On this episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2017, Karen Dunham is a missionary in Jerusalem, Israel, where she was beaten to death. Immediately, her spirit left her body and she found herself before Jesus. After a brief conversation, Jesus sent her spirit back into her body and raised her from the dead.


is there a supernatural dimension a

world beyond the one we know is there

life after death


do angels exist


can our dreams contain messages from


can we tap into ancient secrets of the


our healing miracles real

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years

researching the strange world of the


join Sid for this edition of

it’s supernatural


my name is Sid Roth welcome to my world

where it’s naturally supernatural

my guest was abused as a child unloved

went to from a foster home to foster

home got into drugs ended up in prison I

got involved on the wrong end of the

stick with the mafia they tried to kill

her and she bumped into the first one

that really loved her Yeshua Jesus the

Messiah and day after day God drenched

her in his love it was like a coat it

was like layer of layer came off of her

and she became the person that God

really created her to be her life reads

like the book of Acts why not she’s

normal normal is defined by the Bible

how many of you want to be drenched

every day in God’s love just two or

three how many okay

you know cherry it is amazing that you

survived any one of these things that

happen to you is enough to to sink

anyone but all of this

how did you manage such things as going

to prison for drugs being poisoned by

the Mafia of abused as a child being in

foster homes how did you survive you

didn’t know God how did you how did

someone do it I mean I don’t see how you

did it I believe that I was kept alive

for a future purpose there was a destiny

on your life okay so she has a son she’s

a single parent she gets into real

estate and she starts a blessing her

family and she she sees that her brother

gets a nice house but then there was

something irregular in the records so

she starts doing some detective work and

turns out that she found out a mafia


turns out the Mafia found out that she

knew what was going on it was going to

blow a whistle so they start spying on

her what did they do to you oh I was

poisoned and they wired our house and

there were men that stood around the

house and they drove me mafia works with

fear and it got to the point where I was

sleeping with two loaded pistols in my

pocket my teeth just rattled they at

night I was a mess I don’t know how you

even functioned as a single parent

having a mafia to operate through fear

how you must have been a nervous wreck I

was and I was I realized I was going to

die do where did you think you’d go if

you died I knew I was going to hell the

devil was speaking to me okay so her

sister-in-law gets saved becomes a

believer in Jesus so Karen you’re


your sister-in-law and this one question

changed your entire life what was it do

you want Jesus to help you what was your

first thought I said Jesus I said why

would he help me she said I’m sure he’ll

help you get on your knees because he’ll

hear you

when you ask him into your heart and me

and my son nine-year-old dropped to our

knees and asked him into her heart she

shortly thereafter had an encounter with

God and with Jesus tell me about that

encounter it was just amazing I’ve had a

lot of the encounters with the Lord

since then but that day it’s the Lord

I heard a voice and I saw a silhouette

and a silhouette of a man’s face and it

was like a cloud and I heard a voice say

my son wants you for a bride and

everything inside of me started melting

and it was just locking eyes with the

Lord and having all this love just pour

through his eyes into you was just

totally a transformation for me tell me

about being drenched in God’s love being

drenched in God’s love is like

waterfalls of love washing over you just

unconditional love and when it floods

your body it’s like everything in your

body responds everything in your body

has peace it’s it’s like even your blood

veins your your bones everything in you

everything in you your hair everything

in you just responds to this love of God

that drenches you watches over you just


no power and love this is available for

everyone everyone I was nobody I was in

nothing I was something Satan had thrown

out this love is for everybody all right

but she still has the Mafia that’s

trying to kill her but watch what God

does when he stands up for one of his

kids be right back we’ll be right back

to it’s supernatural

the supernatural knows no bounds and now

there are no limits to equipping you to

receive your supernatural breakthrough

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Karin you’ve been bathed drenched I love

that word drenched daily in the love of

God were you fearful of the Mafia

listening to your conversations

following you everywhere trying to

poison you at that point no I was laying

on my bed meditating on just how

beautiful and how good god was I was no

longer afraid of anything

I just wanted to keep being drenched by

the love of God and the Lord gave me a

vision and I saw the Lord and he had

these very large clapping shears and he

was cutting wires and I knew that it was

finished that the Mafia would never

follow me again and that day there was a

white van outside a big guy got out of

the van he threw a football in the air

he said touchdown and they took the

wires off my house I’ll tell you what if

God is for you who would dare be against

you so your son Blake prophesized to you

one day says mom I think we should help

the hungry the starving the needy people

of the world and that sounded right to

you and then you started moving in

miracles I tell me about the lady in the

park that was dying from cancer oh it

was just wonderful her name was Mary

and she had cancer all over her I think

she had seven cancers if I remember

right and the doctors told her there was

no hope for her to not come back anymore

and so I told her I said well I served

Jesus I said cancers no problem for

Jesus and I said let me pray for you so

I prayed for her and she said the next

morning there was a lump on her and it

was gone so she went back to the doctor

and it was so funny she said they bought

a new machine a hundred thousand dollars

they couldn’t figure out but there was

something wrong with

equipment and she was giggling she says

now they want me in there all the time

they want to know what I’m eating and

everything else but she was a poor woman

they wanted nothing to do with her now

that now that the Lord was healing her

and the cancer was getting smaller and

smaller and smaller

she said they want her in there all the

time they’re asking her all these

questions what are you doing what are

you eating I said tell him Jesus so you

get a call to go to Israel tell me

briefly about that I got a the call to

go to Israel the first time with the

Samuel house Bible College in Wales the

second time I was every time I heard the

word Israel I would the Spirit of God

would fall on me and it was like he

gripped me and he told me you must go to

Jerusalem and you do that I did of

course and then you were directed to a

refugee camp in Jericho and you started

going through horrible persecution what

did they do to you because she’s a

witness tell me the type of persecution

you went through um well when I moved

into the refugee camp I was the only one

in a Palestinian refugee camp and it was

a militant refugee camp

you know the Israeli army tanks would

come in and there was you know it was

very edgy during their rocky war and so

I’m in the camp talking about Jesus and

they blew up my car they threw Molotov

through my windows I mean all kinds of

things happen they talked about me on

the mosque I mean it was war they talk

about you on the loudspeakers I know

they yes what did they tell to say about

you I said there’s an American here

going to steal our children and they

said she’s giving out food don’t go

there and the more they spoke about me

on the mosque the

here the crowds didn’t get around our

house well tell me about the man

that had the incurable eye disease I

remember this guy I mean he was just we

were trying to help him he had ten

children and he come to me one time and

his eyes are all infected and running

and he says Mohammed’s power is greater

than Jesus

and I thought well have Mohammed take

care of you and the Spirit of the Lord

just gripped me and said you pray for

him and you tell him if Muhammad’s power

is greater he will never be healed but

if he Jesus’s powers greater he’ll be

healed immediately and so I prayed for

him in the next day he came and his eyes

were totally healed okay


about the last big bite Obama this is

fire number seven like seven years of

famine seven fires and so the fire came

in they used a hundred plastic chairs

put him up against the house and made an

explosive that every window in the house

blew out when the when the explosive

went off and I heard Thomas scream fire

so the kids I had two volunteers then

not many now we have you know closer to

50 but back then it was hard to have

volunteers because the persecution was

so high and so they run out and so I

started crying out to the Lord I said

Lord what around this mountain again

buying more furniture again the house

off full of flames and I at that point I

knew I could walk through fire and not

get burnt at that point I mean I was

convinced God would rescue me but I was

tired of fires and the Lord said to me

the Lord said if you would just lift

your hands in the air and you will

praise me and you will give me glory God

said I’ll carry you into the next realm

and I told the kids and they were

worshipers I said come on we got a

worship we ought to praise the Lord we

just lifted our hands in the air and

begin to praise and I just want to say

if you’re out there right now and you’re

just being crushed every wall is caving

in if you would just give Him glory if

you just lift your hands and praise Him

God is going to carry you through you’re

doing such a marvelous job there that

you get called to Jerusalem what did the

Israeli army say to you the Israeli army

called me and after about five years

they said we’ve watched what you’ve done

they said when you first come into

Jericho we thought you were crazy but

they said you’ve accomplished much and

they said that terrorism has fallen in

the city of Jericho they said there’s 27

more refugee camps out there we want you

to move in

to Jerusalem and take an office in

Jerusalem because you’re a partner with

Israel did they give you at the office

no no we rented the office but they gave

me a political status and they

registered a sovereignly as an NGO all

right everything now she’s at the height

of her ministry she has success in this

Palestinian one Palestinian Camp Jericho

the Israeli army takes note of it and

says we want you to open up an office

and manage over 20 Palestinian camps do

the same thing and so she’s so excited

we’ll be right back right back to big

supernatural call now and got Karen

Dunham’s keys to an open heaven package

which includes her powerful book pushing

the pillars and her anointed three-part

audio CD teaching breakthrough to the

supernatural exclusive for our it’s

supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $35 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number 9390

through her book pushing the pillars you

will experience a radical encounter with

God and experience his overwhelming love

every day began to walk in holy boldness

to effectively reach your loved ones

friends and even strangers with the

gospel understand how to unleash God’s

power when you began to praise God even

in the midst of your greatest trial

understand how to move

divine healing and the miraculous as you

step out to fulfill your god-given

destiny and purpose obtain an

impartation to never settle for your

circumstance and never give up until God

gives you your breakthrough through her

three-part audio CD teaching series

breakthrough to the supernatural Karen

wants you to experience your point of

breakthrough discover that moment where

your life is completely altered by God

begin living in and walking out your

god-given destiny be encouraged and

empowered to receive your supernatural

breakthrough Karen will pray for you to

have the encounters with God that will

bring the divine favor supernatural

provision healings and miracles you have

been waiting to receive don’t miss out

on getting Karen Dunham’s keys to an

open heaven package which includes her

powerful book pushing the pillars and

her anointed three-part audio CD

teaching breakthrough to the

supernatural exclusive for our it’s

supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $35 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number 9390

call or you can send your check to sid

roth it’s supernatural p o– box 39222

charlotte north carolina 28278 please

specify offer number 9390 leg on to

sidroth.org call or write today we now

return to it’s supernatural

okay you’re ready

Ministry of your heart what you’ve

created for I mean the Israeli army

wanted you do the same thing you did in

Jericho you get back to your destiny

you’re in Jerusalem you’re managing

these Palestinian camps and then the

persecution gets beyond the pale they

literally tried to kill her tell me

about that day well that was very recent

a year ago they surrounded our church

they gassed us they threw rocks through

the window nine people got hurt that’s

what this was the Palestinian militants

yes in Jerusalem Arab Israelis and some

of the Palestinian militants from the

West Bank there was a weapon specialist

that used to work for president Arafat

there was another few of the men that

had been arrested by the Israeli army

for previous incidents they wanted my

building to make a mosque and they just

were relentless I’m talking about four

and a half months a serious prosecution

where I couldn’t even step outside

without them saying we’re going to kill

you okay so you’re in your church and

they come up to you was it from behind

what they do

one morning I go outside and I’m feeling

that God’s going to give me a

breakthrough and I’m waving a flag that

says shishu it’s Sunday morning 10

o’clock waiting for our service to start

and people are coming in and as I was

walking towards our double doors behind

me the men charged me and just

me from behind and fractured my wrist

and I you know I flipped into the error

of my knee was cracked I mean I was

bleeding in the face I don’t remember

exactly all that happened all I remember

is the initial impact and you told me

you left your body oh for sure I lay

down the ground and I left my body I

couldn’t breathe and I always said and

I’m just in the air with Jesus I’m just

in the air with Jesus and I’m saying to

the Lord and I feel the Lord had put

this in my heart because afterwards I

thought it was a strange thing to be

praying about when there was no life and

my body laying there in front of the


but I began to tell the Lord Lord

they’re laughing at you they’re

blaspheming you I said your enemies are

mocking you I said I have no breath

I’m laying there like a piece of flesh

and it was a woman and Israeli came out

of the church Cathy she began to pray in

tongues and then I heard a heavenly

choir I just hear this angel singing and

and it was just so beautiful and next

thing I know it was like a lightning

bolt hit me at the breath of God comes

back in me and I’m on my feet I really

felt like I shot into the air but I’m

standing on the earth and I tell my

secretary give me the flag and I didn’t

even know my wrist was fractured and I

began to wave the flag wildly I mean

they were watching and I was just waving

this flag in front of their cameras wait

you know just screaming Jesus Jesus

Jesus but then a group of Chinese came

to Israel and they had these big drums

and when they how long did they play

these drums 72 hours and at the end of

72 hours and this wasn’t just drums this

was spiritual warfare I at the highest

level what happened at the

– 72 hours well it was so wonderful cuz

when they arrived they said pastor Karen

we know how to fight the dragon they

just beat those drums for three days and

prophesied and I felt it in the spirit

said I just all a sudden felt a flood of

peace and I knew this stronghold had

fallen I believe that if you pray for

people right now to be drenched in the

love of God it’s going to change your


I believe that pray holy and righteous

father we just thank you we boldly come

to the throne of grace and Lord we come

for all of these out here that are so

thirsty god lord these that are out

there that have never really known love

god those that just need this

unconditional love to drench them to

pour over them to transform their lives

Lord there’s so many out there God and I

just ask God your mercy triumphs

judgment God I ask that you just break

through today God and drench those that

are out there God they’ve waited so long

for you God drench them with those

rivers those waterfalls of love God I

have a vision I have a vision right now

of a waterfall just coming your way

just coming your way just waterfalls

just rivers coming your way this is your

time for love some of you just

experienced being drenched in God’s love

and some of you don’t know or have

intimate knowledge of God this is your

moment you felt his presence now say

with your mouth repeat after me

dear Jesus forgive me of all of my sins

I’m sorry

I believe your walk love washes away my

sins and makes me clean and now that I’m

clean Jesus come inside of me I’d make

you Lord of my life

Romain Caryn Dunham knows firsthand what

it’s like to live through hopelessness

and despair only to be supernaturally

rescued by God and put onto the path of

her god-given destiny since then her

life has been full of adventure as she

provides humanitarian aid and spreads

the gospel in Israel

she has received death threats she has

been bombed out of three separate homes

and has had her car blown up but even in

the midst of such opposition God is

protected and provided for her and her

ministry now she wants to impart to you

how to experience your point of

breakthrough and walk in the

supernatural of God every day call now

and got Karen Dunham’s keys to an open

heaven package which includes her

powerful book pushing the pillars and

her anointed three-part audio CD

teaching breakthrough to the

supernatural exclusive for our it’s

supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $35 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number 9390 those

that thought they could never do

anything for God God is going to use you

through her book pushing the pillars you

will experience a radical encounter with

God and experience his overwhelming love

every day began to walk in holy boldness

to effectively reach your loved ones

friends and even strangers with the

gospel understand how to unleash God’s

power when you begin to praise God even

in the midst of your greatest trial

understand how to move

in divine healing and the miraculous as

you step out to fulfill your god-given

destiny and purpose obtain an

impartation to never settle for your

circumstance and never give up until God

gives you your breakthrough your healing

and your miracle through her three-part

audio CD teaching series right through

to the supernatural Karen wants you to

experience your point of breakthrough

discover that moment where your life is

completely altered by God begin living

in and walking out your god-given

destiny be encouraged and empowered to

receive your supernatural breakthrough

even in the darkest times when they

listen to the three CDs they’re going to

realize if God did it for Karen Dunham

God’s going to do it for me and this

will encourage them to get in position

Karen will pray for you to have the

encounters with God that will bring the

divine favor supernatural provision

healings and miracles you have been

waiting to receive I want you to be

normal normal as compared to the Bible

there is no higher adventure than

serving God with someone yielding to God

the life goes from ordinary to

supernatural the life goes from

religious to real the life goes from

adventure to adventure to adventure

glory to glory

took the Lord the glory of God is on

this endtime teaching it’s time for your

break don’t miss out on getting Karen

Dunham’s keys to an open heaven package

which includes her powerful book pushing

the pillars and her anointed three-part

audio CD teaching breakthrough to the

supernatural exclusive for our it’s

supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $35 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number 9390

call or you can send your check to sid

roth it’s supernatural p o– box 39222

charlotte north carolina 28278 please

specify offer number 9390 on to

sidroth.org call or write today next

week on it’s supernatural

there are many believers that are under

attacks of loneliness under attacks of

depression under attacks of fear there’s

so many areas once you can identify that

these attacks are demonic you can throw

them out the window every time you’re

ready your gifts to this ministry will

help Sid air it’s supernatural in Israel

28 times a week and distribute his

evangelistic book to the Jewish people

