Jamie Grace is joined by her sister Morgan Harper Nichols for Part 2 of God Girl. Morgan is also a storyteller, musician, artist & entrepreneur that is passionate about Jesus and others coming to know him. Morgan is the founder of Good Stuff Media Group, a niche media and consulting group based out of Dallas, TX. Jamie Grace is joined by her sister Morgan Harper Nichols for Part 2 of God Girl. Morgan is also a storyteller, musician, artist & entrepreneur that is passionate about Jesus and others coming to know him. Morgan is the founder of Good Stuff Media Group, a niche media and consulting group based out of Dallas, TX.

hey there welcome welcome I’m so glad

that you’re here

delighted to share this time with you

because we’re going to be having a

conversation that I hope you’ll enjoy

I am Priscilla and this is the chat I’m

so glad you’re joining me pull up a


enjoy we’re going to be talking to a

personality whose ministry whose

songwriting whose music has gone

literally around the world she is a

delight to know I cannot wait to sit

down and chat for her and with you stay


hey there welcome I’m Priscilla I’m so

glad that you’re joining me this is the

chat you’ve kind of stumbled into our

little living room here where we just

kind of hang out and talk about some

things that we hope will be fun for you

to listen to but also will challenge you

or excite you in some way and form you

maybe about something that we want you

to know about today we’re just having a

whole lot of fun this is part two of a

conversation we’ve already been having

so if you have not tuned in to part one

of this one you’re going to want to go

back and see it because it cracked me up

let me tell you but this is part two of

a conversation we have already been

having with the beautiful Jamie Grace

who is here but we’re adding someone to

the conversation Jamie why you a tracer

oh my goodness do I get – yes yes – okay

while she is my guitar teacher she’s my

best friend and she feeds me so I love

her so much

my big sister Morgan Harper Nichols got

to be here y’all are hugging each other

like y’all don’t see each other all the


don’t ya don’t really know it’s like I’m

going right now where I’ve like the

huggy person that she is she was being

sweet I mean she’s always sweet but I

heard she’s the initiator of the hug yes

I didn’t love her but you don’t you

don’t need all that yeah I mean I think

we have a good relationship and yeah if

hugging is a part of it then all right

like no hurt all the time it’s the my

little sisters okay I gave it away so

she’s a little sis you’re the oldest yes

oh yeah I know

yeah she’s older sorry I won’t laugh

we’re limited on time she’s healing

ideas I’m the oldest but um he was the

bigger character I feel like I know the

answer Morgan has more personality you

see those lips hole right yeah crazy

hovering all the energy yeah I have no

idea what’s happening

tell me about it welcome to my life

no she’s so she’s so normal she and our

dad are all kinds of normal my mom and I

are nuts

sorry heart is that weighted yeah this

balance is amazing but that was – that’s

true yes how are you like your dad how

is she like your mom

well um you can’t uh yeah how am I like

him whoa

y’all are usually normal yeah we’re just

I guess I mean we’re only quiet Jamie

Jamie excuse me ma’am

I’m trying so hard I can’t do we need to

miss my turn

yes do you know me – probably a fun

class happen well we’re we’re as my mom

says probably the best adjective is


yes preserved is probably the you know I

can sit back and take things in and then

if I want to say something that I will

but she keeps looking at ya cuz I’m

waiting to see how you’re gonna add to

this I know I’ll come in you know this

is interesting I’m kind of wondering cuz

I’m watching you

looking back in it and I’m wondering

have you excuse me Jamie it’s really

entertaining actually but I’m wondering

have you because yells because she’s got

this too demonstrative personality yeah

and you’re more of a reservist coming

back but do you have you spent your life

kind of hanging back or kind of just

looking – Jamie – Antje do it and it’s

really funny because you know Jamie you

know like you shared earlier you know

she’s she’s done a lot with her music

career as we were you know in the past

three four or five years or so and I

also do music and a lot of people will

pull me over to the side at a show and

they’ll be like oh you know how is it

like having a little sister who’s so

much more successful than you and she

does all this stuff and I just told I’m

like no you’ve got it all wrong I just

make her do all the hard work and I just

drink the benefits like so you made my

eyes like yeah I was great she went out

there and hate away for you hundreds of

shows a year and I get to just walk on

and hang out okay yeah

it’s not all bad bad but I always think

it’s fine I’m like you know I appreciate

it a concern but seriously don’t worry

about me like this is okay

has it never been a struggle for you

competition because you both love music

who are any what you listen to me you

have one up I can’t wait forever I hear

you say you have one of the most rich

full memorable memorable voices I have

never heard it’s almost like Tracy

Chapman quality it’s this dish melodic

beautiful sound that everybody can’t

muster up girl yeah you really really

thank you so much since both of you are

so gifted has there ever been a time

where you have had I mean just let’s be

real has there been a time where you’ve

kind of struggled with with feeling a

bit of whether it’s jealousy or whether

it’s a bit of why not me or competition

have y’all struggle with that all I

think for me the the biggest thing that

I had to struggle at this that for me it

was it’s so out of my comfort zone to

get up in front of people and sing is it

so I never dealt with seeing my sister

doing it I never do I never dealt with

seeing her doing it and saying oh that

should be me but the opposite happened I

said oh that’s that’s not me that’s her

thing that’s not my thing I’m not

supposed to saying I’m fine no you had

oh yeah but it was Duke yeah I sort of

just been I still don’t like her dancing

really and that’s kind of what it came

to is that I have a huge passion for

writing and I’m definitely I journal a

la I write a lot I’ve been writing

there’s like this a nerdy thing called

National Novel Writing Month every

November I’ve done it every November

since like high school I love to write

she won’t record herself but she has an

amazing women’s ministry called white

women Co she does daily devotionals and

it is legitimately viral on Pinterest

and Instagram she’s an incredible writer

like in spiral Ashley that’s that’s kind

of what it came down to I don’t really I

don’t really feel comfortable naturally

sharing hey here’s what I do here’s my

book here’s my business card

I’m perfectly content hiding behind a

computer screen just typing away writing

away but what God has shown me is that

God works in us when he takes us out of

our comfort zone

and he has shown me that over and over

again the second I get comfortable the

second I’m like okay I’m okay not being

in the spotlight I’m okay playing the

background I’m okay

hiding behind a computer that’s when he

opens up a door and pushes me out there

says yeah but I need you to trust me and

I need you to get up there and you’re

gonna do that for me so that’s so here’s

my experience I like this I love it so

much I mean here’s a question how do you

get over the hurdle of fear and

insecurity that would keep you back from

doing what you know God is pressing you

to do because this this is you’re giving

us the specifics of your scenario all of

us have been in that position in one way

or another where we feel more

comfortable in one setting but we feel

God prompting us into another and it

doesn’t matter what the scenario details

are you still gotta make a choice not to

let fear keep you from going forward so

how do you do that how do you say you

know what we Morgan we gonna do this

today yeah if we don’t feel like I

honestly have to remember people um I

there have been times in my life where

I’ve played a show or I’ve spoken to a

group of people and someone walked up to

me and said I really needed that thank

you for saying that and I have to hold

on to that because I don’t have anything

to do with that

that just shows to me that God used me

as a vessel to speak to someone so Who

am I to hold back and if he’s given me

an opportunity even if it makes me

uncomfortable even though it’s totally

out of my comfort zone I’d rather just

hide in a corner naturally I’m okay with


like I’m perfectly content with that if

God’s asking me to do something I have

to do it and if he’s gonna use me I

can’t take that for granted yeah I can’t

take that for granted so you know I have

to have a lot of pep talks with myself I

really do but really – yes because it’s

not it’s not natural for me and I

definitely even when I’m performing I

always take the time to speak to people

about that because I know that there are

other people out there who feel that way

like whether it’s stage fright or you

don’t want to speak up at work or

whatever it is like we all have things

well you know I’m comfortable here I

feel safe but I feel like God has told

me like I want you out of that safety

zone like I didn’t create that you just

saying you’re a little personal safety

at you know what it’s all it’s so

interesting to me is that I think we

have a habit of

and saying Lord I want a miracle I want

to see you move God but then in the next

breath we have a habit of praying lord

please keep me out of any situation it’s

a miracle whatever what exactly yes like

we want to see God movement we don’t

want to go into the risky places of

faith where honestly he’s trying to

beckon us there because in that place we

get to see it it’s like he’s trying to

answer all certainly but we keep going

oh not me no exactly and I want you to

know that I applaud you for that so much

and I resonate with it so much because I

have a track record with God from the

time I was your age about 22 years old

or so till now 40 years old my track

record with God is that he has always

always put me in a position where I was

in over my head I have always been in

over my head from when I first started

speaking it wasn’t a plan to speak I’d

be on a platform and everybody else

would be in their 40s and here I was

this 22 year old I always felt

outmatched yeah to the Kendrick brothers

calling and said we want you to be on a

big screen in a movie I said you want me

to play but if I let fear go keep me

crippled and paralyzed I would have

never had the treat for the last 18

years of seeing God not only um his

strength be perfected in my weakness but

see him pull potential out of me I

didn’t even know was there

yeah I don’t even know the stuff you put

in me you only get to know it when

you’re when you go out there on the

water and you can see yourself walking

exactly yeah exactly

yes so I applaud you for that I’m glad

that you’re sharing that message

tell us about your ministry to young

women yes and that was that was another

place where I started it out of comfort

I said this is a place I love to blog I

love to write I can hide behind my


I didn’t anonymously I didn’t put my

name on my website my picture was not on

there I just don’t do that naturally but

however I wrote this blog posts called

40 questions to ask yourself before you

date a guy cuz I just got it I just got

I just got married and my husband was my

first boyfriend so I didn’t have like

this whole like dating history or

anything but a lot of husband is her

manager both of you – manager yeah yes

we were seeing her – maybe their full

time buddy tour manage me for two and a

half years

yes sir we had to work his way for the

tour manager position she’s talking

about me yeah he obviously worked his

way this great masters yeah yeah

everybody thinks that we met in music we

actually met in college but that’s where

we met and then as we were getting

married that’s when Jamie was starting

to do music full-time so just a whole

bunch of things started happening at the

same time but a lot of young women

because I was 20 years old when I got

married so a lot of you know younger

women teen girls they were starting to

ask me like how did you know he was the

one and asking me all these questions I

was like all right I’m just gonna put it

in a blog post I’m just the Friday was

the one well I honestly I knew because

this is gonna sound really strange but

he wouldn’t go away

um you know as JB talked about Jamie was

talking about earlier just you know

growing up you know a preacher’s

daughter you know a guy has to pursue

you in all of this and I I believed that

but then it took me a while to realize

that he was pursuing me and God had

literally placed a while there like oh

this is what yeah I was like oh wait

wait this is it we know everyone around

me was like Morgan Morgan but you know

me being more covers on like no I’m okay

like I’m not gonna talk to a guy right

now but I really had to humble myself

because I I did like him but I put up a

wall I put up a wall because I was like

no this can’t be it like I’m not trying

to get out my comfort zone so that’s

sort of the the short thing is that God

really got really humble to me he sent

someone into my life who had who became

a believer as an adult my husband was 18

when he accepted Christ and just hearing

his story and see the way seeing the way

that he lived out his faith it really

spoke to me and it became very clear

that God was speaking to me through him

so that’s that’s what I would tell a lot

of people in my ministry honestly is a

lot of that as well so it started as a

blog and now it’s it’s grown to

something way bigger than I ever thought

it would ever be and it’s been great so

it’s a crazy turning and you’ve just

recently moved to my neck of the woods

yeah yeah look

what brought y’all yes what what

prompted the move yes well we’ve been

married Patrick and ayah for five years

and ever since we got married we’ve

always prayed and said you know God we

will go wherever it is you want us to go

and we never had anywhere on the map in

particular that we want it to go but a

little over a year ago we were in Texas

working doing music there and it was

almost at the exact same time that we

like almost audibly heard God say to us

this is where you’re supposed to be and

it was a strangest thing for us because

we had never talked about moving to


we had never considered it and we’d only

been there a few times just playing

shows and working there so really we

started to just pray about it and talk

about like what does this even mean and

it was just such a crazy thing that

started to unfold I started to get

emails from women and my ministry that

had been writing and contributing and

many of them were based in Texas and I

was like that’s kind of strange I never

noticed that before and then we just

with music just playing a lot of shows

and doing a lot of things on the west

coast and we just felt God calling us to

be in the middle in a central place and

honestly it was it was just it was a

huge it was a huge faith move and we

definitely feel like it’s where we’re

supposed to be well there you are a new

place for God to do new things to your

life and your ministry and all that and

we want to hear y’all say oh we can do

that so we’re gonna take just a little

break and then we’re gonna come back me

and my blue extension I got to give it a


I know I’ve decided this is what I’ve

decided I have decided that from now on

you know I just this is this is not my

real life you know much people think

this is beautiful she said with some

boys doing laundry trying to figure out

new ways to cook chicken for dinner

that’s what literally what I do all day

I wrote like really cooked all day I

cook like six times a week and like yeah

cuz you love to cook I loved him yeah

it’s a little different it’s different I

love to cook too but it’s different when

you got people all Aban you pull a knife

but I’m saying this what I’m saying

I’m saying that I think if I put a blue

clip in in and a tutu and boots and a

top on while I’m cooking I would just

feel so much better that is what I can

take your Jaime green yeah we’re back in

just a moment and we’re going to hear

these two beautiful women saying you’re

not going to want to miss this please

stay tuned

if you’re feeling discouraged and

defeated if you’re a bit overwhelmed or

maybe even feeling undone if you’re

wondering whether or not your future has

any hope of victory then listen this

Bible study is for you

strongholds are torn down while the Word

of God fortresses are dismantled by the

Word of God when you place faith in

Jesus Christ the righteousness of Christ

is credited to your spiritual bank

account that you are the righteousness

of God in Christ Jesus I invite you to

join me for a lesson in putting on the

full armor of God our lives are going to

be change yours and mine because we’re

going to learn and we’ve got the victory

in Jesus name

all right here to sing white boots Jaime

and more kin

take it away girls

little girl dreams are bigger than they

shame I’m thinking about the future in

my daily routine I want a blue out to

the peak it fails that’s the kind of

innocence that it makes me wanna wait

until my wedding day I’ll be standing

face to face with the love I know it’s

true I promised and forever from fantasy

I do my food my dress and baby I get in

fresh slate I need you to bring her ring

and I always sound I’ll be ready

I’ve been waiting way to wait

in my waifu’

well I’m going on five use with a love

of my life and everything go gotta make

some way to work the while you see it

wasn’t always easy but I listened for

the truth so don’t get

and you’ll be standing face to face with

the love you know true a promising

forever from the Sami see as a lack of

my wife booze my white dress the baby

I need you to bring hotter

rings and I’d always time up you ready

but nothing waiting waiting waiting

not to you

and my wife my wife Oh

so get your white tux your new shoes and

baby don’t go get in I want my baby I

you to bring range and I know if I’m up

you ready but I’ve been waiting waiting

waiting waiting

waiting waiting when you’re waiting on


in the live


I get in the say

it was our mom we added to it but our

mom came up with the whole concept and

yeah we wrote over there so yeah she’s a


she must be mostly because she

homeschooled you and is still alive you

know what hey man I mean that’s why I’m

the youngest there’s a reason whether no

more it was like so yeah done okay just

talk to us a little bit about that song

obviously the message is clear

yeah but make it even more plain because

this is the message of your ministry

this is the message you’re trying to get

across to as many young women as you can

through this your white boots and not

getting the dusty talk about that well

it’s funny we realizes the other day

Morgan wrote my verse where it talks

about my dreams and what I what I want

from a future and I wrote Morgan’s verse

what talks about how it is worth the

wait now that she’s married and I think

that really just explains what that

means for us you know Morgan encourages

me a lot oftentimes is what she says and

the nos oftentimes you know without

saying anything just by having you know

solid marriage and just waiting in that

those dreams are valid and like God has

them in my heart for a reason and he’s

gonna fulfill them and it might not be

when I think when I’m ready but the Lord

might be like no Jamie you’re not ready

yet some of you my timing and then form

organizations yeah and that is just a

conversation so whether is between two

sisters or mother and daughter or two

sisters at church you know it’s a

conversation you know open up to the

people that are in your life you know

people that you look up to that have

wisdom say you know I I just need some

prayer when it comes to my single life

or yeah let me just share with you what

God is some of my marriage and we just

want that to show that as an example

that it’s a conversation a conversation

we have sisters it’s a conversation that

needs to be had for sure you know I I

don’t art with like I said it a million

times I’d love to be married but the

Lord is doing stuff in my life right now

as a single woman

and without my mom and without my sister

I wouldn’t be able to walk through it

the way that I’m walking through it and

what part do you think accountability

needs to play in maintaining white boots

yeah it’s a huge part you know I mean

I’ve got practically yeah what does that

look like accountability for you I’ll

say I guess maybe I’ll say Oh moral

Morgan’s in because when they when she

and her husband knows her first

boyfriend when they were first dating

and stuff like

the conversation I mean yeah always we

we were roommates at the time husband

and I started dating in college

yeah and it was it’s just little things

like that so you’re saying you guys were

roommates so that well the comparability

there were little things like Morgan

would be like yo you’re watching a movie

with us tonight you know it’s just think

you are the third wheel you ain’t

staying here yeah I know how to own the

third what gazoo year that there will

they buy you food so it’s like how long

hard work it but it’s just honestly I

mean accountability is a huge thing and

it’s not accountability because you

think somebody’s gonna do something bad

but it’s accountability because we’re

human and it’s important to have that

accountability because it’s it’s

beautiful and it’s healthy and it’s

needed and you know it’s yeah I talked

to Morgan about everything I talked to

my parent as my parents about everything

and it’s really helpful to have how do

you why do you guys think you have that

openness with your with your parents I

think they’re open with this where they

did they kind of openly talk about

thirds of the daily thing I always

always should that’s like I you know I

remember like the first you know your

teenager you go through puberty and when

you know that that lady came around the

first time for the first time in might

the month the first month I ever had

yeah my mom looked at me and said you

know what this means right

you can now birth children and I was

mortified but I was like everyone it was

a stretch a mystery like this is the


yeah at the same time that was the

reality it was the truth and I’m glad

that she she felt she felt that she

could tell me that she means well very

clearly both of your parents did an

amazing job in rearing you and raising

you and educate you in inspire and your

passions and your dreams and we’re all

the better for it that’s for sure

so listen there’s another song we want

to hear won’t you just take us out of

here with that beautiful song yes all

we’d love to hear it thank you thank you

for being here

on a Sunday evening I’m looking back

over all these and where happened

looking at old photographs I’m

remembering you were right there and you

have been absence with every pain to

Turtles oh I see your faithfulness the

melting where I cried the valley where

you are

that’s the story I’ll tell you brought

the pieces together maybe a storyteller

now I know it is well is well that’s the

story yeah – there was something like

Allah they will last forever but you can

t breathe and you were with me right

there I’m Nala you have done for me I

can never hold it in so here’s some nice

telling this story over and over again

and who the mountain where I climb the

valley where there you are there all


that’s the story of tale

you brought the pieces together yeah

yeah sori tell

now I know it is well it is well that’s

the story ow – shoe holder broken you

hear my every cry my every cry and my

eyes are open and I know that it is well


the mountain where lies the valley where

I fell you would be all alone

that’s the story I’ll tell you brought

the pieces together make me the

storyteller now I know it is well it is

well – oh yeah

oh that’s so real

for years and years off

oh that’s the story on
