Every believer needs to know how to pray and how to have confidence that their prayers have been heard and will be answered. Never forget that the effective, fervent prayer of the righteous shall avail much! #PrayerandPraise http://bit.ly/1SGmvm0

the believers walk of faith is paid for

by bill Winston ministries partners and

viewers righteousness has everything to

do with your successful life when you

pray righteously you pray with

confidence that whatever you pray God is

going to hear you when you pray

something and you’re waiting on the

manifestation of the answer

once you pray it is when the fight


notice the devil starts with your

thoughts so if you thought wrong put

your hand over your mouth because if you

come out with something that negates

that prayer then you have to start over

again so we have to watch what we say

because angels on assignment and waiting

on God’s words that you speak

how do you know that you have the

petition you desired of him because he

heard you how do you know he heard you

because you prayed according to his will

so when God suggests the impossible to

you be it unto me don’t try to figure it

out how he’s gonna do it how is this

gonna work through me if you have

something that you have not confessed

before the Lord then if you confess

you’ll say put it up there first John

1:9 now let me tell you who don’t want

me to talk about this that devil and

those who the devil is in they do not

want me to tell you this because this is

a way Paul had to get free so that he

can write over half the New Testament

because he was hauling people off to

jail who were innocent and committing to

their death but look what God did with a

man that that received Jesus and oh that

was Oh went away and the new road opened

up for him here’s what he says if we

confess if we confess our sin he is

faithful and just to what forgive us our

sin and to do what now clintons of all

unrighteousness now here’s the deal

about that don’t wait on a feeling well

I don’t quite feel forgiven what does

that feel like what you need to do is

take your forgiveness by faith and like

you never did it

folks I know sometimes you might go off

and you might say I’m uh I’m gonna be

very christ-like today somebody now they

either be go try to torment you with

that and so and when you win out without

booth Father forgive me lord have mercy

then get up and say all right I’m here

again praise God what I’m saying



remember the enemy don’t want me to tell

you this this is what he’s been stacking

up some of his defense on right here and

it’s been big in these modern times

because there’s so much so much area of

temptation out here today and you’ve

down down the farm down there back in

1820 you ain’t got much to tempt yet you

you know

you just you didn’t pull out a day I

mean are you following what I’m saying

well I’m telling you little guy’s been

incarcerated or something like that for

some drugs nothing like that and come

out and bore God could take a great

pleasure when you got saved and you you

forget what you did behind and start

acting like come on blacking like the

Son of God and talking like a son of God

like you never missed it Hey

that’s good news folks the God wants to

use you and he can’t use your guilty cuz

you’re going up against a gunslinger

that gunslingers job is to kill you

let’s look at the keys to answered

prayer number 1 decide what you want

from God and find the scripture that

promises you that now find the scripture

and don’t let you want what you want

from God be limited about what other

folks say my wife when we went to Tulsa

at a time and I was going to full-time

Bible School and she was gonna get a job

she went around those places and none of

the places could hire cuz they said we

land off people by the hundreds here

that the economy is in the tank and

people are being laid off by the

hundreds alright so what happened she

comes back home and we find the

scriptures got it understand they may

not have a job like this because what we

did with her is put down the type of job

she wanted computers ten minutes from

the house and so forth now they may not

have a job like that but to everyone

that asks receives if they don’t have

one God is gonna make one if they don’t

have one he’s gonna move one in from

Europe if they don’t now you follow what

I’m saying

you and AH governing this earth

we can change it and rearrange it based

on our prayer say men I won’t go through

all of that what happened to her because

I will as we come back and so forth and

show you how that fits but in 2nd

Corinthians chapter 1 verse 20 some

people say that sometimes God says maybe

and sometimes he says no for the all the

promises of God in him or what yay and

what else and in him amen to the glory

of God by us so he doesn’t say no if you

found it in this book same in then it is

your promise God made it here for you

now let me ask you something when you

ask for it is is that when he made it


this promise was yours and already there

from the foundation of the world now why

would I say that has to be the next

reason key for entered prayer pray and

believe you have what you ask for

pray and believe you have what you ask


mark chapter 11 verse 24 therefore I say

to you what thing soever you desire when

you pray believe you receive them and

you shall what have them now first I got

to find it in the book am I right about

it now then I got to pray that but I

have to believe I receive come on not

now I got to believe that I received

when I pray two different things I got

to believe that I received when when I

pray so I need to put down the date and

the time that I just pray because I got

to believe I received when I pray second

Peter chapter three and verse eight but

beloved be not ignorant of one thing


day is with the Lord as a thousand years

and a thousand years as one day let’s

put another word in there one day is

like a thousand years in thousand years

like a day let it make any difference

whether you’re talking about now or ten

years from now it’s all right now to God

why because it doesn’t have any time now

that’s kind of hard for the mind to get

because the mind has been internally

programmed with time so when God takes

you out of time it sounds funny because

he take it took Abraham he said now

Abraham what you gonna call yourself Sam

we’ll call myself Abraham well what does

Abraham mean father a multitude what did

he have the multitude nope

matter of fact is beyond childbearing

certainly when God gave him that he was

gonna have to call things that be not as

though they work there is no time with

God faith is a higher law than time is

so faith dictates to time what time it


alright let me just say it like this

something happens to a person the doctor

said hey we worked on you and so forth

ago take six weeks to heal that’s time

and any time you’re looking through time

you’re looking through the veil of the

curse so for you to get a different view

you don’t have to come up above time and

only faith can take you there faith

tells time how long the healings gonna

be that’s why faith is so dangerous

because when people run out of time

sometimes they lose faith I mean no they

lose hope let me say it like that

because it doesn’t happen we I’ve been

waiting I’ve been trying to get married

for 40 years

or whatever it is and it’s just running

time but I showed you where this woman

had been waiting on a husband for ten

years doctor show in his book I showed

you and he showed you step by step how

she believed her husband and got him to

say when he showed her so I gotta

believe I gotta believe now when I

believing is a choice that’s what starts

with so I gotta choose to believe this I

choose that I’m gonna believe this

then whatever it might look impossible

nobody ever did it but I choose to

believe it because I know if I believe

it and I’m hooked up with God and I’m in

line with God’s promise all things just

became possible because I got a God who

everything’s possible with I don’t care

if nobody ever did it before

that doesn’t make any different with me

it is he go do it for me

and he’s going good for me if I believe

put it up there mark chapter 9 and verse

23 just put it up there just to just a

little side trip

nobody says here jesus said unto him if

thou can’t believe come on all things

are possible then believe I know a lot

of preachers that can’t believe for an

airplane I’m not coming down on it but I

believe it I believe God’s got an

airplane for me

and I got one out there I mean we got

one out there sitting down it now my

point you is don’t come down on me

because I believe it you just believe

I’ll preach it with an airplane



alright number one here’s what side

would you want from God find the promise

the scripture that promise you that

number two is what pray and believe you

have what you asked for

alright number three let every thought

affirm you have what you ask god for now

why am I saying that because the devils

into doubt and his job is to make you

not believe anything happened that is

the way you will have to fight the good

fight of faith because this is what a

battle really begins and so the Bible

says in Philippians chapter 4 verse 6

and 7 it says be anxious for nothing but

in everything by prayer and supplication

with Thanksgiving let your requests be

made known unto God and the peace of God

that passes all understanding shall

guard your heart and mind through Christ

Jesus look at the next verse though he

says finally my brother whatsoever

things are what true what’s true the

Word of God whatsoever things out what

else on it whatsoever things out what

else just whatsoever things of what else

pure whatsoever thing to what else

lovely whatsoever things of what else of

good report if there be any virtue if

there be any praise God says man is your


now I don’t want to do that look at look

at proverbs chapter 30 please why don’t

want to make sure that I managed my mind

over in proverbs chapter 30 he says this

he says in verse 32 if thou has done

foolishly and lifting up their self or

if thou has thought evil what do you do

lay a hand on your mouth

notice the devil starts with your

thoughts so if you thought wrong put

your hand over your mouth because if you

come out with something that negates

that prayer then you go have to start

over again


same into this now here’s the deal a lot

of people think that as long the longer

it takes the weaker they get wrong just

the opposite if you do it this way the

longer it takes the stronger you get


pretty soon you’ll be able to stand

there till hell freezes over

why because the knowledge that’s

building the more you say it the more

you believe it the more you believe it

the more you say it the more you say it

the more you believe it the more you

believe it will you say pretty soon

you’re gonna be like Abraham fully

persuaded that’s what God promised he’s

able o so to perform the proverbs

chapter 24 please in verse 5 look what

it says a wise man is strong yeah a man

of knowledge increases strength

increases strength increases strength

the more you said the more you believe

it the more you believe it the more you

see it and the more you see it the more

you say it the more you say it the more

you believe it you see you see something

you see revelation you see it that and

there’s much the more you see it the

stronger you get the more you sweetest

and the devil knows that so he’s trying

to stop you from saying it so you won’t

believe no more so you won’t see no more

so you won’t be crazy no more say amen

to that I’m talking my crazy faith now

that’s faith

then I go up against anybody anything

you look the doctor in the face and say

no no no no no I know you’ve been to

school but I’ve been to Jesus

now you follow what I’m saying I’m not

trying to come down there doing the best

job they can but I got a I got a

physician that never lost the case I got

a lawyer come on that never lost the key

say amen to that

my god came there my wife was in the

front lawn there and and and and she was

waiting on that job to manifest here she

wasn’t the front lawn and my friend

brother backers came he was in seminary

with me

he’s a hey veronica’s Billings he yeah

he’s in the house there and before he

came in the door he turned her and said

hey you got your job yet

what do you think she said now she may

not have had it manifested but she

received it right up in here believes it

spoke it said it see it believe it broke

it santé see it believe it it had to

manifest cuz whatever things you believe

when you

you won’t have it all right let me end

with this I was looking at a tape I

didn’t look at it last night but I just

looked at the end part it’s about a tape

of a guy who was a general in the

military named General Patton back to

end of time of when Hitler was trying to

take over everything and so forth and

he’s a famous general and what happened

was as he was advancing and so forth and

they were out of fuel and the weather

was terrible and snow cold is I don’t

know what and so forth and they couldn’t

move they were waiting on air cover to

advance against the enemy but they

couldn’t advance because the weather so

bad they couldn’t get any air coming and

it was stuck there and after a couple of

several days he got impatient

he’s a wait a minute call a chaplain up

here so he called a chaplain

and it’s what he said to the chaplain

I’m quoting this out of this movie he

said I need a prayer a weather prayer

and the chaplain said whether prayer sir

yes let’s see if we can get God working

with us I’m saying this verbatim now

he said the chaplain said it’s going to

take a pretty thick rug for that kind of

prayer sir Pat’s I don’t care if it

takes a flying carpet you get me that


then a chaplain says now I don’t know

how this is going to be received general

praying for good weather so that we can

kill our fellow man Patton said listen I

can assure you that because of my

intimate relationship with the Almighty

if you write a good prayer we’ll have

good weather and I’ll expect that prayer

from you within an hour well he walked

away the man came back with a prayer and

patent read the prayer listen at what he

said he read it it said this almighty

and most merciful Father we humbly

beseech thee of that great goodness now

before Patton started reading it he took

his helmet off he put his glasses on and

began to read he goes on to restrain

this a moderate weather with which we

have had to contend grant us fair

weather for battle graciously hearken to

us as soldiers who call upon thee that

armed with thy power we may advance from

victory to victory and crush the

oppression of wickedness of our enemies

and establish the justice among men and

nations amen

the next morning the weather was perfect

they advance and one battle after battle

now notice what I’m saying here that

same prayer if you put the Scriptures up

as quick without mentioning was in 2nd

Kings chapter 19 verses 6 and 7 and 2nd

Kings chapter 19 verse 6 and 7 and

Isaiah said unto them thus shall you say

to your master thus saith the Lord be

not afraid of the words which thou is

heard with which thy servants of the

king of Assyria have blasphemy

behold I’ll send a blast upon him if he

shall hear Reuben shall return to his

own land and I’ll cause him to fall by

the sword in his own land now this is a

prayer Hezekiah sent to a king Patton’s

prayer was given by a chaplain 2nd Kings

19 verse 14 and 15 please and Hezekiah

received the letter of the hand of the

messengers and read it and Hezekiah went

up into the house of the Lord and spread

it before the Lord now notice he just

read it

notice what General Patton did he just

read it

didn’t do all of that it’s just read it

all you got to do is going to Bible make

up a prayer and just read it what

happened as a result of Hezekiah reading

that prayer 2nd Kings chapter 19 and

verse 35 and it came to pass that night

that the angel of Lord went out and

smote in the camp of the Syrians a

hundred and four score and five-thousand

and when they arose early in the morning

behold they were all dead corpses I’m

telling you something the Lord teach us

to pray because


in the battlefield whether you’re

battling sickness I believe that we can

pray in such a way that the next morning

when we wake up is a new day


righteousness has everything to do with

your successful life when you pray

righteously you pray with confidence

that whatever you pray God is gonna hear

you when you pray something and you’re

waiting on the manifestation of the

answer once you pray it is when the

fight begins

notice the devil starts with your

thoughts so if you thought wrong put

your hand over your mouth because if you

come out with something that negates

that prayer then you have to start over

again so we have to watch what we say

because angels are on assignment and

waiting on God’s words that you speak

how do you know that you have the

petition you desired of him because he

heard you how do you know he heard you

because you prayed according to his will

so when God suggests the impossible to

you be it up to me don’t try to figure

it out how he’s gonna do it how is this

gonna work to me

believe stand in your righteousness and

exercise four easy steps that will yield

effective fervent prayer every time you

pray in pastor Winston’s life-changing

four-disc series the power of prayer and

praise to order on CD or dvd

by bank guard at one eight hundred seven

one one nine three to seven or online at


well the Bible says in Philippians

chapter 4 in verse 6 he says we anxious

for nothing but in all things by prayer

and supplication with Thanksgiving let

your requests be made known unto God and

the peace of God will guard your heart

and your mind through Christ Jesus now

what is he saying here that once you

pray and you believe you’ve received

something now you’re gonna have to

manage your mind why because the enemy

comes in to bring doubt he comes in to

bring doubt whether God heard you or

whether you get your prayers answered

and so forth so you’ve got to let every

thought affirm that you have what you

just asked God for just let every

thought affirm it and then sometimes you

just get in the mirror and just say it

thank you father I believe that I’ve

received so-and-so and the more you say

it the more you believe it and the more

you believe it the more you say it and

it just goes on and on why because

pretty soon you’ll be like Abraham fully

persuaded that whatever God promised you

he’s able also to perform this is a

powerful teaching well this is bill

Winston saying until next time we love

you and keep walking by Faith



the of the person that can find

something in heaven and bind it over is



what everybody working in this country

will still be working in your house


country will not be laughing in your



I’ll tell you what the Holy Ghost told

me to tell you

dance on your feet he just by the time

by the time you get



you might be in the mists of your worst

situation right now I Got News for you

that’s conference what’s for you thank

God is telling you it’s because you

about to get the bigot Erica

I will stay with you the mission of bill

Winston ministries is to preach the

gospel of the kingdom throughout the

world thank you bill Winston ministries

partners and viewers for your continuous

support of the believers walk of faith

broadcast the believers walk of faith is

paid for by bill Winston ministries

partners and viewers