Amir Tsarfati: The True Meaning of Rosh Hashanah

Let’s take a moment to reflect on the true meaning and prophetic significance of this important day. You can find a written document of this teaching here.… Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: Order Amir’s new book “Discovering Daniel”: Follow us on social media: Instagram:   / beholdisrael   Facebook:   / beholdisrael   Telegram: Visit our website: Public Reading of Scripture: DVD’s & Digital Downloads: Latest Middle East News: Bible Teachings:… Articles: Teaching Around the World:… Bible Experience Tours:…

Shalom as R drawn near to rosha sh also

known as the Feast of trumpets I want to

take this opportunity to reflect on the

true meaning and prophetic significance

of this important day many know

rosashana as the head of the year or the

beginning of the year but biblically

this is not true in Leviticus 23:

23-2 the Lord spoke to Moses saying in

the 7eventh month on the first day of

the month you shall have a Sabbath rest

a memorial of blowing of trumpets a holy

convocation you shall do no customary

work on it and you shall offer an

offering made by fire to the Lord the

beginning of the year on the first day

of the seventh

month what’s that all about Rosas is the

first of three fall festivals the Feast

of trumpets yam kipur also known as the

day of atonement and the Feast of

Tabernacles these are not just ancient

Traditions they are prophetic events

with deep meaning for Israel and for all


is a day when the children of Israel are

called to come together for Yuma a day

of trumpeting it is a special moment for

Israel to remember their Covenant

relationship with the god of Israel and

to seek his presence in a time of

repentance and

reflection this year rosashana will be

observed on October 2nd and around the

World especially in the land of Israel

Jewish people will gather in synagogues

blow the trumpets and hold a holy

convocation it will be a Sabbath day a

day when no customary work is done and

the people of Israel will come together

before the Lord this day marks the

culmination of a whole month of asking

for God’s forgiveness a period called s

in Hebrew where they seek God’s mercy

praying and repenting at places like the


w this sacred time leads into the 10

days of awe the days between Rosas sh

and yum kipur during which many Jews

believe their fate is sealed and their

names are written in the book of life it

is vital to understand the prophetic


of rosashana just as the first four

festivals Passover on leaven bread first

fruits in Pentecost were fulfilled

during yeshua’s first coming the last

three festivals Rosas Shana yam kipur

and the Feast of Tabernacles will be

fulfilled at his second coming these

feasts are not merely historical or

cultural events their Divine

appointments set by God to reveal his

Plan of Salvation for Israel and for the

world and as we read in the Bible it is

clear that certain events must still

unfold before we see the Fulfillment of

the last three festivals the Prophet

Daniel speaks in chapter 9 of 70 weeks

that are determined for the people of

Israel and for the city of Jerusalem 69

of those weeks have already taken place

culminating in the coming of Yeshua who

offered himself as the perfect sacrifice

but the 7th week the 7-year tribulation

is yet to come this period is also for

Israel and will be a time for great

testing and

Revelation during this tribulation

period Israel will undergo immense

suffering offering the prophet Zechariah

talks about this time in several places

in chap 13: 8 to9 he speaks of 2third of

Israel perishing but onethird being

brought through the fire and

refined this Remnant according to

Zechariah 12:10 will see yeshua’s

returning recognizing him as the one

they pierced when he finally arrives

back on Earth with his feet on M of

Olives as prophesied in Zechariah

14:4 all remaining Israel will recognize

him as their Messiah then as Romans 11:

26 States all Israel will be saved this

fulfillment will come

guaranteed the Feast of trumpets or

Rosas sh will find its completion at the

return of yesh Yeshua to Israel and for

Israel when he comes with his church

this will be followed by Yom kipur the

day of atonement when Israel repents and

finally the Feast of Tabernacles which

will be fulfilled in the millennial

Kingdom when Yeshua Reigns from

Jerusalem and Tabernacles with the

people of Israel once

again yes just as the first four Feasts

feasts were fulfilled in chronological

order within a time frame of 50 days so

will the final three festivals be

fulfilled in chronological order but

this time within just 20 days and just

as the first four festivals and their

fulfillments centered around the nation

of Israel so will the final three now if

Yeshua is returning with his church it

begs the question how did the church get

with him well we must go back a step for

believers in Yeshua the Messiah we know

that we are not waiting for any Festival

to determine whether our names are

written in the Book of Life the moment

we put our faith in Yeshua our names are

already written in the Lamb’s Book of

Life we are saved by God’s grace not by

our own Works once we are part of his

family we are immediately to put

ourselves into a state of Readiness for

the day when the Messiah will return to

the clouds to take us to be with him

during the Rapture there are some who

say there is the sound of a trumpet at

the Rapture so it must be on Rosas sh

but the trumpet heard when Yeshua comes

to collect his church is a Heavenly

trumpet not the sound of horns on the


so when it comes to the Rapture there is

no reason to get excited about Rosas sh

when you think about it if we believe

that the Rapture must happen during this

specific Festival we nullify God’s

promise that it could happen at any time

Yeshua himself said that no one knows

the day or the hour of his return we are

to live in a state of constant readiness

understanding that he could come at any

moment Paul lived with this expectation

of Christ imminent return in 1


4: 16 and 17 he said for the Lord

himself will descend from heaven with a

shout with a voice of an archangel and

with a trumpet of God and the dead in

Christ will rise first then we who are

alive and remain

shall be caught up together with them in

the cloud to meet the Lord in the air

and thus we shall always be with the

Lord while some in the church May

celebrate rosashana we must do so

remembering Israel we are called to pray

earnestly for their salvation for the

veil to be lifted from their eyes and

for them to come to know the truth of

the Gospel in these days of reflection

and anticipation let us keep our focus

on Yeshua our Messiah and live in

Readiness for his imminent return let us

not be swayed by sensationalism or false

excitement but instead stand firm in the

promises of God knowing that he is

faithful and

true thank you for taking the time to

reflect reflect on these profound truths

with me may God bless you as you

continue to seek him with all your heart

and may we together look forward with

great hope and expectation for his

glorious return