This is “The Healing Tree.” God provided a way to sweeten your situation long before you needed it. And while hurt and disappointment can leave a bitter trail, following the Lord will always lead to more than you expected! Don’t camp in the bitter place; move to the better place God has for you … under the Healing Tree.

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom

connection I’m here today to announce

God did call you God did send you to

that place God did place you there God

does have plans for you I don’t care how

bitter it looks right now the Egyptian

disease of indecision will not take me

away from my mirror look with me in

Exodus chapter 15 and the Bible said

that the children of Israel murmured

against Moses because when you go

through the wilderness what then you

will come out and complaining and

murmuring with inside of them and the

atmosphere was conducive for whatever

was in them to come out but notice

complaining came out of them but crimes

of the Lord came out of Moses he cried

out to the Lord they talked to Moses and

Moses talked to God because Moses said I

don’t have water but God does they

called the name of that place

Marah they had bitter water now I want

you to think for just a moment three


nothing to drink there’s water

look God led us he prayed and asked God

and God led us and look the third day we

found water and they’re running and

they’re happy and everybody’s rejoicing

and they dip into the water and when

they taste what they thought was the in

the light at the end of the tunnel what

they thought was the end of the trial

what they thought was finally over with

now when they taste the water it’s so


they cannot drink it nothing affects

your life like when you

it’s over and then it gets worse nothing

affects your life and makes you bitter

when you think you’re at the end of it

and oh it’s going to be alright now

finally finally finally the light is

coming through the Sun is coming through

the clouds only to find out that when

they dip their hand down into the water

it was bitter and it was worse not

better I’m saying to you today that they

got to the end of the road and they

thought the breakthrough had come and

they found water but it was a cruel joke

it’s like the person who’s believing for

healing and believing for healing and

then you go to the doctor and you get

the opposite of what you’re believing

for remember Naomi she said don’t call

me beautiful anymore her name means

beautiful she said don’t call me

beautiful she said call me bitter for

I’ve been through so much I’m just a

bitter woman bitterness is when you’re

not looking forward to nothing

bitterness is when something has dried

up and all hope of ever getting out

seems to be gone when bitterness has

gotten in your your spirit you don’t

want to go to church everything is wrong

with everything you become angry you

become own own age and they begin to cry

the people begin to cry God looked down

from the wilderness and he didn’t see

the hot Sun he didn’t respond to the

wilderness or the thirst or the bitter

words but he heard the cry of his people

he said hush angels choirs I hear the

cry of my people something is crying my

people are crying out for me if there’s

anything that will soften the heart of

God it’s when you got when you get

broken enough to cry under God job said

I cried and the Lord delivered me Jonah

said I cried out to the Lord in the

belly of the fish and the Lord delivered

me the three Hebrew children cried out

to God in the fiery furnace and when the

devil says die and when the

level says you can’t make it and when

the devil says that you’re going to die

in the wilderness there’s one thing you

can always do cry out unto the Lord life

is going to give you some bitter water

jesus said in this world you will have

tribulation but be of good cheer I have

overcome the world and the thing you

dream for falls through that’s bitter

water when the family member disappoints

you and shatters your dreams that’s

bitter water when the prayer for

breakthrough is prayed over and over and

it doesn’t come and it’s seemingly too

late and you’re losing everything that’s

bitter water broken promises and

betrayal in a marriage that’s bitter

water your life partner has shattered

your faith and trust that’s bitter water

when you’re preaching a funeral instead

of celebrating a miracle that can become

bitter water shocking how quickly we can

go from rejoicing to bitterness God the

Bible said in the middle of it when they

cried out to God show them a tree and

when I read that I couldn’t help but

think how did they miss the tree if I’d

been in the son of a desert with the

with the heat beating down on me the

first thing I would look for is a tree

that had some shade but they did not see

it because they were so blinded by their

bitterness when they tasted the bitter

water they never even saw the tree that

was there it’s hard to see the tree for

the woods it’s hard to see what God is

doing sometimes when you enter in to

bitterness all you can do is look at

your puddle of disappointment all you

can do is look at your pool of shattered

dreams and look at that bitter thing

that betrays you but there is a tree

that God had planted

by the bidder pool and they didn’t even

see it they didn’t even notice and God

opened their eyes and opened the eyes of

the leader and showed Moses the only

tree in the desert he saw it and when he

saw it God said take that tree and put

it in the water and the bitter water

will be come sweetie listen to me trees

don’t grow overnight you’re planning for

the future when you plant a tree

somewhere in the past God had allowed a

seed to fall into the the floor of that

desert through a crack and somehow he

preserved it and somehow he allowed just

enough moisture to keep that seed alive

for month after month year after year I

think he probably assigned an angel to

shoe off any goats or sheep that was

eating out there wandering through the

desert and the angel can you see him

scurrying off little sheep saying I’m

guarding this little seed right here

because God is planting a tree he’s

planning it and he’s growing a tree

because he knows one day there’s a bunch

of bitter people that are going to go

through something and only the tree can

turn their bitterness into sweetness and

so God allowed that tree to grow it grew

day after day week after week it was not

an accident month after month year after

year all and then one day one day all

the time God knowing in the future that

a crisis was going to take place right

there and he would already have the

answer to the problem ready when they

got there before they drank one felt a

bitter water the tree was already

planted before they needed it it was

already there before you head home the

tree has already been planted before you

got the doctor’s diagnosis the tree of

healing was already planted before that

child got on drugs are got mixed up with

their own people


tool of their deliverance was already

planted before the enemy ever attacked

there was a tree that was already

planted the date of your deliverance has

already been decreed the judgment

against your adversary has already been

written God has already planted the

right people in the right place at the

right time so that you can do what he’s

called you to do God’s already speaking

to people that you don’t even know about

and while you’re freaking out and get

mad and bitter at God the tree is

already planted and all he’s saying is

it’s a test trust me even when you don’t

understand even when you’re disappointed

even when you thought it was going to

turn out a different way

trust me the tree is already planted if

you’ve tasted bitter water God is saying

look around I’ve been working on the

thing a long time God’s doing things you

don’t even know about and we get bitter

instead of trusting God when he when he

leads us in a way we weren’t expecting

he was working on it before you ever

moved the town years ago God knew you

would be where you are and he already

has the tree planted the tool of

deliverance is already there and you

don’t trust God enough to believe even

what I’m preaching he was putting it

together he was getting the pieces in

place planting a tree before you ever

tasted the bitter water he said if

you’ll follow me listen to what his

promise is and obey me I will put none

of the diseases that were on the

Egyptians on you I don’t remember a lot

of diseases on the Egyptians

the thing that I remember about the

Egyptians is they got real bitter every

time Moses would come and God would tell

him to do something they would harden

their heart and get bitter and try to

double down with bitterness and revenge

what are the diseases I’ll put none of

the diseases of the Egyptians I don’t

think it was just diseases of the flesh

the greatest disease the Egyptians had

was the diseases of the Spirit the

diseases that get into people when they

go into bitter water they were bitter

against Moses they were bitter against

the Israelites when he came and said let

my people go anything I won’t let if you

will trust me and not enter into

bitterness I won’t let the disease of

the Egyptians which is what bitterness

anger and revenge go get them back go

get them back you remember how favor of

had this anger this revenge this

bitterness bitter water experiences can

contaminate our spirit and can cause

this anger at people and it’s situations

to begin to boil over in it and there’s

bitterness there’s anger and there’s

revenge America needs this kind of

healing because I don’t care what any

body has done to you you are never

allowed to let me let the diseases of

the Egyptians bitterness anger and

revenge begin to contaminate your spirit

he said if you if you trust me and

you’ll know that I am your source and I

am a God of justice

I’ll fight the battle for you but if you

want to sit on the throne and judge

everybody and get revenge and become

bitter and angry then the diseases will

get in your spirit and contaminate you

and destroy your destiny the Egyptian

disease like indecision

you remember how indecisive they were

let them go you know when they were in

Egypt in

would bring a pledge and they say let

them go and then they say no bring them


let them go no bring them back no let

them go let them go out three days no

now go get them and bring them back

that’s indecision and that comes from

bitterness maybe God led me here maybe

he didn’t a double minded man is

unstable in all of his ways and the

disease of the Egyptians is anger

bitterness revenge and another one is

indecision maybe God led me maybe he

didn’t maybe God called me maybe he

didn’t maybe God will save my family

maybe he won’t when you’re in that maybe

he will maybe he won’t think it’s a sign

that you’re that you are camping out at

bitter waters the only reason that you

are where you are is God brought you

there how did they get where they works

the cloud they were under the cloud God

led them not just to blessing but to a

bitter place to test them to see if

you’re going to let these the diseases

of the Egyptians bitterness anger

revenge indecision contaminate your soul

but God had a tree planted before the

bitter waters ever came into their life

I’m here today to announce God did call

you God did send you to that place

God did place you there God does have

plans for you I don’t care how bitter it

looks right now the Egyptian disease of

indecision will not take me away from my

miracle when you got there

God knew you would be there this is what

thrill me about this story God never

intended for us to go through bitter

waters and a bitter place and count

there and live there he said I will test

you with situations where it looks like

this is it and when it doesn’t happen

Hope deferred makes the heart sick and

when it doesn’t happen

if you don’t get bitter if you don’t get

angry you don’t let it get in you I’m

going to lead you notice the next part

he said I will put none of the diseases

on you verse 26 which I brought on the

Egyptians for I am the lord who heals

you then they came to Elam where there

were twelve wells of water and seventy

palm trees and there they camp by the

waters Moses I never told you to camp at

Marah I just wanted you to pass through

and pass the tests now on the horizon is

what I’ve been wanting to really take

you into and it’s a place that has 12

whales and 70 palm trees in other words

you’re going to have 12 times more

blessing and 70 times more shade than

you’ve ever had in your life after you

go through the bitter place and you

refuse to take on the disease of the

Egyptians don’t stop there in the bitter

place don’t get discouraged there in the

bitter place just on the other side of

the bitter water is 12 whales of

blessing and 70 palm trees of shade and

comfort and prosperity that I have

prepared for you if you pass this test I

don’t want you to camp out at the bitter

place I’m taking you to a better place

pass through the bitter water but say

I’m not staying here I’ve got my eye on

70 palm trees and twelve whales of

living water

I’m saying to every family I’m saying to

every marriage I’m saying to every

person who’s come into contact with

bitter waters this is the word of the

Lord for you and for our nation that if

we will not allow the diseases of Egypt

bitterness anger revenge indecision

doubting God but if we will trust him

and say I refuse to take on all that

stuff your God and I’m not I’m Yours and

where you leave me I will follow but I

know you haven’t called me to live here

I’m not going to camp here I’m just

going to pass through and when they

drunk of the water it gave them enough

strength to get where God was taking

them in the next verse 2 they exchanged

one bitter pool for 12 whales of

precious delicious water they they

exchanged one bit broken down trees for

70 palm trees of shade and comfort you

see them on a hammock laying out there

sipping on a pineapple something

whatever water in that pineapple come on

a man with an umbrella on it what they

call those thing I don’t know I’m not a

drinker a lot of y’all are I don’t know

I’m just saying I see them I don’t know

what they are but I can see on I can see

them in that hammock hallelujah and I

just felt like the Lord put a little

word in my spirit he said for your shame

you shall have double one pool of

bitterness equals seven wells of

righteousness and blessing and favor one

old broken-down tree represents seventy

trees a blessing that are coming in your

future and for your shame you shall tell

the double

everybody say they’re saying Jesus name

twelve times more blessing and seventy

times more shade and comfort if I won’t

get bitter I’m passing through

bitterness but I’m camping out at

seventy palm trees and twelve whales

more than enough exceedingly abundantly

above all that I could ask a thing

somebody thank the Lord right now I am

that Gila see I am the Lord your heel

why don’t you just stand your feet at

every campus I sent my word and here

your disease I am the Lord your I dare

you to lift up both hands and with

everything you’ve got call him your

healer I am

that healeth me

I am the Lord



I did my work and you’re busy not just




anger let him heal and now I am the Lord




a more

can you any public 70 countries and the


and my words that’s there





how many of you today listening to me

would love for God to heal bitterness

I’m cutting right to the chase if you’re

tired of being angry and bitter and

revengeful and you want God to sit on

the throne and not you how many of you I

just felt like God wants to heal

families and marriages and relationships

once the heal people’s spirits because

the first time he shows up he doesn’t

heal a disease until he heals bitterness

I think your people will get bitterness

healed today there’s going to be a

release of miracles in physical healings

as soon as we get the bitterness taken

care so if I’m preaching to you or your

family or your life get out of your seat

if God’s speaking to you and you know

this is a word in season and you know

the diseases of Egypt have started to

contaminate your soul in decision you’re

confused the double minded man is

unstable because you you can’t even

you’re not being led by God anymore your

angers leading your bitterness is

leading come on this is great come on

every campus come on come on

we’re going to pray this prayer


and then I’m going to decrees three

things that God is going to turn your

bitter pool into twelve wells of 12

times more than blessing he’s going to

take the one broke down tree and turn it

into 70 palm trees hallelujah and then

the other thing is that for your shame

you shall have double because you pass

the test when you walk down that aisle

lift your hands high all over the

buildings everybody at every campus say

these words Lord in the name of Jesus I

receive you as Jehovah Rapha the Lord

that heals me you heal my bitterness you

heal my anger you heal my revenge you

heal my indecision I receive the mind of

Christ I receive the Spirit of Christ I

receive the heart of Christ I’m not and

it’s being released forgiveness healing

I’m being released from bitterness I’m

being released from revenge I’m being

released from unforgiveness I’m being

released from indecision I’m going to be

able to make a clear decision lord I

thank you I’m back on track and I’m just

passing by the bitter water I’m not

camping out there not another day say

that not another day am i goleo by the

bitter waters when the cross promises

healing and now come on make you a

confession bold say this words have


and now I receive twelve times more


and 70 times more staid and comfort

because I refuse to be bitter through

the power of the cross we hope you’ve

enjoyed this teaching by Jenson Franklin

and thank you for your continued support

of this ministry your prayers and

financial support make these programs

possible for more information about this

message and other ministry resources

visit us online at Jensen Franklin o RG
