This is the 3rd animation of the teaching Spirit, Soul and Body, which is a foundational truth that is essential for understanding how much God loves you and believing what He says about you in His Word. Each person is made up of three different parts: spirit, soul, and body. Learn how these three parts relate to God and to each other. At salvation your spirit is totally changed, but your soul and body is not yet redeemed. This series will teach you how to release the life that is already in your spirit, into your physical body and emotions.

the rest of the Christian life is a

renewing of the mind and as we do that

then the physical body will experience

the benefit here’s another scripture

that says this in Romans chapter 12

verse 1 it says I beseech you therefore

brethren by the mercies of God that you

present your body a living sacrifice

holy acceptable unto God which is your

reasonable service and be not conformed

to this world but be transformed by the

renewing of your mind that you may prove

what is that good and acceptable and

perfect will of God that’s Romans 12

verses 1 & 2 in verse 2 it says don’t be

conformed to this world the word conform

their means to be poured into the mold

of in other words there’s pressure from

the world from the devil from

unbelievers from circumstances you can’t

go through life without being pressured

you come into this life innocent and

pure but you don’t exit that way just

automatically your going to be melted

but you get to pick what mold you fit

into that word transformed in the Greek

is the word Metamorpho and it’s the word

we get metamorphosis from the process

where a little worm spends a cocoon and

then comes out a butterfly if you want

that kind of transformation change

metamorphosis so that you begin to start

in your physical and emotional realm

changing from the bitter hurtful person

from the sick person from the defeated

person into the victorious person that

God wants you to be if you want that

kind of change the way it happens Romans

12:2 says is by the renewing of your

mind how do you renew that man it’s

through the Word of God God’s Word tells

you what is spiritually true it gives

you new values new attitudes and you

have to conform yourself to what God’s

word has to say about you

the knowledge of God’s Word is critical

you’ve got to have it

but you’ve got to have the understanding

of that knowledge the application of it

in other words knowledge is like taking


and putting it in your mouth it’s the

first step but you know what you

actually have to swallow that food and

your body has to start digesting it

before all of the nutrients and the

benefit and that food begins to release

into your body the knowledge of God is

important but it’s only important if you

can understand it if you can begin to

release the life that’s in it in

Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 17 he says

this I say therefore and testify in the

Lord that ye henceforth walk not as

other Gentiles walk in the vanity of

their mind

now the word Gentile here is talking

about a non Jew the way we would express

this today is say don’t walk like a lost

man a person that doesn’t have a

relationship with God if you don’t begin

to start thinking spiritually minded

instead of carnal minded then you will

shut off the flow of the life of God

through you a scripture that goes along

with this is Romans 8:6 and that verse

says to be carnally minded is death but

to be spiritually minded is life and

peace carnal mindedness doesn’t mean

necessarily sinful mindedness now all

sin is carnal but not all carnality is

sin the word carnal literally means of

the five senses in other words don’t let

your mind be dominated only by what it

can see tastier smelling feel you can

perceive reality beyond that your soul

can through faith

you can believe the Word of God and you

can you can believe things that you

can’t see in other words you could do it

like a mathematical formula spiritual

mindedness equals life and peace carnal

mindedness equals death this isn’t

talking about only physical death but

depression is death death is anything

that’s a result of sin whether it’s the

ultimate physical death of your body or

if it’s talking about the slow death of

emotional sadness loneliness bitterness

anger all of those things so it says

that if you walk like a Gentile then you

aren’t using your mind for spiritual

things you’re just dominated by the

natural that produces a darkening of the

understanding and then

it says being alienated from the life of

God through the ignorance that is in

them because of the blindness of their

heart if you are dominated by physical

natural things instead of by spiritual

truth it a lien AIT’s you from the life

of God and this is what’s happened with

most of us we have not thought the way

God thought here’s a scripture in

Philemon Paul wrote this to a friend of

his Philemon and he prayed a prayer for

him and in verse 6 Philemon chapter 1

verse 6 he prayed that the communication

of your faith may become effectual by

the acknowledging of every good thing

which is in you in Christ Jesus this is

a radical statement he says the

communication the release or transfer of

your faith may become effectual the word

effectual means it just begins to work

begins to be productive and how does

that happen

he said by the acknowledging of every

good thing which is in you in Christ


he didn’t say that your faith begins to

work by getting more faith by going to

God and getting a new anointing a double

portion getting more of God see those

are concepts that you’ll hear often but

the truth is that’s not reality there is

a process of renewing the mind it’s not

instantaneous it’s not just one thought

that changes your life but this one

thought is so radical it would begin the

process and there there is patience and

there’s a growth in the Solis realm

understanding maturing but if you just

believe that one truth how radically

that would change our lives you do have

the potential to believe it you can

renew your mind and if you will renew

your mind then you can be transformed

and to where you will prove manifest to

your physical senses the good the

acceptable and the perfect will of God

if you will embrace the things that

we’ve talked about you can get to where

you start seeing this perfection that

came into your spirit at salvation begin

to start flowing out through your soul

and through your body to where it not

only impacts you physically but it’ll

even flow out beyond you and

such other people and you can see virtue

flow out of you the way that Jesus did

and see other people healed and it is

now given me a different attitude that

gives me a confidence and a security and

a belief that allows me to confront

problems and overcome problems that I

wasn’t able to confront before I believe

that this same teaching will do the same

thing for you I encourage you that to

recognize the importance of what we’ve

talked about I’d only scratched the


we’ve got more teaching that we’re going

to be doing on this I’m going to be

saying in so many different ways that

praise God I believe you’re going to get

it and I just praise God I believe that

this truth will set you free the way

that it is impacted my life