Show Me The Receipts // Receipts: The Proof Is In The Fruit (Part 1) // Pastor Michael Todd

Do you have receipts? The Bible says that the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control. But can we produce the receipts of those fruits in our lives? Today’s sermon encourages us to spend time in God’s Presence and make sure that his spirit is bearing healthy, ripe fruit in our lives. Scripture References: Matthew 7:16 Ephesians 2:8-9 Romans 8:14 Galatians 5:22 Join Transformation Church for our Sunday experience. Plug into community, engage in live worship with Transformation Worship, & hear a powerful word from God. ABOUT US We Exist to REPRESENT God to the lost & found for Transformation in Christ. This is the vision of Transformation Church, led by Pastor Michael Todd & based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. GIVE To support this ministry & help us continue to reach people all around the world: STAY CONNECTED


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hi my name is Charles and I serve here

at Transformation Church as one of the

executive pastors and I want to take a

moment before we jump into the message

just to say thank you first of all for

watching it means the world to us that

you would be a part no matter where

you’re watching from no matter who you

are I’m believing that this message is

going to encourage your faith and

hopefully transform your life if you

haven’t yet make sure you take a moment

subscribe to the YouTube channel not for

us but really for you we want to be a

resource to encourage your faith and be

with you on this journey of following

Jesus again thank you so much for

joining us enjoy the message today I

hope it blesses

you if anybody knows that God will come

through just give him one last shout of

Praise in this all right take your





well welcome to Transformation

Church well all we need is a

memory now now now what you’re going to

see here that you may not see a lot of

places is that there’s all different

ethnicities all different age groups

there was a 19-year-old here down here

jumping with a 91 year old you

understand what I’m

saying when people try to put language

to it what we tell them is it looks like

heaven um we prayed that God would make

this a diverse church that would look

like heaven and the fact that not one

single row looks like one person group

that on the same road there could be

somebody that owns a business and

somebody who needs a

job y’all should

talk um just grateful to be back in the

house y’all I uh oh I love

you what an honor and a privilege it is

to pastor this

house um I will never take this place


granted um God has done so much

transformation in my life here and um it

wasn’t on this platform um it was when

most of y’all didn’t know who we were I

wasn’t Mike Todd I was

Michael and my wife called me Alex

that’s my middle name Alexander and my

mama called me

mookie and if you call me mookie I got

people to handle you no I just

play but I

mean I’m just grateful for the dark room

that God developed me

in um because today I get the privilege

to stand before you and um hopefully

bring you just a little closer to

Jesus um and so today I’m going to get

right into the word um I want to let you

know that I’m full as a

tick now some of y’all ain’t Country

enough to know even what that

is but but my my family is from

Louisiana and

Alabama and and and some sometimes a

tick could get on to you into a a dog or

something like that and then you kill it

and it would just bust because it had so

much that it had sucked out of a

moment and on my sabatical God has given

me time to just

extract to rest my

soul the most dangerous thing for me is


rest because in the the the chaos of

life sometimes you start to think that

you got to do

this and I I know some of y’all don’t

have pressures on you and you don’t got

kids are raised and you ain’t got wives

that have expectations of you and you

just trying to live pure and all the

other stuff but as for me sometimes you

think you got to do all of this and

sometimes when you take a step back and

you just sit at the feet of Jesus as a

son when you cast your crown when you’re

not a pastor when you’re not whatever


are God reveals to you it’s been him the

whole time

some of y’all just need a reality check

it’s been him the all time you ain’t


good he see you before you put that


on he knows what you look like soothing

yourself he knows how you in the car

right before the presentation still

making the presentation up on canva he


you and sometimes we we we get it

twisted that we did

something but it’s been somebody say

it’s been him the whole

time and so I’m grateful for this um um

opportunity and I know I have an

assignment here um I Heard a preacher

once say I’m wearing a suit because I


business and uh I’m going stand on


today um I want you to get your word um

your Bible out and I want you to get

your uh notepads out and um today I’mma

wipe this sweat off to act like I just

didn’t Shout


um thank God for his

presence Holy Spirit here I

am in front of all of these people

asking you to empower me to do your will

you are the one that gives both the

desire and the power to do what pleases

you and today Father I have so many

flaws standing up here in front of these

people but I will not shrink back from

what you called me to do so today anoint


and father don’t just use me dwell in

me father I want I want something on me

after this I don’t want to be used so

they can just be blessed I want to walk

away with something God would you just

supersede all of our

expectations would you start something

in this church that would change the

trajectory of our lives forever Holy

Spirit tag team back again let’s do this

thing and may you get all the glory

honor and praise and everybody that

agrees say Amen am amen well to today we

are starting a brand new series called

receipts somebody sh shout at me

receipts receipts now this is a cultural

term um for all of us because we know

that anytime we buy something we get a

receipt but in the last probably three

to five years people have been using it

a lot in relationships and business and

and and and and um really kind of

disappointingly it’s like people who

keep tabs of other people’s

faults and they’ be like no you a liar

and I got

receipts and they like no no no no no

show me the

receip and and it’s almost giving people

a license to be able to check people or

hold them

accountable because they do something

don’t remember really how it went or the

facts or the actual intention around it

but some somebody was recording the

whole time oh come on y’all we know a

few stories in the news right now that

woo wish video cameras didn’t

exist wish that somebody wasn’t watching

or seeing because no matter what you say

in front of

people if there is something that is


otherwise it’s what people go with and

what they

believe and so as I was coming in into

this series and I was on sabatical

asking the Holy Spirit how do I finish

the assignment that you gave us for this

year because at Transformation Church

the word of the year is what fruit can

we give it up for transformation worship

real quick y’all can do better than that

we have a world class


department when y’all did look at my

fruit today and then I start thinking

like oh we got a song that go with a

series that’s oh bloody and like thank

y’all man and they just released an

album called thy kingdom come last week

and y’all have just I’m just super

excited but when I started to think

about that song and look at my fruit and

we’re going to say we’re not talking

about it we’re going to live it I

started to think like oh that whole

concept is about having

proof and right when I actually thought

about the word of the Year being fruit

this year at Transformation Church my

wife sent me to the store and one of

your primary jobs as a

husband is not to just bring home the

bacon and and and not to just provide

and all that one of your primary

responsibilities is to go do what your

wife doesn’t want to

do I should have more amens than that in


building so if she don’t want to go to

the store guess who gets to go to the


and my wife sends me to all kinds of

stores I I mean when you’ve been in the

game as long as we have we about to come

up on 15 years of being married when we

came in that means that means I can go

anywhere Victoria’s

Secret ain’t no question she done sent

me in there several times the Spanx

store I buy Spanx all the

time see some of y’all ain’t y y y’all

y’all ain’t y’all ain’t

graduated you still care about what goes

across the I don’t care no more boom

pads 50 pack no I’m just playing I’m

just playing kind

of see some of y’all too churchy

pastor’s back okay here we

go I’m just saying and and and she sends

me to this one store I don’t like that

much and the only reason I don’t like it

it’s not because the service is bad or

they don’t have stuff it’s like every

time I finish purchasing whatever it is

I try to leave and it does not matter

what I have on it doesn’t matter how

much I smile I can have watched 14

people go in front of me with no problem

straight out the door but some sweet


person steps in front of the exit and

asks for my

receive what is it about me that says


me is is it 62 is it black man is it bra

is it what is

no and I used to get so frustrated about

it because it was like I just saw four

people with six carts connected to each

other and I got

a bag with gum and

deodorant and they’re like sir hey can I

see your

and I started to think about it that the

power of a

receipt actually is it is proof of

purchase so when you have the receipt

you ain’t got to

worry because I can prove that I


this but in the off

chance that you left it at the self

checkout death

or right when you did it you ran back

into the store and you dropped it

somewhere I don’t know if you’ve ever

been caught without a

receipt but then all kinds of things

start flooding your mind cuz

automatically you think they think you a

thief and

you and one time that happened to me and

the Holy Spirit said wouldn’t it be sad

if you got caught at the white Throne


in front of me when I asked you what did

you do with this

life and all the people who in church

and believing and tongue

talking hold on hold on one second hold

on God hold on hold on I know it’s



somewhere if every believer in Jesus


Christ does not have receipts of

relationship with

him you are actually out here

counterfeiting what God has asked all of

us to walk around ready to

show when I understood that those people

were going to stop me every time I

stopped putting my receipt in my

pocket when I start walking out the door

before before you even question

me you want to see my

receipt do the people at your

job do they know you have relationship


God is there any proof that he purchased


oh God

okay because the Bible says in Matthew

7:16 you can identify the people who are

Mine by their

Fruit by the they don’t understand what

he’s saying he he clarifies it you can

identifyy the real ones the ones who

have relationship with with me by their

fruit well what is fruit because

technically fruit could be so many

different things is it intrinsic is it

something that and and he knew all of us

would go deep and heady and all that

other stuff he said you can identify

them by the way they

act how you act is your

fruit not how you pray not how you

believe not how you worship how you act

is your fruit so you cuss people out

when you mad that’s your

fruit you cut people off when you feel

disrespected that’s your fruit I just

need more grace I just need more Grace

but how you acted

was your

fruit and I know this is a this is this

is kind of heavy because most of us want

to be able to act any way ask God for

forgiveness and not bear the

consequences of what we already produced

after I bit your bitter fruit it doesn’t

mean that I’m going to go away for you

forever but it does remember I remember

what nasty fruit tastes like and so when

you try to come put your stanky hands on

me to

pray I remember how you treated me when

we were on that serve team together

uhoh see the problem is many times the

same people we need to invite to church

we were short with a week


earlier the same person that we need to

correct in Integrity is the same person

we made advances at a year ago uh-oh I’m

in your business now you sure look good

in them tights you shall look good in

that little

Limon I like to see that Limon and you

saying those little perverted crazy

thing with your Merry butt and four kids

and and and

okay y’all going to have to ease me back

in ease me back in nasty self over here

talking to this 22 year old and you 50

years old

and Cat Williams told y’all 2024

everybody getting exposed you everybody

getting exposed he said it in January

hear me hear me what I’m saying to

you the holy spirit is

done with people claiming him in public

but their actions do not line

up there is no

fruit or I can say it a different way

there’s no

proof so in this series today all I can

do is set up all I can do is set the

series up you don’t want to miss one

week of this because I gave myself a

strict timeline to just help everybody

understand that fruit is important in


life it’s the only thing that God counts

at the end of the

day and write this point down most

Believers have no receipts for their

relationship with


none all night prayers is not a receipt

for a relationship with God

I know that offended religious people

right there but I’m I’m tering we’ll

talk about it a little bit later but he

said but you don’t have

love he said so you can prophesy speak

you can bring Visions down but the fruit

of the spirit is love so if you don’t

got love he said you sound like a gong

to me you’re annoying to

me y’all not ready for this series y’all

are not ready for this you think you


money is a fruit of the spirit

but because churches have maximized on

the actions instead of the

being the doing instead of

the the fruit of the spirit is not

something you can just do it has to come

out of your being who are you and that’s

why you don’t pay for the fruit of the

spirit you have to let the Holy Spirit

work in you you got to let them do the

work it might take 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine 10


to actually get patience and we want a

microwave patience uh 6 to okay who

should have patience in three

weeks and that’s why God gave you that

wife you screaming too loud over there


is brother there will be prayer for you

at the end of the

service like do you hear what I’m saying

to be able to really work

out your your your actual control


that don’t happen in two weeks okay

y’all being fake and so many people have

sold you that your full transformation

happens at an

altar the altar is usually the start of


transformation no matter how much you

cry no matter how many open Visions no

matter how many prophetic words you got

to go out and act different oh my God

you thought I was going to come back and

just give you a hug we got to grow baby

I’m telling you right now if we going to

see fruit in our life I’m getting happy

we got to actually make a decision to do

something different than we’ve been

doing and all I want you to know is that

the the proof is in the fruit stop

talking to me show me your

fruit somebody say the proof the proof

is in the fruit in the in

Pastor Mike why do we need to show

receipts why do we need proof of

purchase because Jesus our example had

proof of purchase for

us and he carried multiple

receipts you can look at the cross

that’s a

receipt it pro his blood was shed on

that cross for every one of our sins

even when we wern’t thinking about him

the Bible says it’s like this while we

were yet sinners

Christ died but then you could use the

stone when the stone was rolled away and

he resurrected that stone sitting on the

side when nobody pushed it that’s

another receipt so when the two women

came they said where is he he was like

well none of us could move this Stone he

left the receipt to say I purchased you

oh my God I can take you to one more

that makes me real happy remember when

Thomas missed Jesus coming back and

Thomas was like I don’t believe it I

don’t know and Jesus said come here

Thomas here’s a receipt

the nail pierced put your

hand Jesus had multiple receipts to

prove that he purchased

us now the question is on this Earth

what are your

receipts okay you starting to hear me

Ephesians 2:

8:9 God saved you by Grace when you

believed and you take credit for this

you can’t take credit for this it is a

everybody say gift gift it is a gift

from God salvation is not watch this a

reward for the good things we have done

I could preach that for a

year Well I served yesterday with the

team so God should do something good for


sorry for the church you came from who

told you that this was a a a uh chores

system do your chores get a

treat that’s not what this is he said I

already gave you the Ultimate Gift

before you did anything for me cuz I’m

God like

that and and he literally said the

reason I did this verse n he said is

salvation is not a reward for good

things that we have done so none of

y’all can boast about it because if it

would be how good we are and how much

we’ve done we would all make ranking

systems and he said no no no no and

that’s when I started to follow this

analogy salvation I need to say

something that you going to have to

critically think about salvation is not


receipt salvation is a

gift cuz some well I’m saved you know we

God keep praying for me cuz God ain’t

done with me yet but I’m saved yes yes

it is a gift from God what have you done

with that

gift it’s almost like the the the the

Salvation is the transaction of Grace

when you standing out the self checkout

and you like beep I do

receive who oh my goodness yes something

is made new in me and and and I don’t

know if you’ve ever thought about it but

when when you scan whatever you scan

there’s a system at work behind that

whole thing that it goes into the clouds

and the the ethernet and the all the

different things and somehow it’s

already made

transactions known in other places I’m



God so when I’m down here on Earth and I

give my life to Jesus it’s already done


heaven the transaction my name is

written in the Lamb’s Book of Life my my

sins are forgiven he throws them as as

far as the East is from the West it’s

done in heaven but I still look like

this on

Earth so what the Bible says is when you

get this

gift you need some receipts that are

given by the holy

spirit cuz that then will be proof on

Earth it’s done in heaven somebody say

it’s done in heaven done in but we ain’t

got no proof on

Earth so how do you get proof on Earth

you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit

and you let him work out in you

everything that’s not like God until you

start to look like God let me just help

you could you bring me that gift real

quick cuz some of y’all don’t understand

this salvation is simply receiving a

gift and today some of y’all just need

to receive this gift and some of y’all

do this y oh my goodness look at

Salvation oh and the the Angels

Cry Oh and we do this whole thing around

salb hey y’all y’all see my

salvation 20 years and never opened it

up I’m talking to you 15 years you done

built a whole YouTube

channel off of having

this but never opened it up this comes

with the Holy

Spirit he said it’s better if I leave

because when when I leave I’m G send you

the comforter the one the teacher the

one that’s going to show you what to do

and he’s going to give you according to

Galatians 5:22 he’s going to work in you

these things called fruits of the spirit

somebody say open it up open it up for

the rest of this year I want you to open

up what the Holy Spirit can do in your

life if you would just open up that it’s

not weird and crazy and you about to

just be having convulsion people that do

that want to do that that that is not

what the the holy spirit is a gentleman

he’s wise he understands what’s going on

he knows what needs to happen and what

some of us need to do is open him

up cuz if you let him do the work what



naturally n this is not

forced this is not me trying to make

something happen this is not me trying

to prove to you

that is a blessed


wow I don’t even know what this is what


it holy spirit got stuff you don’t know


about I see y’all don’t hear me what is

this pomegranate you study fruit you’re

a fruitologist

we only had oranges apples and grapes

and bananas I didn’t

know what if what if what if there are

things that the Holy Spirit wants to

reveal in in you through you with you to

you for others for you

first that you haven’t even opened up


gift and what the church will many Tri

time do uhuh uhuh uh uhuh we don’t do

all that we got 35 minutes on Sunday

uhuh uh-uh no no no no no you can give 8

hours a day to that

job but don’t give no time to the Holy

Spirit uh-uh we can spend 16 hours in

kids sports activities on a Friday and a

Saturday but we not going to make nobody

uncomfortable with the Holy Spirit uh-uh

no no no no no no no no no

let’s just let’s just no no

no Holy Spirit just in case you do


crazy but I’m

saved walking with

him doing good things doing good

works and you’re missing out on the

nourishment some of you like dang I’m


thirsty for

relationship thirsty for

accolades we we we every time you talk

we know you thirsty for a

compliment okay y’all know the people

I’m talking

about and if you don’t know it’s



see see the receipt

clears up confusion on

Earth whenever there’s a conflict on

Earth it’s like no no no I have a receip


love I I have proof of joy and what I

found out about those beautiful people

at that store that I have not made named

that actually has a logo of blue and

yellow and it kind of Rhymes well

Hallmark um not calling no names but um

is that the truth of the matter is those

people are actually doing their

job because it’s it should be okay for

you have to for you to have to prove

that you purchased it let me say it a

different way it should be okay that

non-believers need to know if there’s

fruit in your

life you see them golf claps like well

I’m offended why you claim to be a


but we have no proof through your

Instagram Facebook Twitter we have no

proof through your relationships how you

talk to your kids how you treat people

that do you wrong we have no proof in

your activity in your church and the way

you talk about the pastor we have no

proof somebody say show me the receipt

show the receipt for you get in business

with somebody rece you better ask them

to show you the

receipts show me what you did with that

last business I know we hype about this

business but why did that one did it

fail because of a lack of Integrity show

me somebody shout at me show me the

receipts show me the receipts one more

time somebody say show me the

receipts receipts okay because people

who do not have receipts are proof that

they’re in relationship with God I found

out something and I I just want to tell

you this may be you it may not be you

but I just want to let you know cuz

that’s my job to inform you you’re being

led by the

flesh the Bible is clear those who are

led by the spirit are actually sons of

God if you are led by your flesh

something else is about to be produced

in you cuz everybody got

fruit everybody got

proof everybody got receipts it just

depends what type of proof fruit

receipts that you actually have that’s

why I want to give you that reference

for some of y’all that going to go back

and study this afterwards Romans 8:14

for as many are led by the spirit of God

these are the sons of God these are my

sons and daughters these are the people

that rock with me these are the people

cuz there will be plenty that say oh God

but I talked in your name prophesied in

your name casted out demons did business

in your name God I always wore my Jesus

Loves You shirt why you was taking it

off to lay down with


her oh gosh y’all gave me too much time

off you you you continue to use

Christianity as a

lurer I want a good godly man I’m a good

godly man until 11

p.m. okay I I need to get off somebody’s

case but somebody’s pulling me and stop

following for that

foolishness ask him why he’s 29 years

old and ain’t never had a prospect it’s

cuz he didn’t want one


me you just so naive you about to get


up used crumbled up and

taken I’m just trying to if we’re not


people show me that you walk in

joy I know you’re cynical and you’ve

been hurt and you’re jaded I just not

I’m just I’m just I’m just not going to

let nobody play me like that no more

that’s miserable you look

miserable you wake up does your face be

like that does it not hurt that don’t

hurt to walk into every room

like that don’t hurt you don’t get no

spasms no muscle

spasms tell me you walk in

gentleness and then show me you walking


show me


okay Galatians 5:22 let’s read

it but the Holy

Spirit the gift we get at Salvation for

free no extra things you have to do to

get the holy spirit let me clear this up

church has tried to create levels to how

you have access to the Holy Spirit but

the holy spirit is a person not a

tongue you’ve been saved filled with the

holy spirit with the evidence of

speaking in Tong don’t say that no


cuz speaking in tongues is not evidence

according to the

word it’s a

benefit according to the

word evidence of the holy spirit is what

we about to read

love joy peace patience kindness

goodness faithfulness self-control these


fruits Mama Chloe said this is Sunday

school I love it and a lot of us have

believe the lie that the holy spirit is

not with us because maybe we have not

access the benefit of speaking in our

Heavenly language

yet that is a

lie now now why in the world would you

not want the maximum benefit of this

Christian life I don’t know you want to

stay on the second floor when you could

stay on the 52nd floor in the

penthouse do you but as for me in my

house we going

up like

like all day I’m like Paul I speaking

tongues more than you all I’ll be like


up like that’s me I was raised bar you

understand sometimes we say hello in

tongues SK like with that no I’m just

playing I’m just

playing I’m just

playing mom I want

breakfast no I just

play but

but I love this shurt okay so what I’m

saying to you though is that at the end

of the day at the end of the day it is a


but it’s not

proof it’s not a

receipt cuz people people can speak in

tongues that aren’t

kind people can speak in tongues who are


faithful okay they there’s some people

getting up and walking out they mad at

me it’s okay it’s the truth

anyhow so so so those nine things what

I’m believing through this series is by

the time we get to the end of the year

you would develop a value system around

carrying these receipts watch this

daily this is not a oh I used love that

one time in 1964 when I I really had to

forgetting white people for doing that

to the black

people if 1964 was the last time you

walked in love

you have denied the very power of the


spirit so so so so I I want you to just

see the receipts and this is what I’m

going to do I’m going to put all the

receipts on on the screen I’m going to

put all the fruits of the spirit all the

proof that the Holy Spirit wants us to

have and I want you to as they come up I

believe something significant is going

to happen I want you to identify or

allow the Holy Spirit who is inside of

every believer anybody who’s accepted

Jesus I want you to identify where the

holy spirit is drawing you to focus your


cuz we need all of them but let me not

just bite off a big like there may be

one that the holy spirit is like this

the one and if you get that if you have

that inkin if you’re watching online if

you’re in the row I just want you to

write it down some of y’all gonna write

all nine down and I know some of y’all

is like I need all of them but at the

end of the day I believe the holy spirit

is going to allow us to start a a

journey of

progression and not Perfection so so so

many of us need

love and many of us need joy and many of

us need what what



patience we need patience how many

people need pay we hate

waiting hate waiting on people hate

waiting on God hate waiting for our

food we went to a place to celebrate my

baby aa’s birthday shout out to Ava she



seven this week we went to we went to

one of her favorite places I ain’t

calling no names in here but they really

should make another location in Tulsa

cuz this is

ridiculous that woman had the nerve to

tell me it was a 2 and 1 half hour

waight I said I could go kill a

chicken pluck that

mug No 2 and 1 half hours to wait to

eat but something in

me is working against waiting at all


yeah I mean right now if my wifi doesn’t


connect what I’m

doing to wherever it’s connected you

don’t even know where it’s connected

to you be ready to throw away the system

you be ready to throw away you done hit

the restart button why is it so hard for

us to wait I heard it said like this

what the enemy can’t get in front of and

stop he gets behind and

rushes a that’s nasty some of y’all wait

can’t wait to get married can’t wait to

start the business can’t wait to do this

and and the enemy is literally pushing

you cuz he knows you’ll make a mistake

because you will not wait on go you

won’t develop the fruit open it up and

get the fruit of the spirit of patience

and some of us we may have gotten

patience but we actually need


goodness most people don’t understand

that one I cannot wait to preach on

goodness cuz everybody like just be

good God we in the dark


gentleness g y y’all know gentleness

does not have a

gender women aren’t the only ones

supposed to

be okay I know they going to clip that

up and try to make it say I’m saying

something else all I’m saying is

Men Of God should be able to walk around

with power

intentionality to be able to protect and

still able to have a soft

hand and soft words uh-oh

that’s where we getting messed up I

ain’t never hit her you hit her every

day with your

words she walks in with headgear on as

soon as you wake

up okay this series going to be real

good good good here we

go and everybody in the room need this




self-control somebody say the proof is

in the fruit

write it down the proof is in the

fruit we almost done cuz today is just a

setup I I can’t even like when I tell

you I told the team in the back I was

like I’m going to just do the

intro and leave so if abruptly I’ll be

like that’s it that’s cuz I I’m watching

the time I got to be done cuz if you let

me I will unleash on you for 3 hours

and not even and not even think about it

but I ain’t going to do that

today cuz the proof of self control for

me is in my

fruit I want to do

something that the moment and God and my

team has asked me not to do and the only

person who can stop me from do I’m in

charge I’m the boss I’m the one doing

the only person who can do that is the

holy spirit in me that says Michael you

gave them people your word you told he

that you was going to be done in 50

minutes you said at the wheel you set at

the car you told Natalie you’re going to

be done in 50 minutes so if I be like

all right and just walk off the stage

it’s cuz I’m going to be a man of my

word cuz I’m trying to reel in my

flesh oh you know your flesh can raise

up for good things huh well I’m helping

people and I’m trying to get them the

message and I’m no you’re prideful and

you’re doing too much let the Holy

Spirit do the rest of the work they got

oh y’all don’t hear me they got enough

word to be able to chew on this just

proed they don’t study the scripture no

way so you can’t do what the Holy Spirit

can’t all

right somebody say the proof is in the

fruit okay so so so at the end of the

day I I I want you to realize we know

the receipts we need to have put those

receipts back up there okay um the these

are the receipts that we need everybody

say love love joy joy peace peace

patience patience kindness goodness good

faithfulness fath gentleness gent

self-control self control I’m believing

that your appetite would

change okay because when I read


522 it starts with a word I wasn’t

expecting you know sometimes when you

just click on to um um Google and look

up a certain scripture you you got to

you got to read the whole chapter yeah

so you can get everybody say context

cuz cuz Galatians 22 starts with the


but everybody say but but so so that

means it was contrasting

something so so I ran it back and it

said there’s some other receipts that

people are actually showing to others

and I’m just going to read the list it

says the the the fruit or the proof or

the receipts of living a life led by the

flesh is sexual immorality impurity

debauchery idolatry witchcraft hatred

Discord jealousy fits of Rage selfish

ambition disunity factions or clicks

Envy drunkenness orgies and the

likes so if you look at these nine

fruits of the spirit and then listen to

that list which one do you have more


of which one can you say oh no I oh yeah

I got that I mean I’m

kind but

hating witchcraft I’m in astrology and

the signs and the rocks and I’m a sag

Sagittarius season Sagittarius season

you can’t spell


Sagittarius couldn’t spell it if your

life depended on

it the end of that scripture

says it says I warn you as I did before

this is Paul writing that those who live

like this will not inherit the kingdom


God that’s why our receipts are proof of

a relationship with

Christ and what moves us forward in our

relationship so we don’t live this mid

mediocre life with God is

maturity today I’m asking everybody for

the rest of this year could we all

together this room is full of people

with so much purpose and maybe the only

thing keeping us from the next Open Door

is our ability to see this moment of

maturity that God has given us to allow

the Holy Spirit to work out of us the

things that are not like him and work in

us the things that he wants to see in

our life somebody say the proof is in

the fruit proof is in the see see write

it down in this point require I mean

receipts are a requirement for the next


Door hear what I just said

the receipt of love joy peace patience

could I submit to you that maybe some of

the reason why the next thing that you

know God’s told you to do hasn’t work is

because he can’t send you into the open

door those doors cannot open until you

have proof that you walk in

love cuz if you get into that door with

no love you make him look

bad when I’m at that one store that has

all the price cuts and the smiley face

as the logo yeah and they they step in

front they don’t catch me at the

register they step in front of me at the

point of an Open

Door they want to see the receipt at the

place where the atmosphere

changes they want to see the receipt at

the place that the climate changes at

the place where I walk into something

it’s automatic if I get close to it I

don’t have to open it I don’t have I can

just walk through it but they stop me to

see if I have

proof before the door opens and Can I

submit to you that your kindness your

gentleness your faithfulness the lack of

having a receipt for that may be the

reason why God will not let the next


open all

right how much time I

got I can’t see I can’t can’t see

it okay here we go last Point receipts

watch this allow for returns without

repercussions so I don’t know if this

has ever happened to you but in the off

chance that you accidentally picked up

something that wasn’t supposed to go

with you I have kids and my kids don’t

understand the purchasing process

yet they see it they want it it they got

it they like uh what’s the boy uh uh


Lee you know what I’m saying like I see

it I got let’s try it like and they

just and and I’ve ended up in in the car

with things that I did not

purchase that maybe even somebody else

put into my

cart trauma that wasn’t mine

ways of thinking that did not originate

with me that were passed on that

somebody else’s hands were on and they

were given to

me and a lot of people I’m not talking


who but a lot of people think that

everything that you get for free is a

blessing oh my God it how did it just

end up in my cart that’s a test of your

fruit every $100 bill $20 bill $10 bill

you find on the ground that ain’t always


blessing a lot of times it’s a

testing y’all missed

it God is trying to test and see are you

a person of

Integrity will you be faithful enough

and inconvenience and patience enough to

get out of your car walk it back to the

desk tell them you found it in the

parking lot leave it when you need

20 it’s quiet in here here cuz y’all

done picked up other people’s stuff

saying God blessed you oh my God I just

got out of let me tell y’all story about

how God blessed me and God said you

failed you failed horri take that $20

take that stanky

$20 I was about to give you a

promotion that would have given you

$20,000 but I can’t open that next door


you will y’all stand all over the

building some of

you through this series are going to

take back things that were not

legitimately given to you by

God and when you step up to that service

counter and you say hey this anger this

didn’t come from

me this was passed

down you’re going to be able to go back

and return things and not feel guilty

about it because this wasn’t part of

what Jesus gave me I got to give this

back this anxiety this fear of

everything I got to give this

back today if you’re in this

building I want to let you know that you

need the receipts so that you can give

them to other people but everybody

listen to me you have to

receive these receipts

first it’s hard to give what you don’t

have and so many people are so obsessed

especially in church of trying to

produce fruit that they don’t eat it

first so at the end of this sermon today

what if today we made a decision that

not just we’re going to produce fruit so

that we can give it to the world what if

we start with producing the fruit so

that we can give it to

ourselves when’s the last time you gave

yourself love cuz the Bible’s clear you

only can love other to the measure at

which you love uhoh you might need to

bite this fruit my wife knows it’s it’s

a thing between us since we as kids if

she bite a good orange her first thing

or a good apple she said you need to try

this the only way she can do that is if

she tasted it first the reason we don’t

have patience with other people is cuz

we don’t got patience with

ourselves the reason we can’t be kind to

others is cuz we won’t be kind

and I found out in my own



M the way that you show the fruits of

the spirit is you fight less and fruit

more you hear what I just

said so many times I’m ready to fight

and defend and and and God said fight

less fruit

more they won’t be able to deny what

God’s done in your

life today if that’s you

and you’ve been

fighting to make sure that everything

comes together and make sure nobody gets

you wrong and make sure that that that

your your your name is is is is what you

want it to be and stop

fighting well I got to get my time is

coming I need to do this I need to do

this God’s not rushing

you the enemy

is he said I need you to fight less and

fruit more

and I want to give you the receipts of

the spirit the proof that you’re in

relationship with me if you’re in this

room and you know there’s an area of

your life that you need the Holy Spirit

to help you develop



sweet good fruit in one of those nine

areas would you just lift your hands all

over this

place online would you lift your hands

and I’m just going to pray that you

would fight God less and let him through

the Holy Spirit build fruit in you more

father here we all are there’s not one

single hand down in this place because

we need your

help Holy Spirit if we could do it on

our own we would have done it but today

for us to actually love without

condition condition to have peace that

passes all understanding to be able to

walk in joy that is unspeakable we need


help today forgive

us for producing fruit that doesn’t look

like you even after the gift of

Salvation and today we’re

asking that there would be a


full faith

to believe you can do something new on

the inside of us father the things that

were passed down that were not given by

you today Father God we are returning

them at this moment right

now all the pain all the resentment all

the offense all of the frustration today

God we give that back and we thank you

that today we’re going to start to

produce fruit as the Holy Spirit begins

a purification process on the inside of

all of us father for the in the room I

thank you that it’s getting better

father for the person who is Jaded I

thank you that you’re giving them joy

for the person father God who tried

before I thank you for a fresh wind to


again new things springing up on the

inside of

us so that the world will know that we


yours let them know us by our

fruit not our

post not our

not not what we say

only but how we live for

you do a new thing on the inside of me

God come on somebody make it personal

ask ask him to do a new thing on the

inside of you do something new in

me we trust you and we believe you in

that same posture if you’re in this room

I need y’all to just be praying just for

a second we’re gone in 3 minutes if

you’re in this room and you’ve never

accepted the gift of salvation

I believe today is your

day see there’s so much waiting for you

but some of you have been with your arms

folded but like I don’t take all that I

don’t need all that but what I’m telling

you is this whole life thing is real and

and and and this 80 years we get is a

small piece of Eternity and what I need

you to know is God says I’ve already

paid the debt so you can live free but

you have to everybody say receive

receive and I know Church in religion

will try to make you jump through all

these hoops and become this different

person no no no no no no no God says

bring all of your crazy to

me bring all your crazy bring all your

drama bring all your not knowing bring

it all to me he can handle all of that

he has the receipts in his nail-pierced

hand and he’s saying would you just come

and allow me to do something on the

inside of you but I can’t do it unless

you receive if you’re in this room and

you are watching online and you want to

receive salvation which comes with a

gift called the Holy

Spirit on the count of three I just want

you to shoot your hand up in the air I

want you to be bold I want you to be

proud I want you to be excited because

your life is about to

transform it’s the thing that took me

from being a liar a manipulator addicted

to pornography somebody who had all

kinds of dark things in my heart and my

mind and was acting on them I was being

led by the desires of My Flesh and I was


receipts of broken promises I almost

lost my

wife I almost became a person I

hated but

God he saw me in my

sin and he said if you surrender

everything to me right now boy I’ll use

you in a way that you can’t even imagine

I said God with all of this he said well

all of that I’ll actually allow you to

turn it around and take your testimony

and change the entire world but you got

to surrender to me and today you have

the same opportunity cuz he’s no

respector of persons one you’re making

the greatest decision of your life two

if you make this decision your name is

going to be written in the Lamb’s Book

of Life and your eternity is secure

three if you want to give Jesus your

life I want you to raise your hand all

over this building I see you I see you

sister I see you brother all the way in

the back online over here Transformation

Church how do we celebrate what God is


Hallelujah so proud of you sort of proud

of you young man but more than me being

proud of you God has all of Heaven

standing up and they turning up right

now cuz you gave your life to Christ at

Transformation Church nobody prays alone

if somebody’s around you who raised

their hand would you just gently stretch

your hands towards them and we’re going

to pray together would you say God

thank you for sending Jesus just for me

today I admit that I need a savior I

need a and I Choose You and I Choose You

I receive I receive the free gift of

salvation Salvation I believe you lived

you died and you Rose again you Rose

again with all power all power to defeat

anything I would ever go through

so today today I give you my life I you

change me CH renew me transform me I’m

yours in Jesus name amen can we turn up

with Heaven all over this place oh this

should be the biggest shout of the day

Hallelujah Hey listen we want to welcome

you to the family our team has something

for you we want to make lift your hand

up if you did that we want to make sure

you get this book that’s going to help

you and you can text or um 8282 um save

to 82 8282 and um we’re going to walk

with you everybody listen before you

leave Wednesday night prayer is going to

a whole another

level this Wednesday I’m going to be

here and we going to start praying

praying praying praying praying praying

before the end of this year your life is

going to look different because of the

power of prayer so I need you to meet me

here for prayer and bible study get back

here this week share this message with

somebody and go out and live a

transformed life we love you so much God

bless you hey I want to take a moment

again before we jump off and say thank

you our church is not built on one

individual but on the sacrifice of so

many and you being a part it means the

world so thanks for watching the message

I also want to say thank you to the

thousands of people around the world who

are generous it means the world and we

are able to represent we’re able to be

generous to meet the needs of people

because of your giving if you haven’t

taken the step to give trust me there is

no pressure at all but if you feel led

you can text the word give to 82 8282 or

you can go online when we partner

together God uses our generosity to make

a difference again if you haven’t take a

moment to subscribe to the YouTube

channel and more than watching on

YouTube join us on Sundays every single

Sunday we’re here 10:45 CST a.m. we

would love to see you and like we always

say go out and live a transformed life
