Guidance From the Garden, Part 2 Satan’s words to Eve about eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil directly contradicted what God had told her. Yet he convinced her there would be no repercussions to her disobedience. Satan still uses the same lie to deceive us today—that God’s Word can’t be trusted and that sin has no consequences. Learn to resist his deception and obey God. Guidance From the Garden, Part 2 Satan’s words to Eve about eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil directly contradicted what God had told her. Yet he convinced her there would be no repercussions to her disobedience. Satan still uses the same lie to deceive us today—that God’s Word can’t be trusted and that sin has no consequences. Learn to resist his deception and obey God.

Satan has all kind of tools watch this

it doesn’t make any difference which

tool he uses you cannot deny the

principle of Almighty God the principle

is there are wages consequences to sin

Satan says there’s not a whole lifetime

of humanity says their consequences the

same next don’t be in touch the Greek

deception the title of this message is

the great deception that to deceive

somebody is to lie to them this lead

them misinformed them that is to lead

them astray so ask yourself the question

it hadn’t been misled not have been

deceived if I have been betrayed because

all of us at some point in their life

had been lied to

maybe even misled someone else betrayed

someone else or even some false

information whatever it might be and

it’s interesting that when you open the

Word of God right up front right up

front God intends for us to learn a very

very important lesson and you would

think well these lessons should be

somewhere else in the world I got right

up front you have the account of the

creation and then we come to the

creation of man and woman and then we

get into a deception that is affected

every single one of us and will affect

us all the days of our life and it

happens to be one of Satan’s tactics

that brings into our life guilt fear

shame and loss that’s what this section

does so once you listen very carefully

because it’s easy to say well you know

I’ve never been deceived yes you have

oh I don’t deceive others well maybe you

do maybe you don’t have to ask yourself

the questions that true very important a

message because it’s very clear in

Scripture what the Bible says about

deception and to deceive someone else

and so in the second chapter of Genesis

beginning in the 16th verse and just

going through a couple of verses here

16th verse says the Lord God commanded

the man saying from any tree of the

garden you may freely eat but from the

tree of the knowledge of good and evil

you shall not eat of it for the day that

you eat from it you will surely die so

the question is this what is the great


don’t miss this the great deception is

this you can sin without any

consequences you can sin with that in

the consequences is the great deception

and it works in everybody’s life at some

time on the other believing that we can

send against God and they have no

consequences you see it in the life of

Adam and Eve and all through the

scriptures and if you think about all

the rest of these pages in the world of

God they’re witness to the fact that you

cannot sin against God without

consequences no one can their

consequences to sin and the devil’s lie

is oh that’s not what God meant that’s

not what will happen to you I know it’s

in the Bible you can give me a verse in

Scripture but that’s not what it’s

certainly all about so I want us to

think about who the tempter is in the

scriptures to give you maybe a little

different aspect on it and if you look

in this third chapter in verse 1 the

scripture says now the serpent was more


than any beast of the field which the

Lord God had made and he said to the

woman indeed watch this now indeed has

God said you shall not eat from any tree

of the garden that’s not what he said

you see he says did you God tell you

that you can’t eat from any tree of the

garden and so we’ve said this but from

the fruit of the tree which is in the

middle of the garden God has said you

shall need from it I’ll touch it or you

will die didn’t say that you can eat

from any of it but there’s a particular

one then listen to what Satan said the

serpent said to the woman you surely

will not die that is not really so this

is the creature that God allowed in the

garden to test and try them and of

course he got what was coming to him and

is he still around today yes he is and

there’s not this is not anything good

that the devil does because he’s a

deceiver turn if you will to Revelation

chapter 12 for a moment and look in

verse 9 the scripture says and the Great

Dragon was thrown down the serpent of

old who is called the devil and Satan

who deceives the whole world he was

thrown down in the earth and his angels

were thrown down with him and there are

other verses but I just want you to see

the the devil is not just a snake the

devil was a created being and man was

tempted and tried and he failed them and

we still fall today if we are not very

very careful about what’s going on in

their life and so I want us to think

about this for a moment because the

devil hadn’t changed he’s the same and

so here’s the deception the deception is

you can send no consequences that’s his

life that’s it that’s how he operates

that’s the lie he tells you

can send no matter what you see what you

do what you hear

you can sin against God and there are no

consequences that is absolutely a lie

ask God thou shalt not bear false

witness and the devil is continually

doing that so we have to ask the

question okay so Satan is the tempter

and what was the temptation they had

everything the world they wanted

everything the world they needed I mean

it was just heaven on earth and so Satan

says but there’s one thing that you

don’t have you can be like God you can

know good from evil you’ll be like God

think about this when Satan tempts us

does he not use the attempters about

something we don’t have we would like to

have or picture ourselves having and so

that’s the approach and it’s interesting

when she looked at all of this she said

you know it looks like it’s good for

food pleasant to the eyes and therefore

a wonderful experience isn’t this the

same lie that Satan tells a day it’s

good for your stomach that is it’s it’s

pleasing and pleasant to look at and you

can experience it think for a moment how

many different sins follow that category

how they taste how they look and what

you experience you can go all the way

from drinking to sex you can take all

the sins and put them into that category

and this is exactly what Satan but it

was doing and so the issue is Satan says

now is that really what God said having

the times you’ve you ever been tempted

that in some fashion of the other you

said well I wonder if that’s really what

God said in the Bible well one of his I

don’t know where that is in the Bible

I’ve heard people say verse in the Bible

I’ve heard some

sermon about it but I don’t know that

God really said that that’s exactly what

the devil told her that’s exactly what

he’s saying to people today this is why

you hear people say well I’m a Christian

but I don’t know what I believe all the

Bible or not you know what people do

when they decide they don’t believe it

all they pick the things they choose the

things they want to believe that

threaten them in no way God is the God

of love

God loves his children on heaven heaven

heaven all of these things when the

Bible says the soul that sinneth it

shall die the wages of sin is death

you don’t hear loss people quoting those

they talk about going to heaven and God

loves everybody and he wouldn’t dare let

anybody die and go to hell and so they

pick and choose when it comes to the

Word of God you can’t pick and choose

you can only to your dismay and

suffering and sooner or later so the

deception that Satan used on Eve was

it’s okay to eat I know God said don’t

eat that but it’s okay to eat it it’ll

be alright she did not believe what God

said because God didn’t say that he said

the day that you eat in the fruit of the

tree ye shall surely die

now I’m answer question that you believe

there’s any change in this any change in

this from the Bible says the soul that

sinneth it shall die it’s still the

truth therefore the great deception is

because it’s worked all these years you

sin against God there are no

consequences when every single one of us

every single one of us knows by

experience and by looking at what’s

happening around us there are

consequences the disobedience to God

there always has been since Adam and Eve

and there always will be so let’s think

about we know what the temptation is

let’s think about his tactics how Satan


Satan led her to question the Word of

God that’s where it all begins when you

begin to doubt God’s Word you’re headed


track because don’t use me is followed

by denial well I don’t I really don’t

believe that and I think that’s no

problem there and so then what happens

deception really sets in the Bible

doesn’t really mean that God wouldn’t do

that he’s the God of love he’s not going

to let that happen and then of course

what happens is a person disobeys God

and then there’s destruction and it’s

just that simple trail over and over and

over again people live in their lives

and then they’ll still tell you well I

do believe that God is a God of love he

wouldn’t dare he wouldn’t dare do that

when the whole word of God is a

testimony to the fact that it is a

deception to believe that you can sin

without consequences the consequences of

that no matter who you are if you look

in your own life and you will be

absolutely honest you say well those

things just happen isn’t it interesting

that things just so happened I call them

the way you did it just so happens

they’re colder than when you did it it

just so happens it’s the thing that in

your conscience keeps bothering you the

thing that you’d like to change in life

God hasn’t changed his principles

haven’t changed and it’s interesting to

me and it’s very effective that right up

in the very beginning of the Word of God

with all these pages and Old Testament

New Testament all these pages bear

witness the same thing which is of sin

is death there are consequences to

disobey Almighty God and so when I think

about what those consequences are and I

think about what Satan said to Eve and

he said this fruit will make you wise

and so he appealed to the natural

desires and that’s what Satan does for

example you you job down the expressway

and you see a billboard it’s advertising

whiskey or wine or something you don’t

see them with a broken bottle you don’t

see them with a ugly color it’s a track

did as it can be and the same thing is

true when they are showing people or

whatever they’re advertising they make

it attractive to the eyes because if you

see it and then you think about it and

you think about it enough but for long

you want whatever it is whether it’s

another man or another woman or there’s

something to drink or something to get

high on or whether it’s drugs or

whatever no words Satan has all kind of

tools watch this it doesn’t make any

difference which two he uses you cannot

deny the principle of Almighty God the

principle is there are wages

consequences to sin Satan says there’s

not a whole lifetime of humanity says

there are consequences to sin so I want

to ask you in your life before you find

yourself doing something that you know

is not right looking where you shouldn’t

look doing what you shouldn’t do you

stop and ask yourself the question what

are the consequences and the devil will

tell you there no consequences that

everybody does that we’ll have to ask

yourself the question God what do you

think about it do you think God would

ever say it’s okay is it going to kill

you but it’s okay it’s not good for you

no he’s made it very clear in the Word

of God how absolutely serious it is

because it’s a trap it’s impossible to

sin against God without consequences and

so yes ask yourself the question when

you attempted to do anything do you ask

yourself the question what are the

consequences of this you see when the

Holy Spirit is in your life he’s going

to bring you to ask yourself that

question because he’s a protector as

well as a giver of truth Lord what do

you say and if you’ve been a Christian

for a little while you know what’s right

and wrong you know what’s good what’s

evil and you see those things and you

see people who are living a righteous

life a godly

that doesn’t mean it’s perfect but their

goal is to be obedient to God and living

that kind of life they don’t have to

wonder whether the thing is right or

wrong or not they know whether it’s

right or wrong they know whether it’s

sin or not and God’s people need to live

holy godly lives and what happens it

makes an awesome impression not to

impress people but it says something to

people who are living in sin first of

all they don’t like us sometime

and they’ll do all kind of things to

undermine what we believe trying to do

so but the truth is still there that sin

always brings consequence which the

Bible tells us here so let’s think about

this for a moment think about the

tragedy that really takes place for Adam

and Eve they heard the truth and what do

they do they listen to it heard the

truth listen to Satan’s lie their

innocence remember they were perfectly


turn to shame not only did they find

shame instead of joy in their life but

listen they began to experience guilt

shame fear and being found out think

about in this perfect garden fear shame

guilt being found out can you imagine

what they must have thought when they

heard God coming heard the footsteps of

God we would say and then a voice that

they would never forget Adam where are

you God was not asking for information

what’s this he could say that to you

today he could call your name and say

where are you if you’re living in sin he

probably has said that several times in

several ways but you know it was him

that you felt it in yard where are you

why are you here you are and so he asked

him he wasn’t asking for information he

wanted them to see where they were

because they were separated from God

hide in the bushes and trying to cover

up their naked body we can’t even

imagine what kind of terror must have

gone through their mind when they heard

God coming knowing that they sinned

against him and knowing that they were


unlike they had been before facing a God

who had loved them enough to give them

everything imaginable and they through

it all the way over one deception you

can sin and there no consequences and

all you have to do is to sit down and

listen to some people who have taken

that route

they lost their family they’ve lost

their relationship they’ve lost their

job they’ve lost everything because of

deliberate willful sin in their life and

what did the devil say yah doesn’t mean

that you’ll be okay listen to me there

are consequences to sin therefore

because there are consequences to sin

and you and no exception you think well

but you know what let you look at all

the money you have in the position and

all the things and you how attractive

you are and how popular you are God

isn’t impressed with any of that

there are divine consequences to sin in

the person’s life and how many times if

I heard somebody say well I can’t make I

don’t know why God did this to me well

God didn’t do it to you the wages of sin

is death

the gift of God is eternal life which do

you choose

so when you look to see what happened

they want to blame each other and I’m

going to give you a list of things that

happen to them

and so number one they lost their

innocence they were perfectly innocent

they can be absolutely naked and

everything that’s fine now they gotta

wear clothes what kind of clothes Bush

clothes they had they had to find

something that they could cover up their

naked body with so first of all the loss

of innocence secondly they lost their

relationship with God that’s why they

were scared to death when they heard him


the third thing they lost was their home

in the garden and notice what happened

to him they were driven out of the


into a world to make it on their own and

all would you remember not but Adam

lived to be about over nine hundred

years think about this he he was in the

garden with everything and when he was

cast out he lived say some nine hundred

years in a world of loss of wickedness

of all the things that were going on at

that time how many times that he stopped

to think and he must have said he we had

it so good in the garden oftentimes

that’s what people say when they walk

away from God we’ll the next thing is

this driven out of the home in the

garden they were driven out all humanity

for time and eternity were affected you

know what we’re being affected by what

they did and then lastly we experience

pain suffering hardship shame and loss

as a result of God’s judgment

think about it so this message is just a

one statement sin against God there are

n escapable consequences it’s a choice

we make you said there what about all

the sin I’ve already committed if you’re

willing to acknowledge that you willing

to come to the Lord Jesus and ask him to

forgive you for the mess you’ve made

don’t color it up well God I’ve made

some mistakes now you’ve done worse than

making mistakes don’t try to cover – God

I’ve sinned against you

I have disobeyed you I have objected to

your laws I’ve caused other people to

fall I’ve lured I’ve just been wicked

I’ve been sinful in my life and now I’m

asking you to forgive me and to cleanse

clean me up and help me just just help

me God I need you Lord that’s really

what you’re asking

you can’t come to him telling well I

have given a lot or you know I’ve tried

to be a good citizen I’ve never been in

prison I’ve heard all kind of stuff none

of that has to do with your sin against

Almighty God you need to acknowledge it

ask him to forgive you for it not

because you’re going to do this that an

elder and you’re becoming to him through

the Lord Jesus Christ who died on the

cross shed his blood that was the

payment that Jesus made for in order for

us to be forgiven if you leave Jesus out

of the equation what’s the basis of your

salvation you could never be good enough

it’s only through the blood of Christ

shedding it’s letter Calvary that paid

your sin debt in mine in full and no

matter what you’ve done where you’ve

been and with whom or whatever if you’re

willing to genuinely with all of your

heart as for your forget ask him to

forgive you

and repent what does that means and that

means that you’ve been walking this way

and repentance means you’re going to

turn around and head in the other

direction because now you’re going to

follow Jesus it just boils down to

something simple I’m either going to

believe that he will forgive me or not

and I’m going to know in my heart and

believe that it’s because of what Jesus

did that I’m accepted you said I’ve been

so wrong for so long I mean just say

this the Apostle Paul killed Christians

the Apostle Paul put him in jail he did

everything imaginable the followers of

Jesus look what God did for him but he

knocked him down blinded him got his

attention so I would suggest that you

don’t put God to the test because this I

know if you’re listening are you

watching are you hear you’re hearing the

truth so you cannot excuse yourself

before God ask him to forgive you to

cleanse your life surrender yourself to

him watch him do a marvelous work in

your life amen

and total we thank you that you’ve never

turned anybody down who came to you

confessing and repenting of us in

genuine ly meeting it with all their

heart so I pray that every person who

hears this message will look at

themselves not somebody else ask

themselves some very personal pointed

questions about their life and when they

finished acknowledge their sinfulness

their unworthiness their disobedience

even their wickedness of heart and

surrender their life to you forgiving

loving God that you are we know that

you’ll forgive in Jesus name Amen if

you’ve been blessed by today’s program

please visit us at in touch dot o-r-g


in such leading people worldwide into a

growing relationship with Jesus Christ

and strengthening the local church this

program is sponsored by InTouch ministry

and it’s made possible by the grace of

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