The Difference with Matt & Kendal Hagee – “From Military to Music”

The best stories have twists and turns…you don’t know what happens next, but God does. To follow God is to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. God’s at the wheel and we’re along for the ride! Today on The Difference, we’re visiting with singer/songwriter Nathan Sheridan who shares his story of how God used the military to bring him to a music career.

the best stories have twists and turns

you don’t know what happens next but I

assure you God does to follow God is to

embark on the adventure of a lifetime it

means he’s at the will and we’re there

for the ride today on the difference

we’re with singer songwriter Nathan

Sheridan and he’s got a story to tell us

of how God used the military to bring

him to music you’re watching the


difference Welcome to the difference

joining us today is contemporary

Christian artist Nathan Sheridan welcome

we’re so glad to have you Nathan is

honored to have you here with us

absolutely you know a lot of people know

you for your music uh they’ve heard you

share your testimony and and God’s grace

in your life but here in San Antonio you

know we’re kind of known as military

City USA and uh you have a military

service background tell us about that

yeah I uh believe it or not I I kind of

started getting into music when I was

around 15 16 years old but I just never

could IM

that I could do something like that as a

career um and I didn’t even know you

know Worship Christian music could even

be a path way uh to actually you know

have a career and I I loved music and I

loved playing but it was kind of at you

know spearhead where I was getting out

of high school 17 years old graduating a

little early so I had a friend that said

hey man you should join the National

Guard with me and he sound like a good

idea sign me up and I said yeah you know

I’m I’m interested you know we talk

free outs yeah he he talked he talked it

up and everything and funny enough he

actually ended up kind of pulling out at

the end and I’m like well I’m going to

continue on going and so at 17 years old

I had to get my grandparents who raised

me uh to to sign me up and they let me

go and kind of took me on a whole new

Journey uh and went through basic

training went through AIT and uh

actually was deployed to a camp air of

John Kuwait for a year so it it was a

very interesting Direction uh of how I

was I I kind of got started in music but

didn’t really see that God was pulling

me full force into that yet and I needed

kind of a new adventure really well and

you know gave you the opportunity to

understand uh a lot about different

areas of the world and and what real

needs are you know I think a lot of

times as I talk to people who’ve worked

in military service they had no concept

of you know one how blessed we are in

the United States until they saw the

rest of the world and then two what real

structure and order was they thought

they had things together but the

military really kind of gives you a

different perspective on on how to get

things done yeah absolutely and that was

really uh that was really impactful for

me mainly because uh you know early on

in my life I didn’t really have that

structure with my parents um because of

their um their kind of vices and

everything that was going on with them

uh you know drug related things and it

was a really it was a really uh tough

upbringing and you know with my parents

being in the mix so which is why my

grandparents had to raise me so I really

craved that structure I think secretly

cuz I was a bit of a rebellious teenager

too so I kind of craved that structure I

craved that um camaraderie and I was

really just looking for something to

kind of change me I think and I was

looking for something else something

something you know bigger than myself

something that I could really be a part

of which I had never had before so in

the military did you get involved with

your music did your music come with you

how did that enter it kind of entered

back in so uh I had started like I said

161 17 playing music just uh you know 15

I got a guitar 16 I’m learning chords

and and learning my first worship songs

ever and kind of in youth group playing

some stuff at uh Evans Creek Baptist

Church down in perver shout out to them

but uh you know home folk yeah home folk

and uh you know more or less when I

joined the military all that kind of

stopped because you don’t really get to

bring a guitar to basic train with you

say so them Elvis movies aren’t real you


stand well I know that was a different

time you know that was a different time

so there was a whole different thing but

yeah it’s a little more strict now so

they they didn’t let me R my guitar or

anything like that uh but when I got to

advance training kind of Midway through

that believe it or not uh we had a lot

more freedom So a family member shipped

me an old Alvarez guitar and it was all

out of whack but I got to like stuff it

in my locker and I played that uh for a

while and then actually when I was at

this was at Fort Gordon Georgia and I

actually had an opportunity to start

leading worship on Bas uh once a week uh

we would just go in we had no idea who

the other players would be we would just

kind of meet up like you’re a drummer

you’re a bass player you’re a guitar

player we’d meet up pick three or four

songs go for it and sometimes it would

be awesome and sometimes not so awesome

but uh we you know we honored the Lord

and it was great and that’s really where

I kind of got bit by the bug again

really wanted to get back into it came

home and got

deployed and that kind of leads to the

next section of my story well and you

know as you talk about getting together

in those military church services one of

the things that I’ve heard you know I’ve

never been in one and and that wasn’t a

formal setting you know right but in

those you know kind of uh makeshift

environments everybody who’s there wants

to be there absolutely yeah you know

every Sunday that we have church at

Cornerstone there’s a group of people

that want to be there and there’s a

group of people that get brought right

you know but when when you have that

kind of environment where it’s not real

formal there there’s you know no real

plan but we want to worship right you

know what I hear so often is how special

it is when the presence of the Lord

shows up because you know everybody who

was there wanted to be there and he

honored that well yeah it’s definitely

uh a want to be there kind of thing and

the main reason is because you’re s

under so much stress and you’re under so

much uh you you have you have so much

anxiety going on I mean when you’re away

from your family uh when you don’t know

what’s going on back home when you don’t

know what tomorrow brings and you’re

you’re just in this place and every day

feels like months you know I mean it

really does and you you get to this

point where you almost feel like you’re

not going home like this is like where

you’re going to be forever it really

truly feels that way so getting to go to

church is a huge escape and we actually

had a lot of unbelievers that would come

to church not not only in basic training

uh something to pass the time yeah just

something to go and like they they like

the music or they something different

yeah something different to uh and of

course maybe there’s free Refreshments

after something but just a place to go

uh to just you know get away from get

away from command get away from their

their job get away from uh you know

because when finally it in service it’s

really where you can kind of stop being

a soldier for a second yeah and of

course there’s still decorn and whatnot

um but you can kind of just be free for

a second and be a civilian so to speak

and just be a normal person for a change

yeah well and and you know those are

opportunities that you cherish on the

one hand and then on the other hand

you’re kind of glad that they’re behind

you right you know you like doing it the

way you’re doing it now when did you

decide I’m done with this part of my

life I want to go back and and pursue

Music full time so when I when I was in

Kuwait I I mean it was incredible how

the Lord just opened doors over there

that’s really when I um started leading

worship I mean probably at least twice a

week usually um we had built the whole

Chapel service back up we saw soldiers

coming in getting saved it was just an

amazing experience how much uh you know

Ministry we were really doing overseas

and it was really impactful for me

because I didn’t know why I was there

like you know what your job is you know

that there’s a chance of getting

deployed but ask any Soldier they’re

like why am I here why am I doing this

and that was me so uh I just receiv

received so much encouragement from

fellow soldiers and uh different people

that were just saying man this is your

calling like worship is your calling

like we know you’re in the military but

you need to get on out of here and say

which I I you know in a way I I still

miss the military uh at times and I was

in the National Guard so I could have

stayed in probably uh but I really uh

felt the Lord calling me just into

full-time uh you know music and I just I

really do believe that heent you know

he’s sending us signs and there was just

so many people in my life that were just

speaking so much life over me speaking

so much encouragement that I just

couldn’t possibly ignore it and when I

finally got home and a friend of mine

wanted to record me and he was setting

up a studio I just felt like there’s too

much Providence here for it could just

be coincidence uh there’s a line for you

too much Providence to be coincidence uh

but that for me that was uh you know

that was my sign like I think once my

tenure is up here I’m just going to go

full force into music well serving the

United States and and you know being a

soldier on the front lines to sering in

the body of Christ and and making sure

that the Battle of light and darkness is

something that’s uh you know being

engaged in on a daily basis they’re very

similar but when we come back Nate’s

going to tell us more about how God

opened up doors to take him in a

direction he never thought his life

would really go but here he is by God’s

grace you’re watching the difference

scripture is filled with promises with

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welcome back to the difference we’re

with singer songwriter Nathan Sheridan

and the last segment you described how

your grandparents raised you tell us a

little bit more about that yeah so

around uh four years old uh you know I

was being raised by my biological

parents and they just had so many issues

with drugs and uh just different

lifestyle choices they were making so

more or less my mom called my

grandparents up and said you know you

need to come get your grandkid because

we can’t raise them anymore and they

drove all the way to Pensacola Florida

and they came and got us middle of the

night and more or less after that night

I didn’t see them again for I didn’t see

my my mom again for over 10 years so uh

my grandparents took me and my sister in

and really I just never almost never

really knew any different uh

than you know than them and it was a

really kind of old school upbringing and

there was that real generational Gap

there and there was a lot of trauma in

my life because my sister that I just

mentioned she actually ended up passing

away from uh cancer and it was a really

really uh there was just a lot of

turmoil in my life I mean there was a

lot of instability a lot of instability

I mean my parents had had really

abandoned me they had um you know they

weren’t dead but they weren’t there so

it was it felt the same and then my

sister passed away and that was really

the only friend I ever knew so combine

all that those insecurities that

abandonment and combine that with the

fact that I’m being raised by my

grandparents who have you know a totally

different way of thinking than maybe I I

do and there’s so many different things

or even your peer group exactly like

culturally speaking there were so many

different things happening at school and

when I tell my grandparents about it

they like they couldn’t believe it you

know cuz they’re starting all over with

a fresh kid you know so and all their

kids were grown so it was a a huge I

mean they were a huge impact on me

because I felt like I was really just

getting something other kids were not

getting I was getting a totally

different point of view in life I was in

a positive way though I really do feel

like did you see it as positive at the

time no not at the time not at the time

of course because say my dad was born in

1940 all right so I’m I was born he was

38 when I was born wow wow wow so when I

would go to school and all of my friends

were talking about conversations they

had with their dad it was like they had

Michael J fox for a dad and I had I had

General George Patton you know because

you know they had my my friends had

these weird things called opinions yes

and they could share them with their

parents and their parents would be like

well that’s interesting let’s discuss

that my dad be like what did you say you

know that exactly the same way I always

laugh when uh kids you know and as new

parents will say well I just want my

kids to be able to tell me everything I

was like I wouldn’t dare my first of all

I don’t want them to tell you everything

because it’ll scare you and I I knew I

couldn’t tell my grandparents everything

God bless them you know but they were

just from a different time where I don’t

think they bonded with their parents in

that way where it was kind of you were

seen but not heard right you know

do not speak unless you are spoken to

right and luckily for me it wasn’t that

bad but my grandfather would tell me

stories about his upbringing and his

grandfather and it was a whole different

level and there was like a just a lot of

discipline that went on and there was a

lot more uh structure involved and I ne

I didn’t always feel like I had the

opportunity to be a kid around them but

that was really just a lot of uh I I

really do feel like it was a lot of lies

that the enemy was telling me at the

time because I just didn’t know who I

was I didn’t understand why i’ had been

through all the things i’ had been

through I didn’t understand when my

sister passed away I didn’t understand

when my parents had ran out on me so

there was so much identity crisis there

and combining that with them but what I

will say is they were praying

grandparents and I mean dragged me to

church every time the doors were open

tuning in to John haggy I’m telling true

true story true story we’re all

recovering in some measure it’s a

recovery session that’s it but even in

that you know your dad was my dad in a

way I get it well and and that’s one of

the reasons I relate a lot more to

people who are 20 years older than me

yeah than I do my peer group or people

who are younger than me because I’m like

th those are not normals in my Dynamic

right you know but at the same time like

you’re mentioning your grandparents I

think it’s important for people to

understand nobody gets perfect right

nobody gets the perfect parent nobody is

the perfect parent right nobody has the

perfect upbringing but if you have the

right priorities right then God can work

it and as you mentioned you know my

grandparents were tough and my

grandparents weren’t necessarily the the

the the thing I would have picked right

but they prayed and they took me to

church they had these right priorities

and and God used those to to reach you

in spite of exactly and and it was one

of those things where you didn’t you

don’t realize it till later on in life

all everything they were doing for

everything they were doing for me at the

time was in my best interest and I

honestly if it wouldn’t have been for

them really intervening in my life

taking me to church uh showing me the

word of God telling me who Christ is I

mean and not living it in their life as

well I mean cuz my grandfather was a

deacon for a lot of my life and my and

my grandmother you know uh she’s you

know she wouldn’t tell you but she could

play some piano and she she could you

know hum a little bit and she knew some

of the himels every now and then she’d

pull it out and do that uh but you know

she just uh she has always you know son

it’s all about Jesus it’s all about

Jesus it’s all about Jesus and she just

kept praying for me kept you know

speaking life over me kept uh kept

putting me in a position to discover

Christ for myself and I think finally at

14 years old thankfully I did that and

accepted Christ at 14 years old and if

it wouldn’t have been for their guidance

I really I really truly don’t know where

I’d be and that’s the you know the God’s

honest truth they could have ended up so

differently wow and in that moment of of

acceptance you know you’ve got this

relationship with Jesus Christ doesn’t

make everything better all at once no no

it doesn’t and I even at 14 years old I

mean yes I knew it was a huge like it’s

like a Head Rush right you know when you

accept Christ you you’re like well I’m a

Christian now you feel and like in a way

I felt different but I hadn’t I didn’t

grab hold of that identity in Christ you

know I didn’t understand being co-seeded

with him I didn’t understand that being

a new creation being a new creation

having a new story and that’s that’s

really what I I’m not a preacher but you

know that’s what I just speak for but

You’ watched John hey you can preach go

ahead I can you know I I really do just

I tell people from the stage every

single night that I you know I’m allowed

to do so tell people that you know they

have a brand new identity in Christ

there’s a brand new story that awaits us

there’s a brand new destiny that awaits

us and when we finally grab hold you

know of that identity and realize that

the dead man is gone and the new man has

risen it just changes once you accept

that you have to accept that and once

you do it’s almost like it just shifts

your whole perspective of life and

that’s what it’s done for me so it’s

it’s why I’m not I can really sit here

and say I’m not bitter about anything

I’m not I don’t hold grudges against my

parents or anything you reconciled with

parents you know yes and no I mean

there’s been times of that I I got to

reconcile with my mom a little bit later

when you know I was about 15 16 and

she’s kind of you know she’s you said

you didn’t see him for 10 years so

you’re four when you’re picked up yep

you’re 14 when you give your heart to

Christ so somewhere around that time Mom

and Dad either showed back up or just

Mom or who yeah well just my mom you

know she came around for um you know a

birthday or Christmas or something like

that and kind of you know went kind of

went back to her old ways in and out

sending me messages here and there but

it’s one of those things where I I

finally realized and told myself I can’t

be in control of their behavior I can’t

be in control of what they’re going to

do with their life but I just reassure

myself that you know and I pray for them

and I reassure myself like just like

there was Redemption for me at 14 years

old there’s Redemption for them now um

and I and I pray that wherever they’re

at they you know they know Christ loves

them and they know that you know at at

any point you know they can reach out to

him and for me that’s a that’s a hope

that I need otherwise it I think it

would just create bitterness and it

would create a grudge that doesn’t

really need to be there so well what

God’s grace did for me God’s grace did

for you and God’s grace can do for

anyone the thing that each of us have to

individually decide to do is take God’s

grace that’s the gift exactly and unwrap

it exactly you know and and so for

everybody who has yet to receive him as

Savior it’s just a matter of taking what

he’s given and unwrapping it to say wow

right and I this is for me and I tell

and it’s it’s the beauty it’s the

Simplicity of the Gospel really because

there’s been so much over complication

of it there’s been so many different you

know bylaws put into place that tell us

processes yes that well you’re saved but

we need to go through this three-step

program and i’ I’ve actually heard

pastors tell me that before well we

believe that you know we don’t want you

to do an altar call tonight because

that’s not really how we believe people

get saved I was like well you know I

truly do believe though that when

somebody calls on the name of Jesus

Christ and believes on him as Savior and

believes that you know he died on the

cross so them raised and three it I mean

I believe that there I mean I hate to

call it a formula but that is you know

the Simplicity of the gospel because you

know we ask what God’s will is all the

time lord if it’s your will Lord if it’s

your will what really his will is that

all should be saved and none should

perish so if that’s really his will why

would he create so many barriers that’s

right you know I don’t believe there’s

all these barriers to the gospel to

Christ uh and I know there’s not because

I’ve experienced it in my own life you

know really the barriers come in the

natural you know the barriers come in

the natural individuals wanting to

qualify or disqualify right exactly yeah

well you’ve got a song entitled do you

know and uh when we come back I want you

to share a little bit about that and

then maybe share some music with us

before we get off the difference today

absolutely you’re watching the

difference with kall and I we’re going

to be back with Nate cheridan when we


return I’m so grateful that I chose

differently I’m so happy that I chose


I get to see you become the person God

intended you to be I’m grateful for

sanctuary of Hope For Preparing Me for


me most importantly sanctuary of Hope is

my safe place it’s where I can lay my

baby’s head down and know that God has

his shield of protection over us thank

you heggy Ministry Legacy partners

because of you my baby has a chance

because of you I had the option to

choose life there has never been a

better time to share the love of Christ

with a mother and a child then right now

when you partner with heggy Ministries

your legacy impacts lives and transforms

a nation call today or go to

partner tell us about your song do you

know is that what it is yes do you know

I uh got sent this song by a good friend

of mine named Luke neelson uh he’s out

in Canada and he just sent this over

like pitching it to me and my team and

uh over at ampo records and when we

first heard we were’re all just sitting

in the room and we heard the it was just

a verse and Chorus at that point and we

were just just all struck by how much it

resonated with my story because I’ve

just I and I know so many people have

felt this way but I have felt like the

prodal son over and over and when you

listen to this song it’s really uh what

it’s about just not knowing who you are

are not not understanding that God loves

you so much and it’s kind of a cliche

because we say well Jesus loves you but

there’s still so many people out there

that don’t know that that don’t know

that Jesus loves them and it’s a you it

really just brings home the Simplicity

of the Gospel it really just reminds

people that they can come home at any

point that there is you know Redemption

for them right now that Christ loves

them he knows their name he’s in the

details of their life and it’s just

really really encouraging in that way so

for me uh I when I first heard I said

this needs to get finished I want to I

want to do it so well the song is

finished and Nathan is here to give us

an opportunity to hear it I want you

guys to get ready because we’re going to

hear Nathan sing do you


know to the way world

and distant

daers and desert

lands and troubl Waters do you

know do you know there’s a way


home no matter what it is that hurts

inside you no matter where you been he

will come and find you do you

know he’ll carry you all the way

home do you know he dances at the sound

of your name do you know he longs to

bless you over and over again yeah he is

for you from beginning to end if you’ve

ever wondered if it’s really

true he loves


more to all the lonely

dreamers and broken

hearted you’re not

forgotten you’re not discard

hearted every whisper and prayer every

desper you’ve cried he’s B near all

along he’s never left your

side do you know he D is at the sound of

your name do you know he longs to bless

you over and over again he is for you

from beginning beginning to end if

you’ve ever wondered if it’s really


true he loves

you yes he

does so don’t wait another


me and Come Just As You

Are and lay down no oh your heavy

burdens he’s waiting for

you with open

arm do you know he dances at the sound

of your name do you

know he longs to bless you over and over

again he is for you from beginning to

end if you there wondered if it’s really

true there’s nowhere he won’t go there’s

nothing he won’t

do cuz he loves

you he loves you


that was awesome Nathan thank you so

whenever you hear a song and you want to

you know consider it as as part of the

the repertoire your catalog how

important is it that there’s a part of

you in it that that you can say you know

what I can share that story with with

some sincerity I think it it’s might be

the ultimate thing I really do feel in

this day and age it’s not enough anymore

to just if you’re if you’re not

necessarily you know writing the song

about yourself it it it it’s not enough

for it to just be a good song you know

you really have to bring an authent

authenticity to the table uh that cannot

be replicated really it has to be your

story because I think people just see

through it more and more in a day in an

age where there’s so much kind of clout

chasing and there’s so many ways people

are trying to get famous and they’re

doing all these things trying to see

what sticks when really I think what

draws people in is just seeing the real

version of you seeing the real story and

for me uh I I’ve noticed that just every

single time I’m able to put that across

in a song that’s that’s what sticks for

people well and it fits with what the

Bible says that we overcome by the blood

of the lamb and the word of Our

Testimony amen if that’s not part of you

know what you’re sharing then you know

it it’s a great way to encourage people

but you’re not really giving God the

opportunity to tell others if I did that

for Nathan exactly if I can help him I

can help you if I can reach him I can

reach you if I can touch his life and

change it I can touch yours and change

that which I think is something that you

know if I was going to encourage you and

what you do moveing forward don’t ever

lose that you know make sure that the

story you tell I is the great grace that

God has demonstrated in your life

because that’s what he’s going to use to

touch thousands amen Nathan thank you

for being on the program today you so

much it was a buessing you know when it

comes to God’s plan for your life it’s

going to take lots of twists and turns

it’ll take you directions you never

thought that you would ever get to go

some places might end you up overseas

serving in the military learning how to

lead worship other places might be

places you never wished you’d visit but

God can use every one of those steps

Bible says that he takes all things and

he works them together for your good

because we have a purpose in Christ and

that purpose is to shine his light and

his love to others showing them the

difference that he can make thank you

for joining us today we’re so glad that

you’re part of this program