and

tells me, “I’m going to keep you
here, you know too much about

the occult, you know, too much.

I gave you too much rank, too
much secrets.

I need to destroy you.” As he’s
saying that, he’s coming, he’s

going to launch at me.

As he’s launching towards me
this cross appeared in Hell and

I put it on him, and he fell out
like a tumbler.

And so I got back up and I ran,
and then he tells me, somewhere

down in the deeper part of Hell
he shows up again.

He says, I’m going to destroy

So here I am talking to him
demonic tongues because the

devil copies everything from the
Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

Sid: He can’t create it.

John: He can’t create a thing.

Sid: He’s a counterfeit.

John: He’s a counterfeit boot
leg and a copycat for real.

So he here I am.

Here I am there.

He comes out again and I said,
“I’m gonna destroy you,” I told


And I showed him the marks that
I had sold my soul.

He said, “Oh you are a fool.

I gave you those marks.

I own you.” Again, he went to
grab me for the last time.

The cross of Jesus Christ
appeared and he fell.

I mean, he actually fell on the
foot of the cross.

He just fell down on the foot of
the cross like he was


He fell down.

I woke up out of the dream.

It’s like when I see you and you
hit those things on your chest

to bring you back to life,
that’s what happened to me.

I was something hit me.

I came back into life and I knew
then that night that Yeshua was

the truth, the way and the life.

And I bend my knee.

Sid: You tell me that you now
have a new father.

Who’s your father?

John: I have a father that I
can’t even describe.

He has to be real.

That’s how awesome he is.

The days, everything of my
tormenting days, the days of my


Sid: There’s one thing that I
asked John off the air.

I said, “John, you went through
a lot of stuff.

I mean, if you could get free
from the devil, anyone could get


But aren’t you fearful today?”
What did you say to me?

John: The only fear I carry in
my heart for life, because I’m

doing a life sentence for Jesus
Christ and I want no parole.

So the only life, the only one I
fear is God, is Yeshua the


That’s the only person I fear.

I fear no devil, I fear no
witch, I fear no voodoo, I fear

no witchcraft, I fear no man but
the man Jesus Christ.

Sid: You know, I had an
experience yesterday in my

office and John was there.

For about a month I’ve had a
demonic force that has just been

at me and at me, and at me.

So I said, would you pray for

And here’s what surprised me.

He prayed for me.

That didn’t surprise me.

But the way he prayed surprised

He said to me after he prayed,
“You’re not going to have a

problem with that demon again.”
How did you know that?

John: Sid, God is good and he,
that’s guaranteed.

God has guaranteed you.

Sid: That’s what he told me, God
has guaranteed you’re not going

to have a problem.

And guess what?

I haven’t.


All right.

John, there are demonic

What are they?

John: The gateways are the
mouth, your ear gate, your mouth

gate, your eye gate, stuff you
watch on television, the videos

you play.

Sid: Can someone watching a
wrong movie or something wrong

on TV actually have a gateway to
the demonic?

John: Oh absolutely, Sid,
because you got to remember the

devil will put something on TV.

He can anesthetize your mind.

And if he can anesthetize the
person’s mind and they don’t

have the Christ any more, now
you’re more addicted on the

stuff on TV than going home and
spending time with God.

So now I stole your prayer

Sid: What about so many men,
including men and women,

including Christians are now
addicted to pornography.

It’s slipped in so easily.

Is, could that be a doorway to
the demonic?

John: Absolutely.

Book of Psalms, 91, speaks about
the foreign entrapments of the


And one entrapment is the most
dangerous one, is the young


The young lion speaks about the
sin we can control.

But in the end, you don’t kill
it and they’re controlling you.

So you got 80 percent of people
that walk with the Lord,

Christians, that are bound to
pornography because they thought

that, hey, I can turn it off any
time I want.

I don’t have to watch it today.

Sid: That’s what alcoholic say.

John: Yes.

Sid: I can stop any time I want.

John: Any time I want.

Sid: But they can’t.

John: But they can’t because
there’s a stronghold and the

demon attaches to that
stronghold, and if you don’t

break the legal rights and
renounce it you will never be


Sid: You’re telling me that you
could pray a prayer as strongly

as you prayed in my office
yesterday and they can be free?

John: They can be free.

I prayed for a gentleman in
Japan over the phone.

He was manifesting, I mean stuff
was coming out of this man, and

he turned around, and he sent me
a letter.

He said, “Thank you because
Yeshua set me free.” Sid: I want

you to pray for someone at home
that wants to be set free of

pornography and addictions of
any kind.

Would you pray that right now.

John: I tell you, Sid, God has
called me.

My purpose, my destiny in the
church today is to unmask the


Now once I unmask the devil for
you, you will see how small he

is and how great is your God.

Sid: I have to ask John to do

I want you to look in that
camera and I want you to tell me

how small the devil is and how
big God is.

Will you do that?

John: I tell you right now, you
want to be free?

I promise you in the name of
Jesus, you can be free right

now, from any tormenting spirit,
from any spirit that’s calling

your mind, from any combination,
any pornographic, any torture,

any tormentors that are sent
your way, I break it in the name

of Jesus right now.

I bind every satanic attack over
your life, your purpose, your

destiny, pornography, anything
that is holding, suicide,

oppression, depression, I break

Any pharmacia spirits, I bind it
right now.

The Lord has told you, the Lord
is speaking to me right now.

He says he’s going to set you
free and once you take that

freedom you give it back to

Now be free in Jesus’ name, the
unmatchable name of Jesus.

Sid: Yeah. Yeah.

John is going to unmask the

When we come back he’s going to
say to us, from his experience,

what is the greatest weapon a
believer in the Messiah has to

expose the devil and I’m telling
you, you have no fear of the

demonic when you know who Jesus
is, when you know who your

father is.

I mean, he is so big, the devil
trembles when you find this out.

We’re going to be right back.

We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: So John, from your
knowledge of, back there, what

are the, what’s the strongest
weapon we have against the


John: I believe the Word of God
is the strongest weapon you can

ever have on this planet.

You have to learn how to
appropriate it.

You have to know how to use it.

You have to know how to apply

I think a lot of believers,
they’re not learning how to

bring up targets in the enemy’s

My intimacy with God brings me,
gives me authority and the enemy

recognizes that you are a child
of God and he knows the

authority God has given you.

Sid: Can anyone have the same
authority you have?

John: God is no respecter of

Sid: What should someone do if
they’re sleeping at night and

all of a sudden they feel an
oppression, they feel something

in the room and that’s not good?

What would you do?

John: You know, I had an
incident not too long ago.

The devil showed up in my room.

I mean, the devil himself showed
up in my room and cold like an

ice box, and it woke me up.

I knew there was something there
that wasn’t pleasant.

And he tells me, and I hear him,
and I hear him like an audible.

He said, “If you turn on the
light I will leave.” And I hear

the Holy Spirit deep down inside
of me telling me, “If you turn

on the light you have no faith.”
And I live by myself, John and

two pillows.

I got up.

I got me some water.

I said, “I’ll see you in the

I rebuke you in the name of
Jesus Christ.

I bind you and I command you to
leave, and you got 30 seconds to

go.” Sid: But you see, he knows
his authority.

I want you to know your

The devil trembles when a
believer knows the Word of God

and the authority behind it, and
the name of Jesus.

You told me when you were in the
dark side that you used to do

something called astral

John: Yes.

Sid: You go to neighborhoods.

What would be doing in those

John: I would ask, my mission
was to astral project, leave my


I was so good at it that I would
even go during the day in

neighborhoods that were day
time, and the ones that were

night time I would go back and
forth, and I would throw curses,

and I would bring new
principality from one region to

another so there could be
patterns and cycles to happen in

the spirit realm so those people
won’t grow and they won’t meet


So that, but they had amazing
believers that knew how to pray

in the spirit, that would stop
me from going into their

neighborhood and executing the
plan of the enemy.

Sid: You’re telling me that
these believers could, you could

not do anything.

You couldn’t put curses on them?

John: I couldn’t even lift a

Sid: Now how important is
praying in the spirit, praying

in unknown languages?

John: The spirit, praying in the
spirit is like if you don’t, if

your body doesn’t have water you
would die.

If the believer today is not
praying in the spirit you would

die spiritually.

Sid: You were telling me about
these cycles and patterns.

What do you mean by that?

John: Repeat.

A lot of believers today don’t
know how to cut the rope.

I lot of believers today,
they’re free for six months then

they go back to the bondage for
eight months.

They cut the rope and then they
go back again because it’s like

the enemy knows how to put
entrapment on the believer and

then the believer, and then
today I have a righteous anger,

Sid, that the church is
preaching people happy, but

they’re not preaching people

Sid: Boy, that’s a mouthful.

John: I don’t want to go to
church to be happy.

I can be happy at home.

I want to go to church and have
you teach me how to fight the

enemy, teach me how to be free,
teach me how to save my

marriage, teach me how to get my
children out of drugs, how to

beat the devil like no tomorrow.

And I believe, and that’s what
God has called me to unmask the

devil in the towns that we’re in
and not because of me, is

because who lives in me is
greater than he that lives in

the world.

Sid: I believe, that’s for sure.

I believe that when John prays
for you right now and I am

amazed, I am learning so much so

You think I would know by now.

I am learning my authority over
sickness, my authority over the


And I want you to pray that
spirits of infirmity, of

sickness will come off of
people, and I’m going to tell

you something.

You’ve been going to doctor for
years and years, and years, and

they’re treating the symptoms
and it’s not even getting


You have high blood pressure and
they just give you more


You know what I’m talking about.

You just get rid of that spirit
of infirmity and watch

everything work.

Pray that right now.

John: Father, in the name of
Jesus, right now, I bind the

strong man over the airways in
the name of Jesus.

I bind the gatekeeper.

I bind any reinforcement.

I shut down the second and first
[unintelligible] with the blood

of Jesus Christ.

I paralyze every devil, every
hell, every demon.

I paralyze infirmity of sickness
right now.

Father, I separate one from

I change their languages,
confuse them.

I send civil war to the enemy’s
camp to let them destroy each


Loose the person right now.

Loose the person in the name of

I bring healing.

I speak healing into your life
right now.

I speak restoration.

I speak restitution upon your

I put the devil under your feet
and keep him there.

Father, in Jesus’ name I cage up
every demon, my God, in the name

of Jesus.

I put the blood of Jesus in
those demon boxes and let them

be tormented night and day, and
I close this prayer right now.

Father, I come against

I come against retribution.

I come against any
[unintelligible] the spirit in

the imaginable name of Jesus.

Sid: Okay.

Let every man be a liar, but
God’s Word, I tell you, God’s

Word is true.

And God’s Word says, by his
stripes, by his wounds, by his

blood you were healed.

Now be free.

The truth will set you free.

Sid: Next week on
It’s Supernatural!

My guest is a seer.

That means he can see in the
invisible world just as most

people can see in the natural

And this is what he told me:
Many people’s angels, and

everyone’s got an angel, many of
your angels are unemployed.


Because you don’t know how to
cooperate with them.

Anyone want to learn?

Your gifts to this ministry will
help Sid air It’s Supernatural

in Israel 28 times a week and
distribute his evangelistic book

to the Jewish people worldwide.