A Sure Foundation – Andrew Classics: Season 4 Episode 10
Mark 4 describes our hearts as different types of soil. If yours feels hardened, let the Word and Holy Spirit soften it. See how Andrew’s changed heart posture deepened his relationship with God and transformed his life.
well welcome back to Andrew’s Classics
we are so excited you’re joining us as
we are doing this series assure
foundation and it’s already been
absolutely amazing just talking about
the word of God and how that truly is
our foundation for success in every area
of Our Lives you know and through
Andrew’s Classics you know Andrew’s been
talking about just his experiences with
the Lord and his growth in the word and
honestly you know our desire is that you
see what the
longevity of the word of God can produce
in our life and I believe as many of you
uh have been listening to Andrew for
years maybe your partners maybe you’ve
gone through Bible school or maybe you
are just now becoming a part of this
ministry we believe that this is going
to be a testimony of the process and the
the faithfulness that you and I can have
towards the word just like God has
faithfulness towards you and I every day
so this is powerful it’s really need to
see just some insights into how Andrew
has walked out his journey as well and
how we can apply that to our lives and
how God you know the the word says that
God is no respector of persons which
means that if it works in one person’s
life it’ll work in all of our lives and
you can see that in the life of Andrew
we can see that in the life of Paul we
can see that in the life of Jesus where
if we will make the word of God our
priority we will walk in the success
that the the that the word actually
guarantees through his promises it’s
just a matter of us taking the time
sewing the seed into our hearts
meditating on that seed watching it to
come to fruition and eventually bear
fruit in our lives and so I hope this
has really been um just inspiring to
each and every single one of you I know
it’s been inspiring to me just to talk
with Andrew and really been challenging
as well to know that God has so much in
store for us and the only limitations on
our lives are the ones that we place on
ourselves yeah and and and that’s not
just talking about gifts callings
that’s if you’re not putting the
richness of the word in if you’re not
putting the seed in there’s no Harvest
yep you know so we can’t expect to have
these fruitful Harvest filled Abundant
Life if there’s no seed simple as that
yeah grew up on the farm I grew up it’s
a powerful simple and Powerful
Revelation yeah so I grew up on the farm
and was constantly driving tractor
tighten seeds and you know doing all
that besides the mammoth Garden my
parents would do oh my gosh and they
still have and they still have you know
like an acre of like go weed the acre
kind of thing and you know just the
dynamic of watching what seed does and
what it produces and it produces after
its own kind and we had sections of of
even what we did whether it was weed or
alala or you know the different things
that we planted or the things in the
garden all the different varieties and
then we got we got fancy of all the
different types of corn and all the
different types of beans and all the
different types of squash right it
produces after its own kind so when we
look at the life of Jesus when we look
at the the the principles and the
characters of the word of God and that
is the life that you and I are designed
to live that’s the fruit that we’re
designed to be able to produce and so
we’re excited we have so much that we
want to share with you but we want you
to watch this clip of Andrew where we go
into even more uh as he’s talking about
this word and as we go into this clip
please be prepared please have a pen
please have have a piece of paper I
believe that the Lord’s going to be
speaking to us during this time and this
is so important that we come
anticipating that God’s going to speak
to our hearts yeah we need to write
these different things down because as
much as we think I will never forget
this Revelation sometimes we can get it
because again things are happening
around us all the time kids are coming
running in they’re looking they want to
be fed believe it or not they have
homework to do and so we get distracted
sometimes but God has great things in
store for you don’t allow any
circumstance to steal from you what the
word of God has promised for you so uh
just join us right now we’re going to
jump into this clip and then we’ll come
back and we’ll we’ll talk we’ll visit
with Andrew right
afterwards there are four different
types of ground spoken of in this
parable but the sentence or the the
subject of the sentence the subject of
the parable is the word of God being
like a seed we’ve already talked a lot
about that in the first type of soil
which is uh typical of men’s heart it’s
descriptive of man’s heart it says in
verse 15 it says these are they by the
wayside where the word is sown but when
they have heard Satan cometh immediately
and taketh away the word that was sown
in their hearts notice this um he’s
explaining the parable here and he makes
it very clear that this is talking about
the word of God being sown in their
heart in Matthew 13: 19 a parallel
passage it’s the same story just
recorded in Matthew’s gospel it says the
reason that Satan was able to steal the
word from this first group of people is
because they didn’t understand it we
spent a lot of time talking about that
then in verses 16 and 17 it describes
the second type of heart condition where
the word is sown and it says these are
they likewise which are sown on Stony
ground who when they have heard the word
immediately receive it with gladness and
have no root in themselves and so endure
but for a Time afterward when Affliction
or persecution ariseth for the word sake
immediately they are offended now I’ve
spent a number of days talking about
this verse 16 and 17 but I hope you all
will just indulge me because these are
two verses that God used to I mean
radically change my life I’ve given a
lot of examples about how that this I
mean this exact passage Mark
4:16-17 is one of the major turning
points of my life because there was a
period of time that I used to go listen
to other people Minister the word of God
and I would get excited I would come
back to my denominational church and I
would Minister those things for a period
of time and I mean for a week or two
just we we would see people’s lives
changed then I would come under intense
criticism they would begin to start
persecuting me and uh come against the
things that I was teaching and I would
continue to teach but I it just lost its
power then I’d go back to some of these
meetings I’d come back all fired up and
the Lord showed me that the reason that
it would only last for a while is
because I didn’t have any root in myself
just exactly as the Lord was describing
here and I find that there are a large
number of people in the body of Christ
that this is exactly where they are as a
matter of fact I don’t remember if I
said this but there’s four types of
ground listed here and I believe that
not only are these just four separate
types of people’s hearts but it’s a
progression that you go through the very
first time a person hears the word of
God our hearts are all naturally
hardened towards the things of God just
by neglect and the word of God has to
start penetrating the very first thing
that happens is our heart is just so
hardened at the first time it doesn’t
seem to penetrate us many of us have to
wait until we’re in a crisis situation
some kind of negative things where our
heart opens up and we’re looking for
answers before the word can penetrate
then the second step is that we get
excited about the word and we are
excited about the potential the
possibility that it has in our life but
when it starts costing us something when
people start criticizing us when you get
made fun of by family or friends or
people at work and things like this
there’s a lot of people that let go of
the word right then and the word word
never brings its full fruit to
manifestation then the third type of
person is a person who has made a
commitment they are going to let the
word take rooted root in their heart but
they just get occupied with the cares of
this life the deceitfulness of riches
and the lust of other things and that’s
the third type and then the fourth type
of person described in this
Parable is a person who brought fruit to
Perfection and we’ll be talking about
those other things so this second type
of person that we’re talking about here
I believe that this is a progression and
in my life there was a time that the
word of God just never even seemed to
penetrate me then there was this period
of time where I got excited about it I
could see these truths but because of
the criticism that was coming my way I
would be offended I wouldn’t necessarily
quit believing or quit speaking the
things that I was learning and that God
was showing me but I would lose my faith
my confidence in it and I would be more
gunshy31 are listening by radio right
now that this is exactly where you are
you may even be excited about the things
that you’re hearing me say right now but
are you going to be able to take this
and start applying your life to it start
seeing the word of God work in your life
and if you get criticism for it if
people criticize you because no longer
are you the football fanatic or no
longer are you the sports fanatic or the
soap oper fanatic or you’re beginning to
start changing in your priorities and
the word of God is becoming more
important to you than some of these
other things and if people criticize you
and make fun of you you used to go out
with the guys or the girls and all these
kind of things and then they they all of
a sudden now you are spending more time
with the Lord and in the word and you’re
going to church and people start
criticizing you are you going to be able
to stand against that I know that there
are some people right now who are
watching or listening to this program
who are embracing the things I’m saying
but are you willing to stand and even if
it cost you a friendship a
relationship see these are the kinds of
commitments that you’ve got to make and
if you aren’t willing to do that then
the word of God will not really have the
impact in your life that it’s supposed
to have one other thing I want to
mention about this second
type of person before we go on here is
that the Lord begin to show me that
getting a root system notice it says in
verse 17 it says they have no root in
themselves in other words they were
receiving their nourishment from someone
else but they didn’t have root in
themselves you know the power of God
lives on the inside of you you do not
have to always be going through another
person to reach God but if you are born
again God himself lives on the inside of
you and you can tap into that life but
it’s just like a seed it’s got to put
root down to be able to go down inside
the earth and bring out those minerals
and the water this is why that you see
trees that are planted along a stream or
an aquafer you’ll find out that they
flourish and grow bigger and better than
other things and it’s because their
roots are able to tap into that water
that’s the reason that a plant that’s uh
on Stony ground does not really bear
fruit is because it may grow at first
but it isn’t able to go down and tap
into any type of
nourishment all right so I really love
this this um portion that we’re doing
because you you really start getting
into Mark chapter 4 and you talk about
how this is the parable of Parables and
I think that’s really uh key what you
say there because if you don’t
understand this one you don’t understand
so much of the word of God so why how
when would when did you get a revelation
really of Mark well I had read those
verses before but you know Jamie and I
it is right after we got married it was
just maybe one or two months after we
got married
and we were still in the Baptist Church
and I was teaching and man I was being
ridiculed and throttled back and
threatened and all kinds of stuff and U
there was a lady who actually was my
like a spiritual mother to me she she
was uh 20 something years older than me
and had spoken into my life and she was
one of Jaime’s mentors too so she was
really important to both of us and she
she wasn’t like the others in the sense
that she disliked us and was mad at us
but she thought I was going a little bit
too far yeah and she was beginning to
put the breaks on us and criticize us
and so uh right after Jamie and I got
married we had some friends that had a
trailer house at one of the lakes lake
toak and we were there on a Saturday
night before Sunday and Sunday I was
going to be rebuked again I knew it was
coming and we anyway it’s a long story I
could go into more explanation but we
were reading Mark chapter 4 MH and it
talked about how that once the word was
sewn afflictions and persecutions come
and it keeps you get offended yeah and
the Lord showed me that offended doesn’t
mean you quit believing it you just lose
your enthusiasm you lose your confidence
in it and uh it’s because of afflictions
and persecutions and I didn’t have any
root in myself and anyway it’s a longer
story than that but when I saw that
Jamie and I prayed that night and said
from now
on uh God’s word is going to dominate us
and we don’t care who or what or
anything that comes against us they are
not going to steal the word of God from
us that that really was a key moment
because I know you referenced that that
was Major yeah quite a few times uh
throughout even uh later on in the
series here and even prior to this as
well that I mean and to me when you
shared about What offense actually is
and what offense actually does most
people look at offense and they say oh
it’s when you’re at mad at somebody else
or when you’re going to you’re going to
hold a grudge against somebody else it’s
really not it’s it’s what impacts you is
yeah an Old Testament scripture that
parallels this is where he told Joshua
Don’t Be Afraid or
dismayed and most people don’t know what
dismayed means but the word dismayed
means to lose your enthusiasm your
confidence or it would be the equivalent
of being offended wow and so it’s not
just enough to be a you know you know
may not be afraid but if you’re dismayed
you’ve lost your confidence and it’s
just to a lesser degree and it will keep
you from bearing fruit well it’s it’s
that’s powerful because then going back
to what we were talking about with um
with John the Baptist um and you
referred to him before it’s like the
aspect of you know don’t be offended of
this so well then let me ask this
because in this story you talk about um
and in the clip you talk about how you
just you guys cut it off that’s it okay
and you said you know at that time
that’s where you were in your
understanding in your maturity and maybe
you would have done it different today
which I think that’s awesome because you
well let me just add to this before you
get to that point that the very next day
after we made that decision we went to
church and after church we went over to
some people’s house and this lady got
Jamie and took her up into an upper
bedroom and said he’s going off the deep
end you’re the only one that can stop
him and she leaned on Jamie and Jamie
said I agree with him and we walked out
of that house and out of that church and
didn’t see those people for 12 years wow
and they were really close to us and
again maybe we could have done better
but you know and it was just a crisis
situation and well you you emphasiz that
you know it was about the commitment to
the word that that’s what you were
standing for and maybe again like you
said maybe doing it different or not you
said at the time it was about defending
the word and then you challenge people
said not a lot of you would be willing
to make such a radical decision about
the word because you place other things
as more importance let me give you
another illustration people hate me for
saying this but again it’s just my
testimony it’s the way it is I can’t
help it and I probably could have done
it better but my mother was she was
having thyroid problems and she was one
night why doesn’t God healed me and she
pressed right here and says I feel this
all and she and I stayed up until two
2:00 in the morning talking to her and
anyway she got totally healed of her
thyroid problems so she was excited and
I saw on her calendar she wrote from now
on I’m not being sick I’m walking in
health and then about a month after she
made that decision she was going down to
visit my aunt and I told her I said now
this Aunt every time you go all you do
is talk about who died who’s got this
cancer what divorce has happen all you
do is visit about all the bad stuff and
I said
do that you can’t do it even though she
said but she helped raise me and I said
you can do it nice but you just got to
stand anyway she went down to see my
aunt she couldn’t stand she she just
felt like it was disrespectful and sure
enough she came back with a cold and we
were going on a vacation and so she says
I can’t go I’ve got a cold I’ll give
Joshua we only had our oldest son at
that time and he was one-year-old and
I’ll give him a cold and I said he’ll be
fine he’s going to be okay so anyway we
went and then she she just gried and she
was really condemned because she had
tried to take a stand and it didn’t work
and so she was really condemned and she
was negative and complaining about
everything and the very first night we
stopped in a hotel and we were all in
one room Jamie and I were in one bed she
was in another bed and we had a crib
that they brought in for Joshua and I
mean in the middle of the night he woke
up with this cro that was so loud it it
would wake everybody up so I got up and
I prayed over him and prayed in tongues
and in a few minutes he was back to
sleep and this guy this happened every
10 or 15 minutes for three or four hours
yeah and it was 2:00 or 3: in the
morning and I it was dark and I was
headed back to bed and right as I was
about to get back in bed she said admit
it Andy he’s
sick and uh I got right down in her face
and I said Satan in the name of Jesus I
rebuke you you are’t cursing my child
and I said we’re healed by the stripes
Jesus and I you know it was the same
thing that Jesus did with Peter about
get behind me Satan I wasn’t really
talking her but the devil was trying to
speak to her through her to me and
anyway I did that and guess what Josh
never woke up another time during the
night he was totally fine and for 4 days
on a vacation she never spoke to me wow
I can’t imagine why did you chalk that
up to a good vacation or a bad vacation
and then finally she says I’m sorry you
think I’m the devil and I said mother I
don’t think you’re the devil but that
was the devil speaking through you and I
wasn’t going to give him place and
anyway we got over it and we had a great
relationship and again I probably could
have done that a lot better than I did
but I but the point is you can’t let
anybody or anything come against you
when Jesus spoke to Peter he didn’t hate
Peter no but he was he was human he was
tempted in all points like as we are and
for here somebody say you don’t have to
die there’s some other way to accomplish
that’s basically what the Satan offered
him was a different way of accomplishing
and he recognized that his faith was
being CH challenged and he turned around
and gave No Quarter to it amen you look
at you look at Mark chapter 4 and you
really delved into this in just terms of
talking about the different types of
ground of course starting off with the
very first type of ground where people
don’t understand it so the Devil comes
immediately try to steal it steal that
word away and so you were just standing
on the word that you had already had a
revelation on so that’s powerful and
then also in this clip utad talked about
how each one of those four types of
ground mentioned in Mark chapter 4 were
it’s also a progression of people’s
hearts in terms of how they grow in
their relationship with God yeah I
thought that was really powerful you
talked about that so progression is that
what you’ve experienced in your life as
well where you you progress to that
nobody start off being fruitful ground
all of us have had our hearts hardened
through to sin we’re insensitive to God
and so the first type of person is a
person who really doesn’t have a heart
for God Isn’t seeking God and so they
hear the word but it lays on the surface
Satan takes it the second person is a
person who gets excited about it which
is the next step but they don’t get
rooted and grounded they just want to
immediately see this fruit and if they
don’t see everything work out instantly
then they get offended the third type is
where I believe I still deal with this
and that is where the word is sown it is
producing fruit but the Affliction the
cares of this life the uh cares of this
world and the deceitfulness of riches
lust in I come enter in and it chokes it
and and so it’s being busy yeah we were
talking about this that you can get busy
not just with bad things but even
Ministry things and you can become so
busy that you don’t have time to to
nurture that seed and keep it in your
heart and so it’s a progress
and the fourth type of soil is the only
one that produced and so nobody jumps
from the first soil to the fourth soil
immediately you have to prepare your
heart that’s really that’s really good
so can somebody well and maybe this is
we’ll actually save this question
because I know you’re going to continue
to talk about this but um we’re going to
watch a new clip where we’re can
continue to talk about Mark chapter 4
and go deeper into that and then we’ll
be right
back so today I want to begin to start
teaching out of Mark chap 4 I taught a
parable in Mark 4:26 through 29 on our
programs last week but this week I want
to start teaching about the parable of
the sewer sowing the seed Jesus taught
this Parable first in the first part of
Mark chapter 4 and he just talked about
a man who took seed this isn’t like the
way we plant seed today where you dig a
Furrow and you space your seed this is
talking about a person who just had a
bag of seed uh and he would broadcast
cast it just throw it like this and he
threw it everywhere and it landed on
four different types of soil the first
type of soil was where it people had
been walking it was like a path and the
dirt was packed so uh you know uh strong
it was so compacted that the seed never
penetrated the ground and so the birds
just came and ate the seed off the
ground the second type of ground that it
fell upon was where there was some
opportunity for the seed to get into the
but there it was rocky soil and it was
so much rock that there was no depth for
the seed and so the seed produced a
little bit of growth but it didn’t bring
fruit because it just didn’t have the
root system to be able to sustain it the
third type of ground that it fell upon
was where there was a depth of Earth it
could put down Roots but there was also
thorns and there were weeds and things
that choked the nourishment from the
soil and depleted it and because of it
no fruit grew to Perfection and then
there was a fourth type of soil and this
soil was soil that was good soil it had
room for growth there wasn’t the weeds
and things like this and because of it
the seed produced 30 60 and 100 fold and
so that was the parable that Jesus gave
after Jesus had given the parable his
disciples came unto him and look at this
in Mark 4:9 and he said unto them he
that hath ears to hear Let Him hear and
in verse 10 is when his disciples came
to him and and it says when he was alone
they that were about him with the 12
asked him of the parable and he said
unto them unto you it is given to know
the mysteries of the kingdom of God but
unto them that are without all these
things are done in Parables that seeing
they may see and not perceive and
hearing they may hear and not understand
lest at any time they should be
converted and their sins should be
forgiven them now there’s a lot I could
say about this but basically he’s saying
that you have an anointing through the
Holy Spirit to understand these words
the holy spirit is one that inspired the
Bible and when you receive the baptism
of the Holy Spirit he will give you
revelation of his word I could teach on
this for days but when I received the
baptism of the Holy Spirit I did speak
in tongues and that’s important and I
talk about that lot but did you know the
greatest difference in my life that the
baptism of the Holy Spirit made was that
the word of God came alive prior to that
time I would read it and it was like uh
any other book you might get something
out of it but it was kind of dry but
when I received the baptism of the Holy
Spirit I could not open the Bible and
read it without God speaking to me the
holy spirit is the one who Moved people
they were moved by the holy H Spirit and
the Holy Spirit inspired these words
they are God breath so the author the
Holy Spirit when you receive him the
number one thing that happened in my
life the word of God just came alive
every time I would read the Bible God
would just shout at me I was receiving
Revelation and it’s like this 50 years
later I’m still receiving it’s awesome
so anyway what he’s saying is that the
word of God isn’t hidden from us it’s
hidden for us you need the baptism of
the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit
quickening the word to you and God has
spoken he spoke through these Parables
but to anybody who has the Holy Spirit
he will explain these things is what
he’s saying and then he said this in
verse 13 and this is really important he
said unto them know ye not this Parable
and how then will you know all
Parables what this does is place an
importance on this parable of the S
sowing the seed as like the uh key to
understanding all of The Parables that
Jesus taught boy that is a big statement
right there did you know I haven’t got
time to prove this to you but again if
you were to get my living commentary one
of the things we do in there is arrange
the four gospels in chronological order
not just where you read through Matthew
and then Mark and then Luke and then
John but you go and you see the
chronological order of events and that’s
important because if you take all four
of the gospels and put them together
Jesus actually taught 13 parables in
this one day this is the most
information in one day of Jesus teaching
that we have recorded in the Bible you
can’t get that by just reading Mark
alone you have to go through all of this
but he taught all of these Parables 13
in one day and of course there were
other Parables that he gave at different
times and the key to understanding all
of these parables and the lessons that
Jesus was teaching through them is
understanding this parable of the S
sewing the sea now that places an
importance on understanding this Parable
that lifts it elevates it to a position
that man we need to know this and I can
truthfully say that since it was
1972 I think when I begin to really
start getting a revelation of this
Parable and I can say that this Parable
has become a like a foundation to so
many things I refer to this and to the
principles that God taught me through
this Parable I refer to these things
nearly on a daily basis I would dare to
say that probably every day of my life
for the P past um whatever that’s been
40 something years this has become just
a foundation thing so if if the parable
of the sewer sowing the seed here is not
one of the things that is foundational
in your life if you don’t feel like God
has spoken to you through this Parable
then I can say based on what Jesus said
then you aren’t getting what’s in all of
the rest of these Parables you’ve got to
understand this before you understand
other things this is
foundational this this is important some
of you may just be flipping through your
dial and you may have just happened upon
this program and you’re just listening
for a second I’m telling you this is
something that you need to get and it’s
you aren’t going to get it all I can’t
tell you everything that the Lord has
shown me over the last 40 something
years through this Parable in one 30
minute program that’s the reason that
I’ve got these materials that’s the
reason we archive these programs on our
website you can go there and see them
but you need to study this this needs to
become Foundation to you because this is
like the Rosetta Stone to the kingdom of
God you know to today they have this uh
uh language program called the Rosetta
Stone and and especially a lot of
younger people may when you say
rosettastone you think of this um this
language program that they put out to
help you learn other languages but if
you go back in history what the Rosetta
Stone was people had discovered a huge
amount of Egyptian artifacts but
everything was in hieroglyphics and
nobody could break the hieroglyphic iics
and finally the thing the key that
opened this whole thing up they found a
Rosetta Stone and it was a stone and I
may get this wrong some I’ve had people
correct me but there were three
languages on there two of them were
known languages and the third one was
hieroglyphics and it was the exact same
thing written in these three different
languages since two of the languages
were known well then what they had to do
was just go take this and use it to
interpret hieroglyphics and so the
Rosetta Stone is the key that unlocked
all of the hieroglyphics and all of the
uh understanding the knowledge about the
Egyptian uh culture because somebody was
able to finally speak uh and understand
these hieroglyphics and so what I’m
saying is that this parable of the sewer
sewing the seed is like that Rosetta
Stone this is the key to unlocking the
word word of God for you all of The
Parables of God that’s what Jesus said
right here in Mark 4:13 he said unto
them know ye not this Parable and how
then will you know all Parables if you
can’t understand the truths in this
Parable you can’t understand any of the
rest of them this is
foundational man that’s big I just pray
that you understand how important things
I’m sharing with you this is the key to
unlocking the word of God for you so
here is is Jesus interpretation of this
Parable in verse 14 he says the swer
Seth the word now this is huge and I’ve
made a big point out of this last week
when I was teaching from Mark
426 through 29 and I was saying that the
word of God is to the kingdom of God the
way that seeds are to this natural world
everything in this natural world is
based off of seeds every plant every
grass all of the animals and you and I
our bodies were made from seeds you
can’t have life without seeds that’s the
way that God created this
world and the kingdom of God also
operates off of seeds but the seed is
the word of God the swer Seth the word
and I believe it’s very significant that
God chose a godm system instead of a
human-made system you know I may have
taught on this earlier in this series
but it Bears repeating that if God had
made a human system like say for
instance school I have a Bible school
and you know in Bible school we give
tests and you have to pass these tests
in order to be promoted and to stay in
school we want to make sure that people
just aren’t warming a seat but that
they’re getting something so you have
test but did you know that this is a
man-made system
because you can cheat on test you can
look on your neighbor deal you cannot
really pay attention in class and yet
the night before a test you can cram for
a test I bet you that most of the people
watching this sometime or another did
this I did when I was in high school I
really wasn’t paying attention in class
but the night before a test I’d go back
and I’d stay up nearly all night long
reviewing and I would put this
information in my shortterm memory but
it wasn’t in my long-term memory and
today if I was to go back I probably
couldn’t pass the same test that I
passed back 50 years ago because I
didn’t really learn it I cheated I beat
the system you can cram for a test but
you can’t cram for a
harvest you can’t wait until the night
before a harvest and go out and plant
your seed and say well I I was busy
doing other things but you know what I
know Harvest is tomorrow and so I’m
going to go out and plant my seed it
doesn’t work that way I actually had a
man who who did that in one of the
places where I ministered this guy got
born again and I mean he had been the
worst sinner in the entire County
everybody knew this man but when he got
born again he got so on fire for God
that he was busy with the Full Gospel
BisMan circuit he was traveling and
giving his testimony and he just didn’t
have time to plant his crops the way
that he normally did so instead of
planting his wheat when he should have
he waited until just I don’t know a week
or two or maybe a month before weed
Harvest and he went and borrowed
$500,000 to plant I forgot how many
acres it was it wasn’t counted in acres
it was counted in sections there’s 640
acres in a section and he planted
multiple sections of wheat just with one
month to go before the wheed Harvest and
his Harvest his seed didn’t come up and
now he was in financial problems cuz he
borrowed this money to plant the seed
against the Harvest and his seed didn’t
come up and he came to me and he was
upset and he says why didn’t this work I
was out doing God’s business I was
giving my testimony and he says God
should have you know made this wheat
come up and I told him that no the Bible
teaches that there’s seed th and harvest
you can’t cram for a harvest you can’t
miss the time to plant your seed and
then just plant it the night
before everybody else is harvesting
their seed it doesn’t work that way
there are laws that govern How seed time
and harvest works and I think that in
the natural realm everybody understands
that but in the spiritual realm there
are people that constantly are trying to
get a harvest without planting the seed
or they wait until a crisis and they are
staring I mean absolute disaster in the
face and so the night before four it
looks like everything’s going to fall
apart you are staying up and you’re
praying and you’re fasting and you’re
calling the prayer chain and you’re
doing all of this you’re trying to cram
for a harvest that’s not how it
works I love H in that one you continue
to go down deeper into these four levels
and what you were talking about but you
really emphasize the work of the holy
spirit in partnership with the soil of
our hearts so you shared about you
receiving the Holy Spirit how how has
that continued and what would you say to
those who don’t have the Holy Spirit
they need to get it get him but you know
um when I receive the baptism of the
Holy Spirit we’ll often say that the
baptism of the holy spirit is
accompanied by speaking in tongues some
people even say that that is the proof
that you’ve got it I think it’s a proof
yeah but uh I I don’t emphasize it that
much but speaking in tongues is nearly
always emphasized and associated with uh
receiving the Holy Spirit and I agree
with that but for me the number one
thing that changed when I received the
Holy Spirit is that the Bible just came
alive yeah now prior to that I have read
the Bible every day of my life since I
was old enough to read yeah I
remember going to a rodeo one night and
I must have been like six or seven or
something like that and my dad car I
fell asleep in the car coming
home and he carried me to bed and put me
in bed and I remember waking up and
thinking I hadn’t read my Bible yet and
I got up and read my Bible before I go
to sleep I at 6 or S I could not go to
sleep without reading my Bible so I’ve
read the Bible every day of my life but
when I received the baptism of the Holy
Spirit it wasn’t just words it became
alive just like Hebrews 4:12 the word of
God is quick alive and Powerful and I
mean the word it just like after I
received the baptism of the Holy Spirit
I would open up the Bible and I couldn’t
read a verse without God just shaking me
I mean it would shake me to my core and
I’d think I’ve never seen this before
that’s awesome and I know I’d read those
verses before yeah you know I know I
read in Acts chapter 3 about the man who
was healed at the Gate of the temple and
I’d read that but every time the Baptist
talked about it they didn’t believe that
God healed today so they all always said
we were all like spiritual cripples and
we were crippled emotionally and in our
relationships and Jes and and anyway
they just put a spin on it and I
remember the first time I read Acts
chapter 3 after the baptism of the Holy
Spirit and I nearly got up and shouted
he was healed physically not spiritually
or emotionally he was healed Jesus
healed him through Peter and I got to I
was just so excited about that I mean
the word of God came alive so a person
that doesn’t have the baptism of the
Holy Spirit if they are just reading it
and thinking boy this is boring and I’m
just doing it because Andrew says you
got to do it you need the baptism of the
Holy Spirit Well I mean even think about
the the role of the Holy Spirit I mean
he’s the one who’s supposed to be our
teacher and our counselor and our
comforter it says he’s the spirit of
Truth revealing the things of God
bringing things back to our remembrance
amen that’s when that relationship with
the word so then as you’re going about
your day even though you don’t have the
open all 24 hours the holy spirit’s the
one bringing it back to remembrance so
it gets into that meditation you were
talking about CU then you think upon it
he’s the one that wrote it amen and so
if your heart’s open and you say father
what are you saying man the Holy Spirit
if you will if you’ll receive the Holy
Spirit he’ll just tell you what it says
and once it becomes
alive uh there’s nothing like that you
know I’ve seen my wife and my son raised
from the dead and I’ve been blessed to
see many people healed and lives changed
and I’ve seen God do a lot of things and
if somebody was to ask me what’s the
greatest thing that you’ve ever
experienced from the Lord I’d say it’s
when the word of God Comes Alive amen
and some people don’t relate to that but
that’s because they’ve never had the
word of God really come alive to him but
like Jeremiah he says it’s like fire in
my bones I couldn’t forbear I had to
speak and the disciples on the road to a
us they said the same thing did not our
hearts burn within us and if you’ve
never had the word of God God just come
alive and I mean God Almighty speak to
you through words that are on a page
it’s it’s the greatest experience I
think I’ve ever had so looking at the
role of the holy spirit in in um in
correlation with what you shared before
as far as even each one of those
different types of ground being a
progression as well not just a heart but
a progression of our
hearts how important and integral do you
feel that the holy spirit is is in
walking a person through that process of
growth and transformation wow it’s it’s
imperative you can’t do anything without
the Holy Spirit you know Zechariah 46 I
believe it is says not by might nor by
power but by my spirit says the Lord
look at it this way Jesus didn’t do any
Miracles he didn’t Minister he didn’t do
anything until the Holy Spirit came upon
him and he started his ministry if Jesus
couldn’t or wouldn’t Minister without
the Holy Spirit who do we think we are
well and even after
death and Resurrection defeating hell
sin in the
grave showing himself tells the
disciples don’t go out that’s right
until you’ve been endued with power even
to a point where he says it’s good that
I go away because then the holy spirit
that comfor yeah it’s better I mean your
advantage what what an incredible
statement Jesus saying it’s good that
I’m leaving because this this comfort
and most people don’t share that belief
because we don’t really appreciate the
Holy Spirit most people would rather
have the physical presence of Jesus
because we’ve read about what he’s done
but they but the Holy Spirit Works
through people and behind the scenes
he’s not as obvious but Jesus said it’s
actually better to have the Holy Spirit
so we just don’t appreciate him the way
we should and I think this is a really
important lesson because I believe
there’s some people that are
Spirit-filled and they read their Bible
but in their brains and their hearts
they’re twoo separate things like I got
yeah I speak in tongues over here and
that’s one part of my life and I read my
Bible my three chapters over here but
they haven’t brought it together they
haven’t allowed even or invited the Holy
Spirit to teach them and to like they
don’t understand that that huge portion
well again faith comes by hearing and
hearing by the word of God and if you
haven’t been taught about the Holy
Spirit and if you don’t expect anything
he’s not going to force himself upon you
God does not do things without us
believing you in a sense have to reach
out and take what God has given you he
spoon feed you he doesn’t put it
intravenously into you yeah and so if
you haven’t been taught about the Holy
Spirit if you’re expectations or nothing
you’ll get nothing yeah so you know this
is one of the things that back during
the charismatic move when I really got
the baptism of the Holy Spirit you never
ever ever ever went to a service that
you didn’t hear about the Holy Spirit
and even in the churches that didn’t
believe in the baptism of the Holy
Spirit they were preaching against it
regularly but it was the whole Holy
Spirit was the focus and because of it
there were Miracles taking place and
things like that because people were
open to it but today people are not
expecting much because it’s not talked
about in fact you can go into churches
and even at many of the conferences here
the first night you’re always making
call to the Baptist Holy Spirit and
there’s always dozens and dozens of
people that might have even been
listening or or been acquainted with the
ministry for years but it’s like that
call telling him you need this it’s
important that people respond I remember
going to a friend’s church that had
nearly 2,000 people in his church and I
bet you when I gave an invitation for
the baptism he must had 300 people come
forward wow and so they believed in it
and they would talk about it but people
just I don’t know not even spirit filled
churches aren’t emphasizing the baptism
of the Holy Spirit as much as they
should I really like how you even
correlated that with um the seed time
and harvest how you talked about how
there needs to be time in the process of
your growth in your relationship with
the Holy Spirit your relationship with
the word and how sometimes we wait for a
crisis to really go to the word and look
for deliverance from the Lord and we
pray all these prayers but it takes time
for us to get that seed in our in our
hearts and to really grow I think the
example that you used was a a person who
planted uh wheat a month before Harvest
time so I’m sitting car’s we’re sitting
there listening to it and car’s car’s
getting S I could tell she’s getting
frustrated because Sheed it and I was
like okay so here’s the deal she com
from a farming back okay I’m like no
Banker in their right mind would have
given him $500,000 knowing the season
and the time no Banker would have done
that so he I said what about that story
is probably even more crazy he borrowed
it probably from Friends well I don’t
know he could have hawked his land you
know put a mortgage against I don’t know
how he did it I was just it riled me up
I’m like man our Banker never gave us
and did you know he slded
sections a section is 640 acres that’s
no small thing no I know I’ve planted
sections before and it’s a lot a whole
section yeah I’ve it’s yeah you’re all
day on the tractor oh yeah all day that
is a lot of work but really I mean
there’s there’s a process that has to
happen is to see the time in the Harvest
there has to be that whole process and
if we have not taken that time to put
the word in and really concentrate and
meditate on the word and you and ask the
holy spirit for Revelation then when
difficult time comes we’re going to find
ourselves disarmed
yeah you know the holy spirit in John
14:15 and 16 is called the hel helper y
the comforter I think four times yeah
and he Jesus said I’m not going to leave
you comfortless I’m going to leave a
comforter with you and then he talked
about he will show you things to come
and he will bring back to your
remembrance what I’ve spoken yeah the
holy spirit is absolutely essential to
not only growth but even maintaining
what you have as a Christian and yet so
few Christians yeah really focus on the
Holy Spirit and this is why speaking in
tongues is so important is because it’s
one thing to just say all right I’m
thinking about the Holy Spirit I’m
meditating or something but when you
speak in tongues you are saying words
that you don’t have a clue what you’re
saying and your natural mind yeah wants
to shut it off and go to doing something
that is real instead of this make
believe stuff it takes Faith to speak in
tongues and Faith to say father I
believe this is the holy spirit that’s
inspired and it just focuses your
attention it’s like flipping a switch
that just automatically turns on the
power of the Holy Spirit and
Supernatural things begin to happen when
you pray in tongues well I’m just
thinking as you’re as you’re speaking
there just the aspect of when a person
first hears the word in order for them
to really get past not understanding the
they need a counselor and that’s the
holy spirit so that brings them to the
next phases of of really building roots
and getting past the the thorns and
being able to uproot those and that that
takes patience that takes the Holy
Spirit and bearing fruit is going to
take the holy spirit so he’s essential Y
no matter what part of life that you’re
walking in he is absolutely essential to
see that growth of the word of God we
had Richard Roberts with us not too long
ago and we were talking in the green
room and we were talking about speaking
in tongues and he said his dad Oral
Roberts said he he didn’t even know how
to pray until he prayed in tongues he
always prayed in tongues first before he
would pray in English there is a place
for pray in English but I mean really
that’s how dependent upon the holy
spirit he was that he wouldn’t even try
and express himself until he had prayed
in tongues let the Holy Spirit Inspire
him do you make that a point in your
life Andrew where you’re focus on
speaking in tongues and and just just
different I know it’s different seasons
it’s different time frames but are you
intentional about I speak in tongues a
lot I couldn’t even tell you I would
imagine that nearly anytime I pray I
pray in tongues at least some but then
there are sometimes that I just know
that I need to encourage myself and the
Bible says you build up yourself on your
Most Holy Faith praying in the Holy
Ghost and so there’s times that I’ll
pray in tongues an hour two hours I
prayed in tongues one time 17 hours
without stopping because I was fighting
for a guy’s life and uh so I pray in
tongues a lot like Paul I pray in
tongues more than
y’all one of the things I love in this
uh episode as well you talk about you
can’t cram for a harvest in the kingdom
of God that’s a great demon yeah cuz
you’re talking about the whole sea time
and harvest just like there’s a natural
process and sometimes you can cheat a
natural process but spiritually you
can’t and so what would you say to those
that are are again they’re wanting this
end result so fast that they’re just
they’re not willing to take the time
they are you aren’t going to walk in
consistent Victory you know no blind
squirrel catch a nut every once in a
while but I mean you aren’t going to
walk in the victory that Jesus want you
to have if you wait until a crisis and
then you go to seeking the Lord you’re
going to have to get to where you live
by faith you don’t visit there you don’t
vacation there this is where you live
and um again that’s the reason that so
few people experience all of the
blessings that God has for us is because
they’re on and off again it’s like
dieting some people will diet and go to
extremes to lose weight and then as soon
as they lose weight they go back to
eating the way they did before they gain
it all back yeah it needs to be a
lifestyle yeah but this really this
really and you said this this really is
a law of God and if we take that to
heart right now in times what whatever
season we’re in right now if we’ll sew
the word if we’ll meditate on the word
if we’ll have the Holy Spirit to to to
bring it back to our remembrance then we
can be prepared for anything that
happens in the future yeah well we talk
about seed time and harvest and some
people get stuck on the time I don’t
want to wait so long but it’s a law seed
time and then Harvest is inevitable
if you keep that seed planted and that’s
what you need to focus on is not on the
time it takes but on the results that’s
coming well and for a lot of people you
know seed time and harvest they’re
seeing seed time as one word and it’s
actually seed time and harvest so it’s
actually three words but people say oh
seed time and harvest and so they just
think that I just plant the seed and
there it’s done and then I have a
harvest but the seed comma time comma
harest seed joce Myers says seed time
well thank you this is awesome we’re
going to continue in more episodes of
Aur foundation so thank you Andrew for
sharing this with
us well Andrew said some powerful things
with this whole lesson we talked about
Mark chapter 4 the types of soil the
conditions of our hearts and I think
there uh are so many people that are
even watching at this moment that you’ve
you are experiencing seeing some of
these same things and you’re saying oh
yep I can identify with that area of my
heart so well even Andrew jumping in
talking about the Holy Spirit I thought
that was really significant just in in
terms of the difference that it made in
his relationship with the word oh yeah
as well as the difference it’s made in
so many different people’s lives and I I
just always it’s always amazing to me
even after 56 years in Ministry whenever
he talks about the Holy Spirit and the
word coming alive through the revelation
of the Holy Spirit how excited that he
gets about that I mean really that’s
that being one of the major major things
in his life that the Holy Spirit has
done for him and I think that that
really is an example to all of us to
really trust in the holy spirit that
he’s going to bring forth the word of
God and make it come alive in our lives
well and I think that as we’re listening
each of us can be like well how do I
change yeah my heart how do I if if my
heart is this soil and it’s
key to the seed right it’s still seed
and praise God even when you got a hard
heart like he said just just let the
word of God he said this in the first
clip just let the word of God start to
penetrate your heart because sometimes I
think people will start off in the word
and they’re like I don’t see any massive
change right away like it’s not working
no you’ve got to like soften it it’s
like hard soil you got to you got to put
some water on it and you got to right
you got you’re loosening it up that’s
what God is doing when you’re spending
time in the word but when I think about
for all of us in the condition of our
hearts and Andrew even talked about that
third type of of soil where the cares
and the distractions of this world
that’s that’s even the good stuff right
that’s not even the bad stuff that’s
just the good stuff what I love is that
the holy spirit is the key the holy
spirit is the one who can help us with
the condition of our hearts I don’t know
how many times I’ve asked the Holy
Spirit Holy Spirit could you remind me
today of of of the word could you could
you bring this back to my remembrance
um could you remind me to pray in the
spirit today I’m always asking the Holy
Spirit like he’s my like virtual like
virtual assistant I remember before we
got married how you used to talk about
my husband the Holy Spirit and that was
that was always the conversation I I
said okay I guess I have competition now
I’m just joking my second husband yeah
but uh but the reality is the holy
spirit I mean what he does for us you
know Andrew even references this in
terms of John 14 through 6 16 how he is
our comforter he’s our counselor he
brings back to to our remembrance the
words that Jesus spoke how integral he
is into our in our lives to really spur
on the growth that the word can cause in
our lives and cause us to walk in that
victory that Jesus has already provided
for us so it’s such a key part and I
believe that it’s underemphasized in the
body of Christ so often so I really want
to encourage you you know go back and
listen to this lesson again where Andrew
shared about the changes that happened
in his life you’ll see how it matches up
with his experience with the Holy Spirit
and how that word has come alive and
really inspired him to grow grow faster
grow further to to Really experience the
Lord in a different way through his word
and the where the word would actually
come alive and Revelation was spring
forth yeah and I think that when we are
talking about the the sure Foundation of
God’s word I love that we are delving
into Mark chapter 4 the four types of
the soil and he actually talks about
that this is key the the kingdom
understanding of all the other Parables
and if you’re sitting there listening
and like well I still don’t understand
this wait a minute what about that this
is why we are going through this is why
we’re breaking it down we’re camping on
asking Andrew these questions so that
you can continue to understand what this
actually looks like and Andrew has said
it over and over again throughout this
series just you know it’s not about
someone else’s Revelation it’s about you
having that understanding CU if you
don’t have the understanding personally
then the enemy going to try to steal
that away so you have a root within
yourself that the word of God is planted
and so I’m excited that for the things
that Andrew is sharing and challenging
us on and then encouraging us that there
is a process you don’t have to be Andrew
walck overnight you have to be the
person that’s pursuing and building
relationship with the word of God with
the leadership of the Holy Spirit that’s
what’s going to help you be able to
fulfill the calls and destinies and have
the victory you were destined to have
because of Christ you know Andrew said
this um he said Harvest is inevitable if
you focus on taking the truth taking the
time to plant the word of God in your
heart I’ll tell you something if we’ll
just make that our priority all the
dreams and all the things that we have
in our heart to accomplish I believe
that it’ll be a natural fruit in our
lives you know um when we talk about um
the things um you know I really want to
invite you that especially as we talk
today about the Holy Spirit maybe there
are some of you that haven never
received the Holy Spirit with the
evidence of speaking in tongues you are
missing out on so much power and just
what that could actually mean in
revolutionizing your relationship with
the word of God so can you please call
our prayer line here at Andrew
Ministries in Caris Bible College all of
our prayer line um ministers 24 hours a
day 7 days a week they’re ready to
interact to pray with you uh to receive
the Holy Spirit and they’re going to be
able to walk through you with that and
give you resources on that so we would
definitely encourage you call today
because you’re ready God’s ready to
really start teaching you in a whole
other way and for those that have
already got the Holy Spirit maybe you
haven’t activated that into your
relationship with the word of God or you
have the Holy Spirit but you haven’t
been in the word I can guarantee the
Holy Spirit as your teacher is wanting
to teach you also if you’d like more
information on this topic of aure
foundation please let us know reach out
to the the prayer line as well give us a
call and you’ll be able to talk with one
of our prayer ministers they’ll be able
to give you more insight on other
materials as well that’ll be a blessing
to you but this book on sh Foundation is
will be a tremendous blessing I promise
you as well as uh um it’ll be available
to you for a donation of any amount so
we encourage you to please reach out if
you need prayer our prayer ministers are
standing by they’re there 24 hours a day
7 a week I promise you they will be a
blessing to you and I’ll just say this
you know um we can go through these
segments together but God is wanting to
truly bring you understanding so I’m
excited that you’re making this
investment please join us again as we
continue to study with Andrew on this
topic of a share Foundation