Daring Faith – End Time Faith

Faith is the primary foundation and building block of Christianity. Faith is required to tithe, to prosper, to live in health, and even be healed. Everything we do and say must be done in faith. In End Time Faith, you will learn about audacious faith, bold faith and real faith. This is a series you will want to play and replay to strengthen your foundation of faith. Ordering Information: BW 2116 Daring Faith – Part of “End Time Faith” series Series 502 https://store.billwinston.org/end-tim…

ANNOUNCER: The Believers’ Walk
of Faith is paid for by Bill

Winston Ministries
partners and viewers.

ANNOUNCER: Up next on the
Believers’ Walk of Faith.

BILL: I’m talking about when
your money is funny. Come on,

what are you going to say? See
if you confess Him before men,

what is Him? Jesus is the Word.
If you confess the Word before

men, He’ll confess you before
angels and the angels will make

sure that your confession
comes to manifestation.

BILL: Fear not, say fear not.

BILL: Fear will make you a lamb
chop for the devil. Yes, that’s

the best way I could say that.
Make you a lamb chop. Now you

don’t want to be that, so you
don’t want to fear. Say amen to

that. And so the enemy’s job is
to get us to fear because fear

paralyzes and people can’t go
any further because they fear

it’ll stop ’em in their tracks.
Look what it says up here.

Hebrews chapter 2 verse
14 and 15. Ready? Read.

(Reading Scripture)

(Reading Scripture)

BILL: Alright, now who had the
power of death? The devil. Does

he have it anymore?

BILL: Jesus stripped him of all
power and Jesus came and says,

all power is given unto me. Say
amen to that. God showed me in a

vision that we have authority
that is so much higher than

Satan. In other words, the power
that’s you’ve got available to

you, he couldn’t even touch that
kind of power. I mean, are you

following what I’m saying? I’m
saying we’ve got because what

we’re waiting on, we waiting on
to feel it or we waiting on our

minds to confirm it. And none of
that should be so. Look at Paul

one more time here. Look what it
says here in Galatians chapter

one, verse 12 again. And let’s
read that and then go

down to verse 15
and ready? Read.

(Reading Scripture)

BILL: All right, he’s saying
what he got. He didn’t get it

from who? Man, he got it from
who? God. Now go to 15 verse 15

and let’s start reading right
there. Alright, ready? Read.

(Reading Scripture)

BILL: Now he didn’t ask his
flesh what he thought about it.

Now this is so important for you
because your flesh can’t tell

you how much power you’ve got.
Watch this. Neither can your

unrenewed mind. It cannot tell
you how much power you’ve got.

See when he says they that
believe shall do what? Lay hands

on the sick and you have no idea
how much power you’ve got over

that disease. And so when you
speak to it, you can’t confirm

it with your flesh or your mind
that anything happened. Now I

know what we do sometimes
because I’ve been to deliverance

ministries come out, come out,
come out, come out, and we keep

calling them out until something
manifests and we say manifest.

Manifest so forth so on. And
that’s all right, but I had to

learn another level. When I
was down at Tulsa, went down to

Bible school, a man came and
a lady brought him because he

needed deliverance or something
and she brought him up there and

I spoke to that devil, I said,
you let this man go right now in

the name of Jesus. Now let him
go. Boom. And that was it. Now

he kind of fell out a little
bit and then came back. Nothing

looked like it manifested. She
said that night at 12 midnight

he got up, went opened up the
window and howled like a dog or

some animal and then fell back,
boom. And stayed there for a

couple hours and got up the next
day and went and got a job. He

hadn’t been able to work in
years. Now what happened? He got

delivered, but I didn’t wait on
a confirmation of my flesh and

neither did Jesus. True enough,
something might manifest, but

what if it doesn’t? Does that
mean that your words didn’t

work? Does that mean that you
didn’t have enough faith? No.

That’s where he gets people and
in Mark chapter 9 you’ll see

that, that here’s the boy and
they were working on this boy

and nothing seemed to happen,
and then they brought him to

Jesus. Jesus said, Hey, wait
a minute. He said, are you

faithless? How long do I have
to be with you? You know and He

rebuked the boy and the thing
came out and so forth and so on.

He said this cometh out not but
with prayer and fasting. But my

point to you is, is that things
happen when you speak because

you are trying to judge, maybe
not you, but somebody’s trying

to judge how much power they got
by feeling it. You can’t feel

the Spirit. This is spiritual
power. Say amen. No fear reveals

your faith in God. No fear
reveals your faith in God. All

right? And faith in God gives
you access to intervention. It

gives you access to divine
intervention. Alright, are y’all

with me? So I want to make sure
that I don’t try to measure my

faith by my feelings. You got
what I’m saying? And this will

cause me to stumble in terms of
me thinking that my faith is not

working. So I got to say
something and go on home. You

got to call things that what?
Be not as though they were.

Alright, let’s look at the next
section. We’re done. The next

section is when we’re talking or
thinking about audacious faith.

Audacious faith. I like to call
it bodacious faith, but this is

bold faith. Another word for
that bold is daring. It’s

daring. Now have you ever heard
the expression, I double dog

dare you? That’s the devil.
He double dog dares you to get

rich. Lord have mercy, but there
are things that the enemy

dares you to do. Now
what we use, we use Mark

chapter 2 and verse
4. Ready? Read.

(Reading Scripture)

(Reading Scripture)

BILL: What did they do daring?
What did they do? What did they

do? Alright, before they tore up
that roof, they had to bring the

man up on the roof. Now you got
to have some faith to do that.

I’m talking about the man who
was laying on the bed, he had to

have some faith because he was
half dead already. But if he’d

roll off of that roof, they
could finish him off right

there. But I’m saying daring,
do you have some daring faith?

Because that’s what’s going
to need in the last day. It’s

amazing, when you were working
for the devil, you were just as

bold as six shooter. Now you
come in working for Jesus, all

of a sudden you tiptoeing
around. Don’t want to offend

anybody or something. You better
say it. So say I’m daring.


BILL: Say I’m bold.

BILL: In the name of Jesus.
Isn’t that good? The Bible says

that Jesus is praying for us
right now. He’s an intercessor.

I think that’s in Romans
8:34. Ready? Read.

(Reading Scripture)

BILL: Alright, who’s making
intercession for you? Jesus. So

for Satan to get to you, he’s
going to have to go through the

intercessor, Jesus is
interceding for you. Do you

think that Jesus’ prayers are
good enough for it to keep you?

Absolutely. Absolutely. The only
reason why we have a lack of

courage is because we don’t know
the Bible. We don’t know that

He’s praying right now for us.
Am I right about this? Let’s do

2 Kings and let’s do 2 kings
and chapter 4. Alright? 2 Kings,

chapter 4. Now this is a woman
whose son had died. Alright? He

was graveyard dead. She put him
on the bed of the prophet and

then she went down to see her
husband. Now this is what she

went down and said to
her husband. Ready? Read.

(Reading Scripture)

BILL: Alright, now this is what
she’s saying. She never told her

husband that his son had died.
She is now getting bold faith.

Same amen to that. And so let’s
look at the next scripture

in that same
chapter. Ready? Read.

(Reading Scripture)

BILL: Now notice the prophet is
now giving her a chance to say

what it looks like at the house.
Now what did she say? She said,

all is well. Now I don’t know
if you can get many situations

worse than your child dying, but
she didn’t ever said that

he’s dead, did she?
She said, what?

CONGREGATION: All in well.

BILL: All is, I’m talking about
when your money is funny, come

on, what are you going to say?
See if you confess Him before

men, what is Him? Jesus is the
Word. If you confess the Word

before men, He’ll confess you
before angels and the angels

will make sure that
your confession comes to

manifestation. Say amen. See,
it is time for you not to try to

get the world to make you rich,
say amen, but God has already

made you rich and the enemy does
not want you to say so. Let the

redeemed say so you got to say,
wait a minute, all is well. Say

your conversation should be like
I have abundance and no lack.

Now you trying to struggle
to pay the light bill. I have

abundance and no lack. Isn’t
this powerful? No, you are not

violating scripture. You’re
coming in line with scripture

and the enemy doesn’t want you
to have enough courage to say

it. He’ll come right after you
said it. He’ll say you broke.

You know you broke. You need
to say you broke. Don’t be

listening to Bill Winston and
all that stuff. You need to say

what it looks like. Well you got
to say, all is well devil. Let

the redeemed of the Lord, let
him say so. Amen. So it’s time

for you to start saying if
you’re looking for a husband all

see you can’t hardly say it. Can
you? All is well. Come on now.

You looking for a job. Come on,
come on now. All is well. Now

I’m saying I’ve had to say this,
all is well, I’m telling you it

tough man, you got to make your
mouth open and close. You got to

almost take it and make it do
something because your natural

reaction is to tell it like it
is. Tell it like it is. You got

to tell it like it is, but it is
is the way it is in heaven, and

in heaven, all is well and you
are bringing heaven where? On

earth. Alright, lemme go to
another one. Now, I don’t know

why I’m on these husband wife
thing. I don’t know why I’m on

that, but somebody pulling me
that way. Yeah, you got that

Chicago section over here.
Alright, but look at this, Ruth.

All right, so Ruth husband and
her sister’s husband, both of

’em died. She was a Moabite, her
sister was a Moabite and their

husbands were Jews, but they
died, died early. Now Naomi, who

is the mother of them all, and
now Naomi saying to them, the

Moabite women, go on back to
your people and so forth, you

have no reason to stay with me
now, I have nobody to take care

of us, blah, blah, blah. Well, a
sister went back, but Ruth said

something over the first chapter
and verse 16. Ready? Read.

(Reading Scripture)

(Reading Scripture)

BILL: Now notice what she was
doing. She was sliding up under

that covenant. She’s coming up
under that covenant. Now look at

chapter 2 and verse 5. Amen.
Watch this. Ready? Read.

(Reading Scripture)

BILL: Stop right there. That’s
enough said right there. Now

because of her confession, here
comes the richest man. See if

you want to get married,
wouldn’t you rather marry

somebody with some money? She
said she doesn’t want no broke

somebody with some money? She
said she doesn’t want no broke

man. See if I’ve got a choice.
Now some people might not enjoy

this, but tough. We going to
enjoy this. Aren’t we going to

enjoy this right here? See, I’ve
got to show you how to get your

inheritance. Say amen to that
and God said He’ll give you the

desire, come on, of your heart.
That’s just where it is right

there and we going to get you
hooked up. Praise God. We’re

going to get you your hearts
desire. Amen. Okay, so that’s

that one. Let’s go one more.
David confessed. Somebody said

five times, I found four times
what he was going to do to

Goliath before he did it. You
follow what I’m saying? And look

at Saul now, Saul, look at 1
Samuel 17 verse 11. And look at

Saul and look at the condition
of Saul. Ready? Read.

(Reading Scripture)

BILL: Okay, so fear had
paralyzed Saul, alright, and

fear is contagious. That look
what it did in Numbers chapter

14 and starting at verse 1, fear
is contagious. It’ll try to get

on you if you’re in a group of
people that fear. And what you

got to do is say something. Lord
have mercy. Don’t just stand

there. Say something.
Ready? Read.

(Reading Scripture)

(Reading Scripture)

BILL: Alright, now look what
fear did, it made ’em make the

wrong decisions and now they’re
going backwards. Now I’m going

to tell you something. Can I say
this? I’m going to say this with

love. Amen. Say it with love.
Sometimes relationships of

people. I’m not talking my
husband and wife now in this,

I’m talking about people you
know and so forth. When you’re

ready to go forward, you have
to cut that thing off because

there’s little things they can
do and say that we will try to

eventually pull you backwards.
If you got a lot of money, it’s

going to try to make you stop,
it won’t come in like it should

or whatever have you can tell
because usually it’s a spirit

mixed with poverty. So a lot of
stuff that you might be getting,

they’re not getting and you’ll
have to cut it off because of

conversations and sometimes you
say, well girl girlfriend, look

like I got to go. Well, where
you got to go? Well, I’m working

on some stuff from the church
and so forth. Oh girl, you don’t

have to go. See, all of that is
very subtle, but it’s designed

to take you back to Egypt.
If you can catch it, a lot of

people could have caught it, but
it is got to be something you

got to discern. You got to
discern this person is no longer

good for me. Now, I’m not saying
you hate them or anything, you

just got to make some room
because light and darkness,

yeah, can’t go in the same space
and subtly it’ll pull you back

where you were. You’re not there
anymore. Say, man, this thing

used to work for me. That’s
because of the company you’re

keeping. Evil communication
corrupts good manners. Look what

that says in the Amplified
Translation. Ready? Read.

(Reading Scripture)

BILL: Now listen, I have to
watch everything in this church.

Everything. I got to watch who
preaches, I got to watch poverty

songs. I got to watch
everything. It is amazing

everything because people come
in with that spirit and a spirit

is funny. It’ll pull you back
and you not know you’re being

pulled back because it’s subtle.
That’s what Satan did to Eve,

pulled her back and I got to
watch everything I really do,

but God has given me the grace
to do it and we move it forward.

So I’m coming against that debt
spirit. Got it. Coming against

it. Well, I’m telling you, we’ve
got some powerful testimonies

about people getting this debt
released. Now I’m saying I got

to watch that. I got to keep
praying and preaching like

you’re there. Say amen. Now I
preach certain things people

don’t like and get ’em walk
out. I don’t care. I don’t care,

because they’re this remnant
that want the Word, they want

the truth. They want to get out
of where they are. Say men. And

I’m bold enough to preach it.
Folks, I’m telling you, I look

forward to the day that anybody
comes in this church, by nine

months there’ll be a
millionaire. There’ll be a

millionaire. Come on, well see
you just talking about money.

Yep, I sure am. I’m going to
preach what He tells me to

preach, and you’re going to be
as rich as He wants you to be.

BILL: Well, praise the Lord.
I trust that you enjoyed that

teaching. Now that is this faith
for the end times. This is the

kind of faith you’re going to
have to have. I remember when I

was a little boy and I messed
around and did something to this

guy and he’s a big guy, he’s
going to come at me, and my

brother started coming around
the corner. When he did that, I

acted real big. I said, you
hit me and so forth. I thought,

well, he backed down. He saw my
brother. I’m telling you, you

got a big brother, Jesus, and
He’s coming around the corner.

Let me tell you, end time faith
is bold and I want you to be

bold from now on. No fear.
Hallelujah. Well, this is Bill

Winston saying, we love you
and keep walking by faith.

ANNOUNCER: We hope today’s
message End Time Faith was a

blessing to you, but you’ve
only received a portion of this

life-changing teaching designed
to build your faith and help

manifest the best of God in your
life. To receive this 4 part

series in its entirety on CD or
MP3 on DVD or MP4, contact us at

1-800-711-9327 or online at
BillWinston.org. In this series,

you’ll learn the type of faith
that is required in these end

times, which is bold, audacious
faith. This series End Time

Faith is a teaching you will
want to get play and replay to

strengthen your
foundation of faith.

BILL: I want to ask you a
question. If you left this earth

today, where would you go? Glory
to God. I got good news for you.

You can choose the place.
Hallelujah. I don’t know about

you, but I’m going to be with
Him when I leave this earth and

I’m going to live a long life.
Well, here’s what I want you to

do, to be certain why don’t you
pray this prayer with me. Dear

Lord, come into my heart. I
believe that you die for my sins

and you rose again, and now I
believe in you. Thank you Lord

for saving me in Jesus’ name.
Amen. Now, if you prayed that

prayer, I want to send a book to
you. It’s called “Born Again and

Spirit Filled.” It’s talking
about what your next steps are.

Send for it today, I want to
congratulate you. You have

just made a decision and
now you know where you are

going. God bless you
and walk by faith.

ANNOUNCER: Drs. Bill and
Veronica Winston are dedicated

to seeing lives changed through
the power of prayer. Our loving

and highly trained prayer
ministers are ready to pray and

agree with you. We know that
prayer can turn around any

situation in your life. Contact
us by phone at 1-877-543-9443 or

submit your prayer
request online at

billwinston.org/prayer. We
want to thank our partners who

have made this prayer call
center possible. Together we are

transforming lives throughout
the world. If you are not a

partner, we encourage you
to pray about joining us in

partnership and be a part of
the wonderful work that

God is doing through this
ministry. We love you and

look forward to praying and
partnering with you.

ANNOUNCER: The mission of Bill
Winston Ministries is to preach

the Gospel of the Kingdom
throughout the world. This

broadcast has been made
available to you through the

faithful support of Bill Winston
Ministries partners and friends.

We invite you to become a
partner and join Dr. Bill

Winston as he trains believers
hows to live independent of this

world’s system, and have
dominion over it. Thank you,

Bill Winston Ministry partners
and viewers for your continuous

support of The Believer’s Walk
of Faith Broadcast.

ANNOUNCER: The Believer’s Walk
of Faith is paid for by Bill

Winston Ministries
partners and viewers.