Amir Tsarfati: Israel: Replaced or Embraced?
Has the Church replaced Israel? What is Israel’s role in God’s plan? Tune in to this new podcast episode as Amir interviews Dr. Golan Broshi to discuss what the Bible says about this highly-debated topic. You can find a written document of this podcast here.… Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: Order Amir’s new book “Discovering Daniel”: Follow us on social media: Instagram: / beholdisrael Facebook:
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Shalom everyone, this is Amir Tsarfati and I’m here live from Connect,
here, our hub in the Galilee, in the Jezreel Valley.
And this is our second episode of the Anchor Podcast.
The Anchor, which is the hope that we have, it’s like an anchor to our soul.
And this is what we want to talk about, the hope that we have in the Word of God and in the Spirit of God that is in us.
And today I have with me a very special guest, but before I will introduce him, let’s start with a prayer.
Father, we thank You so much for that amazing thing that happened 2000 years ago,
that behold, we have a Savior that came and died for us, so we may be able to live and also have life in abundance.
And Father, we ask now that You will use this broadcast to bring so much clarity and comfort
and much hope to the souls of so many people around the world
that are living in fear, anxiety, confusion and surrounded by so much deception.
We thank You again that we have clear message, not from us, not written by a human,
but directly coming from You through Your Holy Spirit.
We thank You again and we bless You in the name of Yeshua. Amen.
In recent months, we’re experiencing in Israel some very tough days of sadness, grief,
but above all, at least in my case, frustration and disappointment as we’re watching a huge wave of anti-Semitism,
probably the largest since the days of pre-World War II that is flushing and flooding the Western world.
To my astonishment, in many of these cases, the anti-Semitism was only waiting for an excuse,
such as the response of Israel to the massacre of October 7th, and then suddenly so many other issues popped up.
Above all, what surprised me the most was the spiritual aspect.
Is Israel still relevant?
Does God have a plan for them?
Are we talking about people that should pass away from this world or a nation that it is a duty to help, pray and support?
I invited Dr. Golan Broshi, professor for Bible and Second Temple Literature, at One for Israel Bible College,
to discuss this topic called “Replaced or Embraced?”
Shalom, Golan.
G: Shalom.
A: How are you?
G: Dear brother, thank you.
A: Good to see you.
We’ve had our share of talks about spiritual things here in front of camera a few years ago,
I believe, during COVID, if I’m not mistaken.
And we talked about probably a similar topic in regards to who are the real Jews.
We talked about a lot of things that we may even mention today.
But on this podcast, I’m going to do something different.
I will basically play the devil’s advocate and ask you some very tough questions regarding some scriptures
that a lot of anti-Semites are using as their flagship scripture to basically prove that God has already replaced Israel.
G: And you know what’s ironic, Amir?
The waves of antisemitism that you just talked about,
in other words, this is how God shows you that Israel wasn’t replaced.
Because if Israel was replaced, we wouldn’t see any antisemitism against us, right?
A: You’re right.
G: So it’s easy to recognize Israel for bad purposes, for antisemitism.
But when it comes to the blessings of God and the plan for Israel, all of a sudden you’re being replaced.
Wait a minute, if you want to replace us, maybe take some of the antisemitism away.
You know what I mean?
A: Exactly.
Of course, I know what you mean.
And let’s start with one of the flagship verses.
And again, what we’re trying to do on this podcast is to basically give you tools to be able to confront people that are using these scriptures.
Because you know, they’re very deceptive.
They take things out of context and cause you to think that you don’t know your Bible.
And then instill in you and inject in you doubts and fear and confusion and deception, of course.
And before you know it, you start doubting whether you should anymore stand there for Israel.
G: By the way, Amir, that’s an important rule, which you just reminded me.
Never make your theology based on one verse of the Bible.
Don’t make a whole theology.
So if there’s only one verse, be careful to be making a whole theology out of it.
A: And always, always do not take it out of context.
G: Exactly.
A: So let’s start with a flagship verse, Romans 2:28 and 29.
And it says the following thing.
If you guys are ready, Romans 2.
G: Yes, Romans 2: 28 and 29.
And that’s a flagship verse that is used to prove that Israel was replaced and there’s a new Israel now.
A: Exactly.
So Romans 2:28 and 29, it says,
“For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh;
but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter;
whose praise is not from men but from God.”
G: And we can throw in Romans 9, verse 6 if you want, because people love to use that also in the same context.
So Romans 9, verse 6, you would always hear that verse and take it out of context.
A: “But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect.
For they are not all Israel who are of Israel,…”
And again, here, we’re not even trying to hide these verses from you.
We are proclaiming these verses for you and
now I’m going to ask Dr. Broshi to explain to me what’s going on here.
G: So we heard Israel and Paul uses Israel many times and here’s a fact, Amir.
A fact, Israel, the word Israel is used in the New Testament almost 80 times.
Never, never the word refers to somebody that is not ethnically Jewish.
I want to repeat it, almost 80 times the word Israel is repeating in the New Testament.
Not a single time it refers to somebody else than physical, ethnic Jews.
A: Okay, so obviously in the first century, the church, the congregation, the Kehila is comprised of Jews and Gentiles.
And Paul, being a Jew, is writing also to the Jews.
G: And we have a clear example in Ephesians when he’s talking about the one …
You don’t have to read it, but when he’s talking about then one human.
Who is he referring to if not ethnic Jews and not Jews that are becoming one in the Messiah?
A: Amen.
G: And people love the verse in Galatians, we wouldn’t go there, that there’s no male, no female, no Jew, no …
Wait, would anybody deny that there’s no male and female?
A: Yes, male and female do exist.
G: Some will deny it, of course, today, but …
A: Yes, that’s for sure, but there’s no slave, no master,
but my point is, so how do we tackle that?
So Paul being a Jew is writing according to what you say to Jewish people.
G: Exactly, he’s writing to Jews and Gentiles in Rome and he’s telling them,
“I’m Jewish, I was born a Jew, but I wasn’t connected to my Israeli faith, to my Jewish faith,
until I was born-again, until I believed in Yeshua.”
In other words, Paul is saying,
“Like Elijah, not everybody is connected to their Jewishness, even though they’re Jewish.”
And maybe Amir, you and I are a good example, because we were not born in Messianic homes,
we didn’t know the Messiah, we were Jews ethnically,
but exactly like Paul said, we weren’t Israel in the Spirit.
A: So we were not spiritual.
G: Exactly, we were always Israel in the flesh and we will always be,
but we were not Israel in the spirit until we were grafted into the Messiah, to Israel in the Spirit.
So it’s a distinction between Israel in the flesh and Israel in the Spirit.
And Paul himself, like Amir, like you and I,
Paul was born a Jew, was born Israel,
but only after he believed in Yeshua, he embraced the Israel in the Spirit, the Israeli faith.
A: Yes, and by the way, do not be surprised that Paul talked to Jewish people.
I mean, the guy was just traveling everywhere, going first to synagogues.
G: To the Jew first.
A: Exactly, and he even said, “It was necessary for them to hear the Gospel first.”
G: And you know what’s interesting about the passage you read from Romans 2?
It never even mentions Gentiles.
Paul doesn’t even talk about Gentiles.
So he doesn’t even…
In Paul’s mind, it’s not even an issue.
The Gentiles are not mentioned in that chapter because he’s not talking about somebody replacing somebody.
It’s embracing, you’re connected to your faith, to your ancestors’ faith,
to the biblical faith through Yeshua.
A: So basically, when he says not all that is from Israel are Israel, he says,
“Not all ethnic Jews are actually believers.”
G: Exactly, and you know Elijah, Elijah thought he was all alone.
He’s the only Israel in the Spirit, and God told him, “No, no, there’s 7000 left.”
7000, he doesn’t mean that there’s no Israel any more.
Of course, Elijah was surrounded by Israelis, but he’s saying, “Am I left alone?”
Did Elijah mean that somebody replaced Israel or that there’s no Jews anymore?
Of course not.
Elijah is asking God, “Am I the only one who is not surrendering to idols, to not worship idols?”
And of course, God tells him, “Relax, Elijah. There’s 7000 others of Israel in the spirit also.”
That’s the point.
A: Yeah, and there is also Isaiah 46, if I’m not mistaken.
G: Exactly, and I want you to please read
because we forget that the only Bible the apostles and Paul had was the Old Testament.
A: Yes.
G: That was the Word of God for them.
That’s why I love it, you know, there’s a preacher who said that Yeshua never preached a sermon from the New Testament.
A: Yeah, of course.
G: The only Bible they had was the Old Testament.
A: So yeah, verse 3 of Isaiah 46 says,
“Listen to Me, O house of Jacob,
And all the remnant of the house of Israel,…”
G: Exactly, and if you started…
A: And God says,
“Who have been upheld by Me from birth,
Who have been carried from the womb:”
G: And if you can read Isaiah 48:1,
because it’s the same, you know, the same spirit of things, Isaiah 48:1.
A: Yes, Isaiah 48, verse 1, here it is, it says the following thing.
He says,
“Hear this, O house of Jacob,
Who are called by the name of Israel,
And have come forth from the wellsprings of Judah;
Who swear by the name of the Lord,
And make mention of the God of Israel,
But not in truth or in righteousness;”
G: Exactly, so even Isaiah is talking to Israel and he’s talking about a remnant that is still Israel and the Spirit,
somebody who wants to worship God in spirit and in truth.
And in the next chapter, you don’t have to read it, but in Isaiah 49, verses 14 and 15,
A: I can actually read it, and it says,
“But Zion said, ‘The Lord has forsaken me,
And my Lord has forgotten me.'”
And then he says, “‘Can a woman forget her nursing child,
And not have compassion on the son of her womb?'”
G: Exactly, it’s like Paul saying, “Did God forsake Israel? God forbid.”
Isaiah is saying exactly the same thing.
Even though I’m talking to a remnant, I want you to repent. God never forsook you.
A: So even in the Old Testament, the prophets looked at Israel
and could clearly see those that follow the Lord and those that do not follow the Lord,
but never ever have they even suggested that some are no longer Israel.
G: And in other words, if you want to find replacement theology, you can find it in that case in the Old Testament.
But that’s absurd.
And Paul is talking exactly like the prophets, he’s calling Israel to repent and embrace their faith, their roots,
their spiritual roots to be not only Israel in the flesh, but Israel in the spirit.
A: Yeah, and I want also to read from Hosea chapter 1,
which is saying the following thing in verses all the way 6 to 9.
G: That’s important.
A: Yeah.
“And she conceived again and bore a daughter. Then God said to him:
‘Call her name Lo-Ruhamah,
For I will no longer have mercy on the house of Israel,
But I will utterly take them away.
Yet I will have mercy on the house of Judah,
Will save them by the Lord their God,
And will not save them by bow,
Nor by sword or battle,
By horses or horsemen.'”
And then He moved on and said…
G: Verse 9, the important verse.
A: Yes, Verse 9 says,
“Now when she had weaned Lo-Ruhamah, she conceived and bore a son.
Then God said:
‘Call his name Lo-Ammi,
For you are not My people,
And I will not be your God.'”
G: So God is calling Israel, telling the prophet to tell Israel, “You are not my people anymore.”
But then in the next chapter, you don’t have to go there, but in the next chapter,
chapter 2 in Hosea, chapter 2:18 for example, He says,
“I want you to repent, you are My people.”
So God is talking in a harsh way, in harsh words, “You are not My people.”
But then He’s always saying, “You are My people, repent.”
So in other words, Paul is speaking exactly in the spirit of the prophets of the Old Testament.
It’s the same spirit.
And if you disconnect the New Testament from the Old Testament, then you’re making theological fallacies.
A: Yes, I agree with you.
Well, why don’t we go to the Gospel and again, the words of Jesus Himself, Yeshua,
who came and talked to the Jewish people, and in Matthew…
G: That’s a common verse that is used for replacement theology, Matthew 21:43.
Matthew 21:43, and people who believe in replacement theology love that verse.
A: Exactly.
So Matthew 21, verse 43 is the following thing.
““Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it…”
G: Of course, here Yeshua is saying, “I’m going to take the kingdom from you and give it to a different nation.”
What’s more clear than that?
He’s going to take it from Israel and give it to somebody else.
Well, again, the problem is who is Yeshua speaking to?
And according… from the context, He’s speaking to the leaders,
to the corrupt leaders of that time, of that generation.
And He’s telling the leaders,
“The kingdom is going to be taken from you
because you are bad shepherds. You don’t shepherd My people the way I wanted to.”
Remember Yeshua was looking at Israel and He’s saying,
“They look like sheep with no shepherd”
because the shepherds were corrupted.
So He’s saying, He’s telling the religious leaders,
“The authority is going to be taken from you and will be given to somebody else.”
But then in verse 39…
A: in Matthew 23,
G: Matthew 23:39,
A: It says the following thing to Israel,
“…I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say,
‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!'”
G: So right after this rebuke Yeshua is telling them, the leaders,
“I will not return physically until you welcome Me.”
Wait a minute, Yeshua, didn’t You replace us with somebody else?
No, it’s a rebuke, it’s a call for repentance.
And that’s how the prophets spoke. But there’s another thing,
if you… and again, you don’t have to read that,
but the rebuke of shepherds, bad shepherds, are taken from the Old Testament
in Jeremiah 23, in Ezekiel 34.
Again, God is speaking against the bad corrupted shepherds
and is telling Israel, “I’m going to give you new shepherds.”
But again, this is talking to Israel,
I’m going to replace the corrupt leaders with good leaders, but Israel remains Israel.
A: Yes, well, another flagship verse of the anti-Semites and the replacement theology people
is Galatians chapter 3 verses 7 and 9.
Chapter 3 verses 7 and 9, and it says the following thing, it says,
“Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham.”
And then in 9 it says,
“So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham.”
G: So people who believe in replacement theology say,
“Once you embrace Yeshua, you become the son of Abraham
and if you don’t embrace Yeshua, if you don’t believe in Yeshua,
you’re not the son of Abraham,
you’re not physically the descendant of Abraham.”
Here’s the problem, Abraham was promised a seed,
and promised seed Yeshua,
but Abraham was promised something else, the land.
Now Amir, you and I know many believers that don’t live in Israel,
Gentile believers, right?
Do they want to occupy the land of Israel?
Do they want to leave their home and all billions of them come and live here?
Do they think it’s the promised land for them or the promised land of Israel?
You know believers from outside the country.
Gentiles, do they believe this is the promised land for Israel?
A: So there’s the seed and there’s the land.
G: Of course, the seed, the blessing, the land,
it was given to physical Israel out of which Yeshua came.
So again, we see this confusion between the physical and the spiritual.
And people don’t understand that if you embrace Yeshua,
you embraced the spirit, the faith of Israel, but you didn’t change your skin.
A: Exactly, you don’t become a Jew.
G: This is absurd.
A: And a Jew that is not believing in Yeshua is not becoming a non-Jew.
There is the spiritual and there is a non-spiritual.
G: Exactly. You become the son of Abraham in faith.
You embrace the faith of Abraham.
But you cannot be physically a descendant of Abraham if you’re not the son, right?
A: I agree with you.
Well, in that case, I’ll give you another verse that is this time from Galatians 4.
G: Yeah, and that’s a really important verse.
A: Yes, and it’s important for you guys to also study your Greek
if you are into starting New Testament.
Because that is playing a very significant role.
G: Are you reading Galatians 6?
A: I’m…
Excuse me, yeah, Galatians 6, verse 16.
Galatians 6, verse 16 is the following thing.
And again, Greek is essential here.
It says,
“And as many as walk according to this rule,
peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God.”
G: And the key word is the word “and.”
The last “and” that you read, can you read it again?
A: “And as many as walk according to his rule, peace and mercy be upon them,”
Then he says,
“…and upon the Israel of God.”
G: And the Greek says, “Kai,” “and.”
And some translations in English instead of “and” said, “which are.”
A: Which are.
So they’re saying, “Upon them, which are the Israel of God.”
G: Yes, but the Greek says, “and.”
A: In other words, Gentiles in Galatia and Messianic Jews and this Israel of God,
Jews who believe in Yeshua.
G: Exactly.
Gentiles that embrace the faith and Jews that embrace the faith.
This is it.
Again, one word in Greek that some translation replaces.
A: Just replace.
They exercise the replacement.
It’s the replacement tactic.
Okay, now we’re coming to the two flagship verses.
Every Twitter person, whenever I post something on Israel.
G: And not only for replacement theology, this is for anti-Semitism.
A: Pure anti-Semitism.
And every time I post something, listen to this.
Every time I post something about Israel and the importance to support Israel and pray for Israel,
believe it or not, I see the anti-Semites crawling out of their holes
and immediately, I don’t even know if they read in their life the book of Revelation.
But they are chanting, they have memorized two verses:
Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.
That’s it.
They don’t know anything about anything.
They take those verses and there you go.
So obviously, let’s do that.
G: So please read Revelation 2:9 and then Revelation 3:9.
And these verses are almost identical.
Yeshua is speaking to the churches.
A: Absolutely.
G: This is what he’s saying.
A: So again, Jesus, Yeshua is speaking to the churches and to the church of Smyrna.
He’s saying,
“I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich);
and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not,
but are a synagogue of Satan.”
G: And those two verses say the same.
A: Exactly.
The other one is to another church, but it’s exactly the same spirit of synagogue of Satan and all of that.
Now, who wrote it?
A Jewish man called John, Yohanan.
And so what are we talking about?
Who are these?
G: Three common interpretations.
Theologians, not Jewish, not Jewish theologians,
theologians that studied this through and through.
Three options, three options by non-Jewish theologians.
One option, this is Yeshua is referring to pagan, Roman pagans that are impressively, “chazot”?
A: Impersonating.
G: Impersonating as Jews, as if they’re Jews, even though they’re loyal to Caesar.
And they’re coming to the churches and creating chaos.
So we’re talking, so one option, and again, it’s not me.
This is scholars, not Jewish scholars of the New Testament.
They’re saying one option.
These are Romans, pagans that are impersonating as Jews and coming into the churches and saying
they’re the true Israel, they’re the true Jews, but they’re loyal to Caesar and they’re creating chaos within the church.
So this is one option.
Another option is believers from the Gentiles who say that the church replaced Israel.
Does it sound familiar?
A: Oh, sounds like what we’re talking about.
So basically, they say that they are Jews, but they’re not.
G: Exactly, and Yeshua is telling them, “I know that you’re not Jewish. What are you doing?
This is satanic. You’re not Jewish.”
So the second option is Gentiles that are saying that they’re Jewish.
And Yeshua is saying, “What are you doing?”
A: In other words, the thought that God has replaced Israel is satanic.
G: And the third option is Jewish people, Jewish, probably Pharisaic Jews, that did persecute Jewish believers.
So it’s Jews persecuting other Jews.
So Yeshua is rebuking certain Jews in history.
This is not all the Jews in the world for all time.
This is Jews that persecuted other Jewish people.
Amir, have you ever been persecuted in Israel for your faith?
A: Of course, but again, at no point, at no place in the Bible,
God is saying that the Jews are not Jews and that they’re a synagogue of Satan.
It’s people who claim that they are Jews, but they’re not.
The Jewish people, God is not telling them that you’re not Jews.
He may tell them, “You’re not spiritual. You’re not following me.
You’re not walking in My ways.”
But again, they’re not people that have been replaced by anyone.
In fact, if anything, anyone that claims to be a Jew and is not, is a synagogue of Satan.
G: Exactly, this is a satanic spirit if you’re saying that you replaced Israel.
Now I want to focus just a minute about this third option.
Let’s say that Yeshua is rebuking pharisaical Judaizers that are coming into the church
and telling people that they have to keep kosher and have to circumcise.
This is common in the New Testament.
Amir, we have examples and I please want you to read.
We have three short examples for so-called Judaism.
A: The famous first ever church council, and that was in Jerusalem
following the great need to put an order in the chaos.
As Paul was wandering between the different cities in Asia Minor and Greece,
every time he preached the gospel and left,
some other people from the congregation in Jerusalem would sneak in and say,
“I’m sure you know Paul, we’re from the same church.
By the way, did he tell you that you have to keep the law, you have to keep the Sabbath,
you have to circumcise your men?”
G: And we have examples for it.
So if you can please…
A: There you go. So here it is.
I’m reading…
G: 15, only 1 and 5.
A: 1 and 5. So,
“And certain men came down from Judea and taught the brethren,
‘Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.'”
That’s verse 1.
G: And 5?
A: And verse 5 says the following thing. It says,
“But some of the sect of the Pharisees who believed rose up, saying,
‘It is necessary to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses.'”
G: Exactly. So we’re talking about Judaizers that are trying to convert the Gentiles
and in Acts, the Jewish Council agreed?
No. There’s no conversion.
Gentiles can stay a Gentile and follow Yeshua.
So in other words, Yeshua is telling them in Revelation, don’t do that.
Don’t… If you think you can Judaize other Jews or other Gentiles, this is satanic.
And we have another example.
In Galatians…
A: Exactly.
In Galatians chapter 1, we can clearly see…
G: Verses 6 and 7, Galatians 1:6 and 7, this is Paul himself.
A: There you go.
“I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel,
which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ.”
G: Exactly.
And this is what Yeshua can be referring to when He’s called…
This is the synagogue of Satan.
This is people who confuse and saying to the Gentiles,
“You must become Jews in order to believe in Yeshua.”
And Amir, both of us know, Gentiles can stay, of course.
No conversion.
Conversion is conversion of the heart, not of the flesh.
And the last example of…
A: Galatians 3:1 says…
G: Exactly. The same thing.
A: “O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth,
before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified?”
G: So this rebuke in Revelation is not new, it’s all over the New Testament.
People who want to twist the gospel into the gospel of works instead of the gospel of grace.
A: I totally agree with you.
And so basically, let’s summarize this whole thing, okay?
So we went through all of these very troubling portions and we can conclude.
G: So yes, I want to conclude in 3 main points.
Nowhere, Amir, this is a fact.
Nowhere in the New Testament, it says that a Jew that doesn’t follow Yeshua is not a Jew in the flesh.
Again, I’m going to say, nobody, so if you and I have relatives which do not follow Yeshua,
nowhere in the New Testament does it say that a Jewish person that doesn’t follow Yeshua is not Jewish anymore.
That’s absurd, you know?
We’re supposed to provoke them to…
[Hebrew words]
A: …to provoke them to jealousy.
G: How can you provoke somebody to jealousy…
A: if they’re no longer Jews?
G: Yeah, how can you provoke Israel to jealousy if they’re not Israel anymore? That’s absurd.
So nowhere, a Jew that does not follow Yeshua is called no Jew. Nowhere.
A: And before you say something, I just want to say that
when I spoke at our congregation last week about the Feast of Weeks of Pentecost,
and I basically said that
the mystery of the Messiah that has been revealed is that now the Gentiles are also heirs of the promises.
And then a lady came to me and she said, when I lived in the U.S. and I came to faith,
some Gentile came to her and he told her, so now you don’t need anymore to be a Jew.
And she was so surprised because how can you not be a Jew when you’re a Jew?
G: I heard another story, a Jewish person on his deathbed, a believer, a Jewish believer,
the pastors, the elders of the church came, they heard that he’s about to die.
And they told him, can you eat pork? Can you prove to us that you really believe?
Can you imagine on his deathbed, they came with salami or something,
“Please eat that pork so we’ll know that you’re saved because God forbid if you don’t eat pork, we don’t know if you really saved.”
But what? This is absurd.
You know? Mix it again, the flesh and the spirit.
This is…
A: Not that I think that any Jew that is eating non-Kosher is not saved.
I just don’t think that eating non-Kosher will prove your salvation.
G: If you’re saved, you don’t have to eat pork, right?
You don’t have to, you can eat, but you don’t have to.
A: You have the freedom to eat, but it’s not a sign of your salvation.
G: Another interesting point just to sum up,
Nowhere in the New Testament we read about Pharisees that are coming into churches and saying,
“We are the real Jews and you’re not.”
Nowhere, nowhere do we hear about Pharisees that are entering churches and saying,
“The fact that you believe in Yeshua makes you not…”
You know, Paul, Paul had many arguments with Jewish people in the synagogues
when he was with Silas and with other… with Barnabas.
He came to synagogues and he was arguing with Jewish people.
Never, never people said, “We are Jews and you’re not.”
No, they understood it’s…
A: Everybody.
G: It’s a debate, it’s an inner debate within the family.
A: There was no competition regarding Jewishness.
G: Because it was… Jewishness was an ethnic thing.
Either you’re a son of Jacob or not.
A: Yes.
Yeah, and so the issue was, “Are you saved?” not “Are you a Jew?”
G: Exactly. And the last point, nowhere, Amir, nowhere in the New Testament,
Gentiles that follow the Messiah are called Jews.
Nowhere, and we have many Gentiles that embrace the Yeshua in the New Testament,
nowhere, only after the so-called Church Fathers came,
all of a sudden they started to mix the Christian religion with ethnicity.
So if you believe in Yeshua, you’re the descendant of Jacob.
If you don’t believe, you’re the descendant of Esau.
What? What is faith?
What does faith have to do with my ethnic origin?
So that’s according to rabbinic religion and the Church Fathers.
But nowhere in the New Testament, a Gentile that embraces Yeshua is now called Jewish.
A: So basically, both rabbinical Judaism and traditional Church writings that are non-biblical,
they messed it up.
G: Exactly, they mixed religion and ethnicity.
So now there’s people, “I was born a Christian.”
What do you mean you were born a Christian?
A: There is no one.
G: How can you be born? You have to be born from above.
A: I always tell people, “You cannot be born born-again.”
G: Oh, he’s a Muslim because his father is Muslim.
But how can you…
He’s a Muslim if he follows Muhammad. What does that have to do with his father?
We mixed religion and ethnicity as if you can…
I’ll tell you this, in my family there are people who still believe to this day
that a Gentile is a Christian and a Christian is a Gentile.
Because if you’re not Jewish, what else can you be? You must be a Christian.
What are you talking about?
Mixing oranges and apples.
Mixing religion with ethnicity.
So just to sum up this section, I wanted to see the hypocrisy of anti-Semites.
When they want to attack Israel, they identify you with no problem.
When they want the blessings, all of a sudden, we replaced you, Amir.
Wait a minute, so why did you… Didn’t you attack me because I’m Israel?
A: And even now, it’s always like that,
that first of all, they attack us for living in Israel.
But then they are praising Hitler who killed us when we lived outside of Israel.
G: And if people think that you’re joking, you’re not joking,
because on the 8th of October, Amir, on the 8th of October, people in Sydney, Australia,
shouted, “Gas the Jews.”
Which Jews, the physical Jews? Which Jews are you talking about?
Which Jews do you want to gas?
And my guess, I’m guessing that they know exactly which Jews they want to kill.
A: And even now in the subway of New York, that’s another word not to look antisemitic.
They call it Zionist.
But it’s a very interesting thing because if you are a Jew in America,
why would you be blamed and get kicked out of a train?
If you have a problem with Jews living in Israel, then come and fight with us here.
But why are you doing that to Jewish people that live elsewhere?
And it tells you that it’s about them being Jews, not them being Zionists.
G: By the way, I think the New Testament teaches us
that a real believer would give his life to protect the Jews like in the Holocaust.
A: Corrie Ten Boom was an example of a true believer.
G: We have a whole [Hebrew words].
A: It’s a whole boulevard of trees.
G: Trees dedicated to believers, Gentile believers that sacrificed their lives to save Jewish people.
By the way, there’s just an interview the other day, an interview with two Jewish women.
And one of them said, she shared a story and one of the women,
she said, “I have a Gentile friend in New York and I told her,
my Gentile friend, would you hide me if something happened?”
And the Gentile friend was in shock.
What are you talking about? What do you mean, hide you?
And she told her Gentile friend what happened in the Holocaust.
And the Gentile’s friend started weeping.
“Of course I will hide you, I will give my life for you.”
And it’s coming, you know, it’s coming in America.
Gentile true believers would, God forbid,
but maybe they would be tested that they would have to hide Jews.
A: I’m going to say this and I know it’s going to sound very, very harsh.
If you’re a Jew and you live elsewhere, come home.
Come home for two reasons.
A, I don’t think you’re safe abroad
and B, the biggest victory for all of those people that want to kick us out of here is that we are actually coming back here.
And so I urge all of you to exercise your biblical command
to fulfill that which God said that He will bring us from the four corners of the earth
back to our land, that’s what He said in Ezekiel 37, to your land.
G: And by the way, we see in some of the demonstrations in America and elsewhere in the world,
we don’t hate the Jews, we just hate Israel.
Excuse me, if you hate Israel, you hate the Jews.
And I can prove it from the New Testament that I would ask you to read just a few pieces of verses.
Because we see an example from Paul.
Paul, the way Paul defined himself, the way Paul regarded himself.
So I want to please read from Acts 21:39.
How Paul is calling himself in Acts 21:39.
What is Paul…
A: So Paul himself in verse 39 said,
“I am a Jew from Tarsus, in Cilicia, a citizen of no mean city;…”
G: So Paul is a Jew.
Now please, if you can read from Philippians 3:5, Paul is Jewish, he’s a Jew.
Now Philippians 3:5.
A: Philippians 3:5,
G: Let’s see how Paul is defining himself.
How is he calling himself there?
I’m a Jew.
A: So here it is, Philippians 3:5.
3:5, he says the following thing. Paul says,
“…circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews;”
G: So Paul is calling himself a Jew.
Now he’s calling himself a Hebrew and an Israelite.
An Israelite.
A: And then of course Romans 11.
G: Romans 11, it’s the same thing, Israel.
But you can read it, you know what it’s important.
Romans 11:1.
A: Yeah, in Romans 11, of course,
when he realized that replacement has crawled already in the first century into the church,
he says, “I say then, has God cast away His people?
Certainly not! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.
God has not cast away His people whom He foreknew.”
G: So Paul is calling himself a Jew, a Hebrew and Israel.
The same thing, if you hate Israel, I’m sorry to tell you, you hate the Jews.
And even more than that, last verse, Acts 23:6.
Acts 23:6, because we love to hate the Pharisees, right?
The Pharisees are the bad guys, the Pharisees.
But look how Paul is different.
A: “But when Paul perceived that one part were Sadducees and the other Pharisees,
he cried out in the council, ‘Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee;
concerning the hope and resurrection of the dead I am being judged!'”
G: So Paul is the Jew.
Paul is a Hebrew.
Paul is an Israel.
And he’s even a Pharisee after he’s saved.
A: So in other words, he’s basically not denying where he came from.
And he’s saying the Pharisees believe in the resurrection from the dead.
I am just like that.
G: Exactly. And he’s saying a Hebrew, an Israelite, a Jew, it’s the same thing.
If you hate the Hebrews, you hate the Jews.
If you hate Israel, you hate the Jews.
It’s the same thing, Jewish, Israeli, Hebrew, the same thing.
A: All right, so we covered the topic of replacement
and all of these flagship verses of people that are…
G: By the way, you told me a sad thing.
You told me that even God forbid, but some believers are caught into that lie.
And I just want to tell them:
If people want to boycott Israel,
if people want to boycott the Jews,
they have to start with the most famous Jewish guy in the world–Yeshua.
So you want to boycott the Jews?
What about starting with Yeshua?
A: Yeah, but you know what they do? Look what they do.
They tweet, they spew antisemitic message and then they write, “Christ is King.”
It’s like He is from a different world.
He was not born as a Jew in the land of Israel,
the King of the Jews, was crucified as the King of the Jews.
A Jewish professor, Amir, he passed away, but the Jewish professor,
the authority, the former authority of the New Testament in Israel,
the New Testament scholar, Yosef Klausner, Professor Yosef Klausner,
he called Yeshua the most Jewish Jew in history.
The most Jewish Jew in… That’s a non-believer.
That’s a professor that is a secular professor.
A: Hebrew University, he was very famous.
G: The most Jewish Jew in history.
A: Yes.
And so, yeah, if Christ is your King, then you cannot hate the people from where He came
and the people to which He came also.
G: Exactly.
So now we want to talk about verses that are referring to the plan of God.
A: Exactly. That was… My next question is, okay, so let’s say,
“Okay, we agreed, we concluded,
God has not replaced Israel.”
G: Not replaced and not even forsake them, God forbid.
A: Correct. Just like Paul said, but now the question is:
What is the role of Israel in the plan of God in the future?
And is Israel something that every Gentile believer must make sure that they exist?
G: Exactly. And that’s important because some people will tell you,
“Okay, Amir, okay, no replacement theology, no nothing.
But okay, so there’s Jews, there’s Japanese, there’s Germans.
What’s the difference?
You know, let’s just share the Gospel with everybody. There’s no…”
So the question is, does God have still a special plan for Israel,
for the Jewish people connected to the Church?
And that’s what we want to talk.
And I want you to start with Matthew 23 and a couple of verses because everybody,
most of our viewers know these verses.
Matthew 23:37, 39, and look, this is Yeshua Himself speaking.
Matthew 23:37, 39.
A: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her!
How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,
but you were not willing!”
And then He says,
” for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say,
‘Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai’
‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’”
G: So if you love Yeshua, people that are watching us,
if you’re a Gentile who loves Yeshua and want to see Yeshua coming back…
A: You need Israel back in the land, in Jerusalem, asking Him to come back.
G: Exactly, He said He’s not coming back until the Jews.
And this is, He’s talking to the leaders of the Jews…
So we’re talking about not one or two Jewish people, not only Amir and Golan,
the religious leaders in Israel, saying, Yeshua, blessed is He, come back!
A: So the rapture of the church is not depending on Israel,
but the second coming of Jesus on earth with His feet on the mount of Olives can only happen
when Israel is ready and Jerusalem is inviting Him.
G: That’s what Yeshua said, and we submit to what Yeshua Himself said, right?
A: I agree.
So let’s continue with Matthew 25.
G: And that’s really important
because now, this is what Yeshua told the Jews,
now Yeshua has a warning to the church, to the Gentile church.
A: And that’s, by the way,
we’re going to read Matthew 25, but the parallel is Joel 3, verses 1 and 2.
Because it’s important that you understand that
much of what Yeshua is talking about in New Testament can be also found.
He didn’t come to change the Words, but to fulfill them.
And so it’s important that we understand that whatever Joel wrote,
Jesus is now, Yeshua is now talking and explaining also in His words.
And that is, of course, verses 31 to 33.
G: And then 45, 46, because we don’t want to lose that.
A: “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory.
All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them…”
G: Okay. All the nations, so imagine Yeshua is coming with His glory,
all the Gentiles are in front of Him, all the Gentiles believing, not believing,
all the Gentiles in the world in front of Him.
Okay, then what happens?
A: And then…
G: He separates them to two groups.
A: He separates them to two groups.
G: One to the right and one to the left.
A: And the sheep and the goats.
G: Yeah, and then 45, 46.
A: And 45 and 46 says,
“Then He will answer them, saying,
‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’
And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
And remember, the idea was that Yeshua is saying,
“Hey,” to those who are the sheep, He says,
“When I was sick, you took care of Me when I was naked, you clothed Me when I was hungry, you fed Me.”
And they said, “What do you mean? When were you sick?”
G: Exactly. When did we see You, Yeshua? What are you talking about?
A: It’s not Me, it’s My brethren.
G: And the question is, who are this third group which are not all the Gentiles?
Because you read in 31 that when He comes…
A: All the Gentiles.
G: All the Gentiles are separated into two groups.
And then we hear about a small group, the third small group.
And this is Israel.
In other words, Yeshua is saying, you know, a tree would be shown by its fruit, right?
But Yeshua is telling the Gentile church,
“By the way you treat Israel, this is going to determine where you’re going.
This is how I’m going to know who’s the true disciple.”
A: And this is it.
That’s why I said Joel chapter 3
“For behold, in those days and at that time,
When I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem,
I will also gather all nations,
And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat;
And I will enter into judgment with them there
On account of My people, My heritage Israel,…”
G: Exactly.
So this is an amazing…
A: “…Whom they have scattered among the nations;”
G: This is a staggering, amazing warning that Yeshua is giving the Gentiles.
By how am I going to recognize you and separate you? By the way you treated Israel.
This is…
A: That’s amazing.
G: If I was a Gentile, I would fear these verses.
I was like, “I want to hug a Jew.”
A: That’s the problem, Golan.
The problem is that there is no more fear of God.
There’s no more respect to the Word of God.
G: But Christ is Lord, right?
A: Yeah, but yes, Christ is Lord.
G: Christ is King or Lord.
A: Yes, “The Jews are responsible for all the problems in the world.
We should not stand by them; we should not help Israel.
Christ is King.”
G: So if He’s a King, He’s a sovereign, right?
So stop blaming everybody else.
Take responsibility.
Now please, if you can read, that’s again exactly…
We’re talking about the plan of God for Israel.
Acts 1:6, 8.
This is the disciples talking to Yeshua just before He’s leaving.
A: Before His departure, before His ascension,
“Therefore, when they had come together, they asked Him, saying,
‘Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?'”
G: And what does Yeshua answer?
Does He say, “No, no, no, no, no, no, Israel.
We replaced Israel, no Israel”?
A: “He said to them, ‘It is not for you to know times or seasons
which the Father has put in His own authority.'”
He didn’t say, “I’m not going to restore.”
He says, “I don’t think it’s for you to know the time.”
G: In other words, He approves what they say,
“I’m going to bring the kingdom back to Israel.
I’m just not going to tell you when.”
But again, this is the plan.
A: It’s not for you to know.
G: Look, the most pressing issue for them before Yeshua is ascending is not,
“What is it going to be like in heaven?
Am I going to have ice cream in heaven? Am I going to be…?”
“When are you restoring the kingdom back to Israel?”
And Yeshua is telling them, “I’m going to do that. You’re right.
I’m just not going to tell you when.
Go and preach the gospel. I’m going to take care of it.”
A: You do your thing, I do mine.
G: Exactly, but restore the kingdom back to Israel.
A: It’s phenomenal.
G: So can God replace Israel if this is what He’s saying?
A: No, absolutely not.
So let’s go to Acts chapter 3.
G: This is Acts chapter 3.
Peter is talking to the religious Jews, Acts 3:19 and 21.
And this is amazing what Peter is telling them.
A: “Repent therefore and be converted,
that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord,”
That’s 19.
G: Yes, and then 20.
A: “…and that He may send, Yeshua, Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before,
whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things,…”
G: Again, this is exactly what Yeshua said.
“I’m not going to come back until you call me ‘Baruch haba,” Blessed is He.”
Peter is saying Yeshua is almost bound by heaven until Israel repents and welcomes Him.
He’s bound by heaven.
He’s in the heavens until everything is going to come around.
Until Israel is going to repent, until the Jewish leaders are going to repent.
By the way, we hear that in Zechariah 12, Zechariah 10.
Exactly the same thing.
Until you’re going to moan, you’re going to see the One that you have pierced.
A: Yes, heaven must receive Him until the time.
G: Exactly, the same thing that Yeshua said, Peter is now telling the religious Jews.
A: Amazing.
G: Now Romans 11:11.
A: Okay.
G: Romans 11:11.
A: You know, for many, many years that was my email address.
G: Romans 11? Because Paul is saying,
“Wait, Israel doesn’t follow. Israel doesn’t hear me. Israel doesn’t repent.”
A: So here it is,
“I say then, have they stumbled that they should fall?
Certainly not!”
It’s about Israel.
“But through their fall, to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles.”
G: So it was the plan of God all along for Israel as a whole, as a people, to reject.
Of course, some didn’t reject, praise the Lord, the disciples.
But most of the people in the Jewish leadership rejected
because this is how God in His wisdom brought salvation to the Gentiles.
A: Absolutely.
G: So if anything, if you’re a Gentile, you should be grateful
for the Jewish people to follow the plan of God and reject Him then.
A: And not only that, you have to understand your duty is to provoke them to jealousy.
G: Exactly.
A: You don’t provoke them to jealousy by taking them and torturing them or killing them or persecuting them.
G: Yeah, I think that’s a bad idea to provoke somebody to jealousy to persecute him.
But if you read 17, the same chapter, chapter 11, verse 17, 18,
Paul is reminding the Roman Gentile church.
A: “And if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them,
and with them became a partaker of the root and fatness of the olive tree,
do not boast against the branches.
But if you do boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you.”
G: You got the salvation through their rejection.
You’re going now, [Hebrew words] how does that…
A: That means, patronize them.
G: Patronize them, are you kidding me?
You should be grateful.
A: Yeah, and again, again, and again…
it has to be very clear; everybody needs to understand:
At no point we are saying the Jews are better.
G: God forbid.
A: At no point we’re saying you guys need to thank us.
G: second class citizens…
A: And… Exactly, no, no.
What we’re saying is,
at no point, God has replaced the Jews, forgotten the Jews and said that they are now second class.
That’s important that we understand that.
G: Exactly, exactly.
In Romans 11:28, 31, Romans 11…
A: “Concerning the gospel they are enemies for your sake,…”
G: Wait, wait, they’re enemies for your sake again.
This is how you got the gospel because the Jews rejected it, so be grateful.
But… it goes on.
A: “…but concerning the election…”
G: Oh, the election? They’re still elected.
A: “they are beloved for the sake of the fathers. For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.”
G: What?
A: That’s too much.
G: So God can…
A: That’s too much.
Okay, stop because you’re basically shattering everything those anti-Semites believed in.
That’s it, the promises are no longer valid and that they are revocable.
They are irrevocable.
G: Irrevocable
And it goes on, if you can read from 30 and 31.
A: “For as you were once disobedient to God, yet have now obtained mercy through their disobedience,
even so these also have now been disobedient, that through the mercy shown you they also may obtain mercy.”
G: And I want to remind every born-again Christian that watches us that we were all,
all of us were enemies to God before He saved us.
But He loved us when we were still His enemies.
It says in Romans 5,
“When we were still His enemies, He loved us.”
So what about people who do not believe that, especially Jewish people?
How much more should we love them?
A: And you know, I must just divert from protocol and tell you that
one of the verses that I love the most from Acts chapter 15(v6),
if you remember the church council in Jerusalem because of all of this,
take a look at what Peter said when he wanted to make his point.
He basically said the following thing.
He said,
“Men and brethren, you know that a good while ago God chose among us,
that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe.
So God, who knows the heart, acknowledged them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He did to us,
and made no distinction between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.
Now therefore, why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples
which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?”
And look what he says,
“But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
we shall be saved in the same manner as they.”
G: Amen.
A: He was already somehow provoked to jealousy by the mercy shown to the Gentiles.
So why take all these beautiful things and throw to the garbage with anti-Semitism and hatred and replacement theology,
when actually what we see is that God has a plan?
G: And if you’re talking about a plan, again, Romans 11, if you can read verse 11 to 15,
Romans 11:11-15 because again, this is crucial. Look at the plan.
A: Yes, 11 to 15 it says,
G: Wisdom of The Lord, look at it.
A: “I say then, have they stumbled that they should fall? Certainly not!
But through their fall, to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles.”
G: Exactly.
A: “Now if their fall is riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more their fullness!”
G: Think of one Jew that followed Yeshua, Paul.
How did Paul change the world?
Can you imagine if more, if we have more Paul, if we have more Jews like that?
A: He says, “For I speak to you Gentiles; inasmuch as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry,
if by any means I may provoke to jealousy those who are my flesh and save some of them.
For if their being cast away is the reconciling of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?”
G: Again, and I want you to read another promise in Romans 11:25 to 27.
Look at what Paul is saying.
A: “For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery,…”
G: Mystery? What is the mystery?
A: “…lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.”
G: And then?
A: “And so all Israel will be saved,”
G: In the future, all Israel?
Wait, didn’t we replace Israel, I mean?
Who are you talking about? Which Israel?
A: But that’s what they say.
They say, “Current Israel is cursed, only in the future Israel will be blessed.”
No, no, right now there’s a mystery, blindness in part has happened to Israel, yes.
And that’s, you should thank God for it because through their fall and their blindness, you received it.
G: So we’re about to finish, but I want you to read in Zechariah 12, what happens when all Israel…
Zechariah 12:9 to 14, what happens when all Israel shall be…
How all Israel shall be saved? What will happen?
What will they see? Because Yeshua said, “I’m not returning until you invite me.”
So Zechariah already foresaw that in the Spirit.
A: So Zechariah 12:9 to 14 says the following thing. It says,
“And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication;
then they will look on Me whom they pierced.
Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn.”
G: Yes. This is when Yeshua returns and all Israel will be saved.
All Israel that would live in the time that Yeshua returns and they would mourn because they would…
“This is the One we have pierced, forefathers have pierced.”
This is the One, Amir, you and I, laughed about and His name was a curse for us.
This is the One who saved us? This is the One who died for us.
A: Obviously, if God replaced them and forgot about them, why would He come back to them?
And why would they have a national salvation and national repentance?
G: And by the way, before we finish, John had a glimpse when he wrote Revelation,
he had a glimpse of what’s going on in heaven.
And I want you to read Revelation 7, from verse 4 to verse 8.
And I want you to see if God replaced anybody.
Revelation 7, John is getting a glimpse, a taste of heaven.
A: “And I heard the number of those who were sealed. One hundred and forty-four thousands of all the tribes of the children of Israel…”
G: What? All the tribes of who?
A: The children of Israel.
G: Wait, wait, haven’t they been replaced or lost?
A: Yes.
G: They’re lost tribes?
A: No.
G: God knows them, God knows how to find them.
A: Not only that He knows them, but He has a plan for them.
G: And then He gives a list of all tribes, 12,000, 12,000 from every tribe.
A: Amazing.
G: Aren’t we supposed to be replaced, Amir? What’s going on here?
A: Well, not only that, even in the New Jerusalem, the gates are named after the tribes of Israel.
G: 14, if you can read Revelation 14 verses 1 to 3.
Revelation 14, another glimpse, a taste that John is getting from heaven.
A: Again, it’s those 144,000 and they are now in heaven.
“Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand,
having His Father’s name written on their foreheads.
And I heard a voice from heaven, like the voice of many waters, and like the voice of loud thunder.”
G: Again, in heaven.
But wait, what’s going on?
I thought that God forsook Israel, replaced Israel.
It goes back to the Gospel and Yeshua said it.
If you can read Matthew 18:28, Matthew, again, Yeshua is talking.
Yeshua is talking to His disciples.
Look what He’s telling them about the future.
A: He says in verse 28,
“But that servant went out and found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii;”
G: Oh wait, are you reading from Matthew 19?
Yeah, 19:28, Matthew 19:28.
A: There you go, I thought it didn’t match.
And here it says,
“So Jesus said to them, ‘Assuredly I say to you,
that in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory,
you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones,…”
G: And?
A: “…judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”
G: What? God still cares for the twelve…
Wait a minute, aren’t we?
I thought you replaced us, Amir, what’s going on?
A: You know, Houston, we’ve got a problem here.
G: So Romans 3, Amir, Romans 3:1 and 2 again:
Is there any advantage for God for creating this miraculous people called the Jewish people?
Let’s see what the Word of God says.
A: “What advantage then has the Jew, or what is the profit of circumcision? Much in every way!
Chiefly because to them were committed the oracles of God.
For what if some did not believe?
Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect?
4Certainly not!
Indeed, let God be [b]true but every man a liar.”
G: So the only reason, Paul said, the only reason you have Scriptures
is because God was faithful to the Jewish people.
Scriptures are written by Jewish people.
And Romans 9:1 to 5.
Again, this is amazing that Paul was so… [Hebrew word]
A: … honest and sincere.
G: And sincere in the way he wrote the Bible.
A: That’s why he’s my hero.
And take a look at this.
“I tell the truth in Christ, I am…”
A, he says, first of all, I’m telling you the truth.
“…I am not lying,
my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit,
that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart.
For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren,…”
G: For who? Wait a minute, for who?
A: “My brethren.”
G: Which brethren? Can you continue reading?
A: “…my countrymen according to the flesh, who are Israelites,…”
G: According to the flesh, Israel and the flesh.
A: He’s not divorced from them. They are still his brethren.
G: How is he defining them?
A: He says, “who are Israelites,
to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law,
the service of God, and the promises;
of whom are the fathers and from whom, according to the flesh,
Christ came, who is over all, the eternally blessed God.”
G: Wait a minute, don’t tell me that Yeshua is Jewish.
You’re going to rock my world. Wait, wait, wait.
A: Ah, Christ is King.
G: Yeshua is? Oh, okay. Whew.
A: You see, the point is…
G: Didn’t Christ convert it on the cross?
A: Umm, you know, I’ve heard that also.
But this is it, folks.
What we are seeing here is that if anything, if you are a true believer,
that’s the heart you need to have for them to be saved.
You should have grief in your heart.
You wish that you yourself, you know, be able to save some of them.
And because they are the brethren of Paul.
G: And Paul finished his letter with a challenge to the Gentile church.
And we, you know, Amir, you and I want to leave our audience with a challenge.
So if you can read the last couple of verses, Romans 15:25 to 27,
because I heard, you know, I heard a Christian, a so-called Christian,
saying in one of the podcasts, not our podcast, different podcasts from America,
saying, “What do I owe them to the Jewish people?
Why should we care for them?”
A Christian, a so-called Christian, Amir.
A: Well, Paul is talking…
G: And he’s leaving them a challenge.
A: Yes.
G: Romans 15:25 to 27.
A: He was planning to visit Rome, but first he has to go to Judea.
So he says,
“But now I am going to Jerusalem to minister to the saints.
For it pleased those from Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor among the saints who are in Jerusalem.
It pleased them indeed, and they are their debtors.
For if the Gentiles have been partakers of their spiritual things,
their duty is also to minister to them (to the Jewish people) in material things.”
G: You are blessed as a Gentile from the Jews spiritually, Paul is saying,
“How much more should you give them, should you bless them in material things?”
A: Amazing.
G: So what do I owe them?
A: But it should come from… Listen,
G: In the university, she said,
“What do I owe them? Why should we help them?”
A: But I always say, this is not us trying to ask for something.
It’s the Word of God telling you that the debt is for the spiritual things.
And they felt then that the least they could do is minister back with material things.
G: To the Messianic Jews that are struggling in Israel, in Jerusalem, and Paul is saying, of course.
And I think Paul didn’t have to convince them, I think they wanted to give.
A: Exactly, that’s the spirit, and that’s the point.
He kind of reminded them that what they do is actually something that their heart is being prompted.
G: And by the way, Amir, if we’re honest, our experience for meeting Gentiles that truly love Yeshua,
all they want to do is just bless Israel, right?
A: Exactly, trust me, this place could have not been here
without the amazing generosity of Spirit-filled, born-again, amazing, God-loving, Israel-supporting Christians.
G: And I can say the same for One for Israel ministry, same thing.
So praise the Lord, we’re preaching to the choir.
But this is not us, this is Paul.
So this attitude, not only, God forbid, replacing Israel, antisemitism,
Paul is speaking about blessing them, helping us.
We’re in the front, we’re in the first seats close to the stage.
A: Yeah, so this is it, folks, basically.
We’ve covered, it’s a big chunk of the Word of God.
God has not replaced Israel.
Israel not only is an important nation for Him,
but also He’s calling others to bless them, stand with them, support them.
And He has a very important plan for them.
And if you do not stand on Israel’s side, you’re standing on the wrong side of not only history,
but also on the wrong side of the Word of God.
And you probably don’t even understand the Word of God.
And I doubt if you have the Holy Spirit, if all you have is hatred towards them.
I doubt, and obviously, I cannot say how the God of Israel and the Messiah of Israel
can ever give someone who is born-again, Spirit-filled, hatred towards the people of God.
This is why I believe that we will be very surprised when we get to heaven
with who we see there and who we don’t see there.
G: And Yeshua said He’s separating the sheep from the goats, right?
A: Absolutely, and I’m telling you, a lot of people are using the name of Jesus,
“We did this in your name, that in your name,”
and He says, “I don’t even know you.
I never knew you. You’re religious people.
All you do is exercise religion.
You cannot love Me and hate my brethren.
You cannot love God and hate His people.”
So this is it, replaced or embraced.
That’s the question that you need to ask yourself.
The Bible is very clear and we made it clear today as we read through the Scriptures.
Thank you for listening to this podcast.
And please share it with as many people as you can.
There is so much deception, so much confusion.
And these verses should be clarified to those anti-Semites.
And the church must purge out of itself all of these elements
that are confusing and deceiving the flock.
Please let me remind you all that if you want to stay up to date
with all the news that are going on from Israel,
please follow my Telegram channel.
Do not follow any channel with my name and photo that has less than half a million subscribers because it’s not me.
There’s many of those fake channels.
They will ask you for money and try to sell your cryptocurrency, whatever.
Don’t follow them.
Our channel, my channel has over 540,000 subscribers.
That’s the only channel I have.
And if you’re following another channel with my name and photo, for sure it’s not me.
Until then, I would like to ask you, Dr. Golan, to conclude with a prayer.
And until then, we will say goodbye and Shalom.
Let’s pray.
G: Amen.
Gracious Father, Father of Israel, thank You that we can come to You in prayer through the blood of Yeshua the Messiah.
Thank You, Lord, for raising up true believers, both from the Jewish people and from the Gentiles.
Thank You for all the support we see from true believers that You saved.
Even though we were still enemies before You saved us, You loved us, You loved the world so much
that You were willing to give the most precious thing You had, Your only Son, to save those who will trust in Him.
So thank You, Lord.
We thank You for the ministries that You’re raising up in Israel.
We thank You for Jews hearing the gospel.
After 2000 years, Jews in Israel are hearing the gospel again in Hebrew, which is an amazing thing.
So thank You for giving us this opportunity, this privilege to serve You here.
And thank You for giving Amir and myself countless of brothers and sisters all around the world
that support us, that love us, that pray for us.
Thank You, Lord.
We bless them in Your name
and we pray in the precious name of Yeshua the Messiah. Amen.
A: Amen.
So that was it, another anchor podcast.
Thank you, Dr. Golan.
God bless you.
See you next time.