Naomi Raine takes car ride with friend Priscilla Shirer to discuss faith, life and #Journey!

I don’t know where I’m going but I

promise you it won’t drive around

anymore yes

I’m going to play you a song okay great

from Journey and then we get to talk

about it what is the name of this one

the name of the song and I had to switch


it was called originally suicide I know

but that’s a little triggering so it’s

cold it’s called like you and in

parenthesis okay





that’s it

yes girl

and the the words seriously like the

depth of the words

somebody can’t listen to that song and

just enjoy it like you’re going to enjoy

it rhythmically and musically but you’re

also gonna be like oh Lord

Holy Spirit did you want to deal with me

in my life right

but that’s what’s supposed to be about

though it is

so I have a question for you unless you

have something else you want to just say

we have a question for you okay what

vices of the flesh have been the most

difficult for you to put today okay in

your own life so before it really was

self-consciousness not so much my tongue

I think yeah I wasn’t in

I was in the prayer closet when you’re

in the prayer closet and you’re soaking

and you’re just so you can look it’s

more it’s easy to oh I’m gonna guard my

tongue and guard my heart and all of

that he’s not around anybody but the

Lord but nowadays I am more

um more struggling with my tongue yeah


you shush and it’s stuff that I’m maybe

speaking into existence or


giving life to not so much like a

gossipy thing but also complaining

correct hello

it’s the murmuring and the complaining

yeah like you know it’s been like really

dealing with me lately like you


well I’m so grateful for the Holy Spirit

do you understand just conforming us

into the image of Christ seriously

because there would be no hope of any of

us looking like Jesus in any area of our

life if the Holy Spirit himself worked

important and inducing that whole

project I used to be mad when like okay

have you ever have has the Holy Spirit

ever told you something you didn’t

listen or you really realized that it

was him afterward and it’s like yes oh

man I wish I would have done that I used

to be mad at those moments but the Lord

really corrected me quickly he was like

no I’m teaching him how to listen to my

boys that’s right so deal with this

quick pain because this was something

light if there’s coming something bigger

and I’m gonna need you to pay attention

yeah and I’ve been like yeah and I’m so

grateful that it was like just to your

point that his grace is sufficient for

even making those

steps our greatest teachers for a

relationship with them moving forward

that you don’t hold it against us

that’s going to teach you for the future

right I’m so grateful that his grace

covers even though

if the Lord treated me like I even I

treat me I’d have been tossed out it

would have been a sad praise but I’m

having a sad phrase but what about you

what has been like your like bicep the

thing that’s hardest to kill even if it

wasn’t said in the song I was yeah I

think that I am not as gracious towards

others as I appreciate when Grace is

extended to me hmm

I appreciate when people don’t make

assumptions about my intentions or

they’re judgmental about me in a way

like you don’t you don’t even know me

you don’t even know what I was thinking


and if you do it’s even more hurtful

when if you do know me then you would

know if even if I offended you or did

the wrong thing if you know me you know

I would never that wouldn’t be my heart

so when people extend Grace to me oh I

didn’t mean to offend you and they know

that it may

say it that way or do it that way the

baby came out the wrong way and they

give me Grace

oh my gosh I’m so grateful for that and

yet I don’t feel like I’m as written to

extend that to other people

I want to I want to be better about that

the same Grace that God lavishly gives

us to have a second and a third and a

fourth and a fifth chance

I want to be gracious like Christies

you know I don’t want to get to a space

where I just I expect that somebody will

never change and like you know how when

you give people and it’s like because

you would hate for the Lord to feel that

way about us you know well she’s a

hopeless cause

but at the same time you can give that

Grace to other people while also having

boundaries as to in regards to how they

relate to you so we had a conversation


and I think that boundaries has helped

me stay sane

yeah how do you keep yourself behind

that boundary line without it becoming a

wall that keeps other people

from also being close to you and you

having the benefit of healthy

relationships how do you keep yourself

from being armed I with those I’m like I

don’t know I know right but I will tell

you I try I’m a very like I’m a

thoughtful person that like I like to

wrestle with things and I love that

um it’s as like sparring I spar with

people too and I like that because it’s

like oh sharpen me but what about this

yeah what about that

um but I don’t think I don’t think

everything is mutually exclusive I I

believe that she things even though they


they seem um that they can both exist at

the same time and so for me that means I

continue to talk to people and stay open

and I don’t want to be unkind to people

and I think that we’ve missed

use the word nice

too often and we think that nice is kind

and kind is nice and I don’t think those

are the same to find those things so

after Naomi so I think nice is like

it’s sweet yeah and and it could even be

it could even be authentic yeah genuine


but I think kind is

kind is rooted in love it’s not rooted

in people’s emotions or feelings kind

Choice yes

and it’s and I think it speaks to the

deeper thing so I don’t want to just

make you feel good I want you to be good

I mean I can totally see what you’re

saying because kindness to me implies

action it implies an investment of some

an exertion of something from me to

invest in you sometimes to choose to be

kind since it’s going to require

something of us it feels beyond what we

want to give

do you find that it’s easier to be kind

to yourself or others oh that is a very

good question


I think that it’s from me and I know

it’s not the same for everybody but I

think I’m wired in such a way that it’s

probably harder to be kind to others

because I can be

you know you can be easily selected by

the people that are close


so that wounding sometimes hits me in a

deep way that kind of makes me wanna

so I think sometimes to come out of

myself and keep being kind

making an investment

sometimes to the people who are closest

to me is hard yeah what about you is it

hard it’s the other way it’s hard for me

to be kind to myself why because I don’t

even think I’m aware of when someone is

hurting me

interesting it’s like I I was the one

that like people would say stuff to me

and then I’d be like like later somebody

like girl did it and I’m like what did

they say yeah oh no I was supposed to be

upset like yeah I don’t but I don’t mind

still doing the things for people like

being kind and like showing up and but

I’m not I’m a little guarded so you

almost can’t show up for yeah how do you

feel about this just I totally switched

up this how do you feel about the new


to me sometimes when you put them all

you’re all in a resource like this

whether it’s a book like maybe I’m

writing or a project like yeah

get it back and it’s almost like having

a baby where you can have a little bit

of postpartum like you see it

and I should have done that I could have

changed that so how do you feel on this

side of listening to the words you’ve

written like that’s a strong song right


oh definitely

152 because I just thought add that

extra 52.

that to me is like but I kind of feel

like that’s a part of my process overall

really which a little sad yeah it’s like

I’m constantly creating it so even when

i that was one of the hardest songs I’ve

written and honestly I didn’t change it

much but I went like I didn’t stick with

the changes okay I went back and forth

like should I change it over and over

and over


kind of a lazy one I’m a procrastinating

like because I know it’s not healthy

yeah you know what I’m saying so I will

agonize over it and then I’m like forget

it I’m leaving it alone so I’m proud of

this music now but I am a little bit

like okay next like I’m on today okay

that’s good so I I mean it’s good that

you can just release it let it go and

say okay Holy Spirit there you go when I

wrote that song I wrote that song in

2016. did you really yes I was in a car

and I literally was hearing I wanna know

till it is suicides everything that is

not like you and I just was like oh I

like that you it wasn’t something I like


come on it just like came to me and I it

stuck with me I remember I came home I

was singing it my husband was in my

brother was there his girlfriend who’s

now his wife were there and we all were

just like jamming to this voice note I

mean I’m like oh this is gonna be nice

it’s gonna be nice so like

six years later here it is in full


so of course there’s parts to me that’s

like like why’d you do that or why’d you

sing it like that

um why’d you write that word that’s

that’s when though like you trust the

Lord’s timing seriously like 2016 he

gave it to you but allowed you to

release it six years later and it oh my

gosh that’s what I love about stuff you

can’t plan is that it’s gonna intersect

with people’s lives and if they didn’t

hear it right then there’s a whole

trajectory of their life that wouldn’t

be impacted in the way it needed to be

in some real personal intimate important

way if they didn’t hear it right now in

2022. I feel like that’s the sovereignty

yes and Providence of God correct but

the whole Providence of God that right

there is a beautiful thought

um like it might like I got fireworks

going off in my head but like think

about when Saul’s father just sent him

out to go look for donkeys he had told

Samuel the day before there’s a guy

coming that’s going to be looking for

some donkeys and Samuel had already told

his chief Chef reserve the best meal

because tomorrow somebody’s going to be

here all Saul had to do was be obedient

to the assignment of doing this little

Monday passive looking for his Daddy’s



to ask if he was going to enter his life

in the sovereignty and Providence of God

was going to intersect he had stuff that

had already been resolved that’s the

part I’m really like okay okay okay okay

I could sing about that forever I could

sing about the goodness of God forever

I’m serious because it doesn’t end and I

feel like he finds new ways to bless us

and shock us and amaze us and be like

wink at us like yeah donkeys we would

just like faithful and trust and rest

and not force and strive and manipulate

and try to manufacture right if you just

rest and go look for the donkey he’s

like I already got stuff already

reserved for you

you know what I just thought about

baseball for what you just said

I thought about you know how when Jesus

says if you love me obey me oh I wonder

if that’s like one of the greatest gifts

like not that God needs us to do it you

know what I’m saying like but what if it

was like

hey I have to work less things together

for good when you just

like I’m off the edge of my feet to

bless you right just obey me so I just

can give you this good you know

situation I got set up for you I just

want to give you the things and I just

want to love you so if you would just

obey me like mind you he’s he’s always

loving but I just thought of that it’s

like how do we get in the way and try to

like do a bunch of stuff and he’s always

like okay just undoing and know that I

am God that’s what I feel like this

record is going to be did I just show my

age when I said record I just feel like

whatever delays that that happened

before you could get this thing out into

the world even knowing that that song

was on your heart six years ago and now

people are just gonna hear it I just

feel like that was the Lord just the one

I got it I got it I got it and now it’s

getting ready to intersect with people’s


and give folks fresh Revelation Fresh

Fire fresh wind fresh inside fresh to

serve it and Clarity for the next season

of their whole whole life

come on Naomi rain

well I thank you for getting in the car

with me and talking to me I could

literally talk to you for 72 hours


I love you and I’m celebrating you