Amir Tsarfati: The True Meaning of Sukkot

As we celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, let’s reflect on its profound significance in God’s divine plan for salvation and redemption. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: Order Amir’s new book “Discovering Daniel”: Follow us on social media: Instagram:   / beholdisrael   Facebook:   / beholdisrael   Telegram: Visit our website: Public Reading of Scripture: DVD’s & Digital Downloads: Latest Middle East News: Bible Teachings:… Articles: Teaching Around the World:… Bible Experience Tours:…

Shalom as Jews around the world

celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles sukot

the final Festival on the Jewish

calendar I want to take this opportunity

to share some thoughts on Leviticus 23:

33-43 the feasts of the Lord are not

merely Traditions they are profound

reminders of God’s Everlasting Covenant

with Israel and his Divine blueprint for

the Salvation and Redemption of all

Humanity each Feast reminds us of

Israel’s slavery and bondage pointing us

toward the hope of a Promised

Land Israel and Egypt serve as the

shadows of a greater reality our world

and its entanglement with sin the Feast

of Tabernacles sukot is the last of the

seven feasts outlined in Leviticus 23

and it carries profound meaning for both

Israel and the world let’s read from


23 then the Lord spoke to Moses saying

speak to the children of Israel saying

the 15th day of the seventh month shall

be the Feast of Tabernacles for seven

days to the Lord on the first day there

shall be a holy convocation you shall do

no customary work on it for seven days

you shall offer an offering made by fire

to the Lord you shall take for

yourselves on the first day the fruit of

beautiful trees branches of palm trees

the bows of leafy trees and Willows of

the brook and you shall rejoice before

the Lord your God for seven days you

shall dwell in Boots for seven days all

who are native Israelites shall dwell in

Boots that your Generations may know

that I made the children of Israel dwell

in Boots when I brought them out of the

land of Egypt I am the Lord your

God this command was given to Israel so

that they would never forget the Exodus

from Egypt a time when God delivered his

people with a mighty hand

this was not only a historical event but

also a

foreshadowing of God’s Redemptive plan

of all the feasts of the Lord commanded

Israel to celebrate only one is

specifically mentioned as being observed

by all nations in the future the Feast


Tabernacles the prophet Zechariah tells

us in chapter 14 vers 16-9

it shall come to pass that everyone who

is left of all the nations which came

against Jerusalem shall go up from year

to year to worship the king the Lord of

hosts and to keep the Feast of

Tabernacles and it shall be that

whichever of the families of the earth

do not come up to Jerusalem to worship

the king the Lord of hosts on them there

will be no rain this shall be the

punishment of all the nation that do not

come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles

initially the Feast of Tabernacles was

only a part of the intimate story

between God and His Chosen People Israel

but under the New Covenant this Festival

will be fulfilled and celebrated by All

Nations every year in

Jerusalem two remarkable elements stand

out in zechariah’s Prophecy first

everyone who is left of all the nations

speaks of a Remnant that will survive a

great Global

catastrophe second come up to Jerusalem

to worship the king points to the

Nations gathering in Jerusalem to

worship the Messiah who will sit on the

throne of David and restore his Fallen

Tabernacle this is the only time in

Scripture that we hear hear the Feast of

Tabernacles mentioned in conjunction

with global events that will cause many

to perish this will be followed by

Gentiles and Jews coming together in

Jerusalem to participate in the Lord’s

Kingdom on Earth the Fulfillment of this

Festival will come after the tribulation

with the return of the Messiah to Earth

accompanied by his redeemed ones the

Church which he took with him in the

Rapture to escape God’s

judgment these events will Usher in the

celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles

in a way never seen

before while Tabernacles recalls

Israel’s Exodus from Egypt and the

journey through the Wilderness dwelling

in boots or temporary shelters its

greater significance points to the

kingdom of God on Earth known as the

millennial Kingdom when the Lord returns

to Israel to set up his kingdom it marks

a transition from the remembrance of our

temporary dwelling in the past to the

promise of his dwelling among us in the

future which is beautifully described in

Revelation 19 and I heard a loud voice

from heaven saying behold the Tabernacle

of God is with men and he will dwell

with them and they shall be his people

God himself will be with them and be

their God may we all be reminded that in

order to reign with him during the

millennial Kingdom we must first believe

in the Passover sacrifice yeshua’s shed

blood his sinless life and his

resurrection as the first fruits from

among the dead moreover we are assured

of our Salvation because of the Holy

Spirit who came at Pentecost to indwell

us forever and we have great hope as we

await the Fulfillment of his promise to

take us to be with him at the last

trumpet sparing us from his wrath only

after these events will all Israel be

saved as they repent

during their final day of

atonement friends do not Overlook the

first six feasts if you hope to reign

with him during the

seventh each step in this Divine

calendar brings us closer to the full

realization of God’s Kingdom on Earth

may we all keep our eyes on this great
