Amir Tsarfati: Authors Corner: Episode 1
Join Amir Tsarfati and Steve Yohn as they talk through their upcoming thriller, The Sick Man’s Rage! Why did they begin with October 7, how did they capture the mood of Israel during and after the horrific events, and what led them to focus on the country of Turkey – all are subjects they hash out in this fascinating, behind-the-scenes discussion. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: Order Amir’s new book “Discovering Daniel”: Follow us on social media: Instagram: / beholdisrael Facebook:
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hey Shalom everyone I’m Amir sarati and
we are here from connect in Galilee yes
we’re in the middle of a war and uh that
war um is putting in front of us many
challenges including this one recording
a a a a show that was supposed to be a
lot of fun and excitement and turned to
be almost Mission Impossible with all
the the uh uh rockets that are falling
all around us and I I warn you in
advance that there’s a good chance that
in the middle of of this uh program our
first ever author’s Corner program I
might have to uh take shelter uh in our
uh bomb shelter nearby should the air
raid sirens go off and we will get
notification on our phone so my phone is
next to me it might beep but hey thank
God we’re in a good shape and we are
determined to move forward and today
with me Steve Yan my friend Steve how
you I’m doing great doing great and and
I don’t want people to worry if you have
to run off again I I promised you that I
would still continue to entertain the
people with uh I don’t know standup
comedy magic tricks uh whatever it takes
to keep them entertained yeah I think
many of them uh would appreciate some
Middle Eastern dances or something like
that so that’s what I’ve got my
tambourines so there you go okay so um
Steve this is our very first author’s
Corner um program we we thought about a
a a way to basically explain to people
what the books that both of us worked on
are all about and of course of course
we’re going to start with the Thriller
series of near tavore because I think
there’s a lot of people around the world
in uh in America and English speaking
countries but also other countries uh
that uh can fuse our Thriller series
with some fiction books that have
nothing to do with our reality today and
so I’m just thinking
nothing could be more further from the
truth yeah our our books are so tied in
with with uh
reality um especially this this latest
book you know this latest book we we
start on October 7th and that’s why it
was such a difficult book for for us to
write and we went through so many
rewrites because we wanted to to
communicate what took place on that day
but do it in a way that was respectful
to the people who uh uh suffered that
day um but also do it in a way that was
very real not just for the victims but
for all of you who were were helpless
and stuck
watching uh what took place you couldn’t
do anything about it and we wanted to
bring that aspect in also and it’s it
it’s a it’s a difficult
first quarter of the book to read but
it’s important um and uh I tell you
every time I I read it there’s at least
two places in there that I start crying
because it’s just it’s it’s tough to
read yeah I remember Steve uh you’re
such a gift uh gifted uh fiction writer
and you you’ve written a few fiction
books before we we even began to work
together you worked on some uh with the
famous kicker of the Broncos Jason elim
one of them was Monday night Jihad and
and the first one was
what what was the first one that was the
first one Monday night Jihad okay so
what was the got it right back uh got it
right back over there okay so so I I
knew that you were a very gifted fiction
writer but I remember that after having
written um study books on Bible prophecy
and current events and uh uh books that
are uh going through certain specific
books of the Bible I knew that there has
to be a better way to approach people
that are interested in current events
but they are not interested in some
Bible study books and I remember that I
was thinking about um you know the
amazing mad operations that took place
and are still taking place I mean come
on beep beep hello uh um and um beep
beep yeah and but but but I thought that
this is a great way to explain also the
Bible because both of us have such
passion for Bible prophecy and both of
us want to uh get people’s attention to
not just world events and news you can
go lost with all the news but also
explain how it ties in with the word of
God especially when it comes to the
coming Ezekiel 38 war known as the war
of Gog from the land of Magog so what we
actually did we created a series of
fiction books that are based on true
events and yet completely tied into the
different uh um uh
uh participants I would say uh in in
that war so
this first one so walk us through the
the the the first three so we understand
how we made it to this fourth one and
which which which uh uh uh uh part uh or
which country uh um we’re talking about
there yeah well the the first book
operation ytan really introduced us to
Iran and to the
um the the
militias uh I before writing that book I
wasn’t aware of the vast number of of
militias uh throughout Iraq throughout
Syria down in Yemen all connected to
Iran so the first step we took was to
let folks know that Iran is more than
just Iran uh Iran is also all those
other militias too and then we went to
the second book and the second book
brought in the tie of Iran with other
countries within the uh within the the
Gulf area there and show the difference
between Shiite
Iran and many of the Sunni neighbors
that were starting starting to become I
don’t know if you can call them friends
but at least uh uh you know neighbors
that you go and borrow a cup of sugar
from um you know the enemy of my enemy
is my
friend exact that’s exactly it yes and
then we came to uh Russia with book
three and
unfortunately book three out of the far
north was released at exactly the wrong
time because four days after the book
was released October 7th
happened and I remember that no one was
in the mood for entertainment anymore
rightfully so because we were all so
wrapped up in the the horror and the
tragedy of what took place um but what
out of the far north communicates is is
the tie in of
Russia and the long-standing history of
of a
um uh antipathy between uh Russia and
and Israel right but now which is
something by the way many people are not
uh you know acquainted with and you know
no one knows that it goes way back way
back yeah but that’s the same thing
that’s true with with turkey and with
our our new book sick man’s
rage turkey and Israel they can play
well on paper at times and in front of
the cameras but there is such a an
hatred uh of uh by Eran of Israel and of
his leadership of Israel and a desire
to uh really for for
um um turkey to become the the hero of
Islam uh the hero of Sunni Islam and to
that taking out Israel that’s the way to
do it that’s the way to become the hero
because they used used to be they used
to be the Ottoman Empire the big Ottoman
Empire and now who are they they’re the
sick man of Europe the the seat of the
caliphate became the sick man of Europe
you’re right um and and and
again it’s scary how many times we’ve
written things that came to pass weeks
later it’s almost like uh we need to
think twice before we write something or
we need to or when we write it we need
to we need to know that it might take
place so we better write it in a way
that it won’t it won’t be too too much
uh you know even with with yeah know
with with this book our our our latest
book The Sick the sick man’s rage uh
when we began to write it oh actually
when we completed the manuscript uh we
didn’t know about in assassination in
tan of a Hamas figure we didn’t and yet
is Han was killed there uh assassinated
there in tan and and and now we’re
talking about another another thing that
is happening elsewhere and and you know
God knows when it will happen but it is
possible that it might happen in the
same goes with other things that we
wrote earlier haven’t
we I I I remember when we we sat in
Miami talking through the plot for this
book and we discussed the uh targeted
killing of
alarri and one of the ones on the list
that we were yeah that we were gonna go
after and it was only two three days
afterwards that you sent me a post yeah
that alluri was gone and you said we
better start looking for a new victim
so that’s just that’s been the nature of
the way our books have have have worked
yeah we write it and then we we see it
happening yeah and um so so here we are
with the operation Yukan we were more
dealing with Iran and its Shenanigans
but for the most part the plot was in
the Arabian Peninsula that’s why we
called it Yukan and we’ll we’ll probably
talk more about that when we do a
program on that book which by the way
was a bestseller everywhere but then we
move to um Iran itself and in the third
one we moved to Russia now we’re Landing
in Turkey so as as as people can see we
are targeting the main main countries
that are involved with the Ezekiel 38
War and the idea is to explain to people
that maybe
Ezekiel wrote about it you know 2800
years ago 2700 years ago but um
everything today points at how accurate
he he is um and um I mean who would
imagine you know even 40 years ago it
wouldn’t have been uh possible or it
wouldn’t even make sense that those
three countries one day will come
together against Israel and yet you know
today we see that so um
give me more of your yeah go ahead
that’s that’s what we carried through
these these books what what started
almost has a a distant Rumble of of hoof
beats with operation yakan from from far
far off you could hear that that that
something was coming and it it continued
to grow when we hit by way of of
deception that the sound was louder and
louder as we we saw Iran for for who it
was and and the the plans they had
against Israel and then we got to out of
the far north and the the Thundering was
even louder as we see these two um
countries becoming allies and now we
come to sickman’s rage and we hear those
those hoof beats all jelling together as
they they unify and start rushing South
towards Israel Y and that’s exactly what
we see
in Ezekiel 38 yeah so let’s talk more
about the purpose of the new book and
remember this is the latest installment
of a series uh that for now has four uh
installments uh Yan operation yokan by
way of deception out of the far north
and now the sick man’s rage let’s talk
about uh the you
know challenges
that uh we had in writing this but
people don’t understand what it takes to
come up with uh the idea and then
implement it when it comes to
books well we knew we wanted to
communicate what took place in October
7th but the question is how do you do
that and how do you do that with respect
honoring people but than giving the
reader as much of an
inside look at the events of October 7th
as someone who is you know thousands of
miles away uh as much of an inside look
as we we can get so we we we tried a
number of different routes but we
finally settled on going into the Nova
festival and that’s that’s how we give
people an inside view but we also let
people see from the outside as that that
that wonderful wacky team from Carl um
they were not wacky on October 7th
uh nobody was wacky on October 7th
everyone was
experiencing um the horrors of what was
going on because everyone knew people
everyone had relations uh relationships
with people everyone knew someone who
was uh uh either um uh injured or killed
on that date so we finally got to a
place where we’re able to communicate
that but a a I think it’s an important
reading that’s one of the things we want
to make sure we wanted this to stand as
a a testimony to people where you know
already almost a year off and you hear
people um denting what took place some
people say never happened you know some
students in the streets they think that
the war started on October 8th with
Israel initiating it and then I’ve seen
multiple interviews when somebody
confronts them with October 7th and the
events they they never heard of it it’s
like the world start it’s always like
that with the Palestinians history only
starts when it’s easier for them um and
uh no one looks beyond it but but when
this is a modern day Holocaust denying
uh and we you know if they can deny
something that happens less than a year
ago how much easier it is for them to
deny the Holocaust of Europe uh you know
in the 1940s but but I think that was
the challenge and this is why I
challenge people to to take this book
not only as a thriller and as a great
way to understand the Bible but also as
a testimony to the horrors of October
7th to let people understand that these
things indeed happened and I’ve got the
footage I’ve got the audio we’ve got the
testimonials of the perpetrators as well
as the victims everything is on the
table and we wanted to tie in those
with the big picture of um you know
reality in in the word of
God and then we also because of our our
bigger picture of of uh the oncoming
hoof beats and and the oncoming storm of
Ezekiel 38 we that well we need to bring
turkey in on this how are we going to
bring turkey in on this and then our
dear friend president erdogan gets up in
front of everyone and says hey Israel if
you harm anybody on our on our uh land
then you know we’re going to come after
you and you’re going to regret it he
even used he even used the term even
used the term will invade Israel I mean
Y and and again you you sent to me that
little clip and said I guess we’ve got
our inroad don’t
we and again perfect and again that’s
the scary part the scary part is every
time we write
something um it’s either happens or when
we think about writing something we get
confirmation that actually it is how
things are going to go so um that’s and
it’s it’s not because we’re we’re great
prophets or anything like that but it’s
because we know the scripture
we know because we know the scripture we
know what’s coming next absolutely and
and again we know the big picture now we
may not know the ins and outs and we we
may not know the smaller details and by
the way I think actually we even come up
with good ways to even know the the
little ones but but the big picture is
there and it not only that it will not
change it cannot change there is no way
the word of God can ever change you know
I’ve been in I I’ve been interviewed uh
in some secular space um programs on on
in X on Twitter and and all of them were
secular people and they they asked me
things about current events and I told
them look guys I respect you you’re all
experts in your
Fields but I can tell you what’s going
to happen not because I’m smart not
because I’m super intelligent it’s
because I know that the the word of God
is the
ultimate um way to understand um as God
says I will um you know I will tell you
things that have not yet done um that’s
what he said to Isaiah um but but the
thing is and then I told them I told
them look I know we are going to win
this War I know Iran is going to
sacrifice Hamas and then when hisbah
will be in trouble Iran is not going to
help it and because Iran cares about
Iran and eventually Iran will just dump
all of its uh proxies and hop on the
wagon of big countries such as Russia
and Turkey and and here we are Steve
we’re trying to explain all of this in
such a way that even someone who wants
to run away from
reality will understand
reality um so I think that’s the
delicate challenge here is is to make it
good read but also explain and explain
things and put together all the parts of
the puzzle so then they see the big
picture and um and and you know so far
because of that we were able to get
those semi secular book because they’re
not PR all you
know uh uh hardcore Bible study books we
were able to get them on the shelves of
where tell us yeah yeah well just just
about anywhere you want to go and
they’ve been in in uh Target and Walmart
and and Hobby Lobby and um Hobby Lobby
Barnes & Noble not as many bookstores
around as there used to be but uh uh all
the ones that that you can find we we’ve
been there and these
novels there there have been people who
have asked why why fiction when I mean
you you write such such a a clear
non-fiction that that that spells
everything out but there’s there’s
different kinds of readers and people
learn in different ways and there’s
people who are visual Learners there are
people who are tactile Learners there’s
people who are auditory Learners and
there’s people who learn through a story
and other people who just want the facts
ma’am um so this the what the the novels
give us is that opportunity to reach all
Learners that’s true all people yeah um
so that that they can also uh absorb
understand get a grasp of what God is
doing amen um through this war that’s
taking place now and the overall picture
of Ezekiel and leading us to the end
times yeah I I agree with you and I also
I also want to say that um you know I
remember I was praying
Lord what are better and maybe even uh
more unique and original ways of uh
getting the
gospel um on the bookshelves of some you
know big stores so non-Christian secular
people will you know think that oh that
that that looks like a nice book I want
to read and so I think the challenge was
and it still is how do we communicate
eventually bottom line the
gospel in books that are packed with
fiction and current events and and real
current events so and I think uh from
many reports that I got from many people
around the world because the books the
previous books have been already
translated to multiple languages and we
have amazing amazing uh reviews um from
you know people who literally were
exposed to the gospel for the first time
and then moved to read the Bible after
this one and so um you know I think this
is this is an important
thing another thing that we that we
offer yeah another thing that we that we
offer through these books is just good
entertainment yeah I was uh I I’m I’m
always listening to books as I drive
here and there and then when I work out
and and I just finished listening to uh
uh Clive C C’s latest book which I think
Clive kussler has been dead forever but
other people are writing his books now
and it wasn’t until about 30 minutes
into it that I realized I haven’t heard
anybody swear in this whole
book and it was it’s so refreshing
because before that I had I had listened
to I won’t mention who but i’ I’ve I’ve
listened to a number of of other books
and it’s just there’s so much swearing
and there’s sex and there’s so much
stuff that has me constantly hitting
that fast forward button on my on my
audible um and this these books are just
for for people of all ages where they
can listen and not be afraid of what it
is they’re going to hear or afraid of
what it is their teens are going to hear
as they listen to them and and and they
get a big dose of action and and the it
is a thriller and but again it’s action
and it’s is it’s a thriller that is
completely realistic and based on true
events and true reality so it’s very
easy to connect with it um yeah
hello um so so I think this is this is
and is not funny that we’re able to
teach the Bible using Israel in
disbelief Russia in complete you know uh
disbelief and and turkey promoting a
different religion and yet and Iran as
well and we’re able to use all of this
to bring
forth a fresh way to uh look into the
word of God um so um what do you think
is the biggest challenge in writing the
sick man’s rage uh because we we touched
a lot of things that I think the
common person that is hearing the news
is not aware of such as for example the
maavi vatan and other things terms that
are only known to
experts yeah yeah
Iran is very loud and very active Russia
is very loud and very active turkey is
very loud but not as active
so to try to come up what’s that not yet
not yet exactly exactly so to to try to
come up with a a plot that fits the
nature of of
erdoan uh the nature of the country that
was the biggest difficulty what is it
that they would do and how would they go
about it would they be out there and and
and upfront and and big bold attacking
and would we see it coming or are they
more of the sneaky kind that will come
around when you aren’t uh when you
aren’t looking for them and know you’re
the ones that come from behind and stab
you in the back yeah so that’s amazing
don’t want to say too much about it but
no exactly I was about to say please
stop it right there
um but um you see I think writing these
Thriller uh series is one of the fun
things both of both of us had to the
privilege of doing in in some very
difficult times in our lives uh times
when we lost dear family members and and
also times when you almost uh we almost
lost you Steve and uh it seems like God
has a different plan um and um our our
days are numbered but uh their number
can be longer than or more than we think
and um and so I’m I’m I’m very
very thankful that God kept you with us
um throughout all of this thing because
I I truly believe I truly believe that
God is using you Steve in a very Mighty
way and in in in a sweet spot where you
are doing what you love do you know
doing and yeah and and so it’s as it has
been forever now the best um experience
of sitting with you and writing uh those
Thrillers and also having you helping me
with the teaching books uh that I wrote
um earlier and and even in between those
Thrillers so you know I want to thank
you for uh being such a a vessel that
God uh is definitely using and um if do
you have final words to say
um as we wrap up this uh first author’s
Corner uh program which by the way it’s
not only about my teaching books or our
Thrillers but also both of us from time
to time will even host someone else and
ask him questions about his book so do
you have any any last words to
say well I just I I want you to know
that that uh all of us here here are are
praying for you and your family I know
how difficult this time is uh for you to
be sitting here uh in in in your your
office and um having this kind of
conversation where uh when outside
around you um there are barges that are
being fired over uh the the Border um
that speaks so much to to you your
character but most of all your
faith and the fact that you are trusting
God completely that whatever happens
happens you know that you are safe in
his hands and that that he is he is
watching over you so I mean it’s just
it’s a it’s it’s a blessing to to work
alongside you to call you a friend and
uh not just a friend but also a a
writing partner and uh um it’s just it’s
a blessing God has blessed me greatly so
thank you well thank you Steve and uh
and again uh folks this has been our
first ever author’s Corner program and
there are many more to come unless the
Rapture happens and we’re gone which I
prefer that of course but um until then
um we would like to not only uh tell you
that you may want to purchase that book
but also explain what the books are all
about the idea behind him and of course
challenge you not only to get one and
read it but also to give it to a
non-believing friend that is interested
in current events and yet is running
away from the word of God I think this
is a wonderful way to to kind of uh tie
them into or give them the hook that
will bring them back to opening their
Bibles for the first time and try to
probably even just verify that what we
talk about really is written in a Bible
that was written uh more than 2500 years
ago so this is the challenge that we
have for all of you not only to help us
with with with you know getting
attention for for these books but for
the most part if if there is one reason
we write them is to bring people to the
saving knowledge of the Messiah and
those who believe in him you are are um
missionaries here of of getting this
incredible piece that I think even a
non-believer would enjoy reading and get
to have this appetite to want to know
more and also if you you know I’m sure
you can agree with me Steve reading
those books really explains a lot that
is happening today to the common person
that is watching the news it’s not even
about only the Bible I mean they even if
you filter the
biblical part of it you get tons of
history and tons of um you know
knowledge about culture and geography
and people and so I think there’s so
much that um you know we can glean from
these fiction trailers don’t you think
so yeah who would you rather have
explained Russian history to you some
pamphlet that you pick up from the
library are all the crazy people at Carl
talking back and forth and if you don’t
know what Carl is pick up the first book
operation yokan and you will that’s
right well Steve it has been pleasure to
uh to have you here on this program and
thankfully God is good and no rocket
alarms interrupted us today and so thank
you everyone for being with us today and
until next time Shalom and God bless you
Shalom from Denver Colorado and from
galile Israel thank you God bless you
and shalom