Everyone has the gift of faith. Whether you are lost or saved, you exercise belief by what you do. In the third part of his sermon series, Steps to God’s Guidance, Dr. Stanley explains that following God is a conscious effort, because His ways are higher than ours. Though we are prone to subconsciously follow our own desires, we must make a choice to follow His.

it’s an act of God’s grace that he has

chosen a plan for your life in mind

wonderful grace of God that he has

chosen a plan and is willing to show us

what that plan is so we don’t have to go

through life wondering is my life going

to count what am I doing with myself

what others think in all of that God in

His awesome grace has a plan and the

purpose of life and therefore he has the

pathway for you to walk because if he

has a plan there’s a path most people

are going to live out their life never

even thinking the fact that God has a

will for more a plan for them and

they’ll live it all out and come maybe

toward the end of their life or maybe a

few years before that and look back and

think what was all that about what did I


where was God in all of this and I can

tell you God knew from the very

beginning his plan and purpose and will

for your life

the sooner you discover what that

pathway is you get on his path then the

sooner and the better and the happier

and the most peaceful and more

prosperous you’re gonna be in your life

no matter what’s going on but you have

to believe that you have to believe that

God loves you enough to have a plan he

loves you enough to get you into the

plan he has a pathway that’s the best

path God doesn’t have in this

second-rate path he has the best path

for you if you willing to follow it one

of the most familiar verses in the Bible

or passages is in proverbs chapter 3 and

I want us to read these first eight

verses and verse five six to eight will

deal with those primarily but look if

you will beginning in verse 1 of

proverbs chapter three he says my son do

not forget my teaching what a wonderful

way to begin but let your heart keep my

Commandments for length of days and

years of life and peace they will add

the year so how you live makes a

difference do not let kindness and truth

leave you bind them

around your neck write them on the

tablet of your heart

so you’ll find favor and good repute in

the sight of God and man and now listen

to this you should memorize this watch

trust in the Lord with all your heart

lean not to your own understanding in

all your ways acknowledge him and he

will do what he he will make your paths

straight do not be wise in your own eyes

fear the Lord and turn away from evil it

will be healing to your body and

refreshment to your bones

now his God’s command to us it’s one

thing for him to guide me to be willing

to be godness one thing for me to listen

but am I willing am I willing and truly

truly willing to follow that that is my

willing to trust him watch this if you

don’t obey God it’s because you don’t

trust him whatever else you may say you

don’t trust him because he always

chooses what’s right and what’s best for


and so if we believe that God is who he

says he is we’ll trust him I thought if

I don’t trust him if for example if he

says here’s what I want you to do this

is how do it he said mm hmm you’re

afraid if you’re afraid you’re not

trusting it if you rebelled you’re not

trusting him if there’s something about

what he commends you do and you said you

don’t trust him you don’t trust him to

be the god he says he is so with that in

mind I want to think about this about

passage of Scripture and that is that

God commands us to trust him listen to

what he says trust in the Lord with all

your heart now the trust somebody is is

that they have a strong belief in their

integrity their ability and their

character if I really and fully trust

them all three of those things they’re

gonna be involved and so he says here

trust in the Lord with all your heart


if I trust them but I have confidence in

them I believe what they say in other

words what I’m saying is I have

confidence in you as a person therefore

I will do this and so I have confidence

in you God that if you’re leading me to

do this so to say this then I’m going to

trust you that you will work it out

according to what your plan is

you said you’d planned our life you give

us guidance and direction and which I

listen to here’s what I believe you’ve

said now if I really internally believe

you I’m gonna trust you that whatever

you require of me is gonna turn out

right now if there’s nope if there’s no

trust no confidence I’m not gonna do it

so think about this when a person lives

a life of sin whatever else you may say

they’re living in life in which they do

not trust God and so the truth is if I

don’t trust them nothing in my life is

gonna work out right and the reason

people are living the lives they’re

living outside of God’s will and purpose

their life they don’t trust him if I

trust him and here this is Almighty God

if I trust him I’m gonna do what he says

and so what you have to ask yourself is

are you one of those persons that trust

him or are you one of those persons that

you talk about it and you think about it

but deep down inside you don’t trust

let’s give you a simple example

the Bible says bring you all the tithes

in the storehouse and all the promises

that God makes now why wouldn’t anybody

tie their income to God who asked for it

as an act of blessing and who makes this

awesome promise either I’m gonna do it

or whatever I may try to deceive myself

I don’t trust him and I can tell you

I’ve been tithing from my first job and

I don’t brag about that I gave a little

bit more than that before and I gave 25

percent well my first job because I

wasn’t I thought about just giving God

pennies doesn’t make me four dollars but

I gave him a dollar I thought he

deserved that much you know what I’ve

been trusting here ever since and I’ll

tell you something else he’s never let

me down

not one single time now either you

believe what he says you trust him or

you don’t and you can cover it up and

massage it and do all kind of things to


but either you trust them or you don’t

so what’s the basis of this trust these

listen he says trust in the Lord with

all your heart don’t lean to your own

understanding so what’s it what’s the

basis of this you listen watch this look

this way for a moment the basis of all

of our trust of God is His divine

sovereignty which means God rules over

all things all people at all times the

sovereignty of God if that is not true

then we have no assurance of anything if

you don’t believe in the sovereignty of

God then you don’t believe the Bible

this is the wisdom of God the power of

God the righteousness of God all wrapped

up in one his purpose is always perfect

for you his goal for you is perfect and

the basis of my trust is listen watch

this the but if I didn’t believe if I

didn’t believe in the sovereignty of God

I could question his will about things

but because he is sovereign he knows

everything about every situation past

present future then no surprises to God

and he has always chosen the best for us

that I say that what we consider the

best always works out for us well from

our point of view it would not because

sometimes when things come our way did

that bring illness or bring up trouble

and heartache that we had nothing did we

say well God’s not in that and it’s

amazing how on the other side of

heartache on the other side of trouble

on the other side of death we see the

hand of God so therefore because he

absolutely rules in every circumstance

of life and over all the circumstances

of life I can absolutely trust him in

every single circumstance of life

because they all fit into the fact that

he is sovereign and in control of


what an awesome sense of confidence we

can have because God is the sovereign

god of the universe not just of our life

he’s in control of all things and you

say well now

if he’s in control of all things what

does he let this happen and that

happened and never happened the simplest

example of that would be Joseph for

example if God was sovereign why did

that his brothers throw him in a pit why

did he get sold in the slavery why they

end up being falsely accused but part of

his wife why do you end up in prison

I’ll tell you why because of the

sovereignty of God God was equipping him

to be next to Pharaoh and all of Egypt

the greatest nation on the earth at that

point and so you and I can trust him in

every single circumstance of life no

matter what it might be because he’s not

only a sovereign guy they said he is a

he is a loving trustworthy sovereign God

he’s not just this being out yonder he

is that he has personhood he’s a

personal God loving God God of grace and

love and mercy and kindness and has a

pathway for each one of us to walk if

we’re wise enough to follow him so when

he asked us to follow his path we must

believe that he’s chosen the right path

he knows you build his talent skills and

all the things that make up your life if

I trust him I trust him on the basis

that he’s the sovereign god of this

universe now if he’s the the divine

sovereign God he is that and he’s always

been that and he doesn’t change if God

changed if God changed things then we’d

have a reason to doubt in question of

what he says but because he says in this

passage trust in the Lord with all your

heart don’t lean on your own

understanding my own understanding will

never match the sovereignty of God or

sometimes we ask him to do things he may

choose another way to do it or we wonder

what he does certain things he’s

sovereign he always knows best I’ve

never seen in all these 60 years being

able to come back to say God you blew it

that was not the right thing because he

knew beforehand what the right thing was

once you settled that issue in your life

it settles many other issues that if he

if he makes a statement he makes a

promise God in all

his power is behind that promise to make

it otherwise we have a major problem so

God is trustworthy we if we listen to

him what follows that I must be one the

trusting and the basis of that trust

watch this is who he is not who we are

so that puts her on a whole different

level I can trust him because of who he

is the third thing I want you to notice

about this passage is this watch this

trust in the Lord with all your heart so

what is the degree to which I’m too

trusting the degree to which I’m the

trust him is with all my heart and not

to lean on my understanding with all my

heart that means totally I’ve got to

trust him about a few things but

everything let me ask you a question

what is it in your life that’s the most

difficult when you face the particular

issue what’s the most difficult one you

have to deal with when it comes to

trusting people have different things in

their life different situations and

circumstances but you know that God’s

trustworthy and it has a plan for your


and if you listen to him he’ll show you

what to do and he’ll always show you the

right thing to do every single time the

question is to what degree trust in the

Lord with all your heart and do not lean

on your own understanding now think

about it for a moment if I ask you if

you believe the Bible more than likely

you’d say yes I do now watch this if

I’ve said to you do you agree with the

Bible how many of you agree with the

Bible okay how many of you believe the

Bible I figured that because you you’re

thinking that if you agree with it you

believe it not necessarily true for

example let’s say that I’m lost and I

will agree with the Bible I agree with

the Bible about being kind one to

another I can be lost as I can be but

maybe I’m a little kind hard not saying

yeah you ought to be kind and I can

agree the Bible about giving to others

there are a lot of things in the Bible I

can agree with without placing my trust

in him

because there is that good side of

everybody to some degree yes I do agree

with you Lord we ought to be kind to one


we shouldn’t can falsely accuse each

other you just go down the 10

commandments oh yes I I never words a

lot of people who are lost as they be

will agree that the Ten Commandments is

a good thing

agreeing with it’s one thing believing

and full belief means that I I not only

believe but I’m gonna respond to that in

right belief I’m gonna trust God so we

have to distinguish between do I agree

or do I really believe it so I can agree

with many things about the Bible and not

be a Christian but if I trust in the

Living God then it’s going to affect

every single aspect of my life trust in

the Lord with all your heart is there

some area of your life for example some

particular area nobody knows what it is

but you some Aryan what you’d have to

say and when it comes to that I have a

very difficult time I have a very

difficult time believing God for that I

have a very difficult time trusting God

for this how do I know less and so the

Bible doesn’t say that everything will

be simple and playing but the Bible says

that God will guide us in the right way

if we’ll trust him

so I don’t always have to agree with

other people I may see things in the

scripture that I think the Lord I don’t

know exactly how to explain that

understand that but if I believe the

Word of God I’m gonna trust him so when

you think in your own personal life what

area is that in your life that you when

it comes to trusting him for that you

just say God I know I’m saved and I know

this I know that know that but to ask me

the new lesson so no it is is God

trustworthy yes he is can I put my

confidence in him yes and how many

things in every single thing you’re

trying to find the will of God about

your job or but the person you’re going

to marry

might be you can trust them in every

single circumstances and he says trust

the Lord with all your heart don’t lean

none to your honor understand it because

watch this our understanding is limited

I can’t see beyond right now the walls

of this room God can see all the way to

the other end of the earth there’s some

things we don’t understand but under

trust him watch this I’m watch this I’m

to trust him even when I may not agree

with something and somebody says well if

you trust him won’t you always agree I

think the Lord allowed things in my life

to happen then I thought Lord now wait a

minute I’m trusting you but this stings

this hurts this pain and so that times

we get tested trust in the Lord with all

your heart lean not to your own

understanding in all your ways

acknowledge him and he will make your

paths straight so when he says in all

your ways what does that mean in every

single aspect of our life with intrusted

and what he’s asking is not only trust

them but in all your ways acknowledge

him that is to acknowledge somebody it’s

to recognize them to acknowledge God is

not all to recognize him but to

recognize him is God as Lord as master

as the one who has the right to give

direction for our life and the Lord who

has the authority to send blessing upon

us when he chooses to do so so ask

yourself the question is there one

single air in your life that you sort of

holding back on in all your ways trust

him and all your ways acknowledge him

you say well I have but there’s just

this one thing and I think it’s that one

thing in many people’s lives that that

absolutely causes them more pain than

they could ever possibly realize total

surrender absolute surrender complete

surrender means I must trust him

completely I must trust him absolutely

because we’re limited in our knowledge

in our understanding we can’t see the

future we don’t do very well looking at


and so in all of your ways acknowledge

him and he will make your paths straight

now what does it mean by making your

paths straight I will protect you from

the side roads in life I’ll protect you

from those areas that you think are a

part of the trip they’re not a part of

the trip and so he says in all of our

ways to Wilton acknowledge him and he’ll

make our paths straight that is he will

eliminate a lot of obstacles lemonade a

lot of confusion lemonade a lot of wear

and tear on your life and I think about

people who are not saved and they live

till they get about 60 or some wear

their belts and they get saved look at

the wear and tear on your life look what

you’ve missed when he says I’ll make

your way straight that doesn’t mean that

listen straight doesn’t always mean easy

but straight is the best way and all

your ways acknowledge him he’ll make

your paths straight so I would ask you a

question would you would you say that

you’re walking a straight path that

somebody would say well do you mean that

I don’t do this and don’t do that no no

no I’m just talking about this are you

trusting God each day for your life to

lead you to guide you and it’s best you

know your heart you doing what God wants

you to do doesn’t mean you’ll be perfect

you may give up again somewhere in that

trip and and you you may realize Lord

what I miss something here but would you

say that you’re walking a straight path

for God that in all your ways as best

you know how you’re trying to be

obedient to God he says watch this in

all your ways he says acknowledge him

that has recognized him listen him he’ll

make your paths straight he will save

you from all the wear and tear and the

rumbling run over here and over there

and spending years and years of your

life and you finally decide that you

just have to God and that’s where a lot

of people are and I can still remember

where I was standing on the steps when I

told my first friend

that I yesterday I got saved I still

remember what he said well I’m not gonna

do that now I’ll do that later he ended

up in prison he had the same privilege

that I had but he chose to take another

path that’s where it led him did a lot

of people who are hurting today because

they decided I’m not going that path

I’ll choose my own path what they’re

saying is watch this I really believe

that I’m smarter than God I really

believe that the path that I’ve chosen

will bring me more happiness more joy

and more peace and prosperity so I’m

taking this path everything that looks

golden is not golden everything that

looks straight is not straight it may be

straight for a few feet but after that

you’re off the path in all your ways

acknowledge him he says and he will

direct your path know that there’s a

warning he’ll want you to notice he says

fear the Lord and turn away from evil

but I want you to turn if he will to

proverbs 26 proverbs 26 and I want you

to look at this verse here’s the warning

proverbs 26 verse 12 do you see a man

wise in his own eyes there is more hope

for a fool than for him and here’s what

God says when we choose our way that is

not God’s Way we are playing the fool

you know people in your life who have

done that and who are doing it

deciding they’re gonna have it their way

no matter what never thinking about

God’s way God’s will and God’s power and

never thinking about a judgment day

because no matter how life treats you

ultimately every single one of us are

gonna come to that point in life when we

meet the Living God

before whom we’ve lived all these years

and when I think about some of the

people who lived their life that way he

says do not be wise in your own eyes

fear the Lord and turn away from evil

that’s what a wise man a woman does they

seek the Lord they listen to God listen

not only do they realize that God will

lead them and they listen to him and

they trust him it’s the trust level do

you trust him to be to you what he

promises to be God the Bible says it but

we know it God cannot lie whatever God

says is true is true and so at some

point in our life we’re all going to

give an account and therefore when he

says fear the Lord and turn away from

evil to fear him means to honor him as

the Living God and to obey Him to

recognize who he is and to acknowledge

that he’s the god of this universe but

he’s a God of your life in mind so I

would simply ask you this question we

have the promise that he’ll guide us are

you listening

I’ll tell you whether you’re listening

or not are you trusting in you you may

agree with it all but are you trusting

him for your life personally it’s best

you know your heart are you trying to

walk in the ways that God has required

of you every single day you and I made

decisions we’re forced to make decisions

and we choose to make decisions and

those decisions are going to be based on

whether we believe there’s a god or not

whether we believe that he has a plan

and a path for our life whether we

believe that he’s chosen the best path

and he has and whether we are willing to

listen to him and willing to trust him

in all thy ways acknowledge him and he

will direct your path and listen he says

fear the Lord

that’s honor him fear the Lord and turn

away from evil it will be healing to

your body

and refreshment to your bones which is

what he’s saying is this it’s healthy to

live in obedience to God it’s healthy

there’s gonna be a happiness and the

health and a joy and a peace when you

live in the pathway that God has laid

out for you it may not be your choice of

a path but if it’s God’s choice you’re

gonna succeed at what you’re doing

it is God’s choice there’s gonna be an

underlining sense of peace and assurance

and confidence a sense of satisfaction

when you do it his way it will be

healing to your body and he said

refreshment to your bones so let’s not

ask a question are you listening to him

but do you trust him when you come

Sunday after Sunday you listen but do

you trust him if I fully trust him I

have confidence in him that his

decisions about my life are the best

decisions the wisest decisions the most

profitable decisions the most freeing

decisions and the happiest decisions if

I trust him amen

father how grateful we are that you made

your plan so simple listen to you trust

you and then obey you and I pray this

morning that somebody here

it was never trusted use their Savior

realize they’ve chosen the wrong path

you’re not going to force them to get

off that path under yours but you invite

them to make that change you invite them

to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their

personal Savior and in so doing you

place their feet on the right path and

then you’re willing to walk with them

run with them whatever it may be all the

days of their

and you said it’ll be like health to

their life and strength like refreshment

to their bones things are always better

when we walk on your pathway and I

trusted that person whoever he or she

may be that today though they may have

heard many sermons today they take this

moment to say Lord Jesus I’m listening I

do believe that you died on the cross

for my sins and today I confess that I’m

a sinner and I also confess the

beginning right now I’m confessing you

as my savior and my lord

based on what you did at the cross and I

receive your gift of salvation this day

in this moment I trust you dear father

thank you Lord that you’ve never turned

anybody down who came to you you’re

willing to put every person on the right

pathway who’s willing to listen let us

not be one of those that you call a fool

but one whom you call wise is my prayer

in Jesus name Amen

