Leonard Ravenhill – No Man Is Greater Than His Prayer Life – Sermon Preached in USA

#LeonardRavenhill#prayer #man #God #preach #powerful #sermon Like 👍 & Subscribe ‪@ahavajerusalem‬ #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Faith #Hope #Love #power #Holy #Bible #Purity #Church #ahavajerusalem *If you have a need or know someone that has a need please email us. – [email protected] More on: https://ahavajerusalem.org About Leonard Ravenhill Born in Leeds, in Yorkshire, England, Ravenhill was educated at Cliff College in England and sat under the ministry of Samuel Chadwick. He was a student of church history, with a particular interest in Christian revival. His evangelistic meetings during the Second World War drew large crowds. Many converts devoted themselves to Christian ministry and foreign missions. In 1939, he married an Irish nurse, Martha. The Ravenhills had three sons: Paul, David, and Philip. Paul and David are Christian ministers, and Philip is a teacher. In 1950, Ravenhill and his family moved from Great Britain to the United States. In the 1960s they traveled within the United States, holding tent revivals and evangelistic meetings. In the 1980s, Ravenhill moved to a home near Lindale, Texas, a short distance from Last Days Ministries Ranch. He regularly taught classes at LDM and was a mentor to the late Keith Green. He also spent some time teaching at Bethany College of Missions in Minnesota, and some time in Seguin, Texas. Among others influenced by Ravenhill were Ray Comfort, Ravi Zacharias, Tommy Tenney, Steve Hill, Charles Stanley, Bill Gothard, Paul Washer, and David Wilkerson. He was a close friend of pastor and writer A. W. Tozer. Through his teaching and books, Ravenhill addressed the disparities he perceived between the New Testament Church and the Church in his time and called for adherence to the principles of biblical revival. Posted with Permission From SermonIndex.net #fyp #forgiveness #viral #salvation #light #heaven #time #Youtube #Google #Internet #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Father #HolySpirit #Faith #Hope #Love #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #HolySpirit #World #Word #Love #Grace #joy #future #grace #amazing #best #live #life #bestsermons #fyp #forgiveness #light #heaven #time #bewithChrist #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Faith #Hope #Love #sermon #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #Kingdom #HolySpirit #JesusChrist #God #Bible #Word #Love #Grace #time #future

I find that the

most stiring

profitable thing in my life is to read

the biographies of Great

Men and particularly to read the life

stories of men in the

Bible and I want to talk to about one


that in my judgment is one of the

greatest men that ever crossed the

bridge of time

is that

okay okay we’ll start

soon his life is all wrapped up in the

miraculous he changed the

climate he raised the Dead

he subdued

Aries and yet God has wrapped up the

life of this man in two very simple

words there are many great biographies

written in two volumes deby gave us two


lives of William buo the founder of the

Salvation Army in two great

volumes the life of the founder of the

China England mission is given in two


volumes and as a writer I don’t think

it’s very difficult to condense the life

of a man into two

volumes but it’s rather difficult to

condense the life of a

person particular a man who stands as a

giant in

history into two simple

words and God has done exactly that

because he says of this and na man

Elijah he

prayed I don’t believe that any man is

greater than his prayer life

I don’t believe there any church is

stronger than it’s prayer

life the other day I saw a a a

monstrous uh machine coming up the road

a I don’t know an 18wheeler or bigger

than that and it it had a an oversized

load and as it came past the the the

machine was almost groing under the

immense weight of

this huge machine whatever was on it

and you know I’m not an engineer but I

knew that that 18 wheeler didn’t have a

Volks Dragon engine in

it because it had it would never have

pulled that

road and yet we’ve got churches that

have massive organization and yet

they’re trying to run on a Volkswagon


meeting no church is greater than its

prayer life no man is greater than his

pray life I don’t care how great his


is now this man Elijah came on the scene

in the history of Israel in a crisis

hour quite recently in the Wall Street

Journal there was a statement I don’t

take the Wall Street Journal I don’t

have any Investments I’m sure some of

you do

but the Wall Street Journal said that

presently there is a Revival sweeping

America from the Californian Coast into


York a great Evangelical Revival itself

but it is having very little

effect to me that’s like saying that

last night there was an earthquake 9.5

on the RoR scale but nobody felt

it just a

ridiculous now I want to talk about

prayer and talk about

Revival because right now there’s a

spirit of Ley over the

nation we kicked all the old Rascals out

of Washington we’ve got a new bunch of

Rascals anyhow we’ve got a new bunch

in and now the attitude is relax

andap what can go wrong now we’ve got Mr

Reagan there’s something far more deep

seated that’s wrong with the nation than

politics or

economics or a bankrupt dollar

there’s no way in the world that we can

termination oh we we we’re always trying

to bail God out the latest eff is have a


majority but why did Jesus have a model

majority he had the most model men in

the world around him Pharisees and

Sadducees they were impeccable in their

morality but Jesus attacked them PR

severly you see we do just about

anything in the world except obey God

I’m trying to write a book right now

Revival God’s way do you know why

because we tried every other way we

tried to glamorize the gospel tomorrow

morning turn your TV on you’ll see

ladies swinging there in what look like

night dresses long gowns to the ground

you know and thoughtless hair dos and

Men you know have their hair blown and

some blown away but

uh you see them all dressed immaculately

there SW and

sweet and nobody says anything that will

disturb anything body because if you do

you’ll cut your finances

off now listen let’s be intelligent I’m

sure you must love God when you could be

at home watching that intellectual

rubbish on TV and you left it to come

here Saturday night that’s not very

normal and I’m very glad you’re

here but friends we’re not going to move

this generation to God except by a holy


Revival we have the most extensive

evangelism in history

that Revival has never become never been

born through a famous

personality Revival cannot be

nationalized Revival cannot be organized

Revival cannot be denominational

IED the Church of Jesus Christ began in

the upper room with a bunch of men

agonizing it sending in the supper room

with a bunch of women

organizing we mistake rattle for Revival

we mistake commotion for creation we

mistake action for

Antion anybody that’s read the Bible

knows how Elijah went off the stage he

went up in a warwind he had a kind kind

of a private

Rapture he went up in a whirlwind and in

a Char of f how did he come on the stage

where had he been who were his father

who are his mother where did he live


knows he is classified in my judgment in

the greatest classification of men this

world has ever known he is cified as a

prophet and Prophets are God’s emergency

men for crisis ours in

history to some people judgment isn’t in

the earth to some people judgment won’t

be in America till the Empire State

building falls

down and there’s a new Gap where you

know when when California falls into the

seat but one of the judgments of God is

he gives a nation no profit and right

now we have no

profets we Superstar

evangelists we a lot of organization

many organized who who will do the

agonizing Elijah comes on the state

stage 58 years after the dividing of the

Kingdom prior to his coming there was a

wicked King by the name of Ahab he had

superseded all the iniquity of every

King that came before

him there had been at least six Kings

the second king did not evil in the

first the third did not evil in the

second the fourth did not evil in the

third the fifth did more re than the

fourth the sixth the last one Ahab did

more re than all the iniquity of the

Kings before

him then to make bad wors as the Irish

say he rebuilt s he rebuilt Jericho

which you remember had been

destroyed and they laid the foundation

of the blood of the

child and then he mared wied

woman you see today people are snatching

at scriptures I get literature from all

over the world because my books go all

over the world and near every one of

them quotes two Chronicles 7:14 If my

people who are called by my name will

humble themselves and pray and seek my

face but wait a minute you can’t snatch

that out of the scripture that was given

to the Jews is it valid today yes it

is but there’s a scripture beyond that

that has a tag on it and you see the

preacher is right to say if my people

that shoves all the responsibility on

you I believe the key to Revival is in

Jo let the priests weep between the

Altar and the

doorpost I was in a very famous college

not long ago and God was on that meeting

that morning and I just St around the

podium and I said to all the brilliant

doctors of divinity and all the other

Scholars that were there I want to ask

you a simple

question you had hundreds of students

that going into the ministry you have a

course on weeping and if they graduate

in Weeping you have a course on

howling the ston

silence what would you think if people

gave a blind man a license to drive an

automobile you say that’s

Insanity we give boys in college a

certificate to stick on the wall to

prove that they’re

preachers just because they know the

word of God

but they do not know the god of the

word then after divide Romans chap 1- 7

8-1 they can tell what you do kind and

practical and so

forth I think so often are the disciples

I guess you do you read about

them I think of them coming to Jesus and

saying Lord teach us to

pray I wonder why they never said Lord

teach us to

preach he preach it’s the greatest

sermon in the world has ever had it’s

got the answer for our day Christianity

has not been weighed in the balances and

found one thing Christianity has been

tried found difficult and rejected

Christianity is not only too difficult

for the world it’s too difficult for the

church God’s problem in the world is not

communism romanism lism or any other ISM

God’s problem in America is dead

fundamentalism we know all the

cliches we know all the

words I would have loved to have heard

Jesus I’m going to teach uh a course in

a in a maybe start next weet with the

agap not in the agapy force they’re up

the street from us we live in the New

Jerusalem we’ve got the AAP agapy for on

one side of us we’ve got ywan with 250

students behind us we’ve got Keith

greens group down the road there we’ve

got calary commission up the road here

uh We’ve bar McGuire just lives up the

street there and we’ve got Dallas home

live behind this and I don’t know who

lives there great bunch of folk and I I

sure like to get amongst those students

and I’m going to teach there in in about

a couple of weeks one group I’m going to

teach on Hebrews 11 heroes in Hebrews

and with Keith Green’s group on the

kingdom the great teaching of Jesus in

what we call the

beatitude and people say well what are

the Beatitudes well I’ll tell you they

should be attitudes

in our lives you know what if every

professing believer in America Liv The

Sermon on the Mount for 24 hours we turn

this country

around we don’t know more

preaching if I were kind of a a

Protestant Pope i’ close every

Evangelical Church down for the next

month leave enough knowledge to to give

us the biggest beating we can ever get

when we get to the Judgment seat

some young people said to me not long

ago you know they tell us that when

we’re old enough to get married there

won’t be any material we have run out of

wood we’re cutting all the trees down

and we won’t have any uh bricks to build

the hous he I said you just

forget you’ll be all all be able to

build a house they said what with I said


cassette I find youngsters who say you

know got 300 cassettes oh I got 400

cassette oh I got so many

cassettes the nation is drowning right

now in theological

knowledge there are millions of

cassettes there are hundreds and

hundreds of seminars I’m thinking of

having a seminar on teaching

seminars everybody’s having

seminars and weekend meetings and you

can go into hotels and have meetings and

breakfasts and banquets and bankruptcy

they were any have they all these things

going and we’re getting

nowhere the disciples said Lord teach us

to pray I would rather pray than be the

greatest preacher in the

world preaching we stand before men on

behalf of God praying we stand before

God on behalf of men which is the

greatest the disciples said Lord

teachers to pray

you know there are people who say well

you know the Lord has no favorite well

he has I want to tell you very surely he

has Jesus went to the house of garus to

raise his daughter from the dead who did

he take with

him right Peter John and James you got

them back to that’s all right Peter

James and

John and then he went to the Mount of

transfiguration and he took with him

and he was transfigured and Luke said it

was while he was praying that he was

transfigured and these men said Lord

teach us to pray and when he went back


were a

sleep I I I I can’t believe

that to have heard Jesus

praying okay excuse them they were all

tired they weren’t used to spending all

night he he spent all night in breath

Time After Time year after year and they

weren’t used to

it but he took them into the most

amazing event that ever happened in the

world the greatest battle fought in the

world wasn’t somewhere back in history

it wasn’t in World War I at theid of

passionale of M it wasn’t in World War

II the greatest bad L fought was fought

by one man in a place called

Gethsemane and three men allowed to go

into the garden to pray with him and

they oh not

again I mean these three men were

allowed to be with the Son of

God he’s making history like no one else

and they fell

asleep and he came back a second time

and they were asleep

and he came back the third

time and

they is not

incredible you know pastors and pachers

get discouraged I don’t think people

understand what we’re saying I don’t

think they really understand I don’t

think they’re following her well Che up

Jesus had the same

problem I don’t believe the disciples

believe the word that Jesus

said you say that’s true let me prove it

to you he told them over and over and

over again you was going to die and rise

on the third day and the morning he rose

of the Resurrection there wasn’t one of

them at the Seer therefore they didn’t

believe it rise from the dead otherwise

it been lining up

there then the women jumped in and say

no the men failed in but we got

there women’s live everywhere but any


no the woman didn’t go there to see the

resurrected Christ she went into to

anoint his body didn’t

she so don’t get discouraged if people

are dumb and

stupid every time I look at the

congregation I I remember the Lord

commissioned me to comfor the feil

minded but

anyhow things go very slow with

us you know 5 minutes inside eternity

one of us will wish we’d be more

prayerful more

sacrificial I heard somebody say the

other day oh it’s going to be wonderful

in heaven you know there’ll be no tears

there’ll be no this there’ll be no that

all the other where does it say there be

no tears in the book of the Revelation

all right you know it says in the Book


Revelation God will wipe away all tears

from their eyes well how can there be

tears if there are no

tears I believe those tears those

stalling tears will pour down the faces

of and living at the Judgment seat of

Christ because we all understand

them Mr Kennedy is going to listen

to that murder Affair at chap critic

it’s all coming to the

surface and Mr Nixon’s going to hear

those 18 minutes on the tap played

over he forgot about that when he was

doing the dirty

trick but I’ll tell you what if you want

to know how bankrupt preaching is today

Dave Wilkerson is my neighbor we we we

talk together often he was telling me

recently he said L do you know 18

different preachers went to preach to

Nick in the White House and not one of

them got through to

him you think Elijah would have got

through to

him do you think if if Elijah preached

on TV this Sunday and get back on TV

next Sunday

Elijah comes on the stage in the most

critical hour in

history for

Israel there had a series of wicked

Kings iniquity had

abounded they’ve been destroyed to God

they built Groves to ASO and

baale a wicked woman that get got

married to the king and thought

everything was in order and one day

there came a little rugged ragged kind

of man and and made she was

gathering not God’s word my

word you remember in Ephesians 6:19 Paul

said pray for me that utterance may be

given to

me what do he mean he means Authority in

the word of

God I I don’t offer people an option I

offer an ultimation

preaching could be the most assor thing

in the world not something The Tick if

are tickling I’m not going to scratch

them I have no commission to scratch it

ears I believe the trouble with a puet

in America today is it’s filled with

puppets instead of

prophets again prophets of God’s

emergency men for Christ is out Elijah

comes onto the

stage again a ET the most amazing men

the world has ever

had colossal men like Jeremiah and

Isaiah and the Minor Prophets and then

the pro the apostles take over

afterwards Dr B Bon a distinguished

Jewish scholar who was converted to

Christianity gave me a definition that I

like very

much he said The Prophet by the very

nature of his calling is a tragic figure

why because he has a fierce loyalty to

God and he has a tremendous love for a

nation and he’s tone between the

two he do who see sin or something

that’s helping the people first of all

he see sin helping

God as a brother said this morning you

don’t hear people saying oh for Buddha

fate do this or Buddha fate doing that

they say for Christ F they take Christ

name in

V before you go to bed tonight there’ll

be more divorced people America and when

you got out of bed this

morning there been more drunkards more

harlots almost 3,000 girls under 17 get

pregnant every night in the

year people who were screaming a few

years ago it’s wrong to go to war in

Vietnam it’s wrong to go to war in why

because we’re killing people and now

they kill babies before they get out of


womb you think God Almighty is going to

put up with America much longer I don’t

sure I was in the 700 Club there and Pat

Robertson said he thinks God’s already

taking his hands off the nation I get

people calling me fing me writing to me

saying why do you spend your energy why

don’t you

retire the devil’s been trying to get me

to do that for 60 years but I’m

not after all I’m only 75 so I’m still

young 74 but any

house I still Al long way to go Abraham

didn’t start till he was

75 so I’m just I’m just where Abraham

was he finished 175 I don’t think I’ll

make it so long but

anyhow give up this the greatest job in


world Elijah comes on the stage in a

situation identical to our national

situation the country was given up to

idolatry and

impurity and iniquity


infidelity and everywhere smokers going

up from

altars growes to asth and to

Veil every time he sees something like

that it stinks in his nostril and he

knows that God is a a holy

God and you remember they said in

Deuteronomy that divination sins he is

shut up

heaven now come on do do you do you do

you love do you love not America forget

America if you’re an American and then a

Christian you’re you’re in bad shape you

to be a Christian before you’re an

American I left the Union Jack at the

cross when I got

saved Do You Love American enough to

say changing the words of Patrick Henry

from Give me liberty or to give me death

to give me Revival or give me death

the words of Rachel that didn’t do a

hair prettily that morning and dress up

and and get a right perfume that she

came to a place where she realized she

wasn’t fing and she should f as a woman

and she thought herself at the feet of

of her husband Jacob and she saids Jacob

give me children or I

die see we want Pentecost in our terms

we want the painless

Pentecost we want something want upset

our schedu or get us out of deed too

early or keep us fasting when we’re

hungry and

cous pray is the language of the

poor the self-sufficient don’t need to

pray the self-satisfied don’t want to

pray the self-righteous can’t

pray the only people who can pray are

those who realize that we need a power

out side of ourselves whether you think

of government or religious organization

or fundamentalism or whatever it

is again I say Elijah comes on the

stage he’s not concerned about

himself he’s concerned that the enemies

of God are triumphing and the god of

Israel the god the maker of heaven and


is being mocked by shrines all over the

area and every time he sees them his

heart is broken he feeds on tears and

affliction and

sorrow you remember when Paul went to

the intellectual capital of the world

which was Athens and he went down the

street and everywhere he turned there

was an altar to explain

God and he said in the Sleepy Elizabeth

in English here that his Spirit was


him he said in the Amplified when he saw

those altars to strange Gods he was

angry do they anger

us do you get angry about them or just

say there’s a nice

building yeah lovely building the

Mormons are building it there’s a lovely

building over there might

they you those witness is the

building I mean do we see with these

natural eyes like every other drunker

down the street or businessman or do we

say that place is an offense to a holy

God you know I I’ve been in many

countries of the world and I find very

often I’m challenged right down to my

toes at the Zeal and ambition of those

people I preached in a great conference


kisar to hundreds of missionaries from

Japan and and

Korea and afterwards one of them said to

me you know brother ra H Christian

missionaries have been here for 104

years that was about 10 years ago 104

years and the only penetration that we

made of this nation Japan is a half of

1% and that means Catholics Jehovah’s

Witnesses and protests are half of

1% I said old friend I don’t want to be

rude but the way you’re going about it

it will take another hundred years get

the other half of that

1% all people go there have a crusade

and a show and they went out and give a

few tracks and whatnot and come on the

night report one of the leading PV

Christian organizations in this country

one of their men told me that they went

down to the Philippines and they stopped

coming on the way back they stopped in

Japan and they checked on the streets

they’d have reports that their their TV

Christian TV message was was going

through Japan and all kinds of decisions

were being made and all kinds of people

were being converted

and he said we went to city after City

and we could not find one single person

who had been converted through that TV

program not

one a year

after I’ve been to that conference we

were living up with a brother there

that’s sitting right there brother

Bob in Rockford Illinois the wesle

Methodist had a preacher and I went to

him and I said to my wife read this is

the man who was the chairman of the

conference when we were in

Japan when I saw him I said to him you

you don’t look so


no did you have a bad flight from Japan

no what’s wrong I didn’t have a bad

flight I had a bad experience of what

happened well I thought I’d get my

haircut in Japan it’s a bit

cheaper so I got a haircut last night

and as I sat in the chair the man click

my hair and then finally he said H you

are a

Yankee uh well he said I’m not quite a

Yankee I’m an American you know making

such a difference ah you are an American


no ah you are an American chorist

no what kind of American are you I’m a

missionary ah good good said the man I

am a missionary

too Oh I thought you were a barber

barber in the morning n :00 till 5 I go

home I

bathe and then I go on the street at

6:00 fill my pockets with tax take my

phonograph knock on your door I give you

lecture number one tonight I come a week

tonight give you lecture number two I

come the week after give you lecture

number three I come the week after give

you like to number four this is a new

combination of religion and politics

Zaki and he’s greater than Christianity

is going to wipe Christianity out of

Japan and these other nations

you go out at 6:00 at night H yeah yeah

I go out at 6:00 till 2:00 in the

morning how many nights a week seven

nights a

week you go out every night at 6:00 and

you don’t go to bed till 2 in the

morning I didn’t say that you did say

that I didn’t say that what did you say

I said I don’t get home until 2:00 in

the morning and then he said I pull a

curtain on one side

and I and I I cross my legs and I

meditate on my God for two hours to

renew my

strength H that sounds a bit like Isaiah

40 they that wait upon the Lord to renew

their strength but here’s a heathen man

buying down before his Buddhist

God and the Miss was so confused and

embarrassed that a heathen man would go

from fix till 2: in the morning and then

pray from 2: to 4: what time you get up

7:30 you you you you you live on three

and a half hour sleep each night yet how

long have you done this 7 years he

said you think I felt like coming home

to America to talk about Revival and

prayer and the need in that

country my simple definition is this

dear friends of all the Church of God in

America or England anywhere else the one

single reason we do not have Revival is

we’re content to live without

it the price is too

St don’t disorganize my life don’t ask

me to open my business half an hour half

day instead of a whole day don’t ask me

to stay up at night don’t ask me to

abolish my TV don’t ask me to get rid of

the trivia in my

life I mean I’m saved I’m not going to

Hell Fire and so I’m a nice Christian so


look here friend there are more lost

people in the world at this moment this

moment than any period in

history and the church has never been


paralyzed again I say that no

church is greater than its prayer

life you see Al ID is a predictable we

shipping the best guy the fell with a

big reputation

Revival is totally

unpredictable a crusade for a big city

now can cost a million dollars Revival

never cost one word sent there’s only

one Revival I know of in the world right

now it’s up in nagaland in Northeast

India it burst out in 1977 three years

ago until that time that state was the

most troubled state in India it had more

crime it that more juvenile delinquency

prostitution drugs kids fighting in the


and then

suddenly there was Revival do you know

what Revival is Revival is a divine

intervention in the Affairs of men

Revival is God’s people getting cleansed

and endured with power and evangelism is

those people going out in the

streets but the blockage is in the

church you know how effective that

Revival you know do you know you test a

Revival there can be a Reviving in the

church people get rid of a bit of a mess

in their life you know Pastor Revival it

changes the moral climate of the

community the government just come down

now and said hey crime has gone down

like this we had any crime in the

nation the girls aren’t getting

raped drug addiction has gone down to


mly the police are having much to do

what in the world has

happened and they discover that God had

come in all his amazing

power in

Revival and M up these wretched filthy

are and revolutionize the society and

Paul kman is a very distinguished


Statesman he lives in Hong Kong I I I

was going to see him when I was there I

didn’t and I’ve regretted it ever since

Paul went to see this revival you see

almost everybody has tal Vision on

Revival in America it must come like

finny had it but it ain’t going to come

like that

friend we’re not living in Fin’s

day we’re living in a arogant

milit arrogant um


paganism we’re living in a day when

people boast about Sin people used to do

in the corner and brush it they were


out the girl used to be embarrassed and

humiliated and be the Leer in the area

when I lived in England years ago when I

was a boy 60 years back that a girl that

got pregnant oh did you hear about it oh

it was a tragedy people used to Gran and

weep and feel ashamed she pered the

whole District she was having a baby out

of red

lot and now you get women on TV both

think they’ve had a number of

them you get people openly brazenly

talking about the method to this can you

think of an educated Nation where

somebody puts a gadget into a woman and

rips an unborn baby in and then you

flush it down the toilet and you call it

education listen if living any the old

how and drinking any the old how and

sleeping any old how and living a Harish

life to satisfy the pions as people will

do all night when you AR in dead if

that’s the joy of Life why is the

suicide rate so

high you think people want to live 100

years to shack up and live in

sin but there comes a point you see

where the wages of sin is death not only

Eternal death but people are going out

the best way they can by Suicide why

because theyve given them to all the

passions and in do El in iniquity to


degree it was like that when Elijah came

on the

stage what’s he going to do all the

other prood have gone

underground I think we have to learn

again at least I have that one man with

God is a

majority El I didn’t have a finance

committee behind

him I don’t how he got on he didn’t even

have a mailing

list look if we don’t have the Holy

Ghost we better have every Gadget that

we can

get but if we have the Holy

Ghost well he’s all we

need I’m asked to believe these days you

know when I see this and that God built

this place in answer to believing prayer

when all the time most of these big

evangelist IC societies even are

monuments to human

genius human

Ingenuity madis Avenue tactics public

relations new know how and clever

advertising isn’t it something when

these big Evangelistic groups say we

have more computers than the IBM down


road I don’t think there are any

computers in the upper room do you

no no no no we’re not going to have any

Superstar angelist

anymore I’m sorry we ever had any one

sense but I’ll tell you what I’m

believing oh I can paint the picture as

black as hell I can give you statistics

that would tell you inside up but I want

to tell you the greatest tragedy in the

world tonight is not the Betrayal of

Vietnam it’s not that Cambodia was raped

at the canivan of Mr Mr Nixon and and Mr

King knew about

it it’s not that that’s anistan has been

destroyed by an invading Army and we

didn’t do a thing about it if ever you

saw the importance of politics and money

why have those boys been in prison for

444 days the United Nations did nothing

about it so they’re a pretty helpless

bunch and the government did nothing

about it so they were pretty helpess

bunch and most of all the Church of God

did nothing about

it is it amazing that the Russian

government will let 10 to 20,000 Jews

and other people come out of Russia

every year but they won’t let seven

Pentecostals come

out but the seven Pentecostal people

have been

hiding in the American Embassy in in

Moscow for for two years now and they

can’t get

out when Mr C was asked about it he said

well of course that’s that’s that that’s

got to do with

religion oh so religious people don’t

have human rights

I’m saying that to show you the

impotence there’s a time when bombs and

and armies and Banks and everything can

do nothing and we’re in that crisis

moment right now if God the Holy Ghost

doesn’t come on America watch out the

next two years they going to be years of

starvation and hardship such as we have

never known in this country

before God’s problem in the Old

Testament was not amikit

hites jebusites and hammerites God’s

problem in the Old Testament was

Israel again God’s problem tonight is

not communism and all the otherism god

problem tonight is a disobedient

bankrupt worldly

Church all right Elijah comes on the

scene this woman has got it all her own

way just like telling these lights out

one by one she plunged the nation into

darkness then the buil grow Toth and

Bale then the invaded love of priest and

she thought everything in the garden was

lovely and up comes one

man I think she must be near a nervous

breakdown he puts her fing his finger up

and says there’s going to be no rain

according to my word and he lck of

Heaven I think this was one of the

greatest Hors in the world you know what

they did to try and find a good they

turn the Army

out we have an evangelist come to time

to give him the key the they meets him

at the Town they’re not afraid of our


anymore nobody met finy at the gates of

the city with a golden

key they didn’t bring everybody in his

brother to a big banket

banquet they were terrified of the

Prophet I long to to to to see the day

when men are terrified of my face or

somebody else’s face because they know

we carry the authority and anointing of

God and hpoc he can’t

live I shut of Heaven that there be no

rain say do you do you love America

enough to to to ask God to shut up

Heaven because it means shutting up

Heaven you strangle the economy the cat

will die the crops won’t

grow oh I stood in blood lines in

England and first world

war out of bed at 4:00 in the morning to

try and get a lot of bread stand in the

Shivering rot in English clim up there

with with snow and sweet coming

down I I are you really ready to get rid

of some Prater Comforts and not have so

much stuff stuffing in your refrigerator

and then stuffing you

afterwards no we want everything the

same we hope gas won’t get much more

costly my boys on the mission Field in

aru was home until 2 weeks ago they paid

$5.50 a gallon for

gas on a mission alowance can you think


that $6,000 for a refrigerator that cost

600 down the road there at

Sears we’re still living in a paradise

in America it’s a Fool’s Paradise right

now but we enjoy it

anyhow we’ve got the good men up in

Washington so you what they feeling of

the nation that the Believers is relax

and be

raptured Revival comes only through

blood and threats and

tears Elijah the anointed of God he

being in the secret place of the most

high he comes on the stage of full grown

man he sets up the whole nation starves

the economy terrifies the

king go hi thyself

I went to Dr Jordan’s office one day a

friend of was coming out and he said the

doctor’s in there and he’s so happy he’s

got a little piece of paper it’s rather

doe and uh it’s from a black man a very

very black black man down in South

Africa he lives in gban his name is Duma

D when I told his story up in the

Carolina four or five years ago I man at

the back kep is said not in his head and

after he said my I like the story on

dumer I said did you hear it before he

said no but my daddy was the pastor you

were talking about dumer came in a

church and heard the gospel for the

first time and he ran to the

Altar and when he got up he was like d

SP the B loose up his shoulders tell him

off his back into disciple and he ran

down loud praising the

Lord not I mean you know that’s not

really the thing to do in the Baptist

Church go down the island praising

God the pastor door said well how are

you and did you enjoy the service he

said yes can I do anything for you he

said yes give me a

church the Pastor said give you

what give me a

church well you never been in the church

no I haven’t are you’re the man L to the

altar no I’m not yes you are no no no no

he said one man went down to the altar

I’m a new man I’m not the man that went

down to the

altar isn’t it terrible when he get so

excited about being

saved you know the first six months you

saved that God’s chosen people and after

that we God’s Frozen

people oh have you had education no have

you been the Bible too know that was a

big Advantage he didn’t know

about nobody brainwashed

him I can’t give you a chance the man

turned up again a month

after going out the Pastor said well how

are you could I help you he said yes

give me a church oh I remember who you

are well you haven’t been in this church

for over a month have you no sir I

haven’t been in any other Church where

did you go I went up the road outside of

D and I came to a forest and I found a

foot and then I found the stream and

then I found the okay and I took a rock

and I made a mark on the wall and I went

in that cave for 21 days and nights and

said Lord you you tell me whether I’m

going to preach I don’t want to listen

to men either you tell me I am or I’m

not if you tell me all won’t shake me

and he said the Lord said I told you to

preach give you a Healing

Ministry give you

what give you a healing

minut well

I talk to the deacons about it and the

deacons said you know across the track

we have a little County it’s just made

of metal and

uh there are only five people go

there so we let him preach to them

because after all there’s no education

and no training and you know in three or

four weeks they this pedoph L Jo and cl


down the strange thing is that church is

going even today 40 years after uh

tomorrow morning that it’s nearly

tomorrow morning over there in uh South

Africa now and you know there are 1,400

people there listening to this amazing

man yet God healed the fful him he

called the elders meet me at the

hospital need pray he called el they

meet me at the hospital and they checked

in with the lady at the desk you know

and said uh uh Pastor said I want to

pray for so and so she said yes he’s in

war 13

what you can’t be going to pray for some

World 13 World 13 is the

mor the pastor just walked down the

aisle and the deacons went and said

pastor um

Pastor uh this this this this this is

this is the Lord he said yeah we got to

pray for the right man uh number 21

here so he pulled the screen over and

there was a man lying also so still and

quiet and Little D pull the cross off

him and then he climbed on top of the

body just like Elijah did later and put

his hands on the

body and he said in the name of Jesus

Christ who is the resurrect and the life

rise and walk

and the Cs

went well if the Cs have got with me on

top of it I’d have hit the ceiling of

that but you know what happened the Cs

got down and walked

home a little black man who had no

preing fa and no

background St only had God

isn’t it terrible when it’s only

God you know you can’t look on your

diplom and say that’s what I say I mean

that’s where I I got my diploma then you

look at the other one and that’s where I

got my PhD and that’s where I got


else hey but wait a minute are you

suggesting that man has run 30 years on

one filler you got a new automobile you

expected to last with one f up of gas

till you die the prob with most people

they had a Pentecost 20 years ago 30

years ago the fire’s gone

out I forget the day it was maybe the

17th of November when the little black

man went into that cave do you know what

the smart man did every year since then

he’s gone back in that cave for 21 days

and nights along with God to get a new

anointing to get a new vision to get a


friend we just want to go and get bless

and help can you say I remember when I

quit smoking and I drugs or prose well

that’s gra for I heav say don’t build a


there go up and possess the

land go hide

thyself I he people say well I don’t

take time off you don’t have a good no I

don’t how do you live I live by Saint

one woman came to one of our meeting she

said oh I like me brother teach in the

morning he’s great in the morning but at

night he gets so noisy I don’t like him

at night but she said I enjoy him in the

morning he said I don’t think I’ve

enjoyed anybody better she said I’m

going to write him a nice check nextor

and bring it the other lady said don’t

do that why you should be compl my

face isn’t it amazing

don’t hide

thyself that’s how they things to

do I guess many of you tithe maybe all

of you

tithe tithe what your money that’s e

take your note with God write the

check tith to God in an offering you

tithe your

time says me all your

ti problem is it sing all your

time and if you give God the 10 of every

day that’s 24 hours that’s 2 hours and

uh what 2 hours and 24 minutes every

day and then on top about you give an

offer I tell you what if everybody tried

their time and tie their tongues as

well the Church of God would be vastly

different shape from what it came to

me go hide

thyself he lives by

faith I see Elijah so big he doesn’t

even get into Hebrews 11 where all those

Gant of Faith

are and if you feel you need to get

proud you know some people say well you

can’t do without sin everybody needs a

little bit of sin to keep your humble

well why not have a lot and keep be real


when SED they humble all I need to do to

get my face in the dust is read Hebrews

11 where men and women subdued kingdoms

brought righteousness obtain promises

stop them out of land and not one of

them ever had a

Bible look how much they did without the

Bible you and I have B 66 volumes you

bought them to chur

tonight how much they did without the

word of God you and I have the complete

Revelations God has another word to say

to humanity but World last A Milli

he said it

all the old him how from the foundation

said what more can he sa unto you he has

said Elijah is a man of

Faith The Raven F him in the morning and

F him in the evening maybe that means we

should only use two meals a day I don’t

know but what now

happened the that

before the Raven start bringing the food

the brook died up the natural res up

first and then you hear the voice of the

Lord saying get up and go where do I go

go down the road you’ll need a woman

there a widow

woman and tell to feed

you oh lord I can’t go oh this is a test

of humility isn’t it I was just ped on a

woman apart from Radio

evangelist uh

you don’t going to ask a little little

woman to feed you are

you oh put your pride in your

pocket the little woman say you make me

a cake and she

well I to die today as tomorrow what did


say he say I’ll make you a little cake I

was going to make one for my son and my

spous we were going to eat it and

what die

this man’s prb has been the death of

thousands of

people they sh up head and there no

crops you want Revival without any

suffering maybe Revival only come to

America through

Revolution maybe our option really is

this either we concentrate in prayer

only praying concentration camps which

the want

not even concerned about standard o or


else you say if we can have M the Miss

are going to close out for

then all the Streamline clelin

evangelism you see tomorrow on TV

almighty God pass it that’s back all our

computers and all our Bible schools and

all our seminaries and St Riv up in


India repetition of the Acts of the

Apostles find and wonders and the de

been raised and I like the phrase that

Paul C gives there he says this was not

imported it wasn’t important nobody told

them about gifts of the Spirit nobody

told them about seeking things nobody

told them about miracles nobody told him

about interpretations nobody told him

about signs and

wonders God

came and his stubing

right and this is the only

it’s not an alternative the only answer

for our day and God said pour Spirit on


Flesh your sons and your daughters will

prophesy your young men will see Visions

your old men will bring Dre and not my

servants and handmaids not my Bishops

not the leaders of our Bible schools

where did Jesus go for his disciples did

he knock on the door of the S

he he go to the temp and ask the high

priest who the best and most perect

he had no he went to fisherman and a tax

gatherer God takes the things that are

not so many people have said to me did

you ever meet Smith Wiggles with yes I

did he was a character come you read his

book you

read know he was

any he was the character in the

world he was in a meeting not far from

my home there a lady at the front back

with a big T on her and he well that old

girl can’t be pregnant she’s far too

old so while he was seeing he went down

and he bed in are you

pregnant I got a big

Bo he got CL eyes he did he took his

ping like that he said

he if he was a dead one the do I mean

you don’t need a woman in the stomach

like that being kicked by a mo

there no waying

it on occasions people raised from the

dead through that

man and yet I want to tell you I’ve seen

signs and numbers and miracles I used to

go off with M kman I took a Bible

classes a number of times in the com

Hall in Pittsburgh talked to her many

times with j and I’ve been there with

her St with a break with a talk with

her saw some great medical there and I

don’t min

blind people up to seea walk

and but that’s not the answer for


today when has had more healing in the

last 30 years and all the Nations under

heav put together but where are we you

are the greatest Miracles that almighty

God can do the greatest Miracle almighty

God can do is take an Unholy man out of

an Unholy World make that Unholy man

holy put him back in an Unholy world and

keep them

holy that’s all the power of theing to

do that you the spirit of God and all

the promises of

God what God is looking for in this day

is not people with accurate theology

he’s looking people with pure

hearts he’s looking people that are

toally selfless in their

desires he look for people want to see


glorified all right let me hurry

here he went and the lady made a C and

then he says make yourself a cake and

she goes back to the battle and finds it

P to the top and little oil count is

Shing like an Oklahoma gusher no I don’t

think so I think she took the last

handful of me out of that battle every

day and put the last pot of oil that’s

the way God tests

Fai I guess I know 20 Millionaires and

multi-millionaires many of them tell me

I’ve openess me to their bank account

anytime I’ve never asked anybody for a

penny since I a very fine Church in 1949

and that’s a few years

ago it’s over

30 and I got my boys through school and

college and university and never asked

for a d and never

will I believe every time we ask for

money it’s a slap in the face of God

he’s promise to supply our needs not

what I think I need but what he thinks I

need we don’t have to Trail God’s name

in the dust to build some monuments to

send you ties to keep some of his

private jack up in the air

each day until God sent her harv she

made a

king and when elij came in and she said

now now I found you

out I see who you are now you come into

my house and and and my baby

died oh he said don’t worry about that I

I didn’t like to tell her this is father

tical but I’m the greatest preacher in


world I’m the greatest mical in the


oh we can take holy things and make

Showmanship out of

it to be the Holiness of God is too

great to go on TV

program tell this when you come here

tomorrow or the church you go to are you

going there to meet God are going to

hear a sermon about

him I believe 99% of people go to church

tomorrow are going to hear to a sermon

about God not me a holy

God elij said give me the

CH and he prayed and nothing happened he

prayed again and nothing

happened the third time he prayed he run

up into a LOF have you got a lost in

your life or a basement and an old chair

where you always feel near to God than

any other place he run up into a l and


pray no this time he left made himself

on the corpse a sign of his compassion

and love and he prayed and the child’s

spirit came into it

again my I would have paint I’d like to

paint that I’d like to paint the man

coming down that staircase outside the

house with a a little laughing child in

his arms and a w woman there yeah do you

think he went up to the lady and said uh

excuse me the kids

alive I think he went down to a full of

joy and said hey look your son Li you

remember what he said by this I know the

AR man of God not by the Battle of me

not by the oil by this by what by the

fact that he brought life right there

was death is not the business of the

church you know how could be dead in

trespasses and in

sin Jesus didn’t come into the world

just to make dead bad man good he came

into the world to make Dead Man

Live Well that looks great doesn’t

it by this sign all man of God who this

man of Prayer in the Old Testament Jacob

no you say played all night he didn’t

invent he played all night because he’s

in a

j would you playay all night if your

brother com to murder

you you have a police escort around the

house I’ve seen a crowd of men coming

one of my Scouts came and told me it’s

your no no tell me

my said I’ll kill you next time I see


uh get all the cattle here give him just

a few of the sheep and if he’s pacified

he didn’t want to get too much

away a few sheep will take them and if

have to do get in the mall and in the Cs

but but you know if you can pacify him

do your best and then he sends his wife

and family away and then he he steps

over the book and he got behind the Rock

and just as he got behind the rock

somebody jumped on him like who do you

think he thought it was

huh his

brother boy I’m going to die

fighting that doesn’t sound like a Jud

PR meeting sounds like a Jud business


but but

just and the he saw the tip of the G on

him and suddenly he realized this is not

my brother you know I Le out of that

situation but Jacob went into that night

of prayer he was a tall handsome prince

and after a night of wrestling there he

dragged his leg the rest of his life he

was a

triple and the reason we don’t playay is

the FL is too we to

playay the before he gets tired or some

other Petty

excuse the rest of his life he dragged

her with a

leg but he was

changed to being a prince with God

I think the greatest man of Prayer in

the Old Testament Was Elijah pardon me


Moses you know America has a very Vivid


history it’s been such a blessing to the

world it’s been such a curse to the

world I can’t

well Mormonism was born here and that’s

cursing the world

Jehovah’s Witnesses were born here and

they’re cursing the

world spiritism who revived here and

that’s cursing the world man Al we talk

about the Pentecostal Revival in Brazil

but brother there’s a shocking Revival

of spiritism and budism in Brazil right

now and in some of those South American

countries we kep the

world but you know this get away we have

had some of the greatest man of Prayer

in modern

history y the day my dear wife and I

were in a shop the lady came up hey Mr

how are you I heard you preach a number

of time see I got a collection of old

books in one of your books you quote


pacon and she had a great liary and she

said nobody has ever quoted David P Pac

except you and I got a volume on his

life would you like it I said sure I’ve

given mind to my son David patient I

call him PR patient of Portland

origin he had a bedroom like the floor

like this you know not that nice wall to

all red like you have hard like

this and when he died they found the

groove on the floor and a few inches

away another Groove in the floor and

they found out that when he prayed he

used to pray with with his hands he used

to pray with like this and and he he wor

to grooms in the in in the wooden floor

of his bedroom with

intercessions praying

hide I preached in a conference in Lake

IA some years ago 1951 actually a Dey

came he said did you ever meet pring hi

I said no i’ like children oh I heard

him there in the cclo convention in

India a friend of mine said to him one

day Mr Mr Mr h c could I pray with you

just let me pray with you once he said

all right meet me at

9:30 and he said my friend went to the

bedroom at 9:30 and there was done hide

and he knelt down to

pray and he said for 15 minutes it was

tot total silence I I didn’t pray he


pray and then he said I

pray but he said at the end of 10

minutes I prayed all I knew how to pray

and then John Hy started to pray and he

hadn’t been praying very long when there

was a knock at the door and this man

said well I’m not going to the door this

is the only chance i’ ever get to playay

with this man I’m not going to the door

and was allowed to knock at the door and

allow to knock at the door finally

somebody pushed the door open and said


H uh you you you’ll have a schedule at

3:00 to preach on praying and it’s now a

qu of

three his

said it can’t be A4 to 3 we started

praying at 10:00 it can’t be a quarter

three and he looked at his watch and

found it was a quarter of

three there been praying for 5

hours for the place praying p

p John H he

bounds you can buy seven volumes of the

end bounds they cost you about3 or $4

each you can buy them all in one book I

I put them all together you can buy them

as you leave it’s called a treasury of

pray and pray lived 100 years ago there

a man lives 50 miles away from where I

live He’s 32 years of age he prays 10

hours a

day here in America right

now come on you that come by and show


strength how much St do you have to

pray I’m much Vision how much passion

how much

burden there a man outside W 60 years of

age who pray six hours a

day again now living celebrities David

lcas and lives behind us they got before

just up the road can keep Liv down the

road lives just up above

us Dallas home Liv just behind

us b r building his new place on my PR

second chapter back just bought 10 10

acres by the side of

it jimm has just bought 10 second

chapter actually bought 100 acres jimm o

has bought 10

acres start St

area you know the most attacked thing is

we have a prayer meeting on Friday night

in a mansion across the road from where

we live a quite a family very lovely

people and we got 100 to 120 students

and you know how far they come they come

as far as 250 miles round trip every

Friday night just to pray not to hear


Sing Lord you got singing upside

down did the disciples say Lord teach us

to sing

did Jesus say my house should be called

a house of song for all

nations did Paul say sing without

ceasing did J James say for six one to

another did Jesus say my house should be

called a house of s for all

nations you now sick the churches that

you can put a show on and charge $5 and

you can get two or 3,000 people to go

and and they go 100 miles to the coner

and they go TOs and a lot in gas and

they have to eat when they go and they

go to the show and then it’s over and

they get back 2:00 in the morning and

and they’ll go by the thousand and you

book the same hall for a prayer meeting

in charge of nothing you get no there

that’s how sick the church

is and nobody loves singing more than I

love I finish where I began no man is

greater than his playay

life the greatest living exposit the

world I thought with him in London a few

years back and he said to me brother R I

do not have any trouble I do not have

any trouble writing commentaries on the

Bible I have no the hardest thing in my

life is

prayer prayer I found it so difficult to

pray I think that the prayer closet

should be the most magnetic place in our

lives one single simple thing you know

in England and Society

the greatest honor is to be invited into

the presence of the Queen of

England and when you go you receive

instructions how to go what kind of

clothes to

wear how to obsorb the right manners are

you just don’t go in your old clothes

and drive up in your beating up old

truck or something you’ll go there all

neat and tidy and everything and you

told when to Bow and what to say and how

to do it such an honor to go into the

presence of the

queen do you uh ever visualize when you

go to pray that as you KNE in your

little humble home or mansion that

you’re talking to the same God that

Elijah talk to the same God that Jesus

talked to the same God that Moses talked

to but little you because of Jesus

Christ making us a kingdom of priests

unto God that we

can just go into his holy

presence in the Revival in

Scotland then can cand had a series of

meetings where God invaded the community

and he was in one church and nothing

happened he said the Haden seem like

brass so he stopped the meeting there a

lot of preachers here a lot of church

beacons there lot of men in the C

tire and he said I do not sense God in


meeting he pointed to a young man heish

which is Scottish dialect to John H the


of he said l

will you stand up and

pray the boy was 16 years of age 16 had

all theologians the preachers the famous

dignitaries in the Christian world and

he calls on a 16-year-old high school

boy to

pray stood

up in Scotland when they contemptuous

they say

ah the boy stood there and said ah

what’s the good of praying if we’re not

right with God

and he quoted Psalm 24 who shall Ascend

into the hill of the Lord he that have

clean hands and a pure heart and he RS

on and recited it and then he prayed 10

minutes 20 minutes 30 minutes 40 minutes


minutes and if he finished praying it

just as all God P this rich in heaven

and the glory of God came on that

building and he came on the D at the

other end of town and he came on the T

at the other end of town and never

opened after

but you know why because when the boy

finish praying with theology man that

sounded like a Jeremiah or an Elijah or

Isaiah he just turned as they could

visibly see something and he said Satan

get off this

Territory go out to this community in

the name of the Father the Son and the

Holy Ghost I command you through the

blood of Christ and the title

G and as the devil pulled out the glory

of God came

down I get scared that God will keep all

his promises you know we like God’s

promises if they’re convenient for us

but remember it wasn’t for the Mormons

and it wasn’t for the munites that God

said out P out of my mouth it was to his

lazy backing Church the LAN Church which

is the

day I SC you out of

my and God say hey M come here a minute

I know you’re discouraged I know you’re

wory of these people I know they broken

your heart you know they broken my heart

too I’m as tired of them as you are now

look you go tell them I’m going to wipe

them out I’m going to wipe the nation

out and out of your Ls I’m going to

raise up a new

nation and if Moses had half anoun of

ambition for himself

he would have said Lord I’m just so

happy because I’ve had headaches and

sleepless night with this B for so Rous

and Lawless and

Disobedience I can’t wait till I Stand

On a Rock tomorrow and say look the Holy

One of Israel is going to destroy you

through your Abomination from your sin

you’re done to hell and you deserve it

but I want to tell you something before

you go he’s keeping me here because I’m


holy you know Moses said in he in in in

the 11th of Deuteronomy there he says

Lord the weight of this nation is such

upon so great upon me you better do

something else kill

me in Romans 9 the Apostle Paul says I

could wish myself a cursed a PL

translation from the Greek is if I be de

the if my damnation if my destruction

release the mercy of God on my


when you go to your bed and sleep nicely

tonight they’ll just be getting going

around the casino up there inless b just

now where else and the bck stes are they

taking the clothes off and the nakedness

and the

promiscuity and now they tell me in

France nobody goes to see the girls

strip anymore they go to watch acts of

homosexuality and you think God’s going

to put up with a nation that has more

Bibles we have 600 million Bibles in the

nation and if you say there are 15

million Christians that four Bibles to

each person and we more gospel radio

broadcast and we more churches and more

seminaries and we more Bible teaching

and Bible coms that all the rest of the

world put together and more broken homes

with divorce more broken bodies with Dr

more broken bodies through dis more

broken those bodies through

homosexuality through through child

birth everything is

broken this nation has never been so

broken that you notg this tragedy is the

Great this tragedy in the world tonight

is a sick Church in the Dying World The

Church of Jesus Christ isn’t BR over

it he was born in

Geth and that Revival and that Revival

that we had in nand came to the S

because for 20 years a heaven group of

people have been praying and

travailing for

Revival I know some of the greatest

playing people in the world

you can get them to come and stand here

publicly they won’t write an let you

write an article about their prayer life

you know you can come on the platform

and strut and show your ability in your

scholarship and I’ll tell you can

maneuver a crowd but I challenge you to

start struggling when you shut the door

and you’re alone with God you don’t

struggle in the prayer

closet you can impress people that

nobody impresses

God they’re naked beforeand

God says I love to destroy this

people you know what it’s a very

wonderful thing when God reaches from

heaven and takes hold of a man I only

know one thing more amazing that’s when

a man reaches up and takes hold of

God and God said to Moses leave me

alone that’s not Moses KN that God has a

good on it’s not Moses saying God

Almighty take you hand nothing me God

saying Moses leave me

alone and the old Methodist him

paraphrases that he says this let Moses

in the spirit gr and God cries out let


alone praying is so

feil all praying after the close at 9:00

the Holy Ghost to go

home I don’t believe you can run a

healthy Church in America anywhere else

without that church having at least one

night of prayer a week and the best time

to have it usually is Friday night

because folk don’t have to go to work

the next day every church I’ve been in

I’ve been in churches in the last three

years about four five 6 7,000 members

and my joy has not been to just see

alter still but to establish a prayer

meeting on Friday night and those

churches they pray from 9:00 at night

till sometimes 1 and 2:00 in the

morning all of the things Earth will


away but prayer grasps

eternity you can test your spiritual

life not by how much Bible knowledge you

have I’m not concerned that you know the

word of God that

good but I want to know if you know the

god of the

word I’m not just concerned you run with

every burden to God does God let his

burd on

you he broke is easy his burden is

light going having a hand capping time a

good time five minutes inside of

Eternity again we all wish we’ be more

prayerful more

sacrificial more obedient more


the government isn’t going to get this

nation out of trouble and the banks

aren’t going to get us out the armies

aren’t going to get us

out it’s going to take one great

merciful Act of God while we are

sunk we’ve had No Light No privileges

the last 25 years and all nations in the

world put

together people say well pray can do

anything well read the 14th of Ezekiel

where God says it the three greatest men

that ever live making possession I will

not hear them even for their own

children they won’t save their own

children never

mind if I could find God

Ely and say you know what time it is on

God’s clock you know what I think we’re

not living in the last

days not even living in the last

hours not even living in the last

minutes I think we’re living in the last

moments before judgment

Falls and before Revival

comes father we thank you tonight for

this privilege of being in your

house we thank you for these precious

friends that the world didn’t have any p

on them tonight or they didn’t be

here but Lord many of us tonight have a

broken down prayer

life many of us know nothing in

session we need to get our hearts

cleansed from selfishness and wildness


carelessness and get centered on God


we need to be cleans from all vanity in

trivia we need to get matter to the will


God we need to be totally

spiritual we need to hear your voice we

need to see as you see we need broken

hearts for a broken world not just a

broken Nation a broken world you think

of the millions locked up tonight but m

and confusionists

andit and

others we’re not we’re not penetrating

Their Kingdoms we’re not we’re not

entering into the de of

dominion have mercy on

us just with your head bowed and eyes

closed ask God

want we want you to do tonight then ask

the pastor to come and close the meeting



















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