
awesome pleasure and privilege to be at

the one house now the Potter’s House at

the one The Potter’s House had one la


getting a title right Potter’s House in

one la amen hallelujah hallelujah god

bless PT and First Lady Sarah who are

the pastors of this great great ministry

and as God continues to expand their

territory now when when God asked me

through PT to speak today I always go

before him and say God what is it that

you want me to talk about where are your

people and what do they need I never

assumed to know what your need is before

I speak I go before God and say what is

the need what do you want me to talk

about so that whatever you caused me to

say would be entirely relevant to their


and so when God delivered to me the word

for today I said no God that’s not it

that’s not it

no I said that ain’t it mmm anybody hear

that who can hear that what is it


today God told me to talk about time

time time time and many of us know the

sound of this this is the alarm that we

set every morning and if we’re really

being honest the first time it rings we

do not answer come on come on eleven

o’clock don’t play with me am i right am

i right

there are two options on how to deal

with an alarm when it goes off you can

either stop it or you can snooze it when

you stop it it means you’re getting

ready to get up and you acknowledge that

now is the time to maximize your time

for the day but some of us hit the

snooze button because we need a little

bit more time to get ready to maximize

the time well god bless your heart might

I submit for your consideration that

there was something you were called to

do in the earth and God keeps sending an

alarm in your spirit and you can’t rest

until you do it let me tell you

something today God called you here

because it’s time to stop hitting the

snooze on whatever he called you to do

today is the day he wants you to answer

the alarm but but as I was talking to

God and saying God what is it about time

he used a viral message that went viral

because of the truth to help me

understand what he wanted us to talk

about today I want to show you this clip


is there some reason why I did not get a

response to the letter that I said May

23rd maybe they don’t want to take my

time I also have appreciated the

opportunity reclaiming my time of all

times I was gonna answer that straight

to mr. chairman I thought when you read

the rules you acknowledge that I

shouldn’t be interrupted and that I

would have reclaiming my time what he

failed to tell you was when you’re on my

time I can reclaim it I say he left that

out so I’m reclaiming my time

please will you respond to the question

of why I did not get a response me and

my colleagues to the may 23rd letter I

want you to go like this I want you to

just reach up and say I’m reclaiming my

time today I’m reclaiming my time go

ahead and pull your time back pull your

time back see what was happening that

was a House Financial Services Committee

meeting right where we’re magazine

representative magazine waters has sent

a letter asking about a response to

Trump’s finances in Russia and there you

had the Treasury Secretary when being

asked a direct question wanting to eat

up the time in pleasantries by design

was deflecting the time so there would

not be time left to give an adequate and

accurate answer and representative

waters seeing what was happening she

went ahead and resorted to the rules and

said I’m reclaiming my time that means

the time that you are trying to waste

you cannot waste because I’m taking it

from you and I’m taking it back to where

it belongs I am talking to some body

right now you know what I can do this go

ahead and say hey man can some of you

already caught the message you can go

ahead and go home


amen CC chief she understood the rules

that the time was in her control money

to talk to somebody right now your time

is in your control you don’t believe me

look at the seasons chapter 5 verse 15

and 16 Paul says this be very careful

then how you live not as unwise but as

wise making the most of every

opportunity and there are some

translations that say making the most of

your time because the days are evil so

let me submit for your consideration

that when we were born we both were

given two things talent and time talent

and time talent and time turn to your

neighbor on your right and say you got

some talent turn to neighbor on the left

but say do you have the time oh I want

to talk to somebody right now because

see one of these two things is a limited

resource the other is an unlimited

resource your talent is unlimited I need

you to know this that what you have

within you what God put within you is

unlimited all right that the people you

think see here’s the thing some of you

think that people are stolen things from

you and kept opportunities from you let

me tell you something that God has more

than what they tried to take from you

because there’s more talent in you than

they even realized they think they stole

one idea but you got a million more they

think they took what was from you but

God said what I put in you can create

again so don’t worry about not having

enough talent you got that but the

limited resource is the time mmm I wish

I could tell you you had more time than

you do this is why God wanted me to come

here today and and hopefully inspire and

motivate you to reclaim your time

reclaim that which is yours to begin

with at the end of your life at the end

of my life God is going to ask me what

did you do with the time that I gave you

representative waters said I want to be

a good steward over my time because I

realize my time is valuable I need an

answer to my question so I’m not going

to let somebody does the detour me

distract me from getting what I know I’m

supposed to get with my time so instead

of giving it to you I’m taking it back

and when I take it back I preserve the

essence for what it was created Matthew

chapter 25 the next verse I want to talk

to you from Matthew chapter 25 verse 14

says this again it will be like a man

going on a journey this is a response to

the disciples asking Jesus what will it

be like when you come what will be like

when you return and Jesus uses a parable

to answer the question again it will be

like a man going on a journey who called

his servants and entrusted his property

to them to one he gave five talents of

money to another two talents and to

another one talent each according to

their ability then he went on his


interesting interesting so we were

dropped off in this earth given talent

and time but no instruction mm-hmm I

want to talk to somebody right now just

because you didn’t get the literal

instruction doesn’t mean you aren’t

accountable for your time and your

talent oh I talked to so many people

that want to know well what am I

supposed to do with my time and how do I

maximize my talent I can tell you how

deeply you are into your talent based

upon how you tell me how you spend your

time mmm there was a great preacher Oh

watch come on eleven o’clock I got to

get to this message a man a man a man a

man I want to stay focused hallelujah

watch this there was a great preacher

that said time is the currency of the

earth time is the currency of the earth

and if we take that idea to be true it

means every day we have as much wealth

as anyone else why because we have the

same amount of time hmm so what is the

difference between the person you aspire

to be like and URI right now my TV is

not that they have more talent but maybe

they are better at managing their time

in the Bible there are two types of time

there is Chronos and there is Kairos now

I don’t mean to get you know a deep on

you right I just I want to but I want

you to understand the difference of what

we’re talking about Chronos is the time

you tell on your watch

it’s like minutes it’s hours it stays

you can actually tell me what time it is

it’s 1157 Kairos is an appointed time

basically called a due season where you

were created to optimize your position

in the earth during a Kairos time many

of you are asking when is your

breakthrough coming might I submit to

your consideration that before the

foundation of the earth already written

in the script of your life was the time

when you are gonna have the maximum

impact in the earth but in order to have

your time it goes back to how you manage

your time in order to get the Kairos you

must manage the Chronos oh I’m taking

y’all to Bible School for a minute it’s

cool it’s cool I’m gonna come sit next

you watch this watch this

so often

can’t even get through my message

because there’s something I know I have

not done and God in His grace and His

mercy keeps sending an alarm in our

spirit saying my son and my daughter I

need you to be obedient I need you to

get it right in this season I need you

to stop procrastinating in this season

and so the alarm keeps going off and

some of us because we’re not ready we

say I’ll answer that I’ll answer it

tomorrow do you realize that

procrastination it’s like playing

Russian roulette with your destiny you

think you have more time than you do so

you go ahead and delay what’s supposed

to be done today to a time that may

never materialize and then we wonder why

we’re not happy because we’re not

productive in doing what he called us to

do I don’t know who I’m talking to right

now but God said it is time to reclaim

your time we all have the same amount of

time in the day now how much time do we

have in this life I don’t know I don’t

know I don’t know how much time you have

left I don’t know how much time I got

left but guess what I don’t worry about

what I don’t know I worry about what I

do know he woke me up this morning he

started me on this way and if he woke me

up that means he financed my gift for

today so I’d better get busy turns here

never say you better get busy you better

get busy you better get busy time is in

my opinion time is more valuable than

money why because if I lose money I can

get it back

amen somebody anybody lost some money

before anybody had some money taken from

you before yeah


but even though money has gotten taken

from you how many were able to earn some

money back it’s much harder to earn time

bang there was a time when I had

somebody working for me and they stole

fifteen thousand dollars from me yeah

you heard it fifteen thousand dollars

and you know truth be told I didn’t even

get up that’s I didn’t get that upset I

let him go when I kept moving on do you

know why because my response time and if

I allowed myself to wallow in bitterness

anger frustration resentment then I

would have given them more valuable

which was time in addition to the money

they stole I said it’s already bad

enough you got my money but I ain’t

gonna give you my time so go ahead and

god bless you but let me tell you

something what you stole God is gonna

return to me not just a hundred two

hundred three hundred foot do you

realize God has brought me deals that

have more than replaced the fifteen

thousand dollars let me tell you

something let them take your money but

don’t let somebody take your time you

got to reclaim your time time is more

valuable than money you heard that old

adage time equals money no no no Tigers

were viable the money because time is

harder to create and once we’ve lost

time it’s hard to make up for lost time

you get what I’m saying so so I want us

to come to an understanding of the value

of time every hour we’ve been given in a

day is valuable filled with wealth

filled with blessings filled with

resources so if we understand that time

is valuable

right everyone agree time is valuable by

show of hands who believes that if we

can acknowledge that it’s so valuable

why is it so hard to manage our time why

why what’s so interesting about the text

is the master gave three servants talent

according to their ability and then he

left with no instruction and did not

tell them when was the time he was going

to return he didn’t tell them the

Chronos so they had something and they

had to figure out did he just give us

this just to squander it and hold on to

it no because we know our master we know

God he said that that he sent Jesus so

that we might have life and have it more

abundantly so if I’m supposed to have an

abundant life that Minds that must means

faith without works is dead

that means faith with works equals life

that means I’m supposed to do something

with what I’ve got but in order to

maximize my talent I’ve got to manage my

time one of the reasons why I feel like

we don’t a handle or manage our time

right is because of procrastination

we calculate that we have more time than

we do oh boy I’m gonna come sit right

next to you right now yes yes eleven

o’clock I’m sitting right next to you

right now okay see see what happens is

is you know we say in January I’m

getting back in the gym New Year’s

resolution we go and buy the 24-hour

Fitness membership Planet Fitness

membership right or we go get in a

SoulCycle class right we buy a couple

classes who am I talking to some of

y’all get got class pass some of y’all

do the matrix like me all right you go

ahead and sign up and I’m ready but then

all of the sudden we’re in August

and your membership ain’t seeing you

since you signed up for who am I talking


and here’s but here’s a problem here’s a

problem here’s a problem we want to know

why our talent isn’t at a higher level

if if LeBron James or Steph Curry said I

want to have an NBA Finals level talent

but did not put an NBA Finals level

practice there were it would not show up

on the court when it was ready

they’d have to practice in the offseason

like it’s the real season you want to

get your talent at a level where you’ve

arrived but if you don’t practice at a

level in which you have a ride your

talent may never manifest at the level

of your time management might consider

remount I submit for your consideration

that you got to take your talent and say

god how am i managing my time why am i

procrastinating what you want me to do

today for a time in the future that may

never manifest procrastination robs us

of our time and I say us because I’m

right there with you do you realize one

of the things that takes the most of our

time that manifests procrastination you

know this is Carl it’s called a phone

how much time do we spend

procrastinating on the phone we have

become and I talked about this in Bible

study earlier this week we have become a

generation of scrollers we want to know

why our talent isn’t where God wants it

to be it’s because we spend so much time

in unproductive activities which are

called procrastination I wake up and I

scroll anybody there come on now I’m on

the way to the bathroom and I scroll I’m

in the bathroom and I scroll who am I

talking to right now

some of you were upstairs who’s in the

bathroom and you just checking Twitter

like somebody that’s gonna deliver a

tweet to you that you needed to know

yours let me check in snapchat hey at

one church father’s house right come on

how often do we scroll we’re in the car

it’s not the stoplight and we scroll and

god bless your heart some of you are

driving and you scroll would you please

not text and drive please look out for

our well-being if you

concern for your well-being who am I

talking to right now it’s not that we

don’t have enough time but we allow

distractions to detour us we allow

distractions to eat up our time we go to

bed and we scroll come on but let me ask

you something if I were to do a audit of

the time management during the week that

you would submit to me how much time is

actually spent working on your talent

harnessing the very thing you were

created to do let me tell you something

there were times when I literally would

find myself distracted and detoured from

my talent because I was watching too

much TV oh man

security may be young I just want to go

ahead and call to uber right now because

I’m about to get in somebody’s business

right now um here’s the thing I’m a

producer you know my daytime job as a

producer I make movies I make television

so I’m in the entertainment business but

when you look up entertainment the

definition of an entertainment is an

escape an escape from reality so people

leave where they are into the world of

the characters and as a result they feel

better about themselves living in a

fictitious world so they don’t have to

focus on the problems in their current

reality if you want to understand where

your time is going then you have to look

at how much time you’re devoting to

entertainment I need to talk to somebody

right now so much of our prep time okay

I’m talking to him

I just got to tell you what I want to

tell you and what God is telling me to

tell you and y’all gonna love me if you

can’t let me it’s okay but I need you to

know that entertainment might be

stealing your preparation time

it’s annoying isn’t it every time we get

going every time you start to find a

rhythm but it’s not where you’re

supposed to be every time you start to

feel good and saying you know I don’t

need to live in the fullness of my

calling anyway it was too disappointing

you know what I know when I came to LA

for but it’s been too hard so maybe

that’s never going to happen let me go

in another direction god loves you so

much he said no no no my daughter no my

son you must do what I’ve called you to

do and I’m going to keep annoying you

and I’m gonna keep waking you up and I’m

gonna keep agitating you until you do it

why because I know what I put in you and

I know what the world needs and I need

you to be obedient to it right now but

some of you keep hitting the snooze

you’re not ready yet you’re not ready we

lose our time in entertainment some of

us know more about what’s going on with

cardi B don’t play with me one Church

some of us know what’s going on with

Stevie J and joseline and what’s the

difference with hazely and what’s going

on with Love & Hip Hop New York a

Hollywood what’s he ready to happen in

Miami then we do know what’s going on in

our own lives

man submit for your consideration you

might need to tell stranger things you

won’t have to stay a strain to think

because right now tonight I cannot watch

I’m sorry you might need to tell the

hand mates hell on Hulu you want to stay

at Handmaid’s Tale I gotta focus tonight

on what God called me to do who am I

talking to right now sometimes you got

to turn on Spotify turn off Apple music

I don’t know who I’m talking to but we

got a monitor entertainment because

sometimes it’s an escape away from doing

what God called us to do he gave us each

talent but it’s the time required to

manage the talent that the enemy is

attacking this is why it’s so hard to

manage our time day-to-day because the

enemy says listen

I’m not gonna really be able to take

your talent from you because that’s what

God gave you I can’t really attack that

but if I attack your time your talent

may never manifest come on let’s be

honest how hard is it every day to

manage our time seriously how many of

you ever had this cycle before where

you’re like okay alright okay tonight

I’m gonna go to bed early so I can get

up early tomorrow so I can hit the gym I

can do my prayers like it was Scripture

and then I’ll be ready for work who’s

been there and then all of a sudden that

night the program got good to us we said

you know what let me just finish or we

binge-watch he said let just watch one

more next thing you know we were little

tired the alarm went off in the morning

instead of getting up we hit snooze and

by the time we got out we were rushing

and everything we wanted to do during

that day now went out the window

because we were playing catch-up all day

many of us have been playing catch-up

all year the three servants were given

talent but they didn’t know how much

time they had we all have been given the

talent but we don’t know how much time

we have but I can tell you if you woke

up this day that means you have enough

time to do what he’s called you to do

what he’s called me to do so

procrastination has to be put on notice

I am no longer going to allow

procrastination to steal my time I’m

reclaiming my time from procrastination

today how many know right now there’s

some things you need to do that you’ve

been procrastinating come on let me all

got to raise two hands and both your

feet because you’ve been procrastinating

that much come on

I am too I’m raising them too is a me

versus you this is us together

here’s what I realize about time what

else makes it hard to keep our time

people the people we hang around the

people that are in our phone let me tell

you there are some people when I see

them call you know where

I say listen cuz I know here’s what

happened there’s some people that call

and I know that the moment I say hey

what’s up 45 minutes is gone am i right

hours gone come on come on eleven

o’clock who who am I talking to right

now gone but here’s what happens we

start to feel guilty well if I just send

them to voicemail I’ll feel badly you

know cuz they would have called me and

then I didn’t answer their call and then

I gotta call him back later so instead

of not wanting to feel bad and

reclaiming our time we answer the call

because we don’t want to feel bad and

here we are

uh-huh oh yeah oh yeah no I’m listening

yeah of course I’m girl come on do in an

hour is gone and now they get off the

phone energized and we got off the phone

Draenor I’m claiming my time

god bless voicemail amen you got to go

to voicemail cuz I’m not ready to handle

your call right now no I’m not I got

things to do and your call unfortunately

it’s not one of them god bless you call

somebody else waste their time but I am

reclaiming my time right now you all

should see my voicemail let me tell you

something I got voicemails that have not

been answered

I say Lord when it’s time for me to get

back to them I’ll get back to them if

they really need me they know they’re

gonna have to find me they can find me

on Twitter they can find me in my office

but right now I gotta say focus right

because if I spend too much time talking

on the phone with conversations that

never lead anywhere I will have

squandered valuable time that I may

never get back I’m talking to somebody

right now you don’t have to answer every

phone call you don’t have to answer

every text message there are some text

messages I get and I just say you know

what if I respond to this right now

it’s gonna take me out of my Higher Self

and put me right into my lower self so

lord I ain’t going to answer

and then and then we get we get worried

well what if they run into me and say

did you get my text yeah I got I got it

I’m still working on my response amen

god bless you manage your time manage

your time manage your time oh I’m gonna

claim in my time because here’s what I

have found here’s what I found

we will spin in our returning text

messages to do what we spend more time

with these emojis come on you know

HiFi pray you know sad face crying our

tol FAL would you know lol all these

things I’m sorry I’m tired

I can’t emoji you know I’m sorry I gotta

focus on this gift because there’s

something in me that’s got to come out

there’s some place I’m trying to be I

gotta manage my time I will schedule

some time to take you back but right now

is not the time

you got to reclaim your time right now

the phone is one of the greatest

distractions of our time one of the

other reasons why we lose our time we

don’t plan well if we what does

everybody say if we play if we fail to

plan right then our plan will fail when

it God has called you to do something

when he’s called me to do something we

got to write it down some of you when

you get out of here when you get home

before you turn on the TV get out your

phone or your laptop and write down your

plan do an audit of your 24 hours

where are the hours being misspent and

that is the area to attack first what

are the area in your life what’s the

area you want to go higher in it could

be your gifting it could be on your job

it could be in your calling whatever the

area that you’re saying God I want more

in we have to begin to plan in order to

harness the more right now I’m preaching

to you this is one of my gifts so I have


take time to use the gift in order for

it to manifest if I only focus on

producing films and television and I

ignore this gift of speaking

I will not fulfill my purpose in the

earth so I have to allocate time I have

to plan time the same way I have to plan

time when you plan time you’re gonna see

your your productivity increase speaking

of productivity one of the reasons why

we don’t manage our time well is we

confuse busyness with being productive

there are two different things I can be

busy but not productive busyness says

hey yeah what’d you do today well yeah

you know I woke up and I went to Target

and you know and I dropped off the dry

cleaning and you know I changed the cat

litter and I took the dogs for a walk

and and I returned this email and I

returned that email and you know I got

home and I made dinner and I watch this

and okay well that’s cool but did you

get any further in your purpose today

productivity equals progress there was a

story that came out about Warren Buffett

that said that he Warren Buffett one of

the richest men in the world one of the

greatest investors that is the financial

market has ever known and it says that

in his calendar he may only have one or

two meetings a day this dog all day do

you hear it it’s annoying isn’t it it’s

disruptive isn’t it but it just might

save your life because some of you keep

hearing this some of you keep hearing

this alarm in your spirit and you keep

saying tomorrow I’ll do it some of you

keep hearing this alarm and your spirit

that it’s time to go further in your

destiny time to go further in your

calling time to go further in your

Appling time to go further in your

obedience and you keep saying not now

but tomorrow but let me tell you that

when you begin to say tomorrow instead

of today then what are you going to feel

today doing if today is not good enough

to do what God has told us to do what

are we gonna fill it with is there

anything that we can fill today with

when it doesn’t align with God’s

obedience for our life think about it

when we say okay today I’m supposed to

be obedient and moving forward in my

talent and my gifting and my calling but

I hit the snooze until tomorrow what

happens with today it becomes less

productive it becomes less rewarding it

becomes less peaceful because we know in

our spirit we didn’t maximize what we

were given I’m talking to somebody right

now and as a result we say tomorrow imma

get up and do it and next thing you know

tomorrow is next year

and next thing you know next year is

next five years and some of us there are

things God told us to do 10 years ago we

have not done yet God wants me to tell

you it’s time to reclaim the time when

you go back to Warren Buffett he leaves

time in his calendar why because he said

that some of his best ideas come when

he’s not busy he will hear what stocks

to invest in he will be able to come up

with new ideas when there is time in his

schedule to just think busyness

sometimes gets us out of thinking there

are times when I’ve been so busy and I

look up not at the end of a day but at

the end of a quarter and realize I have

not moved further towards my goal at all

because I’ve just been busy so what has

caused me to do is say you know what I’m

no longer gonna value busyness I’m gonna

value productivity

so what is productivity look like

productivity means that I can’t say yes

to everything that comes my way god

bless your heart you like to hurt some

people’s feelings it’s okay all right

we can just because it’s a good thing

that they want you to do doesn’t mean

it’s a good thing that you should do or

that I should do amen

am i right how many people come the

enemy will work through good people to

bring us good things it doesn’t mean

that we’re supposed to do them you get

what I’m saying

we have to stay focused on what God

called us to do because sometimes a good

thing doesn’t make it a god thing and a

good thing can just be a distraction on

assignment I’m talking to somebody right

now when we’re productive we’re focused

do you know where you’re going do you

know what talent manifestation looks

like in your life when you think about

your life and maximizing your gift can

you see what it looks like who can see

it who has trouble seeing it we are one

big support group for those that have

trouble seeing it would you do me a

favor would you please stand

God sent you here today because he wants

to clear your spiritual vision he wants

me to let you know that what he put in

you he didn’t put it anybody else and

you have spent time hours looking in the

mirror and asking the person that looks

back at you do I have what it takes and

there have been times when you doubt it

every day you get up and sometimes you

doubt who you really are and what you

really have

and as a result of doubting it it

becomes it becomes hard to see anything

further than what’s in front of your

hand because every time you’ve tried to

reach for more it feels like you’ve

never grasped it God sent you here today

because he wants you to know what he put

in you is good it’s good your talent is

good it’s good and he wants me to let

you know stop beating yourself up

because what happens is you beat

yourself up so badly that it’s hard for

you to heal and embrace your gift

because you’re so wounded by how you

talk to yourself how you put yourself

down he wants me to let you know you’re

incredible do you realize how much

talent you have no no no do you have

more talent than your fingernail right

then other people in your field have and

they went to school doing what you’re

doing right now I need you to know that

you have the talent you have the talent

you have the talent you have the talent

you have the talent put your hand right

here right here on your chest say I’ve

got the talent no no oh now I’ve got the

talent I’ve got to tell him now that you

have owned what is in you you got to

stop letting the enemy tell you

otherwise because the enemy wants to get

in your head the enemy is trying to take

your time he’s good by getting your hair

saying you ain’t got it you’re never

gonna make it


not gonna happen I need you to know if

he gave you the talent he has every

intent to see that talent maximized in

this earth before his coming I need to

tell you that so if you have the talent

I want you to say I have the talent I’ve

just got to work on my time because when

I don’t feel good about myself I don’t

handle my time well am i right

last thing God wants me to tell you he

said listen if you only knew how close

you really are if you if you only knew

if you only knew if you only know you do

you think you’re at a standstill you

think you’re at a stop God said no no

you’re closer you’re this close you’re

this close you’re this close he said

this is why I need you to get your time

in order because you’re this close when

you look back in the mirror and the

person that looks back at you I want you

to say I got this I got this

high-five your neighbors say I got this

I got this I got this you may have your

seat I got this I got this I got this I

got this you may be sitting down and you

didn’t stand high-five your neighbors

say I got this I got this I got this I

got it because here’s what I know in

order to reclaim your time there’s a few

things you have to do one you got to

turn deadlines because here’s what

happens a deadline inherent in a

deadline is death fear so many of us

when we put a deadline on something it

doesn’t motivate us it creates more fear

and anxiety so in order to reclaim your

time you got to change the deadlines

into life lines

I’m talking to somebody right now so so

I no longer put a deadline on something

I put a lifeline because when I complete

it in that time it gives me more life

because it pushes me further into my

destiny it pushes me further into my

calling so we gotta flip deadlines into

lifelines who am I talking to who’s

gonna do that no more deadlines

lifelines I don’t want nothing dead I’m

not speaking nothing dead all right the

other thing when it comes to reclaiming

our time we have to look at who were

giving our time to come on Lord keep me

focused Lord keep me focused see some of

us hmm we got to really go through our

phones and we really got to evaluate who

are we hanging with hmm okay I got to

come closer to you who are you dating

mm-hmm is who you’re dating aligned with

where he wants to take you he meaning

God you meaning you and is the person

you’re dating taking you closer to God

or further away from God are they

helping you benefit in your time or are

they distracting your time there were

people Oh am I gonna see I’m gonna give

you all some of our business before I

got married when I was dating there were

some women they were incredibly

attractive but as God says man looks on

the outward appearance but the Lord

looks on the heart and just because a

man or a woman is attractive on the

outside it doesn’t mean the quality of

their time is attractive on the inside

there are some people you like looking

good with but they aren’t good for you

why because every time you hang with

them you feel less than who you really

are your self-esteem goes down you gotta

look at who you’re giving your time to

you might need a check

right now say you know what I love you

you’re great but I’m gonna claim in my

time because you’re not for me you might

be a good thing but you’re not a god

thing hashtag I’m gonna claim in my time

don’t call me don’t text me don’t don’t

try to DM me no we’re done why cuz I’m

tired of giving you my time and I have

nothing to show for it you’ve got to

start looking at who are you giving your

time to there are some friends you give

your time to and you have nothing to

show for it

God keep me on point but see here’s the

thing some of us there are some friends

that we hang out with we love to party

with they love to party with us but

every time we hang out with them the

only thing we have to show for it is a

hangover oh yes

no see cuz here’s the thing we want the

full favor on our life but we don’t want

the full discipline and the process the

discipline says I can’t go out and hang

with you like that

why because I have something God has

called me to do and I’m tired of the

distractions I’m tired of the detours so

in order to reclaim our time we have to

look at who we’re giving our time to

just because they’ve been a friend for

10 years doesn’t mean they have been

anointed to be a friend for the next 10

years you got to catch that reclaim your

time reclaim your time there are some

family members God bless your heart I

love you see this this doesn’t stop

until you answer this is God this is

Jesus with you and with me

he says I stand at the door and I knock

some of you who have not accepted Jesus

as your Savior the reason why you’re

here is because of this he’s knocking on

your spirit and you keep wondering can

you be successful and commit your life

to Him and he says absolutely that’s why

I created you because there is really no

success without me he wants you to know

the moment you commit your life you’re

gonna see your life go to a whole nother

level I’m not telling you what I’ve read

I’m telling you what I’m living amen how

many more times you gonna have to hear

to the alarm in your spirit before you

answer and if you don’t answer today

when will you answer how many more times

you have to be annoyed by this sound to

say you know what today I’m gonna do

what God called me to do I’m gonna

manage my time I’m gonna stop

procrastinating I’m gonna be obedient to

everything he called me to do no matter

and here’s the thing we get so caught up

on how’s it gonna work out to serve the

master gave the servant talents and then

he left

did he give instruction did he say when

he was returning so what was the

responsibility of those that receive the

talent they had to go to work they had

to start working in why are you so

worried about how just start working it

no I’m serious just start working it

whatever you got just start working it

and see and see here’s the thing here’s

the thing here’s the thing some of us

have been in position where we had to

take a job that we didn’t like who am I

talking to somebody’s in the job right


amen somebody and and and part of the

temptation when we’re on a job we do not

like is to give the excuse that I’m in a

job that doesn’t give me enough time to

work on my talent I want you to flip it

okay well I’m gonna show you how to flip

it this job that I may not like

is financing is underwriting is paying

for the opportunity for me to use my

gift what does that mean it means I may

be in a job I don’t like but I’m getting

a paycheck that keeps gas in my tank

that keeps a roof over my head so as

long as I have shelter I have something

to eat and I have a vehicle or a means

of transportation could be uber it could

be the bus right I actually now have the

ingredients to begin to use my gift

because he’s too often we think I need a

lot of money to use my gift no you don’t

you need time the time you have if you

just sit down and say okay I want to be

a writer

alright well stop saying I want to be in

sit down and write right god bless your

heart right well I don’t know how to

write yes you do if you just sit down

and start writing you’re gonna see God

begin to align some things pull some

things out of you who am I talking to

who am I talking to just start doing it

start doing it

let me tell you something God did not

give me the ability to sing I wish he

did I wish he did I mean I’ve listened

man I tear up somebody’s gospel song

come on now but he didn’t but God you

bless your heart and he gave me the

ability to sing and that was one of my

gifts you know where I’m gonna start

singing I’m singing right there in that

shower I’m gonna get all them notes

right and then once I get out the shower

I’m say you know what let me join the

pray scene let me start singing why

because I do need to start using my gift

see too often we worry about how her

gifts gonna look and and what’s it going

to feel like and what are they gonna say

who cares what they’re gonna say just

start using it start using it start

using it

use your time to build up your talent

and put your talent to work the three

servants didn’t know how much time they

had to work what they were given but

they immediately went to work at least

two of them did the text tells us that

the one that had five immediately went

to work with the five and as a result

got five more the one with the two went

to work with the two and a result got

two more this is why I said earlier that

your talent is an unlimited supply

because the more you use it the bigger

gets the more you use what you were

created to do the bigger you become

you know one of the people that I that

is one of my close buddies and I and

it’s and I hang around him and sometimes

when I hang around might get frustrated

I’m be honest with you because it’s like

you ever hang around somebody that is

operating so clearly in their gift that

on one level they motivate you on other

hand they frustrate you cuz you’re like

why can’t I God why why anybody been

there could be honest one of my good

friends is Tyler Perry say what’s up

Tyler but sometimes you say what’s up to

Tyler and every time I hear round am I

getting motivated and frustrated at the

same time because I’m like wait a minute

man how are you able to operate in the

power of your talent so clearly that you

received the wor the reward that was

ordained for it and he says it’s because

I manage my time he said the way I shoot

my films the way I shoot my my

television shows I am very proficient

about my time and anyone on my set that

waste of my time will not be on my set

very long because I know that my time is

valuable so when I look at that I say

okay God let me not worry about what I

got but let me just take whatever you

given me and put it to work because if I

put it to work you’re gonna give me a

return when you look at Tyler Perry he’s

gotten a return I would argue he’s

probably earned more dollars per minute

of anyone working in Hollywood why

because he learned how to maximize his

time in order to build up his talent I

need to talk to somebody right now you

don’t need more talent you just got to

manage your time I got to manage my time

it’s all about looking at the servants

they manage their time 5 put the 5 to

work got 5 more to put the 2 to work got

2 more but the 1 instead of putting it

to work begin to get so afraid they

buried it fear works against our time

sometimes we we are so busy that we try

to become busy to mask our fear that

we’re really afraid that we’re never

going to make it we’re really afraid

that it’s never going to happen so as a

result we get real busy so we’ve never

had to think about that with the fact

that we’re afraid but God sent me here

to tell you you don’t have to be afraid

any longer what he put in you is good

he’s already giving you a Kairos

time in the earth where this whole thing

is supposed to manifest you may not even

realize that he’s preparing your

audience right now there are some people

right now he’s turning their heart

towards you so that when your gift it’s

its maximum opportunity the people

designed to receive it will be in a

position to receive it I don’t know who

I’m talking to right now but you have to

understand right now in your future God

is preparing people to receive what he

put in you this is why you have to go to

work if you have buried your talent go

ahead and pick that thing up dust it off

because you still have enough time

here’s what I know about God’s time he

if he woke us up today that means he

says I forgive you for any time you’ve

squandered get up get back in line and

go use what I gave you oh that can send

somebody free right now

butas had some guilt over time that you

squandered stand up right now if you’ve

had a little bit of guilt we’ve had some

frustration you you felt badly right God

wants me to tell you if he woke you up

today he has redeemed your time he wants

you to know that he woke you up today he

sent you to this service to reclaim your

time you know reclaim means take it back

I’m taking my time back from my guilt

I’m taking my time back from my

frustration I’m taking my time back from

my anxiety I’m taking my time back from

my anger who am I talking to right now

anybody taking that time back and let me

tell you something when you take your

time back and you and I put to work what

we’ve been given look at what happens

the master comes back and he says to the

one with the five and the two because

you were faithful over a few things

understand that what he’s given you he’s

giving it to you based upon your

capacity now to handle it

but understand once you put it to work

there’s more that’s on the way there’s

more that’s on the way the one with the

five and the two got much more than ten

and four you get what I’m saying

because once the master saw what they

did he said you’ve been faithful over a

few things now I want you to be ruler

over many things come and share your

masters happiness when we are productive


the reward is peace and happiness

anybody need more peace in your life

right now anybody need more joy in your

life right now it all starts with how we

manage the 24 hours before we close as

you are standing is there anybody here

today that wants to accept Jesus as your

personal Savior you’ve heard the alarm

go off in your spirit and today you want

to make the decision to go all the way

again this whole parable is an analogy

to answer the question what will it be

like when Jesus returns Jesus is the

master we are the servants he will be

looking for a return on everything he

gave us what better way to prepare

ourselves for our future our eternal

future than to commit to live with him

today is there anybody here we don’t

have a lot of time in this service so if

you know God has called you I don’t want

you to delay I want you to come down

here right now if you know he’s called

you if you feel the Holy Spirit moving

come on down come on down come on down

god bless your heart god bless you god

bless you god bless you my brother god

bless you my brother oh god bless you my

brother come on

god bless you god bless you my sister

god bless you come on shoot god bless

you god bless you come on up come on up

come on up come on up come on up we

don’t have a lot of time come on up come

on up you know you got to commit your

life to Jesus you know you got to align

with the gift-giver

the waymaker the miracle worker the

light in the darkness come on come on

you may be in the back you may be on the

sides come on

make room there’s plenty of room at this

altar you say today I got to make my

commitment I’m telling you from the

moment I accepted Jesus as my savior my

gifting went up my time management

improved because I align my key

with the creator and walking in steps

that he has already ordained creates

more peace more power more prosperity I

promise you is there anybody else before

we close you know you got to be down

here you may be on the sides you may be

in the back you may be in the back but

you know you got to accept him today

today today today today come on down

come on down we don’t have a lot more

time god bless you my sister god bless

you my sister god bless you come on god

bless you my sister god bless you my

sister come on come on come on

god bless you my brother come on come on

god bless you my sister come on come on

come on making the commitment today

today god bless you come on

god bless you whole families are coming

come on one church come on watch her

celebrate what God is doing god bless

you my brothers god bless you god bless

you as you come from the back come down

more room make room make room plenty of

room for you plenty of room god bless

you God bless you God bless you God

bless you God bless you God bless you

god bless you

god bless you


is there anybody else is there anyone


that wants to reclaim the time with your

savior today and you say you know what

brother Devon I hear what you’re saying

the Holy Spirit spoke to me I need to

accept Jesus today as my Savior I want

you to come down come down is there

anyone else ten-nine ray Church 8


seven is there another six five you feel

the alarm going off in your spirit don’t

hit snooze right now god bless you my

sister god bless you god bless you God

bless you God bless you for you hear the

alarm going on and you’re worried can

you make the change it’s not by your

power it’s by his power working in you

all things are created new when we

commit our lives to him three god bless

you my sister god bless you god bless

you my sister god bless you too


god bless you my sister I don’t want to

have to close but I’m gonna have to if

you know you need to be down here just

run on down come on come on just run

down here right now run down here right

now god bless my brother run down here

right now one before I get to zero I

need you to be down here right now if

you know God is calling you if you know

he’s calling you come on hey man hey man

hey man god bless you my brothers god

bless you my sisters god bless you my

sister yes zero Hey

reclaiming the time the enemy got no

victory over you we are getting your

time back brothers given your give back

he’s giving you your fight back yes

amen hallelujah amen

hallelujah amen if you have come up

today I want you to hold each other’s

hand hold your neighbors hand hold your

neighbors hand hold your neighbors hand

hold your neighbors hand hold your

neighbors hand I need you to know if you

have come up do you realize the

magnitude of what you have done you have

fundamentally shifted victory in your

life because before you came your past

was getting in your head telling you

that you were not worthy of your present

or your future but you heard God speak

to you and you said I am gonna push

through my depression I’m gonna push

through my anxiety I’m gonna push

through my guilt and I’m gonna come down

and make a decision I need you to know

the decision you have made put you on a

trajectory where you better watch out

peace is coming your way

joy is coming your way I need to talk to

you right now and I need you to

understand how amazing and how powerful

you are this is why you’ve been fought

so much it’s because the enemy knows

what he has in you what God put in you

so the enemy has been on assignment to

try to detour you and distract you but

today you regain your focus and your

father in heaven is proud

dear Heavenly Father I pray right now in

the mighty name of Jesus that you would

be with every single soul that has come

down here today I pray dear Lord as they

align their lives with you and accept

Jesus as their Savior that they would

walk in steps of power steps and purpose

of purpose and I’m praying right now

that as they reclaim the time I’m

praying their Lord you would give them

every hour back that the enemy tried to

take I pray right now that they would

not worry about if there’s enough time

left if you have them here today there’s

enough time for them to do what you call

them to do so I’m praying their God as

you restore their spirit today that they

would leave this place full whole and

peaceful knowing that they are right

where you need them to be and your

heavenly Father I want to pray that you

would just prepare them there are some

blessings that are getting ready to

knock them upside the head prepare them

Lord to receive every good and perfect

gift that you send down to all your

children that love you prepare them Lord

to receive the blessing that is on the

way and the greatest blessing they’re

gone is to be ready when you send your

son Jesus to come and my prayer is that

everyone here that we would live in such

a way that we will be ready so when

Jesus shows up we know exactly where

we’re going if this is your prayer and

you receive this prayer in the mighty

holy matchless name of Jesus I want you

to say Amen

give your God a hand praise give them a

hand praise


