Join Priscilla as she interviews (and is interviewed) the cast of the motion picture “War Room”. Producer/Director Stephen Kendrick and actress Katie Abercrombie talk about the film and its potential for life change and renewal together. This episode was produced prior to the Priscilla Shirer Simulcast for the live audience in attendance. For more information about the Priscilla Shirer Simulcast – visit Priscilla as she interviews (and is interviewed) the cast of the motion picture “War Room”. Producer/Director Stephen Kendrick and actress Katie Abercrombie talk about the film and its potential for life change and renewal together. This episode was produced prior to the Priscilla Shirer Simulcast for the live audience in attendance. For more information about the Priscilla Shirer Simulcast – visit

well welcome I’m so glad that all of you

are here that is sitting in this room

but then there are so many of you that

are on the other side of the screen and

we want to welcome you as as well we’re

so glad that you’re here so glad that

you’re joining us this is if you don’t

know what this is exactly let me tell

you this is the chat and this is just a

place where we chat about things that

are fun or insightful or informative

even challenging to you we love to

challenge you and I think that this

particular show is gonna be filled with

a little bit of all of that we’re gonna

inform you about some things that are

happening we’re also going to challenge

you though in a very specific way but

all along the way we’re gonna have a

whole lot of fun as well and so I want

to thank all of you for joining me no

matter where you are I want you to just

pull up a chair get a warm latte a

coffee you know hot tea whatever it is

you drink just grab one of those and

just enjoy yourself and cozy up with us

for a little while we are going to have

a great time welcome to the chat with




most of the time I have an opportunity

to kind of address topics on this show

that either are of interest to me or

that I want to find out more about

because I don’t know enough about them

this is one that I actually happened to

be very very well acquainted with which

is why I’m even more excited to share it

with you it is about an upcoming film

that you’re gonna have an opportunity to

see no matter where you live in the

country it will be opening in theaters

this summer the end of this summer

August the 28th and a theater near you

there’s gonna be a brand new movie

called war room have y’all heard about

war room yet have you already heard that

war room is coming I am so excited about

war room I think it is really gonna

challenge people all over the place in

specific areas of their life but I want

to introduce you to someone who is you

know can I just say this guy is just one

of the most hysterical eclectic people

I’ve ever met I mean he just is a great

fantastic person that I cannot wait to

introduce to you he is along with his

brothers the creator of the war room

movie they have done other movies that

you know about like courageous and

facing the Giants and fireproof their

first movie was flywheel they have had a

string of incredible movies that have

been a blessing to the body of Christ

and even beyond so would you please help

me to welcome mr. Steven Kendrick

have a seat in my living room thank you

pictures on your wall I do yeah little

bland well but now I’ve got you so it

can’t be bland in here listen this man

has a character he’s the youngest of

three brothers yes tell us about your

brothers Shannon is the oldest and he

loves the Lord he’s quiet behind the

scenes yes alex is in the middle you

know him as the writer director of the

movies he’s always in the movies too

Alec that’s right that you kind of see

in the face in a lot of the movies and

then I’m the youngest I always grew up

getting in trouble Shannon would come up

with the idea I would do it and then

Alex would ya actually Alex would do it

then I’d give the blame for it so that’s

kind of how it worked

so they sent you along today you’re the

representative Kendrick brother crew

okay so tell us a little bit how you got

into moviemaking and what brought you

specifically to the theme of war room

tell us about war room and then here

well my parents are godly parents and we

were kids they prayed about what house

they wanted to live in and the Lord led

them to this house in Smyrna Georgia we

moved in and right next door

ended up being a man who worked for

Lockheed and he would buy these little

gadgets and stuff and he bought these

little eight millimeters stop and go

animation cameras for his son and we’re

next to him so we’re filming these

little videos because we’re playing with

his son making takut trucks blow up and

things like that as kids and we

developed a love for filmmaking and

begin to make home videos chase them

down all of them were chasing down beat

him up that was like our one plot we

would run out the door with no script no

production design anything and we would

say let’s film something and it would

end up being chase him down beat him up

you know so and so you grew up doing

that and just develop more and more a

love for it over time I want to talk to

you more about that but first I think

that we should show them a little bit

about this newest movie about what it’s

all about so just turn your attention to

your screen and take a look at the

trailer for a war room


you’ve been a good enough father I want

to be a good enough father let’s go

let’s go

now quick down

you are good and you are mighty and you

are merciful praise Jesus

guide me to fool you want me to help

raise a bar that will call upon your

name raise up those and love you and

seek you and trust you

like we need an army of believers and

we’ll stand on your word above all else

raise up warriors Lord who will fight on

their knees

who will worship no with their whole

hearts Lord Lord call us to battle

that we may proclaim you king of kings


I pray these things with all my heart

raise them up Lord raise them

I mean how can you not be inspired when

you see that movie don’t y’all feel the

chills just up and down the back of your

neck you know it is an incredible film

and now you can probably see why it’s a

little bit near and dear to my heart

because these guys these brothers have a

way of kind of pulling you into their

experience and it’s it’s a wonderful

thing they one of the things I love

about you and your brothers so much is

that you really allow people to see

things that they don’t even know they’re

capable of and you pull that treasure

out of them and allow them to kind of

come along for the journey with you and

that’s what that I had the privilege to

participate this summer and I’m so

grateful for that how did you get to war

room tell us the journey of movies that

the Lord is taking your brothers through

how you’ve seen the Lord sort of bless

it in terms of influence in the culture

and then how you got here with this

particular script well when we were


instead of doing papers we would do

videos for and so instead of doing a

health paper we did the better take a

shower body odor our for our teacher at

school and and then later on instead of

Indiana Jones we did Alabama Jones and

we did we did safety from assault was

our safety video where I actually had to

dress up like an old woman and get beat

up in that video believe it or not that

will never get on the Internet

and so but when we were in when we were

in high school in college we fell in

love with the Lord and began to read

scripture for ourselves and develop just

a passion for the gospel and we were

seeing people’s lives transformed so we

both went into ministry and in 2002

Alex approached our pastor and presented

the idea of us shooting a local film for

our for our community and flywheel came

out of that we had no training no money

no budget no experience on a Hollywood

set but we had the Lord and he’s a

majority if you’ve got him you know so

and listen if for some reason flywheel

kind of flew under the radar for you and

you have not seen flywheel you need to

get that movie it is a great film and I

know you said you didn’t have a lot of

budget you’d have experience but I mean

I think that was an incredible writing

like the twists and turns in that script


so if you’ve not seen it you got to get

up.get it’s funny we would now have

bigger budgets and we’re working hard to

develop our skills but people still tell

us flywheels my favorite I love the

story and flywheel

I know it’s lower quality but flywheel

though there was a twenty thousand

dollar project we dedicated it to the

Lord we prayed every step of the way and

then now it’s sold over a million DVDs

it’s around the world missionaries have

been using it people been saved prisons

have been using it so it was totally the

Lord it was not us

and so that led us into facing the

Giants and a football movie about faith

and that hit theaters and then fireproof

was about marriage and then courageous

about fatherhood

and so after courageous Alex and I spent

six months to a year in prayer just

saying Lord what is on your heart what

does the next movie need to be about

what do you want us to focus in on and

he specifically said prayer I want

prayer to be what you’re calling the

body of Christ – and that’s what war

room is about it’s about making war in

our prayer room on our knees and seeking

the Lord first that’s amazing and this

movie does it in a very very very

powerful way and it’s clear here’s the

thing that I appreciate so much about

these guys and honestly I don’t know

that if Jerry and I my husband is Jerry

if Jerry and I did not know this to be

true about these guys Steven and his

brother I don’t think we brothers I

don’t think we would have agreed to do a

project like this because I mean I’m no

actress I’ve not been in movies before

or something like that so this was very

new for us but what we knew about the

Kendrick brothers is that they have no

interest in trying to be famous or

trying to get to Hollywood or trying to

be something else they genuinely are

writing these movies to honor God to

call and keep families intact to spur

people on in their faith and that kind

of integrity just does not exist often

enough in this business wouldn’t you

agree so I’m so grateful I’m so grateful

you’re just real clear and unapologetic

have you found that that has ever been I

guess a challenge for you to stay

relevant and current but at the same

time make sure your message was clear in

these films the gospel is always

offensive but it is the power of God

salvation I mean well because we’re in

ministry and we see people’s lives

radically changed by the gospel we see a

guy that’s on drugs in jail you know

addicted whatever messed up and we see

him become a godly husband and a godly

father and the Lord then giving him a

ministry with his life and so we we’re

not ashamed of that we love that we want

the world to experience that we it’s

good news you know so we’re we’re

excited about telling as many people as

we can about it so okay now I need to

ask this question because you know I’m a

mother of three boys and they’re still

in there young knucklehead face so I

would you please tell me how your mother

and father raised three well two

well-adjusted men you’re still thank you

I appreciate that

I’m feeling a love but could you please

tell me anything about how your parents

what did they do well that you think

helped to mold you and your brothers to

have such an interest in spiritual

things and a desire listen I’m talking a

lot but listen y’all I learned so much

about these guys this summer in

particular we’ve known them for several

years now but this summer you know one

thing I found out about them I spent a

lot of time with their wives as well

this summer that they literally wrote a

list down of what they wanted their

wives the traits they wanted in their

wives this is when there were little

boys and they would pray over these

lists together so when the women in

their lives showed up one of like Alex

went to Stephen and said I think Jill’s

the one based on the fact that we’ve

been praying over this list and man look

she’s meeting up with the qualities of

your list so this is what they were

doing when they were when they were

young boys and the Lord has just brought

it you know to just an incredible it’s

made an incredible impact not only in

your own lives and families but now

across the world so can you can you help

us write to try to figure out what were

your parents doing that you think made

such an imprint in your life as young

men well

they feared the Lord and I look back

scripture has so many promises for the

children of those who fear the Lord and

I know that we saw hypocrisy in the

church but we saw authentic Christianity

lived that at home and we would stumble

upon our dad on his knees praying for

our family I didn’t stumble upon him

looking at pornography I stumbled upon

him crying out to God in his prayer

closet in front of all those 1970s ties


had right in front of him you know and

so and my our mom even now at 72 years

of age gets up early every morning and

prays for us by name pleads the blood of

Jesus over her children her 19

grandchildren and we know that we’re

standing on the shoulders of a whole lot

of Prayer support behind us and the

other thing was our parents would

confess and repent when they blew it

they didn’t act like they had it all

together there were multiple times they

would come to us and they’d say I blew

in this area and i wronged you or i

disciplined you in my anger rather than

the way i should have and i want to ask

you to forgive me and i loved them for

that i respected them for that and we

saw the power of God at work in their

lives through answered prayer and we

knew they’re not just religious they

have our genuine relationship with a

Living God and we want that relationship

too so that’s good stuff right there

that’s a good stuff right there because

you know sometimes when your kids are

young you’re looking at them like there

is no hope right but then the Lord will

send some people that inspire you

remember that that intentional parenting

matters that it really doesn’t matter it

makes a difference we’re gonna take a

break but when we come back we’re going

to talk more about war room and we’re

going to let you see a few more clips

from the movie so we’ll see you back

here in just a few minutes


if you’re feeling discouraged and

defeated if you’re a bit overwhelmed or

maybe even feeling undone if you’re

wondering whether or not your future has

any hope of victory then listen this

Bible study is for you strongholds are

torn down while the Word of God

fortresses are dismantled by the Word of

God when you place faith in Jesus Christ

the righteousness of Christ is credited

to your spiritual bank account that you

are the righteousness of God in Christ

Jesus I invite you to join me for a

lesson in putting on the full armor of

God our lives are going to be change

yours and mine because we’re going to

learn that we’ve got the victory in

Jesus name

welcome back welcome back so glad that

you were joining us I want to tell you

again that any of you that are on the

other side of the screen whether it’s

your computer screen or a big screen if

you’re watching it with some other

friends listen just want to welcome you

we are live in Huntsville Alabama

tonight I’m here with a bunch of my

sisters in Christ and one brother and

one brother he leaned over to me during

the break you said there’s a lot of

estrogen in this room and indeed there

is we are here in Huntsville Alabama

because we’re having a little simulcast

event I hope you’re joining us tomorrow

by the way there’s still opportunity for

you if you want to come to Huntsville

you can or you can just join us online

we’re gonna be simulcasting all day long

I’m going to be teaching on the armour

of God how to stand firm against the

schemes of the enemy so I’m looking so

forward to that

but today we’re just having a little fun

and I always have fun when I’m with

Steven Kendrick or any of the Kendrick

clan because they just fun people and we

want to talk to you a little bit more

about war room this brand-new movie you

may have heard some buzz already about

war room it’s starting to trickle out

don’t you

we’re starting to hear some feedback

about it right yes there’s a few

screenings have been going on and people

are now telling us what gods are doing

in their hearts even from the screenings

and so we’re excited about the world

seeing it August 28th it’s gonna be in

theaters across the u.s. oh all right

there is another clip that we want you

to see this is one of my favorite little

clips in the movie so I set this up for

Steven okay this is your first time to

get experience Priscilla acting and this

is the first scene we shot in the movie

with her acting I cried right before we

shot this but I was so nervous and I

remember after we laughed we filmed the

scene we’re like she’s good she’s gonna

be able to do it you know and so it was

it was this huge relief oz off your

shoulders cuz if she was bad we would be

like oh no what have we done you know

but she did great she did great and so

this is she plays a real estate agent

Elizabeth Jordan and she’s trying to

sell the house of Miss Clara and Miss

Clara in the movie is this godly

warrior who’s already been praying for a

divine appointment Elizabeth doesn’t

know it and so Miss Clara starts asking

some questions about Elizabeth’s life

remember this is like our first or

second meeting like I don’t know this

woman at all okay check out lukewarm

coffee here we go coffee will be ready

in a couple of minutes out good

now I ran a sales report from the area

we’re down to suggested asking price for

the house mm-hmm well what do you think


now what did you say your husband did

for a living

um well we actually haven’t talked about

that but he’s a sales rep for Brightwell

pharmaceuticals mm-hmm and where did you

say you attended church well we

occasionally attend Riverdale community

mm-hmm so you would say you know Lord

yes I would say I know the Lord you

think the Lord is okay with this asking

price mm-hmm and you have children miss

Clara my husband Tony and I have been

married for 16 years we have one

daughter her name is Danielle and she’s

10 she enjoys pop music and ice cream

and jumping rope oh well that’s good to


now you say you attend church

occasionally is that because you’ll pass

the only preachers occasionally miss

Clara I really would like to help you

sell your house that’s why I’m here as

far as my faith is concerned I believe

in God just like most people he’s very

important to me yeah let me get a coffee

so if I asked you what your prayer life

was like would you say that it was hot

or cold I don’t know that I would say

it’s hot I mean we’re like most people

we have full schedules we work but I

would consider myself a spiritual person

I’m not hot but I’m not cold either just

you know somewhere in the

hey you go I’ve got creamer sugar if you

need Oh No thank you I like it black

miss Clara you like your coffee room


no baby man’s hot Elizabeth people drink

their coffee hot or cold but nobody

likes it lukewarm not even the Lord

point taken miss Clara but why do you

feel the need to examine my personal

life because I’ve been where you are and

you don’t have to step on the same

landmines that I did that’s a waste of

time and it’s asking price it’s just


let me get you a hot cup of coffee a

little sneaky last time what landmines

do you think I might step on you tell me

now if there was one thing in your life

that you could make better

what would it be just one well I

probably have to say my marriage there’s

one thing we do well it’s fight no I

don’t think you do I’m sorry

just because you argue a lot doesn’t

mean that you fight well every couple

have some friction every now and then

but I bet that you never feel like

you’ve worn after you had an argument

with your husband can I ask you how much

you pray for your husband well very

little Elizabeth I think it’s time for

me to show you my favorite place in this



didn’t she do a good job

that you’re the relief you’re feeling is

how we felt they didn’t actually know if

I could act they were what they were

praying you’re praying we were fasting

and praying I want y’all to know that

miss Clara that character she’s really

the heart and soul of this film wouldn’t

you say she’s incredible yeah she is

incredible and she’s not just incredible

as Miss Clara the woman who plays her is

actually incredible as well and we just

thought a show on war room wouldn’t be

complete no without Miss Clara no would

you please welcome


you like a lot younger up voice okay we

have seen that we could talk all day

about Miss Clara okay her name is I call

her Miss Clara all time but her name is

Karen Abercrombie we are so glad that

you are here Miss Karen we are so glad

you’re here and not just glad that you

are here we are glad that you are in

this film because the heart and soul of

this film is what you brought to the

character of Miss Clara really really

tell us a little bit about how the role

came to you I know you’re gonna want to

talk about this a little bit too Steven

well it’s very interesting a gentleman

from my church said that the Kendrick

brothers were making a movie and that I

should submit a picture and I did and I

never heard anything back from him

that’s because you look like you’re 25

they need somebody to play 70 euro we’re

looking for a 70 year old actress though

so then the gentleman his name is Gary

wheeler he said you know they’re having

auditions down at the church maybe you

should just get dressed up and walk in

and so that is what I did I dressed up

and I she dressed up as a 70 year old

woman to walk into the audition yeah I

went in and it happened but but an

interesting thing was as I was reading

the dialogue I could hear her voice

immediately I could hear her voice so I

went in when I auditioned that is the

voice we heard her boys honey cuz you

brought it oh oh thank you thank you

it was awesome Thank You Steven though

you from you know that’s her perspective

of how we found miss Clara but would you

please share your perspective about we

were we were writing this movie by faith

and we were thinking we god you’re gonna

have to see Miss send miss Clara because

we don’t know who can bring this and we

wanted someone who genuinely loved the

Lord that believed in the words of this

film so we had in our rental house I had

a little sticky note on my wall praying

God would you send miss Clara we were

two weeks away from filming this movie

and she was the first week of shooting

and we were saying Lord we need you to

send her and Alex

in this audition room Karen walks in

dressed up in character and she starts

acting and I’m choking back tears I’m in

awe I’m like Lord there she is

after all this time and all this prayer

there she is

it’s true and I remember the day that

you all found her you you guys called me

and said we really need y’all to pray

you to pray for so there is two weeks

left and we have no miss Clara and then

in walked Karen Abercrombie would you

please tell us about yourself because

listen I came in off the street she’s

like a serious actress this is what she

does so I got to spend the summer

filming a movie with a woman who is a

the epitome of great acting is Karen

Abercrombie so tell us just a bit about

your life and as an actress and as a

believer in that field oh gosh I I

started acting as a young kid you know

running down the street after watching

Elvis Presley movies and you know

reenacting all of these things that we

would see and I got really serious about

it in high school and then I went to New

York and started doing theater around

loved the theater it hadn’t had much

film experience I had done some

television shows and I don’t know just

the opportunity to even do this piece

that God had to step in all the way

around and I had gone I was telling

Steven that I had gone to a women of

faith conference and I was just

impressed and then Nicole the dramaturg

amazing and I was like God please God

please I would love to be able to use my

gifts to magnify you in the way that

this girl is doing and then years past

years past time pass and then my family

moved from Los Angeles to the Charlotte

area a little almost six years ago and

full circle levy films in Charlotte all

summer long last summer so she so the

fact that they would even be in

Charlotte that the gentleman from my


would know that they needed an actress I

mean it was a golf God think over it all

over well I remember when she was

auditioning Ephesians 2:10 was like

right in my face

we are his workmanship created in Christ

Jesus to do the specific good works he’s

prepared beforehand when people see the

movie they’re like my favorite character

of all is Miss Clara I love her I have a

grandmother like her I have a mom like

her and she’s inspired me when I hear

her when you heard the trailer you’re

getting chills and it’s because she’s

crying out to the Lord in that trailer

and I remember thinking we wanted

someone who can act like this lady she’s

got the voice she has a love for the

Lord all of those things are wrapped up

in you and we just see all these years

of preparation God has been preparing

you and now Lord willing 76 countries

around the world are gonna hear the

gospel because of God’s using you to do


so I want to ask you a question that has

nothing to do with acting okay and every

woman that is in this room and on the

other side of the screen also wants to

know this we want to know how you are

dead fine and look this good tell us

because you can I ask how old you are

yeah I’m 58 soon to be 59 59 58 years

old and you just look good

oh thank and all summer long one of the

things I admired about her because y’all

I had no idea how much work making a

movie is we were filming for 12 or 13

hours a day every day for the entire

summer and some of those shoots were all

night long we’d have to shoot from 7:00

p.m. to 7:00 in the morning if they if

it was a night scene we would need to do

that hours and hours and hours

this woman’s stamina her level of energy

her ability her memory was so quick with

all the lines she had to know and then

just I admired so much just seeing you

be so elegant and so beautiful and I

thought you know and I did ask

summer I asked you a lot about your

workout regimen your how is it that you

have so much energy and you look and

feel so good there are a lot of women

that would like to know if you could

help us get it together and look amazing

at 58 anybody want to know can somebody

say again I love you and I’ll pay you

after I’ll pay you what I owe you

hopefully seriously tending the temple

it is not just a spiritual thing but we

have to take care of ourselves then we

can better do whatever it is God has for

us to do so I exercise I try to eat

right and I drink a lot of water and

that is it and I feed on the the Word of


so really mm-hmm and you know what I

love so much Stephan you were talking

about how important it was to you to you

guys that people actually love the Lord

and believe the words of the film you

all need to know that the I don’t know

if you would call it distribution

company or whatever but they offered the

Kendrick brothers you know real

actresses for my part like people who

would have had name recognition who

would have brought people into the

theaters because you knew you would know

their name and Steven and Alex were like

no we actually want someone who

genuinely loves the Lord and I think

that is such a testament to their

integrity to find people who have a

heart for the Lord well how many times I

remember as a kid watching actors and

actresses on the screen and then

admiring them respecting them and then

finding out how they were living in

their private lives and being

heartbroken it was a stumbling block

really in a lot of ways and so it is so

important to us that the gospel is

authentic and as powerful it is be

backed up with people that believe it

when they’re communicating it and we

could we could hire professionals to

look good sound good on the screen but

if if off camera after the end credits

roll people are looking at their lives

they’re thinking but they don’t even

believe those words they don’t care

about that it undermines this message

that God’s given us so with Priscilla we

fell in love with Priscilla and Jerry we

were working on courageous and got to

know you and when we were

riding the scenes we were thinking what

would priscilla shirer do in this

situation you know and we’re writing

some of these lines and then we thought

why don’t we call her and see if she has

any acting experience because we we

believe that we believe that it’s more

important to find godly people and train

them in acting than to just pick anybody

out of Hollywood and hope that they have

their hearts right so good that’s good

that is a real testament to their

integrity and this young lady brought it

as you saw she she just trusted the Lord

to to to help her prepare and do an

amazing job cuz yes you did and I

remember you were talking about the day

you cried Karen was wiping my tears she

was like baby don’t you cry you gonna be

okay you’ve got this that’s right and

what an amazing job talk it’s so proud

so proud of you so proud of you and it

just goes to show you that like God had

called Moses and Moses said no I’m not

an eloquent speaker da da da da da da

and God had something just for Moses to

do cuz only Moses could do it and baby

you came and you did it you know an

amazing way you really did we we kind of

feel like family you know cuz once you

spend a whole summer together in hot

sweaty temperatures you know you’re in

you’re just kind of in close knit

quarters for a very very long time you

kind of end up feeling like family and I

want to ask you what was your most

memorable part of this summer if you

could kind of narrow it down to one

thing that stands out the most to you

from filming war room what would that be

it would be difficult to pick one moment

because there were so many and I saw God

around every turn and in everything you

know and it was a godly set oh yeah the

Kendrick brothers will he’s set before

shooting you know UCL’s

yeah they’ll pray respect hey we haven’t

had training in Hollywood we didn’t know

so what we did is we took what we’ve

been doing every week in ministry

and we translated that onto the set so

it’s more so like a summer camp you know

than it is a Hollywood set so we were

like let’s dedicate every day to the

Lord and we would start off every

morning with devotions in prayer we

would commit the day to the glory of God

who would ask him to give us wisdom to

give to enable the actors to act even

beyond what they could do on their own

ability and and we saw the Lord show up

every day

that’s that my favorite part was seeing

those answers to prayer seeing God to

show up and work miracles provide a Miss

Clara provided the house for Miss Clara

which was another miracle that were in

the movie there were multiple things

where the Lord was laying tracks in

front of this moving train of War room

and and us getting to share the stories

look what he did you know it was

exciting the whole summer and you are

gonna see the ripple effect of that in

this film you will see it you will feel

it when you watch every single portion

of this movie it’s just a great film and

I can’t wait for you to see it

