David Wilkerson – Overcoming Fear

#DavidWilkerson#fear #failure #encouragement #sorrow #contriteheart #heart #freedom | Must Hear – Like đź‘Ť & Subscribe – ‪@ahavajerusalem‬ *If you have a need or know someone who has a need please email us. – [email protected] About Ahava Jerusalem The website and the Social Media Channels are a Christian host for devotionals, sermons, and videos with a focus on Jesus Christ and His Word so that the Church may be built up. MISSION: that Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:19) and that you may be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Ro 12:2) so that you may grow to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4:13) #fyp #forgiveness #viral #salvation #light #heaven #time #Youtube #Google #Internet #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Father #HolySpirit #Faith #Hope #Love #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #HolySpirit #World #Word #Love #Grace #joy #future #grace #amazing #best #live #life #bestsermons This is a chilling message not for the weak or half-hearted, concerning pride of a nation and a people. When a nation becomes proud, then comes shame. Pride is an abomination to the Lord. Throughout history, God has judged nations for this, like Sodom, Gomorrah, Israel, and Judah, to name a few. How can America escape? This is a classic and heartfelt cry of the Watchman, warning one and all. Ezekiel 16:46-52New King James Version (NKJV) 46 “Your elder sister is Samaria, who dwells with her daughters to the north of you; and your younger sister, who dwells to the south of you, is Sodom and her daughters. 47 You did not walk in their ways nor act according to their abominations; but, as if that were too little, you became more corrupt than they in all your ways. 48 “As I live,” says the Lord God, “neither your sister Sodom nor her daughters have done as you and your daughters have done. 49 Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. 50 And they were haughty and committed abomination before Me; therefore I took them away as I saw fit.[a] 51 “Samaria did not commit half of your sins; but you have multiplied your abominations more than they, and have justified your sisters by all the abominations which you have done. 52 You who judged your sisters, bear your own shame also, because the sins which you committed were more abominable than theirs; they are more righteous than you. Yes, be disgraced also, and bear your own shame, because you justified your sisters. About David Wilkerson was the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church in New York City. He was called to New York in 1958 to minister to gang members and drug addicts, as told in the best-selling book, The Cross and the Switchblade. In 1987, David Wilkerson returned to “the crossroads of the world” to establish Times Square Church. As a pastor of the church, he faithfully led this congregation, delivering powerful biblical messages that encourage righteous living and complete reliance on God. David Wilkerson had a strong burden to encourage and strengthen pastors throughout the world. From 1999 to 2008, he traveled around the globe holding conferences for Christian ministers. Posted with written permission of Time Square Church Copyright © 2016 Times Square Church, 1657 Broadway, New York, NY, 10019, USA. T: (212) 541-6300 F: (212) 541-6415 Used with permission granted by World Challenge, P. O. Box 260, Lindale, TX 75771 USA.

I thank you Holy Spirit for your moving

Among Us this morning thank you Lord for

the sanctifying power of the blood of

Jesus now sanctify me as I preach your

word let me be an oracle of God and I

pray Lord that you give us hearing ears

to hear and that the word of the Lord

will go deep into our spirit and we will

be changed by the word faith comes by

hearing and hearing by the word Lord

we’re hearing the word and as we hear it

let it produce faith in us God there are

people here this morning my heavenly

father that are living in terrible fears

just flooded with fears and we pray Lord

that you show them how to get Victory to

overcome those fears in Jesus name that

when the service is finished this

morning through the power of the word

and the Holy Ghost making it alive

nobody will leave here Bound by fear

break the chains of fear hallelujah holy

ghost come down on this meeting now let

in a special way that we may hear and

understand your word

in Jesus name amen overcoming the spirit

of fear fear I believe is one of the

most destructive forces on the face of

the Earth in fact fear is Satan’s most

powerful weapon against God’s children

you know that he’s come against you many


times the prophet Isaiah predicted in

the last days fear and the pit and the

snare will come all come upon all the

inhabitants of the earth Isaiah 24:17

then he added these words he said it

shall come to pass that he who flees

from the noise of the fear will fall

into the pit and he that comes out of

the pit shall be taken in the

snare and here’s what the prophet saw he

saw multitudes in the last days living

in a prison of fear in pits of Despair

and snared and troubled and sorrow as no

other generation and the pit in Hebrew

means a personal living hell and the

snare means a trapped feeling and Isaiah

is looking at our day and nothing

describes our time better than that here

are people who have the most prosperity

and material Goods of any generation and

yet they talk about living in a living

hell they talk about being in a hell

they live in constant fear we have

people that are more mobile than any

other generation we have a ability to go

all over the world there’s more freedom

personal freedom than any other time and

yet we have people saying I feel

trapped beloved there is a flood

absolute flood of fear upon the world

today in Deuteronomy 28 God enumerates

the many curses that come upon

idolatrous people and we are an

idolatrous generation and here is one of

the curses enumerated in Deuteronomy 28

the Lord shall give you a trembling

heart and failing of the eyes sorrow of

mind and you shall live in fear night

and day that’s part of the curse of

idolatry that’s the curse on the United

States right now and all other modern

societies on the face of the Earth that

have forgotten God we have removed God

from our schools from our courts in

Alabama right now there’s a fight with a

federal with one of the judges because

he’s got a carving over his at the back

of his

desk uh with the Ten Commandments and

the federal government’s trying to re

have that removed and they’re trying to

sue him thank God the governor said if I

have to I’m going to have troops outside

the arm is going to have to fight us to

get it

down but you

know there there is there is a because

of this godlessness the Lord says the

curse that comes upon your idolatry and

your God forsakenness he said you’re

going to live in fear night and day

constantly Isaiah warned the enemy shall

come in then like a flood and we see

that happening Daniel prophesying about

the last day said and the end thereof

shall be with a flood the end of time is

going to close with a flood and we’ll

talk about how the devil’s going to send

that flood out against the church now we

know that Satan’s a robber he’s a thief

he’s trying to rob the whole world of of

all peace he’s a destroyer and he wants

to bring absolute chaos he wants to

bring fear and anxiety and perplexity

upon the whole earth in fact the Bible

Jesus said in the last days men’s Hearts

would What fail them for fear watching

those things coming upon the Earth fear

and perplexity on all

side picked up the New York Times on

Wednesday and let me give you just a few

of the causes of fear sweeping the world

today this is March 14

Jordanian soldiers killed seven Israeli

school girls I’m sure you read about it

the shooting took place in a patch of

land that’s shared both by Jews and

Arabs it’s a neutral ground and

ironically it’s called the island of

peace and in this little island of Peace

A busload of school girls as ready as

school girls get out they’re taking

pictures they’re being taught about

nature and suddenly a wild Jordanian

gunman with the k47 comes and starts

mowing them I killed seven girl girls

and wounded seven others and the picture

there is of their schoolmates rolling on

the ground groaning and screaming in

grief at the sight of their schoolmates

being killed and all of Israel is in

fear jordanians are in fear the

Jordanian uh president has apologized

but the jordanians now feel fear

retaliation and so the whole mid East

right now is in fear the same same day

on the front page New York Times March

14 fear strikes Al

Albania and the capital city terrania is

crumbling it’s fallen into Anarchy the

whole nation suddenly overnight has gone

into Anarchy the authorities have flung

open the weapons storehouses and they’re

giving guns and ammunition free to the

citizens and people are shooting in all

directions people are afraid to leave

their homes they have broken down all of

the warehouses and stolen the food and

people walking with 100 PB packs of

sacks of flour and they’re locking

themselves into their homes and people

are afraid to go out of their houses

trying to just survive it army tanks in

the streets a whole nation of Albania a

whole nation overnight goes into Terror

and Anarchy

overnight fear the Bible says coming on

all side like a flood it just a flood

came into Albania overnight and now

people who who used to sit together and

work together are shooting one another

over 50 have been killed I understand

the same page you see this is one

newspaper one day and you get it every

day the causes of fear here’s uh from

page four the French police arrested 250

men linked to a child pornography ring

fear has gripped all of France shock


because the police confiscated 5,000

video cassettes featuring child

molestation the 250 that were jailed

included two School principles two

teachers and the others were workers

with children and fear has come upon the

people because all walks of life were

involved most the people involved in

making the films producing them and and

and distributing them were all

professionals and there’s fear now

because so many children have been

kidnapped and being used in these films

chob molestation the whole nation is

shocked IND digant

overnight a nation plunged into

fear Jesus summed it all

up upon the Earth distress with

perplexity and men’s Hearts failing them


fear in the New Testament the Bible said

the church is like to a woman a

bride and the Bible says it very clear

in Revelation 12:15 the serpent shall

cast out of his mouth water as a flood

after the woman that he might cause her

to be carried away of the

flood and according to the scripture

this flood is going to be against the

holy Remnant against God’s chosen people

which keep the Commandments of God and

have the testimony of Jesus

Christ now how is the devil going to do

that the Bible says he going to cast out

of his mouth a flood this is a flood of

Lies a flood of Lies against the Church

of Jesus Christ against everyone who is

a follower of Christ and those who walk

under the anointing of the Holy Ghost

and beloved you can get ready there is a

flood coming you’re going to have Satan

come against you in these last days

especially if you’re part of the Holy

Remnant you have a heart set for God

you’re seeking his face with everything

in you you’re a marked person and he’s

going to cast out of his mouth the Bible

says against the remnant against the

bride against this woman taken into the

Wilderness he’s going to spit out of his

mouth of flood trying to carry you away

he’s going to try to carry you away in a

flood of fears based on his

lies and we’ll talk about that

today Jesus said let not your hearts be

troubled neither Let It Be Afraid and

when you go into the New Testament

you’ll find Jesus trying to encourage us

not to be afraid no matter what the

devil tries to send he said fear not be

Not Afraid fear not little flock all

through the New Testament every all

through Matthew Mark Luke and John you

hear Jesus say Don’t Be Afraid fear not

don’t be

troubled my little flock done you find

it all through the Epistles the Holy

Ghost speaking to his church don’t be

afraid but

sadly and truly there are many

Christians that live just as fearfully

as those they work with who are not

saved there is as much fear in some

Churches among some Christians as there

is out there on the

streets Jesus said we’re not to fear

what the world fears Isaiah said don’t

let their fear be your fear don’t let

their dread be your dread let the Lord

be your fear and let your lord be your

dread but you’re not to fear their kind

of fear Jesus said don’t take any

thought what you eat what you shall

drink or what you shall wear he said

those are the fears of the Gentiles but

he said not you your father knows how to

take care of you he’s taking care of the

L those fears are not to be in your

heart you’re not to fear the loss of the

economy you’re not to fear unemployment

you’re not to fear anything having to do

with food on your table clothes on your

back a roof over your head you’re not to

fear those things those are the fears of

the world they fear social unrest they

fear economic collapse they fear all of

these things losing their job everyone

around you is afraid of losing their job

that should not be your fear we have

many people that have been un God’s

given them new jobs he’s provided all

through their unemployment they’ve never

missed the meal never missed the


meal that is not your fear that is not

my fear lord said you’re not he said

neither fear ye their fears nor be

afraid let him be your fear and let him

be your

dread but we as Christians have our own

kinds of fears I want to talk just about

two of those kinds of fears there are

many of them I could go on to the fear

of men and the the so so many personal

fears but I want to talk about two fears


particular if you really love Jesus with

all your heart there there there’s a

perplexity that has sweeping the whole

church World tremendous

perplexity about infiltrators deceivers

that have come into the house of God to

destroy if you love the Lord you have

got to be astounded amazed and hurt and

grieved at what you see and hear is

creeping into the Church of Jesus Christ

under the name of the Holy Ghost or

under the name of

Revival and there’s fear and perplexity

I I have people from all the United

States send me tapes now I get letters

and they say Pastor Dave please you’ve

got to tell us whether this is of God or

whether this is the devil or of the

flesh we don’t know the Bible says

there’s no Prophet among them anymore

there are no prophets out there that’s

standing up and exposing that which is

the Flesh and the devil and so people

write and they say uh could you tell us

and they send this tapes and I look at

these tapes and I can’t believe what I

see on one tape this past week I look at

at a charismatic church this is supposed

to be a great Revival and I see people

in the front of the church and up and

down the aisles on all fours with a dog

leash around their neck and somebody

holding the lease and he’s crawling

around on all floors there’s one over

here one over here they’re crawling

around on dog leases and the

congregation is sing where he leads me I

will follow as if if the Holy Ghost is

the dog Jesus is the

dog and I look at the people and I

listen to the woman who’s leading this

and she said this is

Revival two of the leading leaders of

the relap Revival if I named them you

would be

shocked right on the tape I saw it

Pastor Carter saw it they are on stage

before thousands of people and they are

telling jokes to one another in

tongues laughing their eyes open

slapping each other on the

back and I I say to myself where is all

the discernment look at those hundreds

and hundreds of people clapping laughing

blaspheming the Holy Ghost


blasphemy another

account just came to me this just two

three days ago here’s a woman in one of

the well-known revivals and she gets up

and she’s shaking uncontrollably and the

pastor’s interviewing her and and she is

saying this is a new work of the holy

spirit this shaking he’s going to shake

everybody because the new work of the

holy spirit is come now to shake out

sin and I’m sitting there and there are

Pentecostal and even assembly gun

pastors sitting there and friends of

mine that I know and a whole

congregation going crazy and I’m saying

to wait a minute I’m screaming inside

wait a minute then anybody hear what she

said the Holy Ghost is going to shake

out sin where is the

blood you don’t sh sin is not shaken out

it’s blotted out by the blood of Jesus



this past week Life Magazine has a story

of of a church that I’m familiar with s

San Francisco Glide Memorial United

Methodist Church the pastor has just

removed the cross from the sanctuary

because he calls it

offensive Pastor Cesar Williams said I

am convinced the cross will not save

Humanity Humanity will redeem the cross

in fact you and I are the cross he said

the church has psychedelic happenings

drag queens and Jews and atheist feel

very comfortable sitting because they

have no Doctrine no Dogma the babies are

baptized in name of the fathers and

mothers in humanity and their street

workers and evangelist go out passing


condoms and they are so packed you can’t

get a seat

beloved it’s going to get

worse we are going to see and hear of

the most bizarre Wicked vile things in

all called in the name of Jesus Christ

all called an Awakening of the spirit go

to Psalm 74 quickly please Psalm 74 I’m

going to show you

something this has all been

prophesied Psalm 74

folks I’ve been preaching this

particular text that I’m leading you to

now showing you I’ve been preaching this

for 15

years I started prophesying about this

15 years ago starting verse 4 Psalm

74:4 thine enemies Roar in the midst of


congregations they set up their igns for

signs they move right into the house of

God instead of their program a man was

famous according as he had lifted up

axes upon the thick trees in other words

the most famous among them are going to

be those with an axe in hand and a

hammer but now they break down the

carved work thereof at once with axes

and hammers that’s everything that was

sacred everything that was holy carved

out by years of true Doctrine years of

the workings of the Holy Spirit he these

men come in with their axes and their

Hammers and they start chopping they

have cast fire into the sanct uary they

have defiled by casting down the

dwelling place of the name to the of thy

name to the ground they said in their

hearts let us destroy them together they

have burned up all the synagogues of God

in the land we see not our signs there’s

no more Prophet neither is there among

us any that knoweth how

long hey folks look at me please this is

where we’re at right now in the United

States and around the world we have

infiltrators we have false prophet the B

didn’t the Lord warn us that there would

come false Christ there would come

angels of light there would be doctrines

of demons and folks that is what we see

now doctrines of demons and people it

it’s going there’s going to be such a a

confused picture of Jesus there’s going

to be a Jesus created that’s just like

man that he can

joke he has no burden but he laughs

this is going to be a a Jesus that can

be accepted even by the

Antichrist David asked what people been

asking me I I’ve had numbers say

recently Pastor D how long do you think

God’s going to put up with all this

foolishness and that’s what it is it’s


foolishness if it’s not in some areas

where it’s not deception or or whether

whether it’s not blasphemy it’s utter

silly foolishness it’s a charismatic


and people have said how long is God

going to put up with when is he going to

deal with the leaders when is he going

to deal with these blinded Shepherds

David asked the same question oh God how

long shall the adversary reproach shall

the enemy blast thy name for blaspheme

thy name forever remember this that the

enemy hath reproached you oh Lord and

that the foolish people have blasphemed

thy name oh deliver not the soul of thy

turtle dove into the multitude of the

wicked forget not the congregation of

thy poor David cried out oh God how long

and beloved that that is the that is the

perplexity it’s not so much a fear but a

perplexity that is sweeping over the

holy Remnant the grief of God the pain

that so many feel know I I can

tell when people are really walking in

the Holy Ghost and have intimacy with

Jesus and and are walking fully in the

Discerning Eye of the Holy Ghost because

when they see and hear these things they

bow their head and they begin to cry

silently they feel the pain of

God and then others I see they’ll watch

some of this stuff and they say yeah


wonderful because they perk up because

they want to see something exciting

they’re not satisfied in Jesus and the

first thing I I I’m sitting there

thinking to

myself what how will God must feel the

grief and and then I I see another

preacher be sitting nearby watching the

same thing not not any of our

staff but I’ve seen this literally

they’re saying to themselves I’m going

to get on a plane I’m going right there

I’m going to see

it where is the discernment the absolute


let me tell you why I believe so many

Christians are being so easily deceived

let me tell you why and if you’ll hear

me now in the spirit you need never

again in your lifetime with Christ ever


deception I know many of you have that

fear I I have numbered people write to

me said but WS I don’t want to be

deceived and they have a fear that that

their Pastor will bring something and

this is what happened I’m afraid my

pastor will bring something in and try

to convince me it’s of God

and we have pastors that get up Suddenly

and say everything is changing in this

church and overnight they bring it in

but let me tell you something if you’re

visiting where you’re from this church

or any other church let me tell you how

people are deceived and if you hear it

you need never fear deception again in


lifetime listen please deception is the

curse upon those who have habitually

neglected prayer and the word of

God the leaders of

these aberration the leaders of all of

these false things that are happening

are not men of prayer you’ll find them

on the golf course you’ll find them

gatting about but you won’t find them

shut in the secret place and they’ve

been given over to this because they

turned away from the holy of holies and

they’ve gone into the flesh they are not

me of prayer they don’t know their

Bibles because they’re not into the

Bible they don’t take time with the word

they’re on their motorcycles they’re in

their cars they’re gotting about they

eat most of the time and they don’t have


anointing they don’t have the touch of

God and so they get up and they attract

people like themselves those who

habitually who have a habit of

neglecting God and His

word let me tell you

something there are people in this

church hearing me right now balcony all


me not one time last week did you open


Bible not one half hour did you shut

yourself in with Jesus to get to know

him better and to love him and just

share with

him there are some of you have developed


habit you don’t even know how no no

amount of preaching for this Pulpit no

amount of of Holy Ghost conviction is

going to change you because you’re not a

you didn’t you don’t have a drug habit

you don’t have a smoking habit you don’t

have an alcohol habit but you have a

habit of neglect it has become a habit

and you don’t know how to break it you

do not read the word of God you are not

a student of this book you don’t go

through the book of Psalms you don’t go

through the gospels you don’t go here to

look for Jesus you don’t have your Bible

underline you’re not pouring into this

book it sits there it’s not opened and

you think I will I will but you don’t

you have time for television you have

time for everything else but you don’t

read your

book you don’t pray and some of the only

contact you have with Jesus is here at

Times Square Church you come here you

get say well I get I get I I’ll come to

all three service that gives me three

hours with the Lord or two hour services

that gives me six hours a day on Sunday

I spend six hours with Jesus I spend two

hours Tuesday night I go to prayer

meeting that’s the only contact you have

that’s not

enough and I’ll tell you what you can

continue on that way and sooner or later

deception is going to come in you’re

going to be deceived you’re going to

turn to the

flesh you know what really bother what

what what really Grieves

me there are some of you I’m going to

say as loving as I know how but it has

to be said I talked to you as a pastor

now and I’m going to talk to you with

this greatest love that a spiritual

father can give give you some have been

sitting here for 3 4 5 years some of

them maybe just a year and you gave your

heart to Jesus you love him You Weep you

cry you praise the Lord then you go

right out the door you light up a

cigarette you’re blowing smoke in jesus’

face and some of you are still

drinking this church takes a stand

against smoking against drinking against

pornography against sexual perversions

and sins and adultery and fornication


I accidentally bumped into a few of you

this week with the cigarette in your

your hand you I didn’t condemn

you I didn’t put you

down I’m saying why aren’t you trusting

God for victory to be the

testimony it’s not a testament for you

to come out these doors and stand out

there smoking by the way if you’re going

to light up go at least five blocks away

from the church

please you tell me you love Jesus he

he’s Lord of your life you’re still

drinking because you see if you hold on

to your cigarettes you hold on to these

things you still given the devil place

in your heart and that’s going to lead

you right on down till finally you go

all the way back to your old ways and

you can’t be healed of any emotional

problem until you you’re healed of these

physical habits those have to go first

and then will come your other healings

that you need in your life was that


enough my people have forgotten me days



now many of you are familiar with that

verse my people forgotten me days

without number but have you ever looked

in next verse the curse that goes with

that and this is why you see people

running all over the nation looking for

something for the flesh why Gest thou

about so much to change your

ways why do you get about he he said if

you’re not going to seek me with all

your heart if you’re not going to be

anchored in my word you’re going to

become a gatab about and you’re going to

go out seeking for something and then

Hosea the 12th chapter first verse the

curse is fully explained he said Ephraim

feeds on wind and follows after the East


the East means CTIC in fact that’s the

that that is the connotation of East in

in uh Greek or rather in Hebrew all the

Eastern Cults taoism Hinduism all the

gurus and swamis come from the East he

said you’re going to chase the

Exotic you’re going to become a gat

about the wind is going to carry you

about for every winded wave of

Doctrine and he said you’re going to

chase the East Wind

they going to go to mysticism you’re

going to go to all of these things folks

I beg you in the name of the Lord get

into the word and get anchored not just

hearing sermons in church but get into

this book get your soul anchored so that

all the winds and ways of Doctrine

you’ll have your own discernment you

don’t need to preach our Prophet you

have it in your own you’ll know it get

on your knees before God and ask him to

reveal that which is holy and that which

is profane

glory to God Lord wants a people that

are strong in these last

days second fear that I want to deal

with is the fear of falling into sin the


of failing God after all this striving

and the struggle to be a Christian that

somehow in the end I will fail and this

is a fear that’s very

prevalent recently I had a young

Minister who’ been saved from drugs for


years come to my

office and uh he said brother Dave see

this young man had been saved through

our ministry to drug addicts and uh he

had a Ministry to drug addicts an

alcoholics very successful both he and

his wife very active in

it and he said I had to come to tell you

face to face I didn’t want to hear you

to hear it from anybody else but he said

I’m back on

heroin and he said I’ve been on Heron

for a year while I still in my

Ministry but I couldn’t live that double

life he said I’ve lost that

Ministry and he said I I just had to sit

here face to face I love this young man

I’ve I’ve loved him and ministered with

him for many many

years precious young

man he’s he’s probably near 50 years of


now I’ve helped him loved

him I didn’t condemn him I said I love

you just as much as I did before I knew

this he said pastor the hard part now is

I have to go home today tell my

16-year-old son that his dad

hooked again on heroin went back to

heroin he said and then this afternoon

or or tomorrow I have to go to all my

men former drug addicts in my program

and I’ve got to tell them that their

Shepherd has

fallen now I know the pain I I he just

wept concerned about his son and I know

I know that those men in his program

will forgive him I I know they’ll say

God bless you for being honest but I

know one thing everyone them going to be

thinking every one them they’re going to

say to themselves if my shepherd can’t

make it how am I going to make it it’s

going to bring fear on all of those men

they’re going to be absolutely afraid I

begin to pray in my spirit oh God uh

keep by your spirit keep by your

power but see there’s a fear of

falling and the Bible predicts in the

last days there come a falling away a

great falling away and we’re seeing that

Falling Away I’ve been preaching since

was a boy and I tell you I have never

seen so many people falling as there are

now ministers ministers wives Christians

who’ve walked with God for years are

failing and falling in in in in later

years many of them and they’re 60s some

of them in their 70s who who spent a

lifetime and now they’re turning back to

their old ways suddenly just gone this

past week i’ I’m absolutely shocked at

some of the my friends and acquaintance

says have been in Ministry for years and

some that I have helped and prayed with

and many saved under our ministry and

now they’re tottering wondering if

they’re even going to serve the Lord

anymore and this has brought a fear to

so many people when some of the famous

evangelist went down uh I I remember one

night we were down at the other theater

down at the netherlander theater and I

had to get up and and announce because I

had just been in informed that the

second evangelist was going to be

exposed that night on on uh Ted Coppel

show because Mr cel’s uh director had

called me just a few hours before the

service and I had to get up some of you

were there and I said uh tonight some of

you are going to be blown away but I

have to warn you and tell you that at

10:00 tonight you’re going to hear of

one of America’s most famous evangelist


exposed and the congre there was way

there was crying there was weeping on

all side and after the service I went in

the lobby and I was bombarded one man

said no he said I sold my house to help

that man I spent thousands of dollars

don’t tell me then then then he raised

his hand he said who can make it then

who’s going to make it if famous

evangelists are not going to make it how

am I exp how am I supposed I heard that

that night everywhere how do I make it

brother how do I make I said look all of

have not

Fallen I said get your eyes on Jesus

don’t get your eyes on man get your eyes

on the

Lord but you’re going You’re going to

hear more and more of

that let me talk to you about that fear

that some of you have here right now the

fear of failing God the the fear many of

you have of not measuring up to God the

fear that somehow the enemy in this

flood that’s coming is going to carry

you away and that you’ll fail God in the


moment let me give you God’s desire for

you first of all that he would Grant

unto us this is Luke

27475 that he would Grant unto us that

we being delivered out of the hand of

our enemies might serve him without fear

in Holiness and righteousness before him

all the days of our life now look at me

please God’s desire for every one of us

is that we live the Christian Life

without any fear all the days of our

life to walk in Holiness and

righteousness without fear fear has

torment and the devil can get you afraid

afraid of man afraid of falling a afraid

that the church is going to

collapse afraid that the deceptions are

going to sweep you away no no no no he

said his plan for every one of us is

that we live without fear all the days

of our life that’s his

plan he said not giving you the spirit

of fear my desire is to give you

Holiness and righteousness by faith so

you can live out your days without fear

but now let me come to the key in the

heart of my message it’s just I need

just a few moments to bring you to the

the heart of what I want to say to you

how to overcome these fears and

perplexities I want you to go with me to

Psalm 93

you’re still with me aren’t

you Psalm

93 beloved I was uh this past

week I was uh contemplating this message

and thinking of all the things that are

happening and all the fearful fearful

things that are sweeping and folks uh

just on Monday I got 7,000 500 letters

on one day

7,500 because our mening list now is


800,000 in just Monday there were 7,500

pieces of mail and most of them a letter

a note many many of them with letters

and notes and in sometimes in one week


and this

fear that has

gripped people and and when I read many

of these

letters I said oh god there has to be

something that you give us I want you to

give me something and and I this is just

a few nights ago and I was about

midnight about to go to bed and the Holy

Ghost spoke to me clearly not an audible

voice but that wonderful still Small

Voice and said D the answer is in Psalm

93 I’m going to give you the key so that

you don’t ever be AF afraid about my

church it’s my church and I’m going to

take care of it and I’m going to move

when I have to move and I’m going to do

what I have to do and you’re not to be

afraid of my

church I’ll Purge it when I want to

purge it I’ll clean it up when I’m ready

to clean it up you not be afraid of that

but to give the people and for your own

self a simple picture God I’m so stupid

up here I’m so hard to to to to get get

it I have to tell God I have to speak to

this Lord I’m so dumb you’re going to

have to make that so simple third grader

can understand

it I’m going to help you understand in

very simple terms how you can overcome


fears no big fanciful

theological scheme simple childlike

verse three the floods have lifted up oh

Lord the flood have lifted up their

voice the floods lift up their waves now

you what God’s saying look at me God

saying you’re going to have floods the

enemy going to come against you and it’s

going to rise he said it’s going to be

noisy it’s like when I was in Florida

last last week I was on the beach there

and the wind was blowing it was rather

warm but the all night long left the

window open you can hear these big wavs

pounding the beach pounding the beach

the tide was coming in and he said the

noise there’s going to be wave after

wave the waters are going to

rise the waters are going to rise and

you’re going to see fear on all side

you’re going to have trouble you’re

going to have perplexity there’s going

to be

fear the floods have lifted up oh Lord

the floods have lifted up their voice

the floods lift up their

ways now how look at me please how do

you deal with this flood when fears come

in and flood your mind when you think

you’re going down when you think you’re

not going to make it when you think

you’re going to fail God or you’ve not

measured up when the enemy comes in and

tells you that you’re you’re unworthy

you’re Unholy you’re no good you’ll

never get it what do you do when the

enemy comes in like a flood you see the

Lord raises up a standard but let me

show you what that standard

is look at verse one the Lord reth he is

clothed with Majesty the Lord is clothed

with strength where where with he hath

girded himself look at me please that

word gird is a military term it means to

get clothe for battle and put on your

sword and go forth and here’s what God

is saying when the he the the Lord is

picturing the flood is coming in on his

people and the heavenly father says to

his son to Christ who King who sits

ruler he is King of the flood that’s

what the Bible

said he’s King of the flood the Lord

Lord on high is King of the flood here

here it is the Lord is clothed with

strength where with he have GED himself

and he’s put on his armor and set for

battle look at me please I’m going to

put it in one little paragraph for you

this is the only way I see for

Christians to overcome their fears you

have to have a Clear Vision a Clear

Vision that your lord and

savior is standing by

his eyes on your flood his eyes on you

you have to have a clear vision of what

God has promised

here I’ve not ignored you I see where

you’re at I see what you’re going

through look at me he says I have GED

myself I put on my

armor I have my sword in

hand and then read what it says verse

four the Lord on high is mightier than

the noise of many Waters y than the

mighty waves of the sea Hallelujah God

says get your eyes off the flood get it

on me I’ve got my sword in hand I am

more powerful I am mightier than all

your floods I’m bigger than all your

fears get your eyes off your

fears he said I’ve guarded myself you

Lord I that hit me I could hardly sleep

I picture my Lord standing over me sword

in hand

he knows how far it can go and no

further he’ll come and slay the dragon

in his

time he’s saying now you just stand

still and see the salvation of the Lord

you just put your trust in me right now

don’t be

afraid I’ve GED myself with

strength folks You Can’t Fight The Devil

in your own power you can’t win a battle

against sin you can’t defeat your habits

you’ve got to know in your spirit and

you have to have this clear in your mind

I serve a mighty God who has a sword in

hand he’s my strength he’s my delivery

he’s going to bring me through God will

bring me out I’m not going down he’s

promised to keep me from falling and

present me faultless before his throne

with exceeding great

joy now one last verse before I close go

to six Psalm

69 Psalm 69

beloved every time a fear comes at you

take Psalm 93 and read it and read it

and read it until you see it good now do

you have Psalm 69 will you all stand

with me please with your Bibles open if

you have King James will you read with


please first three verses are you

ready do you believe the word that faith

comes by hearing the


word let’s begin save me oh God for the

waters are come into my soul I sink in

deep mire where there’s no standing I am

com into deep Waters where the floods

overflow me I am weary of my crying my

throat is dried my eyes fail while I

wait for my God now look at me please

you’re going to go to one other verse

one other passage but this is what the

Lord spoke to my heart that many here

this morning and those hearing

me are at this place right now the

waters have come in you’re sinking

there’s no standing deep floods of fear

overwhelming you you’re so weary of

crying you have no more tears your eyes

fail for waiting on God you say when

will God move all right turn left to

Psalm 32 and this this with this will

close Psalm

32 and I want you to read aloud with

me soon as the rustling of the leaves

sto Psalm 32 beginning with verse

5-8 right I acknowledge my sin unto thee

and my iniquity have I not hid I said I

will confess my transgressions unto the

Lord and thou forgest the iniquity of my

sin for this shall everyone that is

Godly pray unto thee in a time when thou

mayest be found surely in the floods of

Great Waters they shall not come nigh

unto him Thou Art my Hiding Place thou

shall preserve me from trouble thou

shall Compass me about with songs of

Deliverance I will instruct thee and

teach thee in the way which thou shall

go I will guide thee with mine eye

Hallelujah glory to God close your

Bibles put your Bibles down and raise

your hands and thank God for Jesus who

stands by your side sword in hand ready

to deliver you from all your years Lord

we give you glory we give you thanks for

your utter

faithfulness you are strength you are

our deliverer we have no power of our

own we have no strength it’s yours we

turn to you Lord in fold confidence in

faith and trust my God shall deliver me

from my

fears he who is garded with strength he

with sword in hand will deliver me from

my enemies all my

fears the flood shall not overwhelm me


hallelujah while I was just speaking to

you the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart

about the invitation just now I’m to ask

those in the balcon main for and anyone

in this building hear me right now if

you’ve lost your peace you have a

troubled soul you have a troubled mind I

want you to bring it here to this altar

right now we’re going to believe Jesus

to deliver you if you’re if you’re not

right with God if you’re backslid I want

you to come with these that are coming

right now up in the balcony go to stairs

on either side and come down any aisle

and meet me here at the front we’re

going to be God to deliver you right now

if you’ve lost your peace if you have

trouble in your mind or your spirit

you’re just troubled you said brother W

something I have been troubled I have no

peace the the

there’s something that’s troubled me my

peace has been Disturbed I want you to

come the Lord has promised to give you

peace his peace come in faith right now

Lord bless you wherever you’re at

there’ll be many coming please move in

close if you will please Hallelujah up

in the balcony behind stage wherever


at bring it to the Lord

listen to this I will lift up my eyes to

the hills from when cometh my help my

help comes from the Lord he will not

allow your foot to be moved he will keep

you and he will not Slumber he that

keepeth is Will neither slumber nor

asleep the Lord thy keeper the Lord is

your shade upon your right hand the sun

will not smite thee by day nor the Moon

by Night the Lord shall preserve thee

from all evil he shall preserve thy Soul

the Lord shall preserve thy going out

like coming in from this time forth even

forever Hallelujah he will keep us by


grace Hallelujah I want everybody came

forward to raise both hands lift up your

hand Bible I would men every will lift

holy hands and I want you to pray this

from your heart right now Jesus Jesus I

need peace I need peace I need you to

come I need you to come by the power of

your holy

spirit Spirit cleanse me CLE me sanctify

me sanctify take take away take away

from my heart from my heart all desire

all desire for sin for sin break my

habits break my habits take all my

habits take all my habits cleanse My

Flesh cleans My Flesh cleanse my spirit

CLE my spirit I need you Lord I need you

I desire you with all my heart you with

all my heart come now Lord with

forgiving power and cleansing powering


heal my spirit heal my spirit heal my

mind heal my mind give me your peace

give me your peace now let me pray for

you father I come against the spirit of

fear you said I’ve not given you this

Spirit we do have to endure it because

you have delivered us from all fear if

we will step out by faith now Lord I

pray for those that are standing in

front of me now just just absolutely

Bound by fear they’re afraid to even

come to you Jesus because they fear that

they have so grieved the Holy Ghost some

that feel that they have failed you so

bad they feel like phonies they feel

like Hypocrites they feel like it’s no

use going on but Lord encourage them

right now that you’re there to help if

they’ll depend on you turn to you by

faith and give up on their flesh and say

Jesus you’re going to have to do this

I’m going to trust you I’m going to

believe that you have the sword in hand

you have all the power that I need Lord

break the powers of the devil break the

power of his lies God bring Deliverance

through confession Deliverance through

repentance say this with me Jesus Jesus

I Repent I Repent if everything that

I’ve done everything that I’ve done

contrary to your law contrary to your LA

and your love and your love forgive me

forgive me and give me power give me

power to endure to endure and to

overcome and to overcome in Jesus Jesus

name Jus and I want you to believe that

that power comes from him I want you to

I listen that’s what I’m going to do

this afternoon you don’t have the power

in yourself but that power is available

to you through the Holy Spirit and

that’s an act of confidence and Trust in

what he said he will do

Hallelujah now Jesus keep these that

have come forward for those Lord that

have been backslid those Lord that

didn’t know you they’ve confessed their

sins I heard them you said are the bance

of the heart the mouth speaks if we

confess our sins with our mouth and

believe in our heart we shall be saved

Lord I take that to be truth I take your

word as fact so let us stand on that now

in Jesus name now look here please if

you’re here for the first time we’re not

asking you to join this church because

we don’t have a membership but I’m

asking you if you want to grow in the

Lord get involved in our our uh new

Believers classes you can get

information back at the table back in

the uh uh rotunda and uh get involved

and getting trained and into the word

get patterns to read and folks my

closing word to a whole congregation I

say this to the choir and everybody on

stage to myself to all of

us if you will stay in

this you make up your mind right now if

you’ve been neglecting the word ask God

to forgive you right now he will he’ll

forgive you and say Lord break this

habit of neglect because it’s a habit

and once sets in it’s hard to break but

if you will go whether you feel like it

or not and you set your heart and say

God you’re going to have to help me with

this because I can’t do it in my

flesh folks I know preachers who don’t

read this book at all except to go to

get a sermon I know preachers who don’t

pray I talked to in fact the young man

young preacher who came to me who fell I

looked him right now I said I tell you

why you went back to

drugs I said for two years before you

fail you didn’t read this book you

weren’t praying you weren’t seeking God

and he bought his head in Christ said

you’re right he said I totally neglected

the Lord I got too

busy that’s why he fell and that’s how

you’ll fall so ask God to put it in your

heart now that you’re going to be a

student of this I’m asking you to read

five chapters from the Psalms every day

I’m asking you to read at least two

chapters from the New Testament and the

Old Testament every day

you should be going through this book

you should be reading it every year you

should be going right through this book

and you should know

it that’ll keep you in the flood that’s

coming Hallelujah father give us a

church give us a church that is diligent

Lord in the study of your word diligent

in prayer daily

quiet private secret closet praying not

just all night prayer PR meetings not

just prayer meetings in the church but

alone shut in with God so they come to

this house prepared ready to stand

against any flood in Jesus name amen

this is the conclusion of the




















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