Amir Tsarfati: The Rise of the One World Religion
A new religion is emerging and it is spreading fast. Unlike religious takeovers of the past, there is no fight taking place. In fact, the followers of many other belief systems have been quick to embrace it and incorporate it into their doctrine. It is a non-judgmental, feel-good religion of ecumenism and inclusion and acceptance of all people and all lifestyles. There is only one group of people who are rejected from this new global religion – the followers of Jesus Christ. Join Amir Tsarfati for his new teaching, The Rise of the One World Religion, as he examines this new system that will eventually unite all people under one man – the antichrist. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: Order Amir’s new book “Discovering Daniel”: Follow us on social media: Instagram: / beholdisrael Facebook:
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AMIR: Genesis 11:4 it says:
‘And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city,
and a tower whose top is in the heavens;
let us make a name for ourselves…”‘
The first description of an inclusive gathering of people from all over the world
wasn’t really something that I could call an act of worship.
If anything, it was an act of defiance.
If anything, it was an attempt not to create a religion,
not to fulfill a religion,
but actually to put themselves instead of God,
as if they are God.
That is the tragic reality that we see today in this world.
I’m looking back at the heart of God when it comes to religion.
And I can see in the book of Isaiah, in chapter 1,
how God has always been against what men did…
from the commandments that He gave him.
And He told the people of Israel:
‘Look what you have done with the things that I told you to do.
Look at your holidays, your festivals, your new moons, your Sabbath.’
He said: ‘My soul hates them.’
He said: ‘How can you do all these things?
All these religious activities, all these rituals.
And at the same time, your hands are full of blood.’
And so when we look at the topic of The Rise of One World Religion,
we must go back all the way to the book of Genesis
and understand that God created man in His image…
for a wonderful fellowship with Him.
And unfortunately starting from chapter 3, that fellowship was broken.
And from now on, man is going to try to get to God
but it’s all about how am I going to put myself in the center
and how is it going to be that I will create a system
that supposedly will be about God,
but in reality, it will be all about the humans.
The book of Galatians 1, verse 10 says:
‘For do I now persuade men, or God?
Or do I seek to please men?
For if I still pleased men,
I would not be a bondservant of Christ.’
You can clearly see that the true faith in God through Christ
is not about men.
It’s not about pleasing men…
it’s not about putting men in the center.
You can clearly see that there is a growing gap
between what God wants us to do and what mankind is doing with it.
It continues with Proverbs 29:25, where he says:
”The fear of man brings a snare,
But whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe.’
So we’re going to examine today whether we are watching from Jerusalem,
from this bustling city, eternal city,
a city that you’re going to hear a lot of noises and sounds,
and action going on all behind me.
It’s a city that is not going to sleep…
it’s a city that is all about religion…
Behind me is one of the most iconic Christian symbols
for over a billion people.
It’s the church of the Holy Sepulcher for the Catholic and the Greek Orthodox.
And then you’ve got the Church of the Redeemer for the Lutherans.
There is nothing more religious than this.
And yet we’re going to try and understand how in the world…
can such a clear instruction from God to worship Him in spirit and in truth
can evolve into a religious activity that is not about God
and that Jesus is not even a part of.
We’re situated on the rooftops of the old city.
By the way, this is more or less the border between the Christian quarter, the Muslim quarter
and the Jewish quarter on the other side.
Right over there in the East is the Al-Aqsa mosque and it’s sitting right on the Temple Mount,
right towering over the Western Wall, the holiest site in the world for the Jewish people.
The Temple Mount today’s held as the third holy site in the world for the Muslims.
So you are watching a holy site for Christians behind me,
a holy site for Jewish over there and right above it, a holy site for the Muslims.
No doubt a center of religions that is within one square mile.
It is phenomenal how we are so talented in creating religions
and it’s so hard for us to really worship God in the most simple way.
One of the things that so many people around the world,
I believe, are mistaken about is the fact that they look at Islam today
as the possible candidate for the world religion.
And the reason is very simple.
They see places and they see countries that are seeking to create dominance
such as Iran and maybe organizations or terrorist organizations
such as ISIS that wants to create worldwide caliphate.
Well, one thing they forget, they forget that Islam is not calling for all people…
to worship god as they are.
Islam is actually calling for submission by the sword.
And it’s a different story… it’s a different story because that’s not what we see
in the book of Revelation when it comes to the description
of a new and emerging world religion.
By the way, that mistake leads people to believe that the Antichrist is also a Muslim
because they believe that there is the Muslim Mahdi,
who is their messiah and his coming will be as if that’s the antichrist himself.
That’s another thing that is very unlikely.
(A) because I don’t know, even a single Israeli Jew that will look at a Muslim as his Messiah
and (B) I don’t understand why a Muslim needs to get to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
and enter into a Jewish temple to declare himself as God
when he has the third holiest site in the world for Islam there.
In other words, it has to be something different.
It has to be something out of the ordinary,
something that the world has not seen before.
And it’s very interesting because, we often look at the existing religions
as probably candidates for that.
But I am offering today a different perspective.
I believe that there is an existing religion that is ready to be as a shell
for something new that is being injected into it.
And I’m talking about the Catholic church.
This is the only one that fits the bill of all the descriptions
of the book of Revelation.
The Catholics never ever looked at themselves as the way we call them, Roman Catholics.
Catholicism did not start in Rome,
it started in Constantinople in what Istanbul is today.
The word Catholic means ‘universal’… it means it belongs to everyone.
The Catholic church today and for the last, at least 7-8 years, maybe more,
we see an unbelievable concentrated effort with 100’s of millions of dollars
that are being poured into it to reach out to every part of world population
in order to bring them all under a new concept of the Catholic church.
A few years ago, there was a conference at the Kenneth Copeland ministries center
in the US and Bishop Tony Palmer on behalf of Pope Francis
came and offered a crowd of enthusiastic charismatic Protestant Christians…
he came to offer them an offer and he said to them, Catholic means ‘universal’.
And if you are Christians, it doesn’t matter where you’re from…you’re Catholic.
TONY: We know that the 1st 1000 years
there was 1 church, it was called the Catholic church
and the word Catholic means ‘universal’,
it doesn’t mean Roman…
if you’re born again, raise your hand if you’re born again,
you’re a Catholic.
AMIR: Come back home,
come back to what everything really should be…
TONY: …take back, redeem what belongs to you…
we are Catholics.
AMIR: And then he played a video that was sent by Pope Francis…
POPE FRANCIS: My brothers and the sisters,
excuse me… because I speak in Italian…
But I am not speaking English. But I will speak no Italian, no English, but heartfully.
I am speaking to you as a Brother. I speak to you in a simple way.
With joy and nostalgia [yearning]. Let us allow our nostalgia [yearning] to grow.
because this will propel us to find each other, to embrace one another.
And this is a miracle, the miracle of unity has begun.
AMIR: He did not even mention Mary, even once,
knowing it’s a crowd of Protestants
that don’t believe that Mary is anything divine
and it’s quite amazing to see.
This is probably the first Pope in the history
that reach out to the Protestants that way.
And it’s very interesting because it followed Bishop Kenneth Copeland,
going to the Vatican saying the Protestant movement has come to an end.
No more protest, no more Protestant movement,
that’s it, enough is enough.
KENNETH: The biggest church split in history was
when the Catholic church split,
… you know the story, the beginning of the protesting church…
among the people of love, we’re called protesters?
We’ve been protesting for 500 years, baby.
October the 31st 1999,
representatives of the Catholic and the Lutheran churches
gathered in Augsburg, Germany
and signed a joint declaration on the subject of justification.
And so 500 years of arguments, misunderstandings,
and sometimes war began to give way
to reconciliation and recognition of the gifts of the Holy Spirit
as placed within the body of Christ.
It ended, but you see once that main separating spirit of division
was pulled down…
It released the Lord Jesus…
to get this thing underway… Amen.
TONY: The protest has been over for 15 years
and I get a bit cheeky here
because I challenged my Protestant pastor friends,
If there is no more protest…
how can they be a Protestant church?
Maybe we know we’re all Catholics again.
It’s the glory that glues us together, not the doctrines.
AMIR: To tell people that glory is more important than doctrine
is literally… leading them astray.
The Bible says Galatians 1, verses 8-9:
‘But even if we, or an angel from heaven,
preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you,
let him be accursed.’
in the Greek ‘Anathema’
‘As we have said before, so now I say again…’
If you didn’t understand, let me tell you again.
‘if anyone preaches any other gospel to you
than what you have received,
let him be accursed.’ -‘Anathema’.
The Bible is so clear about that.
Romans 16:17 says: ‘Now I urge you, brethren,
note those who cause divisions and offenses,
contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them.’
Contrary to the doctrine – doctrine is important.
Don’t let anyone teach something that is contrary to the doctrine that you have learned.
Stay away from them…
Isn’t that interesting, look, the Bible tells us one thing
and somebody on behalf of God,
on behalf of religion,
on behalf of ”worshiping God” in the most inclusive way,
is telling you the opposite.
It is not only leading the force in bringing all Christians together,
but it’s also a leading force in an interfaith Ecumenism.
So think about it, Islam is not trying to reach the whole world.
Judaism is not trying to reach the whole world,
but the Roman Catholicism is…
In 2019 there was a visit of the Pope to Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates
and the Pope and the grand imam signed a historic pledge of fraternity
and in that historic pledge of fraternity it says –
‘In the name of God, who has created all human beings equal in rights, duties and dignity,
and who has called them to live together as brothers and sisters,
to fill the earth and make known the values of goodness, love and peace;’
I don’t think I found Jesus there.
I don’t even think I saw that He’s the only way, truth and life.
I don’t understand where it says here
that you should be born-again in order to enter into the Kingdom of God.
Now, all that I just said is the Words of Jesus,
the assumption that we’re all good people and can live in great harmony
is basically almost like going back to the tower of Babel
and saying, make a name for ourselves.
It’s taken God out of the equation or even more so replacing Him.
Did you know that Peter referred to Rome as Babylon?
Did you know that in 1st Peter 5:13: ”She who is in Babylon” –
that church – ”elect together with you, greets you;
and so does Mark my son.’
In those days, Peter, the common language of the people then,
because Peter has never been to Babylon himself,
he’s been to Rome… but after what Rome did to Jerusalem and to the Jewish people
in Jewish lingo, it was called Babylon.
On November 21, 1964, in the second Vatican council, look what he said.
He says: ‘The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledged the creator
in the first place among whom are the Muslims,
these profess to hold the faith of Abraham and together with us,
they adore the one merciful God, mankind’s judge, on the last day.
I mean, I’m not making it up.
This is a second Vatican council from 1964 that is already saying –
We do not reject anything in the others, we accept all of them,
even though they’re different, but if they want to come to their fullness of their religious life,
then it’s only through Christ.
In 1965, they continued and said:
‘Over the centuries, many quarrels and dissensions have arisen
between Christians and Muslims…
Look what they said: ‘… the sacred council now pleads with all to forget the past
and urges that a sincere effort be made to achieve mutual understanding
for the benefit of all men, let them together preserve and promote
peace, liberty, social justice and moral values.
That’s what it’s all about.
Social justice, moral values, peace and liberty.
There is no more exclusivity of salvation through Christ alone,
Pope Francis in 2013 in a Wednesday on May 22nd said the following thing:
‘The idea that we can’t all do good, is a form of closedness, a barrier…
The Pope emphasize that that leads us to war and to killing in God’s name.
Now look what he says… ‘We can’t kill in God’s name.
Indeed, even saying that one can kill in God’s name is blasphemy.’
And he says, ‘you must be doing good things.
The Lord redeemed everyone with Christ’s blood,
everyone, not only Catholics,’ he says, everyone.
He is now broadening everything and then he says, ‘an atheist… they too…’
You don’t even have to believe in God in order to be redeemed.
All you need to do is good.
Be a good man… Do good things and that’s it, you’ll be redeemed…
‘Because his blood makes us all children of God…’ that’s it.
In other words, if you are Roman Catholic it’s great,
but if you’re not, it doesn’t really matter.
Be a good man.
Do good.
Don’t kill in the name of religion.
Be a good person.
And if you are a good person, everything is good.
The bridges are already there.
It’s already been communicated to them.
Hey, just so you know, before things go rough…
If anything happens to Islam, if you may lose your way in your religion,
you have a place in ours, because all we seek is that you be a good people.
You don’t really have to convert to anything.
You don’t have to adopt any new thing.
Just stay good… Be good… Do good and you’re with us!
In ancient times to spread a new religion,
it was by the power of the sword, that was the way…
This emerging New World Religion is not by the sword.
It’s with honey it’s with good words, with sweet words, with inclusivity,
with we are accepting everyone… it’s the love and social justice that will put us together
and it doesn’t matter – there are some differences, yes maybe theological differences.
Maybe only if you believe in Jesus, you’ll come to the fullness of your religious life
but as you are right now, it’s good enough to already be redeemed.
There is a united religious initiative of the United Nations
and they say the united religious initiative, the URI, is a global grassroots interfaith network
that cultivates peace and justice by engaging people to bridge religious and cultural differences
and work together for the good of their communities and the world.
You know, natural disasters and catastrophes lead to religion.
Every time something bad happens, people are flocking to churches.
And they’re seeking God because they understand this is beyond our control.
And it’s interesting how even that is being tackled.
On January 31st, 2021, it says:
‘Biden and Pope Francis could make a climate change miracle.’
You see, it’s no longer about the Bible.
It’s no longer about the gospel.
It’s no longer about Jesus.
It’s about climate change now…
And speaking of global authority and climate change,
Pope Francis actually called for a global government to tackle the climate change agenda.
In fact, Pope Francis declared climate emergency and urges action.
Look, I don’t remember anything like that before…
where the church is doing everything, but church.
What is a more amazing way to bring the whole world together,
than climate change?… Think about it.
Terrorism failed… because terrorism brought countries together.
You know, after the Twin Towers fell and it was President Bush that came to the rubble
and how was he accepted?… USA, USA… It’s the US flag.
Everybody rounded around the flag of the United States.
It didn’t really help bringing the world together…
It brought the Americans together.
So if terrorism is not working and wars are not working,
then what else can we choose to bring the whole world under one government,
if not something that affects the whole world at the same time in the same way,
then of course, climate change is the one and the Pope is not missing an opportunity
to be a leading force in all of these things.
Look what he says in 2019:
‘Future generation stands to inherit a greatly spoiled world.
Our children and grandchildren should not have to pay the cost
of our generations’ irresponsibility
indeed, as is becoming increasingly clear, young people are calling for a change.
Make no mistake… I have no problem with taking care of planet earth.
I’m trying to show that the Catholic church emptied itself from the doctrine
and is filling itself with everything else.
Now we’re coming to another point, which is going to shock you.
Closing the gap with science and Darwinism.
Are you ready for this?
In 2014, October 28, Pope Francis is visiting a scientific center
and he says: ‘Evolution and big bang theories are real.’
I’m talking about someone who supposedly preaches on a Sunday
that God created the world in 6 days.
And yet look what he says:
‘The beginning of the world is not the work of chaos that owes its origin to something else,
but he derives directly from a supreme principle that creates out of love,
the big bang that today is considered to be the original of the world,
does not contradict the creative intervention of God, on the contrary, it requires it…
Evolution in nature is not in contrast with the notion of divine creation,
because evolution requires the creation of the beings that evolve…
That God is not a magician with a magic wand.
He did not create things like that.
Things had to evolve… the big bang had to have happened.’
The funny thing is that scientifically the big bang theory has not been proven yet.
What is the work of creation?
The work of creation is to create something out of nothing.
And the big bang theory doesn’t have any explanation to that.
No, there was a God that created this world in 6 days, and that’s what the Bible said.
If you have a problem with that, then you have a problem with God and His Word.
You don’t have a problem with me.
You have a problem with the same God you claim to represent.
Another very interesting thing you would probably not expect from the Catholic church is…
in 2020, October 21st, 2020 last year, Pope Francis indicates support for same sex civil unions.
The BBC recorded- ‘Homosexual people have the right to be in a family.
They are children of God, you can’t kick someone out of a family
nor make their life miserable for this.
What we have to have is a civil union law, that way we are legally covered.
Now make no mistake.
I am not trying to say that one person is less than another person.
What I’m trying to say is,
the church traditionally was holding an opinion
that it is as a sinful lifestyle, that should be condemned,
yet here we see that for the first time,
he’s the first Pope by the way, that is saying that…
Actually we should support civil union and make it actually in a law.
Collaboration with the efforts to create the one world government,
we can see on September 25th of last year,
‘Nationalism must not prevail.’ Pope said in addressing the United Nations.
Basically the Pope is saying: ‘Hey nations and nationalism is a thing of the past.
Leaders should not take care of their own nations anymore.
Nationalism must not prevail… we must look at things from a global perspective.’
In fact, he said, in the meeting with world leaders in 2019:
‘The common good has become global.’
Look at the terminology he is using – ‘has become global.
We are getting there… we are becoming that… it is going there.
He’s basically stating a fact, what was, is no longer.
What is right now, is new and I am ready
to be part or to take some sort of leadership in this new thing.
The current situation of globalization, not only of the economy,
but also the technological and cultural exchanges,
the nation state is no longer able to procure the common good of its population alone.’
Look what he is saying – Your government is not good.
The nation state is something of the past.
It cannot take care of problems anymore.
The common good has become global and nations must associate for their own benefit.
If you want to benefit, you must associate in the global effort.
So what is a One World Religion?…
A One World Religion is when the entire world will reach a point
where they worship the same way… the wrong thing.
Revelation 17 verses 1-6:
‘Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls
came and talked with me, saying to me,
‘“Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot…”‘
Look at those strong words the Bible is using about that religion.
”…’who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication…”
It’s not purity… it’s not the Word of God, it’s not righteousness.
It is fornication… leaders of the world will be part of that
‘”… and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.”‘
In other words, people will not be able to think right.
Drunkenness is when you are unable to control yourself anymore.
…’So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness.
And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy,
having seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet,
and adorned with gold…’
Look, these are the colors that are being used in the Vatican today.
And you know, talking about seven Hills…
Rome is known as the city that sits on the seven Hills.
And look what he said: … ‘adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls,
having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication.’
You see the Bible is describing a world religious system
that is full of abomination and fornication… it has nothing to do with God.
Religion of inclusion with the exception of those who follow Jesus.
This is a description of the great tribulation.
Our natural inclination is to be accepted and loved,
but what does the Bible say about that? Matthew 10:22 said:
‘And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.’
In other words, you will never be accepted.
You’ll never be the world religion.
You’ll never be embraced by the entire universe.
You’ll be hated if you are true believers, if you believe in Me…
The Bible says in John 15:18:
‘If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.’
In James 4:4: ”Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?
Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.’
John 3:19: ‘And this is the condemnation,
that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light,
because their deeds were evil.’
With Jesus, they hate you… without Jesus, they accept you.
In other words, Jesus is saying:
‘Hey, you will have to come to the end of yourself in order to accept me.’
It’s not about you anymore… it’s about what I did for you.
The message of the cross is foolishness to the world
because the world, the world wants to earn its salvation.
There’s no way you can earn your salvation… the wages of sin is death.
John 16:33 says: ‘These things I have spoken to you,
that in Me you may have peace.
In the world you will have tribulation;
but be of good cheer,
I have overcome the world.’