Amir Tsarfati: Like Those Who Dream
“When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion, we were like those who dream” (Psalm 126:1). God uses dreams, sometimes to speak, to warn, or even to encourage. But there are also times when being like someone who dreams means you simply can’t believe the incredible events you are witnessing. In his teaching, “Like Those Who Dream”, Amir Tsarfati sees in this verse the miraculous nature of the return of Israel to the land. As the number of Jews moving to their homeland continues to increase each year, prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes. It also reminds us that the clock is ticking down for the time of the Gentiles to end and for the Messiah to return for His church. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: Order Amir’s new book “Discovering Daniel”: Follow us on social media: Instagram: / beholdisrael Facebook:
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The title of the message this
evening is – Like Those Who Dream.
And while the world is
going through so much chaos,
there are things that are
happening around the world
that should make
you smile and happy
because God is in
control, He is on the move.
And again, Bible prophecy is
about what is going on in the land
or with the people of
Israel, remember that.
Psalm 126:1-6, “When the Lord
brought back the captivity of Zion,
we were like those who dream.
Then our mouth was filled with
laughter and our tongue with singing.
Then they said among the nations,
the Lord has done great things for them.
The Lord has done great
things for us and we are glad.
Bring back our captivity, oh
Lord, as the streams in the south.
Those who sow in
tears shall reap in joy.
He who continually goes forth,
weeping, bearing seed for sowing
shall doubtless come again with
rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.”
Isn’t it beautiful?
Look, there´s not even a single place
in this whole portion where it tells you
that when you see God in action, you should
be angry and sad and murmuring and crying – No.
When we see God in action, when the
Lord does what He says He’s going to do …
We’re like those who dream.
Dreams are amazing things.
And we are like those who dream.
We’re not those who
dream, but we’re like them.
Because we’re awake –
we see what’s going on.
I came from Israel, I know what’s
going on, I don’t have to dream, I see …
And God speaks through dreams.
Don’t get me wrong, dreams are amazing.
And then I’m looking at Abimelech the
king who was about to marry Sarah …
By mistake, if you remember.
[Genesis 20:6-7] “And
God said to him in a dream:
Yes, I know that you did this
in the integrity of your heart.
For, I also withheld you
from sinning against Me.
Therefore I did not
let you touch her.
Now therefore restore the
man’s wife for he is a prophet
and he will pray for
you and you shall live,
but if you do not restore her
know that you shall surely die.
You and all who are yours.”
God is graciously
telling that man:
Do what I’m telling you
to do, and you will live.
And when was the
first time God said:
Hey, if you do this, you will
surely die – in the garden of Eden.
He told Adam and Eve, I love you
so much that I don’t want you to die.
But if you touch this,
you will surely die.
And what is it that
the serpent said?
Oh you will not surely
die … the father of all lies.
And so God is warning in dreams.
We also know that Jacob who went out
from Beersheba all the way up toward Haran,
basically from Southern
Israel towards Turkey up north.
[Genesis 28:11-12] “So he came to a certain place
and stayed there all night because the sun had set.
And he took one of the stones
of that place and put it at his head
and he laid down in that place
to sleep and then he dreamed
and behold a ladder was set up on
the earth and its top reached to heaven.
And there the angels of God were
ascending and descending on it.”
God revealed to Jacob in a
dream something powerful,
that a person cannot
see without that vision.
God warns through dreams that we
also know Laban, if you remember.
[Genesis 31:22-24] “Laban was told
on the third day that Jacob had fled
and then he took his brethren with him
and he pursued him for a seven days journey.
And then he overtook him
in the mountains of Gilead,
But God had come to Laban
the Syrian in a dream by night
and said to him: Be careful that you
speak to Jacob, neither good nor bad.”
You know, Joseph and Pharaoh, if you
remember that story in Genesis 41:25-28.
“Joseph said to Pharaoh: The
dreams of Pharaoh are one,
God has shown Pharaoh
what He’s about to do.
The 7 good cows are 7 years
and the 7 good heads are 7 years
and the dreams are one.
And the 7 thin and ugly cows,
which came up after
them are 7 years.
And the 7 empty heads blighted by
the east wind are 7 years of famine.
This is the thing which I
have spoken to Pharaoh.
God has shown Pharaoh
what He is about to do.”
God can even show kings … leaders
of world empires through dreams,
what God is about
to do, through dreams.
Even Joseph, the earthly
father of Jesus, if you remember.
[Matthew 2:13] “Now
when they had departed,
behold an angel of the Lord
appeared to Joseph in a dream saying:
Arise, take the young
child and his mother,
flee to Egypt and stay
there until I bring you word
for Herod will seek the
young child to destroy Him.”
Warning, amazing.
Herod was on the run, Herod
was about to execute Satan’s wish
to destroy that person who
will crush his head with His heel.
And he listened and he did it.
He fled to Egypt.
God also encourages
people through dreams.
And I want to tell
you something.
Dreams … better be from God
when you say they are from God.
So we are in Corinth, have
you been to Corinth in Greece?
How many of you
have been to Corinth?
Thank you for the two of you.
It’s an amazing city situated between
the Aegean Sea and the Adriatic Sea,
and right there it’s like an isthmus,
which is a little pass between two seas,
and that’s where Corinth is, and Corinth had a
harbor and basically two of them facing each sea
and Corinth had an upper city on top of a big
hill called the Acrocorinth, the upper Corinth.
Acropolis means upper city,
Acrocorinth, upper Corinth.
And it’s interesting because on the
Acrocorinth there was a big shrine for Aphrodite’s
and suddenly all the
wives of the people around
didn’t know why their
husbands are so spiritual.
They all want to
worship Aphrodite.
Until they found out that
in that temple of Aphrodite,
there was a brothel, but
it was not even a brothel,
the prophetesses of Diana or
Aphrodite were actually prostitutes.
And suddenly all the
men felt so spiritual
and they started coming from the
East and from the West to that city.
And they thought that they are
actually completing a spiritual journey.
And Paul is watching and seeing
all this horrible, horrible abomination,
all in the name of some
deities that are not even true.
And if that’s not enough, the
only people he knows that worship
the one God that he knows,
are the Jewish people.
He goes to the synagogue and
the Jews are even more against him.
So he’s so depressed.
[Acts 18:9-11] “And the Lord spoke to
Paul in the night by a vision and He says:
Do not be afraid, but speak and
do not keep silent for I am with you.
And no one will attack you to hurt
you, for I have many people in this city.
And he continued there a year and 6
months teaching the word of God among them.”
Through that dream
God appears …
Paul who wanted to leave
the next day probably,
stayed a year and a half
longer because God said,
even though it’s
full of pagan people,
even though it’s full of
self-righteous people,
even though it’s so
supposedly religious place,
I have many people in this city.
Miami, God has many people in
this city. And you are depressed?
And if you are discouraged by seeing
all the junk that you see outside…
Don’t …
I haven’t seen the
temple of Diana yet here.
I mean, I see all the ships
coming that’s for sure.
But I can tell you one thing,
God has many people in this city.
Do not be discouraged.
But there are also false dreams.
And unfortunately, lately,
Christians are becoming experts in it.
Before the elections in America, Oh
the number of dreams I found online!
People who had dreams that a certain
person would stay in office – and he is not.
Who had dreams that
the day after the elections,
Russia would take over Washington
DC or China would take over Washington.
Listen, I’ve seen these were
gaining 100’s of 1000’s of views.
Respected pastors decided to
share their dream with everyone.
The Bible says
in Jeremiah 23:32,
“Behold, I am against those who
prophesy false dreams, says the Lord,
and tell them and cause my people to
err by their lies and by their recklessness.”
Some lie purposely, some
are just recklessness …
They really didn’t hear from God,
but they thought maybe it’s from God.
“Yet I did not send
them or command them.
Therefore they shall not profit
this people at all, says the Lord.”
Look, if you have a dream and your dream has
nothing to do with the Bible, keep it to yourself.
No, really.
Or if your dream contradicts
what the Bible says
that is going to happen,
also keep it to yourself.
It’s a 100% false dream
or certainly not from God.
Maybe it’s a true dream,
maybe you dreamt about it …
You know how many weird
dreams I had in my life?
Every time I feel like I’m about to fall off
a cliff or I drove off the cliff … I wake up.
That’s it. It is over.
I am not telling the
whole world about it.
And the Bible says when the Lord
brought back the captives or the captivity…
Where to?
Where to?
The Bible says Zion – to Zion.
Did you know the word Zion
occurs in the Bible 176 times?
Did you know that this word was
first mentioned in 2 Samuel 5:7 ?
“David captured the fortress of
Zion, which is the city of David.”
Zion was originally an ancient
Jebusite fortress in the city of Jerusalem.
Then we know that the name
became a synonym for Jerusalem itself,
and then for the land of Israel
and for the people of Israel.
[2 Samuel 5:7] “Nevertheless, David took
the stronghold of Zion, that is the city of David.”
And when Solomon built
the temple in Jerusalem,
the meaning of Zion expanded
further to include the temple area.
Mountain Zion, which is in the side
of the north the Bible says, remember?
Well, of course, that’s
where the temple was then.
And you see more and more how
the Lord is basically using that name
for the city of Jerusalem
in Isaiah 40, verse 9.
You see in Psalm 2:6, “Yet I have
set my King on my holy hill of Zion.”
[Psalm 48:2] “Beautiful in elevation,
The joy of the whole earth is Mount Zion
[on what?] … on the
sides of the … north.”
North of the city of David
is the Temple Mount.
[Psalm 48:11-12] “Let Mount Zion rejoice, that the
daughters of Judah be glad because of your judgments.
Walk about Zion and go all
around her, count her towers.”
[Psalm 132:13] “For the Lord
has chosen [what?] … [Zion],
[for what?] … He has desired it
[for what?] … for His dwelling place.”
“For there shall be a
day, [in Jeremiah 31:6],
when the watchman will
cry on Mount Ephraim.
Arise, and let us go up to
Zion, to the Lord our God.”
[Isaiah 40:9] “Oh Zion,
you who bring good tidings,
get up into the high
mountain, Oh Jerusalem,
you who bring good tidings.”
You see? It’s a parallel – Zion
with Jerusalem, with the same words.
[Jeremiah 31:12] “Therefore they shall
come and sing in the heights of Zion,
streaming to the
goodness of the Lord.”
[Zechariah 9:13] “For I
have bent Judah, my bow,
fitted the bow with Ephraim,
and raised up your sons, oh Zion.”
You see, “your sons, Oh Zion’s
…” … it’s a synonym for Israel itself.
The word Zion is also used in a theological or
spiritual sense in Scripture, not just for Jerusalem.
In the Old Testament, Zion refers figuratively
to Israel, as I said, as the people of God.
And that is what
Isaiah 60 is all about.
And in the New Testament, Zion
refers to God’s spiritual kingdom also.
Isaiah 60:14 says, “Also the sons of those
who afflicted you shall come bowing to You.
And all those who despise you shall
fall prostrate at the soles of your feet.
And they shall call you the city of the
Lord, Zion of the Holy One of Israel.”
And in Hebrews 12:22, we see
the New Testament meaning.
“But you have come to Mount
Zion and to the city of the living God.
The heavenly Jerusalem to an
innumerable company of angels.”
So we see that God
is speaking about Zion.
Even Peter himself is quoting the
Old Testament by saying [1 Peter 2:6]:
“Therefore it is also
contained in the Scripture,
Behold, I lay in Zion a chief
cornerstone, elect, precious.
And he who believes on him
will by no means be put to shame.”
It is in Zion that the
Messiah is going to appear.
Mount Zion is geographical area,
but it’s also clear that Zion will be also
the sole possession of the Lord Jesus.
And Zion, the nation and the
city will be restored in the future.
So you read Isaiah,
Isaiah chapter 60.
We see Zion appears so many times,
and this is exactly when the Lord says:
“Zion is the place of my inhabitance
or of where I’m going to dwell.”
That’s why the word
will come against it too.
Did you know that
the United Nations…
I call the UN, United
Nothing or unnecessary.
“The United Nations General
Assembly Resolution 3379,
adopted on November 10th,
1975 by a vote of 72 to 35,
determined that Zionism is a form
of racism and racial discrimination.”
Well, a lot of people are
using the race card nowadays,
to define something that
is completely different.
But I can tell you that
Zionism is the what? …
The fact that the land of Zion
belongs to the people of Zion.
Who are the people of
Zion? … The Jewish people.
What is the land of Zion?
… The land of Israel.
So God forbid when you say that
Israel belongs to the Jews, you are racist.
“The determination that
Zionism is a form of racism
and racial discrimination
contained in the resolution,
was later revoked in 1991 with UN
General Assembly Resolution 4686.”
Thank you UN…
See, God could
care less about them.
God is the one who
brought the captivity to Zion.
Not us …
I did not bring myself, I was born there,
but my grandparents survived the Holocaust
and trust me, they did never
ever plan on coming back to Israel.
They had good life in Poland
until the bad life started.
When the 3rd Reich rose to
power and then they realized
there is nothing for them
to do in Europe anymore.
And they got on the boat after they survived
Auschwitz and they got on the boat in Italy …
On the way to a land full
of mosquitoes, desert …
Mark Twain said:
That the land was so desolate that even
the mosquitoes didn’t want to live there.
Mark Twain even said, even the
cactus, that is a great friend of the desert
didn’t want to live
there or grow there.
And they packed their
things, whatever they had
and they left and the
British police stopped them.
They lost all their
families in the Holocaust.
They see the promised land.
The British police stopped them,
turned their boat and sent them to Cyprus.
This is where my mom was born,
in a detention camp in Cyprus.
In the captivity …
The Lord brought them back …
God, make no mistake,
allowed the captivity.
Who is the One who sent the Jews out of the
land for 70 years during the time of Jeremiah?
God … and why is that so?
It’s so because …
They did not keep the
commandments of God
and they did not keep the – every 7th
year was a sabbatical year – if you remember.
For 490 years, they
skipped that 7th year
and altogether 70 years
that they did not keep.
For each and every one of those
God said you will spend outside.
[Jeremiah 25:11] “… these nations
will serve the king of Babylon 70 years.”
[Jeremiah 25:8-11] “Because
you have not heard my words,
Behold, I will send and take all the
families of the north, says the LORD,
and Nebuchadnezzar the
king of Babylon, my servant,
and will bring them against
this land, against its inhabitants,
and against these nations all
around, and will utterly destroy them,
and make them an astonishment, a
hissing, and perpetual desolations.
Moreover I will take from them the
voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness,
the voice of the bridegroom,
and the voice of the bride,
the sound of the millstones,
and the light of the lamp.
And this whole land shall be a
desolation and an astonishment.
And these nations shall serve
the king of Babylon 70 years.”
And it’s interesting
because you’re saying:
Wait a minute, how can
God allow such a thing?
Well, God is not the one who
made Nebuchadnezzar hate Israel.
He used the fact that he was coming
anyway, to judge Israel for what Israel did.
But guess what?
He punished the
perpetrators for their motives.
In other words, if you’re saying: “Oh, I
hate those Jews, they deserve punishment.”
Well, God is going to
punish you for hating them.
”But they are not fulfilling God’s will”.
That’s their problem with Him, not yours.
[Jeremiah 25:12] “Then it will come
to pass, when 70 years are completed,
that I will punish [who?…]
… the king of Babylon…”
God did not put the hatred in the
heart of the king of Babylon for Israel.
He used it, and then
He judged him for it.
The Lord is the one who brought
the captives to Zion, not us, the Lord.
When somebody
comes to you and says:
“How come the Jews returned back to
their land? They do not belong there!”
Well, if you’re the problem with that, talk to you know who?
– The Lord.
He brought them back.
He brought them back.
And by the way, every minute the
Jewish people spent outside of Israel
was an abomination for God.
You know why? … I’ll tell
you why, I’ll show you why.
[Ezekiel 36:16-24] “Moreover, the
word of the Lord came to me saying:
Son of man, when the house
of Israel dwelt in their own land,
they defiled it by their
own ways and deeds.
To me, their way was like the
uncleanness … [okay, never-mind the name].
Therefore, I poured
out my fury on them
for the blood they had shed on the land,
and for their idols with which they had defiled it.
So I scattered them
among the nations,
and they were dispersed
throughout the countries.
I judged them according to
their ways and their deeds.
And when they came to the nations, wherever
they went, they profaned my holy name.”
Now you’re saying: “Wait a minute.
The Jews went out and said, God is bad?”
No, the mere fact that they were there
and not in their land, profane His name.
And that’s what he
said, look what he says:
” … when they said to them,
[when the nations said to them]:
These are the people of the Lord,
and yet they have gone out of His land.
But I had concern
for my holy name,
which the house of Israel had profaned
among the nations, wherever they went.”
Just by going to the nations,
without saying a word,
you already profane the name of the
Lord because you’re not to be there.
And it’s your bad deeds
that made you going there.
And look what he says:
“Therefore say to the house of Israel,
Thus says the Lord God: I
do not do this for your sake,
oh house of Israel, but
for my holy name’s sake,
which you have profaned among
the nations wherever you went.
And I will sanctify my great name, which
has been profaned among the nations,
which you have profaned in
their midst…” And watch this.
“And the nations shall know that I
am the Lord, says the Lord God,
when I’m hallowed in
you before their eyes.
For I will take you from among all the
nations, gather you out of all countries,
and bring you into
your own land.”
God says: “Watch what I’m doing.
They’re going to pay for what
they did, but the moment will come
when I want the attention of –
not the Jews – of the nations.”
How many of you
are Gentiles here?
How many of you eat
bacon and all of that?
Gentiles or not?
Ladies and gentlemen, look
how much God loves you.
That He brought Israel back to their
land, so you will see that He’s God.
You see what He’s just said?
He said, “nations shall
know that I am the Lord.”
Wait a minute, I thought He does it
because he loves Israel and He hates us.
No, he loves you so much that he’s bringing
them back to their land, even against their will!
[Ezekiel 37:11] “The Lord said to me, son of
man these bones are the whole house of Israel.”
The Lord brought Ezekiel in a
dream to a valley full of dry bones.
Ezekiel is terrified, these bones can
talk because they are living people,
but they are just
skin and bones.
And he says, what is it?
“… Son of man, these bones are the
whole house of Israel. They indeed say…”
We, the Jews, we
love to complain.
We always love to see the
bad side of the whole thing.
That’s us, this is – I
own it, this is our nation.
We were taking
beautifully out of Egypt.
He parted the Red Sea
for us and we wanted meat.
“We want to go back to Egypt.”
Can you imagine?
We love to complain.
Have you watched Seinfeld?
We love to complain.
Now, watch this, watch this.
Ezekiel says:
Look, what is this? And the Lord says:
“You see them, that’s the house of Israel.”
Now let me tell
you what they say.
They say …
[Ezekiel 37:11] “Our bones are dry, our
hope is lost, and we ourselves are cut off.”
They see that they
are … and then he says:
[Ezekiel 37:12] “Behold, O My
people, I will open your graves
and cause you to come
up from your graves,
and bring you into [what
land?] the land of Israel.”
The Lord brings us back to Zion.
It’s Israel, not Palestine.
It’s not a Palestine … He will
bring us back to the land of Israel.
And look what He says [Eze 37:13-14]:
“And then you shall know that I am the Lord,
when I’ve opened your graves, oh my
people, and brought you up from your graves.
I will put my spirit in
you, and you shall live.
I will place you in your
own land and you shall know
that I, the Lord, have
spoken it and performed it.”
You see, God says: “Look, I’m
not only talking. I am doing it.”
America didn’t help you.
Did you know that there was a whole
ship of Jews that fled from Germany …
and America didn’t let them in?
Cuba didn’t let them in.
Cuba didn’t let them in, America didn’t
let them in, Canada didn’t let them in.
And they had to go back to
Germany and most of them died.
And God says: “I, the Lord,
has spoken it and performed it.”
Nobody helped them …
There was no C17 or C130’s that
were taking off every 10 minutes
from the airport loaded
with people … No.
And we survived the
genocide of 6 million people
who by the way, killed us
just because we were Jews…
And nobody helped.
And God says: “You really don’t
need anyone to bring you back.
I will bring you
back, it’s My job.”
And He brought us back …
what does it mean, the word back?
Return! … Which means
they were there before … Hello?
The first time – I will say it’s the
first time when Abraham came …
That’s the first time, its the
land, its Abraham, its okay.
In fact, God didn’t
even give him a choice.
It’s not like: “Abraham, what do you
think? Canaan? Canada? … choose … No.
“I will take you to a
place that I will show you.”
And He didn’t even
ask him for his opinion.
[Genesis 12:1-3] “Get out of your country
from your family and from your father’s house.
To a land that I will show you
and I will make you a great nation.”
Although Abraham is
the father of all nations
out of Abraham’s loins,
came a great nation.
“I will bless you and
make your name great.
And you shall be a blessing.
And I will bless those who
bless you – [that nation].
And I will curse
him who curses you,
and in you all the families
of the earth shall be blessed.”
In other words,
through that nation,
the rest of the families of the
earth are going to be blessed.
This is a recipe: Bless them and you’ll
be blessed, curse them and you’ll be curse.
Very simple.
How can I be
blessed? Bless them!
How could I be
cursed? Curse them!
Ask Balaam.
Back in the land – was already when
Joshua led them into the land, that was back.
Let’s go back.
[Joshua 1:1-2] “After the death
of Moses, the servant of the Lord,
it came to pass, the Lord,
spoke to Joshua, the son of Nun,
Moses assistant saying:
Moses, my servant is dead.
Now therefore arise, go over this
Jordan, you and all these people
to the land which I am giving
to them, the children of Israel.”
God gave it to us.
We don’t beg for land.
God gave it to us.
By the way, this is the first
time they enter as a nation.
When they left, they left
as just the sons of Jacob.
Remember? Just as some … When
they came back, they came as the nation.
And then of course we
know in Daniel 9:16-19,
“O Lord, according to all
Your righteousness, I pray,
let Your anger and Your fury be
turned away from Your city Jerusalem,
[because after they came back
the Lord sent them out again]
Your holy mountain; because for our
sins, and for the iniquities of our fathers,
Jerusalem and Your people are
a reproach to all those around us.
Now therefore, our God, hear the prayer
of Your servant, and his supplications,
and for the Lord’s sake cause Your face to
shine on Your sanctuary, which is desolate.
O my God, incline Your ear and hear;
open Your eyes and see our desolations,
and the city which is
called by Your name;
for we do not present our
supplications before You
because of our righteous deeds,
but because of Your great mercies.
O Lord, hear! O Lord,
forgive! O Lord, listen and act!
Do not delay for Your
own sake, my God,
for Your city and Your people
are called by Your name.”
What a courageous
man Daniel was.
He says: “Lord, whatever You do with us,
remember everybody will know that it is You.”
And after we came back
to the land, we blew it again.
And the Romans kick us
out this time for 2000 years.
And then Ezekiel speaks
about the return of the Jews.
[Ezekiel 36:24-26] “For I will
take you from among the nations,
gather you out of all countries,
and bring you into your own land.”
That’s what Ezekiel said.
Wow! First this physical
restoration of Israel, then he says:
“Then I will sprinkle clean water
on you, and you shall be clean;
I will cleanse you from all your
filthiness and from all your idols.
I will give you a new heart and put a new
spirit within you; I will take the heart of …”
How can you get a new heart?
I tell you how.
Read Jeremiah 31.
The Lord said in verses
30 and 31, He said:
“I will give you a new
testament, new covenant.
And it will no longer
be written on paper,
it will be written on
the plates of your heart.
Your heart will change and
the word will be already on it.”
How? … Only when
you believe in Christ.
The New Testament.
A New Covenant.
[Ezekiel 36:26-28] “I will take the heart of stone
out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
I will put My Spirit within you and
cause you to walk in My statutes,
and you will keep My
judgments and do them.
Then you shall dwell in the
land that I gave to your fathers;
you shall be My people,
and I will be your God.”
So God began over the last 70
years, the physical restoration of Israel.
It started and it is called “Aliyah” in Hebrew:
to ascend; to go up to the house of the Lord.
“Aliyah” is going up.
[Exodus 19:20] “The Lord
came down upon Mountain …”
Maybe because Moses went up to
get to the law, but Micah 4:2 says,
“Come, and let us go up to the mountain of
the LORD, To the house of the God of Jacob…”
So God is bringing the
Jews back to the land.
Did you know that there’s a new report that shows
that a greater number of Jews are making Aliyah?
It means the closer we are to
seeing Israel receive a new heart.
Because first they need to be
restored physically to the land,
and then they will
be restored spiritually.
He’s bringing the Jews, the Jewish
people are back from the ends of the earth…
Not just from one place,
not just from Babylon…
This time from the four
corners of the world.
“He’s working all of
human history to this end,
to be God to His
beloved creation.
With every new immigrant,
the time gets closer.”
You see?
Some Gentiles along the history
understood what God is doing with Israel.
One of them, we know, was Rahab.
Not the best job in the world, but
she was what we call street smart.
Not a great choice of words …
[Joshua 2:8-11] “Now before they lay down, she came
up to them [the spies] on the roof, and said to the men:
I know that the LORD has
given you the land… ” [I know]
And she said to them:
“… that the terror of
you has fallen on us,
and that all the inhabitants of the
land are fainthearted because of you.
For we have heard how the LORD
dried up the water of the Red Sea for you …
… and what you did to the
two kings of the Amorites …
And as soon as we heard
these things, our hearts melted;
neither did there remain any more
courage in anyone because of you,
for the LORD your God, He is God in
heaven above and on earth beneath.”
That’s why this woman is in
the lineage … of the Savior.
It’s interesting. I go back to
Balaam in Numbers 23:7-8,
“And he took up his oracle
[Balaam, the magician] …”
He got money from
the king to curse Israel.
He took the money, put it in
his pocket, and took the oracle.
” … and said: Balak the king of Moab has brought
me from Aram, From the mountains of the east.
‘Come, curse Jacob for me,
And come, denounce Israel!’”
And then he said:
“Oops, got the money.”
But “How shall I curse
whom God has not cursed?”
Sorry, I can’t do it.
There was no return of the
money policy in those days.
Even Ruth said to her
mother-in-law [Ruth 1:16-17]:
“For wherever you go, I will go;
And wherever you lodge, I will lodge;
Your people shall be my
people, And your God, my God.
Where you die, I will die,
And there will I be buried.
The LORD do so to me, and more also,
If anything but death parts you and me.”
Even the king of Persia, Cyrus.
[Ezra 1:1-3] “Now in the first
year of Cyrus king of Persia,
that the word of the LORD by the
mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled,
the LORD stirred up the
spirit of Cyrus king of Persia,
so that he made a proclamation throughout
all his kingdom, and also put it in writing, saying,
Thus says Cyrus king of Persia:
All the kingdoms of the earth the
LORD God of heaven has given me.
And He has commanded me to build
Him a house at Jerusalem which is in Judah.
Who is among you
of all His people?
May his God be with him, and let him
go up to Jerusalem which is in Judah,
and build the house of the
LORD God of … Israel …”
He acknowledged.
“(He is God), which
is in Jerusalem.”
So there is a prophetic and spiritual
significance of the return of the Jews.
And as I mentioned before,
Bible prophecy has nothing to say
about the nations as such in
their relations to one another.
But only in their relations to
Israel, the people and the land.
Deuteronomy 32:8-9 says:
“When the Most High divided
their inheritance to the nations,
When He separated
the sons of Adam,
He set the boundaries
of the peoples
According to the number
of the children of Israel.
For the LORD’s portion is His people;
Jacob is the place of His inheritance.”
The way God is
dealing with the nations
is based on how He’s
dealing with Israel.
Nothing less than that.
The key to all
prophecy is the Jew.
If the Jewish nation had not forsaken
God and neglected the Sabbaths,
there would have been
no times of the Gentiles.
The times of the Gentiles began
when God transferred earthly rule
from the Kings of Israel to the
Gentile king, Nebuchadnezzar.
And they will continue…
America is now a super power.
Once America will sink, who do you
think is going to be the next super power?
Let me give you a
secret – it’s not Israel.
It’s going to be the anti-Christ ruling
from the Western part of Europe.
And that’s going to be a new
kingdom, the revived Roman Empire.
It’s not yet Israel.
And the 7 years tribulation will
finally bring Israel on his knees
to finally acknowledge
Jesus as Messiah.
And then the Bible says it will continue
until Israel again becomes the head
of all nations during
the Millennial Kingdom.
And we, the generation,
look at you, all of you.
Filling this place on a
Wednesday evening, look at you.
You are the generation that is
watching the fig tree coming back to life.
You’re watching God’s
handling with Israel.
Within your lifetime, the way not
even the apostles and the disciples saw.
[Matthew 24:32-35] “Now learn this parallel from the fig
tree,” Jesus said when he spoke about the end times signs.
“When its branch has already become tender
and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near.
So you also, when you see all these
things, know that it is near—at the doors!”
When the Jewish people
return back to their land
and that fig tree that was
cursed is now coming back to life,
you know it’s the end.
He says: “Assuredly, I say
to you, this generation …”
This generation – I want you
to lift up your hand right now.
You are the generation.
“… this generation will by no means
pass away till all these things take place.
Heaven and earth will pass away, but
My words will by no means pass away.”
And in Psalm 126:4 it is written: “Bring us back to
the land,” he says, “like the streams in the south.”
Have you been to Israel?
Good, because there are
no streams in the south.
The southern part
of Israel is a desert.
There’s only one case where that part
of the land has streams, you know when?
Flash floods …
When it’s heavy rains all around the
mountains, it comes down as flash floods.
Have you ever
seen a flash flood?
It’s just, it takes
everything on its way.
And that is exactly
what happened in 1948.
I started this message with my grandparents
surviving Auschwitz making it all the way to the land.
For every person that lived in Israel
in 1948, 3 new immigrants came.
Amazing! …. Flash floods …
And it’s ”Aliyah”, it’s
immigration from the four winds.
And we didn’t even know
how to communicate!
Yemenite Jews, Moroccan Jews, German
Jews, Spanish Jews, Polish Jews, Russian …
How will they even communicate?
And God says, it’s time to
restore their language – Hebrew.
See, He restored first the land,
then restore them from
their graveyard in Europe.
Brought them back to their
land, restored the language,
and now that’s the fig tree.
It is coming back to life.
[Jeremiah 16:18] “Therefore behold,
the days are coming,” says the LORD,
“that it shall no more be said, ‘The LORD lives who
brought up the children of Israel from the land of Egypt,’
but, ‘The LORD lives who brought up the
children of Israel from the land of the north
and from all the lands
where He had driven them.’
For I will bring them back into their
land which I gave to their fathers.
Behold, I will send for many
fishermen,” says the LORD,
“and they shall fish them; and
afterward I will send for many hunters,
and they shall hunt them from every mountain
and every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.
For My eyes are on all their ways;
they are not hidden from My face,
nor is their iniquity
hidden from My eyes.”
And the Lord began the most amazing
thing that is happening before our very eyes.
And all of us are just too
busy talking about vaccines.
Look what’s going on when all of us are
just being completely distracted by the enemy.
Take a look … I want
you to see those pictures.
Jews are coming
by great numbers.
I mean, if it started in
1948 by those ships,
which is one of them is where
my grandparents were on.
Then in 1980s, we brought – are you kidding me?
We brought a 1000 people inside of the
747, and 2 babies were born on that flight.
People coming from different
parts of the world even today.
And you think Covid
stopped it, Covid stopped God!
Kiss that thought goodbye.
Take a look at the next
one and see for yourself…
Look at what I am
seeing right here,
‘Despite pandemic more Argentine
Jews made the move to Israel in 2020.’
‘Netanyahu tells Ethiopian PM he plans
to airlift 2000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel.’
‘After canceled flight, 31 Brazilian
Jews zigzag their way to Israel .’
‘Past decade saw over a quarter million immigrants to
Israel … [from how many countries?] … 150 countries!’
When we are too busy, making the
church the most divided ever in the history,
God is doing what God
promised that He would do.
This is God, God is not into …
You see? We miss out all this because we’re too
busy watching fake news and conspiracy YouTubes.
Look at this annual Aliyah:
2010: 19,000/ 2011, 12, 13 …
It continues and more
and more and more.
And these are not illegal
crossing the Rio Grande,
these are people, listen to me,
these are people that we bring.
We’re the only country on planet
earth – the only country on planet earth –
that part of the mission statement
of its secret service, the Mossad,
is to bring the Jews from
the four corners of the world.
Did you know that?
So I’m telling you.
This is it – more than
20,000 Olim, Aliyah…
New immigrants from 70
countries moved to Israel in 2020!
And we … and the
church is missing out,
because we’re so busy …
Pro/anti this and that!
Doug Hershey in the Jewish
immigration to Israel said:
“2014 marked the first year in over 2000 years that
the nation with the largest Jewish population was Israel.
With the borders of the
land promised to them.
Ask yourself, which is
greater — that after 460 years,
God would bring two million people back to
His land out of one nation, [which is from Babylon]
or that after 2000 years, God would bring six
million people from every nation to His land?
We are experiencing the
time of the greater exodus.”
And what it means to the believer is that
those of us who love the Lord and His Word,
we’re watching ancient biblical prophecy
being fulfilled before our very eyes.
The most repeated promise in the Old Testament
is that God will return His people to their land.
We see how they must be back in
their land for Daniel’s prophecy to be …
Look at it. Daniel 9:24 says: “Seventy weeks are
determined For your people and for your holy city,
To finish the transgression, To make an
end of sins, To make reconciliation for iniquity,
To bring in everlasting righteousness, To seal up
vision and prophecy, And to anoint the Most Holy.”
So we see that there is a the whole
prophecy just for the people of Israel.
70 weeks are determined
for your people and your city.
We happen, the church
happen to just be right in there…
But the vision was
for the people of Israel.
I believe that for the
first time in history,
God is using the church
and Israel simultaneously.
Because when Israel was in
the land, the church didn’t exist.
And where the church came to existence,
Israel were spread all around the world.
First time ever the church exists and
Israel is back in their land is since 1948.
And I believe it’s an amazing, it’s like the
two trumpets that God gave Moses to make.
[Numbers 10:1-3] “And the LORD spoke to
Moses, saying: Make two silver trumpets for yourself;
you shall make them of hammered work;
you shall use them for calling the congregation
and for directing the movement of the
camps. When they blow both of them,
all the congregation shall gather before
you at the door of the tabernacle of meeting.”
Israel is the time clock …
See, I believe we are the two, that
symbolizes of Israel and the church.
Simultaneously God is using the church and Israel
to tell the whole world: “I’m about to do something.”
Israel is a time clock to the
physical departure of the church.
You may be here this evening
and you do not understand …
The Scriptures are telling us that God
is about to take his church out of here.
”Wait a minute, that sounds to fictitious.”
– Wait-wait-wait …
The Bible spoke about the parting of
the Red Sea – it makes sense to you?
Good, because the rapture of the
church should make sense to you as well.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the Bible says, it’s not me!
That the Lord will
descend … … Himself.
And when there’s a trumpet in the
heavenlies and our bodies will [whoop] change.
”What do you mean change, I work out
three times a day. What do you mean change?”
It’s good, you’re
very … whatever, nice.
But this body, whatever it is,
can’t enter the kingdom of God.
I always hear those amen’s in the McDonald’s
while people are [gesture: eating a hamburger]…
Israel is … you
have to understand …
When we see these things happening, we
look up because our redemption is drawing near.
Wait a minute, what
do you mean “Amen”?
I just said our redemption
is drawing near.
I thought we are redeemed?
The redemption of the body.
Romans 8.
You say: ”We’re still here.
We’re having a
new heart, new spirit.
We are a new creation, we are born
again, spirit filled, but we’re still here!”
Look at you!
Put a picture of you from
20 years ago, you’re dying.
But the Lord says that very
soon, what is he going to do?
Change us and
take us out of here.
And that’s the redemption
we’re looking forward to!
Israel as a source of blessing,
hope and comfort to the church.
Look, they’re still in
unbelief, disbelief…
But even in their disbelief, their return to
the land is a great source of hope for us.
Because we know the
fig tree comes back to life.
We know that it’s at the door.
Israel is also the subject of blessing
and hope and comfort from the church.
Isaiah 40:1 says: “Comfort,
yes, comfort My people!”
Who can comfort
this people, tell me?
Who can comfort
God’s people, Israel?
Only those who were comforted.
How do I know?
Because God says,
in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4,
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,
who comforts us
in all our tribulation,
that we may be able to comfort
those who are in any trouble,
with [what?] the comfort with which
we ourselves are comforted by God.”
We were awake and not asleep.
We see the day approaching,
ladies and gentlemen.
We understand the
times and the seasons.
We understand what’s
going on around the world.
They’ll sell you that there’s
going to be “peace and safety,
but sudden destruction will come upon
them as labor pains upon pregnant woman.
And they shall not escape”, the
Bible says. [1 Thessalonians 5:3]
[2 Timothy 4:2] “Preach the word!
Be ready in season and out of season.
Convince, rebuke, exhort, with
all longsuffering and teaching.”
“Because we are the sons of light in a
very dark world.” [1 Thessalonians 5:5]
The only reason God
is still having us here is
because he’s not done yet
with all the sinners outside.
Now, what is the … by the way,
how many of you have business card?
Okay, let me give you and idea
for your future business card.
Make a card and say
Future … Governor.
Because we’re gonna
reign with Him, remember.
But you can even make a card
without the future – Ambassador.
The Bible says that we are
ambassadors of Christ here,
which means this is not our
home … our home is there with Him.
He is now giving us the title
ambassadors to implore people to what? …
Reconcile with God, not to sit home
and write about Fauci-Smauchi all day long.
Stop that nonsense!
The only reason we’re still here is to
preach the gospel, not anything else.
And if you find yourself more
about that than about the gospel,
then something is terribly wrong with your
understanding of your role in this world today.
We are the sons of light
in a very, very dark world.
[Matthew 5:14-15] “You are the light of the
world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
Nor do they light a lamp
and put it under a basket,
but on a lampstand,
and it gives light to all …”
Do people look at
you and they see light?
What do they see exactly?
Because lately I feel that the
church has more hatred than love,
more division than unity.
And they talk about
everything but Jesus.
[1 Thessalonians 5:5] “You are
all sons of light and sons of the day.
We are not of the
night nor of darkness.”
Seeing Israel back in the land should
make us excited and eager for His return.
I’m going to conclude with these
verses now, 3 verses, but watch this.
If you’re not eager for His
return, He might not take you.
Wait a minute … whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, I did not say that.
Watch this. Listen to
what I say, look at this.
Okay, are you ready?
I’m not trying to say that
there is a partial rapture.
I’m trying to say that every believer,
every believer who has the Holy Spirit
must eagerly want to
be taken out of here.
Must eagerly expect
Jesus to come.
Now watch this. The
Bible says in Hebrews 9:28,
“So Christ was offered once to
bear the sins of many. [watch this] …
To those [read with me]
who eagerly wait for Him
He will appear a second time,
apart from sin, for salvation.”
What salvation?
Aren’t you saved?
The salvation of your … body!
And what is it? The … rapture.
Because only the
rapture will save this body,
because this body will have to change
and … Whoop! … be taken out of here.
”Oh, I love my body.”
Good for you, I don’t …
Ladies and gentlemen, flesh and blood
can not … can not inherit the kingdom of God.
[Philippians 3:20] The Bible says: “For our
citizenship is in heaven, from which we also [what?]
eagerly wait for the Savior,
the Lord Jesus Christ.”
The Bible says in Galatians 5:5,
“For we through the Spirit [what?]
eagerly wait for the hope
of righteousness by faith.”
[1 Corinthians 1:7] “So that
you come short in no gift [what?],
eagerly waiting for the revelation
of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
[Romans 8:25] “But if we hope
for what we do not see, we [what?]
eagerly wait for it with
[what?] … perseverance.”
You see?
And this is what it’s all about.
Israel is returning
back to the land.
That God is doing …
The question for
you this evening…
Are you eagerly
waiting for His return?
Eagerly waiting, that means …
You know, I was picked up in Singapore
one day by a deacon of a church.
And he picked me up in a beautiful
Mercedes and I love cars – so whoa, beautiful!
‘… Which car is this?’ … ‘Mercedes
S-Class’ … Oh okay, very nice’ …
And then he says: “Oh, the Lord
has blessed my business so much.”
“And the Lord has blessed my company
so much … I just built a beautiful house.”
“We’re about to
move into that house…
In fact, I don’t mind if Jesus will
not come back soon, because I …
That’s when I realized …
When you fall in love with this
world and what this world have…
How can you wait for
a house in Singapore
when God is I’m going
to give you a mansion
that He’s been working
on for the last 2000 years?
Do you trust the contractors here more than
you trust Jesus who makes those mansions?
You kidding me! …
So I want to
conclude with this …
With all the nonsense and all the
stress and agony we see around us today,
let’s not lose focus of what
God is really doing in Israel.
And the Jews are the
best end time sign for you.
And I want you all to understand
that if you’re not born again,
spirit filled, eagerly waiting
for Him to come back,
then something is wrong
with your spiritual life.
And you need to ask
yourself: “Do I know Him? …”
“And the power of His resurrection
and the suffering and all of that?”
“Do I really know my Lord?”
Because to those who eagerly wait
for Him, He will return the second time.
And that’s what we want.
Father, we thank You
so much for Your Word.
There’s really nothing around us
in this world that cannot change.
Everything that is not of You is
going to be shaken and even collapse.
But the things of
You will stay standing.
So Father, we ask this evening
that if there’s anything in our lives,
that is not of you,
may you bring it down.
So only Your Word, Your commandments,
Your light will be shining through us.
These are dark
days, the Bible says:
“Redeem your time, for the
days are evil.” [Ephesians 5:16]
We ask Father, as Moses said in
Psalm 90:12, “Teach us to count our days.”
In the very few days, weeks or months,
that we still have here, I don’t know…
Make us redeem the time, preach the
gospel, be about the Father’s business.
And wherever we are, whether it’s
ministry, work, politics, whatever we do,
may we shine the light of Jesus
and bring people to Him by
what we say and how we live.
We thank You and we
bless You this evening.
And we ask this in the name
of the Holy One of Israel,
Yeshua Hamashiach,
Jesus the Messiah.
Who is the Lamb of God, the Lion of
the tribe of Judah, the Prince of peace.
Who can give us peace now
and forever, here and everywhere.
And as things are going to get only
worse in this world, as Jesus’ promised,
let us remember to “be of good cheer, for
He has overcome this world.” [John 16:33]
We pray in the name of Jesus
and all of God’s people say: Amen.