Once you die, is that it? Is that all there is? Or will you live again? Hear from Billy Graham about the power of Jesus’ resurrection—and what that means for you—taken from his 1966 message in Greenville, South Carolina. Watch more #MondayNightClassics weekly at 8 p.m. Eastern.

from our archives the billy graham



than tongue or pen can’t

ever tell it goes beyond the highest

star and reaches

to the lowest

could we within the ocean fill

or were the skies of parchment made

would every stalk on earth a quill

and every man ascribe

by trade






and strong

it shall fall

forever more


the saints angels

now tonight i want you to turn with me

to job the 14th chapter

and the 14th verse job the 14th chapter

and the 14th verse now job is in the old


and it’s the oldest book in the world

there is

no known book in the world as old as the

book of job

and yet job asked a question that i’m

sure disturbs

many of you tonight he asked a question

that every great philosopher has

wrestled with

he asked a question that every great

thinker an intellectual at some time

wrestles with he asks

the same question that one of the

greatest scientists in this country

asked me about three weeks ago

he said science knows nothing about it

but he said i’m disturbed about it and

worried about it

here is the question if a man die

shall he live again if a man die

shall he live again

the problem of death and life

are life and death haven’t you ever

thought about that

you’ve been to a funeral for a few

moments you’re solemn you’re thoughtful

that night you go back you go to bed you

think about it

one of these days they’re going to be

taking me out to the cemetery

they’ll be saying some words over me is

that the

end is it all over

you know what the bible says the bible

says there’s a time to be born

and a time to die

birth is a happy event death is a tragic


and we have tears

you take the fifth chapter of genesis

and you’ll see the list of

all those men that live to be old men

adam lived

930 years but he died

methuselah lived 969 years but he died

i read about a man the other day in

brazil that they claim lived 134

years but he died

at the end of every life is death life

is very brief

the bible says it’s a tale that is told

it’s a weaver shuttle it’s a flower that

fades it’s like the grass that withers

henry wadsworth longfellow expressed it

once when he said

art is long and time is fleeting

and our hearts though stout and brave


like muffled drums of beating funeral


to the grave and that’s exactly where

we’re all headed

it is appointed unto man once to die

thou shalt die and not live

now the great question is are you ready

to meet god because the bible says it’s

appointed unto man once to die

but after that the judgment

there is something after death according

to this book

now again i say i can’t take you to a

scientific laboratory and prove it to


but this book teaches from genesis to

revelation that

this life is only a preparation room for


there is another life the old testament

teaches it the new testament teaches it

jesus taught it the apostles taught it

if a man

dies shall he live again that’s the

question job asked

that’s the question that millions are

asking tonight and the answer from the

bible is a resounding

yes yes

there is a life after death

if a man dies shall he live again

cicero the great romans said upon this

subject i entertain no more than


i’ve spent a great deal of my life

searching for the answer

mrs roosevelt eleanor roosevelt in one

of her columns a few years ago said

it’s instinctive for man to believe in

life after death and it is

you never find a tribe anywhere in the

world you never find a culture you never

find a civilization

anywhere in history that didn’t believe

in some form of life after death

and when the early forefathers and

pilgrims came to this country they

thought they had found some tribes in

new england

that didn’t believe tribes of indians

that didn’t believe in life after death

but they soon

found when they communicated with them

that they believed in the happy hunting


yes man instinctively something down


says there must be a future life

there must be something beyond this life

but after all there’s only one

authoritative person that can speak on

this subject

because he came from the grave

he rose and his name was jesus christ

about two or three years ago i had the

privilege of having an interview with


with chancellor conrad adenauer in his

last year

in office as chancellor of germany

he had invited me i was preaching in

germany and he had invited me to come

and see him and i didn’t know what about

i was quite surprised and of course

flattered to get the invitation

and i went he greeted me

big tall giant of a man the man that had

almost single-handedly

brought democracy back to germany after

the war

and i wondered what does this great man

want of me

the first question he asked me was this

he said do you believe

in life after death i said yes sir i do

i said i believe the bible teaches it

he said i do too he said i

am studying the resurrection of jesus


and he said when i leave office as

chancellor i intend to spend the rest of


life studying the resurrection of christ

because he said if christ is alive

there is hope in the world he said if

christ is not alive there is no hope

that i can see that civilization can be


wasn’t that something

yes jesus christ is alive

he rose from the dead in that day that

easter sunday morning that first easter

when mary and mary magdalene and


went to the grave expecting to anoint a

dead body

they saw the angel sitting there

and they said where is jesus the angel

said he is not here he is risen

i submit to you tonight that that’s the

greatest news the world has ever heard

he is not here he has conquered the


he’s alive and ladies and gentlemen

i believe that there is more proof that

jesus christ rose from the dead

than almost any other fact

in roman history i don’t believe there’s

a fact in ancient history today

so well proven as the resurrection of

jesus christ

but even if there was no proof no

historical proof

no scientific proof and there is

i would still believe it because i

believe this book is god’s inspired word

and the whole early church went up and

down the country

preaching the resurrection of jesus

christ that was the thing that shook the

roman empire

that a man had risen from the dead that

he was alive

that death could not hold him

christ is alive he’s a living savior

and yet many of his followers and


live and act as though he’s dead

he’s not dead he’s alive

and the bible says that at a given

moment a given signal

he’s coming back to this earth to set up

his kingdom

and what a kingdom it’s going to be

it’ll be a world in which there will be

no tears and no sorrow

and no death there’ll be no suffering

there’ll be no war there’ll be no police

forces there’ll be no armies

it’s going to be a glorious world ruled


one person the lord jesus christ

he’s alive i’ve given my life not to a


christ but to a living christ and i’m

following a living

savior and he’s given me a song to sing

he’s given me a flag to follow

he’s given me something to believe i

have reason for existence

i know where i’ve come from i know why

i’m here

i know where i’m going do you

god said hezekiah get your house in

order you’re going to die

now you and i are going to die because

you see the bible teaches that you and i

have a body

but living inside of our body is the

real you

you’re a real person and that’s the part

of you that lives forever

your body is going to go to the grave

but you the real you your intelligence

your memory your personality is going to

live forever and ever

according to the bible you will never


and you’re going to spend a million


a billion years in one of two

places according to jesus

not according to billy graham

but according to jesus jesus talked a

great deal about heaven

but he talked three times more about

hell than he did heaven the other

writers of the bible don’t have too much

to say about hell

but jesus talked about it all the time

in the sermon on the mount i’ve had

fellas say i don’t believe in hell i

live but the sermon on the mount well

you’ve never read the sermon on the


jesus talked about it now what did he

mean by it

he said the son of man shall send forth

his angels

and they shall gather out of his kingdom

all things that offend and them which do


and shall cast them into the furnace of

fire and there shall be

weeping and wailing and gnashing of

teeth what did he mean

matthew 25 41 then shall he say unto

them on the left hand depart

from me you cursed into everlasting fire

prepared for the devil and his angels

what did he mean

he is saying that hell was never made

for man

he is saying that god will never

send anybody to hell

if man goes to hell he goes by his own

free choice

hell was created for the devil and his


not for man god never meant that a man

should go there

and god has done everything within his

power to keep you out he even gave his

son to die on that cross to keep you out

because you see when god made you he

made you a free moral agent

you can live any kind of life you want


you can live a good life you can live a

bad life you can break god’s laws you

can obey them

you can shake your fist in god’s face

and there’s nothing god can do

because when he created you he gave you

a gift

a free choice you’re not a robot that he

pushes you push a button and you jump in

a bag

you’ve got a right to resist god to

reject god

but the bible says in spite of our

rebellion and rejection god

loves you he loves you so much that he

gave his son to die for your sins

and when christ died on that cross

we don’t understand all that happened on

that cross

but we know one thing that he

took the hell and the judgment that you


and i deserve because of our sins he

took it on that cross

and that’s why that terrible expression

comes from his lips

my god my god why hast thou forsaken me

because you see the very meaning of hell

is separation from god

and in that terrible moment a shadow

passed between god the father and god

the son for the first time since

eternity began

christ dying for you and he suffered the

pangs of hell

he became guilty of lying he became

guilty of slander he became guilty of


he became guilty of the most filthy

dirty sins

and when those sins came into his soul

your sins and my sins came into his soul

god could not look because god cannot

look upon iniquity god is so holy

christ took the hell that you and i


on that cross now god says

receive him believe in him put your

trust in your confidence in him

and i will forgive your sins and i will

guarantee you eternity

in a place called heaven

it’s all yours and it’s all free

all you have to do is receive it

what an offer he offers you tonight

eternal life now eternal life doesn’t

begin the moment you die now when you


as a christian eternal life doesn’t

begin that

eternal life begins the moment you

receive christ

now many of you here in south carolina

and in north carolina and all over the

country have been rid

in christian homes

or you go to a church

you live a fairly decent life

and you’re sort of living on the

reflected afterglow

of your parents religion but you’ve


really received christ for yourself

you’ve never really trusted him for


you don’t know him really

you’re not really sure that you’re ready

to meet god and the bible says prepare

to meet

thy god are you prepared

are you sure you’re prepared you know

the bible says these things i write unto

you that believe on the name of the son

of god that you may

know that you have eternal life i can

stand here tonight without being

egotistical without being conceited

i can stand here tonight and say to you

on the authority of this book

i know my sins are forgiven

i know i’m going to heaven i know that

i’m going to live as long as god lives

because the moment i received christ

i became a partaker of god’s own

life now i’m going to live a billion


and i’ll only have begun i know that

not because of any goodness of my own

i’m not

going to heaven because i’ve lived a

good life i’m not going to heaven

because i’ve preached to great crowds of


i’m going to heaven because of what

christ did on that cross

for by grace are ye saved through faith

that not of yourselves

not of works lest any man should boast

we’re not going to heaven because we’re

good we’re not going to heaven because

we work

we’re not going to heaven because we pay

we’re going to heaven because of what he

did on the cross and all i have to do is

receive it and it’s so

simple to receive christ that millions

stumble over its very simplicity

you see god made it so simple that

children can believe

he made it so simple and so easy that a

blind man

a deaf man a dumb man can believe

a man of any race can believe a man of

any nationality of any language can


and that’s all god says you have to do

to get to heaven just believe

now that word believe is a little more

than maybe you think it is it means

commitment it means surrender

it means that i give everything i have

to jesus christ

and trust him alone for my forgiveness

and my salvation it means that the

moment you receive him your name is

written in the book of life

is your name in the book of life are you

sure you’re going to heaven

are you prepared to meet god if there’s

the slightest doubt in your heart

tonight that you’re prepared to meet

god don’t you dare leave here without

settling it

why because you may never have another

hour or another moment like this

you can’t come to christ anytime you

want to the bible says he that hardened

his heart being often reproved shall

suddenly be cut off

that without remedy thousands of people

have prayed for this crusade

the spirit of god has brought you here

hundreds of people have come to christ

already in this crusade

the way is prepared your heart is

prepared the spirit of god is speaking


this is the hour this is the moment and

you may never have this moment quite

like this again

i’m going to ask you to commit your life

to christ to make sure that your name is

written in the book of life

to make sure that you’re going to heaven

and to receive

tonight eternal life and here’s the way

we’re going to do it

i’m going to ask you to get up out of

your seat right now hundreds of you

get up out of your seat and come and

stand in front of this platform

right now quietly and reverently i’m

going to ask that nobody leave the

service please

get up out of your seat men women young


you may be members of the church you may

be in usher you may be a choir member

get up out of your seat and come and

stand here and after you’ve stood here

i’m going to say a word to you have a


give you some literature you can go back

and join your friends

that’s all there is to it but it’s very

important that you come and make this

public declaration

jesus said if you’re not willing to

acknowledge me before men i’ll not

acknowledge you before my father which

is in heaven

you get up and come right now

there’s something about coming forward

that settles it and seals it in your


you get up and come quickly and i’m

going to ask that everyone be in prayer

bow your heads and pray pray for the

person to the right of you and left of

you in back of you in front of you

perhaps no one ever prayed that they

would come to christ before

many people are already on the way you

get up and join them and come

what an hour and what a moment for you

to come to christ

we’re going to wait as you come

you’re watching the billy graham

classics please call the phone number on

the screen right now for spiritual help

and guidance








as hundreds are responding to mr

graham’s invitation to make a public

commitment to jesus christ

you can make that same commitment right

where you are

just pick up the phone and call the

number you see on your screen

special friends are waiting to talk with

you and pray with you about this most

important decision








to you that have been watching by


and you’ll be leaving the service now in

just a moment

you can make the same commitment and the

same decision

that these are making and the same


that will come into their hearts and

give them assurance

will do the same for you you may be

sitting at a bar

somewhere maybe you’re in your living

room at home or maybe you’re in a

friend’s home

maybe you’re in some unusual place that

i couldn’t even think of at the moment

and you need christ and you need god in

your life

you can receive him right now and he can

bring about a tremendous change

and then go to church on sunday have a

talk with a minister

tell him the decision that you’ve made

and get to work for christ and live in

this brand new dimension of living

the spiritual dimension good night

and god bless you


if you just prayed that prayer with my

father or if you have any questions

about a relationship with jesus christ

i would just call that number that is on

the screen

there will be someone there to talk with

you pray with you and answer those


and remember god loves you

if you would like to commit your life to

jesus christ please call us right now

toll-free at 1-877-772-4559

or you can write to us at billy graham 1

billy graham parkway

department c charlotte north carolina


or you can contact us on the web 24 7 at


we’ll get the same helps to you that we

give to everyone who responds

at the invitation on behalf of franklin

graham and the billy graham evangelistic


thank you for watching and thank you for

your prayers


we had to wait for the coming of christ

with patience

we are to watch with anticipation

scripture says christ is coming when

you’re least expecting him

coming as a thief he said be prepared

get ready

prepare to meet thy god are you prepared